• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 4,119 Views, 145 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 1) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard and The Mane Six both work together to spread the magic of friendship while protecting Equestria and the Pride Lands.

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Episode 13: Swarm of the Century

Episode 13:

Swarm of the Century

On a nice and bright sunny day, Fluttershy is out with Ono getting flowers in preparation for Princess Celestia’s visit to Ponyville the following day. It was something that no pony wants to be unprepared for as they all want to really impress her for when she comes to town.

“La, la la, la la, la la, la la.” Fluttershy sings to herself as she picks out flowers while the birds chirp and help her out as they fly around looking for the one’s she needs as a squirrel approaches her with a dandelion while tugging on her tail to get her attention. “Thank you little squirrel, but remember: these flowers are for Princess Celestia. Only the prettiest ones will do.” She kindly told him as a small breeze blew the dandelion’s children away leaving the squirrel embarrassed before fleeing. “La, la la, la la, la la, la la.” She sang to herself as she continued looking for more flowers as she went over to her apple basket.

“Flutershy.” Ono called out to her as he appears with another basket of flowers. “Here are more of those flowers you need.”

“Thank you, Ono.” She gently told her egret friend.

“Where should I put these…” Ono began to ask before being startled by a sudden chirping sound to which he quickly dropped the basket and ducked behind the nearby rock along with Fluttershy. “Gah!”

When they both poked their heads out to the rock of where the chirp came from and what appeared behind it was a small blue fly-like creature with cute baby green eyes and four wings, a Parasprite to be exact.

“Hello, little guy. I've never seen anything like you before.” Fluttershy greeted him as he slid over to him as Ono kept his distance from him by gut feeling as the parasprite started sniffing at an nearby apple. “Oh, are you hungry? Here you go.” She offered it to him as she mushed it up for him so it would be easier to chew only for him to turna round and immediately devour the whole basket of apples. “ I guess you were hungry.” She then said in stunned surprise as the Parasprite nuzzles himself into her mane while purring like a cat.

“You're the cutest thing ever! I can't wait to show you to my friends.” Fluttershy kindly said to him as Ono looks concerned and has his doubts about it.

“I don’t know Fluttershy.“ Ono voiced light reservations against the idea. “I mean yes he is cute looking, admittedly…” He added with an aside glance as he says that. “…but we just saw him devour a whole basket of apples that we needed for the princess’s visit tomorrow.”

“Oh don’t worry, Ono.” Fluttershy assured him as the parasprite. “I’m sure he won’t cause any problems for anyone. I mean how much trouble can these cute little things cause?”

“I’m guessing quite some trouble unimaginable.” Ono answered as he reluctantly gave into the peagsus’s request yet has a very deep gut feeling this is going to end badly for everyone.

Meanwhile at Golden Oaks Library, Twilight is constantly sweeping up and dusting off any dirt or cob webs she can find in order to tidy everything up for the princess’s visit to Ponyville and she is looking frantic and insistent on seeing to it goes flawlessly.

“Hey Twilight.” Kion called out as he greeted her yet sees that the unicorn is more focused on what’s about to happen tomorrow.

“Sorry, can’t talk, must clean!” She frantically said as she focused on making sure everything is in order.

Surprised seeing Twilight like this, Kion turned to her dragon assistant for answers.

“What’s going on with her?” He asked.

“Oh nothing, other than Princess Celestia is planning to pay Ponyville a visit. A supposed to be casual visit to which Twilight insists in ensuring that everything goes perfectly.” Spike sighed in his explanation while putting emphasis on perfectly.

“Really?” Kion said in surprise. “That would explain while everyone is working hard with the banners and decorations at the park.” He then focused back on his thoughts about it. “But all of this if it really is just a visit to check up here then I really don’t understand what the big deal is.”

“Oh if only I can really understand Twilight then I would.” Spike could only say as said unicorn calls him for help.

“Oh! Hurry up, Spike! This place isn't gonna clean itself.” Twilight called out to him as she continues dusting the place.

“It also didn't mess itself up.” Spike muttered under his breath to which was loud and clear for Twilight to hear.

“Princess Celestia will be here tomorrow!” She reminded him.

“I thought this was just an unofficial casual visit.” He also brought up.

“There's nothing casual about a visit from royalty.” Twilight returned as Kion had subtle disagreements there considering that’s his relationship with his father there. “I want this place to be spotless, and you've barely made a dent in the clutter.”

“Maybe you should, ugh, start reading them one at a time—“ Spike suggested as he tried to climb up a ladder while carrying a half dozen bookies with one hand before losing his balance and falling off to which he is quickly caught when Kion positions his back under so Spike would land on it. “Whew! Thanks!” He thanked him with a smile.

“Everything's got to be perfect. No time for fooling around.” Twilight further stressed the importance of this.

“You know, this would be an awful lot easier if there weren't two of us here getting under each other's feet.” Spike suggested to which Twilight seems to be taking to heart.

“Great idea. You clean, I'll go see how everyone else's preparations are coming.” Twilight promptly handed him the duster before leaving.

“Or maybe I should...” Spike tried to clarify of what he actually had in mind too late as she had already made up her mind and walked out the door. “See what I mean?” He then said to Kion who had no words to say for the moment at seeing Twilight acing a little unhinged like that.

“Yep, even though I do think she is getting a little worked up over nothing.” Kion then said. “I mean Celestia doesn’t look like the type of pony who would flip out over a very little thing that’s not to her liking.”

“I know, but try telling Twilight that.” Spike returned as he moves to dust around the place. “Ever since day one she has never disappointed her once I mean not even once.” He said with emphasis on once. “And even so she still never wants to find that out, heck, she wouldn’t even dream of not missing out on sending Celestia her weekly friendship reports. It’s like her whole life depends on it.”

“Well…” Kion tried to counter argue the times he’s dealt with his dad whenever he was disappointed in him but didn’t seeing that nothing is going to ease her nerves in the slightest. “…Even though I get want you’re saying, I still don’t think Celestia would even think of saying something along the lines to her in the slightest.”

“If only there was some way to tell her that without driving her off the deep end.” Spike solemnly said as he then pressed forward with making sure the book organization is in order. “Why don’t you go join Twilight and check up on the preparations with her? She could probably use your help right now.”

“Are you sure?” Kion asked not keen on the idea of leaving Spike behind and alone to take care of all of this.

“Don’t worry.” Spike assured him. “I got all of this, I usually get all done before she comes back whenever she goes out on patrol with you and the guys and girls.”

“Okay.” Kion reluctantly relented as he went off ahead to the park to catch up with Twilight who was just overseeing the preparations to which was so far to her liking up until she spotted something that caught her eye specifically the banner in question which read.

“Welcome Princess Celest.”

This was not okay for the lavender mare.

“What happened to the rest of her name?” She expected an answer for that.

“We couldn't fit it all in.” The light orange coated mare with green eyes and a carrot cutie mark explained to which still didn’t sit well with her.

“You can't hang a banner that says "Welcome Princess Celest". Take it down and try again.”

The two mares could not roll their eyes in defeat as they proceed to do as they were asked as Twilight runs off ahead to pony watering her personal garden with flowers and a small young tree in the center that had a basket of flowers hanging on one of the branches.

“That looks perfect. Keep up the good work.” She complimented as Kion follows after her until he was able to catch up to her as she arrives at Sugarcube Corner to check up on the banquet preparations.

“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Cake. How's the banquet coming?”She greeted them as she and Kion pop their heads throught the front door window.

“Uh...it would be coming a little better if...” Mrs. Cake reluctantly and honestly answered as she pointed to some of the bite marks on some the desserts they tried to prepare courtesy of Pinkie and Bunga who constantly shovel the treats into the mouths as soon as they were baked.

“Mmm...” Pinkie said as she and Bunga chomped down a strawberry and chocolate cake together while wearing a crown on her head.

“Delicious.” Bunga added as he licks the frosting on his face that formed the shape of a beard as Twilight approaches them looking shocked by their lack of respect of the couple trying to get everything together.

“Pinkie! Bunga! What are you two doing?” She asked demanding an explanation for this “Those sweets are supposed to be for the princess.”

“We know. That's why we’re tasting them.” Bunga replied as he fiddled with his hands while Pinkie fiddled with her paws.

“Somepony and somebody needs to make sure that everything is tasty enough to touch the royal tongue…” Pinkie added as she and Bunga briefly stuck out their tongues which had melted icing on their tongues to which Twilight didn’t need to see as she covered her face from seeing that. “And I, Pinkie Pie along with Bunga, declare that these treats are fit for a king, or a queen, or a princess.” She proclaimed for she and the honey badger in a regal manner before the two eye another freshly baked cake to chow down on only to be stopped by Twilight who quickly shot them dirty looks for them not to do it as Kion stepped in to resolve this while placing a calming paw on her chest.

“All right, All right.” Kion said as he eased Twilight’s tension before she could think of doing something she’ll regret before focusing on the other two. “Listen I get that you both are excited over the princess’s visit but you both think you could show Twilight some respect and not eat up ever dessert the Cakes are trying to bake in preparation for her visit?” He politely asked of them who kindly obliged to his request.


“Of course.”

They both said as they reluctantly backed away from the goods out of respect to which Twilight kindly smiled at Kion for helping her there as Fluttershy and Ono come inside.

“Twilight, Pinkie, Bunga, Kion you won't believe...” She excitedly began before seeing the four having a discussion. “…oh, I'm sorry. Uh, are we interrupting?”

“No, not at all. Come on in and make yourself at home.” Pinkie happily replied and greeted her. “What's going on, Fluttershy?”

“Yeah, what’s up.” Bunga asked as they approached her.

“You won't believe what we found at the edge of the Everfree Forest.” Fluttershy began as she turned to the parasprite deep in her mane. “Come on out, little guy. It's okay.”

The parasprite then appeared for all eyes to see as two more a yellow and a brown one appeared as well much to both Fluttershy and Ono’s surprise.


“They multiplied.” Ono said in shock as Twilight is the first to approach them.

“They're amazing. What are they?” Twilight admired them as she asked.

“I'm not sure.” Fluttershy honestly replied. “I'm also not sure where these other two came from.”

“I'll take one off your hooves.” Twilight offered as the yellow one flew onto her hoof. “I've never seen anything so... adorable.” She cuddled as she gushed befoe blushing in embrassment upon realizing she did in front of her friends. “Besides, it'll be nice to have a companion for Spike so he won't bother me so much while I'm studying.” She quickly added.

“Pinkie, do you want the other one?” Fluttershy then offered to the other mare in the room.

“Ugh! A parasprite? Are you kidding?” Pinkie refused in disgust as Ono looks on in surprise that she somehow knows what they are.

“Ugh?” Fluttershy felt stunned and taken aback by her response as she moved to leave.

“A para-what?” Kion asked.

“How could you not like...” Fluttershy tried to ask while feeling a little upset as she is again interrupted as she stuck her tongue out in disgust.

“Now I gotta go find a trombone.” She said as she interrupted Fluttershy.

“A what?” Bunga asked.

“A trombone, you know.” She said as she imitated the instrument and hopped off.

“Okay, what was that all about?” Kion asked as he turned to Twilight.

“Just, typical Pinkie.” Twilight sighed as she rolled her eyes while admiring the parasprite next to her.

“I don’t know.” Ono then spoke up as he examined them. “Considering she somehow came across them in the past they seem to be bad news.”

“Ono.” Fluttershy gasped. “How could you say that?” She then said in a somewhat surprised and scolding tone.

“No offense…” Ono started before explaining. “…but I honestly am beginning to think we shouldn’t be getting into welcoming these parasprites.”

“But why?” Fluttershy could not believe what she is hearing. “I thought you were supposed to be the Keenest of Sight?”

“I am.” Ono tried to be reasonable as he can be. “I’m not saying I hate them, I’m just saying considering one of them eat an entire bucket of apples and then multiplied to three in just the time between picking flowers and coming here along with Pinkie somehow knows them pretty well, I’m thinking that maybe we shouldn’t be keeping them around.”

“But how can you say no to an adorable little face like this.” Fluttershy tried to encourage him to change his mind while talking baby talk.

“Like this.” Ono bluntly replied. “No. Get out.” He said right in the parasprite’s face while gesturing a wing towards the door who then frowned and then flew off and away back to the Everfree Forest as the other two followed after him despite Fluttershy’s pleading face and hoof for them not to leave.

Immediately Ono finds himself face to face with the upset peagsus much to his surprise.

“I’m going to make sure they are okay and then you and I are going to have a serious talk.” Fluttershy then said with disappointment as she walked off ahead and after them while leaving the egret unable to process what Fluttershy had just told him.

“Hapana. What just happened?” Ono questioned out loud.

“She just told you off for hurting the adorable little creature’s feelings.” Bunga bluntly answered.

“I wasn’t trying to hurt her feelings.” Ono then said defensively which caused Bunga to back up with his arms up as if he was going to harm him. “I was just trying to tell her that while they are cute and adorable that maybe we’d be better off if we didn’t take them in for the sake of Ponyville. I mean Princess Celestia is coming tomorrow and who knows what could happen if they somehow multiplied and reproduced to the point they cause a massive invasion that destroyed Ponyville.”

Twilight after thinking about it for a moment then thought that he and Pinkie might be onto something here and with Celestia’s visit right around the corner she doesn’t feel like taking that chance.

“That’s…” Twilight began as she thought about what she had just heard. “…actually a very good point, Ono. I mean the princess is coming over tomorrow and if they do cause a scene just when she is visiting and whisk her way that could be a nightmare for me.” She then started to express fright at the thought as she runs off back to the library. “Ono fly ahead, and catch up with Pinkie. Get her to tell you everything she knows about them while try to do some research on them.”

“You got, Twilight!” Ono immediately replied as he flew off ahead while Twilight runs off ahead before anyone else could say or do anything about it.

“Okay. What should we do?” Bunga asked Kion as they are the only ones in the bakery right now.

“Let’s go try to find Fluttershy and try to reason with her.” Kion recommended the only thing they can do before things could get worse.

Even with Celestia’s visit on the horizon, a potential crisis that has possible and serious damage if not treated immediately must be dealt with to the point just saving Ponyville is just fine enough.

Meanwhile at Canterlot Boutique, Rarity is currently having Rainbow fit herself in a dress while the unicorn is trying to put on the final touches on it which is difficult when the model is an active seeking peagsus unable to stop moving her hooves in place.

“Stand still, Rainbow Dash.” She asked of her.

“Ugh, I caaan't, I need to flyyy! This is waaay too boring for me.” Rainbow groaned as he turned around while being stopped from flying away when Rarity places a hoof on her tail.

“Do you want to look nice for Princess Celestia or not?” Rarity asked her irritably to which Rainbow just slumps her flank on the table in defeat just as Ono came inside.

“Wow, impressive, Rarity.” Ono remarked in amazement at her work on the ponyequins.

“Mmhmm. Why thank you, Ono. Nice to know someone appreciates my talents.” Rarity returned as Rainbow face-hoofs herself.

“Ugh, sooo boooring.” Rainbow complained as Ono then focused on what he was really here for.

“Anyways, have you two seen Pinkie Pie?” He asked them. “I’ve been looking around town for her.”

“No we haven’t, dear.” Rarity answered. “Why?” She asked wondering what this is all about as they heard chirping from behind.

It was three more parasprites who appeared inside the shop.

“Huh?” Both Rarity and Rainbow said in surprise to see them.

“Oh no.” Ono groaned knowing full well what happened.

“Wow, what are they?” Rainbow asked as she started to gush over them.

“The better question is, where did they come from?“ Ono wondered as Rarity and Rainbow started cuddling them.

“Does anypony know where I can find an accordion?” Pinkie asked as she popped her head inside while catching the unicorn and peagsus cuddling the parasprites.

“Honestly, considering I have never one, no I haven’t.” Ono replied as Pinkie turned to the others.

“Girls! Hello! This is important.” She groaned upon seeing this is going nowhere. “Durgh! Thanks a lot.”

She then ran off as Ono follows after her.

“Pinkie! Wait!” Ono called out to her as he flew beside while flapping his wings really hard to keep pace with her. “Do these instruments help drive these parasprites away?" He asked as Pinkie suddenly stopped as if his guess was correct which led to the egret bumped into the party pony as he groaned in pain from the sudden breaking.

“Yes they do!” She exclaimed as she then hugged the egret tightly. “Oh, thank Celestia, someone understands me.”

“Well I am the Keenest of Sight. Common knowledge really.” Ono dully commented as he strained and struggled for air under Pinkie’s tight grasp. “And so does Twilight since she is trying to do some research on them right now.”

“Tell her that once I get everything together that this visit will go through smoothly from this point forward.” Pinkie seriously said to him as Ono flies off to the library to do so.

At the same time Kion and Bunga meet up with Fluttershy who have gathered the three parasprites who have now multiplied into about a dozen of them.

“Hey Fluttershy.” Kion greeted.

“Hello, Kion, Bunga.” Fluttershy kindly returned. ”Can I help you two with something?”

“As a matter of fact, there is.” Kion replied as he looks at the multiplied creatures. “And I’m afraid it involves these new friends of yours.” He said as he hates to break it her.

“Yeah, weren’t there only three of them when you first walked in at the bakery just earlier?” Bunga asked.

“Yeah, as soon as I caught up with them they just multiplied.” Fluttershy replied as one suddenly had the urge to cough up a hair ball and so did three more as they all spit on both Kion and Bunga’s eyes.

“Eww.” Kion said in disgust as the spit peeled off of their eyes to which formed eight more parasprites. “Hevi Kebisa!” He then said in shock of how quick they multiplied and quick swarmed and cuddled onto his fur.

“Sooo cute!” Bunga exclaimed as he awed them and returned their affection.

“Anyways…” Kion immediately said as he shook them off of his fur. “…We think it is best for everyone that you don’t bring these back to Ponyville.”

“But they are so adorable.” She protested as she nuzzled one up close to her cheek.

“I know but look around.” Kion acknowledged as he pointed around to the very growing in number creatures including a dozen more parasprites after they multiplied again while nuzzling Bunga. “They are multiplying like crazy in fact they are more than anyone could ever deal with at a time.”

“Oh, I’m sure it’s just a little phase for them.” Fluttershy still tried to insist otherwise despite obvious evidence to the contrary as one of them eats another bucket full of apples.

“Are you sure?” Bunga asked as he was lifted up by the multiple parasprites. “Doesn’t look like a normal phrase and that’s coming from me.”

“Maybe not.” Fluttershy admitted as she begins to see the growing problem.

“Fluttershy.” Kion began. “You’re going to have say good-bye them.“

“But, but…”

“Come on Fluttershy, do it for Twilight.” He encouraged her to do so even though it’s hard and cruel. “And for the princess.” He added with a whisper in a “Just between you and me.” manner.

“Okay.” She sadly relented.

“Thanks.” Kion replied as he then charged at grabbed Bunga by the mouth from the parasprites lifting him up in the air. “We’ll help you guide them back to the forest.” He offered as they both helped Fluttershy round them up by using their attraction to have them follow them all the while in Fluttershy’s heart is telling her she just can’t let go of her attachment to them not even one small one which proves to be a scale-tipper that could go either way if the choice of what to put on it is wise or not and it doesn’t look like it is weighing in everyone’s favor judging from her expression.

Back at the Golden Oaks Library, Twilight is back there at her sparkling clean home as she looks around to make sure everything is okay for the princess’s arrival now that Kion and Ono have informed her that they have taken care of the situation before it could get started with the latter having the party pony with enough instruments ready at her disposal should they come back.

“The decorations, the banquet, I really hope everything comes together in time for tomorrow.” Twilight said to herself in worry before letting what they told her sink in along with seeing Spike happily and comfortably sleeping in his bed. “Oh, who am I kidding, what's there to worry about?” She then said with a yawn before going to bed.

The next morning Twilight made her way out of the door to meet up with her friends for another morning patrol which was for once just a simple and quiet walkthrough of the Pridelands. No having to come to the rescue to an animal in need.

With the easy must do in the Pridelands taken care of they make their way back to Ponyville to prepare for the final touches before Princess Celestia arrives in a few hours but thankfully Twilight was more calm and relaxed about heading into today with nothing to worry about.

At least until they arrived back at Fluttershy’s cottage to gather what they need in order to prepare for her arrival when Twilight opened the door and out came a storm of parasprites to which they all burst out like a massive burst of heavy wind coming from Kion’s Roar.

“Where did they come from?” Twilight asked in shock at the sight of them.

“Fluttershy!” Kion then said the peagsus who looked away as if she was hiding something. “I thought I told you to get rid them.”

“Well…” Fluttershy shyly admitted. “I may have kept just one. Heh.” She revealed the orange parasprite she allowed to stay overnight in her cottage which needless to say earned her angry glares from everyone expect from Beshte who couldn’t bring it in his heart to do so. “I couldn't help myself. They're just so cute.”

“We don't have time to round up them up. What do we do now?” Twilight then asked as she was starting to lose her mind with this sudden turn of events. “The princess could arrive at any moment.”

“Don’t worry Twilight!” Rainbow said with a quick idea in her head appearing with flying goggles above his head. “We call in the weather patrol. Come on Fuli it’s time to take out the adorable trash!”

She then quickly followed Rainbow’s lead as the former pounded her chest like Tarzan before taking charge as the two use their super speed to run circles around them to create a combined rainbow twister that sucks all of them inside while nearly sucking everyone else nearby.

“Quick! Hang on to something!” Kion ordered the rest of the crew to quickly do so before they get sucked up as well.

Twilight quickly grabbed onto the nearby fence with Applejack biting onto Twilight’s tail with Kion and Bunga quickly following suit as Rarity hangs onto a nearby log with Ono biting in her tail to hang on.

“Ow.” She complained.

“Sorry.” He said through his mouth full of hair while not making the classic mistake of letting go to speak clearly.

Pinkie and Fluttershy unable to find anything to hang on nearby got sucked up inside before being rescued when Beshte leaps up to weight them down and place their weight against his body which serves as a wall to keep them from getting sucked up.

“Don’t worry, I got you two.” He assured them as he plants his weight into the ground to make sure they don’t get sucked inside as Rainbow and Fuli slowly make their way out of Ponyville with the tornado’s strong winds dying down around Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Way to go, Rainbow Dash, Fuli!” Twilight complimented the two as the tornado’s now out of range for all of them to safely let go without worrying of getting blown away.

“Looks like our problems are solved.” Applejack said in relief.

“You said it!” Bunga said in agreement as he looks on at the tornado. “Look at them go!”

“Not entirely.” Pinkie said as she voices otherwise earning her confused reactions from the others.

“What do you mean?” Bunga asked.

“I mean now they have grown massively in numbers we need to be sure that they don’t come back.” She seriously replied. “Because if we don’t, then all of Ponyville is doomed.”

“And just how would you know that would happen?” Twilight asked as Applejack and Rarity both look lost that she actually knows how to deal with these creatures.

“It’s part of a long story.” Pinkie began before rapidly explaining herself. “But the short version is I came across them shortly after getting my cutie mark who they really seemed like innocent and cute creatures to be around enough to keep overnight but then like here they multiplied in massive numbers to the point they ate everything in sight until I just happened to come across some musical instruments and they immediately stopped what they were doing and followed me away from the farm.”

As soon as Pinkie finished explaining she took a deep breath in and then out as the others are rendered speechless.

“Poa.” Beshte said in amazement of how fasts she explained that.

“Is this true Ono?” Twilight asked the egret who spent time with her.

“Oh it is, amazingly.” Ono replied while still finding it hard to believe.

“So these parasprites actually love musical instrument’s more than food itself.” Bunga asked as he tried to understand her story.

“Oh yes.” Pinkie replied as she quickly gathered together all of her instruments. “And now I’m not about to make the same mistake again.” She then said with an idea up her hooves on how to deal with it. “And here’s how we’re going to do it.”

Back at the Everfree Forest, Rainbow and Fuli have finally arrived there as they send the parasprites back to the forest just as the other ponies along with the Guard arrive on the scene just as the twister dies down.

“Whew.” Rainbow said after sending the swarm back into the Everfree Forest.

“That takes care of that.” Fuli said as she took some deep breaths as she recovered from all of that running.

“Oh, and just in time.” Rainbow said as they all see the princess is arriving in her chariot just as Kion and Pinkie both run off ahead into the forest. “Hey, where are you two going? The princess is arriving.” She pointed out to the royal peagsus guards flying into the town entrance with the alicorn in tow.

“We need to make sure the princess’s visit goes off un-interrupted.” Pinkie called out as she then used her instrument’s to play music that got the parasprites happily dancing to the tune as they are lead to another part of the forest.

“It’ll be fine. She knows what she is doing.” Kion called after the two as he ran to keep up with Pinkie. “Just go make sure the princess’s visit goes smoothly.”

“Look.” Twilight called out as the princess’s chariot lands on the ground before them as they all get together so they can greet her with a bow.

“Twilight Sparkle, my prized pupil.” The sun monarch greeted with her wings spread out in her usual warm tone.

“Hello, princess.” Twilight returned as she rose on her hooves as they heard Kion's roar from the distance.

“So lovely to see you again, as well as your friends.” Celestia continued as the others rise as well just as Kion and Pinkie both regroup with the others. “All of your friends.” She added as Kion and Pinkie both greet her with a bow upon meeting up with her.

“Pleasure’s our’s, Princess.” Kion greeted her as she gives Twilight a secret wink to assure her the problem’s taken care of.

“So... how was the trip? Hit much traffic?” Twilight then asked of her mentor.

“Not much at all.” She assured her nothing happened along the way as she makes her way to town to oversee the preparations done in anticipation of her arrival. “And I see Ponyville is looking in quite fine shape.” She then said as she saw the banner with her full name on it along with the fully grown flowers in the nearby gardens and wreaths. “Mmm. Along with these very beautiful flowers. Oh how very lovely.”

“Why thanks, Princess.” Fluttershy shyly thanked with a blush. “I picked them myself.”

Twilight watches on is now pleased that everything is finally going well despite some hiccups along the way just as one of the guards whispers something into the princess’s ear.

“Mmm-hmm. What really? That fast?” She asked who simply nodded. “I’m sorry everyone but unfortunately, this visit is going to have to wait for another time. I'm afraid an emergency has come up in Fillydelphia. Apparently there's been some sort of infestation.”

“An... infestation?” Twilight asked in surprise as Kion and Pinkie both have their eyes widen surprise hearing this as they shifted their eyes towards each other as their plan may have caused another problem.

“Yes, a swarm of incredibly bothersome creatures has invaded the poor town.” Celestia regretfully said. “I'm sorry Twilight, to have to put you all through so much trouble.”

“Oh don’t worry.” Kion quickly assured her for Twilight who wonders along with the others judging from his quick reaction to answer of what he and Pinkie did. “It wasn’t any trouble at all.”

“Before I have to go Twilight…” She then said to her pupil. “…would you care to give me your latest report on the magic of friendship in person?”

“My... report?” She asked in surprise moreso at what Kion and Pinkie did that may have had something to do with this sudden emergency in Fillydelphia.

“Haven't you learned anything about friendship?” Celestia reminded her.

“Actually, I have. I've learned that sometimes the solution to your problems can come from where you least expect it. It's a good idea to stop and listen to your friends' opinions and perspectives...” Twilight replied as she glanced over at Pinkie Pie the one who actually had past experience with them and knew exactly what to do moreso than Fluttershy. “..Even when they don't always seem to make sense.”

“I'm so proud of you, Twilight Sparkle, and I'm very impressed with your friends as well. It sounds like you're all learning so much from each other.” Celestia commended her for her learning progress as she looks over the others as her chariot appears before her to carry her away to Fillydelphia.

“Thank you, princess.” Twilight returned as the princess gets in her chariot so it can take her off to deal with their just recent new problem.

Once the princess was out of everyone’s sight, they all turned their attention to both Kion and Pinkie as Twilight gives them both a questioning brow as the two are rendered speechless upon realizing their mistake.

“So, sudden emergency in Fillydelphia, huh?” Twilight began as they both shifted their eyes around while avoiding eye contact. “Have any idea what that might be about.” She sternly pressed the two for answers.

“You know some sort of infestation that just sparked up.” Rainbow added while crossing her arms as she joins in on the interrogation.

“Oh well um…” Pinkie said as she nervously smiled with a forced grin as she rubbed the back of her neck. “Funny story and a true story you’re going to like…“

“Get to the point!” Applejack stoically pressed of them.

“I had Kion use the Roar on them to send them far away long enough until the princess left Ponyville.” Pinkie then quickly answered unable to avoid dodging the truth as Kion had nothing to say about it.

“WHAT?!” Twilight exclaimed in shock.

“I swear I didn’t mean to.” Kion innocently said in his defense. “Pinkie said to roar at them to keep them deep in the forest and out of town.” He then said as he turned to the pink mare with a glare. “But she didn’t say anything about it sending them to Fillydelphia.”

“Oops.” Pinkie replied while still forcing herself to grin. “No worries. Well, have tuba, will travel.”

“I think the princess can handle it.” Twilight replied just before she could get started on heading on over while playing her tuba. “Let’s just hope she doesn’t connect the dots back to us and have us help clean up there.”

“So you knew what those critters were all along, huh Pinkie Pie?” Applejack then asked with an impressed smile.

“Well, duh! Why do you think I was so frantic to get my hooves on all these instruments?“ Pinkie responded.

“Well before asking and learning why, we would have assumed you would have been acting like, um, well, just being Pinkie with her usual antics.” Ono honestly brought up.

“Oh come on. That’s an exaggeration….“ Pinkie tried to argue in her defense but then thought. “…or not.” She then said as came to see that she wouldn’t believe herself if she were in those hoof steps.

“To tell you the truth, I probably wouldn’t have believed it either.” Fuli said supporting Ono’s argument as some of the others spoke in agreement.

“Couldn’t have said it better, Ono.” Bunga returned.

“Me neither.” Fluttershy also said before flying over to Ono. “Sorry I didn’t listen to you the other day.” She apologized. “I should have listened to you and Pinkie before things got out of hoof as well as knowing to draw the line of who to allow in my home.”

“It’s okay, Fluttershy.“ Ono accepted it before returning an apology as well. “And I’m sorry too for offending you back there. I was only trying to warn of the potential dangers they had without realizing that I was being a tad bit too blunt when telling you.”

“It’s all right. You got nothing to be sorry about since this is all my fault to begin with.” Fluttershy told him as she hugged him in her arms.

“Even so, you and Ono great friends.” Twilight added they hold nothing against them for what happened before turning to Pinkie. “So are you Pinkie, even if we don't always understand you.”

“Thanks guys, you're all great friends too, even when I don't understand me.” Pinkie acknowledged and returned in kind.

“You saved my reputation with Princess Celestia, and more importantly, you saved Ponyville.” Twilight then gratefully said to her as they all make their way back into town. “Now what do you all say we celebrate and get ourselves some lunch?” She asked everyone who was onboard with the idea.

“Oh yeah!” Bunga said in excitement.

“I’m in.” Beshte eagerly replied.

“Ditto.” Ono said.

“Let’s eat.” Fuli said ready for that banquet.

“Count me in.” Rainbow added.

As Twilight led the way she thought of something.

“Spike has been really working hard for her recently and she hardly has given him anything rewarding to him to show her appreciation to him. Maybe after lunch I’ll go with Rarity to the gem caves to find some gems for him as a “Thank you.” gift to him for when I get back home.” She thought to herself as Spike suddenly appears in front of the entire Guard.

“Hey guys!” Spike yelled out to them.

“What’s up?” Twilight asked seeing the sense of urgency on his face as he pulls out a letter from the princess.

“Emergency summons to Fillydelpha!” He said as he showed him the letter she had just sent over.

“Oh no.” She then said to herself seeing their work for the day dealing with this mess is not yet over as said princess is currently struggling with the current epidemic as she maintains her distance from them while conjuring up magic to entrap them in a bubble.

“Do we have to go over to Fillydelpha?” Ono asked with a tired expression as he was expecting this to happen.

“Yep.” Twilight responded with an equally resigned expression as she leads the way to the train station to help the princess with the ongoing parasprite problem there. “Come on, everyone.”

“But wait!” Bunga brought up pointing to the display of food behind them. “What about our lunch?”

“We’ll just have to bring it along for the train ride.” She replied as she and Rarity lifted a bundle of goods into their saddle bags while the others did the same until their bags were full of food. “Let’s just get this over with.” She then said expecting the worst as she leads everyone on another long and painful trip as the others also got the feeling that this is all going to suck when they get there.

As they all head on over to the train station, Pinkie who still has her instrument’s with her blows on her trombone mimicking the sound “Wah, wah, wah!” directed in front of those watching and reading before regrouping with the other’s.

Author's Note:

For this being another one of the episodes that could use some touch-ups is having the conflict attempted to be resolved before it could turn into a huge problem like what happened in cannon.

Mainly, Ono being the first to pick up that Pinkie is onto something while Kion tries to reason with Fluttershy it is best for everyone that the parasprites stay in the forest and do not come back to town which she listened...although she was too kind to keep just one with predictable results like in cannon.

In addition, they were more than willing to listen to Pinkie more in this version which allowed the problem to go more smoothly...

...aside from the new Bitersweet Ending that Pinkie's plan to ensure they don't return ended up causing the emergency at Fillydelphia which required the Princess's and the Guard's immediate attention.

Next up is "Winter Wrap-Up." with the cleanup of winter in preparation of the first day of spring in Ponyville takes place.

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