• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 4,119 Views, 145 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 1) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard and The Mane Six both work together to spread the magic of friendship while protecting Equestria and the Pride Lands.

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Episode 4: Applebuck Season

Episode 4:

The Applebuck Season

In the Pride Lands, Beshte is currently working on lifting a boulder stuck in the middle Big Springs that had fell into the water yet is working hard and using most of his strength to try to keep pushing as the rest of the Guard shows up.

"Doing okay, Beshte?" Kion asked as he noticed Beshte is having a little trouble.

"Yep." He answered as he strained through his efforts to move the giant rock. "Could use a little help though."

"No problem. We got your back!" Rainbow returned as she helps the hippo to roll the boulder out of the water with magical assistance from Twilight and Rarity as they all work together to move the boulder of the water in Big Springs and right back to it's original spot but this time had some firmly cemented into the ground so that it stays in place for good.

"Thanks guys." Beshte happily thanked them as Twilight and Rarity take a moment to catch their breath after using their magic there.

"No problem. Just helping out a friend in need." Twilight thought nothing of it as she and Rarity conjured towels for themselves to wipe the sweat off before relaxing in the water on their backs. "Ooh. That's nice."

"How very soothing." Rarity said as she already put on a mud mask with cucumber eye covers as she leaned back against the edge so she could sit back and relax.

"That's Big Springs all right." Beshte happily said as he joined in on the relaxation as she donned a blue sunhat with a purple feather and purple sunglasses. "Really relaxes your muscles and eases your tensions."

"Nothing like a nice morning to chil-lax after a job well done." Rainbow said as she laid back into the water while wearing black sunglasses.

"You said it." Beshte said as the rest of the Guard watches while feeling satisfied with their accomplishment. "That boulder sure was starting to give me a tough time there until you guys showed up."

"At least we were there to help you when we did and you're okay now." Kion said.

"Yeah, you guys sure have always been there for me when I really needed it." Beshte said. "Even during times I have been able to handle things on my own."

"That's true as even as the Lion Guard's Strongest, you are still just one hippo and one hippo versus something just out of your comfort zone just doesn't add up." Ono added. "Common knowlege, really."

"Speaking of the strongest of the Guard, where's Applejack?" Beshte brought up and asked as he noticed as isn't with them.

"She's back in Ponyville harvesting apples at Sweet Apple Acres." Twilight answered as she tilted her head up towards Beshte as she floated. "Got a big one she's preparing for."

"Well at least Applejack got's plenty of help there." Beshte returned feeling like she's got plenty of help back on the farm.

At that moment, Applejack is looking on the entire orchard all by herself to which she nervously gulps a little seeing her huge and daunting tasks she had just signed herself up for.

It’s harvesting season at Sweet Apple Acres, where all of the red delicious apples are all ripe and juicy for harvesting for the huge apple harvesting at this time of the year. Since Big Macintosh hurt his back earlier, his sister Applejack volunteered to take the harvest on her own despite her brother’s protests that the job is too big for one pony since there are hundreds of apple trees to tackle in order to do so.

But Applejack taking pride with herself stubbornly refused to accept help even taking offense to her big brother’s well-intentioned advice although she secretly feels she may have bitten off more than what she could chew when she stepped up to the task.

But regardless, she still insists on powering herself through this and complete this task as she promised no matter what.

“Well I better get kickin'. These apples aren't gonna shake themselves outta the trees.” Applejack said to herself as she began with day one of the harvest.

But before she could buck a single tree she is distracted by the sudden ground shaking and rumbling as an apple bounces off of her head.

“Hey!” She said as she turned to the source and then said with wide-eyed shock as she ran off ahead. “Oh no.”

In Ponyville, Rainbow and Ono flew over and got a good look of what was heading their way.

“Hapana!” Ono said as he sees a herd of cows stampeding and heading towards Ponyville to create blind damage to the town.

“STAMPEDE!” Rainbow shouted as the herd of cows near the town ready to cause havoc throughout town.

“Stampede!” Many ponies took cover and ran around town in a panic just as the Mane Six minus Applejack along with the Lion Guard all arrive on the scene.

“Hey...!” Pinkie said as she stayed still and trembled on the ground which created waves of vibration in her voice. “This makes my voice sound silly!”

“So does mine!” Bunga added as he joined in on what Pinkie is doing as Twilight turns to snap them out of their habit for their silly antics.

“Pinkie Pie, are you crazy?! Run!” The unicorn told her as she dragged them off to safety. “Brace for impact!”

“Fuli, calm the herds!” Kion took charge and ordered the cheetah who sprinted off ahead to do so.

“Everypony calm down. There is no need to panic.” Mayor Mare, a mare with tan brown coat of fur, a gray mane and tail, indigo eyes, wearing a teal bow tie under a white collar, and a pair of yellow glasses tried to assure everyone not to panic as Rarity walks up to her.

“But Mayor, whatever shall we do?” Rarity desperately asked with a hoof to her forehead with no way to control the situation

“Look there!” Rainbow pointed out to the oncoming herd just before Fuli could do anything about the situation as Ono looks on ahead with his keen eyesight.

“I don’t believe it!” Ono voiced his disbelief at what he is seeing as the farmpony has already taken action to take control of the situation as she and her pet dog with brown and white fur and a red dog collar, rush over to tame the herds before they can wreak havoc in Ponyville.

“YEEHAW!” The farm pony exclaimed as she charged to calm the herds down much to Fuli’s surprise that she is able to handle all of this all on her own as she screeched to all halt just in front of the foot bridge once she got a good look of the situation herself.

Everyone cheers for Applejack as she and her pet dog run side by side together.

“Move aside, Winona. Put 'em up, girl!” The cowgirl instructed her as she barked and set out to run to the opposite side of stampeding herd.

As the herd moves closer and closer as Fuli gets ready to sprint into action, Rarity shields her eyes unable to bear to look while Pinkie literally takes a back seat with popcorn to watch the show.

“This is the best rodeo show I've ever seen.” She commented as she buried her face into her bag of popcorn.

“No kidding!” Bunga said as he cheered out to the hero of the day. “Round up them little cowy wowy doggies. Giddie up!”

Twilight witnessing this can only shake her head not even bothering to comment or correct them this time around as the herd is nearing the foot bridge straight ahead.

“Come on, little dogies!” Applejack ordered them as she nudged at one of the cows. “Turn!” She then whistles to her pet dog. “Winona, put 'em up!” Winona leaped up from behind one of the cows onto their backs as Applejack followed after her just as Winona leaps in front of herd. “Ha hah! Gotcha.” She said as she then lassoed the cow up front around the torso in order to get him to steer clear of town to which her pet dog lead the hard away from the bridge and to the right from the path.

Applejack had did it, she had single-hoofedly saved the day and everyone was cheering for her as Fuli looks on with an impressed smile.

“Whoa!” Applejack shouted as slammed her hoofs into the dirt to grind the ring leader and the rest of the heard to a complete stop.

“Attagirl. Yee haw!” She cheered victoriously for herself and Winona a job well done.

“Whoaaa. Hooie.” She said as she released a sigh and drop of sweat of relief. “Now what was that all about?” She demanded an answer out of the cows for their near-blind rampage.

“Oh my!” One of the lady cows, one with dark brown spots and dark brown hair on her back spoke clearly after a few moo’s. “Begging your pardon, Applejack, but Moo-riella here saw one of those nasty snakes.” She said as she pointed to the lady cow beside her with blonde brown spots and blonde hair while wearing a cow-bell looked on with a blank expression now that she was calm as a slow flowing river.

The others cows that had black hair and black spots then had a startled reaction at the very mention of snakes.

“And it just gave us all the willies, don'tcha know.” The cow speaking on everyone’s behalf further spoke of her apology to the orange earth pony.

“I completely understand.” Applejack replied with a tone to match her words. “Just next time, try and steer clear of Ponyville.” She kindly advised them.

“We certainly will, Applejack.” She said as she and the herd prepared to walk away now that they are all calm now. “So long, Winona!”

The farm dog barked in response as Applejack emerged on top of the nearby hills as everyone cheers for as she gives her signature “Yee haw!” as she and her dog charge down the hill into the sunset back towards Sweet Apple Acres.

“Yee haw! Ride 'em, cowpony!” Pinkie cheered as she mimicked Applejack’s signature victory move.

“Applejack was just... just...” The mayor stumbled to find the right words to commend her most recent achievement.

“Appletastic!” Bunga finished as he appeared upside-down before falling back down to the ground due to the reality of gravity.

“Exactly.” She agreed with the honey badger. “We must do something to thank Applejack for single-hoofedly saving the town.”

“I know.” Pinkie proposed.

“Three, two, one…” Ono then said in a deadpan tone knowing what she is going to say.

“A party!”

“Figures.” Ono said without a change of expression as the town is then decorated with party decorations in honor of her heroism.

As Rarity puts on the final touches to her decorations, Twilight and Kion both come on over to check up on the fashionista.

“We all ready?” She asked.

“Just one last thing.” Rarity said as she put on the finishing touches by levitating and hooking on the banner with Applejack’s cutie mark on it over the front balcony of City Hall. “Now we're ready.”

“Is Applejack all set?” Kion asked the others as they regroup.

“Actually, I haven't seen her all week.” Rainbow honestly pointed out.

“Not even once?” Beshte asked seeing this a first.

“Not since the stampede.” Pinkie said as she walked up to everyone.

“But she'll be here for sure. Applejack is never late.” She assured everyone that she’ll turn up with confidence.

Shortly afterwards, everyone gathers together in front of a podium, where Twilight came up to the stage and used her magic to hold a small stack of index cards she has prepared for the farm pony’s congratulations speech.

“Welcome, everypony!” She began. “Today we are here to honor a pony we can always count on to help in matters great and small. A pony whose contributions to…”

“Did you see Applejack's slick moves out there? What an athlete. This week she's gonna help me with my new flying trick, and I know it's gonna be so awesome.” Rainbow voiced out and gushed to everyone as she rudely and immediately interrupted Twilight mid-sentence much to Kion’s exasperation at her behavior.

“Exactly. And...” Twilight replied as she regained control of her speech by pushing the boasting peagsus out of the way only to be now interrupted by Pinkie Pie appearing right in front of her.

“This week, I get to run Sugarcube Corner for the first time.”

“What does that have to do with Applejack?” Twilight asked.

“Oh. Applejack, one of the best bakers ever, is gonna help me. Applejack makes everything great, so free samples for everypony!”

Everypony cheers as Fuli sticks her tongue out over this overly special announcement.

“Oh-kay, that's great.” Twilight said as she gently pushed the party pony aside so she could continue. “Now if I could just make a point without being inter…”

“Twilight?” Fluttershy kindly interrupted.

“…rupted.“ Twilight finished.

“At least she has the decency to be polite about it.” Ono whispered feeling very annoyed that Twilight is getting interrupted at every turn.

“Twilight, I'm so sorry, but I just wanted to mention that Applejack is also helping me this week with the official bunny census, where we count up all the new baby bunnies that were born this season. She's gonna help gather them using her wonderful herding skills.” She announced to everyone before stopping and backing away after seeing the annoyed glare her friend was giving her.

“Anyone else?” She asked if anyone else cared to say a few words too. “Anyone? No? Well then, as I was trying to say...” She then tried to continue only to see the eager mayor waiting for her turn. “Urgh! Never mind.” She groaned in annoyance as she tossed aside the cards in frustration as she steps away from the podium to which Fuli frowned at the ponies along with the mayor for not giving her the chance to speak.

"Sorry, Twilight." Fuli sympathized with her as she regrouped with her.

“Ah-ahem.” The mayor said as she cleared her throat to speak uninterrupted as she points to the large and tall golden trophy with a blue ribbon and a pony engraved on the top. “And so, with no further ado, it is my privilege to give the prize, Pony of Ponyville Award, to our beloved guest of honor, a pony of the utmost trustworthiness, reliability, and integrity. Ponyville's most capable and dependable friend: Applejack!” She introduced everyone as the curtains opened up as everyone cheers for Applejack.

But the cheers were immediately short-lived as to everyone’s surprise the farm pony they are praising is not behind the curtain.

“Cool! Way to go Applejack, that was awesome!” Spike loudly cheered while ignoring that he is the only one cheering. “I mean-- heh.” He then said in embrassment.

“Ah-ahem.” Mayor Mare called out to Applejack to appear as she scratched the back of her neck awkardly.

“Awkward.” Bunga accurately commented as everyone starts showing concern over this.

“I'm here. I'm here.” Applejack called out as she approached the front stand who however was looking very tired with bags under her eyes while yawning and stumbling as she walks while carrying a basket of apples on her back while dropping a few apples along the way. “Sorry I'm late--whoa--I was just... whoa... Did I get your tail? Miss Mayor.” She apologized as she accidentally bumped into a few ponies as the mayor handed her, her award. “Thank you kindly for this here... award thingy.” She yawned again. “It's so bright and shiny and, heh, heh heh, I sure do look funny heh.” She said as she looked at her reflection in the trophy as Pinkie and Bunga join in on the fun while oblivious that her friend was looking a little delirous.

“Okay.” Kion replied as he stepped forward to say a few words with a smile. “Well, thank you Applejack for saving us from that scary stampede, and always being there for everyone and everypony.”

“Yeah.” Applejack smiled as she yawned. “I like helping the ponyfolks and…” She yawned twice more. “…and stuff.” She then fell asleep for a moment before waking herself up. “Oh, uh, yeah. Uh, Thanks.” She then hauled off her trophy as she immediately walked off ahead as everyone watches in surprise and concern with her appearance.

“Was it just me, or did Applejack seem a little…” Kion also brought up and asked the question everyone was thinking about.

“Tired?” Rainbow finished.

“Dizzy?” Fluttershy added.

“Messy?” Rarity added as everyone eyed her with confused expressions. “Well, did you see her mane?”

“She seemed fine to me.” Bunga took no issue.

“Absolutely!” Pinkie cheered not taking issue with what happened either. “Woo! Woo!”

“She sure doesn’t look very good.” Beshte noted. “Don’t think something happened at the farm that might have had something to do with this?” He wondered.

“I don’t know.” Twilight then thought this is something worth checking up on. “But I’m going over to check up on her just to be sure.” She said as she headed on over to follow Applejack. “Come on.”

Kion and Beshte then followed after Twilight as thy both make their way to Sweet Apple Acres where they come across the farm pony bucking apples off of apple trees while struggling to do so due to the visible exhaustion on her face which was taking a toll on her concentration as she bucked her back hooves into thin air accidentally.

“What on Earth is that pony doing?” Twilight asked as they watched from afar.

“It looks like he’s trying to knock apples off of trees yet is having trouble doing so because of how tired he is.” Beshte said as he observed while Twilight is the first to approach their friend as she accidentally bucks down a bucket of harvested apples.


“Hey Applejack!” Twilight called out to her to as she fell asleep after stopping for a moment.

“Applejack.“ Kion called out to her a little louder than Twilight but she was still standing in her sleep.

“On three.” Twilight said to Kion. “One, two, three…”

With a simple teleportation spell she teleported herself and Kion in front of the farm pony.

“APPLEJACK!” They both shouted to wake her up which really awaken her.

“Oh, howdy, Twilight, Kion, Beshte.” Applejack greeted them.

“What is all this?” Twilight asked as she moves on to the next apple-filled tree.

“It's Applebuck season.” She answered as Twilight teleports herself on over back in front of her as Kion runs up to them.

“Applewhat season?” Kion asked just as confused as Twilight and Beshte as Applejack finished kicking another tree causing more apples to fall to their buckets.

“Neh, It's what the Apple family calls harvestin' time. We gather all the apples from the trees so we can sell 'em.” Applejack explained to them as she irritably tries to focus on her task as Twilight keeps teleporting on over her as she continues walking off while Kion continues to keep pace with them as he runs beside the earth pony while Beshte tries to keep up with them while running.

“But why are you doing it all alone?” Beshte asked.

“'cause Big McIntosh hurt himself.” She casually answered as Kion cuts him off as Twilight teleports in front of the earth pony again.

“What about all those relatives we met when we first came to Ponyville?” Twilight brought up as Beshte finally caught up to them.

“Can't they help?” Kion added.

“They were just here for the Apple family reunion. They actually live all over Equestria and are busy harvestin' their own orchards. So, uh, I'm on my own.” Applejack answered as she again pressed forward with her task. “Which means, I should really get back to work.” Twilight and Kion both share an annoyed look at the farm pony just blissfully brushing them as Kion runs on over to block her off as Twilight teleports in front of her. “Ahem... hint hint?” She added so obviously for them to get the point. “Get back to work?” She insisted on doing this while telling them to step aside.

“Fine.” Twilight complied as she and Kion moved out of the way.

“Could you step aside, Twilight? You too, Kion?” Applejack asked as her body wobbled a little.

“We just did. Applejack, you don't look so good.” Twilight replied while the farm pony’s vision continues to blur as she speaks.

“Eh, don't any of you three worry none, I'm just fine and dandy.” She insisted otherwise as she set out to buck at another tree only to miss and strike thin air again as Kion ran up to her while Twilight again teleports in front of her. “Whoa.”

“Do you... want some help?” Beshte offered as he and Kion, and Twilight look on in concern for the farm pony.

“Help? No way, no how.” She refused.

“But there's no way you can do it all on your own.” Twilight pointed out which is met with the farm pony getting in her face over it which startled her slightly along with Kion.

“Is that a challenge?” She aggressively asked.

“Uhm... no?” She answered taken aback by her temper while Beshte looks on surprised by the way she had just addressed Twilight.

“Well, I'm gonna prove to you that I can do it! Now if you'll excuse me, I've got apples to buck.” Applejack said as she pressed forward with her head high up with pride as Kion, Beshte, and Twilight can only watch as she intends to keep to her word while stubbornly refusing to accept help from others.

"Poa." Beshte could only say. "She is seriously going to try to tackle all of that on her own?"

"That's what she is setting out to do." Twilight answered as she watches as Applejack continues to struggle properly bucking the trees. "And she is making it clear she doesn't want help."

"But she's going to hurt herself trying to take on that job by herself." Beshte pointed out as they all departed the farm together.

"I know, and it isn't good." Kion returned.

"But we gotta do something about it." Beshte added with a sense of urgency to help her.

"We should but we can't." Twilight regretfully returned. "Her family has traditional family ways when it comes to harvesting and those are things that need to be respected."

"Stubborn earth pony." Kion growled a little at her stubborn pride and be a stickler to tradition as it doesn't really suit well for him.

"I'm sure she'll come around eventually." Twilight assured the agitated lion cub. "She just needs time to learn that she needs to know when to ask for help."

"Just give her some time." Beshte also encouraged his friend to do so as he walked off in a direction from the farm. "I think I'll go see what Fluttershy and Ono are up to while we're waiting. I hear they are planning on moving a brussel of new baby bunnies." He said as he ears perked up at the thought as they flapped around in delight. "Oh, they are going to be so cute." He eagerly said as makes his way over to meet up with them.

"All right. Have fun." Kion returned as they went back towards the direction of the library. "If you need us, we'll be at the library."

Later Rainbow Dash is currently is standing on top of a fence post while Fuli paces around. Both were waiting for Applejack and were both starting to get impatient as the former starts tapping on the post just when the pony they wanted to see arrived.

“There you are.” Rainbow said upon seeing her.

“About time.” Fuli remarked.

“I'm a mite sorry, Rainbow, Fuli.” She apologized after another yawn. “I was busy applebuckin' and I guess ah, I closed my eyes for a second and, when I woke up, I was late.” Now, what's this new trick a' yours, Rainbow?”

“See this contraption?” Rainbow pointed to a nearby catapult with a tall diving tower standing in front of it.

“Uh... Yeah.” Applejack replied as he tried to squint a good look at it through her tired eyes.

“Well, I'm gonna stand on one end, then you're gonna jump down from that platform, launching me into the air faster than I can take off on my own. Once I'm in the air, I'm gonna do some amazing flips and spins that are sure to impress the Wonderbolts.” She gestured for Applejack to stand on top of the diving board then jump off it to launch Rainbow into the air to get real speed momentum so she can perform her new moves to which she envisions herself doing all of that very quickly.

“Isn't that a mite dangerous?” She questioned the dare devil’s idea.

“Pfft, Heh, not for a pony who can fly.” Rainbow brushed it off as no big idea.

“Well, all right-y then.” Applejack obliged to her plan as she climbed up onto the top of the tower and then walked to the edge of the diving board then sees just how high above the ground he is from where he is standing. “Oh my.” She said as her vision continued to blur.

“This should be fun.” Fuli smiled as she gets ready to watch Rainbow in action.

“Ready? One... two... THREE!” Rainbow called out to the earth pony who leaped up from the platform and leaped down to the ground but she however did not land on the intended target but instead on just the ground.

“Umm... maybe she wasn't clear. You're supposed to land on the other end.” Fuli pointed out as Rainbow wonders the same question she is thinking of.

“Got it.” Applejack replied as she pulled her dazed face off of the ground.

She then would make her back up to the top of tower but finds herself missing the catapult multiple times much to the two’s annoyance as this should have been an easy feat for her.

“Applejack, what the hay is going on? I mean, I thought I was working with Ponyville's best athlete!” Rainbow questioned of why this is happening.

“You are. I'm okay.” Applejack assured her as she shakes her head again as Fuli sees through that lie not convinced.

“Are you sure?” Fuli asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Really.” She insisted. “I-I have an idea. Watch this.” She then said as she pulled the catapult back up while slightly struggling. “Ta da!” Rainbow and Fuli’s face’s fail to change as they both look on unimpressed with the former’s is more of a scowl than a frown. “Oh... Maybe not. Okay, one more try. I'm sure to get it this time.”

Applejack then vowed as she got off of the catapult accidentally slammed Rainbow into the ground which knocked her silly to which Fuli quickly rushed over to get her ready for what Applejack tries to do again.

After another good look at her target through her blurry vision she feels she’s got this, this time around.

“Heh heh... Here I go!”

“Wait……!” Rainbow tried to call out to let her know that she is not ready which is met with deaf ears as she finally lets down and actually nails her target sending Rainbow and Fuli flying away in the sky leaving her screaming her name as she sent skyward into the air.

“Applejaaaaack” Fuli screamed out to her as they are sent flying.

“You're welcome!” Applejack thought nothing of it while blissfully unaware of what she had just did.

The two were sent flying across the sky as Fuli tries her hardest to get to regain her footing as the two find themselves heading straight towards the direction of the Golden Oaks Library where Twilight is reading her books as Kion paces around the balcony still wanting to do something to give Applejack much needed assistance.

“I just don’t get it! Why won’t he accept our help?!” Kion voiced his frustrations.

“Probably because her sense of independence says that she can do it on her own.” Twilight answered as she continued reading. “It’s part of the Apple Family ways and tradition.”

“I know but Applejack is also a part of our team. And our team won’t be any good if she gets hurt going solo.” Kion understood the importance of tradition but feels she is going overboard with her stubborn approach.

“I know. But there’s not much we can do at this point.” Twilight acknowledged. “Like your father said there are traditions and customs and everyone has and as much as I disagree with it, it must be respected.”

In the middle of Kion’s thoughts they both heard yelling from the skies courtesy of Rainbow Dash and Fuli as she leaped off of Rainbow and onto the balcony as she skids across the balcony inside the library and crashing into one of shelves covering herself with a mountain of books as Rainbow crashes onto the balcony railing.

“Can we help you?” Twilight asked.

“What happened?!” Kion asked as he ran over to help dig the cheetah out of the mountain load of books.

“I think somepony else needs your help.” Rainbow answered as she groaned in pain.

“And that somepony just happened to catapult us halfway across Ponyville.” Fuli added as she climbed herself out of the hole with Kion helping her out.

“Applejack?” Twilight asked with a “figures.” expression.

“Yep.” Rainbow answered as she passed out and collapsed onto the balcony as the impact really knocked the wind out of her.

Hearing lead to Twilight and Kion both sharing the same narrowed expression that they need to go back and talk some sense into her as the former closes her book as the two head back over to the farm.

“We’ll be back!” Kion said to Fuli.

“Just keep an eye on Rainbow and make sure she is okay.” Twilight added as the cheetah set out to do so as she pulls the peagsus inside and onto the couch so she can recover.

“You got it!” She shouted after the two as she decided herself to pull out a book to read while she waits.

“Hmm. Fascinating.” She said to herself secretly as she continues reading.

Back at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack is still trying to press through her exhaustion as she bucks another tree but finds herself having to pick up the apples after they fell onto the ground instead of into the baskets. As she picked one of the apples up she accidentally bumps the back of head on a tree branch leaving her head shaking like a cylinder for a few seconds before recovering.

“Applejack, can we talk?” Twilight asked of her as lack of sleep is causing her to have trouble understanding what she is trying to say to her. “Applejack, can we talk?” She repeated as her voice vibrated in the cowgirl’s mind as she cleared her right ear so she can try to make it out better due to the ringing in her ears.

“Can bees squawk?!” She misinterpreted the question loudly. “I don't think so.”

“No. Can we talk?” Twilight again repeated as Kion is starting to get a little frustrated.

“Twenty stalks? Bean or celery?” She loudly returned.

“No! We need to talk to you.” Kion again repeated louder to get her to fully understand what he and Twilight are trying to tell her.

“You need to walk to the zoo? Well, who's stoppin' you?” Applejack again mind trailing misinterpreted.

“We need to talk to you!” Kion again yelled as he raised his voice to the point the apples from the nearby trees all fell off from the vibrations of his shout.

“Oh! Well why didn't you say so? What you wanna talk about?” Applejack then said now understanding what they both just said after Kion’s shout.

“Rainbow Dash dropped in to see me today.” Twilight spoke with her tone loud and clear as she restrained Kion from further straight up shouting at her as he growled at the farm pony.

“That's quite neighborly of her.”

“Yes, except that she crashed onto my balcony after you launched her into the air.”

“Oh, yeah. I wasn't feeling quite myself this morning.” Applejack then said as she remembered what she did and then lowered her head apologetic and drowsy.

“Because you're working too hard and you need help.” Twilight told her with stressed emphasis.

“What? Kelp? I don't need kelp. I don't even like seaweed.” Applejack again misinterpreted her words.

“HELP! You need HELP!” Twilight shouted in her face.

“Nothin' doin', Twilight. I'm gonna prove to you, t'everypony, that I can do this on my own.” Applejack again refused to accept help as she walked away with herhead up high again as she bumped her head into another tree branch. “Ow!“ She then said as her eyes looked dizzy as she stumbled in her footing again. “Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go help Pinkie Pie.”

Kion growled at the farm pony’s attitude as he marched over to give him a piece of his mind only for Twilight to quickly hold him back as she too starts to feel frustrated.

At Sugarcube Corner, both Mr. and Mrs. Cake are both getting ready to leave for the afternoon leaving Pinkie and Bunga to watch after the store in their absence.

Both Pinkie and Bunga are very excited to be able to make muffins as both really look forward to eating them afterwards.

“Now Pinkie Pie, Bunga, are you two sure you're up for baking the muffins and running the store this afternoon?” Mrs. Cake again asked if she can handle this.

“Yes siree bob, Mrs. Cake.” Pinkie happily replied that she’s got this. “Plus, I have Ponyville's prized pony to help me out along with the Lion Guard’s Bravest. Why, Applejack's the best baker ever. Right, Applejack?” She asked the dazed earth pony who shook her head to snap her mind wide awake as her mind blurred out on the last part.

“No? You're not the best baker ever?” Mr. Cake asked as Applejack shook her head no when Pinkie asked Applejack the question.

“WHAT? Oh no!” Applejack quickly corrected herself. “I mean, don't you fret. I can bake anything from fritters to pies in the blink of an eye.” She quickly assured them as they now are convinced that they have nothing to worry about.

“Yeah, exactly what she said. Nothing to worry about!” Bunga repeated the farm pony’s words.

“All right. Well, see you later, girls!” Mrs. Cake told them as they headed out the door.

“Stop with the shakin', it's time to get bakin'.” Pinkie told Applejack as she and Bunga immediately hopped into action.

“Let’s do this! Zuka Zumba!” Bunga cheered in excitement as Pinkie pulled out the baking ingredients and cooking equipment they need while pulling out the recipe she wants to use.

“All right-y! I'll get the sugar and the eggs. Can you get me some chocolate chips?” She then asked the farm pony who fell asleep at the table.

“Eh, uh, whu, what was that?” She asked as she woke herself up as her eyes looked a little red.

“Chocolate chips.” She repeated as the words didn’t come fully across to her again.

“Chips... got it.” Applejack again misheard as he looked for actual chips instead. “Tater chips, a little salty and dry, okie-dokie. What next?” She asked as Bunga inspected them.

“Hmm….” Bunga said as he looked confused at what she pulled. “That can’t be right? Oh well.” He then shrugged it off because he truthfully has no idea what they look like.

“Baking soda.” Pinkie said

“Soda. Perfect.” Applejack again retrieved the wrong thing and poured the beverage into the mixing bowl. “That'll get the tater chips nice and wet. Now what?”

“A cup of flour.”

“A cup o' sour? Well, lemons are sure sour. One cup o' sour, comin' up.” Applejack then got the wrong ingredient and added the lemon juice into the mixing bowl. “Anything else, Pinkie?”

Bunga took the opportunity to suck on the juice from one of the lemons and his lips got all puckered up from the taste.

“Whoa!” He said as he tasted it with his lips still puckered up. “No kidding that is a sour fruit.”

“One last thing. Wheat germ.” Pinkie then said as Applejack went outside.

“Wheat worms? Oh, that must be fancy talk for earthworms.” She said as set up to retrieve worms to which Bunga after recovering from the sour taste licked his lips in excitement at the look at the awful combination of the ingredients.

“Now that's gonna be delicious.” Pinkie said as she made no mind to what her friend really put into the mixing bowl.

“If you say so.” The farm pony said while looking a little confused and very sleepy as he looks inside the bowl.

“Oh, boy, I can’t wait to eat them!” Bunga said as Pinkie mixed the ingredients together and poured the batter into the muffin pan before putting it into the oven.

Twenty minutes later the muffins were piping hot and ready to served as samples for the customers eagerly awaiting to taste them in full glory.

“Free muffin sample spectacular!” Pinkie announced to the happy ponies lining up while licking their lips in anticpation.

“Yeah! Muffin spectacles! Get 'em while they're hot.” Applejack added as she and Bunga stood by Pinkie’ side as Bunga started handing out muffins while shoving a couple into his mouth to be able to taste first hand.

Predictably everyone got sick from eating the spoiled goods which got Twilight, Kion, and Spike’s attention as they all rushed down to where the town’s nurse was tending to everypony who got food poisoning as the three peeks their heads into the tent the nurse was tending them inside.

“We came as soon as we heard.” Twilight told the nurse as the three look on to see all of the ponies groaning in pain, clutching their stomachs, sporting green faces, with buckets by their side to throw up in.

“Oh thank you, Twilight. We need all the help we can get.” The nurse gratefully appreciated her appearance.

“What happened?” Kion asked the nurse as he looked on in shock to see so many sick ponies groaning and throwing up in pain and illness from food poisoning.

Spike examined one of the nearby and bitten muffins as he picked up and saw a worm still alive appear from inside as Bunga immediately appeared not looking sick as everyone else.

“You gonna eat that?” He asked as he snatched the worm from the muffin and ate it as the young dragon wondered how he managed to emerge well from eating the tainted treats before Spike himself tasted the muffin himself.

“Mmm. Not bad.” Spike said as he indulged in it more.

“It was a mishap with some of the baked goods.” The worrisome nurse explained to the others.

“No, not baked goods, baked bads.” Pinkie wearily moaned as she covered her mouth and threw up in the nearby bucket next to her bed much to Twilight and Kion’s disgust and sympathy for the party pony.

“Applejack.” Twilight figured how this happened with an angered expression along with Kion that this is how her constant pushing herself beyond her limits is now affecting everyone around them as Bunga and Spike come to them with more of the bad muffins in their arms.

“Want one?” Spike offered to the lion and the unicorn.

“Uh, no thanks, Bunga.” Kion politely declined with a forced smile while hiding his visible disgust as Twilight quickly raised a hoof to assert she doesn’t want to get sick from them.

“Come on!” She ushered for Kion to follow her back to Sweet Apple Acres where Applejack is still struggling as she pressed through her job.

The two then catch her backing her cart into a small ditch between hills where she dumps a wagon full of apples into the crate. Successful but her cart is also still inside the crate and she now falls asleep again upside down out of exhaustion.

“Applejack, we need to talk.” Twilight firmly began as the farm pony snapped to attention.

“Wha, huh? Oh, it's you, Twilight. Kion” She greeted as she let loose another yawn. “Now I know what you're gonna say, but the answer is still no.”

“Not to upset your applecart, but you need help.” Twilight again said with her best efforts to be polite in her approach.

“Hardy har. And no I don't.” She still refused even though she is struggling to move as her cart is still stuck.

“Here, let us help.” Kion offered again.

“Help? No thanks.” She still stood by her stance as she tried to free herself. “A little more...Little...There.” She said as struggled until she managed to free herself even as Twilight and Kion look on in dismay with the former face-hoofing at the sight of it. “I'll prove that this apple can handle these apples. Come on, apples, fall off.” She grunted as she attempted to kick the tree next to here.

“AJ, think you're beating a dead... tree.” Twilight told the farm pony as she looks up at said tree with no leaves and bare branches.

“I knew that.” Applejack said to try to save face that she wasn’t doing it by accident.

“You think.” Kion said looking on unimpressed with her efforts to save face due to her pride as she walks off ahead as he and Twilight follow after her.

“Actually, Applejack, I had something else to talk to you about.” Twilight also tried to bring up. “I just came back from Ponyville Urgent Care and—“

“You know, I'm a little busy to get lectured right now, Twilight.” Applejack immediately interrupted Twilight.

“But if you'd just let me help—“

“Ugh. No, no, NO!” Applejack further groaned as he again refuses. “How many times do I gotta say it? I don't need no help from nopony!” She shouted as she walked off ahead.

“Ugh. That pony is stubborn as a mule.” Twilight said to Kion.

“No kidding.” Kion nodded in agreement as they heard something behind them.

“No offense.” Twilight told the mule who just happened to be right behind them.

“None taken.” The mule replied.

“Whoa.” Kion said in surprise to see him as he didn't expect him to be around to hear that. “Looks like I gotta be careful with how I compare everyone here.”

“Yep.” Twilight replied as she looks more concerned of how they are going to get through to the stubborn earth pony who still refuses help even though she clearly needs it.

“I think if something like what happened back at the bakery happens because of Applejack it should be time to assert she is getting help wherever she likes it or not because we will still need her help whenever we need to perform our morning patrols.” Kion then says what they should do next. “And our team won’t be any good if one of us gets hurt going solo.”

“I agree, Kion, because this has gone far enough.” Twilight said in agreement.

Later in the day, Fluttershy is preparing for the annual rabbit round-up with Beshte and Applejack as they approach the meadow of many bunnies with Ono flying over them.

“Oh Applejack! Beshte! Thank you both so much for offering your strength herding skills for the annual rabbit roundup.”

“No problem.” Beshte thought nothing of it. “I’m more than happy to help. Especially when cute little bunnies are involved.”

“Ugh. Why are we doin' this?” Applejack questioned as she too didn’t express the same enjoyment her hippo friend has towards this.

“Well, lots of new baby bunnies have been born, so it's my job to get a count of all the new families.” Fluttershy explained to her.

“And judging from the looks of this, there will certainly be a lot of counting to do here.” Ono said as he observed the multiple number of new born bunnies ahead. “This will sure be fun.” He sarcastically said as Applejack also looks like she is ready to see to it that it just gets done and out of the way.

“Fine. Can we just get on with it?”

“Certainly, but remember, these are bunnies we're dealing with, not cows. They're a timid bunch and need to be treated gently.” Fluttershy agreed while warning her friend that they need a different approach to this but it seems she wants to tackle it her own way.

“I do NOT need any direction on corrallin' critters. Right, Winona?” She then asked her pet dog as she happily barks ready for the challenge.

“Okay, little bunnies! I need you to all gather here in the middle.” She gently approached the little critters as they all smile and seem ready to do so as Applejack decided to take charge of the situation as she appeared right in front of them leaving them intimidated by the farm pony.

“That's right! Let's go, bunnies. In the center. Hop to it.” She barked at them to which they all ran away in fright. “Swell. Just swell. Put 'em up, Winona!” She complained before siccing her dog on them as she charged after them.

“Applejack! Winona! Stop! You're scaring them.” She pleaded with them to no avail.

“Um, Applejack…” Ono said to her. “You may want to listen to the animal expert here.”

“We know what we're doin'.” The farm pony refused to listen. “Get along, little bunnies.”

The two worked together as they both rounded up the bunnies and got them cornered in the center leaving them all terrified as they are all backed up into a corner.

Predictably, they didn’t take this very well as they all reacted in a panic as they all scurry away and embark on a rampage back into Ponyville.

“Oh no.” Fluttershy could only say as they prepare to cause everyone there trouble with their rampage.

“STAMPEDE!” Rainbow again shouted as everyone screamed and sheltered themselves inside again complete with screams of terror as they all brace for impact.

One of the ponies had the misfortune of freezing in terror as she fainted as the bunnies approached her. Thankfully, it’s Fuli to the rescue as her quick work as she uses her super speed to pull the mare out of the way and to the side onto a welcome mat of a nearby building She then runs circles around the bunnies to get them to calm down. Once she got them all to slow down she then forced them all to come to a complete stop as they all halt just in front of her.

Upon seeing this everypony cheers for her just as Fluttershy, Ono, and Beshte all arrive on the scene as the bunnies then all leap onto Fuli to hug onto her fur after one of them then another finds her fur really soft and then really enjoy it.

“Ugh!” She groaned as every bunny surrounds her much to the trio’s amusement.

“Aww. Looks like they really like you.” Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle at the amusing scene as Fuli looks on completely deadpan and not pleased.

“Great. Now can you all please help get them off of me?” She then asked of them as everyone else continues to cheer their praises for the cheetah for single-handily saving Ponyville.

Later both Twilight and Kion both come walking back to town with the former humming until she gasped upon seeing what was in front of them.

Three ponies lying on the ground feeling completely traumatized by the sight of the bunny stampede as they had already done some damage through the havoc they caused.

“The horror, the horror.” A cream colored pony with a raspberry colored mane and a rose cutie mark said.

“It was awful.” A pink mare with a blonde mane and a three-set of flower cutie mark seconded that notion.

“A disaster. A horrible, horrible disaster.” A light purple furred mare with a green mare and an two white flower cutie mark also voiced her trauma as the two look on to the seemingly and now fine town.

“What happened?” Kion asked as he tries to understand what they are all shuddering about.

“I don't get it.” Twilight also found difficulty finding the problem with nothing to go on.

“Our gardens, destroyed.” The third mare explained as she showed her ripped apart flowers from her garden.

“Every last flower, devoured.” The first mare showed them the eaten flowers from their potted plants.

“By... by... THEM!” The second mare pointed to the herd of bunnies as they take turns hugging Fuli while eating some of the nearby plants as Fluttershy, Ono, and Beshte with the animal looking peagsus very desperate to get them to stop as Fuli starts leading them away from town.

“Oh my. Oh... Please stop, little bunnies. Oh no! Please, let's go home. Oh my goodness.” She pleaded with those who aren’t willing to follow after them as Ono helps lead her to try to gather them back together as Beshte helps by carrying some of the bunnies that like him on his back.

“Don’t worry little guys. We’ll get you all back home safe and sound.” He assured them as Fuli spots and turns to both Twilight and Kion who have both just arrived.

“In case you both are wondering what happened, all of these bunnies happened, courtesy of Applejack scaring them, thus causing the stampede that I had to step in to stop them.” She irritably explained to them as Twilight and Kion’s patience with Applejack’s stubborn pride has reached its peak.

“All right. Enough is enough.” Twilight said with narrowed eyes as she placed her hoof down on the matter as they head on back to the farm once more to put an end to this.

"Enough to what?" Beshte wondered what this is all about before the two can run off to confront the farm pony. "Has she still refused to accept our help?"

"Yes, and she has caused nothing but a ton of problems throughout all of Ponyville yet she still refuses to accept help." Kion answered as he further explained the damage she has caused through town.

"Really?" Beshte responded with surprise at her stubbornness. "Can I come along with you two? He then asked. "Maybe I can try to reason with him." He offered to talk to her.

Twilight and Kion both looked at each other as they thought about it.

"I don't know about this." Twilight said. "We have already tried that three times already."

"I know but maybe we should let her hear a different voice out this time." Kion then reconsidered of being the first to try to knock sense in the stubborn pony. "Maybe she'll accept our offer if she hears it from another strong member of the guard."

"Fine." Twilight reluctantly obliged as they all head on over to over to the farm where they see Applejack weakly bucking at a single tree on a small hill.

“Must keep buckin'... just a few more. Must finish harvestin'.” She weakly said as Beshte approaches her.

"Applejack." Beshte began. "Can we talk?"

"Why howdy, Beshte." Applejack drowsily returned as she constantly bucked at the tree behind her. "What's up?"

"I was just talking to my friends and I think you really need some help with your applebucking job." Beshte answered.

"I already told Kion and Twilight I don't need any help!" She still asserted her refusal to accept it.

"I understand that you don't want to accept help but the thing is there have been quite a few compliants all over Ponyville not to mention the fact that you're not looking good yourself." Beshte then further attempted to reason with her.

“Your applebucking hasn't just caused you problems, it's over-propelled Pegasus, practically poisoned plenty of ponies, and terrorized bushels of brand new bouncing baby bunnies.” Twilight added as she lists off everything that has happened since she refused to sleep along with accepting assistance from others.

“We don't care what you say, you. Need. Help.” Kion added as Applejack gave one last kick to the tree to make the apples fall down.

“Ha! No, I don't. Look, I did it.” She then proudly stated. “I harvested the entire Sweet Apple Acres without your help. How d'ya like them apples?”

“Um, how do you like them apples?” Her big brother appeared and pointed out to her sister that she had only succeeded in harvesting half of the entire orchard as he points to their right to reveal a lot more trees that all are packed and busheled with apples on them.

“Where'd all the apple...?“ She mumbled very dizzily as she passed out due to the lack of sleep and over-exhaustion she experienced.

“Applejack. Applejack.” Both Twilight and Kion called out to her trying to wake her up.

“Huh?” She said as she woke up while still looking exhausted.

“Oh, good, you're okay.” Twilight said in relief as she, Kion, and Beshte continued to try to reason with her.

"Look Applejack, I understand that you don't want to accept help from others and we completely respect the Apple family ways with you always being there to help anybody in need..." Beshte started again as he gently spoke to her. "...But I really think you should reconsider trying to do this all on your own. I know it is tough to do so but you'll find your job will go much more effectively if you just let us help you."

"But you are also the Guard's strongest." Applejack brought up in slight protest. "Just like me. Why would you need help?"

"True, that like me you have remarkable strength but there are times you need guidance before you do something that will hurt yourself. I mean without Kion to guide me with his instructions of how to properly move things around I'd probably would hurt myself after trying to mishandle a very large tree branch or boulder.


"Oh yeah." Beshte answered. "Believe it or not, he really helped me out a number of times with his guidance and if you're willing to listen to him and Twilight they can do the same for you too." He further gave positive encouragement to her.

“So think maybe you can put a little of your stubborn pride aside and allow your friends to help you.” Kion then gently asked of her one more time to which she only took a small second of thinking to come up with her answer.

“Okay, Twilight. Kion.” She said with closed eyes ready to accept help now.

“We are not taking "no" for an answer” Twilight replied thinking she would say no again. “--what?” She then said when her actual answer registered through her head.

“Yes, Twilight. Yes, Kion. Yes, please. I could really use your help.” She practically begged of them with her hooves clasped together.

Twilight giggled as she and Kion both feel pleased and relieved that she is finally coming to her senses now while turning to Beshte with smiles to thank him for being the one to get through to her.

After helping deal with Fluttershy’s bunny problem, the Mane Six and the Lion Guard all got together at Sweet Apple Acres as they all help Applejack harvest the other half of the entire apple orchard while she stepped aside to take a much needed nap.

During this time Twilight managed to write down her weekly letter to Princess Celestia about her most recent experience and lesson she has just learned.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

My friend Applejack is the best friend a pony could ever have, and she's always there to help anypony. The only trouble is, when she needs help, she finds it hard to accept it, so while friendship is about giving of ourselves to friends, it's also about accepting what our friends have to offer.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle.”

Rainbow managed to deliver strong kicks to the trees as Pinkie (who is now feeling better from her earlier food poisoning) along with Bunga caught the apples from the trees Rainbow managed to knock off. Beshte using his full body weight to do the same to knock down the apples too with Fuli using her super speed to catch them as Fluttershy and Rarity all carry the many baskets of apples back to the farm. Twilight uses her magic to levitate a large chunk of apples from the majority of the trees of the orchard into three large baskets.

With help from Twilight’s magic and Ono’s guidance, Kion was able to use his strength to carefully cart the apples all back to the farm just as Applejack who is now fully rested from her nap comes up with a cart with bottles of juice on them.

“How about y'all take a little break? I got some fine apple juice waitin' for ya! “ She offered as she called out to everyone who all happily do so as they approach her. “Girls, I can't thank you enough for this help.” She then expressed her full gratitude for their assistance. “I was acting a bit stubborn.”

“A bit?” Twilight replied with a knowing look.

“Really?” Kion returned with the same expression at her understatement.

“Okay. A mite stubborn, and I'm awful sorry.” She corrected herself as she continued with her apology. “Now, I know the town gave me the Prized Pony award, but the real award is having you five as my friends.”

“How very nice.” Fuli returned as she finds the apology much appreciated. “Also speaking of awards, the mayor had announced to me that she is planning an awards ceremony for me for saving the town from that bunny stampede and I hope everyone, and most importantly you all can make it next week.”

“We’ll be there Fuli.” Applejack vowed everyone’s support as they all raised their drinks before sipping them as Spike showed up.

"Good." Fuli returned with a pleased smile. "One more thing..." She brought up. "...I have also added one more condition. And that Twilight will have the honor of giving the speech she wanted to give out at Applejack's ceremony so if you all could do her and me a favor and let her give her speech uninterrupted that would greatly appreciated."

Hearing that left Twilight touched that she'll have that opportunity once again and that the cheetah will make sure that she gets to give it this time around.

“Phew! That applebucking sure made me hungry.” Rainbow voiced that she is ready to chow down.

“And I've got the perfect treat.” Spike offered the spoiled goods that made every pony sick.

“Eeew... Spike, I threw those all away.” Pinkie flinched up seeing them. “Where'd you get them?”

“From the trash.” Spike replied.

“EW!” Everyone all shouted with disgusted expressions as Ono had to cover his beak to avoid throwing up as he started to look and feel green just by looking at the bad muffins as they all head back into town to find a joint where they all can have dinner together.

“Just a little nibble? Come on.” Spike tried to encourage them into trying them as they all walk into the sunset together which is met with declined disgust.

“I'll have some!” Bunga happily agreed as he shoveled the entire plate full into his mouth as everyone looked away with total disgust that he actually enjoyed them.

“EEEWWW!” Everyone all shouted as Ono quickly flew away to barf in a nearby bush.

“Seriously?” Fuli questioned them with a matching disgusted expression. “How can you both enjoy those and not get sick?”

“I don’t know.” Bunga replied with a shrug. “Just don’t.”

“Yeah. Guess our bodies have more tolerance to stuff thrown into the garbage.” Spike said as he downed the remaining muffins.

“Probably because of the worms that were in those muffins.” Bunga added as he pulled out the worms he had saved before chomping into them.

Everyone just decides it’s best to just move on and get somewhere to eat before they all come down with the stomach bug just from looking and listening to them talk about trash like that as they walk towards the sunset upon the horizon.

Author's Note:

For this chapter as Applejack has the energy and drive to try to accomplish spending time with her friends along with harvesting the apple orchard on her own even when it is doing more harm that good to everyone around her including herself even with Twilight and Kion trying to reason with the stubborn and pride filled pony that she needs help.

As for one of the final scenes, after some consideration I decided to have Beshte be the voice of reason by pointing out of the times listening to Kion and Twilight's leadership has helped him channel his strength throughout the times he could have hurt himself if he wasn't careful enough along with the opening scene to set him up as a Foil to Applejack in this episode.

In addition, the annoyance that Twilight wasn't allowed to properly give her speech at Applejack's celebration ceremony I decided to rectify that Fuli will make sure she will deliver it at her celebration ceremony uninterrupted for single-handily saving the town from a bunny stampede.

Next up is "Griffon and the Brush-Off." as Pinkie and Bunga take the center-stage along with Rainbow Dash as they establish their common bond together while contending with an old friend of Rainbow's.

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