• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 4,119 Views, 145 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 1) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard and The Mane Six both work together to spread the magic of friendship while protecting Equestria and the Pride Lands.

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Episode 19: Suited for Success

Episode 19:

Suited for Success

The Grand Galloping Gala is approaching on the horizon, and Rarity herself is getting ready for the big day by designing a fabulous dress for herself in preparation.

As Rarity looks at her own design portraying herself wearing a stylish dress while wearing a tiara and tying her hair into pony tail formation that looks just like Princess Celestia’s mane style.

“Oh, Opalescence. Can't you just picture it? Moi, stepping out in a stunning new gown at the Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot!” Rarity marveled at her own creation on paper to her white-furred pudgy pampered pet cat with a purple bowtie on her hair, purple eyelash, along with a matching diamond collar who simply meows as she moves to sleep on the pony-nequien yet finds she has to move when her master pulls the fabric under her which caused her to fall off and bump into the ground.

Being a cat, she was able to land on her feet as she walked over to nap somewhere else.

“How about you Ono?” She asked the egret in the room with her.

“Looks pretty eloquent, Rarity.” Ono commented. “Did you make it yourself?”

“Why, yes! I did make it myself.” Rarity charmingly replied. “Thank you so much for asking.”

“Your welcome.” Ono returned while not sharing the same enthusiasm of girl’s clothes. “Although may I ask why I am I here again?”

“Because I need your keen sight to help me out much like when we helped Rafiki with his inspiration for his new painting of us together.” Rarity answered.

“Okay, even though dress designing isn’t really my thing.” Ono dully and reluctantly noted while complying with her wishes.

“But I won’t be designing just dresses.” Rarity pointed out there’s more. “I will also be designing suits for you and the guys too and that includes you too.”

“But why?” Ono again asked as he groaned.

“Because the Grand Galloping Gala is a formal event that requires formal attire.” Rarity again answered as she rolled her eyes thinking he is serious otherwise. “You can’t just show up to a party just like that there.”

“Excuse me?” Ono asked somewhat offended by that remark.

“I’m sorry.” Rarity quickly apologized. “I keep forgetting you’re new to this, but it’s just expected to look your best when preparing for important things in life such as meeting with the princess or the king of Equestrian and the Pride Lands.”

“Well true.” Ono acknowledged with a nod.

“So think of it as showing great manners and appreciation for the two for hosting a magnificent social event in the entire kingdom.”

“Okay, okay, point taken.” Ono gave the unicorn her unconditional support all the way through here as she fetches her supplies as she starts sewing while pulling the fabric that her pet cat was about to nap on.

“Oh, Opal, of course you two can help me. Thank you.” Rarity said to her now donning a pair of red reading glasses as she places her pet on the table while holding a needle ball in her mouth who grumbingly growled in response.

“What's that? You want to help me more? Oh, aren't you the sweetest thing?” Rarity responded as she had her hold several spools of string, measuring tape, glue, and a couple pairs of scissors as Rarity starts working on her design while Ono balances between helping both the fashionista with personal thoughts along with Opal’s balance.

“Careful now. Don't move. This shouldn't take long at all.” Rarity told her to keep it up as she finds herself forced into it.

“Here let me help with you with some of that.” Ono offered feeling pity for the cat as she carried some of her supplies to help release the burden of her shoulders while preparing to help give his keen observation with her latest fashion creation.

Later when Opal’s assistance is longer need now that she got the start of her dress all put together she then focuses her magic on trying to make sure it’s completely sewn together with Ono watching over her progress while trying to be very quiet with his flying as she concentrates on her work just as a knock is heard on the door.

“Howdy, Rarity!” The farm pony shouted out to greet her with Twilight before Ono quickly shushed him.

“Shh! Can’t you see Rarity is trying to concentrate” He gestured to the working unicorn in need of quiet time.

The two then watch Rarity as she does the stitching on the dress she is working on while Ono continues watching over her progress.

“What do you think she's makin'?” Applejack whispered.

“Looks like a dress.” Twilight whispered in return as Ono senses Rarity can hear their voices very well which is making it hard for her to concentrate.

“Looks like.” Ono grumbled to himself in annoyance as much as the unicorn she is helping.

“Well, that makes sense. Since this is a dressmaker's shop and all.” Applejack whispered in return as she grumbled in irritation before turning to face them with a forced smile.

“Is there something I can help you with?” She asked of them.

“Oh, so very sorry to trouble you, Rarity, but I need a quick favor.” She apologized before pulling a simple red dress with short yellow and orange sleeves with two yellow buttons with the bottom one loose from her saddlebag. “Could you please fix the button for me? It's my dress for the Grand Galloping Gala.”

Rarity upon seeing this gasped as she thinks she can better than that as Ono silently agreed thinking she can do better than that for a formal event.

“Oh, no, no, no! You can't wear this...” She quickly objected to the idea before correcting herself before saying an unintentional putdown. “…old thing. You need a glamorous new outfit for the Gala and I'll make it for you. No problem at all. It will be my pleasure!“

“Oh, that's really sweet of you to offer, Rarity, but I can't let you do that.” Twilight appreciated her generosity. “It would be so much work. This dress is fine.”

“Twilight Sparkle. I insist on making you a new dress.” Rarity remained firm on her decision in the matter.

“But...” Twilight tried to speak yet is faced with a literal hoof waving to cement to her that her decision is final.

“Not another word! I won't take no for an answer.”

“I think you’re better off listening to the expert here.” The egret assistant whispered to her.

“Well, in that case... thank you for your generosity, Rarity. Knowing your handiwork, I'm sure it will be absolutely beautiful.” Twilight then replied seeing that Rarity really wants to do this and there is no stopping her as the unicorn turns to the farm pony with a dull expression.

“Let me guess, Applejack. You don't want a new gown either.” She asked while expecting that response from the tomboyish cowgirl.

“Gown? Shoot. I was just gonna wear my old work duds.” Applejack answered thinking the Gala is just another regular get together which earned another disbelieving gasp from the fashionista.

“You can't possibly be serious, Applejack! You absolutely must wear formal attire.”

“Hm... nah.” Applejack simply responded after a moment of thought which Ono was about to stress about the importance of the Gala until Rarity placed a calming hoof onto him as she has an idea of how to handle this.

“Whatif I just spruce up your... duds for you a little bit?” She offered.

“Um... okay, sure, why not?” Applejack replied after a moment of thought just to appease her.” Since you're up for it and all. Just don't make them too... frou-frou-y.”


“Look out below!” Rainbow screamed as she crashed inside the shop and right into the pony mannequins through the nearby window.

“Sorry. New trick. Didn't quite work.” She apologized as she got up uninjured from the landing.

“Hmm...” Rarity thought as she observed her before getting anoter idea. “Idea!” She smiled in a sing song manner. “I'll make you an outfit for the Gala too, Rainbow Dash.”

“Outfit for the what now?” Rainbow asked as she has no idea what she is talking about.

“The Grand Galloping Gala.” Ono answered as he helped clean the mess she had just made

“I'll make one for you and you and all of you.” She excitably expressed her eagerness. “Oh! And of course Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Fuli. Oh and of course fancy tuxedos for Kion, Beshte, Bunga, Ono, and Fuli too. Oh, and when I'm done, we can hold our very own fashion show!” She also proposed as Ono is looking on in shock of how much she is planning to tackle.

“What a great idea! If you're sure you can handle it.” Twilight encouraged her as she approves of it.

“Oh, it'll be a little bit of work, but it will be a wonderful boost for my business. Plus, fun!” Rarity placed her great confidence in this huge project she is tackling.

“Oh, I love fun things!“ Rainbow said as she liked what the unicorn is thinking.

“Then it's settled. We'll have a fashion show starring us!” She declared as everyone cheered at the idea as Ono just freezes in place before passing out.

“Ono?” Twilight asked as she ran over showered him with cold water from a cup of water to wake him up.

“Ah, Hapana! I’m awake!” Ono screamed as he flew up before flying over in a frantic panic gaining supplies for Rarity.

“So all you have to do is make a different, stunning, original, amazing outfit for one, two, three, four, five—plus yourself—six ponies along with five more outfits for the rest of the Guard? And lickety split?” Applejack asked in surprise that she is seriously going to tackle on that much.

“Oh, Applejack. You make it sound as if it's going to be hard.” Rarity assured her that’s it no big deal as she starts snipping away at new fabric with a pair of scissors while calmly stroking Ono to help ease his nerves before he really loses it.

“Eleven outfits?!” Ono said asked still feeling neurotic about all of this.

“Don’t worry Ono. Like I said not a problem. I know how to go on about this.” She said as got working on her ideas while breaking out into a tune as she works while working on each mare’s dresses one by one.

“Thread by thread, stitching it together

Twilight's dress, cutting out the pattern snip by snip

Making sure the fabric folds nicely

It's the perfect color and so hip

Always gotta keep in mind my pacing

Making sure the clothes' correctly facing

I'm stitching Twilight's dress.”

She sang as she did so while tossing together what she needs for said mare’s dress while unintentionally scaring Opal as some of the fabric lands on her as she finds herself in the middle while Ono is in between saving her cat from getting hurt by accident while helping her get the supplies she needs together.

“Yard by yard, fussing on the details

Jewel neckline, don't you know a stitch in time saves nine?

Make her something perfect to inspire

Even though she hates formal attire

Gotta mind those intimate details

Even though she's more concerned with sales

It's Applejack's new dress.”

She sang as she then magically levitated the pony mannequins around as she places her creative touches on Applejack’s dress while Ono nods in approval.

“Dressmaking's easy, for Pinkie Pie something pink

Fluttershy something breezy

Blend color and form…”

She sang as she drew personal touches for said mare’s dresses while turning to both Ono and Opal.

“Do you think it looks cheesy?” She asked the two.

“Not really.” Ono replied as she pulled out rainbow colored fabric for Rainbow’s dress along with a gold hair accessory to go with it.

“Something brash, perhaps quite fetching

Hook and eye, couldn't you just simply die?

Making sure it fits forelock and crest

Don't forget some magic in the dress

Even though it rides high on the flank

Rainbow won't look like a tank

I'm stitching Rainbow's dress.”

She then sang as she puts the finishing touches on all of their dresses.

“Piece by piece, snip by snip

Croup, dock, haunch, shoulders, hip

Thread by thread, primmed and pressed

Yard by yard, never stressed

And that's the art of the dress!”

As Rarity finishes her song as she and Ono look around at the former’s work while Opal sleeps nearby her bed.

“Wow!” Ono remarked as he eyed every single dress including the tux he was wearing along with the tuxedos for Kion and the other guys.

For the tuxedos they all consisted of black jackets, with different color for the undercoats and bowties. Kion’s was red much like his mane, Beshte’s was sky blue, Bunga’s was dark blue much like his fur coat, and Ono’s was orange much like the feathers on his head.

“Great job, Rarity. You made it all look so easy.”

“Why thank you, Ono. It does take years for practice but once you get the hang of it becomes easier in time.” Rarity thankfully returned as she looks giddy at her success while the egret examines his tuxedo. “And what do you think, do these outfits spark “Wow” in your eyes?”

“Well, it is definitely something I have never seen anything like it and that’s coming from someone who’s not a dress person. I mean the colors fit every pony pretty well along with the personalities that accompany each mare’s outfit very spot on.”

“I know right.” Rarity clapped her hooves in delight that his keen sight managed to match the thoughts she was thinking for them. “It’s exactly how I envisioned them to be!”

“I know for sure that they will love them!” Ono returned very confident that their friends will think the same.

“I’m going to get the others!” She then said as she ran off ahead to get their friends together while Ono himself admires the tux he is wearing while moving his wings around to look at the shoulders of the nicely crafted fabric.

In short time, she got the entire Guard all gathered together with closed eyes as they all walk inside ready to behold of her latest creation for each and every one of them.

“That's it. Keep them closed. Don't look.” She said as she ushered them to keep moving forward while she guides them inside. “Okay, you can look now!” She told as they all do so as they all gasp in surprise as they see what she has created for them as Ono gestures to them with his wings in a presenting manner while Opal admires the fabric as she plays and nuzzles with each and every dress.

“These are your new outfits. What do you think of your old duds now, Applejack? Pretty swanky, are they not? And Twilight! I made this dress for you and I designed each outfit theme to perfectly reflect each pony's unique personality. Oh, it took me forever to get the colors right on this one, Rainbow Dash, but I did it. Oh, and it turned out beautiful, don't you think? And I know you are going to love yours, Fluttershy. It just sings spring! And Pinkie Pie, look! Pink! Your favorite!”

“As for you guys and girls.” Rarity then added to the Lion Guard. “I did the same as well for your guy’s tuxedos along with your dress Fuli.” She said as she showed her the dress which was green like Fluttershy’s yet bold and daring much like Rainbow’s. “Aren't they all amazing?” She asked everyone expected amazed praises and compliments for her hard work.

“Are you kidding?” Bunga first spoke. “They’re un-Bunga-lievable!”

“Poa!” Beshte added.

“They sure are.” Kion shared the same enthusiasm as the other members of the Lion Guard.

“Amazing.” Fuli added just as impressed. “Did you help her make them?” She asked the egret.

“Well…Yes.” Ono answered while slightly embarrassed. “I mean she did say it required my keen sight to help her get the right touches for everyone’s outfits together but I think I managed to help her capture what she is looking for if I do say so myself.”

“I know he was a big help.” Rarity added as she turned to the other girl’s reaction expecting the same results however the Lion Guard sees that they aren’t sharing the same intrigue as they had just shown to her as they share their reactions with forced smiles.

“Wow... they're...” Twilight began at a loss for words.

“Yeah, they're...” Rainbow struggled to add.

“They sure are... somethin'.” Applejack finished.

“Yes! Something.” Twilight said in agreement.

“I love something! Something is my favorite!” Pinkie shared.

“It's... nice.” Fluttershy weakly added with lowered ears.

“Huh?” Ono asked in surprise.

“What's the matter? Don't you like them?” Rarity asked feeling surprised as well.

“They're very nice...” Twilight said while still smiling.

“And we're plumb grateful 'cause you worked so hard on them.” Applejack added.

“Mine's just not as cool as I was imagining.” Rainbow bluntly commented with a bored expression as Twilight and Applejack glare at her for that. “She asked.“ She said defensively.

“I guess what we're all saying is that they're just not what we had in mind.” Twilight then said to be the best of their ability without trying to hurt the unicorn’s feelings as the others share collective “yes’s” in agreement while the others especially Ono felt surprised that they didn’t immediately like them.

“What?” Ono asked feeling stung by that as Rarity frowned in disappointment as well. “How can you girls not like them. They look amazing. Helped by the Keenest of Sight himself.”

“That's okay. Not a problem.” Rarity said with a forced smile of her own while calming Ono down with a hoof on his back. “There's plenty more where that came from. They were only a first pass. You're my friends and I want you to be one hundred and ten percent satisfied. Not to worry, I'll redo them.”

“Oh, Rarity. You don't have to do that. They're fine.” Fluttershy tried to reason with her.

“I want them to be better than just fine. I want you to think they're absolutely perfect.” Rarity insisted as she began the redo process.

“Are you sure?” Applejack asked. “I mean, we wouldn't wanna impose.”

“Oh, it's no imposition. Really, I insist.” She returned.

“Well, in that case... thank you again, Rarity.” Twilight thanked her as she and the other ponies left the room as she laughed nervously.

As soon as they left Rarity dropped her smile.

“What have I gotten myself into?” She sadly said to herself.

“What just happened?” Ono asked himself unable to comprehend this.

“I don’t know.” Kion answered.

“I thought all of those dresses were perfect.” Bunga added just as surprised. “They should have been jumping up and down in excitement. Well at the least the pony girls.“ He quickly added as he remembered Fuli is not the girl who gets all excited over girly stuff as the cheetah doesn’t even argue there.

“They were.” Fuli admitted as she examined her green dress. “Bold and daring yet graceful.”

“Maybe they just didn’t see the way you did.” Beshte suggested.

“It will be okay.” Rarity assured them as she continues working. “With Ono’s help I’m sure we’ll recapture the image they were looking for.”

“Okay.” Kion said as he motions the other’s to follow him out. “Then we’ll let you both get to it.”

As they all leave them to it they can’t help but wonder if she’ll be okay as Rarity looks on disheartened of the fact that she put her heart and soul into it and yet it wasn’t enough.

Later Fluttershy came back as Rarity is now re-sewing her newest dress together.

“Hello? You wanted to see me, Rarity?” She asked.

“Fluttershy!” She greeted her as she escorted her away for her to try it on. “Your new-new gown's ready. I completely revised it and I know you're going to love it. What do you think?” She asked as the peagsus looks at herself in a mirror.

“I... love it.” She answered half-truthfully.

“Oh, you're just saying that.” Rarity saw through her weak response.

“No, no. I do. It's... nice.” She tried to insist otherwise.

“"Nice"?” Rarity skeptically returned.


“If you don't like it, you should just tell me.” Rarity pressed her to be honest here.

“Oh, but I do like it.” She honestly answered.

“Like it or love it?” She further pressed the peagsus for the truth.

“Um... both?” She hesitated.

“Which is it?” She demanded as she backed the girl against the wall

“Please stop asking me this, I...” Fluttershy now felt nervous with her ears lowered in worry as if she was in trouble.

“Well, just tell me what you really think.”

“No, that's okay...”

“Tell me.” She demanded an answer from the girl trying to evade her question.

“No... it's fine...”

“Tell me!” She again demanded as got in her sweating and terrified face.

“I... like it...” She again repeated with her head and eyes shrunk to the ground.

“Tell me, tell me, tell-me-tell-me-tell-me!” She repeatedly demanded until she cracked.

“All right! Since you really wanna know...“ She gave in as she then rapidly spoke after taking a deep breath. “The armscye's tight, the middy collar doesn't go with the shawl lapel, the hems are clearly machine-stitched, the pleats are uneven, the fabric looks like toile, you used a backstitch here when it clearly called for a topstitch or maybe a traditional blanket stitch, and the overdesign is reminiscent of prêt-à-porter and not true French haute couture.” She answered as Rarity and Ono both drop their jaws in shock of her freaky knowledge of sewing. “But, uh... you know... um, whatever you want to do is fine.” She kindly added.

“Okay, that’s all I wanted to know.” Rarity dismissed her to take it off and leave.

As Fluttershy left, Rarity got herself back to work as Ono joins by her side.

“Hapana?!” Ono said in shock of Fluttershy’s critique. “How in the Pride Lands did she know all of that?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Rarity dismissed that as she got back to sewing. “What matters now is that everyone has dresses that they will love.”

“But those first dresses are something they should and will love!” Ono protested. “How could they not capture what they were looking for?!”

“I don’t know.” Rarity returned without evening looking at the egret as she continues sewing. “But someway somehow I’ll make it work even if it may not be the best designs I have ever created.”

Ono grumbled seeing that this is going to work herself to death but yet still stood by ready to assist her when needed.

Soon enough, one by one the mares come back with their personal requests for their outfits starting with Twilight.

“Now, the stars on my belt need to be technically accurate. Orion has three stars on his belt, not four.”

“Stitch by stitch, stitching it together

Deadline looms, don't you know the client's always right?

Even if my fabric choice was perfect

Gotta get them all done by tonight.”

Rarity sang with increased intensity to the point her mane is a little messy as Ono can only help her gather what she needs as Pinkie is next with green fabric she is eager for her to use.

“Pinkie Pie, that color's too obtrusive

Wait until you see it in the light

I'm sewing them together!”

“Don't you think my gown would be more "me" with some lollipops?” Pinkie asked.

“Well, I think...” Rarity tried to speak.

“Balloons?” She eagerly asked.


“Do it!”

“Hour by hour, one more change

I'm sewing them together, take great pains

Fluttershy, you're putting me in a bind

Rainbow Dash, what is on your mind?

Oh my gosh, there's simply not much time

Don't forget, Applejack's duds must shine.”

Rarity sang as she measures Flutershy while asking of an unimpressed Rainbow Dash as she leaned her shoulders on the counter.

“Dressmaking's easy, every customer's call

Brings a whole new revision

Have to pick up the pace, still hold to my vision.”

She further sang as she is faced with more patronizing requests from her friends.

“That constellation is Canis Major, not Minor.” Twilight pointed out.

“French haute couture, please.” Fluttershy requested much to her slight disgust.

“What if it rains? Galoshes!” Applejack brought up.

“More balloons! Oh no, that's too many balloons. More candy! Oh, less candy. Oh wait, I know. Streamers!” Pinkie indecisively requested.

“Streamers?” Rarity questioned.

“Whose dress is this?” The pink earth pony reminded her.

“Streamers it is.” She obliged with a sigh before turning to Rainbow’s expecting an answer from her.

“What?” She asked.

“Aren't you going to tell me to change something too?”

“No, I just want my dress to be cool.” Rainbow blankly returned.

“Do you not like the color?”

“The color's fine, just make it look cooler.” Rainbow repeated.

“Do you not like the shape?”

“The shape's fine, just make the whole thing... you know, cooler. It needs to be about twenty percent cooler.” Rainbow again repeated slightly annoyed as Rarity taps her head on the pony mannequin exasperated by all of this along with further requests and demands as they further drop by.

“All we ever want is indecision.”

Pinkie sang.

“All we really like is what we know.”

Rainbow sang.

“Gotta balance style with adherence.“

Twilight sang.

“Making sure we make a good appearance.”

Fluttershy sang.

“Even if you simply have to fudge it.”

Applejack sang.

“Make sure that it stays within our budget.”

The Mane Six minus Rarity sang together.

“Got to overcome intimidation

Remember, it's all in the presentation!

Piece by piece, snip by snip

Croup, dock, haunch, shoulders, hip

Bolt by bolt, primmed and pressed

Yard by yard, always stressed

And that's the art of the dress!”

Rarity then sang as she put the finishing touches just as she passes out with Ono quickly flying under her to stop her from hitting her head.

“Oh, Opal, Ono. These are the ugliest dresses I've ever made.”

“No kidding.” Ono returned in sympathy for what their friends just put them through before flying over to retrieve the other girls herself to allow her to get some much needed rest.

“Okay. I did exactly what each of you asked for. Now don't hold back. Let me know what you really think.” Rarity then asked with the horrendous new designs while her pet cat hisses and swipes her claws at Twilight’s dress while sticking her tongue in disgust at the sight of Applejack’s duds while Ono just stoically watches on.

“Oh my!”

“It's... perfect!”

“It's cool!”

“Why, they're the best duds I ever did see.”

“It's exactly what I asked for!” The girls separately than together said as they voiced their delight in them which led to Rarity sighing in relief.

“Thank you, Rarity.” Twilight thanked her as Pinkie bounced over to do the same.

“Are you as happy with them as we are? Huh? Huh? Huh?” She asked as she got in her face

“Well, I'm... happy that all of you are happy.” Rarity simply replied. “I'm just relieved to finally be done.”

At that moment Spike immediately bursts inside catching his breath as he prepares to speak to them.

“You are never gonna believe this! You've heard of Hoity Toity?” He asked them.

“The bigwig fashion hotshot in Canterlot?” Twilight answered.

“Uh-huh.” He nodded. “He heard about your fashion show. Well, maybe I happened to mention it to him... he's coming here all the way from Canterlot to see your work, Rarity!”

“Whoa, Nelly! You could sell a ton o' dresses to this guy. Your business will be boomin'!” Applejack pointed out in delighted surprise.


“That's so cool!”

“I don't believe it!”

Twilight, Rainbow, and Pinkie expressed their amazement at this news as Rarity has to force a smile hearing this while Ono watching from the back reacts just as shocked as her.

“Hoity Toity? He's coming here? To see THESE dresses?” Rarity asked in horror.

“Yep!” Spike confirmed as Ono faints on his back knowing just how badly this is going to end for her. “Get ready for all of your dreams to come true.”

Hearing this also caused Rarity to twitch her right eye coming to the same conclusion.

Later that night everyone including the Guard all arrives for Rarity’s fashion show, everyone all eagerly awaiting to see her latest creations as they all walk up to the runway Rarity had set up just hours earlier.

As Rarity, Ono, and Opal all peek their heads out from behind the curtain they finally see Hoity Toity a dark gray furred earth pony, with a fancy fan cutie mark, and white hair on his mane and tail, arrive on the scene as he makes his way up to the front with his head propped up wearing a fancy ascot and purple sunglasses while gesturing his assistant with a clap of his hooves and place a pillow for him to properly sit on the ground.

“Oh. There he is!” Rarity exclaimed very nervous as he arrives while Ono swallows a lump in his throat

“This isn’t good.” Ono commented feeling just as much as a train wreck as Rarity.

“Okay. Relax, Ono.” Rarity tried to take deep breaths to herself along with Ono down. “Your friends like their outfits and so will he.” She then squealed in fright when the lights on the runway go dim. “What's wrong with the lights?! Oh, yes. That means the show's starting. Good.” She panicked before again remembering and sighing in brief relief.

As a unicorn with a wild blue mane and tail, wearing purple DJ glasses, and supporting a musical note cutie mark on his flank works the DJ, the spotlight shines on as Spike begins speaking through the microphone as he takes the stage.

“Since the beginning of time, the elite of Equestria have longed for pony fashions that truly expressed the essence of their very souls.” Spike began as spotlights shook around the runway as the Mane Five all prepare to walk on stage while dressed up as the curtain rises to reveal them. “Patiently waiting decades—no, centuries—for the perfect pony gown. Today, at long last, Equestria, your wait is over! For today we see the first, Let's hear it for the breathtaking designs of Ponyville's own Rarity!”

The five in their outfits all take the stage as they walked the catwalk up to the front all while earning shocked and horrified looks from the crowd including the Guard.

“Hevi Kabisa! What happened here?” Kion asked in shock in a whisper to his friends.

“Yeah, why is Fluttershy wearing a nest on her head?” Bunga whispered back. “It looks horrible on her.”

“How can they possible like those outfits?!” Fuli whispered in surprised disgust. “What happened to the other dresses she made for them?”

“Why's everypony lookin' at us like that?” Applejack whispered to the others on stage wondering why they are not getting the amazed wow’s they have expected before the show as Twilight looks at her own design and is suddenly realizing and seeing that their ideas weren’t as glamorous as they thought.

“Oh dear.” She said in realization.

“You think we overdid it?” Rainbow asked.

“Nah. Applejack replied. “Okay, maybe a little.” She then admitted as she sees her own boots

“Oh, those amateurish designs look like a piled-on mishmash of everything but a kitchen sink!” The fashion designer heavily criticized as every pony laughes while Rarity pushs aside a nearby sink away. “It's a travesty is what it is. Those outfits are the ugliest things I've ever seen, oh for shame! Who is responsible for subjecting our eyes to these horrors? Not to mention wasting my valuable time.” He further went on as Rarity hides behind Opal and Ono.

“Oh! Hide me.”

“Come on out and take a bow, Rarity. You worked really hard for this. Yes! All right, woo-hoo! Go, Rarity!” Spike encouraged her to do so as she reluctantly does with her head hung in shame while Ono covers his eyes just waiting for this all to be over while the rest of their friends are powerless to stop it.

After everypony including Hoity Toity have all left, the Mane Five all took their hideous clothes off while Rarity just retreated back home in tears.

After they changed out of their clothes they met up with the rest of the Lion Guard who wanted to wonder what happened back there.

“Okay, now here’s the part where I get lost.” Fuli began as she examined the clothes they had just worn. “How exactly did these scream “Wow.” to all of you girls?”

“Well…it seemed good on paper at the time…” Applejack honestly began when Ono right in her face aggressively.

“And what was going through your heads when you did that to her?!” Ono snapped at the five much to everyone’s surprise as he had never snapped at them like that while being separated by Kion.

“Easy Ono.” Kion urged him to calm down. “I’m sure the girls already feel bad enough that their taste in design drove Rarity to tears.”

“No!” Ono refused to back off. “It’s not just about her, it’s also the fact that I helped her capture those first dress designs with my keen sight and would have meant a lot that everyone here really appreciated the hard work I put into helping her for all of you! But thanks to all of you, all of that work was for nothing!”

“But…” Fluttershy tried to speak.

“Just forget it!” Ono refused to listen to any of them. “Forget I even bothered to try to make her along with all of you happy with what could have been an opportunity of a lifetime which she’ll never get again.”

With that he angrily flew away back home, leaving the girls feel even more ashamed of themselves than ever. Even Fuli who you’d most expect to viciously chew them out, felt that was harsh of him to say even though everything he said was correct as she too was just shocked in silence as they just decide it was best to just retire for the night.

The Mane Five along with the Guard all make their way back home for the night to give Rarity and Ono time to unwind before checking up on her in the morning before making their way back over to Rarity’s home as Pinkie knocks on the door to try to talk to her to help her snap out of her own depression.

“Rarity? You okay in there? You haven't come out for days.“ Pinkie called out to her.

“I'm never coming out! I can't show my face in Ponyville ever again!” Rarity cried out as she paces around with a pink bed robe with her hair a little messy from being in bed all night continuing into the day. “I used to be somepony. I used to be respected. I made dresses. Beautiful, beautiful dresses! But now everypony is laughing at me. I'm nothing but a laughing stock!” She further cried in despair.

“You're not a laughing stock, Rarity...” Twiligth tried to assure her otherwise.

“She kind of is.” Rainbow bluntly remarked.

“That’s true.” Bunga added which earned the two shushs from the lavender mare.

“Come on out and talk to us.” Twilight pleaded with her

“Leave me alone! I vant to be alone!” She refused while further crying in despair while getting back onto her bed. “I want to wallow in... whatever it is that ponies are supposed to wallow in! Do ponies wallow in pity? Oh, listen to me, I don't even know what I'm supposed to wallow in! I'm so pathetic!”

“Now what do we do?” Twilight asked everyone seeing that the damage is too much for her to simply recover from.

“Uh... panic?” Fluttershy could only suggest.

“That's your answer for everything!” Rainbow immediately shot it down.

“Well, we can't just leave Rarity like this.” Applejack brought up.

“But how?” Beshte asked. “We can’t just force her out of bed.”

“No, but we need to help her through this somehow.” Kion answered.

“Or else she'll become a crazy cat lady!” Pinkie said.

“She only has one cat.” Twilight dully brought up.

“Give her time.” Pinkie responded it will happen eventually as Twilight looks through the keyhole to Rarity’s room as she looks inside at the mannequins before eying the pink dress on one of them along with the design posted on the wall above it.

“Hm...” She said as gets an idea of how to help her recover so they can apologize to her.

Later when Rarity is now done sobbing and is back on her hooves while looking and pondering to herself in the mirror.

“Exile...” She thought. “I guess technically I'd have to move away to live in exile. Where would I go? And what would I pack? Oh, it's going to take me forever to do all of that packing. What are you supposed to pack when you go to exile? Are you supposed to pack warm?” She further asked herself as she hears her pet cat meowing for help.

“Huh? Opal?” She asked in concern as she opened her window to look around for the sound of her voice before finding her clinging onto dear life on the nearby tree outside terrified for dear life.

“Opal, how did you get up there? Hang on, you poor dear! Mama's coming!”

Rarity quickly made her way outside to help get her cat down before skidding to stop seeing that Rainbow Dash and Bunga are both sitting on the tree waiting for her.

“Rainbow Dash?! Bunga?! How dare you strand my poor Opal in a tree?” She scolded them for doing so.

“Well, how else were we gonna get you out here to show you this?” She responded as the other girls presented her dress with added decorations and gems on it.

“What is it? It's not... you…” Rarity said in astonished shock unable to completely finish her sentences.

“We all finished your dress for you.” Pinkie told her.

“Thanks to Fluttershy's freaky knowledge of sewing along with Fuli’s crafty workmanship.” Applejack added to which the peagsus blushed in response while Fuli look aside slightly embarrassed too.

“Who would have thought trying your paws out at crafting bird’s nests would have actually turn out to be useful someday.” Fuli shrugged with a smile as she didn’t even deny it.

“Do you like it?” Fluttershy asked.

“Like it? Like it?!” Rarity responded as she examined her dress.

“Uh-uh. She doesn't like it.” Fluttershy then said in worry.

“No, I don't like it.” She answered as she turned away in disappointment.

“Awwww...” Everyone all said in disappointment.

“Dang.” Bunga added.

“I love it!” Rarity responded with immediate delight to which everyone cheered hearing this.

“You ponies did an amazing job. It's exactly the way I imagined it.” She complimented them.

“We just followed your brilliant design.” Fluttershy replied.

“Like we should have let you do for our outfits. Those first dresses you designed were perfect.” Twilight added in an apologetic tone for putting her through all of that afterwards.

“We're so super sorry.” Pinkie apologized.

“You worked really hard to make our dresses exactly the way we wanted them.“ Rainbow added as she flew down and brought Opal safely down to the ground. “We all saw how well that turned out.”

“Oh, I forgive you.” Rarity accepted their apology as Ono flies over while Opal hops onto the unicorn’s back.

“So do I.” Ono added as he flew over to face the girls. “Along with an apology for snapping at all of you.” He added in regret.

“It’s okay.” Twilight accepted it in return. “You were just frustrated is all. And having said that we owe you a big thanks for helping Rarity out with those perfect dresses she made for us too.”

“Yeah, your keen sight really helped capture her inspiration much like back with Rafiki with his paintings.” Applejack added as Ono calmly smiled in return. “And it’s mighty big of you.”

“But my whole career is still ruined!” Rarity brought up as she dramatically cried at the thought.

“Oh, right. That.” Applejack remembered.

“Maybe not.” Twilight brought up as Hoity Toity arrives with Kion and Beshte both gesturing him back to see the real deal of the fashionista.

“All right, I haven't got all day.” He reluctantly agreed to which both Kion and Beshte smiled as the former winks at the unicorn.

In just a short amount of time they got inside so they can all get dressed leaving Rarity now out of her robe and slippers and her mane back to normal watching over with him so they can properly prepare for the girl’s redemption.

“Take two.” He said while pushing Opal aside as she started playing with his hair.

By lighting her horn while Spike closes the curtains the fashion show inside the boutique begins starting with the presentation of Twilight’s blue dress that matches her lavender and soothing personality.

“Hello... oh, this can't be the same designer.” He said in stunned surprise as her sparkling dress sparks intrigue in his eyes as he briefly pulled down his shades to get a better look at it.

Next up is Applejack’s dress presentation as she shows herself in her fancy green and red duds and dress with royal apple markings on it.

“Simply magnificent!” He said further impressed at the cowgirl’s stylish outfit. “And I suddenly have a fierce craving for some Dutch apple pie, candied apples on a stick, apple turnovers, apple cobbler...”

Next up is Pinkie Pie’s dress that matches her fur to the tee matching her passion and love for candy.

“Brilliant!” He exclaimed in delight as further lighting introduces Rainbow Dash appearing on the stage for her presentation in her rainbow colored dress with bold and daring touches to fit her personality.

“Oh, spectacular!” He complimented now getting really excited as Fluttershy takes the center stage with her presentation in her flowery green dress.

“Now this is a fashion show!” He then said now really enjoying the show while clapping his hooves together. “All of these dresses are absolutely amazing. Who is responsible? Step forward, show yourself!”

As soon as he calls for the pony behind all of this, Rarity herself appears in her recently completed pink dress while presenting the Lion Guard with the guys in their tuxs while Fuli presents herself in her dress while is green like Fluttershy’s yet has the bold and daring touches like Rainbow’s.

“Brava! Brava! Magnifico! Encore!” He applauded her as she and Fuli appear in front of their friends so he can get a good look at their dresses as Ono flies over to accept credit for his efforts.

“Oh, thank you. Thank you! Oh, thank you so much!” Rarity thanked him. “Although I also had keen eyesight to help with my inspiration too.” She added while winking at Ono who smiles in delight to see that everything worked out for everyone in the end.

After the fashion show, Twilight takes her time to write her latest friendship report to the princess.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

This week, my very talented friend Rarity learned that if you try to please everypony, you often times end up pleasing nopony, especially yourself. And I learned this: when somepony offers to do you a favor, like making you a beautiful dress, you shouldn't be overly critical of something generously given to you. In other words, you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.”

As soon as Spike finishes writing it down he breaths fire on it to send it on its way to the princess.

“Rarity, my congratulations to you on a most impressive fashion debut.” Hoity-Toity congratulated her as Opal nuzzled her hooves. “Would you do me the great honor of allowing me to feature your couture in my Best of the Best Boutique in Canterlot?” He offered as Rarity gasped in amazement at the offer. “Now, I'll need you to make a dozen of each dress and tuxedo for me by next Tuesday.” He then added his conditions to which sparked nervous laughter and twitchy eye from her and Ono.

“Of course no problem.” She returned unable to refuse the offer while masking her cracked façade.

“Excellent.” He returned pleased as he leaves the shop. ”I look forward to seeing your work then.”

“Twelve of each dress and tuxedo?!” Rarity then asked with sudden horror and high demand.

“That’s eight-four dresses and forty-eight tuxedos! A hundred and thirty-two new clothes!” Ono exclaimed frantically as he started to panic before Rainbow quickly brought him down to earth before he could go crazy.

“Not to worry.” Kion assured. “You also got eleven friends who can help you all out in no time at all.”

“You all mean it.” Rarity asked them as they all nod their heads to confirm it. “Oh, thank goodness.” She then said now relieved while Ono simply falls back and faints on her couch.

“And I think I might make that my new fainting couch since I have already fainted on it quite a few times.” Rarity added as she and everyone laughed together while confident that with Fluttershy’s knowledge in sewing, along with Fuli’s craftsmanship, along with extra paws and hooves and assistance they can meet with Hoity-Toity’s order as they all start working on it with another valuable lesson learned along the way.

Author's Note:

In this episode Rarity and Ono work together much like in "Eye of Beholder" as the Keenest of Sight helps the eloquent dress designer create the dresses and tuxedos for the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala with Fuli's dress a combination of Rainbow and Fluttershy's dress.

While the Lion Guard loves their tuxedos unquestionably, of course the plot-related issues the Mane Six have which move the main plot in motion for the second half of the story as Ono made his frustration with the girls very clear after it drove Rarity into a depression before storming off since he helped capture Rarity's image in the designs with his keen eye-sight.

Anyways, with some apologies and convincing to get them to regroup everything all worked out in end as always.

Next up is "Feeling Pinkie Keen." where Ono joins Twilight in trying to understand and uncover the "The Pinkie Sense."

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