• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 4,098 Views, 145 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 1) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard and The Mane Six both work together to spread the magic of friendship while protecting Equestria and the Pride Lands.

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Episode 14: Winter Wrap Up

Episode 14:

Winter Wrap Up

At the Golden Oaks Library, both Twilight and Spike are sleeping very early in the morning just when the former walks up with a bright smile, wide awake, and full of energy.

“Spike, wake up. Wake up, wake up, it's Winter Wrap Up day!” She excitably nudged the baby dragon to wake up before running off to another part of the room.

“Huh? Mommy?” Spike muttered as Twilight quickly turned to him as she literally got face to face with him.

“Winter Wrap Up!“ She firmly reminded him of what today is.

“Oh right.” Spike then said as the unicorn turns on the lights to force him to move and work his way into getting up as she properly readjusts a picture frame before jumping into her winter boots.

“Spike, the first day of spring is tomorrow, so everypony in Ponyville needs to clean up winter. Now help me get ready.”

“Okay, okay.” Spike groggily obeyed as he got out of bed and then got her checklist together. “But I do gotta ask why would anypony clean up winter? I mean don’t they just use magic to change the seasons like they do in Canterlot?” He wondered out loud of the point of doing so here.

“That’s because Ponyville was started by Earth ponies…” Twilight replied as she explained to him its importance while putting on her winter outfit and gear. “…so for hundreds of years they've never used magic to clean up winter. It's traditional.“ She then sighed as her saddle falls off just after putting it on.

“Like with the Lion Guard’s before the very first Pony Guard ever created along with the first Lion Guard compromising of not all lions.” Spike grumbled in annoyance as he handed her, her clipboard. “No offense but I just find it ridiculous. No magic... Fuh.”

Twilight paid no attention to those negative remarks as she goes over her checklist after tightening her saddle around her waist and putting on her scarf while Spike gets ready to leave along with her.

“Okay, let's see: scarf, check; saddle, check; boots, check. It's a good thing I'm so organized.” She prided herself with determination ready for her first Winter Wrap Up. “I'm ready. Bright and early. Oh...” She said as she opened the door only to find to her surprise that it is still dark out. “…maybe a little too early.” She then said slightly embarrassed of how overly excited she got as Spike groans before making his way back to bed.

“Wake me up, when the sun is actually starting to rise.” He grumpily said to her as he went back into bed as Twilight closed the door after her so she can properly wait for the sun to rise before trying again.

The Lion Guard all ready to meet up with their pony friends in the other world then come across the surprise to see Ponyville is covered in snow.

“Hevi Kabisa.” Kion remarked in surprise at their surroundings.




“Where did all of this snow come from?” Fuli wondered in amazement just as Twilight runs by them with Spike in tow riding on her back still sleeping and trying to catch up on his sleep.

“Hey Twilight!” Kion called out to her as he and the others ran after her. “Wait up!”

“Oh hey guys!” Twilight happily returned as she ran towards the direction of City Hall.

“What’s going on?” He asked.

“Ponyville’s Annual Winter Wrap Up.” She answered.

“Winter What?” Kion replied while still lost by what it is as much as everyone else as Twilight stopped in her tracks to properly explain it so it makes sense just as they approach City Hall.

“Winter Wrap Up. Once a year on the last day on winter which is today, ponies from all over Ponyville gather together so they can help clean up in preparation for the first day of spring.”

“Okay time out.” Ono felt the need to interrupt with her wings motioning like a referee’s in a game. “Now here’s the part where I get lost. So these last two months were really winter here in Ponyville?”

“Yes and to tell you the truth, snowfall here came be pretty random depending on global warming.” Twilight answered while acknowledging that she too doesn’t understand the town’s weather patterns either before moving on while pointing to all of the ponies gathered before City Hall waiting for their mayor to begin the procedure. “Anyways, as I was saying. Every year every pony gathers to prepare clean up the remains of winter which the work is divided into three teams. The weather team led by Rainbow Dash who along with the other peagsus ponies clear the weather so the snow can melt in a timely fashion while Pinkie Pie helps lead the other earth ponies into properly skating across the ice on ponds so that it melts efficiently. The animal team led by Fluttershy helps awake animals who spent the winter hibernating while properly ensuring they are all awake and ready for spring while the plant team leader Applejack leads everyone in clearing the snow from the fields.”

“Phew. That sure sounds like a lot of hard work.” Beshte replied as he takes in of how much the unicorn went into detail of how everything works here.

“But it sounds like fun! Can we join in?” Bunga chimed in.

“Of course! The more the merrier.” Twilight happily replied as they all make their way down the hill. “Oh I can’t wait to get started.”

“Boy, does she sure seems excited over this.” Fuli remarked to the others as they follow after the unicorn.

“Those must be the team vests Rarity designed.” Twilight told the dragon on her back as he started to wake up. “Blue for the weather team, green for the plant team, and tan for the animal team. I wonder which team vest I'll be wearing.”

“I'll take a blue vest, same color as my blankie, which I think I hear calling my name.” Spike replied as he is still not fully awake and ready to take on Winter Wrap Up. "Spike! Spike! Come to bed!" Ugh, it's too early.”

As everyone gathered together at City Hall the mayor began her announcement.

“Thank you, everypony, for being here bright and early. We need every single pony's help to wrap up winter, and bring in spring. Now, all of you have your vests, and have been assigned to your teams, so let's do even better than last year, and have the quickest Winter Wrap Up ever!” She continued as every pony continues cheering in excitement as Twilight is popping her head up as she jumps her head above the crowd.

“Oh, this is so exciting.” She said as the mayor starts directing everyone to their teams.

“All right everypony, find your team leader, and let's get galloping!”

As everyone already wearing their vests all make their way to their color coordinated assigned teams, Twilight herself along with the rest of the Guard are left wondering where to go since none of them have their vests

“Oh gosh, where should I go? I'm not sure where I fit in. What exactly does everypony do?” Twilight began to question herself as she looks around of where to go as the main cast begins to sing to a tune.

“Three months of winter coolness

And awesome holidays.”

Rainbow sang in the spotlight as it changes its focus onto Pinkie Pie.

“We've kept our hoofsies warm at home

Time off from work to play.”

She sang as it is now Applejack’s turn in the spotlight.

“But the food we've stored is runnin' out

And we can't grow in this cold.”

She sang as it is now Rarity’s turn in the spotlight.

“And even though I love my boots

This fashion's getting old."

“The time has come to welcome spring

And all things warm and green

But it's also time to say goodbye

It's winter we must clean

How can I help? I'm new, you see

What does everypony do?

How do I fit in without magic?

I haven't got a clue!”

Twilight sang as she looked around still finding her place with a now awake Spike in tow as the Guard follows after her.

“Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!

Let's finish our holiday cheer

Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!”

Rarity and Fluttershy sang as they led a couple of ponies into their assignments.

“'Cause tomorrow spring–

–is here!

'Cause tomorrow spring is here!”

Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash sang as the latter flies by and interrupts Applejack as she walks by.

“Bringing home the southern birds

A Pegasus' job begins

And clearing all the gloomy skies

To let the sunshine in

We move the clouds

And we melt the white snow.

When the sun comes up

Its warmth and beauty will glow!”

Rainbow sang as she and the other peagsus’s clear the skies as she oversees their progress as a beam of sunshine created from it shined on Twilight.

“Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!

Let's finish our holiday cheer

Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!

'Cause tomorrow spring is here

Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!

Cause tomorrow spring is here

'Cause tomorrow spring is here!”

Rarity and a few other ponies sang as she led them into carrying a wagon full of twigs to her shop so she can start making bird’s nests.

“Little critters hibernate

Under the snow and ice.”

Rarity sang as starting her Winter Wrap Up job.

“We wake up all their sleepy heads

So quietly and nice.”

Fluttershy sang as she did so word for word.

“We help them gather up their food

Fix their homes below.”

Rarity sang as the other animal team members do exactly as they described.

“We welcome back the southern birds.”

So their families can grow!”

Rarity and Fluttershy as the happy birds ready for spring chirp and fly around Twilight, Spike, and the Guard as they marvel at the wonders of what their spring preparations bring.

“Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!

Let's finish our holiday cheer

Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!

'Cause tomorrow spring is here

Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!

'Cause tomorrow spring is here

'Cause tomorrow spring is here!”

Everyone sang as the Pegasus ponies all knocked the snow off of the nearby ponies to which one of them nearly buried Twilight yet was saved when Beshte dives above her and blocks the snow as Twilight glares at Rainbow who simply returns a teasing smile.

“No easy task to clear the ground

Plant our tiny seeds

With proper care and sunshine

Everyone it feeds

Apples, carrots, celery stalks

Colorful flowers too

We must work so very hard”

Applejack sang as she oversees the snow being plowed off the harvesting grounds along with all of the other seeds they plan on planting into the ground together just as two nearby ponies join in on song.

“It's just so much to do!”

“Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!

Let's finish our holiday cheer

Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!

'Cause tomorrow spring is here

Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!”

Everyone sang as the peagsus ponies cleared the snow of the rooftops.

“'Cause tomorrow spring is here”

Pinkie sang as she skated on ice.

“'Cause tomorrow spring is here!”

Everyone sang together.

“Now that I know what they all do

I have to find my place

And help with all of my heart

Tough task ahead I face

How will I do without my magic

Help the Earth pony way

I wanna belong so I must

Do my best today,

Do my best today!”

Twilight sang as she still looked around as she sees everypony at work while climbing up a steep hill as the Guard looks a little concerned as if it is going to be trouble for her for such what should be a simple task at hoof.

“Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!

Let's finish our holiday cheer

Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!

'Cause tomorrow spring is here

Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!”

Everyone sang together as they all got together team by team.

“'Cause tomorrow spring is here

'Cause tomorrow spring is here

'Cause tomorrow spring is here!”

Twilight concluded the song as everyone gets back to work.

“Everypony belongs to a team. What should I do? Where should I go?” Twilight again asked as she still looks uncertain of where to go.

“With all honesty…” Kion began with a word of advice. “I personally think the answer is whatever team fits your skills the best.”

“I’m sure no matter what you’ll find a way.” Beshte assured her as they hear Rainbow call out to the ponies on her team as she flew by the unicorn.

“All right team, you're clear for takeoff.”

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight called out to her.

“Oh, hey Twilight, what's up?”

“What are you doing?”

“Sending off one of my flight crews to retrieve the birds that have flown south for the winter.”

“Oh, can I help? How about if I help clear out the clouds?” Twilight eagerly offered.

“Um...” Rainbow tried to kindly break it to her while flapping her wings for her to get the hit without hurting her feelings.

“Right. No wings.” She then remembered.

“Sorry, Twilight. I’m sure there is something for you do around here in Ponyville. Although….” She apologized as she turned to the egret. “…I could actually use your keen sight to help spot out the birds.”

“Really?” Ono said in surprise. “Okay.” He then accepted as he has nothing else better to do at the moment.

“Great! Then let’s go!” Rainbow said as she flew ahead as the egret follows after him trying to keep up with him.

“Sorry Twilight.” He quickly apologized as he purses the blue peagsus. “Rainbow, wait for me!”

“Great, now what do we do?” Twilight then asked with dismay.

“I don't know about you, but I'm gonna be nappin'.” Bunga returned as he started to nap in a nearby bush as Kion gives him a serious look along with Fuli as he snores away his troubles.

“Bunga, this is serious business.” Kion reminded him of what they are dealing with.

“Winter needs to be wrapped up, and I'm determined to do my part. Somehow.” Twilight then added just as seriously but until the last part.

“And we’re sure we’ll find our parts as much as everyone else.” Kion assured her as he looks around and sees Rarity building nests in front of her shop. “How about seeing if Rarity need’s some help she’s over there by herself.” He suggested to her who immediately took in the idea as she went over there right away.

“Rarity, please tell me there's something, anything I can help you with.” Twilight eagerly pleaded the other unicorn as she was just putting the finishing touches on her first completed nest.

“Well, how would you like to help create Ponyville's finest birds' nests?” Rarity offered.

“Birds' nests?” Twlight asked in confusion.

“You know, the things that bird’s use to make themselves home at.” Bunga clarified as Fuli glances at him.

“She knows what a bird’s nest is, she meant how do bird’s nests work during Winter Wrap Up.” Fuli clarified back at him while urging the honey badger to be a little more sensitive.

“Anyways…” Rarity said as she pretends she didn’t hear that. “…When the weather team guides the birds back north for the spring, they'll need a place to live and lay their eggs.”

“Wow, Rarity, that one's really beautiful.” Twilight complimented her work as the others follow suit.

“That Un-Bunga-veilable!”


“That’s a very good job you did there.”

“Even I’m impressed.”

“Oh why, thank you most sincerely all of you.” She graciously appreciated the compliments. “Would you like to try your hoof at a nest?” She offered.

“Would I? Yes! Where do I begin?” Twilight accepted.

“Okay. Now... uh, take some of that straw and hay over there, and a little bit of branch.” Rarity began as she levitated a basket of supplies for her to use as she lays it out in on the table in an organized manner. “Now, weave them through there, yes. Uh, take some ribbon, yes, oh uh, n... not there, oooh, yes, uh, tuck it in over there, uh but be careful not to... I don't know I guess that would do... oh dear.” Rarity tried to help her step by step but it seems the unicorn doesn’t fully understand of how bird’s nests are created as she winds up creating a rather messy yet, unkempt, and out of shape one too appalling for even Spike or Bunga to stand.

“There! It looks just like... yours. Oh my.” Twilight said as she presented her creation yet is suddenly mortified by her handicraft as the others are left speechless.

“That nest needs to be condemned.” Bunga remarked with contempt which is met with another glare from Fuli and dope slap from Spike. “Ow! Hey!”

“Oh, Bunga, it's not so bad.” Rarity tried to make light of it as she tried to shrug it off. “Ah, maybe birds can use it as a...”

“An outhouse?” Bunga finished to which Fuli glared at him again with another dope slap courtesy of Spike. “Ow! Hey!”

“Bunga. It's just fine.” Rarity assured him as she walks forward readjust the nest while politely nudged the embarrassed unicorn aside. “It's just a little rough around the edges. Let me lend you a hoof. Let's just untie this ribbon, and let me take out these sticks here, we'll shave this...“

As Rarity undoes her mess, Twilight is feeling more disappointed with herself as she hangs her head in shame before walking away.

“I think we lost her.” Bunga whispered to the others who are not finding his antics amusing in the slightest as they follow after Twilight minus Fuli who decides to stick around to take a crack at the nests while Rarity’s starting to unravel at fixing up Twilight’s attempted creation.

The three then make their way down over to the frozen ponds where they meet up with Pinkie Pie who is currently skating there and putting some fast and quick moves.

“Hellooooooo, Twilight! Wheeeeeeee!” She greeted as she spun around in her skating very fast.

“Wow, Pinkie Pie, you're quite the skater.” The lavender mare complimented.

“Probably the best skater I've ever seen.” Bunga also complimented as she and the rest of the Guard came down the hill up towards the edge as the pink mare approached her.

“Thanks Twilight, Bunga, I've been doing this since I was an itty-bitty little-wittle Twinkie-Pinkie. Just comes natural.” She then said as she performed some more skating on the ice. “Which is probably why they designated me the lake scorer. I cut lines in the lakes with my skates. That way, when the rest of the weather team comes here to break the ice, it'll be easy as pie.”

“How clever. When the thick ice begins to melt, it'll break along the lines.” Kion then said as he figures out why.

“Exactly.” Pinkie replied.

“Well, you sure have a lot of work ahead of you, there's quite a few lakes in Ponyville.” Twilight commented.

“Ha, tell me about it.” Pinkie didn’t worry too much about her task at hoof. “Hey, Twilight, wanna help me out?” She offered.

“Would I?”

“Come on, put on those skates over there. I bet you'll be a natural too.” Pinkie gestured her to a pair lying around the rink.


Twilight then obtained the skates and placed them on but as soon as she stepped onto the ice she found she wasn’t seeing herself as a natural enough to maintain decent balance on the rink.

“Uh... maybe on second thought.” She voiced wanting to back out to the others.

“Don’t worry Twilight, we’ll help you out of those.” Kion responded as he gently pulled her back by the tail so Spike can help take the skates off of her hooves.

“What are you talking about?” Bunga however voiced his objections to that. “You said you wanted to be helpful.” He then pushed Twilight back towards the ice against her will. “Now get out there.”

“Bunga!” Kion scolded him as Twilight finds herself unable to steer or control herself.

“Oh no, whoa, wow...”

“Twilight, steer! Steer!” Pinkie called out to her.

“Yaaaaa!” She screamed as she finds herself on a collision course.

“Uh oh!” Beshte could only say.

“Hevi Kabisa!” Kion added in alarm.

“Oh boy...” She said with the realization she is coming straight towards her before they both screamed as they crashed into a nearby pile of snow with Spike who tried to do something about ends up caught in the crash too.

“Wow, ha, ha, you are a natural, Twilight.” Spike tried to compliment her.

“A natural disaster is more like it.” Bunga laughed out loud to which is met with Kion and Beshte frowning at him again. “What?”

“Twilight, you did a great job your first time around.” Pinkie complimented. “I'm sure my first time was just as wobbly and bobbly and crasheriffic as yours.”

“Really?” Twilight hopefully asked.

“No.” Pinkie honestly replied after thinking about it for a second to which Bunga chuckled while oblivious that Twilight is feeling down again to which earned himself another slap to the head by Spike. “But did I make you feel better?”

“Mm-hmm, yeah, I guess.” Twilight positively returned while lying through her teeth to which Kion saw through her attempt to mask it.

“I think you'll be super awesome at something that keeps your hooves on the ground. I know, Fluttershy could probably use your help with the critters.” She assured her and then recommended another Winter Wrap Up job idea.

“Well... I'm pretty good with little animals. Yeah, I'll go help her.” Twilight then said as she finds herself sliding out of control again.

“Uh... it's, ah, that a-way.” Pinkie gently corrected her as she winds up crashing into another snow pile.

“Yaaaaaa!“ She screamed as Bunga started to laugh at her expense again to which Spike slapped him on the head again while Pinkie shows the poor unicorn trying to fit in a sympathetic look as she takes off her skates and walks off after recovering from her crash as she personally doesn’t find it very funny.

“Dude, sensitivity.” He reminded him while disappointed with the fact that what he is doing isn’t helping.

“Don’t worry, Twilight.” Kion again attempted to assure her everything will be okay. “I’m sure there is something out there that fits your skills very well.”

“Hopefully.” Twilight dully returned as Kion and Beshte start to feel worried for her as they met with Fluttershy.

“Wake up, little sleepy heads.” Fluttershy softly called out to the critters hibernating in the tunnel with a light bell in her mouth. “Hope you had some wonderful dreams and restful hibernation, but it's time to get up now, spring is coming.”

As Fluttershy pops her head out, one by one hedgehogs come out while rubbing their eyes as they wake up.

“Hey, Fluttershy!” Beshte greeted her once she her head was out of their sleeping den. “Are those hedgehogs?” He then said as his ears perked up upon seeing them.

“Awww, how cute.” Twilight really adored them with her eyes melted at the sight of them as much as their hippo friend.

“Aren't they?” Fluttershy said in agreement as she faces the others who had just arrived. “This is my favorite task the whole season, when I get to see all my little animal friends again.”

“Uh, what's "hibernation"?” Spike asked.

“It's like a long sleep.”

“Long sleep?” Bunga asked just as lost as Spike.

“Yes.“ She answered as she rang the bell to wake up more critters. “Wake up, little porcupines.” She gently called out to them. “Animals often hibernate through the winter to save their energy and eat less food.”

“I definitely like the idea of hibernation, uh, except for the "eat less food" part.” Spike said.

“Me too! Especially on the not eating part.” Bunga said as porcupines wake up from their hibernation after emerging from their den while hugging each other only to accidentally prick each other with their quills.

“Oh, would you just look at all these warrens and dens?” Fluttershy then expressed concern at the many dens she has to tackle. “I'm worried that I won't be able to wake up every animal before spring comes.”

“Well, I'll help, Fluttershy.” She offered to which the animal loving peagsus’s ears perked up upon hearing it.

“You will? Oh, that would be wonderful.” She gratefully accepted as the unicorn immediately got started as she picked a hole at random.

“Okay, let's start there.” Twilight said as she rang the bell in the den she had just chosen. “Hello? Wake up little friends, wherever you are.” She called out to them as she rings the bell again to make sure they heard it the first time. “Spring is coming. I wonder which cute little furry creatures I've awoken.”

Suddenly without warning, snakes emerged from their den while hissing rather irritably at the unicorn who immediately backed away in fear.

“Waaa! Snakes! Snakes!” She screamed as she backed away from them while accidentally backing up into a den full of bats who flew out of the hole while the others ducked from the incoming flock heading straight towards them.

“Take cover!” Kion told everyone as they did so to narrowly avoid getting hit by them.

“Well, for one thing, they are definitely not cute.” Bunga remarked as his attention was more focused at the hissing snakes with their literal venomous hiss to which he laughed at them as he hoisted them by the throats effortlessly before sending them rolling into a nearby tree with snow falling onto the dazed reptiles recovering from the impact of the hit.

As the unicorn was running away from them she ended up crashing into a tree she didn’t look straight ahead to see coming with a bee hive falling onto Twilight’s head with the unicorn further screaming as she winds up running into another hole in her desperate haste to get away from the angry bees. One that was filled with skunks that meant a stinky smell for Twilight as they woke up from their hibernation.

“Good morning, friends.” Fluttershy kindly greeted them as Twilight groaned from catching the skunk smell.

“Phew!” Beshte remarked as Twilight emerged from the den while catching a whiff of her stink while turning aside from the smell.

“Twilight are you okay?” Kion asked her while seeing that she now has bee stings on her face as Spike pinches his nose together with his fingers to avoid smelling the skunk smell.

“Well let’s see…” Twilight began in a sarcastic manner as the lion places a paw on his nose because of her scent. “…I just got chased away by snakes, a flock of bats, and ran blindly into a skunk den while being chased and stung by angry bees. How do you think I’m doing?”

“Sorry I asked.” Kion apologized seeing that Twilight is feeling very upset right now.

“Not to worry.” Fluttershy assured her friend. “All you need is just a nice soothing bath in tomato juice. It usually helps in getting rid of the skunk smell as well as some ointment for your bee stings.”

“Thanks Fluttershy.” Twilight said in defeat as she makes her way back home as Spike follows after her.

“Is she okay? I didn’t hurt her feelings did I?” Fluttershy asked as she saw how upset their unicorn friend is as she walks off.

“Of course not.” Beshte quickly answered to assure her no hard feelings from her. “She’s just having a hard time trying to figure out how to do her part in Winter Wrap Up without magic is all.”

“That sure must be tough.” Fluttershy felt pity for her. “Sure seems like our Ponyville traditions are especially making it harder than they should be.”

“They sure are.” Kion said in agreement before having another thought in mind. “Mind if I ask you question.”

“What is it?”

“Why is it that unicorns can’t use magic during Winter Wrap Up?”

“It’s not really a complete necessity but it’s just something to ensure that everyone can help out since unicorn magic would just make it too easy for them. Because it would leave no pony with something to do contribute their role in Winter Wrap Up since it was founded by earth ponies.” She answered.

“Huh. That’s interesting.” Kion pondered in deep thought.

“Sure is.” Beshte said in agreement. “Has any unicorn ever even used the teeny tiny bit of magic?”

“Not to my knowledge no.” She answered. “As far as I know about every unicorn that has lived here in Ponyville has hardly had any trouble adjusting to the traditional ways.”

“So I don’t suppose any unicorn could just use a little bit just to help themselves out if their task proves to be more difficult for them.” Kion asked as he expected “no.” for an answer.

“Well…” Fluttershy began thinking and saying otherwise. “…personally I would think if done in a way that doesn’t really interfere with Winter Wrap Up it would probably be okay. Why do you ask?”

“Just wondering if there was some way that some tradition could be overlooked in order to help Twilight fit in more.” Kion responded. “Look I get that there are traditions here that need to be respected but surely there’s got to be a few exceptions to that rule.”

“I’m sure they wouldn’t mind it a little. Especially as far as dealing with someone who is so used to using magic most of the time.” Fluttershy personally finds no problem with it. “Much your Lion Guard and the first Pony Guard.”

“That’s right.” Beshte said in agreement as he and Kion set out to find Twilight again. “Little B. You coming?” He then called out to him as he was playing with the snakes.

“Bunga!” Kion shouted out to him crossly to get his attention while glaring at him for messing around with the animals.

“Coming.” Bunga returned as he regrouped with them.

Back at the Golden Oaks Library, the remaining members of the Guard quickly headed back to the library where they met up with the two as the young dragon is currently still giving Twilight her tomato bath, one that so far has taken eight cans of tomato juice to ensure that skunk smell comes off and she still stinks.

“All this Winter Wrap Up stuff is a lot harder than it looks.” Twilight groaned as Spike continues rubbing tomato juice on her back.

“Right, because there's no magic.” Spike acknowledged in a nasally sounding voice because he is plugging his nose up to avoid smelling the stink on her fur. “If I may make a suggestion, why don't you just use magic, Twilight, and get it done the right way?”

“No, Spike, I have to do it the traditional way.” Twilight refused to do so. “Ponyville has never needed magic to wrap up winter.”

“Well, they never had you here before, either.” Spike pointed out. “Think how much quicker they could wrap up winter with your magic. I mean you could just use a little magic while no one’s looking to give you a little power boost and no one would notice.”

“No, no, no!” Twilight further asserted herself firmly against the idea. “I'm gonna find some other way that I can help out if it kills me.” She then grunted as Spike decides he needs another can of tomato juice as the smell is still strong on her.

Once Twilight was finally free of the skunk smell she then went over to the last place she hasn’t tried yet, Sweet Apple Acres, where the other ponies are plowing snow with snow plows overseen by team leader Applejack.

“Keep pushin', Caramel. That's it, Bumpkin. I know it's hard work, but you guys are doin' great. Yee-haw!” The farm pony called out to the hard workers just as Twilight, Spike, Kion, Beshte, and Bunga arrived.

“Hey, Applejack. How's everything going?” Twilight happily greeted.

“Oh, just dandy.” She positively replied as they see the workers going in random directions while still making slow progress. “A little slow startin', but peachy all the same. There's a lot of ground to clear, ya hear? We can't even start the plantin' and the waterin' until we git all these heap a' snow hightailed outta here.”

“Wow!” Kion said in amazement as he tried to process the rapid and to detail explanation. “That sure sounds like a lot.”

“It sure is.”

“Well, I'd like to help.” Twilight eagerly voiced her assistance.

“Well, I... I dunno Twilight.” Applejack hesitatingly responded to the offer.

“Just give me a chance.” Twilight pleaded.

“Well, I never turn down a hard worker, but...” She then conceded as she felt the need to warn her that her strength may not be qualified for the job she can offer which is proven true as she struggles to move a snow plow on her own to which both Applejack and Bunga shake their heads disapprovingly as Kion, Beshte, and Spike all give her supporting smiles with paws, hoofs, and claws up.

She then ponders what Spike had told her and seemed to be taking it in as Beshte approached her ready to offer her assistance.

“I could use a come-to-life spell.” She thought to herself as she started working her magic. ”Here goes...”

So far Twilight’s magic seems to working for her as she manages to get going before Beshte could get a word or offer assistance.

Maybe a little too well as her magic is powering her a little too much speed as she passes by a couple of strong earth ponies to which did not go unnoticed by the team leader.

“Hmm. She's awful strong for such a little pony.” Applejack suspiciously questioned Spike and Kion to which the former got a close look and sees the pink aura around her horn.

“That's my girl, following my advice.” Spike complimented her.

“And what in tarnation does that mean?” Applejack questioned him.

“Just trying to put more effort and energy into wanting to help out.” Kion replied at the unconvinced farm pony who correctly suspects that she is using magic to do her snow plowing who is now starting to lose control of her magic and is going way too fast now.

“Uh-oh. Slow down. Slow down!” She screamed to herself as the other earth ponies all coming in from seven different directions all had to skid to a complete stop before they can all crash into as she drove straight through the middle.

Unable to stop herself she finds herself creating a huge snowball with her snow plow which grew larger into the size and height of the tractor and before Applejack, Spike, and Bunga knew they were caught up in the snowball as they had no time to react as she plows right into them while Beshte could only watch on in shock while looking away to have seeing the nasty potential injuries they could sustain.

“Whoa-oa-oa!” The three screamed.

“What's going on? Wha'd'ya do? You used magic, didn't you?” Applejack called out to the uncontrollable unicorn as Beshte looked on seeing they are about to crash into a nearby hill before quickly shutting his eyes and looking away as they crashed into the hill.

Good news everyone was okay aside from being a little shaken up from the crash and the snow plow finally came to a complete stop. Bad news the impact of the crash caused a huge avalanche of snow to fall down from the top of the hill spilling snow onto the farm where the snow had already been cleared. Undoing all of the hard work the other earth ponies had just did.

“Is everyone okay?” Beshte asked as he approached them.

“Aside from more snow to clean up everyone’s all right.” Kion returned as they all popped their heads out of the snow.

“Nuts, Twilight, you used magic!” Applejack angrily chewed her out for what she had done as they all recover from the impact.

“The nerve! Can you believe her?” Bunga needlessly commented as Spike slapped him on the back of the head again. “Ow! What did I say to deserve that!”

“That's not how we do it around here, Twilight, and especially not on my farm!” Applejack then further yet harshly reprimanded the unicorn who is now driven to tears by her words and her own failures to be able to help out.

“Well, see, I just wanted to... “ Twilight tried to explain herself but was unable to finish as she ran away crying overwhelmed with emotion and shame at her own incompetence.

“Twilight! Wait!” Kion followed after her as he leaped over oncoming and stewing snow plowers over trying to clean up the mess Twilight made.

“Nuts.” Applejack then said with regret as she watches the poor girl run off. “I’ve done it again.”

“I wouldn’t say that.” Beshte tried to make her feel better.

“I would.” Bunga brutally said as Spike glares at him ready to dope slap him again as the honey badger gets the message and does it himself before Spike could strike him while falling back into the snow.

“For once Bunga gets the memo.” Spike responded while shaking his head while relieved. “Anyways, if anything, I’m the one who should apologize here since it was my idea that she try to use her magic to help out a little.”

“You did?” Applejack asked in surprise. “Why?”

“Before coming to you she was trying her hoof out with the other Winter Wrap Ups jobs.” Spike explained. “She tried nest-making, ice-skating, and animal-waking all without using her magic and it all went disastrous for her. And since she’s been used to using magic her whole life I suggested that she use a little of it to help herself out in order to help things out a little more smoothly. But I guess I was wrong.”

“Did she really go through all of that there trouble?”


“Wow.” Applejack felt conflicted now. “I really don’t know what to say about all of this.”

“I know what you’re thinking and the reason is because since the Lion Guard has its first Guard that doesn’t have all lions along with a new Pony Guard I thought maybe that Ponyville’s Winter Wrap Up traditions could make a little exception for her.”

“But…” Applejack tried to argue but couldn’t come up with a good counter argument. “I need some time to think about this.” She asked of him to leave for some much needed cooling down to which he obliges to her request as he walks off to catch up with Twilight and Kion.

“I’ll leave you to it.” Beshte added as he reluctantly walked away while following Spike while fetching Bunga and plopped him on his back before leaving.

The two then made their way back to town where they find Kion who is currently standing in front of a bush as if somepony is hiding in there.

“How is she?” Spike asked.

“Well, not too good…” Kion honestly answered. “…She’s hiding in this bush.”

“Come on, Twilight. Come on out.” Spike urged her to do so as she still refuses to budge.

“I'm a winter mess up.”

“Well you're good at a lot of things, just not nest-making, ice-skating, animal-waking, snow-clearing.”

“Thanks a lot for making me feel so much better.” Twilight sarcastically remarked feeling that is more of an insult than comfort.

“Oops.” Spike said after realizing his mistake. “That came out wrong.”

“It sure did.” Bunga bluntly said to which the other’s glared at him again for that needless comment. “What? It’s true.”

“Well at least I am trying to make her feel better, Bunga. What have you done expect making other’s feel bad?” Spike defensively returned.

“Not much.” Bunga indifferently replied feeling he done nothing wrong much to the dragon’s irritation but before he could further argue with the honey badger they hear Applejack’s voice speak out to someone else nearby to which Twilight cringed at the sound of her voice as she talks to Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow Dash, y'all on the weather team need to melt the rest of the snow here on the ground and the trees, pronto.”

“Got it.”

Before Rainbow could fly off to do so Fluttershy just happened to appear to stop her.

“Wait. My poor little animals' homes will get flooded if the snow melts too fast.”

“Got it.” She returned as she turns around and is now face to face with Applejack again.

“I'm tellin' you, Rainbow, you gotta melt that snow now.” Applejack demanded of her.

“No, you simply must wait.” Fluttershy said as Rainbow flies up now in the middle of the two unable to decide what to do.

“Okay.” She said now not sure what to do as her team is now in a neutral standing here as they bark orders at her as the others watching look on in surprise at this dysfunctional handling of the situation.







“Ugh! Make up your minds!” Rainbow snapped at the two in frustration.

“Oh! What in Equestria are all you arguing about?” The mayor asked of them in an annoyed tone as she approaches everyone gathered. “This sort of silliness is why we were late for spring last year, and the year before that, and the year before that.”

“Did she say late?” Twilight asked in surprise as she finally popped her head out of the bush.

“Yep.” Bunga answered as the mayor continued to chew them out.

“I was hoping my amazingly inspirational speech would urge everyone to do better than last year, but now it looks like we're going to be later than ever.” She further expressed her disappointment in them as points around at the disarray display of attempted preparations. “I mean just look at this catastrophe! The ice scorers made the ice chunks too big to melt.” She said as Pinkie had nothing to say in her defense as she watches on the poor results of the other’s performance. “The nest designer is horrendously behind. We need several hundred, and she's only made one!” She said as Rarity continues to frantically fix up Twilight’s nest yet ends up sobbing into out of stress at being unable to fix it. “And don't get me started on all the clouds in the sky, the icicles on the trees... this isn't good, not at all!” She then added as the three team leaders are left stewing in defeat in their slow mess.

“And it's gonna be all to pieces disastrous if we can't get our seeds all planted.” Applejack somewhat heatedly said in Rainbow’s direction to push her team into melting the snow again.

“Chillax Applejack, we're bustin' our chops as fast as we can.” She returned as Fluttershy spoke up.

“No, not fast. We have to wake animals slowly.” She insisted against rushing the process again.

“Uh, AJ?” The large red earth pony said as he approached her with an orange male earth pony with a brown mane and tail, blue eyes, and a green saddle bag with a green leaf imprint on it, looking very guilty as he did something wrong.

“Oh good gravy…” The farm pony face-hoofed knowing what he is going to say. “…Caramel lost the grass seeds again, didn't he?”

“Eeyup.” Big Macintosh stoically answered as Carmel lowered his head in shame completely rendered speechless as one of the purple peagsus ponies flew in to report to her team leader.

“Ditzy Doo accidentally went north to get the southern birds!”

“Oh that featherbrain.” Rainbow responded in an exasperated tone of voice. “Didn't she learn her lesson last year when she went west?”

As everyone nearby gathers together with their tempers and frustration all flaring up as they argue the others watching are left wondering what to do to calm them down as Fuli joins up with the others near the bush wondering what they are arguing about.

“Stop this at once.” Mayor Mare pleaded with them to calm down. “We don't have time to argue. It's almost sundown. Spring is going to be late again. Another year of scandal and shame. If only we could be more organized.”

Hearing that favorite word of hers sparked a smile on the lavender mare’s as she knows what she can do to help out with Winter Wrap and resolve all of this.

“Spike! Get my checklist and clipboard, STAT!” She said with newfound confident and determination.

“Eh, yes, ma'am.” Spike immediately saluted as he ran off to do so.

“That’s the spirit.” Bunga encouraged.

“Stop, everypony!” Twilight tried to get every pony’s attention to no avail. “Stop!” She tried again a little louder as she looks around before looking at a nearby bird chirping on a bush before deciding to use her magic to make the bird whistle loudly like a police officer’s as she finally gets everyone to stop arguing.

“Sorry.” She whispered to the bird propping her wings up complete with a frown for being forced to whistle like that before addressing everypony now that she has everyone’s attention. “I know you all want to complete your jobs on time, but arguing is no way to go about it. What you need is organization, and I'm just the pony for the job.” She then said as Spike showed up with her checklist and clipboard with a quill pen ready to right on at the ready.

With Twilight’s organization skills, everything managed to run more efficiently and smoothly going forward.

Big Macintosh along with many unicorns who have arts and crafts skills were able to help Rarity build more nests while Fuli watches over to help them place up trees as she hands the nests over to those put theming up on suitable branches.

Spike overseeing this checks it off the to-do list.

With Twilight blue-print plans on properly ice-skating so the ice properly melts, Pinkie was able to lead her team into cutting the ice with their skates down to just the right size with perfect straight lines and skating moves with Bunga able to help by using the claws on his hands and feet to contribute.

By instructing the snow plowers to move in perfectly straight lines at the same time and in one direction while the others plants seeds behind them, the snow was cleaned up in a timely fashion to which Twilight and Applejack share a hoof-bump at their progress as Beshte helps with the snow plowing as Kion helps plant the seeds behind him.

By convincing Fluttershy to have multiple bells ring all together while they were all tied together by an extended rope covering of all the remaining dens every creature was able to walk up from hibernation. Although Twilight still quickly climbed up a nearby tree because one of this creatures involves snakes to which she is still afraid of them. As Twilight sheepishly grins from above both Fluttershy and Spike share an amused look while the former winks at a bird who briefly landed on her head who chirped a whistle for Rainbow and Ono (after the later was able to track down the lost peagsus who went south instead of north) to lead the team into diving into the thick clouds in drill formation which cleared all of the winter skies out of the skies.

With the ice melting and most of the melted snow clear everyone focused on planting seeds in the ground everyone all working all through the night in order to ensure everything is ready in time for the first day of spring here in Ponyville. As the final touches from every one of the critters now enjoyed the new weather, the last of the seeds to be planted, water is planted all over the newly fresh grown grass, Twilight looks over her success with a relaxed smile as Kion joining by her side gives her a wink for a job well done just as everyone else regroups with them with the mayor the first to approach her.

“I can't believe it. Spring is here! On time! And we have you to thank for it.” She commended the unicorn for everything she did for them. “If it weren't for your organizing skills we would still be arguing.”

“Eeyup.” Big Mac said in agreement as the Mane Five all laughed of how silly they were acting during their attempts to prepare for Winter Wrap Up.

“It was a team effort.” Twilight though nothing of it.

“And since you helped every team, we have an official vest for you.” The mayor further continued as Rarity levitates a special one consisting of all of the team colors combined onto her. “We give you the title, "All-Team Organizer".“

“Gosh, I don't even know what to say. Thank you, everypony.” Twilight felt very pleased and appreciative of their gift to her as Rarity also gives the rest of the Lion Guard their vests in their size too. Ono has a blue vest like Rainbow and Pinkie Pie’s, Kion and Beshte have green vests like Applejack’s, and Fuli has a brown vest like Rarity and Fluttershy’s.

“And hereby I declare that winter is... wrapped up on time.” The mayor then declared as everyone cheers in celebration as Applejack confesses of a little prank she had just pulled.

“Bunga's sure gonna be in for a hog-sized surprised when that last piece a' ice melts.” She revealed as they all turn to the honey badger having fallen asleep on said last piece of ice in the ice Cold Lake to which everyone even Kion laughs as they watch as he wakes up and then accidentally falls into the ice cold water.

“Whoa!” He screamed as he fell in. “How did this happen? How did I get here?” He then asked as he looked around before quickly swimming out of the water. “Cold! Cold! Cold! Cold!” He screamed as he made it out of the lake while still shivering and starting to catch a cold from exposure to the below freezing water.

With everything all taken care of with Applejack personally apologizing to Twilight for snapping at her earlier to which she returned and assured her that there are no hard feelings from what happened back there, everyone then enjoys the rest of their day while Kion takes Bunga to Twilight’s library so he could recover from his cold.

Later that day, Twilight and Spike returned home with the former having another letter for the princess from the lesson and experience she had just went through.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

Winter Wrap Up was one of the most special things I've ever been a part of here in Ponyville. It helped me to learn we all have hidden talents, and if we're patient and diligent, we're sure to find them, and as always, with good friendship and teamwork, ponies can accomplish anything.”

“How's that, Spike?” Twilight asked of him who then looked around seeing he didn’t answer nor was near her. “Spike?”

The baby dragon was then laughing and rolling onto his back making fun of Bunga wearing a robe and slippers to keep himself warm while he recovers while the honey badger simply pouts.

“It’s not funny!” Bunga retorted.

“Oh yes it is! Considering after everything that has happened today, you got what you deserved!” Spike returned as he continued laughing as Bunga pouts in response. "Don't even try to deny it because you had this coming."

“Oh, Spike.” Twilight said to him while trying to resist the urge to laugh along with Kion who both tried not to seeing the honey badger suffer of hypothermia but yet it was still funny not to resist.

Author's Note:

For this one not too much to explain as the Guard sees how Ponyville handles Winter Wrap-Up while some members of the Guard find someway to contribute while tagging along with Twilight and offering their encouragement when she is having a hard time trying to figure out how to fit in.

In addition, I decided that Spike should take on a more supporting role than the off-putting role he did in cannon which I had Bunga take on instead.

Ono fit in well with Rainbow's team, while Fuli fit in with Rarity's, while Beshte was able to fit in with Applejack's, Bunga fit in with Pinkie's, and Kion helped Twilight with the organization along with seed planting in Applejack's field.

Next up is "Fuli's New Family." where we will have another Kyoga appearance coming up at the same time some of the Guard tries to insist on Fluttershy spending time with friends and family as opposed to allowing her to hunt alone.

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