• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 4,119 Views, 145 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 1) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard and The Mane Six both work together to spread the magic of friendship while protecting Equestria and the Pride Lands.

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Episode 34: Owl's Well That Ends Well

Episode 34:

Owl’s Well That Ends Well

In Equestria, everyone was preparing for a special night as a meteor shower was set to happen and it is the talk of Ponyville and the Pridelands. Although there were two members of the Guard who couldn’t be more excited over it than anybody else. And those two are none other than Twilight Sparkle and Ono as they couldn’t stop talking about once word was spread out that it was going to be happening soon and tonight.

“This meteor shower tonight's gonna be amazing!” Twilight expressed her excitement with Kion as they load the wagon with food and supplies they need in order to be prepared to watch the meteor shower with their friends.

“Awesome!” Spike stated as he gathered fruit.

“Agreed!” Ono added as he got Twilight’s telescope.

“It sure is going to be something.” Kion couldn’t agree more.

“You know, this shower only happens once every 100 years.” Twilight reminded them.

“A centennial celebration!” Spike added as he juggled the apples.

“Than that makes it all the more reason to want to watch it!” Kion then added after hearing the importance and rarity of the event.

“We better get a move on!” Twilight voiced it’s time to leave as Spike brought forward a full glass bowl of punch to which Ono helped ease his balance to keep him from spilling it.

“Don't wanna be late! Whoa, whoa, whoa” Spike said in agreement as Ono and Kion caught him before he could fall over. “There. Thanks.”

“No problem.” Kion thought nothing of it.

“Spike, did you grab my quill and ink?” Twilight asked as Spike immediately got the requested supplies.


“Scrolls?” She asked.

“Check!” Spike again replied. “I've also packed a telescope, apples, bananas, fruit punch, and my freshly baked homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies!” Spike then added.

“I can see that.” Twilight giggled as she noted the crumbs on his face from one of the cookies he already ate before he quickly licked them off of his face. “Once again you've read my mind, Spike. And that is why you are my number one assistant.”

“I'm sorry. I didn't hear you.” Spike replied as he pretended he didn’t hear that compliment.

“Impressive.” Ono voiced his awe of how he was able to do all of that.

“That is why you are my number one assistant.” Twilight repeated much to Kion and Ono’s confusion.

“Missed that! Huh...?” Spike again asked as the two realize that he is pretending just so he can milk the words out of her mouth again.

“I said...“ Twilight said about ready to repeat when he caught herself mid-sentence and along with Kion giggled at Spike priding himself in the title as they pressed their companions to get moving.

“Come on, let's get going.” Kion said as they move to the door.

“Wait!” The unicorn then remembered something else. “I almost forgot! I wanna bring the "Astronomical Astronomer's Almanac to All Things Astronomy".”

“The Astronomo-lomo homono what?” Spike asked in confusion.

“Astronomical Astronomer's Almanac to All Things Astronomy".” Ono repeated.

“Sorry, but I’m lost.” Spike replied as he is genuinely confused by the name.

“Astro…” Ono started but them growled in frustration thinking he’s playing it on him too as Kion steps and calms him down.

“Easy Ono. He truly didn’t know how to pronounce it.” He calmly said to him as the unicorn turned to the baby dragon.

“You know that really old big blue book on stars, moons, planets, the universe...?” She clued him in.

“Right. Check.” Spike now got what she was talking about as he ran over to the bookshelf containing said book that had a lot of dust on it which sprung a twitch in his nose like he was about to sneeze but was able to stop in to his relief…

Or at least until he opened and immediately let loose an uncontrollable one that burned the pages to ashes and crisps.

“Hey! What's taking my number one assistant so long?” Twilight called out to him as Spike in a panic unable to find it in his heart to tell her the truth of what happened secretly places the book back on the shelf and returned back to the others just as Ono briefly popped in to check up on him.

“Everything okay, Spike?” He asked as he quickly ran out of the room.

“Yep, totally great, Let’s go!” Spike shouted in a haste to leave as Ono sniffed something burning and then noticed the burnt book in the bookshelf after detecting where it came from as he found out for himself of what really happened to the book.

“Hapana!” He exclaimed upon seeing the damaged book.

“Ono! You coming or what?” Kion called out to him.

“Coming!” He returned as he flew back over so they can walk over to the park to meet with their friends who are all gathered together to await the big event.

During the walk Ono brought up the subject.

“How did Twilight react when you told her?”

“About what?”

“The book!”

“Haven’t told her. Don’t plan too.” He said as he walked ahead to which the bird flew in close beside him while keeping him a good out of earshot distance to seriously speak with him about it.

“Why not?!”

“Because I’m afraid she’ll be mad if she finds out.” Spike answered.

“Understandable but I’m pretty sure she’ll be even more mad if she were to come across it and find out you lied about it.” Ono sympathized but firmly stated.

“Ooh.” He groaned in response as Kion spoke them.

“Guys.” He called out to them. “Everything okay?”

“Yep.” Spike quickly and positively replied. “Just talking about of how helpful his keen eyesight is.”

“Yeah, it has come quite in handy a number of times.” Kion replied as Twilight spoke her thoughts.

“He sure has.” Twilight said to them as they made their way up the top of the hill. “Although, I was sure I put the astronomer's guide back in the library right where I left it. The book would have helped me identify different planets and stars tonight.”

“Well... maybe someone borrowed it.” Spike lied as he still hesitated to come clean to which Ono frowned upon seeing. “Besides, you don't need that book. You can already name all the planets and stars, 'cause you're super smart and astronomically awesome!”

“Thanks, Spike. You're such a flatterer.” Twilight complimented.

“Hey what can I say. I know you very well.” He replied. “We’re like family.”

“We sure are.” Twilight sweetly replied as Spike quickly set up their nighttime picnic setting as Rainbow Dash helps herself to an apple as she witnessed their bonding moment.

“Wow, Twilight! You're lucky to have such a rad assistant.” Rainbow complimented in between bites I wish I had someone to do whatever I told them.

“Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me! Me! I'll do whatever you want, Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo eagerly voiced while jumping up and down in the face of her idol who she has admired her talents for quite some time now.

“Oh yeah, pipsqueak? How about taking out the trash?” Rainbow tasked her while handing her the apple core to which she picked up with her mouth.

“Yes ma'am!” Scootaloo replied as Bunga approached the filly.

“Oh, and me too.” He asked while presenting his apple core.

“Sorry, I only answer to Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo declined as she ran off ahead as Rarity and Fuli joined them.

“Tough break.” Fuli teased the honey badger. “But seriously, great job!” She complimented the little dragon as the unicorn voiced her praises too.

“Do we have Spike to thank again for this amazing spread? Isn't he simply amazing?” Rarity asked as he looked the little dragon up closely.

“Oh, come on.” Spike lovingly played it off as he leaned his cheek in expecting a kiss from her. “I said come on.” He repeated and urged her as Pinkie affectionately patted his head.

“Little Spikey-wikey! Who knew that big ferocious dragon started off so cutesy wootsy?”

“Spike, you are such a little star that I had to make a little bow tie for you.” Rarity then spoke up as she presented him a red bowtie with multicolored gem stones attached onto it while wrapped it around his neck.

“Gosh. You guys are embarrassing me. Stop it.” Spike said as he gushed from the attention he was getting before turning to lavender mare. “Twilight, your turn.”

“Spike, that's enough.” She seriously said to warn him against letting the praise go to his head.

“Oh, right. That's enough.” Spike then backed off as Sweetie Belle and Beshte called out to everyone.

“Hey, everybody!”

“Hey, everypony!”

“The show is starting!”

The two said in delighted unison as she and Apple Bloom both watch from on top of the backs of their big sisters after they had trouble of seeing from ground level while the others including Scootaloo watch from their hilltop just as everyone gazes at the marvelous sight.

“Poa!” Beshte remarked in amazement. “This is so amazing!”

“This is so worth staying up for!” Fuli voiced her delight with no regrets about it.

“You said it!” Kion said in agreement as everyone is inspired by the stunning astronomical event as both Twilight and Spike really enjoyed the show with the dragon watching while sitting on the unicorn’s back although Spike himself is starting to get a little sleepy and finding it hard to stay awake.

Right after the meteor shower, everyone dug into the refreshments all the while speaking their minds of how amazing of what they had just witnessed was.

“Mmm. Wow! These cookies are delish!” Pinkie complimented as she really dug her hooves into them.

“They sure are!” Bunga also complimented as he popped a few more into his mouth.

“Spike made them.” Twilight replied as he turned to wherever he is. “Speaking of, Spike, can you bring us some punch? Spike?” She asked again after she got no reply.

“Over here.” Ono called out while directing their attention to him haven fallen asleep in the empty punch bowl.

“Oh, poor little thing.” Rarity commented in a baby-like tone while finding him asleep cute.

“Aww... He's worked himself to the bone.” Twilight awed and added.

“And now the punch has been... "spiked"!” Pinkie joked as everyone laughed at her pun.

Once everyone has had enough fun for the night, Twilight took Spike back home as Kion and Ono both decided to spend the night at her library.

“Thanks again, Twilight!” Kion thanked as he and Ono both got comfortable inside the cozy treehouse.

“You’re welcome.” Twilight replied. “And thanks for letting me ask for Ono’s assistance for the night. I wouldn’t be asking this if Spike wasn’t so worn out from tonight.”

“No problem, Twilight.” Kion thought nothing of it. “Considering he loves research as much as you he was more than willing to step up to the task.”

“That’s true.” Ono said with a nod. “I do.”

“Just try not to stay up too late.” Kion advised them as he reminded them. “We got another patrol tomorrow.”

“We’ll try too.” Twilight returned while not making promises as the lion made his way upstairs to the unicorn’s room for bed.

“Good night!” He called out to them.

“Good night!” Twilight returned as she tucked Spike into his bed. “Goodnight, Spike. Sweet dreams.”

Once both Kion and Spike were both asleep, Twilight and Ono made their way to her desk where she would write a report of the meteor shower they had just witnessed with a candlelight to give them some light as they worked.

"The Study of Comets. Comets are small, irregularly shaped bodies that are made of nonvolatile grains and frozen gases…” Twilight began as she started writing as Ono observed over her shoulder as they heard something from outside.

“What was that?” She asked as she stepped outside onto the balcony as Ono flew out and scanned around the tree before they both went inside.

“…and have body structures that are fragile and diverse... with a surrounding cloud of material called a coma, that grows in size and brightness as the comet approaches the sun..." Twilight continued as she wrote on her scroll before it wound up flying away due to Twilight forgetting to lock up behind her.

“Shoot!” She exclaimed as Ono flew ahead after it.

“I got this, Twilight!”

He then off ahead as fast as the wind could carry him as he managed to retrieve the scroll and while being caught by an owl who just happened to be around the treehouse who carried him back inside.

“Got it!” He replied as the owl set him down onto her desk. “Thanks.”

The owl hooted in response as it prepared to leave until Twilight called after him.

“Wait! Don't go! Don't be afraid. Thank you for returning my scroll and catching my friend.”

The owl hooted in response as the bird shivered from the cold gusty wind from outside.

“Gosh, it's cold tonight. Say, would you like to relax in here and keep us company while I work?” She offered as the owl hooted in response while taking her up on that offer as she and Ono resume writing up the report.

“You know something?” Twilight then brought up to the egret. “Spike has been really working hard lately.”

“Evidently.” He replied. “Baby dragons aren’t used to sleeping way past their bedtime along with putting in that much work.”

“Not really.” She replied as she pondered something while she was writing.

“Although, come to think of it, I haven’t really done much to show him how much I appreciate it.” Twilight spoke her mind feeling bad for asking so much of Spike. “But with what’s going on here, I haven’t allowed myself time to do it.”

“Hmm.” Ono thought to himself as he turned to the owl standing on the nightstand. “You know, owls are nocturnal. So maybe if you had a little extra help it could cut out some of Spike’s slack for him.” He suggested.

“That’s a good idea.” Twilight immediately liked the idea. “He could help around whenever Spike can’t work and it will help make things easier on him.”

“Exactly.” Ono replied. “Though I wonder if he’ll be okay with that.”

“Of course.” Twilight remained certain he will as the owl hooted although Ono doesn’t quite share the same sentiment at least not without asking him of how he would feel about it.

The next morning, Spike woke up after sleeping soundly into the morning and by the time he woke up Twilight, Kion, and Ono have all returned from their morning patrol with the Guard.

“Huh?” Spike said as he looked at his alarm clock which read 10:00. “Waah! I overslept!” He quickly ran over to Twilight who is placing books in her saddlebag. “I know it's already ten, but I'm scaly-tailed and bright-eyed and ready to work twice as fast! Oh please, don't be upset, Twilight! And what do you want for breakfast? Oatmeal? How about a sunflower smoothie? Grass pancakes?” He quickly and frantically asked of her while begging for forgiveness.

“Spike, don't worry.” Twilight assured her it’s no big deal.

“But my morning chores...” Spike brought up.

“It's okay. Owlowiscious did them for you.”


“He's our new junior assistant. He's gonna help out with your chores so you won't be so tired all the time.” She explained as she walked ahead towards the door to which Spike started to get worried true to Ono’s concerns.

“Wha... Wh... What do we need a junior assistant for? I'm not tired. I do fine on my own. I don't need sleep, I...” He protested.

“Spike, don't worry. He's just here to help out a little.” Twilight again assured him that he’s not here to replace him. “Now, I have to go out, so why don't you introduce yourself to Owlowiscious? He's in the library.”

Even with the explanation, Spike still felt on edge and feeling like he is being replaced all of a sudden as he looked around for the owl in question.

“Worried? Do I look worried? I'm not worried. Who's worried? Hello? Hellooo!” He called out and looked around downstairs until he finally spotted Owlowiscious who turned its head around like he was in a horror movie or something unnaturally. “Whoa! Dude, that's creepy.” He commented before introducing himself. “Uh... Hi there! I'm Spike. I'm sure Twilight has told you all about me.”

Owlowiscious simply hooted.

“Uh, Spike? You know, assistant number one?” Spike added thinking he is messing with him and doesn’t know who he is.

Owlowiscious hooted again.

“I'm Spike! And who are you? What are you?” Spike then returned now agitated




“I thought your name was Owlowiscious!”


At this point, Spike felt the need to get up into his face to make a point.

“Okay, "Who", "Owlowiscious", whatever. I'm Spike, okay? Look! All you need to know is that I'm number one and you're number two. Got it?”


“So, a man of mystery, huh?” Spike crossly said to him now feeling he is out for his job as he turned to leave. “I'm keeping my eye on you! I've got eyes in the back of my head too, you know.” He then crashed face first into the door while he was busy talking to the owl. “Well, not really, but...” He stood briefly corrected before making his point. “…you know what I mean!” He then made his way out the door.

“That bird is out for my job. He wants to be number one.” He jumped to conclusions already jealous of the extra assistance. “I'll prove to Twilight that I deserve to be number one. Not Freaky Feathers over there. I won't let him have my job if it's the last thing I do!” He vowed as he stormed off to which Ono who was flying by took notice of as his worries were pretty much confirmed with what he saw.

Later in the day, the rest of the Guard all joined outside of the library to meet the new owl Twilight had taken under her wing while Spike watches from the tree above while reading a book about owls.

“Oh, what a fantastical, flufflicious feathery little friend!” Pinkie complimented. “I'm... hooked!” She then joked as everyone shared a good laugh over the joke.

“Good one, Pinkie!” Bunga really cracked up hearing it.

“He's just wonderful.” Fluttershy sweetly added another compliment.

“He's just wonderful.” Spike mockingly commented to which was heard by the others. “Uh, yes. Wonderful. He's quite... the charmer.” He corrected his tone to hide his jealousy which did not go unnoticed by Ono or Kion.

“And Owlowiscious is just such a star I just had to make this little bow for you.” Rarity then presented the owl a bow just like the one she made Spike the other night to which Spike did not take kindly to seeing the special gift by handed to him just like that as he growled in anger with his face turning red as he went inside while slamming the window shut after him.

“What's he all saddle sore about?” Applejack wondered.

“He's probably just jealous of Owlowiscious.” Rainbow correctly guessed.

“Maybe Spike feels threatened or worried that Owlowiscious will replace him?” Fluttershy added.

“Replace him? Hah! That's crazy!” Twilight dismissed it. “Spike knows he can't be replaced.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” Ono said unsure about that. “He seemed more under the impression otherwise.”

“He just needs some time to adjust.” Twilight remained certain it will work out although Spike inside is voicing otherwise.

“They're trying to replace me! I better step it up and make sure that Twilight and Owlowiscious know that I'm still number one!” He said to himself before Twilight and Owlowiscious came inside.

“Hey, Spike! Can you fetch me that book called "Two-headed Mythological Mysteries!" Twilight asked of him.

“On it!” Spike replied as he quickly fetched himself a ladder and climbed up the shelf to retrieve it but to his surprise it wasn’t it’s in spot but in Twilight’s possession already because Owlowisious already retrieved it while he was fetching the ladder.

“Thanks, Owlowiscious.” She thanked before turning to Spike. “Hey, Spike, no worries. Owlowiscious flew up and got the book for me. ” Spike got increasingly infuriated with the owl already. “Oh, and gee! I guess I need "Ferrets of Fairyland" too.” She added as Owlowiscious pulled said book from under Spike’s feet to which he lost his balance.

“Spike!” Twilight called out with worry as she raced over and caught him with her magic before he could hit the ground while the books fell to the ground. “Are you okay?” She asked as he landed on her back.

“Yeah, never better.” Spike just grumbled as he and Owlowiscious are off to a bad start already.

Later when Twilight was writing down on paper when a snap happened.


“Yes, sir!” Spike immediately jumped at the call after hearing her.

“My last writing quill. It's broken.” Twilight explained.

“Never fear! Spike, your number one assistant, is here!” Spike eagerly replied already starting to search for another quill. “Quill... Quill... Where is it? Not here... Quill... Quill, where is it...?”

He looked all around the treehouse but came up empty-handed.

“Where am I gonna get a quill?” He wondered as he prepared to head out to town until he accidentally crashed into Kion accidentally.

“Spike, wait!” Twilight called out to him from the balcony. “Kion!” She exclaimed upon seeing the collision.

Twilight quickly ran down to the front door as the two got up as they recovered from the impact.

“Sorry Kion!” Spike quickly apologized as he rubbed his head.

“It’s all right.” Kion didn’t mind too much as he rubbed his head. “Just try to watch where you’re going next time.” He advised.

“Kion, Spike! Are you two okay?” Twilight asked in worry.

“We’re fine.” Kion replied. “Just bumped into each other is all.”

“Good.” Twilight said in relief before turning to Spike. “Anyways, Spike, while I appreciate your efforts don’t worry about it. You’ve already turned the place upside down through your efforts. Owlowiscious was kind enough to give me one of his feathers to use as a quill.” She presented the brown feather to which got the little dragon riled up.

“That's just great. Perfect! Sweet!” Spike seethed in sarcastic anger. “I think I'll just, uh... finish up the rest of my chores! Or did Owlowiscious already do them?”

“He didn’t.” Twilight replied while surprised to see him worked up.

“Okay then.” Spike grumbled as he set out to clean up the mess he made. “Might as well start with the mess I made.”

“Did I come by at a bad time?” Kion asked.

“Not at all.” Twilight assured it’s all good. “What’s up?”

“I just wanted to come by to check up on him.” Kion replied.

“About what?” Twilight wondered why.

“To make sure he was okay with your new owl friend helping him out.” Kion answered. “And it seems like they are or more specifically Spike isn’t taking it well.”

“He’s still trying to adjust but he’ll get used to it.” Twilight replied. “He's genuinely a good little guy.”

“Right.” Kion just answered not convinced. “You’ve said that before.”

“Yes I have.” Twilight said wondering what he is getting at.

“Are you sure you have told him that he’s only trying to help him out instead of trying to take over his position?”

“Yes I have.” Twilight again repeated.

“Really, because it doesn’t seem Spike gets it.” Kion voiced his concerns. “And Ono was just telling me he saw Spike viewing Owlowiscious as a threat to his position while he was meeting with him while you were at the library.”

“Did he?” Twilight asked in surprise hearing that.


“That wasn’t what I intended.” Twilight said beginning to feel he owes it him to tell him that. “I’ll tell him next time around just to be sure.”

Just as they walked inside with Ono arriving too, Owlowiscious pulled out a book for the unicorn to which she examined as her smile turned into a frown as she took the book with her magic and went over to where Spike had fallen asleep after cleaning up the mess he had made and slammed it right in front of him to wake him up and confront him about it.

“Uh-oh.” Ono whispered to himself seeing that the dragon has finally been caught red-clawed. “Looks like he forgot to tell her.”

“Huh?” Spike said as he awoke before realizing how much trouble he is in upon seeing the burnt pages.

“Spike. What is this?” She sternly began as Spike already started feeling uneasy. “You said this book was missing. Well, Owlowiscious found it right where it belongs, but like this. How did it get this way?”

“Uh... Well, um... You see, I...” Spike nervously began as he stuttered to explain himself. “I just didn't wanna disappoint you and, uh... Have you ever seen a dragon sneeze?”

“I've seen a dragon lie. I'm very disappointed in you, Spike.” Twilight scolded.

“I’m sorry really!” Spike pleaded as he admitted while looking aside. “It was just…I was afraid of how you react had I told you…so I guess I just didn’t have the heart to tell you right away.”

“Spike, I’m not upset that you burned the book.” Twilight said still serious.

“You’re not?”

“I’m upset that instead of telling me right away you choose to lie to me about it!” Twilight further scolded. “Even after I told you about the importance of trust and honesty!”

Twilight then walked off leaving Spike upset with himself as Kion and Ono can only give him sympathetic looks after witnessing that scene.

“She... She doesn't love me anymore.” Spike teared up as he walked off and grabbed a bundle bag and just leaves.

“Spike, wait!” Kion tried to call out. “It’s not what you think!”

“Don’t try and stop me.” Spike sadly responded as he walked out the door. “I know when I’m not wanted.”

“Hevi Kabisa.” Kion said in sorrow and worry.

Sure, Twilight was mad at him for lying and betraying her trust in him but that didn’t means she didn’t love him anymore, but Spike didn’t see it that way.

“Ono, fly after him and make sure he doesn’t get hurt while I get Twilight.” Kion said to the egret.

“You got it Kion!” He replied with a salute as he flew off ahead while Kion heads off towards the room where Twilight wandered to.


“What is it?” She asked as she senses how troubled the young lion is after seeing his urgent expression.

“Spike ran away!”

“What?!” Twilight exclaimed in shock. “Ooh.” She said as she heart sank hearing that. “This isn’t what I wanted him to think.”

“Don’t worry.” Kion assured her. “Ono’s keeping an eye on him and trying to get him to come back.”

“Okay.” Twilight then said in relief although her regret didn’t lighten up. “What have I done?”

“It’s not your fault.” Kion insisted otherwise. “He just needed some time to think that you were just upset with him for not telling him the truth and that you truly do care about.”

“But he ran away because of me.” Twilight’s mood failed to change. “I didn’t take the time to make sure Spike would be okay with having Owlowiscious helping him out and because of that I’ve lost the only family he knows.”

“Only family?” Kion asked wondering what she meant by that. “What do you mean?”

“Remember when I told you of how I got my cutie mark?” She brought up.

“Yeah.” He responded still confused.

“Well the egg I hatched that day was the day I met Spike.” She explained.

“Really?” Kion said in astonishment. “So you have raised him ever since, huh?”

“Yes.” Twilight answered while downcast. “In short I love and care for him as a son.”

“Wow!” Was all Kion could say. “That’s really saying something there.”

“And it hasn’t been much.” Twilight said.

“It will be okay.” Kion voiced things will work out. “When Ono gets back you can make it to him.” He then noticed that they have been gone for a while longer than he anticipated. “Strange, should have been back by now.”

Fear and panic striking into Twilight’s heart got her running towards the door.

“He’s in trouble!” Twilight said in alarm.

“But what if he’s not?” Kion asked.

“Whatever it is I’m not waiting to find!” Twilight wasn’t willing to take that chance. “Let’s go!” She then said to Kion as he and Owlowiscious all make their way out the door.

Meanwhile in the Everfree Forest, Ono has caught up to Spike as he sadly walks.

“Spike! Please don’t!” He pleaded with him to not to run away.

“No point in trying to stop me.” Spike refused as he pressed forward. “Twilight hates me. I'm cold, hungry, tired and lonely. Could it get any worse?”

As soon as he said that, thunder and lightning strikes with a downpour streaming down.

“I guess that's a yes.” Spike said as he spotted a nearby cave he can go to for shelter. “Hello? Hello?”

“Uh, Spike, I’ve got a bad feeling something or somebody already lives there.” Ono voiced that what he is doing is a bad idea as he suddenly is drawn to a bright shiny light up ahead. “Spike!”

Ono followed after him and saw that Spike has come across a cave full of gems and has already helped himself to what his stomach can handle.

“If this is what running away is all about, I never wanna go home! Gems! Mmm... Woohoo!” Spike said as he started munching on gems.

“Spike, this is a dragon’s cave! We need to get out of here now!” Ono again told him it isn’t safe here but he still paid no attention to him as he engorged himself on gems on his stomach was full.

“Even if my tummy's full, the rest of me is still empty.” Spike then said still feeling he should go back. “I miss Twilight and the pony gang.”

“Then go back to her!” Ono urged him to do so out of fear for his life in danger.

“But she doesn't love me anymore.” He refused. “So, I'm better off here, all by myself.” He then suddenly felt steam from behind. “Wow. Seems to be getting warmer. The steam is great for my complexion, but it's sure getting hot in here.”

“Hapana!” Ono said now startled as he and Spike see a huge green dragon right behind them and he is not happy to see them.

“What are you doing in my cave? And why are you eating my gems?” The giant dragon demanded as he spit out the gem he was sucking on.

“Uh, heyah bro! I didn't know this was your cave.” He innocently and honestly replied in a panic as he growled and leaned his head towards the two. “And I didn't know these were your gems, but... we're cool, right?”

“Now, now, no need to get all angry with us.” Ono said in his and Spike’s defense. “We just happened to stumble upon here and quite by accident. Let me assure you, a simple navigational error. So let’s all be friends and just kindly show us the way out.”

“Yeah, we're like brothers, you know? I mean, you're a dragon, I'm a dragon... It's us against the world, right?” Spike added as the dragon still didn’t back off. “You don't scare me! So you're big.” He then said in attempt to remain unfazed by his intimidating stance.

“Spike!” Ono insisted he stop talking to keep him from further taunting him.

“Really big. And your claws are super sharp. Tail... extra spiky. But, uh... You don't scare me! Ha! How'd you like that?” He ignored him despite Ono waving his wings around to discourage him.

“Ixnay on the upid-stay.” He pleaded as the dragon got in his face.

“Who you calling upid-stay?!” He demanded in a menacing tone.

Ono gasped and pointed behind him. “Another dragon! Run for it!”

As soon as the dragon’s back was turned he quickly flew over to Spike and grabbed by the shoulders and quickly flew off towards the cave exit.

But the dragon turned around much quicker than he thought and then roared fire at them to knock them down into the ground.

The green dragon went after Spike as he dodged his attacks as he leaped behind a boulder and ducked underneath but it wasn’t enough to stop him from backing him up in a corner.

Just before he could finish him off Ono quickly flew up and charged his beak into the dragon’s neck while Owlowiscious flew in pecked the dragon in the eye which forced him back. Owlowiscious even managed to trick the dragon into whacking himself with his own tail just as Kion quickly runs inside and retrieves Spike during the distraction.

“Hang on!” Kion told him as Twilight called out to him.

“Kion! Spike! Over here!” She called out for them as Kion flung the baby dragon onto the unicorn’s back as Ono and Owlowiscous both flew over to catch up with them just as the dragon roared fire from inside.

“Am I glad to see you!” Spike said in relief as Twilight and Kion run as fast as they can away from the cave as the dragon gives them chase into the dark parts of the forest.

“It's too dark! I can't see!” Twilight exclaimed as she found it hard to navigate at least until Owlowiscious flew in front and guided them of how to run around the upcoming path while avoiding hanging tree logs and branches that could hit them and trip them up if they didn’t watch where they were going which provided a huge help in allowing them to slip into the darkness while the dragon gets held up by the branches blocking the path.

Furious that they all got away he breathed fire into the air in rage before storming back to his cave.

Once the four were all safely outside of the Everfree Forest, Spike’s rescuers would all stop to catch their breath as Ono dropped on the ground with a great gasp feeling really worn out from going that fast while high-fiving Owlowiscious for their successful fending off the dragon off.

“Spike. We were so worried about you. I was so worried about you. Why did you run away?” Twilight asked the most important question once he was safe.

“I thought you didn't need me anymore. And that you didn't love me anymore.” Spike replied which left Twilight owing it to him to tell him.

“Spike. Sure, I was disappointed, but you are my number one assistant! In fact, you ‘re even like a son to me, and you always will be.” Twilight began speaking from her heart as she confessed. “And I’m sorry I got too worked up in my studies to properly show it to you. It is only until now do I see that. No one could ever replace you, Spike. Not even when you are being a jealous numbskull.”

“Really?” Spike felt touched hearing that.

“Of course.” She confirmed as she explained why she brought in Owlowiscious. “I only asked Owlowiscous to help whenever I need help at night. It’s just I can't ask you to stay up late. You're a baby dragon and you need your rest. Owls are nocturnal. So I asked Owlowiscious to help because I thought it would help ease your workload.”

“Oh.” Spike now understood as he apologized. “I'm sorry, Twilight. I never should have been so jealous.”

“And I'm sorry too, Spike. I should have been more sensitive.” Twilight returned. “I should have double-checked to make sure you were okay with it. Can you forgive me?”

“Of course I do.” Spike responded as the two shed happy tears as they share a heartwarming hug together to which both Kion and Ono smile proudly at the sight as the latter tries to wipe the small tears that were forming around his eyes.

“And Owlowiscious...” Spike then said in the owl’s direction. “I know now that you weren't out to take my job. Can you forgive me?”

The owl hooted in response.

“Me. Forgive me, Spike.” Spike clarified.

The owl hooted again.

“He forgives you, Spike.” Twilight clarified as they embraced each other for another hug.

“Sounds like you two learned a very valuable lesson today?” Kion said pleased to see they both made up.

“We sure did.” Spike replied.

“I know Princess Celestia will wanna read about what happened today...” Twilight added in agreement as they all make their way back to the library to write down the letter together starting with Spike’s recently learned lesson.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

This is Spike, writing to you about my adventures. This week I've learned that being jealous and telling lies gets you nowhere in friendship. I also learned that there's plenty of love for every friend to share. So from here on out, I promise, that I, Spike, will... “

Spike then fell asleep on the desk as Kion, Twilight, and Ono smile in amusement at this cute scene.

“Oh, Spike.” She said as she shook her head.

Owlowiscious hooted in response.

“Who? Spike!” Kion asked as Owlowiscious hooted again.

“You know...” Kion again said before realizing the joke. “Ohhhh...” He chuckled. “Now you got me doing it.”

As Owlowiscious turned around while Kion was chuckling he winked at Twilight and Ono both giggled in amusement of how much of a feather-full he can be.

Author's Note:

For this one, again much-needed adjustments that make Twilight more concerned with his well-being much like an adoptive mother/older sibling should be to a child/younger sibling while keeping the story on track with the canon version with Kion and Ono being the ones to be the bridge in their family-like relationship in order for the two learning a valuable friendship lesson together.

But all in all the slight rewrites and touch-ups were doable that really shows of how deep the bond Twilight and Spike have and should have had more in cannon from day one.

Next up is the first of three chapters to kickstart the Season One Finale starting with "Bunga and the King." where they along with Spike have a little adventure as they take center stage in this episode.

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