• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 4,120 Views, 145 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 1) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard and The Mane Six both work together to spread the magic of friendship while protecting Equestria and the Pride Lands.

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Episode 24: The Show Stoppers

Episode 24:

The Show Stoppers

Nearby Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack leads the trio of newly bonded friends Apple Bloo, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo down the path as she’s prepared a little surprise for them.

“Where are you takin' us?” Her little sister asked.

“We're almost there, young'uns.” Applejack replied.

“I've never been here before.” Sweetie Belle noted as Applejack leads the way while gently pushing aside a big leaf in the way, Apple Bloom did the same but accidentally whacked Scootaloo in the face when she let go of the leaf too soon.


“Oh. Sorry.”

“Are we there yet?” Scootaloo asked.

“There? Where? What? I don't even know what we're doing.” Sweetie Belle is still lost and what is happening.

“Here we are.” Applejack stated as they arrived.

“What are we lookin' at?”

“I have no idea.”

“What is that thing?”

The three asked as they look upon what Applejack has lead them all the way out here for.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders, welcome to your new clubhouse.” She presented them said house on a tree branch with a stairway leading up to it which was rather worn down and clearly unused for quite some time to which the three are still unsure of what to make of it. “Well, don't thank me all at once. This was my clubhouse when I was your age.” She said as she led the way up the stairs. “Sure it hasn't been used in a while, but it's empty and on a secluded, private part of the farm. And it's all yours. It just needs a little, uh... TLC.”

“TLC as in Tender Loving Care or Totally Lost Cause?” Scootaloo asked feeling unimpressed with the shoddy treehouse.

“Applejack! We're supposed to turn this into our new clubhouse?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Well, maybe y'all will get your cutie marks when you discover your talent for... “ Applejack awkwardly explained as she accidentally pressed to much weight on a weak wall. “Uh... house cleanin'?” She finished as she recovered from the fall while still feeling and looking dazed with spinning eyes.

Later that day, Scootaloo examined Twilight’s treehouse to get a better feel of what they want for the clubhouse as they prepare to renovate the place. She then zoomed back over to the forest near Sweet Apple Acres is. Along the way she showed some pretty fast and slick daredevil moves as she uses the surrounding to jump a ramp over a crowd of ponies who awe at her skills while blowing by nearby ponies including Granny smith who was in town. Along with dodging the upcoming tree branches from above and on the ground well expect for one to which she jumped over it while leaping off and on her scooter. She then skidded to a complete stop right in front of Apple Bloom who flinched as if she was going to crash right into her as Beshte was bringing forward more supplies for her.

“Poa, Scootaloo!” He exclaimed as he witnessed her ride over here. “Back already?”

“You're amazin' on that scooter.” Apple Bloom complimented very impressed with her ride as she takes off her helmet.

“Thanks!” She returned as she saw the work she put into fixing the place from the windows, stairs, the wood, and the paint. “Wow, Apple Bloom. You did all of this?”

“Yep! I've fixed the broken shutters, sanded off the splinters, rebuilt the roof, painted...” She replied. “Oh and of course Beshte helped out with the heavy lifting and even helped out with the painting.”

“Aw, shucks. It was the least I can do for you fillies.” Beshte replied with an earnest smile.

“That's so cool.” The red maned filly said very pleased to see the improvement. “What's Sweetie Belle up to?” She wondered as they went ahead as Beshte continued to paint the ladder while staying on the ground because it doesn’t support his weight.

“We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders...” Sweetie Belle sang to herself while humming along the way while dusting off a picnic bench and a nearby tree with her tail. “...Never stop the journey…”

“There you are, Sweetie Belle!” Apple Bloom called out. “See? I told you we could find her by following her totally awesome voice.” She said to Scootaloo as they walk beside each other.

“What's that sweet tune you're singing?” The orange filly asked.

“Oh. I was just working on our new Cutie Mark Crusaders theme song.” The little unicorn replied while looking aside.

“Cool!” The two exclaimed as they find it great.

“Teach us?” Scootaloo asked while the little earth pony eagerly shook her head wanting to know more about the song.

“Well, I've only come up with one part... but okay!” Sweetie Belle replied a little unsurely as she began before was willing to work with them there.

As Applejack approaches the renovated clubhouse to check up on the Crusaders she comes across them trying out their new song together with Beshte listening in on their song.

“They all say that you will get your mark

When the time is really right.”

Sweetie Belle sang to which Applejack found very nice.

“And you know just what you're supposed to do.”

Apple Bloom sang to which slightly melted her big sister’s heart.

“And your talent comes to light!”

Scootaloo then said off key and loudly to which Applejack winced from that before poking her head inside.

“Well, uh... I'll be, Cutie Mark Crusaders. You've done one fine job with this place.” She admired their work. “So, what's next?”

“Well, now that we have a real life clubhouse...” Apple Bloom began.

“...and a map of Ponyville...” Scootaloo added while presenting said map on the wall.

“...and a Cutie Mark Crusaders theme song...” Sweetie Belle added.

“Theme song?” Applejack responded finding it a little odd.

“We're gonna go out in the world and discover our talents.” Apple Bloom then spoke of their new goals.

“A new adventure!” Scootaloo stated.

“And earn our cutie marks.” Sweetie Belle added.

“We'll leave no stone unturned!” Apple Bloom vowed.

“No mountain unclimbed!” Scootaloo added.

“No meal uncooked!” Sweetie Belle added.

“No sock unworn!” Apple Bloom finished.

“Well okay then!” Applejack quickly interrupted as she gets the idea. “Sounds like you have a plan. I gotta, uh... leave no apple unpicked! See y'all later!” She then set out to do so as the Cutie Mark Crusaders prepare their first crusade in pursuit of their cutie marks.

“Are we ready to get our cutie marks, ponies?” Scootaloo asked everypony.

“Ready!” The three said together as they share a hoof bump together.

The three started off with getting together slob and scraps to put in the troughs for the pigs to eat. They all got muddy after the pigs eagerly ran by them to chow down on their food. One of them licked Sweetie Belle to thank them as they all eagerly look down at their flanks hoping they got them. But nothing happened, leaving them disappointed.

Next they tried their hooves at Sugarcube Corner by helping make taffy together but it ended up being short-lived when the three got pulled inside and got coated with rainbow-colored taffy when Scootaloo’s tail got dragged into the batch when her back was turned. Even after being entangled and stuck together no success came from that. But on the bright side Bunga got to really enjoy the taffy.

Next up was Carousel Boutique where they try their hooves at giving ponies neat hair jobs. But of course that didn’t go well either, expect for those who really love clown-hair jobs to which one pony ran out of the store crying after seeing the accidental joke the fillies did to her hair as Ono flew after her to apologize on Rarity’s behalf.

“Wait!” He called out to her.

The three went back to the farm to reevaluate their approach as they play a card game where they have to guess and match the cards they guess. Sweetie Belle flipped over a card with a blue heart while Apple Bloom presented a card with a yellow circle. The two cards did not match. Sweetie Belle presented a card with a blue star while Apple Bloom presented a square. Again the two did not match. Then when Sweetie Belle presented a card with green leaf clover, Apple Bloom pushed all of the buttons together as many cards spewed all over the ground and getting in the other two fillies faces.

Still nothing.

They all braved a small hilly rocktop to try their hooves at rock climbing.


They all tried scuba diving together. They all ended up being pursued by a giant angry squid and had to swim for their lives to get out of the lake with their lives together

Still no success as the three then go to the last place on the map they have yet to try. Twilight’s library.

As Twilight returns she had Cheerlie and Kion accompanying her just as Spike and Bunga who were there when the little ones arrived quickly spoke their innocence.

“I had nothing to do with this.”

“It wasn’t me!”

“What is going on here?” Twilight asked in shock at the sight of multiple books all spread around lying on the floor.

“Hmm... well, we sure aren't gettin' our cutie marks for bein' librarians.” Apple Bloom said as their lack of progress continues.

“Huh. I should think not.” Bunga replied as Kion and Twilight stare at him disapprovingly. “What?”

“Girls…” Twilight began as she approached them. “I think you're going about this the wrong way.

“Instead of trying to do things in areas you're not familiar with, why not try doing things in areas that you already like?“ Kion advised as Cheerlie unrolls a poster she had in tow from her green saddlebag.

“And I have the perfect place to start.”

“Showcase your talents..." Apple Bloom read.

"...for all to see." Scootaloo added.

“Perform in the Ponyville school talent show!" Sweetie Belle finished.

“There'll be all sorts of awards. Best dramatic performance, best comedy act, best magic act... surely you can find your talent.” Cheerlie explained and encouraged them.

“This would be the perfect place to discover our talents. Jugglin'!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she and the others began fascinating ideas of what they can do.

“Acting!” Scootaloo proposed.

“Magic tricks!” Sweetie Belle proposed.

“Square dancin'!” Apple Bloom proposed

“Tightrope walking!” Scootaloo proposed.

“Tiger taming!” Sweetie Belle proposed.

“My little ponies! You're missing the point.” Twilight again reminded them as she interrupted them. “Think about the things you already enjoy doing. Think about what you're already good at.”

“Sure! We can do that.” Scootaloo replied.

“Yeah! Sure we can.” Sweetie Belle added.

“Well, whatever we do, we'll do it as...” Apple Bloom said as they all say together.

“The Cutie Mark Crusaders!”

The three then set out to obtain supplies together they need for their performance they are going to do together starting with fabric from Rarity’s shop.

“Sweetie Belle! I told you not to touch my things.” Rarity complained in annoyance with her little sister. “Come back with my supplies!”

“We're just borrowing them for the talent show.” She responded back as they ride off and away. “Don't worry, sis. I promise we'll bring them back.”

Next up was a shop where they borrowed a fan from a shop-owner.

“Thanks, Mr. Breezy. We'll return the fan to you real soon.” Scootaloo thanked and promised.

“What do we need this fan for?” Apple Bloom questioned.

“Trust me on this one.” Sweetie Belle replied having a good idea of why they need it before they made a brief side-stop to make sure they have everything together.

“Okay, so that's six wooden planks, four-by-eight plywood, a box of nails, four cans of paint, and four brushes.” Scootaloo reviewed. “Anything else?”

“Yeah.” Sweetie replied. “Instructions on how to use six wooden planks, four-by-eight plywood, a box of nails, four cans of paint, and four brushes.”

So next up was a trip back to the library

“"Ghosts, Goblins and Ghoulish Figures"?” Twilight read the title of the requested book as Spike places it in their cart with all of their other supplies. “Good heavens, girls. What do you need a book like this for?”

“You'll see.” Scootaloo replied. “Thanks, Twilight. We'll give it back as soon as we're done with it.”

“What do you think they're up to?” Kion asked the unicorn if she has an idea.

“I have no idea and I don't know if I should be excited or scared to find out.” Spike answered that they are lost on their mysterious plan for the upcoming talent show.

“Me neither.” Bunga added.

“No question about that.” Twilight couldn’t have said that any better.

“I'm glad we're doin' this as a team.” Apple Bloom then said to her companion as they got back to their clubhouse.

“Me too.” Sweetie Belle added in agreement. “Um... so what are we doing again?” She then asked as she forget what the plan was.

“A super awesome dramatic song for the talent show, of course.” Scootaloo answered.

“Right!” The little unicorn now remembered as she briefly dragged the fabric over her like a cape. “With super-cool scenery. And amazing costumes!”

“And mind-blowin' dance moves.” Apple Bloom added while standing on her backlegs

“This is gonna be soo amazing!” Scootaloo declared as she could not wait until the day of the show to come.

“Sweetie Belle, I think you should be a singer.” Apple Bloom proposed to which she didn’t express comfort at the idea.

“What? No way I'm singing in front of a crowd. Twilight said to do something we like to do, and I'd like to be like my big sister, and she's a designer.”

“Fine then.” Scootaloo accepted. “You can do the costumes and the scenery.”

“And Scootaloo, you're great in maneuvers on your scooter. So you should do the choreography. Y'know, all those dance moves.” Apple Bloom then proposed to her to which she started to nod but then shook her head.

“Nah. I'd rather sing a wicked rock ballad.” She presented a microphone Why don't you come up with the dance routine, Apple Bloom?” She then proposed to her.

“Hm...” The pink bowtied filly thought with a hoof on her chin. “I'm not much of a dancer... but I do like Kung-fu. That's kinda like dancin'. Hi-ya! Hah! Hah! Yah!”

She then demonstrated so moves to which Scootaloo had to dodge to avoid getting accidentally kicked.

“Then it's settled!” Sweetie said seeing that everything is decided. “Let's get started.”

The three all went outside to prepare for their act.

“One... two... three...” Apple Bloom counted as she tried to teach herself to dance but lost her balance and accidentally fell on the peagsus’s tail.

“Ow, Apple Bloom! What are you doing?”

“Oh, I feel like I have four left feet.” She apologized as her friend helped her up. “I can't even spin right.”

“Don't be silly.” She encouraged her not to give up. “You just gotta keep your head forward until the very last minute, like this.” She then demonstrated spin maneuver of her own. “See? Easy-peasy. You just gotta practice a bunch, that's all.”

“Wow! That does look easy.” Apple Bloom liked what she saw. “Thanks. Okay. Let's try this again.” She attempted more graceful moves only to lose her balance again. “Oh! Ouch! Ow. I'm okay!”

“Keep practicing!“

“Will do.”

Later Scootaloo finds herself struggling to come with the song lyrics at the same time Sweetie Belle is struggling with their fabric

“We fight the fight, walk the walk. Talk the talk, eat the... uh... food like a celery stalk?” She ran in her head before getting frustrated and then banged her head on the piano. “Ugh! I'll never come up with anything! Never, never, never!”

“Come back! Come back!” She called out and complained as the fabric rolled out on top of the piano. “Uh. Dumb fabric.” She said before turning her attention back to the pony next to her. “Hey, Scoot! How's the song going?”

“Pbbbt.” She emphasized while sticking her tongue to which the unicorn repeated as she sees she is struggling.

“Pbbbt? Oh my! Sounds serious.”

“I'm just no good at lyrics. Coming up with words is, like...really hard.” She admitted.

“Oh, it can't be that bad.” She insisted otherwise as she took a look at what she came up with so far. "With our cutie marks we'll rock Equestria. We use our stomachs to... digestia"?” Scootaloo returned an awkward grin in response. “Umm... well... these are... um... good, but... how about after "we fight the fight"...” She then proposed a few lyrics of her own which really sparked her interest.

“There is nothing that we fear

We'll have to figure out what we'll do next

'Til our cutie marks are here.”

“Wow! That's so awesome! Did you just come up with that now?” She asked.

“Yeah... kind of.” She honestly replied.

“Thanks, I'm totally using that.”

Just as Scootaloo jotted in down, they noticed that the roll of fabric was rolling down the hill and into the lake.

“Oh no!” She exclaimed as the fabric got all soaked up to which she desperately resorted to hanging on a dry rack to try to salvage it.

While she was letting it dry, she got back to work on sewing the costumes.

“One, two, three, four, five?” She counted to which she moaned upon realizing she sewn on an extra leg on the costume.

At the same time, Apple Bloom was still having little success with her attempted dance improvements as she fell onto the ground.

“How's the spin coming along?”

“I think I gotta just stick to punches and kicks.” Apple Bloom replied as she looked at the costume the unicorn had just designed. “You know, ponies only have four legs.” She asked to which Sweetie groaned at the hopeless of getting this done right.

“I'll never be a designer like my sister Rarity.” She lamented.

“Hey, it's no big deal.” She assured. “Why don't you use the dress form? It'll help you with your patterns and help you put all the pieces in the right places.

“Oh, is that what that's for?” Sweetie realized as she saw the mannequins while Apple Bloom got a look at the background props and paint used which looked rather muddy and brownish.

“Uh... maybe you should also clean your paintbrush between each color.” She also suggested.

“Oh, I was wondering why all the colors looked like mud.” She said with another realization in light.

“You're not using power tools, are you?” She also asked.

Later Applejack decided to check up on the girls along with Beshte and Ono who both wanted to see for themselves for what they had in mind for the upcoming talent show.

“I can’t wait to see this talent show. It’s right around the corner.” Beshte expressed his excitement already.

“I wonder what acts we will see then.” Ono wondered while just as eager to see the show.

“I wonder how the fillies are doin'.” Applejack wondered as they made their way to the clubhouse.

“I’ll fly up first.” Ono said as he flew up to the window up front where he sees their personal rehearsal. But he wasn’t expecting what he saw next.

“What’s going on up there?” Beshte asked as Applejack joined Ono on the deck as she too saw why he was getting jaw dropped at their costanted bumping and trying to get their off-set chemistry together.

“Oh! Sorry, Scootaloo.”Apple Bloom apologized for accidentally bumping into the peagsus.

“That's okay. Ugh!” She then accidentally bumped into Sweetie Belle.

“Oops! Sorry, Scootaloo. Ouch!”

“Oh, my bad, Sweetie Belle.” She apologied again. “Let's sing the chorus again!”

The two then head off of the balcony back onto the ground still stunned.

“Well, gosh. Sure wasn't expectin' that.” Applejack voiced her thoughts.

“Me neither.” Ono said too still trying to understand what he just saw.

“Was it bad?” Beshte asked as the Cutie Mark Crusaders come outside.

“I think that sounded pretty good.” Apple Bloom voiced her thoughts.

“Me too.” Sweetie Belle voiced the same thoughts. “You think we're ready?”

“Ready as we'll ever be.“ Scootaloo felt pleased as the others as they see the three visitors. “Hey! Did you see us practicing?” She asked them.

“Uh...yeah.” Applejack honestly yet awkwardly replied.

“Well? How'd we do? How'd we do?” Her little sister eagerly asked.

“Uh...” She hesitated to give a straight answer to which Scootaloo interpreted it as…

“Speechless!” She took it as. “See, girls? I told you that's what we're gonna do. We're gonna leave them speechless.”

“Yay!” The young ones cheered as.

“"Speechless" is right.” She could only say unable to have the heart to hurt them with brutal honesty.

“Couldn’t have said it any better.” Ono added as they still don’t have any words to describe as Beshte wondered of how well they’ll actually do.

Soon enough, the night of the talent show came as many ponies have come to see it with some of the members of the Guard there to help out as volunteers.

During the show was an act put on by Snips and Snails, a magic act as Snails places a top hat over a small rabbit on the table.

“...And, on the count of three, this rabbit will disappear, and something tasty will reappear in its place.” Snips said to the audience. “A one, a two, and a three!” He lifted the hat where the rabbit had disappeared but to his surprise there was nothing under the hat. “Hey! Where are they? Snails, where are the... carrots.”

Turns out Snails didn’t place them where they shouldn’t have gone during the act and instead ate them as he is currently munching on them.

“SNAILS!” He scolded him as he angrily chased after him just as Cheerlie came onto the stage to announce the next act.

“Uh, how about a round of applause for the S&S magic act?” Cheerlie told the crowd as they all did so but found their antics pretty funny. “Now for our next act, we have Sunny Daze and Peachy Pie reciting their favorite poem... on roller skates!”

“Break a leg!” The white-furred unicorn called out to them.

“Sweetie Belle! What a thing to say!” Apple Bloom scolded her thinking she really meant to say that to them.

“No, no, no. You see, in the theater it's considered bad luck to say "good luck". So you say "break a leg" instead.” She clarified just as Twilight and Kion came over to wish them luck.

“My little ponies! How are you doing?” The older unicorn asked them.

“Nervous...” They all replied.

“Don't worry.” Kion assured them. “You're gonna be amazing.“

“Remember, just stick to what you know best. I can't wait to hear you sing, Sweetie Belle.” Twilight reminded and voiced of what she is looking forward to seeing.

“Why does everypony always think I'm gonna sing?” Sweetie Belle voiced her annoyance.

“Actually, Twilight Sparkle, I'm the main singer tonight.” Scootaloo corrected.

“Oh?” She questioned surprised by that decision.

“And I'm the main dancer. Hi-ya!” Apple Bloom stated with a karate move demonstration.

“Oh?” Kion questioned just as surprised

“And I'm in charge of...” Sweetie Bell added.

“Costumes?” Twilight and Kion both answered in worried unison as the two lower their ears.

“And sets and props. How'd you know?” She then finished.

“Really, girls? Are you sure...?” Twilight tried to convince them to reconsider their approach a little too late as Cheerliee called them to the stage.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders, you're on next. Break a leg.”

“Break a le—“ Twilight started to repeat until Apple Bloom accidentally tried before continuing. “Uh... good luck!”

“This should be interesting.” Kion commented seeing the mix-up in their upcoming performance though they do worry this might end badly for them considering the choices they made for their routine.

The music began playing in the background as the stage curtain opened as Scootaloo’s face emerged from the darkness on the stage as she begins their song.

“Look, here, are three little ponies,

Ready to sing for this crowd,

Listen up, 'cause here's our story

I'm gonna sing it.”

“Very loud!”

The other Cutie Mark Crusaders sang together in front of the bewildered crowd of ponies as Applejack lowered her ears in embrassment.

“So that’s what left you both so speechless?” Beshte whispered to Ono and Applejack as they both nod their heads with wide-eyed shock.

“Uh-huh!” They both said together unable to deny it as Scootaloo continued singing on a small podium.

“When you're a younger pony

And your flank is very bare

Feels like the sun will never come

When your cutie mark's not there

So the three of us will fight the fight

There is nothing that we fear

We'll have to figure out what we'll do next.”

Scootaloo sang as Apple Bloom danced while Sweetie Belle raised a wooden sun up into the stage background. Apple Bloom did some of her karate moves while Sweetie Belle dropped spiders and ghost props as they hang from the ceiling.

“'Til our cutie marks are here!”

The three sang together.

“We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders

On a quest to find out who we are

And we will never stop the journey

Not until we have our cutie marks.”

The three sang together as Scootaloo fell off of the podium while Sweetie Belle accidentally released a cloud cover that obscured them from sight aside from their silhouettes to which she and Apple Bloom accidentally crashed into each other. As Sweetie Belle starts to see their performance is starting to go off track here she tried to quickly run on the stage with the clock prop only to trip when Scootaloo accidentally placed a hoof in her path.

“They all say that you'll get your mark

When the time is really right

And you know just what you're supposed to do

And your talent comes to light

But it's not as easy as it sounds

And that waiting's hard to do

So we test our talents everywhere.”

Scootaloo sang the spotlight shined on Apple Bloom instead on her which captured her karate kicking a hoof into a stage prop by accident while Sweetie Belle was just able to get the blue spotlight shining on the peagsus’s face.

“Until our face is blue

We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders

On a quest to find out who we are

And we will never stop the journey

Not until we have our cutie marks

We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders

On a quest to find out who we are

And we will never stop the journey

Not until we have our cutie marks!”

The three all sang together their fan went out of control and blew them aside with their props falling apart just as their song ended despite Sweetie Belle’s best efforts to hold them up.

After a moment of silence the crowd laughed at the performance finding it very funny rather than the applause they expected to which left the fillies mortified.

“Wow. That did not go as well as I expected.” Scootaloo commented to the other Crusaders as they walked off the stage in shame.

“I can't believe they're laughin' at us.” Apple Bloom couldn’t believe that happened.

“Was it that bad?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Back on stage, girls. It's time for the awards.” Cheerlie told them as Spike and Bunga walked alongside with her.

“Back on stage? No.” Sweetie Belle refused.

“They'll just laugh some more.” Apple Bloom added.

“Yeah, what's the point?” Scootaloo voiced they have no reason to be further embarrassed.

“Now girls, let's be good sports. You made a great effort. You should be proud.” She commended them before leading back onto the stage. “Now come on!”

“You might be surpised to see what’s truly in store for you all.” Bunga added as they made their back on stage.

“Let's hear it for all our talented fillies and colts.” Cheerlie announced as the crowd gives them stomping hooves of applause while the Cutie Mark Crusaders all try to tip toe away from the stage.

“Our first award goes to... Snips and Snails for best magic act.” Cheerlie announce as the two are given three-star shape medals courtesy of Spike and Bunga.

“Hey! Mine's at least shinier.” Snips commented.

“Well, mine's bigger.” Snails felt the need to voice his input as they argued as the three just shake their heads.

“Oh yeah, well... well, mine is, um... heavier?”” Snips argued back as they left.

“The next award goes to... Sunny Daze and Peachy Pie for best dramatic performance.” Cheerlie then announced as the two fillies were given medals that were drama mask shaped on them to which they both felt pleased with their accomplishment.

“And finally, the last award of the night goes to... “ She started as Applejack started to get worried for her little sister while she and her friends brace themselves for impact. “…the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Cheerlie then announced much to their surprise.e

“What?” They said in surprise.

“For best comedy act.” Cheerlie finished as everyone cheers and applauds them while Spike and Bunga give them medals that are shaped in the form of fool’s hats.

“Congratulations, girls.” Bunga said to them as they trotted off of the stage.

“Can you believe it? We won!” Apple Bloom exclaimed in astonishment that they won something after all.

“I knew our act was awesome.” Scootaloo said as she felt had no doubts about it.

“You know what would be the best?” Sweetie voiced her thoughts. “If we won and we got our cutie marks.”

The three quickly take off the costumes to see if they did, but alas, they didn’t leaving the three sighing in disappointment.

“Congratulations, ponies! Job well done.” Twilight praised them as she and Kion walk over to commend them for their performance.

“Thanks, Twilight.” The three sadly returned.

“What’s the matter?” Kion asked. “Shouldn’t you all be excited that you all won?”

“We worked really hard and won a prize, but we still don't have our cutie marks.” Scootaloo responded with a sigh.

“Which is the prize we really wanted.” Sweetie added.

“Oh, girls...” Twilight sympathized with their true pursuit.

“But we think we know why.” Apple Bloom then said with a now positive attitude.

“Yes. We know why.” Sweetie Belle added.

“Oh? Tell me. I'd love to make a special report to the Princess.” Twilight was all ears for that.

“Well, maybe we were trying too hard.” Sweetie Belle started.

“Yes? And?” Twilight said while encouraging them to expand on it more.

“And instead of forcing ourselves to do something that's not meant for us...” Scootaloo added.

“Yes? Yes?”

“We each should be embracing our true talent!” Apple Bloom then added.

“And that is...?”

“Comedy!” The three answered as the two both have their ears lowered with bewildered expression as that wasn’t the answer they were expecting just as Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, along with the rest of the Guard appeared to congratulate them for their accomplishment.

“Apple Bloom! You did it!” Applejack started as the three approach their big sisters

“Did you see our award? Weren't we funny?” They all asked them.

“You sure were!” Beshte complimented them as Kion and Twilight both shake their previous expressions off as they just let it slide coming to terms that they’ll get the true message they need to learn eventually.

“One day...one day...” Twilight said as she giggled and glanced aside.

Author's Note:

In this episode, again, not much to explain, as this episode is much like the last one as the CMC pursue their number one goal of obtaining their cutie marks.

Next up is "Stare Master." where the CMC will be watched over by Fluttershy in this upcoming chapter.

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