• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 4,119 Views, 145 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 1) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard and The Mane Six both work together to spread the magic of friendship while protecting Equestria and the Pride Lands.

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Episode 17: Bunga the Wise

Episode 17:

Bunga the Wise

There is a storm going on in the Pride Lands and the baboons have the misfortune of being caught in the middle as their tree was on the verge of falling off a cliff with Applejack and Beshte doing the best they can to keep the tree up long enough so they can get to safety. The only problem is that the baboons aren’t willing to give up their home as they refuse to leave. Even with Fluttershy and Rainbow down below in flight ready to catch them if they fall.

“Baboons, you gotta come down. It's not safe up there.” Kion called out to them again.

“We're dry up here.” The baboon leader refused. “We'll come down when the rain stops.”

“This guy's un-Bunga-lievable.” Bunga expressed his disbelief of how stubborn he is being even when his life is on the line.

“No kidding!” Pinkie voiced that’s crazy even for her.

“Oh, baboons.” Fuli groaned in frustration along with Rarity who had an umbrella hat over her head thanks to the party pony.

“I don’t like being out here and do you see me complaining?” Rarity asked them as the others gives her a look that it’s not helping things. “Okay, maybe I’m not the best example for that.”

As the tree’s roots were leaning more over the edge, both Applejack and Beshte were starting to lose their grip and go over with it.

“Kion. The tree's gonna go. And I don't wanna go with it.” Beshte called out to the Lion Guard leader.

“Me neither.” Applejack voiced in agreement. “I can put up with mud bugs and pulling my weight in this here storm but falling over is something I don’t want to happen.”

“Calm down! As long as we stay dry, whoo-whoo, everything will be fine.” The baboon leader told the others

“No, it won't. Your tree's about to fall off a cliff.” Ono urgently told the seriousness of the situation.

“He's right. Look.” His wife pointed out to the tree leaning more and more over the cliff.

“No! Stay on this side of the tree!” Kion urged them to do so as Applejack and Beshte are really struggling.

“Can't hold it much longer.” Beshte voiced in pain.

“Me neither.” Applejack added.

“Hapana!” Ono exclaimed as the tree is more and more on the verge of going over with the baboons climbing up to higher ground instead off of the tree.

“Hang on!” Twilight told them as she worked her magic into trying to pull the tree back which helped ease the burden off of the strongest members of the Guard. “We gotta get them out of that tree!” She grunted as she moved to keep her ground. “And hurry, it’s a lot harder to lift a tree up than a snow plower!”

“Beshte! Applejack! Think you can take a little more weight?” Kion asked of them.

“Sure. But whatever you're gonna do, do it fast.” Beshte voiced he can.

“And hurry!” Applejack urgently added as Twilight continued to grunt in pain from helping pull the weight back to which Rarity stepped forward and worked her magic into giving her some help even if she isn’t on her level of magic.

“Bunga, Pinkie, climb up there and scare those baboons down.” Kion turned to the honey badger and party pony

“No problem!” Pinkie cheerifully said as she randomly appeared in the trees.

“With pleasure! Zuka zama!” Bunga added as he climbed up the tree.

“Okay, baboonies, you can thank me later. “ Bunga told them as Pinkie got on a gas mask as Bunga let loose a fart which startled them into finally leaving the tree.

Two of them landed on Fuli’s back much to her annoyance, while one of the baboons nearly tumbled down the cliff until Rainbow swooped in caught him before that could happen, a mother baboon accidentally flung her child into the air to which Fluttershy was quick to catch and reunite him with her.

“Come on outta there, baboonie.” Pinkie told the stubborn baboon refusing to let go as Bunga pried him off the tree.

Once all of the baboons were off of the tree, Applejack and Beshte both removed their grip over the tree while motioning to the unicorns they can let go of their grip now to which they do so.

“Phew.” Rarity heavily panted along with Twilight as they caught their breath. “Talk about a headache.”

“Oh. You can get off now.” Fuli then told the baboons.

“We'll get down... when the rain stops.” The baboon leader refused to which she groaned in annoyance.

“I got this.” Fluttershy told her as she gently urged them to do so. “Come on now, let’s not be stubborn here, we’ve all had a rough day so far.”

“Hmmm.” He refused with crossed arms.

“Please?” She asked of him.

“Oh, okay.” He relented after a sigh unable to refuse to a face like the animal-lover’s.

“Thanks.” Fuli said with a smile.

“No problem.” She sweetly returned.

Once the rainstorm was over every soaking member of the Guard retreated to a nearby hill where everyone dropped to their knees clearly exhausted with what had happened.

“Whew. I'm beat.” Bunga voiced as he plopped on his back.

“Me too.” Pinkie added.

“Oh. Don't get too comfortable. There's bound to be another storm.” Ono told them with the dark skies still around.

“Ohh, another one? We're still cleaning up from the last one.” Fuli groaned.

“Hmm. Who knew a tree full of baboons would be so heavy?” Beshte said as all of that lifting took the wind out of them.

“I feel like I lifted a whole herd of cows at the farm.” Applejack added as she sat on her bottom.

“Tell me about.” Rainbow tiredly groaned as she slumped to the ground.

“Could everyone please keep it down.” Rarity pleaded as she rubbed her forehead. “My head is throbbing.”

“Okay, everyone take a breather. You've earned it.” Kion told everyone as Fluttershy noticed a butterfly stuck in the mud.

“There you go, little guy.” She told him as the butterfly returned with a kiss on her nose. “Oh, you're most certainly welcome.”

Kion smiled at the sight as it then faded upon seeing Twilight work her magic in trying to clean up the mess the storm left.

“Hevi kabisa! Storm's caused so much destruction.” Kion voiced as Twilight stopped herself so she too can give herself a breather before she over-exerts herself.

“Grandpa?” He called out to him.

“Yes, Kion. I'm here.” He responded as he appeared to him as he pondered something.

“I was thinking. The rains cause so many problems for the Pride Lands. What if I used the Roar to blow the big rain storms away?”

Mufusa laughed in amusement at the idea along with Twilight as the latter heard that.

“The rains are part of the Circle of Life, Kion. The Pride Lands will need that water for the dry season.” His grandfather told him.

“As much as I hate to say it, there is no stopping the rain even if we had a team of peagsus ponies trying to help clear the skies.” Twilight added.

“I guess.” Kion acknowledged. “But it'd be a lot easier...”

“Kion. The easy solution is not always the best solution.” Mufusa insisted it is for the best.

“Yes, Grandpa.” He conceded as the two turn back to meet up with the other’s only to see a water flow heading towards them. “Oh, no.”

While the rest of the Guard was napping, Ono accidentally fell into the hippo’s mouth and was unprepared when he closed his mouth to which Pinkie chuckled to herself upon seeing that.

“Beshte! Let me out!” Ono called out to him who quickly did so as Ono flew around trying to shake off his saliva. “It smells like fish in there.” He commented.

But just before anything else could be said, Kion and Twilight ran over to them.



“Get up! Break's over!”

The two urgently told everyone.

“What’s happening, Twilight?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah, what's the kerbubble, Kion?” Beshte added as they all see the oncoming water flow heading towards them. “Oh.”

“That’s why.” Applejack said as the others gets behind Beshte for cover from the water flow expect for Rainbow and Fluttershy

“Not again.” Rarity whined. “And I was just about getting my mane tidied up again.”

“Can’t you think of a think where your mane isn’t the most important issue right now?” Rainbow irritabl asked her as she simply stood tall and huffed in response.

“What's going on? There's never been a river here before.” Fuli wondered why this is happening.

“Ono! Rainbow! Take a look!” Kion told them as they flew off to do so.

“On it!”


The two replied as they examined the source.

“Hapana! Lake Kiziwa! It's too full. The water's pouring out!” Ono reported.

“That last rainstorm's still causing trouble.“ Kion groaned that the problems are still piling up.

“It's getting worse!” Rainbow added with emphasis as Kion and Twilight look back to see it is on course towards’ the gazelle’s in the valley.

“Lion Guard! We need to do something before all that water floods the valley.” Kion told the team.

“Hey, I've got an idea.” Bunga proposed.

“What are you thinking?” Twilight asked.

“I say we plug up the hole by adding more rocks around that lake.” He explained.

“Let’s do it!” Applejack stated as she and Beshte both already got the rocks moving.

Seeing they need to act quick, Kion, Fuli, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash all moved in to help them with all of the muscle they can give as they create a new damn as the others watch on.

“Push! We gotta block it out!” Bunga called out to them as they push the rocks into the opening while Fluttershy looks on with worry for everyone.

“Twende kiboko!” Beshte declared as they all manage to push the rocks down and block the water from overflowing anymore. “Poa!”

“We did it!” Ono said with a relieved sigh.

“You said it!” Pinkie said in cheerful agreement.

“Nice!” Fuli said pleased with the results as the other Pride Landers gather around.

“Oh, my! Whose idea was this?” Thurston asked.

“Mine. Pretty awesome, huh?” Bunga stepped forward proudly.

“Impressive. What a great idea.” A giraffe voiced his stamp of approval.

“And you know what makes this a great idea? It was so simple to do. Quick and easy. That's the way to do it.” Bunga added.

“I don't know, Bunga. The easy solution's not always the best solution.” Twilight voiced her concerns.

“Well, it sure worked with this dam.” The giraffe returned as a small leak burst from the rocks.

“Uh-oh. Now look at it. What do we do about that?” Kion voiced and confirmed Twilight’s rightful concerns upon seeing it.

“Hmm.” Bunga looked around until he saw a nearby stick and plugged up the hole. “Put a stick in it. That's my advice.”

“Hey, it worked. What a good idea.” Thurston praised him.

“He gives great advice.” The giraffe added.

“Good idea? Great advice?” Fuli incredulously asked.

“Please?” Rainbow scoffed. “I’ve see Pinkie come up with better ideas that him.”

“Thanks.” She cheerfully replied.

“When they make sense.” She added so she gets the point.

“Uh-huh.” She returned.

“You know you're talking about Bunga, right?” Fuli told the animals to remind them.

“Don't be so surprised.” Rafiki voiced as he appeared with fruit in his arms. “Honey badgers, they are the Pride Lands' smartest animals when... Oh, oh, oh. Wait a minute.” He then suddenly dropped his fruit and trailed off what he was going to say next as he proceeded to regather his fruit.

“You hear that, everyone? I'm the Pride Lands' smartest animal. Rafiki said so.” Bunga then felt pleased and greatly encouraged. “I'm smart and I give good advice. Say, wait till my uncles hear about this.”

“Hey, Bunga! Wait up!” Kion called after him as the rest of the Guard follows after him while the crowd disperses just as Rafiki gathered up his fruit.

“Yes, yes. Honey badgers are the smartest when they think before they speak. But if they do not, whoo-hoo-hoo! Total disaster!” He finished as he suddenly saw that everyone had left the scene. Well, all but the girls. “Hmm, where'd everyone go?”

“They all left to follow the great and oh Bunga the Wise.” Twilight answered while saying the last part in a sarcastic manner. “If only they stopped to listen to that last part.”

“Eh. They’ll get it in time.” Rafiki advised they’ll learn before walking off as the stick Bunga stuck in the hole is cracking again with more water leaking.

“By then that dam will burst.” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“I know.” Twilight acknowledged. “We need to make sure that doesn’t turn into a flash flood.”

“But how?” Applejack asked. “Unless…” He then thought. “We can transfer all of that there extra water from the lake and to Hakuna Matata Falls.”

“That could work.” Fluttershy thought and pondered. “But how will we get it all there?”

“We could use some of the apple-bucking barrels to take out that excess water.” Applejack proposed.

“And I can use my magic to help load them in.” Twilight also proposed. “But just to be sure for the time being…” She added as she worked her magic into freezing the lake. “…That should hold long enough until you get back.”

“Are you sure, darling?” Rarity asked.

“It’s not the best answer, but it will buy us some time so we can properly drain out the lake before it turns into a massive flood.” Twilight acknowledged. “Now get going, we don’t have much time!” She urged them get what they need as Applejack and Rainbow Dash rushed back to Ponyville to do so. “Rarity, you and Pinkie, help me watch over here until they get back. Fluttershy, go help the Guard from those affected by the rainstorm. In case the worst should happen, we need to be prepared.”

Everyone all split up as they set out to prepare for the worst.

“Bunga! Bunga, wait up!” Kion called after him as the others followed.

“Um, a little help here?” Someone nearby called out which stopped the Guard in their tracks.

“Uh-oh.” Beshte saw what was behind them.

All of the turtles lying on their backs unable to get up.

“Oh, we forgot to flip the turtles. Sorry about that.” Kion apologized as Fluttershy caught up with them as they all work together to ensure all of the turtles can walk again.

“Oh, thank you.” The turtle thanked Fluttershy.

“Oh, you’re most certainly welcome.” She sweetly returned.

“Phew. There you go, little guy. Well, the turtles are all flipped.” Beshte then said after helping up the last turtle.

“We forget anything else?” Fuli asked.

“Argh. The porcupine brothers.” Kion answered as he just remembered. “Though that'd be easier if we had Bunga and Pinkie to help. Ono, go find them.” He then said to the egret just as the pink mare appeared

“Affirmative.” He said as he flew off while not noticing Pinkie’s sudden appearance.

“Hey guys! You called!” Pinkie said to the surprised group.

“Yes.” Kion replied while startled by that. “With the porcupine brothers.”

“Yes sir!” Pinkie saluted as she went off ahead and took care of the problem herself by turning the log filled with water over to empty out so they could go back inside. “There you go, you guys. See you next time.”

“Thanks.” The porcupine returned as the other’s caught up with her.

“Every storm it's the same thing. You'd think they'd just move.” Fuli voiced her thoughts.

“They like it here. It's cozy.” Beshte told them.

“And what matters is that they are comfortable.” Fluttershy added.

“Yeah, but how cozy do you really want to be when you're a porcupine?” Fuli still asked as one of them accidentally poked each other with their quills while they all walked off together.

“Ow, watch those quills!”

Next up was a volcano shaped hole where the snakes usually live inside.

“Okay, who wants to crawl in and make sure Ushari and the cobras aren't stuck in the mud?” Kion asked the others as they looked inside the hole.

“Don't look at me.” Beshte quickly objected due to his size.

“It's times like this we really need Bunga.” Fuli sighed seeing this as another job for Bunga.

“Don’t worry! I take care of it no problem!” Pinkie immediately voiced as she leaped inside.

“Yeah, but he's...” Kion tried to say to Fuli until Ono arrived with news to share.

“Everyone! You gotta see what's going on at Hakuna Matata Falls!”

They all went over there and then saw a huge line of animals awaiting in front of the tree with Timon standing in front of them as something big was going down.


“Hevi kabisa! What is all this?”

Kion and Beshte asked as they walked by the Pride Landers who voice of what the commotion is all about.

“Rafiki said he's the wisest...”

“Of all the animals...”

“...in the whole Pride Lands.”

“Oh. Amazing.”

The animals voiced as they await their turn.

“Oh yeah! That’s right! He is!” Pinkie recalled as she chuckled.

“You do remember who you’re talking about don’t you.” Fuli reminded.

“Yep.” She said as she hopped on ahead as Timon and Pumbaa quickly intercepted them.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not so fast, kids.”

“If you want to see him, you've got to wait in line!”

“See who?” Kion asked.

“Bunga the Wise.” The two said together as they praise the honey badger near and far.

“The Sage of Hakuna Matata Falls.” Pumbaa added.

“The what?” They all said in dumfounded unison.

“Seriously?” Fuli voiced dully as the two break out into an upbeat musical number together with the others animals dancing to the beat.

The two sang together while singing their praises before turning to the honey badger in the tree as he made his appearance well-known to everyone while singing to everyone.

As everyone watches, the Guard plus Fluttershy just look on still dumbstruck as Pinkie happily dances to the beat as the three sing together along with the whole crowd.

“Thank you. Thank you very much. Nice of you to drop by.” Bunga told everyone once the song had ended before accidentally bumping into the giraffe from earlier.

“Bunga the Wise, everyone thinks I'm stuck up because my head's so high up in the sky. What do I do?” He asked.

“Simple. Tie a knot in your neck.” He replied as the others have confused looks at the idea as Fluttershy flew after him to discourage him against doing so as an ostrich stepped forward.

“Bunga the Wise, how can I keep from being scared whenever I see a hyena?” She asked.

“That's easy. Just...” He responded as he leaned her in for a whisper.

“Mmm-hmm. Mmm. Thanks.” She thanked before leaving.

“Mmm, Bunga the Wise, suppose I see a pile of rocks with a leak in it. Where do I find a stick?” Thurston brought up and asked as he leaned in close.

“Just climb up a tree and grab one. Trees are full of sticks.” He suggested as Timon got in between them.

“All right, all right. Everyone back in line. No more freebies.” He told everyone.

“Don't worry. You'll all get your turn eventually!” He assured them all.

“Come on, kid, er, I mean, Your Sage-iness.” Timon ushered him to follow with their procedure.

“Uh, okay. Talk you all soon!” Bunga told everyone as he was dragged off.

“Next!” He said as the next one comes forward with a green bug to which Timon kidnly took and munched on while Fluttershy covered her eyes not wanting to see that. “Ah. You're too kind.”

“Now, if you'll follow me...” Pumbaa began leading him inside until Kion spoke up.

“Hey! Bunga!”

“Uh-oh.” Pumbaa voiced as Timon tries to stop him.

“Whoa. Whoa. What part of "wait in line" did you kids not understand?” He asked while waving his arms around.

“Give me a break, Timon. We need to talk to Bunga.” Fuli responded having none of this since he is a member of the Guard with responsiblites to fulfill as she walked past Timon.

“It's Bunga the Wise.” Pumbaa felt the need to correct as he got in front of her as Bunga popped his head out.

“Oh, hi, you guys. I didn't see you there. Come on in.” He invited.

“Fine then. But make it fast. We got lots of folks here waiting their turn!” Timon reluctantly relented as the Guard makes their way inside expect for Beshte, Pinkie, and Fluttershy as the former is too big, Pinkie was tasked with watching the lake, and the animal lover is busy discouraging animals from following Bunga’s terrible advice.

“Okay, I'll just be out here.” Beshte called out to them.

“Bunga, what's going on?” Kion asked.

“Are you seriously giving all of those animals advice?” Fuli added in a tone of disbelief.

“That's right. You heard Rafiki. I'm super-smart.” He nonchalantly replied while placing his shell hat on Ono which covered him.

“Hello?” He responded to remind him of what he had just did which was of course ignored as he shook it off.

“Remember? I had that great idea to stop the lake from flooding.” He reminded everyone somewhat arrogantly.

“I guess.” Kion reluctantly replied.

“So, then, I had an even better idea.” He then continued as he got up. “I could share my great ideas. I can help everyone in the Pride Lands by telling them what to do.” He said as he bumped into fruit dangling from the plants nearby as Pinkie bit into one of them so she could taste it.

“Mmm.” She said as she really enjoyed the juice inside of it.” Pinkie drooled as she creeped the cheetah next to her out.

“Seriously?” She replied both to that and Bunga serving as a source of wisdom to everyone even though they aren’t very great solutions.

“Bunga, you already help the Pride Lands. You're on the Lion Guard. You're the Pride Lands' bravest!” Kion reminded him.

“But I'm also the smartest! It's difficult being so gifted.” He ignored as Kion tried to further reason with him until Timon intervened.

“Okay, okay. Time's up. Folks outside ain't gettin' any smarter.” He urged them to leave.

“Thanks for coming, you guys! Next time make an appointment! Ow.” He returned as he accidentally bumped his head on the fruit again.

“Allow me, Bunga the Wise.” Pinkie offered as she snatched up the fruit and popped them all in her mouth as she walked outside.

Shortly afterwards, the six all then walked off.

“If you ask me, Bunga's the one animal in the Pride Lands who should not be giving advice.” Fuli voiced her strong opposal to this.

“Why's that, Fuli? He did figure out how to keep the lake from flooding.” Beshte asked and pointed out.

“Yeah, he did.” Kion replied as they pass by the overfilled lake with Pinkie bouncing over to sip down some of the water that is starting to leak as the ice starts to melt as Rarity quickly works her magic into freezing it.

“But I just got a bad feeling about all this.” Kion rightfully voiced as they came across a surprising sight. “Hevi kabisa!”

An ostrich with her head stuck in the ground to which left the all jaw-dropped.

“I didn't think ostriches really did that.” Beshte voiced his thoughts.

“They don't.” Ono confirmed.

“And I don't think that one likes it very much.” Kion added seeing she is in distress and stuck. Come on.”

With Kion and Fuli yanking on the ostrich’s tail with Fluttershy and Beshte tugging on her neck they were able to free her from her predicament.

“Oh. Thank you. Hard to breathe down there.” She said in relief as she spit out dirt that got in her mouth that landed on Ono’s forehead.

“Ugh.” He groaned in disgust.

“Sand. Ugh.” She said as she spit it out.

“Watch where you're spitting.” Ono complained as he moved on top of Beshte;s back. “Tall birds.”

“Are you okay?” Kion asked.

“I am now. Thanks.” She gratefully replied.

“So why'd you stick your head in the sand in the first place?” Fuli asked.

“Everyone knows that ostrichs shouldn’t be sticking their heads underground.” Fluttershy added to remind her of that.

“Bunga the Wise said it was the best way to avoid seeing hyenas. And he's the smartest animal there is.” The ostrich replied as Fuli turned to Kion with a smug smirk.

“Don't say it.” Kion just said as Ono alerted every one of the bushbucks about to eat pink flowers.

“Hapana! Those pink flowers will make them sick.”

“What?! NO! Stop!” Fluttershy screamed as she flew over and snatched them all off of the ground.

“Hey! Our flowers!” One of the bushbucks complained.

“You shouldn't eat these.” Beshte reminded them against doing so.

“These flowers will make you sick.” Kion added.

“Very, very, sick!” Fluttershy added as she refused to let them anywhere near them.

“But Bunga the Wise said pink flowers were the tastiest. And he's the smartest animal there is.”

Fuli gave an annoyed “Told ya so!” look.

“I know what you're thinking.” He replied in response as another cry of help is heard.


“Uh, now what?” Fuli wondered what the trouble is.


It was an oryx panicking over the edge on a cliff.

“Hang on! We'll help you out.” Kion assured him as they all came to his rescue.

“Please. I don't like high places.” He pleaded.

“Fuli, pick a horn. Fluttershy, you help push him up, Beshte, you say when.” Kion told the others as he and the cheetah proceed to grab him by the horns while Fluttershy got underneath him so she can help give him a nudge up the ground.

“Don't worry. We got you.“ The peagsus pony gently said to him.

“Pull!” Beshte told them as the two pull him with Fluttershy giving him the push he needs to get out of there and with great teamwork the oryx was now safe.

“Thank you so much.” He said in grateful relief to them.

“How'd you get trapped down there?” Kion asked.

“It wasn't advice from Bunga the Wise, was it?” Fuli correctly guessed in a deadpan tone.

“Why, yes, it was. I asked him about the fastest way across the canyon. And he just said to jump.” He confirmed as Fluttershy was left speechless and aghast that he would suggest something like that as Fuli gives Kion the look again.

“Okay, go ahead and say it.” Kion relented.

“I told you Bunga shouldn't be handing out advice!” She exclaimed.

“I’m afraid I have to agree with her there.” Fluttershy added. “All of these poor animals nearly got hurt and sick just listening to him.

“Yeah. We've got to tell him to stop.” Kion voiced of what must be done about it.

“Do we have to stand in line again?” Beshte wondered.

“I don't think so. Look!” Ono said otherwise as the animals are all parading with Bunga leading the way while being fanned by a baby elephant behind them.

“Catchy! I like it!” Bunga felt pleased by this.

“Now I've seen everything.” Fuli commented as Kion sighed at how far this was going.

“Come on.” He led them towards them as they approached him while halting the parade.

Oh, hi, guys. Don't stop.” The honey badger greeted as he told the elephant to keep fanning him.

“Bunga, what are you doing?” Kion asked.

“Bunga's advice is so popular we decided to take it on the road.” Pumbaa answered as they approached them.

“Bunga the Wise "The Pride Lands Tour"!” Timon added.

“I advise you to come along with us.” He said to the Guard.

“Sounds like fun.” Beshte voiced his liking to the idea.

“Sounds like trouble.” Ono voiced the opposite of what Beshte said.

“Bunga, you've got to stop this.” Kion urged him to put an end to it. “We've got enough to do trying to deal with the rainstorm. Your bad advice is making things worse.”

“Me? Bad advice?” Bunga gasped while feeling hurt by that statement.

“What?” Pumbaa exclaimed as the others animals were also aghast hearing that.

“But have you all seen what his advice has done?” Fluttershy asked everyone on deaf ears. “It has caused more harm than good.”

“But Rafiki said Bunga was smart.” One the Pride Landers protested.

“You see, Kion? Everyone loves my advice.” Bunga said to them while having his confidence backed up. “They wouldn't know what to do without it. Am I right?”


“That's right.”

“We're clueless.“

The animals voiced their unconditional support for him.

“And Bunga gives good advice.” Pumbaa added in agreement.

“You said it, Pumbaa. He's even given the Lion Guard advice. Anybody remember a little thing called the dam?“ Timon brought up while pointing to said dam nearby.

“Yes! Whoo!” The giraffe stated his support.

“Love it!” Pumbaa also stated in support.

“That's right! His idea. His advice. Problem solved. The End.” Timon told everyone.

But no sooner than he said it the dam finally burst with all of the over-flowing water spreading across the Pride Lands.

“And now I have some advice. Run!” He then told everyone as they all panicked and ran just like the zebras while screaming along the way.

“We've gotta move those animals to safety. Lion Guard, follow me!” Kion ordered the team to do so just as the others arrive as Twilight quickly freezes the river up with her magic while Applejack and Rainbow Dash arrive with the giant barrels with Rarity focusing her magic and sending them in those buckets as well.

“Go!” Twilight told the confused Guard by their sudden appearance. “We got this!”

As they all comply with Twilight and Kion’s instructions, Bunga is left personally regretting what his advice has done to the Pride Lands.

“Run, Bunga, run!”

“Don't be a mook, kid! Head for the hills!”

Timon and Pumbaa urged them to listen as they literally ran for the hills to avoid the water that can leaked past the Pony Guard.

“But, I'm a member of the Lion Guard. I can't let my friends down.” Bunga voiced of what he really needs to do to make up for all of this. “Hey guys! Wait for me!” He shouted after them.

“Split up!” Kion told everyone as they all worked to get everyone to safety.

“You can stop fanning me now!” Bunga told the young elephant still following after him.

“Everyone, follow me! Now!” Kion told the buffalo herd nearby.

“Zebras, stay close to each other and follow Kion.” Beshte told them as they did as they were told while Fuli comes to the rescue when some of the water uncontained nearly drowns a hedgehog.

“Hurry! Into the canyon!” Kion ordered everyone as the flash flood closes in on them.

During the run for their lives, Bunga reacted with alarm upon seeing the little elehpahnt previously fanning his is dangerously close to the tidal waves.

“Come on, kid! Run! Take my advice! Don't look back!” He told them as they all went right at the first fork in the canyon.

They need made their way down the path as they approach another fork in the road.

“Ono! Which way?” Kion asked of him as he used his keen sight to examine the two paths, starting with the one on the right which leads straight to a cliff with a deep fall to the ground.

“Oh, no.” He said as he saw the potential danger going that way has. “Left! Go left!” He shouted to the Lion Guard leader who immediately swerves everyone into that direction.

“This way, everybody! To the left!”

As Ono oversees the path they are taking, he then sees another predicament up ahead.

“A dead end! Oh, no! Kion!” He shouted to which they came across once they hit it leading to everyone crashing into each other.

“Kion, the walls are too steep to climb. What do we do?” Beshte asked the young lion.

“Don't ask Kion. Ask Bunga the Wise.” Thurston asked as Mtoto followed suit.

“Bunga the Wise!”

“What do we do?” The hedgehog desperately asked.

“Tell us.” The zebra urged.

“Uh...” Bunga stammered before fessing as the waters threaten to drown them. “I don't know. Kion's the one who always knows what to do with this kinda stuff. Right, Kion?”

“Right.” Kion replied. “But it's not exactly quick and easy. Now, everyone! Get behind me!” He urged everyone as he plans on using the Roar to save everyone.

“He means it! Get behind him! Get behind him!” Ono shouted for everyone to listen to him as he unleashes the Roar against it.

The power of the Roar was enough to send it back and away from the dead end trail of the canyon and bac towards the path heading towards the cliff with rocks falling down into the canyon to block any of the remaining water from reaching and inflicting harm on them.

Everyone cheered for Kion as he came through to save everyone in the end.

With the excess water now flowing into the stream from the waterfall, there is plenty of water for everyone to drink from while the Lion Guard takes a moment to rest after everything that had happened just as the Mane Six all arrived.

“Hey, sorry we’re late.” Applejack called out to everyone.

“No worries. You arrived just in time.” Kion replied. “So what were you doing while everyone was distracted?”

“Well since we correctly thought that Bunga’s quick fix was bound to happen…” Twilight began.

“…We gathered supplies to contain most of the overflowing water before it could do any damage.” Rainbow added.

“And needless to say some of the water that got away wasn’t easy to contain.” Rarity added. “But we were so busy freezing the water from the lake we couldn’t stop the water that got away from making its way across the Pride Lands.”

“Hope it didn’t cause too many problems for you all?” Fluttershy hopefully asked.

“We all managed fine, thanks to Kion.” Fuli replied.

“Yep, it wasn’t quick nor easy but it ended up being the best solution.” Kion said as the others joined to relax with them

“I like this view.” Fuli expressed as she and Kion sat on the rock just over the falls.

“Me, too.” Kion said.

“Me, three.“ Rainbow said as she floated on her back in the water.

“Yeah.” Beshte couldn’t have said it better. “This is a great place to rest up after a rain storm.”

“Until the next one.” Ono pointed out as Twilight approached with a shush.

“Don’t tempt fate.” She whispered.

“But you know it’s true.” Ono insisted innocently.

As Timon and Pumbaa relax in front of a nearby tree while Rafiki meditates, Bunga hums while approaching a field of flowers that had water and mud in them.

“That spot with the flowers, it looks like the perfect place to bask in the sun.” Bunga said thinking about doing it.

“I would not lie there, if I were you.” Rafiki warned him with still closed eyes.

“Pfft. Come on, Rafiki.” Bunga dismissed his warning. “I can tell the best spots to bask. I'm the smartest animal around. You said so yourself.”

“You did not hear everything I said.” Rafiki corrected him. “Honey badgers are only smartest when they think things through.”

“Think things through?” He said in confusion by that as he leaped in and true to the mandrills warning the patch was filled with water and mud. “Uh. Guess I'm not so wise after all.” He then realized. “Oh, well. I can live with that.” He accepted that as Twilight turns back to Kion.

“So I take it things got pretty hectic while we were away?” She figured.

“Well…” Kion began.

“Yes, they did.” Fuli bluntly answered.

“Figures.” Twilight responded as if she expected that to happen. “Bunga being Bunga like Pinkie being Pinkie.” She said as said party mare appeared with a cart filled with frozen treats and drinks.

“Who wants ice cold fruit bars and ice cream?” She called out to everyone as they all gather around to get a taste of Pinkie’s lastest creation as most of the Pride Lander’s opted for the more healthy option by going for the fruit bars which had everyone’s desired fruit to their liking as they treated themselves after an exhausting day in the Pride Lands.

Author's Note:

For this one which took me a little while to figure out how I wanted to do this I opted to go with the Mane Six taking action in dealing with Bunga's quick fix while everyone was distracted by Bunga's "wise" advice with a few exceptions such as Fluttershy properly helping the animals with Pinkie around watching over the dam.

In short, the Mane Six were on top of the situation for the most part in stopping the water from causing any significant damage aside from the water than flowed into the falls.

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