• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 4,119 Views, 145 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 1) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard and The Mane Six both work together to spread the magic of friendship while protecting Equestria and the Pride Lands.

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Episode 29: Paintings and Predictions

Episode 29:

Paintings and Predictions

While on morning patrol, the Guard are all drawn to the sounds of cries for help from a gazelle who somehow managed to get his hoof stuck under a very large rock.

“Ono! Is he alright?” Kion asked.

“He's fine. But his hoof is stuck under a heavy rock!” He reported as the lion prince turned to the Guard’s strongest members.

“Beshte, Applejack, see if you can move that rock. Bunga, Pinkie, be ready to pull him free.” He then said to the honey badger and party pony.

“Ookie, dookie!”

“We gotcha, gazelly!”

The two replied as help is on the way for the poor gazelle.

“Twende kiboko! Okay Lil' B, pull away!”

“Come on, get him out of there!”

The two said as they pushed the rock off of him as they manage to free him but it would seem they have managed to catch a bad part of the cliff as they stumble backwards before falling down.



The two leaders exclaimed as Fuli tripped up an attempt to save them.

“Hapana!” Ono exclaimed in alarm. “They're sliding towards that cliff!”

“Not on my watch, they’re not!” Rainbow said with determination as she and Fluttershy quickly flew over to the edge of cliff as Twilight teleported over there ready to catch them before they all fall over.

“Hang on, Bunga, Pinkie!” Twilight called out to him as she and Kion race after them. “We’re coming!”

Bunga was able to save himself as he used his claws to stop his fall but Pinkie and the gazelle were still sliding down towards the edge of the cliff.

Luckily for them, both Twilight and Rainbow were there to stop them from falling over as Rainbow and Fluttershy were to catch the gazelle in flight while Twilight managed to catch Pinkie with her magic just as Kion helped the gazelle safely back on the ground just as the unicorn pulled her up to the edge.

“Aw, you're okay.” Bunga assured. “You gotta admit, it was kinda fun.”

“It sure was!” Pinkie replied sharing the same sentiment. “Let’s do that again!”

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no!” Twilight quickly said as she pulled Pinkie away from the edge of the cliff when she was about to jump off of it again. “No!” She whispered to her while shaking her head as the gazelle shook his head not wanting another near-death experience.

“I better see this little one home. It looks like it's about to...” Ono said as they all saw the dark clouds forming as what comes down is… “...rain.“

“Good call, Ono.” Fuli said with an annoyed tone as her fur gets wet again.

“No question about that.” Rarity added as she wore an umbrella hat as the cheetah looks on annoyed at the smug unicorn’s face as she avoids getting her mane drenched again.

While Ono and Rainbow both guide the gazelle back home everyone else makes their way back to the Lion Guard Lair at Pride Rock where they all take shelter.

“Ah, it feels good to be out of the rain. “ Fuli expressed her relief once they all get inside as Rarity removes her umbrella hat.

“You said it, Fuli. “ Beshte said he jumped in the pool to which the cheetah quickly moved out of the way while Rarity ends up getting soaked.

“Aaah! Not again!” She cried as Fuli and Kion chuckled at the sight.

“Yeah. Very funny.” Rarity replied as she glared at the two as the cheetah came over to her.

“Hey, it’s bound to happen to all of us.” She said to her while still laughing seeing the unicorn getting drenched after sporting an umbrella. “Speaking of which you might want to step back a little.”

“Why is that…?” She asked as she suddenly finds herself splashed by water again this time by Pinkie who leaped into the pool.

“That’s why?” She said smugly.

“Sorry!” The pink mare called out as Rarity walked off feeling utterly humiliated.

Bunga then attempted to leap into the pool with a vine only for the vine to tangle his foot about and pull him back over to where Rafiki is working on his latest paintings.

“Yeah, at last. Finished! Ha-ha!” The mandrill declared as he tapped on the painting with his staff to which the giraffe moved forward.

“Ah, I love that trick.” Bunga complimented as he watched still upside down.

“Eh? No, no, no…” He replied in confusion as his focus is more on something he fins off. “The neck. It is much too short.”

“And he's upside down, just like you, Rafiki.“ Bunga added.

“Mmm, yes. I can fix that.” Rafiki noted as he undid the knot holding the honey badger as he drops to the ground. “Ha-ha!“


“And now, I'll fix this.” Rafiki then pressed to make the necessary adjustments to his painting. “One longer giraffe neck, coming up. And up, and up.”

As Rafiki works to do so, Bunga decides to take his staff so he can take a look at some of the paintings inside the lair and around the corner. There he spots a painting with zebras and a tall pile of rocks in front of them. He taps on the zebras who run forward.


He then tapped on the paintings with the rocks to which the top boulder falls over and breaks into pieces.

“Hmm. “

At that moment Ono and Rainbow arrive in the lair with a sense of urgency.

“Everyone, everyone.” Ono called out.

“Ono. Rainbow. How's the baby gazelle?” Kion asked them.

“He's fine. But now we've got a zebra stampede.” Rainbow explained.

“One of those days, huh?” Fuli answered with a resigned smile.

“Yep.” Twilight replied with the same expression.

“Come on, Lion Guard. Let's go calm the zebras down before they hurt somebody.” Kion then said to everyone as they all head out to do so as the weather had cleared up by then.

As they catch up to the herd, Ono flies up and examines the road ahead of them with his keen sight and spotted some hyraxes in the middle of it.

“Oh, no.” Ono gasped. “Kion, Twilight, the zebras are headed for a family of hyraxes.“

“Then we'll need to stop them before they get there.” Twilight declared as she teleported in front of the herd to intercept them. “Come on!” She said to Rainbow so they can both be ready to stop them there.

Just as they all move to stop them Bunga noticed something ahead.

“Huh, look at that. Those rocks look just like the ones in Rafiki's painting. The zebras look like the ones from Rafiki's painting, too.” He thought before having a look of realization ring in his head. “Whoa! Zebras. Rocks. Zuka Zama!”

“What's the krabubble, Little B?” Beshte asked as he and Applejack both hear his exclamation.

“Those rocks are gonna fall on the zebras!” Bunga answered of what he knows is going to happen.

“And exactly how would you know what’s going to happen?” Applejack quirked a brow as she questioned of how can make such a prediction.

“I'll explain later. We gotta move the zebras away from 'em.” He replied as the two press forward to do so without further questions.

“Move it, fellas!” Beshte grunted as he charged ahead while Applejack lassoed the honey badger onto the zebra leader.

“Say. What's the big idea?” He demanded as his ears were tugged on.

“You got to get away from those rocks.” He told him as he continued to pull on his ears to steer him and the herd away.

“Kion, Twilight the rocks!” Ono alerted them the rock slope from above.

“Heyvi kabisa.” Kion exclaimed as he gave new orders. Fuli, forget about stopping them. Turn them.”

“Got it.” She said as she sped ahead as she and Rainbow worked together to steer them away from the rocks while Twilight put up a magical barrier to ensure they steer the right direction just as the top boulder fell down to which Twilight quickly turned around and lit her horn to for a last second teleportation just before the rocks can crush her.

Everyone witnessing this reacted with horror thinking she got crushed to death.


“Oh, no!”

Ono and Beshte exclaimed.

“Twilight!” Kion exclaimed in horror as the unicorn appeared right beside them.

“Yes.” She replied with a smile.

“Phew. Thank goodness you’re okay.” Kion sighed in relief along with the others. “Okay, everyone. Slow 'em down.”

“Easy, zebras. You're safe now.“ Fluttershy gently urged them to as she flew in front of them.

“Slow down. No need to panic.” Ono said to them as he lowered down to their eye level.

“Whoa, zebra. Whoa!” Bunga urged Thurston to stop as Pinkie quickly appeared right in front of them.

“Hello.” She greeted the startled zebra as he immediately halted.

“There we go. Easy does it.” Beshte told the zebras in front of the pack as they gently bumped into him.

“Nice job, everyone. The hyraxes are safe.” Kion commended everyone.

“Un-Bunga-lievable.” Bunga said to himself as he got off of the zebra.

“So, Little B. How did you know those rocks were gonna fall?” Beshte asked as she and Applejack approach him.

“I'll show you.” He said as he turned to Kion. “I gotta show Beshte and Applejack somethin' back at the lair. See you there.“

“Uh, okay.” Kion replied unsure of what and why as Twilight simply shrugged in response. “So, what caused the herd to stampede?” He then asked the zebras with an attentive brow raised.

“Well, we were at our grazing grounds when all of a sudden there was a big boom.” He explained.

“A boom? What do you mean, a "boom"?” Fuli asked for more details.

“You know, a great big boom.” He replied thinking it should be obvious to figure out what.

“I think he might mean thunder. And that storm this morning was near the zebra grazing grounds.” Ono clarified.

“What's thunder?” The zebra asked as Twilight and Rainbow face-hoof themselves in response.

“Um, it goes boom?“ Ono answered.

“Yes. That's it exactly.” He said now that the pieces are put together. “A great big boom. It was loud and scary. So we did what we always do when something scares us. We panicked and ran.“

“Good plan.” Fuli deadpanned.

“Very good plan.” Twilight emphasized while deadpanning and shaking her head disapprovingly.

“Well, the storm clouds are gone. You have nothing to worry about.” Fluttershy assured them.

“So you can all go home.“ Kion positively added.

“Fabulous.” Thurston replied in satisfaction. “Uh, now, which way's home?” He then cluelessly asked to which Rainbow groaned in exasperation having enough of this.

“Oh for the love of Simba. That’s it. I can’t take anymore of this.” Rainbow stated as she flew away from them as Kion sighed.

“Ono, Fluttershy, make sure the zebras get home safe.” He told them.

“Affirmative.” Ono saluted.

“This way, zebras. Follow me.” Fluttershy gently said to them as she and Ono led the way while Thurston stayed behind.

“How are we supposed to follow him? We can't fly.” He again commented while ignoring the obvious answer.

“Seriously?“ Fuli irritably asked as Twilight just as irritated used her magic to push him to catch up to the rest of the pack.

“Just get a move on and follow the other zebras.” Twilight told him just as irritated.

“Oh!” Thurston replied now getting it.

“Oh.” Twilight deadpanned again while rolling her eyes. “Idiot.” She muttered under her breath.

“Hey. Wait for me.” The zebra called out to the others as he ran after them.

From one of the nearby hills was Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu hiding in the tall grass.

“Look at all those tasty zebras.” Janja sinisterly grinned.

“Yeah. Look at 'em.“ Cheezi chuckled as he looked on at the sight.

“I'm lookin', I'm lookin'. Ooh. All those stripes make me dizzy.” Chungu then added as he fell on his back.

“What are we gonna do, Janja?” Cheezi asked his leader.

“We follow 'em.” He replied. “Once Ono leaves, we can spook 'em, and then those stripey treats will be ours for the takin'. Come on!” He declared as he and his clan break out into another song together.

Meanwhile at the lair where Rafiki is still working on his paintings while he saw in his in gourd.

“All out of mango.”

As he set off to fetch more paint, Bunga used this opportunity to take Rafiki’s staff again so he can show Applejack and Beshte.

“Okay, Big B, AJ, look at this.” He tapped on the painting from earlier. “The zebras are running. And now, the rocks are falling.”

“That's just like what happened today.” Beshte gasped.

“I know.” Bunga returned.

“But what's it mean?” Applejack wondered with a pondering hoof.

“Don't you get it? These paintings show what's going to happen before it actually happens.” Bunga answered.

“Are you sure about that?” Applejack asked. “I’m no painting pony per say but I don’t Rafiki is a painting psych.”

“Why is that?” Bunga asked. “You were there you saw what happened.”

“Yes, but think about it.” Applejack reasoned. “If Rafiki knew a zebra herd was going to run towards those rocks he would be painting it by now. Plus Pinkie would have immediately sensed it with her Pinkie Sense.”

“Yeah…that’s true.” Beshte replied as he is not sure what to make of all of this as he spots a painting with a young lion on a tree similar to Kion’s appearance. “Hey, doesn't this one look like…“ Beshte started as Bunga gasped in horror of what he thinks is going to happen.

“Kion! Oh, no! I don't wanna watch!“

“Bunga. If these paintings tell the future, that means…” Beshte began as the realization dawns on him too.

“Kion's going to fall off a really high tree. He could get hurt. Or worse. We got to warn him.” Bunga immediately jumped to conclusions as he and Beshte ran off ahead leaving Applejack behind.

“Guys, wait!” Applejack urged them to stop to no avail as the honey badger tosses aside the staff into Rafiki’s paint.

“Hi, Rafiki. Bye, Rafiki.” Bunga and Beshte rapidly said to him as they run by him.

Rafiki shrugged it off while groaning in annoyance at the mess made from Bunga’s carelessness.

“That wasn’t me I swear.” The farm pony quickly said.

“I know.” He acknowledged with a sigh. “And I’ll have him clean it up when I have the chance. So what’s their hurry?”

“They think something is going to happen in the future after getting a look on one of your paintings.” She replied.

“What?! Oh, no, no, no, no, no.” Rafiki quickly answered. “Those were paintings from the past. They don't predict the future.”

“Really? I didn’t think so either.” Applejack asked just to be sure.

“Yep. And it seems your friends are getting the wrong idea.” Rafiki added to confirm it.

“Well, I better go stop them before something else happens.” Applejack resolved as she quickly ran out of the caves. “I’ll ask more about later.”

Meanwhile, Ono and Fluttershy have managed to successfully lead the zebra’s back where they belong.

“Here we are. Zebra grazing ground.” The egret informed them. “You're all back home.”

“Really?” Thurston replied as he looked around. “Hmm. I guess it does look familiar.“

“Thank you for getting us here safely, Ono. You too Fluttershy.“ The female zebra thanked them as she nuzzled her child.

“Our pleasure.” Fluttershy sweetly returned. Keeping everyone in the Pride Lands safe along with caring for animals when needed is the Lion and Pony Guard's duty.”

As the two continue to converse, the hyenas watch from the nearby rocks.

“So, Janja. We've followed the zebras home.

“Can we chase 'em now, Janja? Can we?”

The two asked.

“Not yet. Stick with the plan.” Janja shook his head as he reminded them. “We wait till Ono leaves, then we chase the zebras.“

“Yeah, you heard him. Stick with the plan. Stick with the plan. Right.” Cheezi repeated to Chungu who giggled.

“Uh... What was the plan again?” Cheezi asked again.

“Oh, just wait till I say "go."” Janja replied with a groan.


“Uh... What's he gonna say?” Chungu cluelessly asked.


“I'm going. I'm going.” Chungu charges ahead while again jumping the gun on his leader’s plan as Cheezi followed suit.

“Wait for me.”

“Oh, those fur brains. I said wait till I say "go."” Janja said in irritation as he just follows suit. “Oh, and I just said it. Hey, hey! Wait for me!”

Of course, everyone was alerted to their presence.

“Hyenas? Hapana!” Ono exclaimed as he flew off ahead. “I've got to get the rest of the Guard. Fluttershy buy us some time and stop them.”

“But how do I stop them?” Fluttershy called out as she too panicked along with the zebras who all “Panic and run!” But then she remembered her stare which subdued the cockatrice.

“Janja was right.” Cheezi cackled in amusement. “Look at 'em go.”

“Panic and run. Panic and run.” They sing song in a mocking tone as the terrible trio close in on their prey before suddenly being intercepted by the buttercream colored peagsus.

“Not a step closer!” She warned them as they stopped in their tracks.

“Aww! Look if it isn’t the little animal loving member of the Guard.” Janja mocked in a baby like tone as her serious expression didn’t change. “Now why don’t you do us a favor and give us some love in letting us have some of those zebras.”

“Not on my watch!” She fiercely said to them as she unleashed her stare on them to which unnerved them quite a bit.


“Why is that sweet pony scaring us to death?”

The two asked their clan leader as they shook in fright.

“Don’t know don’t care!” Janja cowered as he shielded his eyes.

“That’s right.” She boldly said to them. “Now you all march on over back to the Outlands and stay there if you know what’s good for you. You hear me?!”

“Yes.” Janja trembled.

“Then move it! Now!” She ordered them as they all do as they were told.

“Okay!” He quivered as he led his clan away from her.

As Fluttershy turns away she sees the zebras running off to which the peagsus had to fly off after them to stop them before they hurt themselves.

“Zebras! Stop!” She shouted after them.

Back at Pride Rock where both Kion, Twilight, and the others await for the two to get back with the good news.

“Think the zebras made it home safe?” Fuli asked.

“Ono's keeping an eye on them. We should know soon enough.” Kion replied as Bunga and Beshte approach them.

“Kion!” Bunga called out.

“Hey. What were you showing Beshte and Applejack?”

“You're not going to believe this.” Beshte began.

“Believe what?” Rainbow asked.

“Rafiki's paintings, they predict the future.” Bunga explained.

“Yeah, right!” Rainbow laughed it off.

“You're right. I don't believe it.” Kion returned. “There's no way Rafiki's paintings can predict the…”

Before Kion could finish Ono appeared with urgent news.

“Kion. Kion. We have a big problem this time.”

“Oh, let me guess, zebras again.” Fuli asked as she rolled her eyes as the egret nodded in response.

“Yes, but they're being chased by hyenas.”

“Hyenas?” Fuli asked with a hint of surprise as she raises a brow hearing that.

“No, they’re being chased by water monsters.” Rarity sarcastically commented. “Yes, by hyenas!”

“Hey if this is about you getting soaked earlier lay off because I too hate getting wet in the rain and there are times it happens to everyone so quit you’re whining.” Fuli fired back just as Twilight teleported in between them before things could get heated between them.

“Enough!” She firmly stomped her hoof onto the ground.“We don’t have time for this.”

“Twilight’s right.” The lion prince agreed. “Ono, lead us to the zebras.

“And fast.” Fuli added with emphasis.


“But Kion, the paintings.” Bunga tried to speak with him about it as Kion and Fuli run ahead with the ponies following after them.

“No time for paintings, Bunga. We need to stop the hyenas.” Kion told him before running off.

“But what if Rafiki's painting comes true while we're fighting the hyenas?” Bunga asked Beshte.

“We just need to make sure Kion doesn't climb any trees.” He replied as Applejack ran beside them.

“Guys, his paintings don’t predict the future.” Applejack told them to get a grip. “You’re all worrying about nothing.”

“And how would you know?” Bunga refused to listen. “You were there.”

“Yes I was but…” Applejack tried to explain until they all closed in on the zebra herd just as Fluttershy catches up with them and unleashes her stare on them to get them to stop in their tracks.

“Whoa.” Kion said in surprise. “Are you all seeing what I’m seeing?”

“Yep. She is performing her stare on them.” Twilight replied finding it normal.

“Must have been really out of control herd if she using the stare on them.” Pinkie noted as she observed the peagsus’s harden glare before they all make their way to her.

“No please! We’ll stop! Just please no more!” One of the male zebras pleaded as he looked away.

“Fluttershy.” Kion called out to her who just released her grip on them while Ono does a head count from above.

“Oh, hey Kion.” Fluttershy replied as she sighed in relief. “It’s all right, it’s already taken care of. The hyenas are all back in the Outlands.”

“And I gotta say, you sure did a great job with that stare of yours.” Kion complimented as Fluttershy looked aside a little ashamed of having to scare them like that to which the lion placing a paw on her shoulder to assure her she did nothing wrong. “It’s okay.”

“Everyone, we have a problem. I did a quick count of the herd, and we're three zebras short.” Ono reported after he flew around and performed a quick scan.

“What? The hyenas didn't get them, did they?” Beshte hoped that didn’t happen.

“No, no, no.” He quickly replied to make sure of that. “I've spotted the missing zebras. But they're stranded on the other side of Maji Baridi Falls.”

“How'd they get way over there?” Rainbow questioned.

“Knowing them they probably panicked and ran.” Twilight replied with a smirked sigh as Fuli smirked as she too figured the same thing.

“Well, however they got there, we've got to help them get back.” Kion voiced of what must be done. “Ono, lead the way.”


As everyone all heads out, Bunga, Beshte, and Applejack stick behind for a minute.

“So, how are we gonna protect Kion now?” Bunga asked them.

“As I was trying to say earlier, ya’ll have nothing to worry about because those paintings do predict the future.” Applejack firmly repeated to them as they follow after the group.

“But…” Bunga protested.

“They were all paintings from the past.” Applejack repeated. “If something were to happen Pinkie would have sensed it just before it happened.”

“But you saw what happened back at the rock slide with Twilight.” Bunga brought up. “What if something does happen to him when he gets on a tree?”

“Look I get what you’re saying but much like the Pinkie Sense there are times when we just have to accept that there are some things you just can’t predict.” Applejack understood as she still pressed with them to listen to her as she ran up to catch up with the others. “Come on, we better keep up with them.”

“Don't worry, Little B. Maybe there aren't any trees between here and Maji Baridi Falls.“ Beshte attempted to assure as they all make their way over to the missing zebras although the attempt falls flat when the area does have loads of trees around the area.

“Everywhere you look, trees, trees, trees.” Bunga commented in horror at the sight to which both Fuli and Rainbow took notice of.

“And just now you're noticing?” Fuli asked them.

“Seriously.” Rainbow added just as perplexed as the cheetah while Applejack could only shake her head seeing they are going to have to learn the hard way.

“A tree branch.” Bunga exclaimed upon seeing something red and pink up in front of Kion and Twilight’s path.

"Bunga, it's on the ground." His hippo friend pointed out. "How could Kion fall from it?"

“He could trip.” Bunga still rationalized in a panic as he moves to tackle it out the way just as Kion and Twilight leap over what really is a snake. “Look out!”

“Ahhh! Bunga?” The snake yelled out to him rather irritably.

“Bunga? Leave Ushari alone.” Kion crossly said to his friend as he is now being strangled by him.

“Sorry. Thought you were a tree branch. My bad.” He apologized.

“I should bite you, Bunga, but the last time I did, I couldn't get the taste out of my mouth for days.” Ushari hissed at him as he slithered away to which the honey badger licked himself.

“Your loss, Ushari. I taste great!” Bunga blissfully misses the point as Twilight groans in disgust.

“Oh, come on, let's find those zebras.” Kion just wanted to them to focus on their mission.

“Come on, Bunga. More trees ahead.” Beshte alerted them just as Twilight and Fuli intercept them.

“All right, you two. What's going on?” Twilight asked them.

“Yeah, you're acting even stranger than usual. “ Fuli added as the two questioned share a look before Bunga explains as Kion, Rarity, Ono, and Fluttershy are all ahead looking for the missing zebras.

“Okay. So I was looking at Rafiki's paintings. You know how his staff can make them move... And the zebra stampede and rock fall were just like the painting.”

“Seriously?” Fuli replied.

“Yeah. And then we saw Kion fall off the tree branch.” Beshte also explained to ensure that this is not made up.

“Really?” Twilight replied still not believing not. “And you both are taking word from painting that happened in the very past as painting that predict the future?”

“Sounds hard to believe.” Fuli noted not buying it either.

“But what if it's true?” Beshte brought up. “How would you feel if Kion got hurt?”

“And remember earlier at the rock slide that could have killed you.” Bunga reminded Twilight as she let the thought sink in.

“Look I get what you’re saying but I still think you are jumping to conclusions once again.” Twilight understood as she processed all of this. “Rafiki’s paintings were all something that happened in the past.”

“Exactly!” Applejack stated.

“Pinkie.” Twilight called out to her who ran up beside her.

“Yes!” She asked as Twilight whispered something into her ear. “You got it!” She replied with a salute as she ran ahead to catch up with Kion up front.

“What did you ask her to do?” Bunga wondered.

“You’ll see.” Twilight just said with a pleased smile as they all catch up with the others just as Ono directs the young lion’s attention to a nearby tree.

“Kion. You can see the zebras from up here.”

“Great. I'll take a look.” Kion replied as he proceeded to climb up the treeto which Bunga and Beshte reacted with alarm seeing this as Twilight held them with her magic to keep them from running after him.

“What are you doing?!” Bunga asked frantically .

“Calm down. I got this.” Twilight said to them as Kion climbed up the tree just as Pinkie appears at the base while feeling around the area while trying to have her Pinkie Sense feel for anything strange nearby.

Pinkie raised her hoof to signal to the others that it is all good as Kion, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Ono observe from the skies.

“Kion. I just spotted a shortcut to the zebras.” Ono informed the cub as after another scan up ahead.

“Great. Show us the way.”

“It's this way, through the trees.” Ono pointed to said nearby trees to which Bunga, Beshte, and Fuli gasp in horror at the sight.


The party pony followed with Twilight’s order as she ran ahead looked around before turning back.

“All clear.” She said as she ran off ahead.

“Then let’s move out.” She told the others as she and the others followed as Kion briefly expressed a silent confused expression at why Pinkie used her Pinkie Sense to examine the tree-filled area before pressing forward with everyone.

“What's going on?” Ono asked as he, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Rarity want to know what the deal is.

“We're trying to save Kion.” Bunga returned.

“Save him? Save him from what?” Rarity asked.

“They think because they witnessed one of Rafiki’s paintings thinking that Kion is going to fall off a tree.” Applejack explained.

“Really?” Rarity expressed surprise they think that. “Of course that didn’t happen.” She immediately corrected the worried companions.

“But the paintings…?” Bunga tried to explain.

“...were paintings that happened in the past.” Rarity answered. “And I know because Rafiki showed them to me when I was helped him capture his vision in some of the paintings he worked on which were all events that happened in the past.”

“But there's gotta be a reason he knew the rockslide and zebra stampede from earlier happened.” Beshte brought up what he saw too.

“I think you two did not see what you saw.” Rarity replied while shaking her head.

“But I still think we should still look out for Kion if it’s true.” Fluttershy began to worry too.

“If you're right, I better help. Kion's in danger.” Ono shared beginning to believe them as the others shake their heads as they are still getting worked up over nothing.

“Not anymore, Ono. Now that you know, Kion has the whole Lion Guard looking out for him.” Bunga assured the two they got their friends back.

“Yeah. And we'll make sure he doesn't get anywhere near a tree.” Beshte vowed as he called out to them from a nearby tree branch over a flowing river.

“Lion Guard. I found the zebras. We can cross the river on this big tree branch.”

The rest of the Lion Guard gasped as Pinkie already went ahead while the ponies had to restrain them from going crazy in trying to stop him.

Pinkie searched around the nearby area before getting on the tree while making sure her tail wasn’t twitching before motioning with her tail to the others that’s it good as Kion was left wondering what’s getting some of the teammates frantic and overly-worried for him.

“What's going on with everybody?” He asked to Pinkie.

“Nothing.” She quickly replied as she hopped off as the others catch up.

“Twilight.” He then seriously asked her which left the unicorn silently realizing that he is on to her. “You had Pinkie use her Pinkie Sense to detect whether that tree branch along with the forest was safe or not. Any reason why?”

Seeing that she is backed into a corner here decides it was best she fesses up now.

“The guys believe that you will fall off a tree because of a painting they misinterperted.” She answered.

“This again?” Kion asked even more annoyed of how far this is going. “I thought you aren’t one of those ponies who jumps to conclusions.”

“I don’t.” She quickly counter replied. “I was just trying to get them to stop worrying too much over you. But it seems to be still falling on deaf ears and blind eyes.”

“Bunga!” Kion scolded him for starting all of this.

“Rafiki's painting showed you falling from a big tree branch.” The honey badger said in his defense.

“Bunga. There's no way Rafiki's paintings tell the future.” Kion asserted of what he, Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity have all been trying to tell him. “Now let's focus on getting these zebras back to their herd.”

But just before any of them could set out to do so, Pinkie’s tail started twitching as Beshte accidentally backed into a nearby boulder which sent into the zebra’s way down the hill.

“Oh, no!” Ono exclaimed.

“Zebras, look out!” Kion shouted after them as they all...

“Panic and run. Panic and run.”

...by jumping into the river.

“Zebras.” Rainbow groaned as she flew over to them.

“Lion Guard, Pony Guard. Help!” The female zebra cried out as they are dragged down river by the current to which Rainbow worked her wings into slowing them down as she and Ono see they are headed straight for a waterfall straight ahead.

“Hapana! The zebras are heading towards Maji Baridi Falls.” Ono alerted the team.

“Hevi kabisa.” Kion said in response as he thinks of something that would help them to safety and fast. “I have an idea.” He then proposed as he led them to the nearby ledge down below with a tree down there. “Come on. I've got to roar from that branch over the waterfall.”

“But, Kion, the painting!” His best friend reminded him.

“I don't care.”Kion refused to listen to him. “It's the only way to save the zebras. After I roar, make sure the zebras are okay.” He then said before he set off down hill.

“You got it, Kion!” Bunga returned as all the others could do was watch as he climbs down the hill and up the tree.

“Get ready, Rainbow Dash!” Twilight called out to her. “Kion’s gonna Roar!”

Rainbow clings onto the zebras as he gets a good grip on them preparing to brace for impact.

“I hope this works.” Kion said as he unleashes the Roar of the Elders at the waterfall which caught them before they fell over and sent them to safety over on the edge off-stream.

The female zebra nuzzled his son in relief as Thurston landed on Beshte’s back while Rainbow managed to stop herself from falling in flight.

“Aw, yeah! Now that was fun!” Rainbow cheered having a thrill from that as the clueless zebra found the hippo’s weight cushion to his liking.

“Whoa! Oh, comfy.” He said before getting off just as the others look down to give Kion the good word.

“Kion, you did it! The zebras are safe!” Pinkie cheerfully reported.

As Kion moved to regroup with them he ended up slipping a little and fell off the tree as the Lion Guard gasped in horror in seeing.


“Kion! No!”

Bunga and Fuli reacted upon thinking that Kion suffered a nasty fall only for it to turn to relief when it turned out he landed on the nearby rock path.

“I'm okay!” He called out to them as the ones who were previously worried sighed in relief.

“I wasn't worried.” Bunga said as the others just laugh.

“Sure you were, partner.” Applejack said while nudging the honey badger on the shoulder.

Once everyone went back to the lair where Bunga explained his thoughts to Rafiki of what he saw to finally put an end to this once and for all.

“These paintings? Tell the future?” Rafiki laughed at the thought. “Bunga! Why would you think such a thing?”

“'Cause, 'cause we saw the zebras run and the rocks fall and then we…“ Bunga started until Rafiki cleared it up as he interrupted.

“First, do not take Rafiki's staff.” He started as he waved his staff in a chastising manner. “Second, these paintings? You did not see what you think you saw. You watched them backwards.” He deomonstrated by tapping his staff on the painting which played what he and Beshte saw backwards in the right direction away from the rocks. “The rocks fall and the zebras run! And all of this happened in the past!”

“The past?” The two said in surprise.

“Yes, yes. These paintings, they show the history of the Pride Lands.” Rafiki confirmed to which Rarity wasted no time having a say in it with a small smirk.

“Told ya.”

“What about this one? It shows Kion falling!” Bunga pointed to said painting with the lion cub’s similar apperance.

“Leap to conclusions and you leap to confusions!” Rafiki answered while laughing it off again.

“Told you.” Twilight repeated with the same smirk as Rarity’s.

“We leap to what? I'm confused.” Bunga said in a similar manner.

“That is not Kion. It's Nala's father, Kion's grandfather, when he was a cub.” The mandrill explained as he properly showed the painting flashback which depicted said cub falling down but was caught by a group of fully-grown lions. “And you did not watch the whole thing. Kion's grandfather did fall from a big branch. But he was saved by the Lion Guard of his day. You see? These paintings do not predict your future.” He then explained to clear everything up.

“But what about the twitchy tail?” Bunga asked.

“That was when I sensed Beshte accidentally knocked a boulder towards the zebras.” She explained. “And if you had listened to me from the times to when my tail twitched before you would have known that everything was fine.” She then tapped Bunga on the nose while saying a “Ha.”

“Like I said before, none of them predict the future.” Rarity repeated.

“That is right, young one. Except for this new one.” Rafiki said as he pointed to a new painting on the wall which featured Bunga on it.

“Is that me? What am I gonna do? Something fun?” He eagerly asked as a tap of the staff depicts him scrubbing the floor of blue paint. “Cleaning the floor? That doesn't look like fun!” He said as Rafiki hands him leaves to clean said paint he spilled earlier off of the rocks behind him. “I think I like the other paintings better.” He then said as he finds his mandatory assignment a pain in the butt as everyone laughs together in amusement.

Author's Note:

Again, not much to explain other than the sane cast having and trying to get Bunga to understand that Rafiki's paintings do not predict the future although Twilight nearly getting crushed by rocks from the earlier stampede didn't help things much either which may have given him some reason to worry deeply for his friend's well-being despite Applejack's attempts to reason with him.

Also Fluttershy getting some time to shine as she single handily deals with the hyenas while Ono's was retrieving help with the help of her stare.

Next up is "Over the Barrell." as the Guard takes a trip out into the western parts of Equestria along with Kyoga accompanying them for the journey.

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