• Published 17th Mar 2023
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The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...

Bonus Chapter | Zebrica File: Operation Centaury

Zebrica, September 4th, Kingdom of Senturya

With the Storm king invasion launched against the Ancient pact President Ronald Reagan authorizes a military espionage operation in Senturya with the code name Centaury.

As Storm king's forces advanced into the territories of the Gargoyles and Centaurs and with the FIU extended with missions across the foreign lands to prevent potential further communist uprising a ex-soviet officer code named 'Eskamoe' is sent to Zebrica unaware that Storm king's troops has advanced deep into the territories.

Objective report

After he landed in the capitol city the place was crowded with medieval weaponized centaurs while some may still have pre colonial age muskets it seems that the army compared to the Storm king's was under equipped..

A possible reason why the Yeti's had launched multiple invasions against their neighbors but Eskamoe was yet to be convinced of his own type of theory as he jogged past the crowds as they were hoarding the shops for food.

According to Eskamoe's notes it would seem that the reports had suggested that when visiting the Yeti army side of the frontlines they seemed very nice host when it came for members of military officials which during the hospitality Eskamoe asked the Yeti General who was in charge of the operation of what technology was being used.

Surprisingly he was given a whole military parade in which the Yeti's showed off their weapons and surprisingly he had not only found out how technologically superior the Yeti's were but he could've died from a heart attack when they presented a AK-47 rifle in front of him.

That's right it was written, apparently the Yeti's were equipped with post Rodinian-Olenian war equipment of AK-47s, T-55 Main battle tanks, and Rocket Propelled grenade-7 missile launchers, however when asking about aircraft the Yeti's denied no acquiring of superiors aircraft weaponry other than the airships used in bombing runs however they did confirmed of Soviet activity that was resonated within the region of operations along with further proof through attempted assassinations made against Eskamoe by soviet agents that were operating there as well.

Upon hearing this the Federation Intelligence Unit recalled Eskamoe from Zebrica ending the mission in success..

At Least from what we thought, sir...

"Do you still believe that the soviets are behind the Storm king's attacks?" Reagan questioned.

"We have no idea sir, however what we do know is that the Yeti's are in possession of Soviet made weapons and are still being exported to them sir, we have yet to find their shipping lanes."

"Hmm, well until we can get more information on this I will have to contact Hippogriffia's leader about the possibility of an evacuation of him and his government," Reagan suggested.

"Sir with all due respect, Queen Novo is known to be stubborn when it comes to incidents, Velvet Jelzek has also been asking some questions regarding Olenia sir."

"Well, until the Soviet's can guarantee that they won't intervene in Olenia we can't launch the attack on the nation, and with everyone tired from the attack that Tirek had committed no one is going to fight... But as for Queen Novo, she may be stubborn but I hope for the best if she rejects our offer, otherwise there is nothing we can do for her other than hopefully supply what her species needs," Reagan spoke falteringly as he looked at his advisor sitting across from him on the couch with the documented report.

"See to it that more information is collected regarding Rodinia's operations in Zebrica," Reagan ordered.

"Understood sir," replied the agent, as he and the president stood up and saluted to the commander and chief before exiting the room with the door opened by a marine who stands guard in the oval office.

Reagan sat on his desk, puzzled at the recent discovery made by the F.I.U. As he looked outside of the bullet proof glass window behind him as he gazed on the sunny horizon, it made him think a lot about how Celestia and Luna raise the sun and moon with the fate of everything that lives bound to their will.

But his sudden thoughts were interrupted when his phone on his desk rang.

He turned his seat back around and picked up the phone and then said.

"You may now foreclose the deal, you got what you needed in compensation."

"Indeed Mr. President, but now the question remains, how long."

"Long enough... Just long enough."