• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,629 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...

Operation Go-2

Pentagon electric boogaloo

The time is currently 200 hours and Phil the Griffin had been drinking his coffee outside of the meeting room, the men were currently designing how big the space should the vehicle be, and the armor, however, it was then that a Sergeant Major approached him.

"Colonel Phil sir, the general council requests your presence," the Sergeant informed.

"Alright, show me the way then," Phil ordered, as the two went inside and walked through a busy hallway and then turned left at the room which in it was four occupied seats of generals, with one being unoccupied and reserved for the High General MacArthur.

Phil took a seat on a hard metal chair which didn't comfort him.

"Colonel Phil correct?"

"Yes sir," replied the griffon, as the general held a piece of paper.

"After reviewing the blueprints you've drawn up there is currently an issue with the design," said General Galvin.

"Such as?"

"Currently the designer had specifically said in his memo, and I quote, "60 Miles per hour, with... Heavy armor is surprising because it is usually the heaviest on a vehicle type, and of course, within capacity, it is in range of expectation." Now Mr. Phil, if I'm reading this correctly your design, has great potential of being deployed and produce only but already there are some questions regarding safety concerns such as the capability of withstanding mines as demonstrated not long ago today, and with plans of shooting a Rodinian crafted RPG-7 at it it is sure to pass I can assure, of course, I can tell you that it does have a capability of withstanding IED's and ambush type attacks, I and the rest of the cabinet have somewhat agreed to allow it to be in service... But..."

"But sir?"

"Once it does pass it can only be used for medical evacuations and/or scouting operations, along with replenishing frontline troops and evacuating them due to the M113 already in use, so of course by the looks of the design module we can easily mass produce these no doubt because of the shape but with the Bradley on the other hand it would surprisingly seem that the Stryker is more faster, so this would be about a year until the Stryker may be in official combat service. So it will only have to serve as a support vehicle for one year, unless..."

"Unless what sir?"

"Unless you could modify the design, or at least make alternate versions, make it customizable, Ect. of course from what I can tell the M113 is pretty outdated, so keeping the Stryker as it is would not be long, however suggesting alternate version could upheave if not enhance the chances of it seeing early combat.

"And what about the old M113?" Asked Phil.

"Well, as for the M113 it would most likely be either decommissioned or given to Equestria as a gift now with that said Colonel, you are dismissed, now anyways onto another agenda-"



"Well congrats sir, though it would be a year until that thing gets to see any combat action," the designer said.

"Of... Course... It's alright, It's alright, clearly, we need to make other sort of alternative models, something that can give a bigger bang while also maintaining speed, and maybe be used as a command post but also directly in combat," Phil blurted his suggestion turning to his designer and had a brilliant idea.

"How big should the space be?" Phil riddled.

"However big it should be, sir," replied Bob the designer.


The Red Mother was busy with her work as she reviewed applications for the opening position of "advisory of the Mother" All the applications so far are nothing close to what she expects. She is awaiting one more application if she doesn't get the perfect person then she'll have to initiate the selection, which is basically handpicked and immediate inauguration for the person selected.

As you may not know, while Rodinia has a Supreme Soviet council unlike the powers Stalliongrad has, the party is ruled by three.

Obviously, the most powerful one is the Red Mother which is a spot permanent to her and to her only, with the power of controlling everything that goes on in Rodinia, but she prefers to focus on economic and social status within her country, which brings us to General Secretary levels.

Below is the General Secretary, currently held by Leonid Brezhnev, the holder of this can control the economy, foreign relations, and anything related to military business.

Finally, there's the mother advisor, whose purpose is to advise, but also stand as the Vice President for both positions whether one is on vacation or on a diplomatic trip in which the advisor is given temporary powers.

In the event that something happens to the General Secretary, like being killed in a fiery inferno, the Advisor would be inaugurated into the position.

But with no advisor. Due to the imprisonment of the previous one, the Red Mother worked day and night to get the position filled as fast as possible, but at that time a military General, General Khabarov, arrived with a folder marked "Classified" as he approached the Red Mother's desk and saluted her.

"Ah general, is that the last application?" The Red Mother asks.

"No, our Red Mother, the Rodinian Intelligence Bureau has a report they wish to provide," replied the general.

" Of course, set it on my table I'll read it later," she said.

"Ma'am, I've been told to come back with your signature, they say it's urgent," he expressed.

"Urgent you say? Very well, let's see what we have that's urgent then," she reckoned, as she opened the folder that the general handed her and looked at it with distraught tension.

"How long has this been under our noses!" She asked.

"Ma'am this was 24 hours ago, we believe they're still in the town," the general replied.

"24 hours!?? Damn, this ineffective mess! First chance I get once I finish with the final stages of economic reforms, I'll be getting this reformed next! But first, get me General Perov, I am authorizing Operation "Go To," I will not have these Equestrian imperialists invade our allied territory not again! Not ever! If I ever grabbed my hands on that SMILE director I'll ring his throat!" The Red Mother protested.

"Understood Our Red Mother, it shall be done."

Camp Vorganov, Stalliongrad, 10 miles away from Starlight's town

General Perov was conversing with his officers at this time before the messenger came in with a distressing report...

"General Volinsky, orders from the Red Palace sir," the soldier informed, handing him the red letter, a rare type of envelope only given on the occasion of emergencies, when Perov saw the letter he snatched it off the messenger and opened it with great anticipation.

Of course, his excitement died off when he read its regards to Starlight's town until he sees the information that the SMILE agent is considered dangerous, and possibly an Alicorn, it was when his excitement was revived, finally, he has an actual challenge besides suppression in Petershoof, he can now fight a fucking powerful Alicorn in the field of battle, his dream was to claim one's head for the prize in the name of the motherland. Of course, being there are only four he wondered which one had challenged the motherland might.

But with that, he turned to his officers who were peeking from his shoulders and ordered.

"Order the men to pack up! We depart immediately!" He then turned to one of his Lieutenants and added. "Deploy the 43rd airborne unit at once, and.. Use the MI-24 gunships, they're good hunting tools for an Alicorn, be sure to shoot it on sight," he ordered.

"Yes, general!" Replied his officer, as he ran towards the helipads to prepare the takeoff procedures.

Meanwhile, the troops gathered and packed their things with some using helmets, some tying bandanas on their heads, and others putting on caps and loading their AKMs for combat.

The armor brigades are also activated with Heavy armor, Anti-Aircraft vehicles, multi-infantry armor personal, IFVs, and motor vehicles revving up their engines while a squad battalion consisting of UAZs rolls up ahead to lead the armored convoy spearheading right towards Starlight's town while General Perov stepped on board an MI-17 helicopter armed with rocket pods and dual machine guns before taking off and heading to the target area.

And so... Operation Go-To was about to begin...

Base Alicorn

"They did what!" General MacArthur said in a surprised tone.

"Yes sir, you've heard that correctly, they've stolen a Huey and they're heading into enemy territory," Alex repeated.

"How the hell could you have let this happen? Those two idiots realize that if they attack a single Rodine trooper it'll be war with every communist state in this world. Do you realize that Colonel!"

"Yes sir I have, I currently have Patton on the case but.."

"But what?"

"Apparently his men reported that they've been ordered to stand down and let the... "Patriotic heroes fight the commie bastards..." That's what the report said by the way," Alex read.

"Damn that guy! If he weren't out of our jurisdiction I would've had him court martialed!" MacArthur ranted.

"But it is in Equestria's hands is it not?" Replied the Colonel.

"What about the case with the princesses," the general asked.

"Oh they've been briefed alright, in fact just as I was about to call you 40 minutes ago they sent me a message regarding Twilight Sparkle, they've basically officialized the whole thing as a sanctioned mission," the Colonel added.

"Of course... But you do realize Gold Star will be answering for stealing property!" MacArthur said.

"And if Equestria calls for an acquaintance?" The Colonel asks.

"Even if he is acquainted he is not getting out of this without a scratch, Mark my words Colonel I gave better expectations than this and I've offered to allow you to make him your protégé and now he's about to be a symbol of bad influence amongst our men!" The General scolded.

"I did my best, but I wasn't given much more experience since my former commanding officer was forced to retire to the countryside, he told me this, "I wish I knew the country that I was fighting for, now it's nothing than what it was," and clearly I'm starting to see a little bit more than the meaning general, good day to you, sir.."

As the Colonel hung up the phone, he felt like he was backed into a corner, but this was Gold Star's problem, not his.


But without knowing, things just got complicated. Especially when the media is involved.

White House

"And that's why I think we should all just sit down and talk about our problems after all, no one gave it a try, so why not start now?"

"Thank you sir for the interview."

"No no thank you."

"Now unfortunately we have to finish here as we have breaking news in the Equestrian region regarding a rogue military operation being conducted. More on that on NBC news."

As the outro music played and displayed the commercials, Reagan turned the television off and turned towards Uncle Sam, who was also watching it.

"So it seems Gold Star had gone rogue, so the media says," Reagan summarized.

"Hm. You think the Rodinians would further respond to this," Uncle Sam added.

"Oh, they responded alright, from what the unit told me, was that the Knife Brigade and two pairs of motor units are being dispatched towards Starlight's town, and worryingly I doubt Gold Star and his team won't make it in time," Reagan speculated.

"I can see two things occurring, one being that Yates and Gold Star don't make it in time and Twilight and her friends are captured, or two Yates and Gold Star don't make it but Twilight and her friends fought off the mess called the Rodinians, and met up and escaped with Gold Star and Yates, any of them can occur, but I'm willing to bet on the second option."

"I'm not much of a gambler, so the best case is to sit back and watch, of course, if they're successful I have no doubt the princesses both Celestia and Luna would pardon Gold Star, and I guess I would too, but in the matter of international court however is the question.."

"You know. That's the one thing I wish I never made, while it serves as a judicial system for world affairs since the... War with Equestria, I never saw anything done about the Rodinian atrocities being committed," Uncle Sam grunted.

"Nor our atrocities in Zebrica for that matter, although it is what the Z.I.T.S deserve for the basement bombing of the World Trade Center in 998, and the other things they've committed towards the Equestrian ponies, despite their neutral stance in our war against them, they were evil yes but are we no better when it comes to the capture of one of them?" Reagan inquired while Uncle Sam tilted his head down and shook.

"The war with Z.I.T.S, while it may have been righteous, we've opened ourselves to our real enemy, the communists, and just given away our security, and it seems they'll use the international court against us, and they will no doubt dismantle the personal diplomacy in exchange for Gold Star not rotting in jail."

"Or Yates for that matter, he's your protégé may I remind you?" Reagan added, and Uncle Sam looked at the president with deep content and puzzled facial expression.

"Indeed he is..."

Starlight's Town, 27 hours before Perov's arrival

The sun was rising and Ogav and his crew were asleep. It was only 20 minutes outside and Ogav felt tired for a long while from the travel and the unpacking.

As he slept soundly, however, his Nokia ringed which woke the crew men making them complain while Ogav quickly declined the phone.

"Whoever the hell is calling me at this time has a lot of nerve," Ogav said, closing his Nokia and going back to sleep.

For the rest of the 34 minutes of sleep a crowd of ponies gathered outside of what is to be the "Equal Chamber" and with such disturbance the men were about to get up and throw something towards the pony before Ogav blocked them and got his camouflage suit on and went outside to investigate the noise.

It turns out that it was some type of initiation, in their typical way at least, and so Ogav listened in the ongoing conversation in the village.

"The whole village joins together to build you your own cottage-"

"NOT INTERESTED!" Yelled Rainbow Dash in anger.


"You may have them now! But we are going to get our cutie marks back!" Rainbow Dash added.

"Yall don't understand do ya! You can't force no pony to be friends! I don't work like that!" Applejack stated.

"Please join us!" One pony happily begged.

"We love new friends!" Yelled another.

"It's all right everypony this is a perfectly normal part of the equalization process for those who haven't..." Starlight paused and then continued. "Quite seen the light yet... But we'll try again tomorrow once you've had a bit more time to consider our philosophy!"

She then nodded her head multiple times to signal her fellow ponies to place the mane 6 back inside of the building/town prison, at the last minute Twilight stomped her hind hoof and Fluttershy spoke out.

"I like to join~!" She shyly said, before covering her mouth which shocked the crowd before they cheered in happiness.

Following this Twilight speaks the signal that the group had planned and Ogav nods his head, but before he executes the next phase, he wants to make a phone call to his Babushka, so he goes back inside the building with the room filled with sleepy men still resting, while the only awake was curious with his captain as he sits down on the bed and grabs his phone.

"Something wrong sir?" Asked one of the crewmen.

"Nothing is wrong, just making a phone call," Ogav replied, dialing the number to his babushka.

Tartarstan Region

Babushka, or Galina Volklav, was making supper for his grandson's daughter in law who was in the living room watching the usual Rodinian cartoon shows like Hedgehogs in the Fog, or Kitten named Woof, it was Natasha's favorite shows so far and Babushka was happy for it, but it was then that the built-in telephone ringed in the kitchen where she was cooking in and she turned the stove off and grabbed the phone.

"Volklav residence?"

"Hey Babushka," Ogav greeted.

"OHH! Grandson! How are you, how's Stalliongrad, did you pick me those Equine flowers? Actually, I should be asking are you okay??" She asked.

"Yes Babushka I'm fine, how's Natasha doing?" He asked.

"Oh her? That little angel had been doing fine, she even one time dreamed of being like you! And she said it over dinner just last night in fact," Babushka chuckled and Ogav behind the phone line smiled at the news but then frowned in silence.

Babushka recognized such silence as before as she grew worried about her grandson being silent in a phone conversation.

"Is everything alright?" She asked, which broke Ogav out of his trance and reassured her.

"Yes everything is fine Babushka, just thinking that's all, just tell Natasha I love her, and keep her safe that's all," Ogav requested before he hung up the phone, which Babushka did the same.

Babushka turned towards the oven and continued cooking the supper that she'd been preparing, while doing so she thought about her grandson and the day he brought a little to her home.

Gregory Blvd. 1 year earlier

It was on that day that Ogav was off duty carrying the girl he had legally adopted after his commanding officer almost placed her in an orphanage, when he gave his promise to his daughter-in-law's mother he intended to keep it but with the military in the other hand he needed someone to take care of her, and so it was that day after his letter was approved to get two days off from military service, he and Natasha walked through the snow-filled streets with cars plowing through the snow 24/7 he and Natasha with winter boots covered in 4-inch snow arrived to Babushka's front door and knocked.

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Coming! Oh blasted curtain! Coming! Coming!" Babushka repeated until opening the door seeing her grandson waving slowly and in a burst of happiness. "OGALI!!!"

The two embraced in a hug as the two swung left and right until she got a glimpse of Natasha and kneeled down to the little girl's level and said.

"Well hi there miss! I've seemed to have missed something, did I miss a marriage invitation or something?" Babushka asked, chuckling and petting the little girl Natasha finally broke her silence and chuckled.

"Hehe, that tickles!"

As the two continued to play a bit with each other Ogav was standing there watching how much of a childhood he had once...

Finally, Babushka got on her feet and cheekily smiled at her grandson.

"So Ogali, what brought you back home?" She asked.

"Maybe it's best to wait until dinner wouldn't you say?" Ogav smiled.

"Ah right right! I got something warm brewing up in the good old pot, well don't just sit there like a pack of rocks come in! Come in! Take a seat and get warm in the fire, better yet go watch some television and relax while I get the food ready!"

As the two went on it's best to mention Galina being in her 70s and a healthy woman she was once a part of the old soviet committee that was established during the civil war that resulted in the victory of the Soviet army, since then after her retirement from the committee after it was disbanded in favor for the Supreme Soviet in 998 she had been one of the oldest serving members of the old committee, nowadays she sits in her house getting daily visits with her neighbors and drinking coffee with her old friends who retired before the committee's disbandments, she would also have famous people come up to her house and chat with her once in a while before giving them a farewell goodbye.

And while that she continued to live her life in wealth and prosperity while donating money to those who couldn't help themselves.

It was then after she was making the food, she and Ogav went to the upstairs living room leaving Natasha to her own device and the two spoke about the event between Thestria and Argendina, how he was placed in charge of sending equipment into Thestria along with passing Blueprints from the Abrams to them and modifying it to some sort of new armor tank, along with additional guns, Ogav felt sick to his stomach when he realized he became the architect of a war that ruined Natasha and her mother's lives...

Something Ogav could never shake off from that day...

But to Babushka's response, she just handed him a cup of Hot Chocolate and simply said, "Warm up son, it's the past, live with it." Obviously, it was harsh and strict, but the woman had a point he was following orders, and disobeying them was grounds for execution or imprisonment, as she offered the hot chocolate Ogav looked up and smiled at her as it reminded him of the remaining family he had left.

After that Babushka and Ogav along with Natasha, went to bed on that night.

Team America

The sounds of propellers and I are what is between us from the below and yonder, yes I knew how to pilot a helicopter the problem is that I usually have the helicopter pilots, pilot the helicopter because I have the tendency of.. Well, let's just say it wasn't a smooth landing, nor a nice one either.

But so far we're still flying in the air whether it's dumb luck or me actually learning very fast how to pilot the thing but to my knowledge, I should be ready at the moment to bail out, although I think this thing only has four Parachutes enough for all of us, well except for Spike I'm sure I can grip him tight as we bail, though I feel we should've packed more than four.


But anyway, the ride was steady and Gold Star and Spike were sitting beside each other on the helicopter seat with the other two guys who went with us holding the machine guns, ready to shoot at a moment's notice.

"Do you think Twilight could handle herself?" Spike asked.

"Well when you come to terms she can take down let's say Chrysalis by herself as she did once when she was only a unicorn and Chrysalis kidnapped three fillies, but when it comes to the Soviet army on the other hand though... She can fight a single powerful foe, but she can't fight tanks or helicopters, especially the types that are very dangerous," Gold Star answered leaving Spike in a strange calm feeling.

" So, is it possible that she could fight them?" Spike speculated. "I mean, she has all of her friends and I'm sure with them they can take out an army, right?"

The pony major sighed at Spike's naive question or speculation, but he didn't blame him as he was only a kid, a kid that can do a lot and no one would ever think that a kid such as him would do spectacular things, but Spike is young and doesn't understand the basic meaning behind war or arms race, other than the simple life of a quiet town that is somehow attacked from time to time.

But of course, as a matter of answer, he doesn't have one, of course, it may be possible for Twilight Sparkle to fight off pieces of an army but when she's up against a lot there's an amount of doubt within the Major's mind considering that he has seen a glimpse of Twilight's true potential, it made him shudder about how he and Twilight had become friends and yet somehow even closer than friends, (kinda), but he was willing to keep her and her friends safe even if it meant breaking a few international laws that will probably land him in jail.

"I don't really know, all I can know is that the sooner we get there, the sooner we can extract them out and fast," Gold Star answered.

"Hey, Major," I spoke. "We're now reaching the Stalliongrad border, and get this, it seems that the area those 6 went to apparently has its own country borders."

"That country being?"

"Our Country, sir, it seems the map may have a mind of its own to send them there."

"Why's that?" He asked.

"Because apparently it's known to take away pony's cutie marks and forces their residents to live "equally" according to the regional handbook," I informed.

"Lemme see that?" Gold Star requested as I handed him the book that had details on every country and how they run, weird enough this country I mentioned seemed to be entirely new if not recent, I have no idea why but this will probably draw up some controversy obviously but that's on the Stalliongradian's not us.

What we're trying to do is prevent an international incident by crossing a line.

To be sure to find the line in the morning.

Canterlot, 2:30 AM ETZ

The envoy from America arrives inside the castle heavily guarded by the Royal guards and security agents who kept a tight perimeter at the height of the event ongoing.

Inside the meeting room sits Princess Luna, and a Rodinian envoy who also is present in the room.

The two shook hands and then sat down to begin opening business upon the open eyes of the Blue Alicorn princess who watched this conversation between the major powers.

"It's clear that the Equestrian government prefers that we negotiate despite our arms race against each other, however, I would like to point out the current situation regarding your men going rogue, do you have an explanation, sir?" Asked the Rodinian diplomat.

"Actually I have some sort of explanation of what going on, while it may not be confirmed we have reason to believe that Princess Twilight Sparkle along with her other 5 compatriots had traveled to a town that is inside of Stalliongrad, while as I said, is not confirmed as of yet, we have a reason to believe that it may be this fact," the American diplomat responded, giving Luna both intrigue and slight worry over this claim...

"What makes you believe all that exactly?" The Rodinian asked.

"Because studying so far from the documentation that Gold Star had done with the personal diplomacy, it says here, and I quote, "very pleasant and nice, and both share common hobbies in which in the case of this assignment I feel happy being close to somepony I know" end quote, so tell me if this lines up or not, you got Gold Star leading an unauthorized operation he calls by a "Rescue" and then you have ponies reportedly wondering where the princess of Friendship is at? Now you tell me good sir do you think this doesn't line up or not?" The American diplomat questioned, making the Rodinian look dumbfounded but then shook his head.

"We will figure that out once the army that Our Red Mother had dispatched arrived, otherwise I doubt this would be the case," the Rodinian said.

"Sure, but I may ask exactly who's in charge of this army? Last I saw it was General Perov, and from what I can understand he's considered a worldwide threat to sovereign peace, let alone an ambitious go-getter and national hero of Rodinia, I'm not blind Mr. Heliski, I know this guy because I once fought him back in Arabia, I'm a veteran of the Arabia wars (999-1002) and look at me now, a damn lawyer to my country which by the way I proudly serve! And if anything, if this country's fourth and important princess is detained, captured, or oh I don't know, injured! Then your country will reap the consequences, good sir! And Equestria will figure out with their dammed right minds that they will-!"

"That's enough Mr. James, you said your plenty," Luna intervened, rising from her seat and motioning the American diplomat to sit down which he acknowledged by sitting down on his seat.

She then turned towards the Rodinian diplomat and said.

"If you have the slightest soul Heliski, now is the time to make a call and inform her," Luna advised.

"Understood Mrs. Luna," replied the Rodinian diplomat, getting from his seat and leaving the room with Luna and the American diplomat.

Moskva, Kremlin center

Being escorted by her men from paparazzi who were trying to interview her about the recent economic reform or a simple tourist picture for the photo album her phone rang and she then motioned to enter one of her private restaurants where she made the connection.

"Eleanor here, make your peace," she said.

"Our Red Mother, it is me Heliski," greeted the diplomat.

"Ah, Vladimir Heliski, report on the diplomatic talks?" She asked, taking a sip of her tea complimentary of the restaurant personnel.

"So far it's intense, and we might have a slight issue."

The Red Mother looked at her phone with a ridiculed face and then continued.

"What type of issue?" She asked.

"We have reason to believe the Alicorn agent is Twilight Sparkle, they also believe she may have not been spying at all rather than-"

Immediately the Red Mother spat out her tea in a surprised manner. "Twilight Sparkle!?"

"Yes Our Red Mother, is there a problem?" He asked.

"Damn them whoever made that report! I'm calling back my men!" She yelled out loud when Brezhnev entered the café with a documented report.

"Too late, I have just gotten a report from Perov, he's already enroute to the town as we speak, by the time we send the callback order he will already have arrived ma'am," reported the Secretary-General, which the Red Mother looked in shocked at her earlier decision.

"Gracious. What have I done!"

Night time in Starlight's town, approx. 9 hours before arrival

The time had come, it was nighttime, his men were asleep, the tank still parked, and he left his pistol in the cottage. Well, nothing like leaving behind a weapon It's not like they even have an army here in the first place he would think.

He leaned on the cottage that holds the mane si- five until he and Fluttershy could get their cutie marks and then plan how to deal with Starlight's totalitarian debauchery, but finally just as planned Fluttershy peaked herself up from the chimney, shaking herself from the musk of dust on her, and then repeat the mantra that Twilight had told her to repeat.

"Get the cutie marks back, that's all you have to do Fluttershy," she said to herself when Ogav flickered a laser on the chimney multiple times, which Fluttershy noticed and waved towards the Rodinian which he waved right back, but before she got off the roof Starlight and Double Diamond approached Ogav hid behind a barrel staring at Starlight's flank with a glaring stare.

"Excellent work Double Diamond," Starlight congratulated.

"Of course, but I don't understand why you wanted me to bring them here. Fluttershy is one of us now, surely she can be trusted?" Double Diamond affirmed.

"This one belongs to a princess! This could be very important to our cause," Starlight defined, raising the glass bottle that contains Twilight's cutie mark while Fluttershy looked through the window with worry.

"But if Twilight Sparkle becomes our friend then what do we care about this old cutie mark?" Double Diamond questioned.

"I just want to keep them close until everything is... Settled, you may go, Double Diamond," she dismissed as Double Diamond walked out the door unknowing that behind the opened door was Ogav who snuck through in the heat of the night listening in on the convo with suspicion written all over his face before being bumped by Fluttershy.


"Oh, sorry," She apologized, to which Ogav nodded in understanding, what came next was a sudden crashing sound followed by water and growling from Starlight, Fluttershy and Ogav nodded, and one flew and the other climbed up the house.

"Military training... Don't let me down!" He muttered, as he lifted himself on the window and peaked through with Fluttershy at his left.

"Ah, Starlight you clumsy fool!" She scolded.

She then placed the glass jars down on the counter chore and grabbed a towel that sat perfectly folded on top rubbing herself with it before Ogav and Fluttershy's eyes widened in surprise Fluttershy gave out a gasp before being dragged down by Ogav with his hands covering Fluttershy's mussel while shushing her quiet.

After peering at her window Starlight shrugged and went to bed and then after the lights were off Ogav released Fluttershy's mouth which she breathed deeply.

"Has.. Anypony tell you how bad your gloves smell??" She heaved.

"Eh, sorry been a while since I washed them," he whispered, but then he looked up from a glare to full-on anger. "Damn, bastard! I should've known she was a phony this whole time! And to think this town was equal!"

"We need to tell Twilight, she might know what to do," Fluttershy suggested.

"Lead the way then."

Eagle Base: Crystal City

Patton had been hard at work at keeping the base tidy and preparing refueling stations when the heroes arrived because unlike his country and its aging general, he sees the whole event as a righteous rescue, of course being an old age general himself he still has the capacity to shoot some bastards in the head once in a while.

Upon inspecting fuel depot one. Prince Shining entered the base with troops saluting briefly as he trotted past the base Military security who allowed him access.

Patton was personally looking inside the fuel barrel and then scolding his men for not filling it before he noticed Shining Armor, who was watching Patton scold his men, staring at the general.

"Now dammit! It's been thousands of years and you should know by now that we are not running a circus! Now get back to fuel depot 5 AND BRING ME A BARREL FULL OF FUEL!"

The troops in question having the fear of creation placed inside them aggressively saluted and rolled the barrel to depot 5.


Patton turned towards the patient Captain/Prince spoke.

"Captain Armor, glad to see you set foot, or hoof, (or whatever you call footsteps here) on base grounds, what brings you here?" Patton asked.

"I'm not here for anything else other than to help you, in fact so does everypony with me."

About eight to nine of the Imperial Royal Guard had come with Shining Armor to help out as well.

"What made you decide this Captain?" He asked.

"Because that's my sister they're trying to rescue!"

"Grab a M1 and get to rolling with those barrels."

Base Alicorn

The Colonel slammed the newspaper on the table in shock.

"Those commie bastards! Gold Star was on to something after all!" Alex said to himself in front of a military messenger who delivered the newspaper.

"Are you recommending we intervene sir?" The messenger asked.

"No, now get out, dismissed!" Alex demanded, which the messenger saluted and left the room leaving the Colonel and his phone as he grabbed a cigarette and lit it with a lighter giving a puff or two before he grabbed the phone and made the connection with his commanding officer.

The Pentagon

The telephone rings twice on the desk before being picked up by the Colonel's Commanding officer who was reading the newspaper.

"Carville speaking."


"Ah Colonel Alex, I assume you're calling me about the whole mess in Equestria," Carville assumed, looking at the newspaper and listening in on the phone.

"H-how did you know sir?" Alex asked.

"Because I'm reading about it right now, I don't know what the Major did but-"

"Sir I will be dealing with him for stealing property!" Alex interrupted.

"No, I was going to say that he'll be getting the Medal of Bravery after this is all sorted out," Carville smirked.

"Medal sir?"

"You heard that right Colonel, although he did steal a piece of government property a single Huey isn't nothing is nothing compared to the good old black hawks, makes me want to buy those instead, of course considering budget Huey's are the only thing we can afford right now since I've used much of the budget on the Bradley's and HIMARs, which reminds me I hear rumors of a possible new troop carrier that's coming out soon, and I heard our division will be the first to use it, now Colonel I should probably advise you on two things, number one don't piss off good Uncle Sam, and two don't piss off Twilight Sparkle or Celestia if you do that you've done more harm than good you get the context?"

"I.. Believe sir, but what about General MacArthur?" The Colonel asked.

"Well that fella is another story, but let's just say he and the president are currently having a discussion over this incident let's hope the president says otherwise, but until then is that all you wish to talk to me about Colonel?" The General asked.

"Actually there is, regarding Yates."

"Ah yes, that excellent fellow, lives an American life but also gets things done around the base, yet a bit childish at times but he has good spirit no doubt, I never had my doubts with the blood of Luther and I'm sure Luther himself would be happy to see his descendent live out his legacy, minus the staff of course creator forbid, but yeah what about him?"

"Well I did some research on him and his rank is a bit overdue, but the problem isn't just that he has participated in Gold Star's unauthorized operation as the pilot of the operation!" Alex exclaimed giving Carville a thought in his mind.

"Hmm, now that does sound like a problem, doesn't it? Then that case consider this operation authorized by me and me only under my sanction," Carville replied.


"Did I stutter Colonel? Or do I have to remind you that you've been drinking the usual high-volume alcohol on duty on base? You should be glad you have those two, otherwise, you would've found yourself in the streets, working at a seven-eleven! Now if you have any more complaints on this line I don't want to hear it now is that understood Colonel!" The General scolded.

"Yes, sir..."

"Good then have a nice day then."

As both phones are hung up leaving Colonel Speechless, General Carville at the Pentagon office looks back to his Newspaper putting his feet on the desk.

"Now where were we, ah yeah, my crossword puzzle."

Starlight's town

"This is Cheka 1, what's the status of the convoy."

"Delayed as of current sir, there's currently a sheep trail going by the"

"Shoot them."


"Shoot them, crush them, do something, no one not even animals delays our convoy."

"Understood... Sir..."

Day two, and Ogav and his crewmen started packing their things with two placing their duffle bags filled with clothes on top of the turret with the other guy being helped by his captain who helped pack his extra clothes, smoke grenades, and toothbrush.

One of the three men was curious about Ogav as it seemed that their captain was a bit sleepier than usual.

"So cap? I notice you're a bit sleepy, can you explain why?" Asked the pilot crewmen.

"Watch." Ogav chuckled, leaning on the front of his tank as a crowd of ponies gathered around the cottage containing the mane 5 out of the 6.

"I've got a good feeling about today!" Starlight smiled at the miserable-faced ponies. "So! Do any of you have anything you'd like to say?"

Obviously, the girls were silent even at times ignoring her which Starlight pitied.

"A pity, well let's try this again tomorrow, shall we?"

As the girls were being escorted Starlight announced.

"No new friends today I'm afraid!"

However Fluttershy as expected spoke.

"Wait! I like to lock them in!" Fluttershy requested.

"Marvelous Fluttershy! That's the spirit! Party favor will you join us please?" Starlight asked, as the blue-grayed pony ran out from the town prison and kissed her hooves in plea.

"I'M SORRY STARLIGHT I'M SORRY EVERYPONY! I'VE SEEN THE ERROR OF MY WAYS!" Party favor begged. "I never want to look at my cutie mark again!"

This satisfied the Unicorn which she smiled and replied.

"It seems there's calls for celebration after all!"

The ponies cheered, and Ogav grunted interrupting the cheering and focusing eyes on him which Starlight then walked up towards him.

"I wish we could offer you a further stay, but I believe there was something you wanted to ask me?" Starlight mentions.

"Of course, I wish to ask if we can blow up that railway in the mountains illegally built by the Equestrians."

Starlight raised her brow a bit and then answered.

"Why no, why do that when we're about to be a change in the land of Equestria!"

"That's what I'm afraid of..." Ogav whispered to himself when Fluttershy trotted from the door.

"Um... Starlight? I think we might have one more friend joining us today," Fluttershy informed as Twilight Sparkle walked from the door which shocked everyone including the spectating tank crew who were in disbelief to see a princess of Equestria committing to such a choice.

But no Ogav, although he was surprised on the outside, but on the inside, he knew what her plan was next, and he turned his dumbfounding into an evil-like smirk.

Starlight turned around from Ogav and questioned. "Is this true?"

"I-I think so, but I just want to be sure if I agree to leave my Cutie mark in the vault I'll really be happier?"

"Just look around! Equality has given much more happiness than you ever known!"

"And you wouldn't let me live here in the village with my old cutie mark?"

"Out of the question! A pony with a different cutie mark in our midst would destroy our entire philosophy! We are all equal here!"

Ogav chuckled inside of himself with the one word that came to his mind. "Gotcha."

"Then how can you explain this!" Fluttershy bellowed throwing a bucket of water on Starlight but missing her entirely, but one droplet from the water splash revealed her cutie mark from a false polish.

Everyone is shocked, the locals are shocked, and no one else, like seriously everyone but the locals is somehow surprised how come they didn't see that when she had magic and they didn't?

Obviously, she tried to win back the ponies but failed miserably as she went from sane to total insanity Ogav wasn't laughing at that point but rather staring at the pathetic nature it had become at this point.

However, the moment she started activating her horn was when Ogav almost drew out his pistol before pausing when Twilight spoke.

"Everypony has unique talent and gifts, and when we share them with each other that's how we-"

"QUIET!" She shouted in a deep pitch voice.

"You can't have that Cutie mark Starlight! Either we're all equal or none of us are!"

Immediately the entire town went into open revolt, and as Ogav smiled at this sight his Nokia buzzed indicating that he had a message, so he flipped his phone, and to his shock, he was given an order to... Secure the town by force...

"Sir is something wrong-"

The men caught a glimpse of the text and the crewmen all stared at him in worry while in the distance the entire town ran to the vault area where their cutie marks were stored, obviously, Ogav looked at them and the text repeated in a decision, the girls attempted to bust down the door with their weakness until finally Ogav finally took action.

"You! Get those ponies clear of that door! You! Get this tank running! And Loader! Unload 4/5ths of the gunpowder in one of the shells and shoot down that door!" Ogav ordered.

"Uhh.. Yes sir?" They wondered as they went to their post and Ogav went inside of the tank where the shell nearly emptied of it's gunpowder he yelled.


Immediately Twilight and her friends ran from the door and with the push of the pedal the cannon burst a shell where it flew through the air and destroyed the door into nothing but chips, with minimum damage done to the front the mane 6 ran inside to find their cutie marks followed by the other locals who now repossess their cutie marks went to give chase after Starlight Glimmer, the tank crew asks as they see the pony group running afar.

"What now sir?" They asked, to which Ogav looked and replied.

"Let them go, for now, keep the town steady and... Let's befriend the locals so that when Perov arrives the men may be cheered by the crowd as heroes rather than invaders if you get my point," Ogav ordered, which the men nodded in understanding.

"Understood sir, you've saved us all from Petershoof, and we'll save them from the tyrant."

"Good to hear comrades... Good to hear..."

Ogav looked in the distance with the mane 6 on foot before he could see a glimpse of Twilight Sparkle who paused midway and waved towards the Captain who he happily waved back.

"Dasvidaniya Pony."

The clock ticks at the moment and the GPS indicates we're getting close.

"Hey Major, we only have about 2 miles until we arrive, sir," I informed but paused when I saw a fleet of 6 green dots detected on my radar which Gold Star quickly peeked at the pilot seat and I could feel what he was feeling... My gut was also burning like fire.

"They're here... Ah shit! Can this thing go any faster!" Gold Star yelled.

"It's as fast as it goes, you better hope they don't get caught by these things, and Creator forbids it better not be a Hind Mil-24 or they're toast," I said in the hope that I would never face these things in battle.

"...Let's not think that Lieutenant I heard the stories to you know, but just in case though, hey Spike here's what you can do! You see those green boxes right there at the back!"

"Yeah?" Spike replied.

"They're filled with high explosive rocket pod munitions, all you need to do is shove them in the rocket pod outside when we engage the enemy is that understood?" Gold Star instructed, but Spike peeked his head out the window to locate the pod, and when he did he gulped in the fear of heights.



"I said do you understand what I told you, Spike?" The Major repeated.

"Uhh.. Yes yes sure, but uh.. About how high are we again!?" Spike panicked

"Listen! Grab a hold of yourself and listen! Your sister is at stake here! If you don't do this right she, her friends, and everyone else in this helicopter is roasted steak! Do you understand that!" Gold Star added on with this fear in logic which Spike, being raised by her half-sister, is now in the same vessel trying to save her, and with this in mind, he now feels the burden of the responsibility he has in the helicopter which feeling this burden he shook his head to clear his mind of the fear and saluted to the Major.

"I won't let you down, sir!"

"Good to hear! Griffith! Quag! Be ready to agitate our enemy, and no we're not trying to kill anyone, be sure to shoot but miss the enemy ground forces if they shoot at us, as for the possibilities of helicopters though.."

"We could aim at the back rudders, the helicopter will spin out of control and the pilots could potentially survive, but in the end, someone is going to die here, and it's not going to be me," I stated.

"Let's hope it doesn't have to be this way," Gold Star replied. He then turned towards the window and sighed. "I hope.."

With Starlight kicked off of her town the Mane 6, with the help of Ogav blowing down the door with a literal tank, breached Starlight's house to find the Cutie Marks that were stolen from them before they found a secret passageway that leads to the outside, they gathered with the locals who now retained their cutie marks and were willing to help track down Starlight which both groups did.

However strangely it seemed that Starlight had enhanced her "Equality" spell because for some reason it would seem that the mane 6 unlike the locals lost the ability to run as they could previously, the princess gave the locals trust and they raced to stop Starlight from reaching the caves.

During this struggle, Perov and his transport helicopter surprised everyone when his Mil-8 Helicopter zoomed by above the group giving time for the locals to pounce on Starlight and smash the jars which they successfully did, however, this angered Starlight in a fit of rage upon her own people that she had ruled with an iron hoof on, and in an attempt of revenge, and possibly burning them to a crisp, she fires a lethal spell powerful enough to turn the quadruple into ash, however at the last minute Twilight Sparkle swoops into their aid and blocks Starlight's lethal spell with a all-powerful yet low-level impossible barrier disintegrating the laser-like beam that failed to reach it's target.

Starlight gawked at the pony who not only ruined the life she made for herself but now ruined her revenge while also confused about how...

"I studied that spell for years! How could you-"

"I studied magic for years too but what I didn't know then was that studying could only take me so far, each of my friends has taught me something different about myself! It was their unique gifts, passions, and personalities that helped bring the magic inside of me, I would have never learned that I represented the element of magic without these five, and I certainly wouldn't be here to stop you now!"

"Spare me with your sentimental nonsense I-I," Starlight Glimmer was interrupted when she started hearing propeller sounds blowing in the air, soon Twilight Sparkle and everyone else noticed the sounds of propellers echoing from the maintain sides, the locals who assisted earlier worry, Fluttershy coward in fear behind Rainbow Dash, who she and Applejack were both in a tense stance, Twilight and Starlight tried to find the source of the sound, and Pinkie Pie and Rarity were grabbing onto each other bracing for what was to come.

And what came was a nightmare with propellers, missile pods on both sides, heat-seeking missiles armed and ready, and a creepy intimidating black-tainted window with below it a Gatling gun capable of turning anyone in the line of fire into kebabs the moment they're hit by the gun.

"We've spotted the targets." said a Mil-24 Hind pilot.

"Have you found the Alicorn?" Perov asked behind the radio.

"Yes, General. But... it's-it's..."

"Well? It's what? Spit it out, Pilot!"

"It's one of Euqestria's princesses sir..."

"Princesses you say..? What color is it?" Perov asked.

"...Lavender sir,"

With silence at first behind the radio, Perov makes his decision.



"Follow your orders pilot, exterminate her and her friends immediately!" Perov aggressively orders.

The Pilot looked at the helpless ponies and slowly flicked the safety off with pleasurable guilt. "Forgive me.."

Immediately he pressed the button and the Gatling gun sprung to life shooting at the rocks and collapsing the mountainsides as pebbles crumble from the might of the 50 cal machine gun lighting everything into a smoke-filled canyon.

Twilight, her friends, and the locals took cover behind the rocks as the helicopter reduced hard solid rock into nothing but powder while Starlight Glimmer smirked at the mane 6 and laughed. With rage built up in her with satisfaction that someone else would finish off the ponies, she laughed continually maniacally.

"WHERE'S YOUR FRIENDSHIP NOW!" She shouted, teleporting away from the group and into the cave system where Twilight looked at Double Diamond and the locals, hiding desperately behind a boulder cowardly in fear as the strafe of bullets narrowly missed them by a hair of their manes, and so for their safety she forcibly teleported them back to their hometown of what was once Starlight's town.

However, as the locals tried to scramble to figure out what happened they were met by Soviet troops taking up positions in the town with Soviet tanks, cars, jeeps, and mobile infantry as they sat there dumbfounded and horrified at what their town had now become.

Ogav looked at the group from a distance and emotionally shook his head in silent despair.

The mane 6 is all that's left, Rainbow Dash notices the sounds of Starlight running away from their sights but with the Soviet copter continually blasting away at their cover Twilight looked at the cave and gulped.

"IN THE CAVE HURRY!" She motioned, as all 6 made a dash to get inside the cave, however, the co-pilot noticed this and fired a rocket pod worth of explosives into the top of the mountain causing an avalanche and burying the cave entrance blocking the six mares from entering inside.

"We're trapped!" Fluttershy yelped, as the 6 were now trapped by a helicopter which was like a beast preparing to pounce on its prey on the evening swan.

Twilight Sparkle, with no other choice, used her forcefield spell as a last-ditch tactic to block the bullets that were to come with the knowledge of human advancement in anti-magic weaponry she made her last thoughts.

"When they start shooting at me run! I'll hold them off!" Twilight instructed.

"We're not leaving you! We're friends and friends stick together!"

"Yeah! You hear that Meany! We aren't afraid of you!" Pinkie Pie lightly insulted to an emotionless flying craft as the mares stood side by side to brace their fates.

The pilot edges his hand on the trigger when he suddenly gets a lock on alert on his radar.

"Что за?"

Suddenly two missiles are fired from the right side impacting the Hind's back propeller and one other missile hits the Co-pit turning it into a fiery inferno leaving the mares shocked and awed with a mix of horror as the burning helicopter crashes down to the bottom of the mountain chasm and explodes upon the impact of the ground.

Appearing from the right is a Huey bell helicopter with American symbols on the side, the six mares stood there confused about a lot of questions until the helicopter landed in front of them and the door opened to find Gold Star in the passenger seat equipped with a helmet and standard uniform holding an M4 assault rifle as he jumped out from the active helicopter.

"Are you alright!" He said with a shout.

"Gold Star!? How did you find us!" Rainbow Dash asked in a surprise.

"Long story, I can explain on the way-"


"Crap! STORY TIME LATER EVERYONE GET IN!" He ordered as the mares quickly ran onboard the helicopter with Gold Star closing the door behind him, in that moment I quickly got us the hell out of dodge, but we weren't out of this, not yet.

Twilight Sparkle breathed in relief before being surprised by Spike embracing her.

"Spike! Where did you? Why did you?"

"I wanted to be sure that you were okay! Mr. Star brought me with him."

"You brought Spike!" Twilight Scolded.

"There was no one to take care of him I couldn't leave him on the base!"

"Unauthorized at least." I slipped.

"What does he mean by that?" Rarity asked when a missile blew up on our left side scaring her to pieces as the helicopters had reached our position.

"SHIT! I KNEW I SHOULD'VE USED A BLACK HAWK!" I said to myself, dodging every missile possible and praying the next missile is not one of those heat-seeking air-to-air obliteration tools.

"But you can barely pilot this damn thing let alone keep us steady!" Gold Star replied.

"Yeah! But at least it has more guns and armor than this sorry piece of shit that I'm piloting!" I replied back.

"We need to take those bandits down! Twilight can you use some sort of magic shield spell or something to block the bullet hellfire while I reload?" Gold Star asked, to which Twilight replied.

"Consider it done."

She then started lighting her horn and shielded our copter deflecting the missiles off of our range.

"Griff, quag! Get your asses into shape and start shooting at those communist bastards before they shoot us down!" Gold Star scolded, while the two got to work, opening the doors that Gold Star just closed and returning fire on the shooting gunships, Twilight set her shield to the rate that it allows our bullets to price through while keeping the enemies out.

"Yates keep us steady, and just in case we have to do an emergency landing, don't crash us!"

"Roger that Major," I replied giving a sudden jolt to the mares behind me.

"Major!?" yelled the mares in unison.

"Yeah!- Wait you didn't tell them?" I asked.

"I... Didn't get the chance?" Gold Star replied with a weak reason which I didn't even care about at this point considering the sounds of explosions surrounding us.

"...You know what, forget it, we'll talk about this when we get back to base, just more shooting, less talking."

"Hey don't forget who're talking to Lieutenant!"

"We're fighting for our lives here Major! Can this discussion wait!"

"...Good point."

And so without further fuss or argument, Twilight Sparkle continued to shield the helicopter while the men fired the miniguns at the MI-24s that chased us down mercilessly, however to the Rodinian pilot's dismay they prepared their Heat seeking missiles to fire at us, looked intensively at the targeting systems that were aligning the missile to it's marked target and could've fired at us. Which they did as they fired a multi barrage of unguided missiles towards us.


But because I am not willing to die here in this god-forsaken land I made a suicide move and jerked around into a zig-zag pattern followed up with an up-and-down move, and let me tell you the mares in the back are having to vomit in our own helmets...

This worked actually as the Rodine pilots weren't able to get a target on us but instead, they resorted to using their Gatling guns on us which tore through every rock it had touched, but somehow, just somehow we made it out and Twilight didn't even use her shield, probably because she is vomiting as well or that she almost fell off from the Huey multiple times and had to be caught by Gold Star some of the times followed by the two scolding me all because I was trying to keep us alive.

"Can you not shake us!" Rainbow Dash complained.

"I think I threw out my dinner..." Pinkie Pie sickly said, before vomiting in my helmet. "Nope... I think that was desert.."

"Are you crazy! Are you seriously trying to get us killed!"

"Can you keep it steady once in a while too!"

"I-I- think I'm gonna-" and then Fluttershy threw up outside of the helicopter her vomit landed on one of the Mi-24 helicopter windows and with that, he crashed into the canyons killing the pilot and obliterating the helicopter.

That's it! Even though it's disgusting it just might save our skins.


"What did the human say?" Applejack sluggishly asked.

"He said... Wait, ah I see, trust him this is a very funny yet disgusting skin-saving idea I'd do it," Gold Star confidently suggested.

"Our... Funeral?" Rarity asked, she quickly covered her mouth and barfed out of the helicopter, it missed but Rarity understood what I was aiming at.

"Ah, I get it! I knew this disgusting abscess could be of some use, give me his helmet!" Rarity demanded from Pinkie.

"Okay... But I'm not sure where this is going," Pinkie said, handing Rarity my helmet now filled with... Lord above I'm gonna need a new helmet after this.

She threw my helmet but missed in the midst of a rocket pod flying right toward her face before Twilight's shield ignited and detonated the missile but this threw Rarity off the helicopter and she dropped my helmet below hanging on with her dear life.



The next wave of 50 cal strafing was attempted by the last Mil-24 missing Rarity by a tail, Gold Star quickly got to action and grabbed his M4 in an attempt to shoot down the helicopter with small arms fire, obviously, that didn't work, but it did keep the helicopter distracted while Twilight tried to reach for Rarity while also keeping the shield maintained.

"GRAB MY HOOF!" Twilight yelled out, as the two mares reached for each other in the midst of the chaotic mid-air firefight.

Perov arrived at the town in question, he assigned men to collect information from the locals and so far it intrigued him that the original leader fled because of the Mares known as the mane 6, as his vehicle entered what was once the "Vault" Ogav and his men were searching around the place while the convoy arrived.

Perov and Ogav saluted to each other.

"Status report captain."

"General, it seems from what we can collect from the locals and my experience in being here, it seems Starlight had tempered with our Red Mother's ideology and twisted it for her own self-gain. She used this vault to store what would be the special markings the ponies call 'cutie marks' It seemed her goal was to transform the world with this ideology," Ogav explained, intriguing the general with this thought in mind.

"Interesting, although we weren't able to prosecute her there may be another time," Perov stated, turning his back towards Ogav and walking out of the cave.

"General? Shouldn't we try to hunt her down instead? What if she gained some sort of discipleship and tried to over throw our country or everyone's countries? She's a threat as long as she lives!" Ogav suggested, which paused Perov in his tracks and kept his back turned with a reply.

"Unfortunately I can't take your request with heavy regard any longer," Perov replied, giving Ogav a... Serious burn in his gut.

"And.. Why not, sir?" Ogav asked.

"One, you've blatantly disobeyed a direct order to ask her and instead you've led a coup de tat against her! The town will most likely be back under Stalliongrad occupation if unless they're lucky, a joint occupation, the pony residence will have to undergo a brainwashing reeducation campaign, and now I'm having to document what just happened upon our arrival!" Perov explained before giving out the simple words. "You, are being reassigned Captain, you're going to Yakyakistan."

Ogav was jolted back from what he heard but before he can even reply Perov further adds.

"Your crew will be discharged from the army as well."

"What!? You can't just do that!" Ogav protest.

"These are my orders from the R.I.B. and unless you want to be locked up in the Gulag I would suggest cooperating with them, your crew got it lucky Captain, they'll be provided homes and hopefully they can live with their family, but..."


"In exchange, you must be cut from the picture, that's why I ask of you to go to Yakyakistan, and stay there, consider a promotion Volklav, you become the base chief of a Soviet established base permitted by the Yaks, and the best part is you'll be given more than your average crewmen, you'll be given a thousand of men just like you," Perov smiled, but not the type you would think as inside, the man knew that getting rid of Ogav would be a benefit and Ogav, who sat there and looked at his men being escorted by the Military Police, knew now that he had gambled his luck away.

And that luck had landed him into the god-forsaken lands of Yakyakistan...

Rarity grabbed Twilight's hoof but slipped, and without further choice, Twilight lowered the shield and used her magic to catch Rarity from free falling to the ground, this greatly leaves us exposed to the last Gunship as it took this moment of window to fire everything it has on us, but I wasn't willing to go down like this.

I quickly pulled up confusing the gunship pilot who had been chasing us this whole time and before you knew it he was pulling up too, this was perfect, all I needed now was to align the remaining missile cartridge I had left before I ran out of missile to shoot and then get shot down ourselves.

So executing perfectly the entire helicopter was filled with nerve, and since Twilight was weak after pulling Rarity from death itself it was all on me to keep us alive, Gold star closed the door and held on to the bars inside and so did everyone else, although they were weak they held onto the bars as tight as they can.

Without expectation, I twisted the pilot stick aggressively and unloaded everything on that son of a bitch who was following us from machine guns to the missiles I had left the pilot who had been chasing us this entire time dies with his Helicopter, but there was no cheer rather than an eerie silence which was understandable.

So once I got the helicopter balanced and steady I made a turn back toward Equestria, and with fuel though it was enough to be able to make it to Crystal City.

So after the whole excitement, the six mares sat down in relief while Gold Star looked at them with relief but confusion.

"Why the heck did you follow the map?" Gold Star questioned.

"Map? You mean the castle map?" Twilight replied.

"Yes that map, what made you decide that the map wants you specifically in Stalliongrad?" Gold Star exclaimed.

"Because of the ponies," AJ interjected. "They've been suppressed and stripped their Cute marks, and I don't know what brought them commies here but it seems they clearly didn't give enough care for Starlight."



"Oh right, he wasn't with us remember?" Fluttershy pointed out.

"Of course, he didn't go with us, because obviously, he'd already known the trap we were walking into when we were at that vault that Twilight led us to," Rainbow Dash bleated.

"I didn't know about the trap either, if anything I didn't know at all about what we were walking into, I assumed it was friendly but the way they tried to force ponies to live with them... That wasn't a friendship that was-"

"Communism, and it seems this "Starlight" pony had made a new bi-product version of it, Great! Just what we needed," grumbled the tan stallion.

"But in the end, we are grateful for what you did back there," Twilight gracefully thanked.

"Yeah, even though it was tight you did save our hides back there, and I think everypony can agree on that," Applejack freely motioned which the mares nodded in approval.

"Well... I-I don't know what to say other than thank you all for the gratitude, I may not be here soon after this," Gold Star sighed.


"Because this helicopter you're in, we had to steal this after Alex had denied us the clearance, and with government laws, I may be subjected to court marshal"

"As in?"

"He means he'll be sent to court..." Twilight simplified, which made the mares concerned over this subject Gold Star turned and climbed onto the co-pit into the co-pilot seat of the helicopter.

While the mane 6 discussed the word court marshal, I slowly spoke to Gold Star quietly.

"You didn't tell her."

"...I don't need to, what's best for her is best for me, I'm not going into the trouble I'm about to find myself in," Gold Star frets.

"I'm sure Patton can take you in with open arms," I suggested.

"Maybe so, but I'm within American jurisdiction of the law and if join him it would be a cowardly move, and they'll most likely persecute you and the two men inside of this helicopter in place of me, and I am not willing to let that happen to neither of my men, so the best case is for me to stand up to my punishment, and let you deal with what lies before you in your journey," Gold Star pledged, which in response I extended my arm towards him.

"Then it's been an honor serving you... Sir."

Gold didn't give a response for a moment as the mares were still talking and gossiping alongside with worry for my friend and the possibility that they may never see those locals who helped them get their cutie marks back again, and with the Rodinians now becoming more of a threat they may fear this possibility, but without my knowledge, Twilight Sparkle had been staring at Gold Star with worry ever since he minds kept conflicting itself but she knows what it must be.

As for the Major, he replied finally after a moment of silence and said.

"Yeah... You too, friend."


"Confirmation has been made, the princess and her friends had escaped on an American Huey, casualties are currently 6 total accounted for, I have to ask though? Why are you happy about this?" The messenger asked, giving a chuckle as a reply from the Red Mother as she leaned forward on her cushioned chair.

"It's simple really, although we lost six men in the process I'm sure we can send envelopes to their families and compensation as well for their troubles, but of course, knowing that the princess is alive is a good indicator that we will not be suffering a nuclear bomb attack from the American Federation," the Red Mother explained.

"I don't understand our Red Mother, why would the Americans use this typical weapon against us?" The messenger asked, and the Red Mother leaned back on her chair and responded with a dire warning that would stick to the messenger's head.

"While we have a technological advantage in a style of competing, the Americans currently tally us with the numbers above, we've overestimated them when they created this bomb. With this bomb, they could now force the world to do whatever they wanted, they may have promised not to use this weapon only in emergencies it's clear that sooner or later a president who doesn't believe in Reagan's policies will absolutely undermine this promise and soon he or she will most definitely use this weapon as the gun to the worlds head," warned the Red Mother.

"I.. See..."

"Now as for the unfortunate death of the men, I think it's time I give a blow once in a while in America's diplomatic progression, but before I do that, I have something to give, I looked over the final document and so far it seems that it indeed has a good list of accomplishments, along with promising future type ideals that are beneficial for Rodinia, you may send this to the CPC and have this document finalize and official," the Red Mother ordered.

"Very good our Red Mother, by the way, what do you plan to do to destroy the diplomatic progression between America and Equestria?" The messenger asked.

"Just watch and see," the Red Mother dismissed, which the messenger saluted and left her office, she grabbed the Moskva-Washington hotline and dialed the number.

" Mr. Sam, I have a proposition for you in exchange for our silence on the occuring incident."

Crystal City

Patton had kept a post on the skies for three straight hours, it was starting to get dark and he kept being called and called, and called even more about why he hadn't apprehended the helicopter, however, it seemed that they'd stopped calling him which left him with two things on his thought, one they got sick and tired of being ignored that they've just given up, or two they may take matters into their own hands.

If it's option one, good for them because he was almost about to march into the damn pentagon and yell at the head for wasting his time and patience for senseless phone calls.

If it was option 2 however, then that's a different story, as much as he would like to shield them for the bravery they've displayed but he really couldn't do anything considering the fact that no one is above the law, and unless pardoned, or proven not-guilty it is out of his hands unfortunately.

What matters now is a soft place in the land of the crystals for the heroes who are yet to arrive.

It is nearly night and with some others having faith that the helicopter will make it, Patton takes it to his hands and turns towards his radio staff.

"Corporal Holt! Get the men to turn on these damn lights! Our friends won't see shit if they're off!"

"Aye aye, good sir!" Replied the funny man, as he instead of tuning the radio to the crew men ran towards the watchtower, climbed 23 floors worth of stairs, and then saluted to the air traffic controller.

"If you want me to turn the lights on, I'm already getting someone to do that, but before you go can you fetch me a light bulb? Our room light bulb died," the controller requested, which Holt saluted and went down the 23 floors worth of stairs again, picked out a perfectly good clear light bulb from the storage room, played the mirror and mirror game with Derpy, and then climbed yet more 23 steps worth of floors, and finally, he delivered it to the air traffic controller.

"Thank you Holt this will go well in our room, say how about- '' before he could say anything Holt had left to report back to Patton who had been waiting for him on the tarmac.

Holt returns to Patton in a salute and Patton nods and stares at his men.

"You see there! This man is willing to do his exercise, Everyone run 10 laps around this runway! Including you drill Sergeant COME ON HUP TO IT! HUP ONE TWO THREE FOUR COME ON COME ON, ON THE DOUBLE!"

As the men, including the drill sergeant, marched in a line formation Holt was back to his own devices, and by his own devices as in observing the night flowers under the supervision of Colonel Canter, who had been worried about me the whole time of this endeavor, he was the one who organized the refueling team, of course, most of his time as the expeditionary he had been patrolling the crystal streets of the Crystal city like a police force, but with heavier weapons and heavy supervision with a width of a hawk eye view.

Ever since Canterlot, he was reassigned by Patton as the infantry commander with the job of patrolling the Castle center of the city, and while it may sound nice for civilians who would like to see the Princess and the Prince of the Crystal empire, it wasn't pleasant for the Colonel, no matter the number of pictures his men would pose in front of Cadence and Shining Armor, if anything this happened 3 times before Patton switched them out for janitor duties. Though this proved ineffective as they would take a peak with the booty of images and be looking up to the sky and saying worth it.

"Colonel sir! Our radar has picked up a singular aircraft heading for us!"

"Very good, have the landing crew on the tarmac immediately and stat, Corporal Holt! Inform general Patton, and Captain armor," the Colonel called.

"Roger good sir!" Replied Holt as he marched casually to Patton while the Colonel turned towards the helicopter that was approaching from the distance.

"Welcome home."

After the long ride with five of the mares and spike, along with the two troops now asleep after the adventurous long day the only ones up were me, Gold Star, and Twilight Sparkle.

I've been piloting the whole time so nothing to note about me there, but Gold Star on the other hand is pondering whether at the last moments should he reveal his true self if they were to force him out of what was once called his home country, while Twilight Sparkle on the other hand is... Much much much and even more much different.

"Gold Star, I've been wanting to tell you this since, well, since the day we visited you in the hospital."

"About the books like say clover the clever's journal? Yeah I can see that part with the whole mind erasing things happening as a terrorist item, or the part of incendiary spells, yeesh I do not not WANT to face up against that type of spell."

"Well, yeah but-"

"Hey you two, wake them up, we're here," I said.

We started making our our landing towards base Eagle, a officialized name that Patton had personally came up with with the symbol of pride of confidents especially since they've been banished along with the Crystal empire for thousands of years, in detail they've been sitting in the trenches besieging the city during the Human-Crystal war which Celestia and Luna had spearheaded.

But upon discovering that the place was ridden with a curse but also the possibility of crystal ponies who had been enslaved to fight their army, Patton chose the opposite and made a daring move to have the entire city evacuated regardless of who was mind controlled or not, 1/3 of the city was evacuated that day before the two princesses banished Sombra into the eternal world of Limbo, cursing the city and everyone inside it for thousands of years.

When the then president Andrew Jackson heard of this, he demanded compensation for the lost of the armor brigade, the general, and the lives that are now banished, there was even a talk for a war committee against Equestria but was vetoed by the president when he was satisfied with the compensation he was given.

With that said though, we're here once again and this time it was princess Cadence, Prince Armor, and General Patton who awaited us on the tarmac.

Upon landing we were quickly met with troops who cheered upon our heroism with some silent, and the MP, well they weren't really going to arrest us it would seem but as for the six mares and spike they walked out of the huey and were embraced by Cadence who was worried exceedingly for them.

"Are you all alright?" Cadence asked, as she released them from her hug.

"We're fine Cadence, if it wasn't for them we wouldn't be standing here, but..." Twilight Paused and looked at Gold Star who was stepping out of the helicopter shaking hoof and hands to the soldiers who had bravefully fought against the helicopters. "We may have a problem."

Castle of Canterlot

The diplomats had been sitting in the same room for a good while now, it's night time, Princess Luna had left for a moment to settler a nightmare a pony was having, music made by Kino is playing on the radio, but instead of having the negotiation with talking the two were basically locked in a silent treatment until the Rodinian diplomat's phone rings.

"You better answer that," suggested the American.

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I'll answer it..."

He answered the phone and placed it on his ear. "Hello?"

"Mr Heliski, I have wonderful news to provide, for now Mikhali Gorbachev will be heading these proceedings for peace, and also, Twilight Sparkle and her friends had escaped Perov," the Red Mother informed.

"That's... Good, well then should I continue the proceedings?" The soviet diplomat asked while Luna had come back inside of the room and noticed him on the phone.

"You may, I have made only one demand, in fact... Is Princess Luna in the room?" The Red Mother asked.

"Yes?" Heliski replied.

"Good... Then put the phone on speaker I wish to personally speak with her."

"Of... Course ma'am."

The diplomat then put the phone call on speaker and faced his nokia infront, pointing the screen towards the night princess.

"Princess Luna, you do understand the meaning of these proceedings very instructed by your sister."

"Of course, but may I remind you that the incident could've stir quite a trouble within our population," Luna pointed out.

"Correct as you are, but the men involved has killed six of my men during the extraction, and clearly this is no black ops operation, like the one the American's have... Conducted in Olenia."

"That was years ago, and yet you've still grudge against them that day?"

"Ah simple Luna, the younger sister of the regal sisterhood, and yet somehow you got yourself banished to the moon for a thousand years, ain't that just sad," the Red Mother stated, which made Luna puff.

"Do you intend to anger me with the ray of insults what exactly does this have to proof!"

"I'm not insisting,but it's really like the saying I have personally, it's the individual's decision, not the maker."

Luna's nose puffed in aggravation and an insult to her dignity.

"But without further reminders, I have a simple demand, and that is to simply sever anything related with the personal diplomacy, along with documents, I will want those null and void as well."

"You can't do that Red Mother, it is my sister's work and I will not let you dismantle the peace we've made with the Human American's I will not allow you to ruin this peace that I've violently destroyed when I turned into Nightmare moon!"

"Ah you know about the Lunar wars then? Did your sister tell you that or... No... You already knew that, did you? The moment you were banished to the moon you've seen the fire that the men were experiencing, you wanted to turn back and yet you didn't, you didn't and the war lasted 70 years, funny and yet pitiful, nonetheless it was your individual decision to let the war carry on for the next 70 years!"


"Not yet Heliski, I have one more thing to add, if my demands are not met in the next 100 hours, then I will be releasing documentation regarding the hostilities in front of the international council in the Crystal City, so I hope you are willing to send your ponies to court, because we princess, have gathered enough evidence."

"Then it shall be trial then! Turn it off!" Luna demanded, which the Rodinian diplomat flipped his phone off and tilted his hat.

"I best be leaving then I guess..."

"Best you should sir, good night, and good riddance."

"Right back at you," Replied the Rodine, as he packed his things in his briefcase and left the room, leaving Luna and the American diplomat with concern on their faces.

Base Alicorn

Alex is informed by general Carville that the authorization had been denied by General MacArthur, and the arrest warrants had been sent out to arrest Gold Star, a jeep is spotted being driven by Yates and Gold Star on the passenger seat along with then other two men as the Colonel brought the MP with him at the gate.

Once the jeep pulled up at the gate the Colonel looked at the two.

"Missed us?" Gold Star asked.


"Sir please step out of the vehicle and place your hooves on the gate," ordered the MP, while Gold Star steadily opened the door and placed his hooves on the gate, I wasn't having it any more.

"I did it! I fucking gather these two with us, I orchestrated this fucking operation, and I was the one who planned it! It was all me! And if he goes I go to!"

"Sir?" Asked the MP, which Alex glared at me with rage.

"Aye, detain him as well!" He ordered, which I quietly raised my hands up and stepped out of the vehicle before being halted by the MP.

"Your gun Lieutenant, hand it here," the Colonel ordered, which I obliged and handed my revolver to him.

But it was until a yell sounded from a distance.

"Cease this unrightful arrest!" Princess Celestia ordered, surprising the men including I and Gold Star along with the Colonel who wasn't expecting this arrival.

"I suspect you had something to do with this Gold Star!" Alex scolded.

"It wasn't him," said a very recognizable voice from a sky far distance who she landed in front of Celestia "It was me!"

Twilight Sparkle and Celestia were accompanied by two Royal guard pegasus who came with them to protect them however it also meant that by bringing them here they’ve basically showed that they mean business, and this comes as a silent shock especially for Gold Star who sort of suspected something like this was going to happen, but to bring Celestia and royal guards was a bit... Too much, though from this surprise visit Alex had not anticipated this arrival either, and he quickly realized he wasn’t going to arrest them as he figured out their purpose, and because of his next decision he may have prevented something else worse.

So he signaled the MP who had us cuffed to release us and shoved us out of the base.

"If you come to free them or place them under your protection here they are, but I will no longer have them on my base unless these two are proven innocent or guilty! So I hope you have a place for them to sleep because they're not sleeping here! And you better be sure they arrive to the Crystal City as well!"

"And why is that?" Celestia asks.

"Because I've been informed that the international court is being in session soon, and they demand that Gold Star be tried," Alex informs.

"On what charges? Clearly he has the obligation to rescue those who couldn't save themselves; this is an act of international self being, something we can counter against any other claims," Celestia pointed out.

"That’s something you’ll have to see in the international court, but until then princess, they're not allowed on base camp! Men! Shut this gate!" Colonel Alex ordered, which the men then shuts the gate right in front of us, clearly we've just been, evicted, suspended, and possibly exiled from the entire military.

Upon this Celestia and Twilight looked at each other wondering what to do next, clearly they weren’t going to let us freeze.

"So uh... Not to interrupt ya, but uh... Where do we sleep?"

Castle of Princess Twilight, Ponyville

“It’s not much, but I hope it’s enough to help you keep you and Gold Star rested,” Twilight glimmered.

“I think this will do, even though we’ve been exiled from our base it’ll be fine,” I replied.

“Great! I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Twilight waved, leaving the guest room to me and soon Gold Star, since space is almost limited we’re bunking in the same room until you know, we get innocent or something along those lines, how is Uncle Sam taking this?

Washington city, Abraham monument garden.


“Sir, it seems General MacArthur had issued arrest warrants on Gold Star and it would seem that both him and Yates had been arrested, of course they’re now under international protection,” reported Vice President Bush.

“Thank the Creator for that last news, BUT WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON THE GENERAL I’M GOING TO RING HIS THROAT AND MAKE HIM WISH HE WAS NEVER BORN!!” Uncle Sam angrily shouted, enraged at the top of his lungs.

“Sir, what about the phrase “No one in the land above the law?” Is it the standard phrase?”

“You do not understand Bush, and I understand this logic, but the goal I have is beyond you comprehension, and I won’t let this… Set back hinder the progress I’ve made.”

“So what are you suggesting sir?” Asked Bush, to which Sam sighed and replied.

“I'm going to choke the hell out of MacArthur, but before that I'll be informing the Red Mother that I will accept her demand and dismantle personal diplomacy,” Uncle Sam stated.

“But sir? If we do that everything we’ve worked for will be in vain!”Bush said.

“Don’t worry about it Bush, it will prevent the international courts from intervening, and charges will be dropped, as for MacArthur,” Uncle Sam puffed. “He will keep his position as general, but someone will be fired after this, but in the diplomacy terms, what the Red Mother doesn’t know is that the personal diplomacy had been finished ages ago haha!”


“Obviously the purpose of this diplomacy specifically was indeed intended to get Twilight and Gold Star hooked up together with each other, Celestia even had this intention because she knows rather than later that she and her sister will be too tired to rule the kingdom, and what better way to rule it than a prince and princess and the 5 friend consorts, that’s the 20 year plan at least of course she wants me to dismantle the files, but no matter it aint like I'm going to, considering that I can just make copies.”

“But sir? He’s an Earth pony is he not?” Questioned Bush.

“I cannot provide that George, all I can provide is that sentence and the sentence only everything else is confidential and top secret by my standards, that may be all you may go,” Sam dismissed.

“Understood Mr. Sam,” George Bush finished, which he then left the garden room with his secret service men present in the conversation.

Map room, 12:31 AM

After I fell deep asleep Gold Star was in the map room staring deeply into the bright magical map, he didn’t budge an inch nor a blink but just felt a sense of peace and yet conflict, strange feelings, and never before.

Meanwhile Twilight was walking around the hallway still saddened about her previous home that had been destroyed and torn down by Tirek’s dark magic when she noticed that Star was in the map room, (or throne room which either one) she noticed Star’s fascination in the map and almost in a trance like state until she shook him a bit after a tap on his neck.

“You scared me.”

“Sorry, I was a bit worried that you’ve been consciously decapitated or something, what brought you here?” Twilight asked, sitting down besides Star coincidently aligned with her throne seat that has her cutie mark above.

“Well, I got curious about this, we know this map is magic but… Something within it is just different with the magic that I’ve come across but this, this is just different.”

“Different? You mean to say that you had come across some components of magic before?”

“Ehh, not quite, only in the books i’ve read that mentioned such magic, light and dark, bad and good, depressing and join ridden, but this, I got no clue how to describe the map, it looks like light magic of course, but I feel a hint of just specks of darkness as if it serves as a balance.”

“Hm? Interesting… But how can you feel that?”

“What do you mean? Can’t anypony feel or detect magic?”

“No, in fact only a unicorn with a higher class power or a regular Alicorn even to it’s lowest point can be able to detect and feel the properties of magic, and your a earth pony?”

“I guess I’m just a special earth pony then,” Star smuggly said.

“Heh, and what’s that supposed to mean?” Twilight chuckled.

“I guess you can say I’m just as bookworm as you,” Star teased, making Twilight laugh at the joke, and it was something that popped in Twilight that made her think more differently as if Harmony had just ordered cupid to head shot her with a love arrow.

“Well mister? How can you possibly be much more of a bookworm than me?” Twilight snickered.

“Hehe, the secret to this bookworm is firing magical death lasers.”

Star then imitated some laser sounds and Twilight being dramatic in the room.

“Oh Gold Star! But you’re an earth pony! How could you possibly fire magic lasers!”

“It doesn’t have to be magic, dear princess.”

After a little bit of fun with each other, following never before Twilight Sparkle showing her childhood side and Gold Star doing the same but keeping his identity secret as much as possible, but while the two spent the next 10 minutes disturbing my sleep with random… Flirting and whatever the hell you call romance I was getting pissed, so pissed that I stormed out of bed and yelled.


“Sorry!” Said the two in perfect unison before laying down on the ground laughing and looking up at the crystal roof.


After shutting the door and going back to sleep Twilight Sparkle layed on her hooves under her head and pondered about the things that occurred.

“You know, if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be here right now,” Twilight pondered.

“Thanking me again princess?” Star informally said.

“I’m kinda serious this time Star,” Twilight affirmed.

“Oh… I see, well it wasn’t really easy, if anything it just happened so fast.. So fast that I didn’t expect myself having to be sheltered here, I never thought to be in your life at all in fact, It just feels like things are moving too fast that’s all,” Gold Star inquired. “And yet, so much happened before, well this, I just feel a bit small you know, small and not up to your level or for the matter of your friends, I’m just-”

Twilight placed her hoof on Star’s tanned furred chest and looked at him with sparkling eyes filled with hope and friendliness seeping into his heart as if she injected some type of invisible liquid just with her widened eyes.

“You may have missed a lot of our adventures with my friends, but that wasn’t important because of the day when I felt the same when I first became Celestia’s protege, I felt small compared to her as well, but the words she told me once was what helped me become who I am, and what I should say shouldn’t make you feel small, you must grow, live and learn, those were what my teacher had showed me, it had gotten me far, and even though you’re a Earth pony I hope it may help you as well,” Twilight smiled bright towards Star who he smiled back.

“Thanks, for giving me that encouragement, but now that I think about it, you wanted to tell me something early back at Crystal City, what were you going to tell me?” Gold Star asked.

“Nothing, I thought of something but I completely forgot,” Twilight lied, giving no hint Gold Star shrugged and suddenly the clock dinged one o’ clock.

“Well, I guess I should be heading to bed,” insisted Star, as the two got back up and trotted towards the guest room quietly while I was still asleep giving no notice to those two whatsoever.

Gold Star got into his bed and laid back while Twilight politely used her magic to place the cover up to Star’s neck.

“If it’s fine perhaps, a second date might not hurt-”

But before Twilight could finish Gold Star was already asleep, she smiled at the sleeping stallion she then blew out the candle and kissed his forehead and on the way out, she closed the door behind her.

Leaving us two asleep.

Author's Note:

And that is that, with the Our town chapter over I may relax and enjoy myself.

But first, a little addition of a in combat helmet, me and the artist played a bit with the OC a bit and added a little helmet for his protection.

Anyways that's all for show and tell cya next chapter.