• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,630 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...

The Vacation

Louisville state, Beastrop.

Sheriff time clock was the old earth pony mare of the time, she was considered the states most oldest Sheriff, she was wise, attentive, and liked the apples.

Of course that to say, I worked with her before. At the age 14 I found myself partnered with her to look for the ones who was stealing all the oranges, not that she liked them. But she still had to do her job of course, I found the crooks first though and while she did endorse me to join the police force... Yea policing is not really my thing rather military that is.

There's also Cousin mark, he has the right idea of being southerner, well.. Maybe too southerner...

Of course sometimes he'd be caught by Time Clock for drinking heavy alcohol and of course he would be behind the bars, but most of the time his parents would pay his bail...

Anyways that to say, those two are of many people I knew in my hometown of Beastrop, not really much of a big town, but it's decent, in somewhat sort of way.

And since it was my vacation, I might as well pay my cousins and friends a visit before the week was up.

Washington Capitol

"We're now coming up on the Landing sir!" Said one of the Black hawk pilots, awaking Captain Lian from his sleep.

"Already??" He said, which David replied.

"it's only been two hours?"

"Well, I guess it's time to wake up 'present' you do it." Lian ordered, which David went to the sleeping deer princess and shook her up.

"U-i-ugh... Is it morning already..." She drooped, looking up at the Lieutenant.

"Time to wake up sleeping beauty, we're here." David joked.

Velvet stretched her four legs and got on her hooves, she went to the window to see the magnificent structures that she'd never thought she'd seen, considering that she was told the humans were basic creatures, boy is she in the dark. But nothing compared with her sight seeing

Since her trip to Equestria all she was told by both locals and even Celestia the cons of the Humans, while Celestia did spoke that some day humanity may look on their past and move forward, it seemed that humanity still looks upon their past but they certainly built huge structures such as buildings that towered even the helicopters that she was even riding.

The helicopter lowered it's landing gear with the approach to land infront of the white house, she sees two humans, one who is wearing a suit and tie, and one wearing some blue coat and a red and white striped top hat. She's seen top hats but never one like that as the helicopter jolted which signaled that they had finally landed on the ground.

She looked at the two nervously, considering that the suited person looked more guarded than the old beardy human wearing blue coat.

Of course the old one looked wise if not powerful, while the other one was golden haired, and somewhat very important by the looks of his guards, she was told by Celestia herself when she was in Canterlot that Humanity was very advanced to the point that they didn't even needed armor to defend against enemy invaders.

Of course that was just Celestia, now it seemed the human nation that she'll set hoof in wants her for a special purpose..

But in the name of her father, hopefully the purpose that they brought her their is not only to provide a in exile title, but potentially a tool to unite Olenia from it's ages of war and conflict under one banner, and maybe, a human intervention.


Driving up the hill, the road is as dusty as it had been since my childhood years, sure there was changes in my hometown like the new burger joint near the city highway, a chicken restaurant and a arcade shop in the inner town.

But the only thing that I look forward to other than this dammed vacation that I'm forced to take, is my grandmother Meagan. Who lives at the dusty outskirts of said town, atleast three miles from it atleast, but of course my cousin Mark, who I mentioned, always cared for her needs and health.

She's old, like super very duper Alicorn age old, she was diagnosed with something that made her keep muttering something with things and names she never met before. And she definitely didn't meet Celestia and Luna and... Six other ponies? Oh and a dragon.

Fucking strange I know, but anyways even when she has some type of traumatic event that makes her go coo-coo she's still my grandmother and with her age like that of course she's going to be a bit disillusioned, of course while my parents are currently doing acting job in Hollywood, Angeles, Mark, like I said, would be there to watch over her.

But while I was driving up on the dust road, it looks like.... Wait, is that?

"JOHN GORDAN!! GET THE HELL OUT OF THAT TRASH CAN!" Shouted Sheriff Time Clock, while John was doing his usual..

"Ma'am you do realize this is my trash can and I'm picking something up from something I dropped!" Shouted back John.

Time Clock sighed in annoyance and replied.

"You could've atleast tilted the trash can atleast! So you don't make a mess here!"


"Mr. Gordan, I know your aggravated about the fact that you've been discharged due to spinal problems, but can you please atleast be smart about things..." She expressed, while John just sat down.

"Well, I guess I cou- Holy shit.." John cursed.

"What?" Asked Time Clock.

"No fucking way, Sheriff look at there!" John pointed, as the red pick up truck was pulling into the country road.

"Well if I be dammed.." She said to herself, while I stopped the truck and rolled down the windows.

"Howdy miss Time Clock, how's policing?" I greeted in southern accent.

"Mr. Yates, I see you've been busy with stuff, I heard you were on that there old battleship when that big moon orb was stuck in there big sky for a couple hours?." The old Sheriff articulated in a southern accent.

"Well, atleast that's been settled of course that was, may I remind you, one year ago since then." I added, while I move my bag to the back of the seats, when I got a glimpse of John.

"Well howdy ex-Major, I didn't see you there, how's post military life doin for you?" I asked.

"Well, if it isn't Yates huh? The same one that was teached by my former Captain/replacement of the 105 division, teaching both ground and naval. So kid, what brought you back here exactly?" Expressed John Gordan, lifting a brow on my face.

"Eh, let's just say it was forced break. I may have been overworking myself admittedly atleast."

"Dear Celestia and grand lunar Luna, do you never learn when to quit do you? Like seriously! I wouldn't be surprised if you get spinal problems LIKE THE JOHN GORDAN STANDING BEFORE YOU AT THIS POINT!!" Time Clock concerned, but I wasn't really worried over her concerns anyways.

"Well, that to say. Atleast I be working at my one dream civil duty job, hell, I'm practically married to my job!" I asserted, but Time Clock and John looked a bit annoyed over that opinion that I made about the life of my Military position, hell I haven't even told them that I was a Staff Sergeant for crying out loud!

"Is that all you want to say about my job.." I asked waiting for a response, in which the two went silent now.

"Anyways, how's Grandma Meagan by the way? Is she fine?" I asked, which after a moment John shook his head and replied.

"She's doing fine from what I heard from Mark, doing her usual muttering on meeting "Celestia" and "Luna" or whatever the whole shit is about. Like seriously.. What even got her to bring up those two horned bird pones in the first place?" John vocalized, while Time Clock was looking at him as if he did something to offend her, in which he did actually.

"What he means is, without further insulting my home country's rulers, is your grandmother is still fine and alive." She gleamed in joy.

"Alright, hope you two have a nice time then.. Whatever you two do around this here town nowadays." I finished, while putting the joystick on drive and driving away towards my grandmothers home, while looking at the front view mirror to see those two grabbing each others necks.

"Yep.. Just like it use to be."

"Military log 124, it has now been a year since the 105th brigade had moved up to the eastern coast, we're currently stationed at the capitol for reasons unknown, they told me the brigade will be deactivated for one year of maintenance but something tells me there is something else at place.. Like seriously, one year for maintenance? That sounds fucked up, something is fishy going on here and I intend to figure it out... Maybe I might get a new captain perhaps? I don't now.. Either way, the war in Zebrica is everlasting by the looks of things, sure we have finally kicked out the damned Zebrican bastards from the Kirin realm, and Brodfield, but from what I can tell, unless we have someone who knows how these terrorist can fight the continent will be overrunned and we'll be prone to a eventually attack, to the person listening this mark my words, the Federation will once again be attacked on it's soil after centuries, heed my warning and pray it doesn't happen.."


"Captain Douglas, Message from-"

"Private why are you in my office.." Douglas asked.

"Major Sergeant sir, I came here under orders from the president to deliver a message to a... Mr. Yates."

"He's on vacation, he won't be back till the next week." The Captain informed.

"Then Sir, when Mr. Yates comes back, you can give him this." The Major Sergeant handed Douglas a envelope and a O-1, Lieutenant rank patch.

"Wait a minute, what's the rank patch for?" Douglas ask, leaning back from his chair while examining the patch.

"Unfortunately sir, he'll have to take a vacation more later than what you gave him, a phone call will be made to bring him back to base sir, I'm afraid he's more important than you think he is." The Major Sergeant informed.

"What!? I mean, he has been hard working, and he does deserve this promotion.. But calling him back from a R and R time? What the hell is going on, and who said so?" The Captain asked.

"Uncle Sam. Sir. We believe he's more important within his traditional familial line sir."

"What do you mean by that?" The Captain asked.

"Sir... After a recent blood test during the blood drive a scientist discovered something in his blood, at first they thought is was a mixture of blood cells, so after Mr. Yates gave another blood sample, it seemed that something was uniquely wrong with the blood, it was then transferred to the Intelligence division and historic research center and found that it was indeed positive..."

"Positive for what.." The Captain asked yet again.

"Positive in relation to the now extinct king Edwards of the former Eastern Kingdom.." The Major revealed, which made the Captain's jaw dropped to the floor.

"Are you saying that he's a.."

"He is what Uncle Sam, science, and military intelligence has said, He's related to the savior of Humanity, the one who defeated the Wendigo's in the Human-Wendigo war of the tribal period... He's related with Luther.... "

Luther the Wise.