• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,629 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...

A Canterlot wedding part 1

Fox News

Fox News is currently having a group talk about politics and stuff when the subject of Carter is brought up into the mix.

“So, what do y'all think about Carter? Like how well is he doing?” the room immediately erupts in annoyance.

“Oh please! Don’t get me started with that guy! He hasn’t even done a single thing for this country since his presidency for crying out loud!”

“Yeah, with one exception being the viral video that resonated since 1001 that the president literally insulted everyone in the world. What, you don’t think Equestria hates us now? Don’t worry, just wait till you get the entire world to hate us all, thanks to Carter!”

“Yeah if I was in his shoes right now, I’d worry about Uncle Sam raiding his house with the backing of the military right about now.”

“Now that you think about it Joe, have we heard of the old man lately?”

“Hell if I know, he’s probably just preparing as we speak! Just like he did with president-

As the TV was turned off President Carter sat on his chair watching his downfall unfold before his very eyes, the fact that they kept mentioning his name and his inability to act on the invasion aggravated him, especially the fact that he still had control over the nation's army but doesn't want to use it because of the hot water he has now gotten himself into.

When suddenly, his phone rings. He picks up the phone and puts it in his ear.

"President Carter speaking."

"Mr. Presidente, I see you've got yourself in a knot with the bastard, the Storm King, and your whole internal affairs."

"President Fernández? How did you know about the events?" Carter questioned.

"Have you looked at your Television Amigo, I can tell when something big like an invasion in Zebrica happens, or a full-blown economic situation erupts across a fellow Humarican country! But that's not what I'm calling you about, unfortunately," Fernández turned worried.

"What do you mean," Carter was puzzled.

"My intelligence agency reported that Thestria had openly decided to start a military build-up on my border! Along with their scum bag puppet Parsley! They got fucking new tanks on my border! Here I'll send you a picture on the computer," spoke Fernández, as the Personal Computer loaded up a picture of the new tanks that were piling up on the Thestrian-SF Border.

"Is that a new tank? What’s it called?" Carter asked.

"According to intelligence, they call it the Type 80 tank, and by the looks of the design, I'm afraid your enemy may have designed weapons for them mi amigo," Fernández informed, concerning the president a lot.

"Hmm, I mean... I know their tech is unknown, but can you describe what type of weapons the bat ponies are holding??" Carter asked.

"That's the complicated part hombre, they're using some sort of new Rifle," Fernandez replied, showing the next picture of a captured rifle that the Argendinian infiltrators had captured.

"Hm... So what are they named?" Carter was dumbfounded.

"From what transponders picked up the Bat Ponies call them L85s, they even prepare to use it against us... I'm worried that they'll soon launch a war against our nation Mr. Carter," Fernandez dreadfully said..

"Shit. Never have I seen a war break out in the Humarican continent since the fucking Lunar Wars, or that damn civil war in the northern country, whatever their intentions are though. I will see to it that negotiations will be taking place if this is how advanced Thestria is... We may have a problem here... However, we can't support you further since we have a treaty from the same war.."

"I know I know... But I do hope you support us in diplomatic negotiations amigo, but I'll need to go now, military briefing is starting now," Exiting Fernandez, while the phone lines were hanging up, Carter followed and hung the phone up and looked at the Computer with the feature pictures of Thestria's technology, he then picked the phone up again and dialed General Macarthur.

The general line is picked up by Macarthur, who just started drinking his coffee and smoking his pipe.

"What do you need Mr. President?" Asked the five-star general.

"General MacArthur, set our military alert level to three. We have a problem..."

"Yes, sir."

Humarican-Celestial seas

We were now over the trans-oceanic waters of the east-Humarican seas, and the Lunar Bay on the Blackhawk, we’ve already left the international borders of the Federation and went through an air traffic checkpoint with the celestial island pegasus coast guard and now I was starting to get bored here.. So to pass the time I decided to see if I can start a conversation.

" So Mr. ‘Ford’, what brought you into the army? "

"Kidnapped by agents," he simply replied.

The room then went into an awkward silence. Probably because I didn't want to know that, and I doubt I was supposed to know that...

"Right... Nic- Nice talk... I guess," I stuttered, opening the briefcase given to me by Carter to examine the briefing and details on the princesses, of course, it didn't provide pictures but rather inconvenient descriptions.

As for Mr. Mysterious over across from me, I don't even know who the hell he is, but just by the looks of his fist he seemed to have either strangled or stabbed a man before, let alone kill one or more, now by the look of his utility belt, it seems he's prepared for something and I don't even know it. Either way if he fucking screws this up I'll kill him myself with my fist, down his fucking throat. Threatening or fucking not.

"Lieutenant!" Yelled one of the Pilots, replying to their call by crawling into the co-pit.

"Yea?" I asked.

"Sir, we're detecting two pegasi readings heading right towards us," the Pilot reported, as I looked at the radar scanner.

"Huh... How close are we to Equestria's airspace?" I asked.

"Sir, we have just gone past Las Pegasus," He replied.

"Las Pegasus! You were supposed to inform me when we arrived at the Equestrian Airspace! And now you tell me!" I yelled.

"Sorry si-"

The Pilot was interrupted when a pegasi royal guard flying beside the helicopter tapped on our glass, which I then ordered.

"Slow down, and keep us at 10 mph and have hover mode on, and turn weapons systems off, in fact, why the hell did we even have them on..."

"Right sir, though to answer the last one it is for security," acknowledged and explained the Pilot, as the Black Hawk slowed down to a near hover mode, the pilot then pressed the window down to where I could perfectly speak to the guard.

"Good to know I guess," I whispered which then I said to the guard.

"Greetings, we're from the American Federation," By now the pegasi and his other winged ponies seemed to have caught up. Both their breath and distance.

"I see, my unit was just informed about your visit, but I didn't expect you humans to use a... Whatever you'd call this flying contraption," The Guard replied, as he signaled the other Pegasus guard to wedge on his side.

"We usually call it by its design name, but you can just call it a helicopter," I replied, easing the pegasus guards' confusion a bit.

"Right... A dome is currently shielding Canterlot, I suggest you land this craft in the designated spot off city boundaries where you will await proper transportation and escort to enter the dome," the Guard informed, which made me and the weird guy tilt in confusion.

"Say that again? Canterlot is being shielded by a dome?? Who threatened Equestria?" I asked, which surprised the guards, which is VERY bad because they'll probably think we’re some type of spies.

"How did you know there was a threat ongoing?"

"Uhh.. Just call it a hunch, anyways shall we continue forward?" I asked, which somehow my response seemed to make them shake off their suspicions, not that I was going to spy anyway... Maybe that's probably what this guy’s objective is behind my job. Assholes don't tell me anything so I don't know...

"Yes indeed, follow us," the guard ordered, as his unit was now making a spear formation with 3 other ponies in front of the helicopter they followed them while at the same time picking up speed.

"Huh... Hey pilot, can I get a phone to George Bush? I might need to alert him that Canterlot is locked down," I asked.

"We can't sir, Equestria has no phone towers available, we won't be able to reach contact with the White House," the Pilot responded.

"Dammit! Can we get a radio to the nearest carrier?" I asked.

"The nearest carrier near Equestria would be SFN-Starhawk, but all it's doing is naval patrol," the pilot asserted.

"I don't give a hot damn about naval patrol! Get me that radio," I demanded, as I was handed the entire radio box console.

"All yours sir, just hope you know what you're doing," The pilot replied, rolling his eyes.

"Alright, once we land and establish a spot, I'll begin contacting, by the way, is this a SINCGARS system? Because this looks very futuristic?" I asked.

"Yep, it can penetrate anything, from magic domes, walls, hell even damned dark crystals or hives for that matter," the pilot smirked, focusing on his piloting skills on the Equestrian pegasus guard formation.



Now while we were on our way to the landing site, there was one pony who I knew for the rest of my military career.

His name is Gold Star, his current position at this time was a royal guard for Equestria, the Canterlot battalion, an elite guard that was best of the best and would strap bombs on themselves and explode for their majesty. And yes he was THAT type of guard once for Equestria before being conscripted into the army and then climbing through the ranks up to Sergeant for some reason.

Of course I would meet him until 1003 and ironically it wouldn't be until that same year when he actually told me this, I didn't know much before then other than him just joining the American army under the protégé of Major Alexander, who by now was a Colonel of the 105th armor battalion in that year. But who's to say, I'm not a part of that brigade? Yet…

"Alright Stallions! Listen up! The Captain of the guard himself wants us to keep this place tight and secured, of course, we have been informed that foreign visitors from the continent of Humarica will be shortly joining the wedding event as representatives of the Humarican president! That's why when they come in, you are to keep an eye on them... We don't know who sent the threat message to Canterlot but if we find who's responsible he or she will pay the consequences! I will now be starting roll call!"

The Canterlot Battalion commander hovered his clipboard with his unicorn magic and went from first to last of the line with two royal guard Military Police pegasus on his side.

"Private Cliff!"


"Corporal, Colonel Sanders! (Disregard the Colonel part sirs, that's how he was named.)"


"Private Wiggles!"


"Sergeant Gold Star!"

"Here Commander!" He and the others replied.

"Here is all I need Sergeant. Keep that in mind next time," the Commander scolded, leaving Gold Star null-faced.

After the royal guard Commander finished his row call and lowered his clipboard he saw the helicopter landing at the spot that the pegasus unit had escorted it towards.

"Ah perfect, just as the messengers informed, Sergeant Gold Star, have two guys go with you to escort the visitors, remember to keep an eye on them," the commander ordered, which the young Stallion saluted and trailed off to the landing zone with the shield opening up to let him and the other two guards out, and then closed behind them.

"Alright, now as you may know, with a shield like that covering Canterlot something wrong is going on here so I want you two pilots to be ready at a moment's notice, I'll be taking this radio with me just so I can be ready to contact the carrier at a moments notice, meanwhile you are to be ready to take off when this console starts beeping, so watch it at all times! If something happens I will press this beacon, understood?" I explained, which the pilots nodded in understanding.

"Understood sir, we will keep our eyes on this radio at all times sir!"

"Yeah!" Acknowledged the two pilots.

"Lieutenant, it seems the welcoming committee has arrived," informed Ford.

"Alright, must be the ground escorts then, keep your eyes on that console," I walked back a moment when the pilots relaxed.

"I MEAN IT! WATCH!.... THAT!... CONSOLE!..." I shouted, taking two fingers from my eyes and then pointing them at the two pilots walking backward.

The pilots looked at each other in frowned null faces.

"He needs help, does he?” said pilot 1.

"Yep... So anyways... Want to get wasted?" Asked Pilot 2, revealing a compartment of whiskey and hard liquor.

"I thought you never asked!"

While the two insubordinate assholes of pilots wasted themselves without me looking...

Me and 'Ford' were confronted by three royal guards from what looked like the Canterlot elite unit by the looks of the Armor colors which would have a silver insignia on their helmets and it seemed I was not the only one to know that by the looks of Ford here.

"Welcome to Canterlot sirs, we were sent to escort you two to the castle of Canterlot, however, you do have to listen to rules since you are practically the only secondary race that's overseeing the wedding let alone being the first humans since uhh. Uncle sack? Uncle Samuel?"

I thought to myself -Who the hell doesn't know the name Uncle Sam... Then again though he did just say Samuel so...-

"Em. Anyways without further introduction, follow me!" The tan-furred Equestrian guard ordered, which we acknowledged and followed him, but to tell you the truth I've been wondering who Ford really is… Is he a mechanic? A bodyguard? Secret Service? Or a spy??

I got no clue, but anyways, I got a mission to attend and finish so hopefully I don't screw it up and accidentally start a war between powers or that'll be bad.

So, let's see what Canterlot looks like in a ceremonial period, shall we?

Washington airport

Today was a usual rainy Washington day. It was also the usual busy night, jet airliners taking off from runways to other destinations, airship landing and take-offs, and the usual military flight drills that would take place, of course like I said it was raining however but not that much dangerous but... There was an unexpected visit.

"Sir." Asked one of the radar personnel.

"What is it?" The head man asked.

"We have a radar dotted with three planes in a formation sir." The Radar man reported.

"That's probably just the tomcats doing their usual drills, nothing to worry about.."

"But sir! It's identifying the three dots as mustangs sir!" The radar man cautioned.


The head of the Radar department looked at the radar and sure enough there were three dots in a formation pattern that seemed to be heading towards the base when the radio went off.

"This is Washington airbase, please identify." The radio man instructed.

The two men looked and waited for a response when they heard static that seemed to be a distress call but seemed to have blurted out in static.

"Damn this rain! Get a crew down on the runway and activate the air traffic lights!" He ordered, as the radio man started radioing the air control personnel.

“Attention unidentified craft, you are instructed to land at this airport immediately!”

"Attention all Air traffic control agents! We have three planes identified as Mustangs attempting to land on the airfield activate the traffic lights immediately!" The radio man ordered.

The crew and personal immediately got on their vest, grab their landing sticks, and ran towards the air field, the group is split into three, some grab binoculars, and they looked into the cloudy raining dark skies and tried to find the three planes when they can hear hints of propeller engines diving towards the airport.

"That's them, Get ready to land them!!" Shouted the Air controller, as the landing strip lightened up bright and the personnel started doing landing signals towards the landing planes.

One by one the Mustang class propeller planes landed on the airstrip and disengaged their engines, but the crew noticed something with their symbols.

After the Mustangs docked into the airport, the pilots jumped out and revealed to be ponies as they grabbed a ladder when one of the air traffic men confronted one of them.

"Sir, how did your country build Mustangs when you only have medieval weaponry?"

The pony pilot didn't respond but one the leading pilot did.

"That's because we didn't build them, we were lended them," replied the orange bacon hair Alicorn who flew the leading Mustang.

"0_0 Uhh... My mistake ma'am no questions then," the air traffic controller said, as he walked inside passing a military officer and two infantry soldiers.

"Colonel Alex of the 105th armor company, welcome to the American Federation princess Shimmer."

“Greeting is mutual Colonel, now let’s talk about intelligence.”

Aires Norrington city, Southern Federation Capitol

"Generals, captains, Majors, pony and griffon commanders, we are on the brink of war.. And it's not looking too much in our favor," Alberto Fernández introduced with worry, as he turned towards the board with the information and continued.

"Recently we have discovered the enemy has been busy, while Parsley may be technologically non-superior with our armies. We have the bigger nation that owns it that just happened to have superior weaponry.." He informed them, making the generals concern themselves with the situation.

"Apparently we have reports that modern never before seen tanks have been discovered along our borders with Thestria, as of current... Our military funding will be going directly towards scientific research into not only Gen 4 tanks.. But Gen 5 armor, along with weapons and howitzer technology, this however would mean that now the cold war is starting to heat up,” Alberto sighed, and looked at his cabinet.

"While we wait for breakthroughs however, I regret to inform you that the Federation will not be supporting us," he informed, which the entire officer cabinet broke out in a riot.








"ENOUGH DAMN YOU ALL!" Shouted the president, silencing the entire officer cabinet.

"IF YOU WANT PROGRESS I'LL GIVE YOU PROGRESS IF YOU DON'T SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW!" He shouted again, instilling fear with the officers on the table.

“We’re supposed to be organized gentlemen here! Start acting like one or it’ll be all of you sent to the frontlines!” Alberto scolded as he sat down on his chair and continued.

"The reason the Federation is not helping us in the event of war is because they have a treaty that dates back in 70 ALB, however, the expiration date is 1005, if we can last that long before 1005 hits we might have a fighting chance." Alberto informed, which intrigued the officers.

"So sir.. How do you intend to last that long before the wretched bat Ponies begin their invasion?" Asked a Pony officer.

"False diplomacy will do the trick, but first we'll need to actually get in contact with their leader."

Everyone in the room gulped at the suggestion, but they knew it was their only hope of saving their skins and everyone else. Unless they want to wake up in the frontlines they'll need to follow Alberto's footsteps to survive.

Or the Creator knows what..


After some thinking I have to clearly admit that the architecture is pretty neat with the actual structure potentially being worth millions by now, but the city itself though is just another thing...

Like seriously! You got a huge tower that towers over the city that towers on top of the mountain and towers over the ground towers... Something because I'm running out of words to express the beauty of this city and also maybe the height, unfortunately it seems Ford is disgusted with it, puh.. A sad man for something to not like or love something like this, this is practically art within an old city for crying out loud!

"Welcome to the throne room of Princesses Celestia and Luna, of course I sound like one of those tour ponies who takes ponies... Er.. Species on tours, anyways Celestia will be with you in a moment," the tan pony finished and then left with the two guards on his sides, while we waited it seemed either Ford is very religious or just wants to sit down.

Eh, probably the two, I'm a religious type of guy anyways but that to say, it seems he's doing some type of meditation..

Suddenly a white Alicorn entered the throne room and boy.. She's big.

This Alicorn must be the ruler I thought, the fact that she has a crown, rainbow mane and tail, horse shoes, a tall personality, ish, and the royal Regalia. Certainly royalty because the fucking government didn’t even give me a damn picture of her during the briefing!

"Welcome humans to Equestria, it's an honor for you as representatives from the continent of Humarica to join us and my little ponies in this wedding event." She greeted with a smile, her soul is practically pure and she's very polite...

Why were we pissed at each other again?

"The pleasure is ours, but we don't know your name, or rather your intentions with us. So tell us. Why exactly do you want the president.. Do you happen to assassinate him? Probe him? Sounds sketchy to me," asserted Ford.

Ah, now I see now, we’re the assholes.

The assumption Ford made offended the Alicorn ruler, whose intention really was just to have America and Equestria in good ties. And my intention was to do the same, but with the additional interest of seeing Ford pick his teeth off the floor.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!!! I think what he meant to say was! It's nice to be INVITED! On this ceremonial occasion on the behalf of the president!"

I seemed to have both successfully spread the message positively and insanely because Celestia was back to her smiling face, but may have pissed Ford off, which I don’t give a damn about. After this I should slap Bush for this bullshit for making me put up with this shit.

"You may follow me to the guest room where you and your friend may sleep tonight, the wedding starts tomorrow and please respect the royal guard while you are here," she instructed.

"What's the purpose for the last part?" I asked.

"Well... For one, the royal guard are on edge just as they were ordered to so, you might not want to get in their way nor intimidate them, we are under lockdown because somepony sent a threat that warned of an attack on the wedding ceremony and all of Canterlot " She explained.

"Do you have the threat letter? Maybe I can assist you, I am a military personal after all."

"An off-duty one." Ford butted in, intending to insult me.

"Shut up! At Least I'm not the one moody about insulting everyone once in a while! AND attempting to start a fucking war!" I fired back, while Ford just rolled his eyes.


"As I was saying though, do you still have the threat letter?" I asked, but Celestia cringed at my question.

"I.. May have crumpled it out of anger and then torn it apart?"

"Gravy.. Well if it's fine I like to ask that on the occasion that the said threat rears its ugly head let me know, I've been willing to see some combat for a year once in a while, now with that said, how's your day?"

"Oh, it's very good.. Yours?" She asked.

"Meh, considering that I'm having to fly in a helicopter it takes a good while to get used to being on the ground, but I guess you can say it's good." I expressed.

We were now talking throughout the hallway, she would ask what my favorite drink and meal would be I would reply with the good ol' mash potatoes and some soda, she'd ask who the guy who insulted her was, I replied I have no fucking clue.

It seems things are going to work out after all! Hehe...


Author's Note:

Canterlot marriage part 2 coming soon! What the hell will happen with Celestia and Mr. Yates?

Who the hell is Jack?

And why is Sunset Shimmer in America?

And who the hell thought to not look over Thestria's technology?

All coming next in part two!

Rewritten as of 7/11/23