• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,629 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...

A Canterlot wedding part 2

Rio De Batanero, Thestrial Capitol

As the Presidente de fiesta jetliner landed in the Thestrian airfield the leader of Thestria was there to meet them.

"Hm, I thought Swift Thunder was the Leader?" Alberto asked, stepping off the plane.

"Unfortunately she was called back by our allied nation Chiropterra to serve as a military air force instructor attaché’, I however, was elected by the Lunar council of Disciples (LCD) to become the new predecessor for Swift Thunder," explained Stefanos Blusterous.

"Petty, so basically Thestria is just a puppet to Chiropterra then is it?" Alberto questioned, walking besides the new Bat-pony leader.

"Not quite my human friend, you see Thestria while it is allied with Chiropterra, it's actually the other way around, only the citizens who wants to live their lives rather than serve as military prospects in the Chiropteran lands usual come over here," Stefanos explained.

"So basically Chiropterra is a puppet to Thestria that builds a military and.. Fights for Thestria? And if Bat-ponies are not interested in military style they come here? So that means most of your army is volunteers?" Alberto summarized.

"Almost correct human, it seems while you've no doubt have fast thinking, in reality we have a standing army bigger than Chiroptera’s standard one, even more trained, Chiropterra itself however, it has its own agenda mainly with north Zebrica and Equestria, but you were almost right, but can it help you in diplomacy? We will have to see, men, escort Alberto and his human diplomats to the diplomacy room while I prepare my diplomats and documents for a presentation of potentially a truce," Stefano ordered, as the bat-pony soldiers saluted and escorted Alberto and the others to the building.

Alberto thought to himself -No turning back now... May Celestia, Creator, and Harmony help us all...-


After unpacking my stuff before sundown I set up the radio and attempted to tap through the shield.

"Testing.. Testing.. One, two, three testing."

"The radio is off, you do realize that." Ford butted in.

I looked at the switch and apparently someone switched it off when in operations you are supposed to keep it on, I should really scold those damn pilots for breaking so many military protocols like that.

Anyways, I switched the radio on and said the testing again and..

“It works!” I said to myself, when I received an unexpected frequency…

"This is Admiral Hughes of the carrier Starhawk, who is this and how did you bypass radio frequencies!?" The Admiral angrily responded.

Obviously I can't leave him hanging with his question so I replied.

"My name is Justin Yates, Lieutenant of the American armed forces."

"Well ‘Lieutenant’ Yates.. Then answer me this, what's your 5 digit military number in phonetic form?" The admiral asked.

"Terra, karte, bisso, una, karte, anything else?" I asked back.

The radio went silent for a moment before the static sounds came and the Admiral responded.

"Seems your number checks out, now what do you want, Lieutenant?" He asked.

"Heh.. Nothing?" I replied.

"Nothing? Really… Then why the hell did you even bother contacting the SFN-Starhawk then?" The Admiral groused.

"Well, not really nothing but I was intending to ask if you can patch me through with President Carter or one of his representatives."

"I don’t think that’s possible, but do tell me why?." The Admiral asked, getting tired of the call by now.

"Because we have a code Ural in Canterlot," I responded.

The radio went silent again, it seems either the Admiral hanged up or that he's very surprised at the news.

"Say that again Lieutenant?" The Admiral asked.

"Code Ural: Canterlot." I repeated.

".... I will see if I can get you contacted with President Carter as soon as possible, stand by," informed the Admiral, who left the radio with some voices being orders from the Admirals to keep the radio link open. But of course while I waited Ford disappeared from the room. And I looked at the disappearance with a smirking face.

"*Sigh* Good riddance.. I thought he'd never leave.."

While I was about to crack open a bottle of wine in celebration of Ford’s sudden disappearance (Rhetorically) I would have never known of Ford's real plan...

Or should I say Agent 44’s real order...

"I have successfully left the assignments eye range, going on phase II of the plan," informed 44.

"Roger, make sure to grab what you can and if possible, sabotage Equestria's intelligence agency," the agency operator ordered.

"All of it?"

"All of it."

"And what about the Lieutenant?"

"The president will make sure to send the Eclipse brigade to pick him up from the Canterlot dungeon," the operator answered... Smirking behind the ear piece attached to Agent 44’s ear..


Suddenly the connection went out which concerned 44, but knowing that something was up with the Colonel’s orders he wasn't going to go through with the last order, but instead of stealing the files he would instead burn them.

But that's when he noticed something... Or someone watching him..

"You really have no clue of who's really in charge? Kenneth," Said a feminine Rodinian voice


White House

President Carter was sitting on his desk and doing paperwork he noticed that two M1 tanks and an armor vehicle fully loaded with troops had arrived at the White House. He got up from his seat and looked out with his gut burning with fear.

That was when the doors to his office opened wide with military soldiers and a paramilitary officer guarded by two military police with General Reid being accompanied by Bush and Colonel Alex..

"What's the meaning of this!" Carter yelled.

"Jimmy Carter you are hereby under arrest.. Or should I specifically say your real name Volkstrak!" Uncle Sam announced, as Jimmy Carter was turned into a Changeling.

”About time you human trash! As we speak Equestria will soon have a new ruler thanks to the mighty Chrysalis! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Cackled the Changeling, hissing at the soldiers.

"That's enough, ICE HIM!" Shouted Sam, as the soldiers ran towards the changeling. Volkstrak immediately pulled out a Makarov and shot one of the soldiers.

“MEN DOWN MEN DOWN! HE’S GOT A GUN!” Shouted a soldier when the Changeling aimed the gun towards Uncle Sam, however the Makarov was grabbed by a blue aura of magic and was thrown towards the window and shattered.

The bug and Sunset Shimmer fought physically as he pinned her to the ground and attempted to bite her face off with his fanged until the Soldiers ran towards the two and bashed the changeling off of Sunset and shot the changeling to death with their entire mags while Uncle Sam came towards Sunset Shimmers aid.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

“A bite wound in the leg, but I think I can manage,” replied Sunset Shimmer.

Colonel Alex’s earpiece goes off from one of the operational groups.

"Uncle Sam, they’ve successfully captured several targets who’re impersonating F.I.U. officials and other higher ranking military commanders, it’s as if they’ve planned to cuck us the whole time!” Alex informed, as General Reid asked.

“Have we located the real commanders?”

“Yes sir, it seems that they’ve been rescued and accounted for… Except for Jimmy,” Alex informed.

“What do you mean by that?” Bush asked.

“He was never real sir, he was a made up person by the changelings, and it would seem he had accomplished a lot of shit here,” Alex further informed.

“Well if I be damned… What do we do now Samuel?” General Reid asked.

"Well the Good thing is that Sunset Shimmer's intelligence went through just in time for now I want all of everything involving the bureaucracy to shut down IMMEDIATELY, no questions asked, everyone must be inspected or they will be fined or imprisoned, do what you must General," Uncle Sam ordered, in which the general acknowledged and exited the room with Colonel Alex and representative Bush while being escorted by the military police while Sunset Shimmer got up on her hooves and nodded.

"There's still one more changeling, but she’s not on this continent," She informed.

"Do you know where she is or who she's posing as?" Uncle Sam asked.

"I don’t know who she’s posing as, but I do know that she’s in Canterlot, and we need to get in contact with the nearest people that should be near Canterlot as soon as possible! And I mean anyone!"

"Sir, we could contact Starhawk sir bu-"

The Military Policeman was interrupted by a phone ring, Uncle Sam came to what was left of the desk and grabbed the phone.

"Who's this?" He asked.

"This is Admiral Hughes of Starhawk. I came to call you because a Lieutenant had just invoked code Ural in military protocols," the Admiral informed, shocking Uncle Sam.

"What's the Lieutenant's name, and what area!"

"His name is Lieutenant Yates, and he's invoked Ural in Canterlot, I'm awaiting further orders to proceed with Code Ural and prepare fighters," the Admiral informed, while Uncle Sam sat down in worry and looked at Sunset Shimmer.

"Give me a moment Admiral, Ah shit Sunset Shimmer, they know!" He yelled.

"Know? Know about what! And what is Ural!" She questioned.

"They know that Yates is related with Luther, and they purposely sent him to Equestria, and let's just say that it's a little defense protocol that Andrew Jackson and Celestia invoked in the occasion of threats, we would come as the defense while they'd shielded themselves, since then that protocol had never been used since the Human-Crystal war," Uncle Sam then turned towards the window with immense concern and said.

“And with the fact that there was the mission towards Canterlot it’s most likely they’ll attempt to steal intelligence from the Equestria SMILE agency and then frame Yates for it, thus starting a global conflict.. Changeling Bastards!” Uncle Sam then turned to the phone and replied.

"Get those birds in the air as soon as possible, and get me linked with the Lieutenant IMMEDIATELY!" He ordered.

"Yes sir, Sergeant, get the old man patched through ASAP!" Shouted the Admiral on the other side of the phone line.

Uncle Sam looked at Sunset Shimmer.

"I better warn Yates about the third target and tell him to stay away from Equestrian guards, royalty, and Agent 44, he'll be the one to call the shots once Ural is active, but not while in the dungeon either, I will not risk all out war."

"Why is that?" Asked Sunset Shimmer.

"Because young Alicorn... Your home city Canterlot is potentially facing an invasion and we don't know who or what these bugs are up to.. But I got a feeling something massive is about to happen and we better be prepared."


After waiting for a good while the radio springs back to life and it wasn't good.

"Lieutenant Yates, do you read?" Said a old voice, cutting me off guard.

"Mr. Samuel? Is that you?" I replied.

"Yes my dear boy, are you alright? Is everything fine?" Uncle Sam asked.

"Well of course it is.. In fact I was about to contact President Cart-"

"He's a Changeling.."


"Lieutenant you were sent to a trap, the Changelings are attempting to stage a imprisonment to lock you up, to hunt you down, and they're doing it by staging an international incident, the Soviets had already sent someone to intercept Agent 44," Uncle Sam explained.

"What the fuck!? WHY THE HELL ARE THEY AFTER ME FOR!" I shouted, when a door opened behind me and Celestia peeked through it silently with two guards behind her staring at me without me knowing. She heard the shouting and attempted to investigate it only to see and hear the radio and me conversating.

"Because they know you are related to Luther!" Uncle Sam revealed.

"Luther.. LUTHER? WHO THE FUCK IS LUTHER!" I shouted back, making Celestia's jaw drop.

"Luther is-"

Suddenly the radio was grabbed by Celestia's magic aura and hovered towards her.

"It's fine Mr. Sam, I'll explain everything to Yates." She spoke through the radio.

"Celestia! If you imprison him it’ll be-!"

She turned the radio off and gently placed it down with her magic and stared right into me, my chest burned, I don't know who the hell Luther is but may Creator and Harmony spare my soul with whatever her intent is..

“Follow me, I wish to speak with you.”

"What are you doing here!" Agent 44 yelled.

"The same question I should be asking you." Said a feminine voice.

The two now go into fighting poses, preparing to attack one another.

"You should double check with who you're working for, you’re clearly not the brightest tool in the shed," She suggested with insult.

"YAGHH!" Shouted 44, charging the female with his fist only to get back dropped on by the female and then smashing his face on the concrete wall, which she then threw him to the ground, she kicks him in the side and throws him across the room.

"I'd turn around and stop Kenneth, all of this, before I’ll have to resort to being lethal," She threatened, as Kenneth got back up.

"Easy for you to say Jessie, you.. ERRGH! Turned towards the enemy, and you still fight like a mother fucking bitch" Kenneth insulted back, getting back on his legs.

He then went back to his fighting pose and then engaged Jessica in a one on one duel.

Jessica landed a striking blow to Kenneth Leg while attempting to knock her out only to be countered and thrown on the ground, he then went dirty and grabbed his M9 from his utility belt.

"Playing dirty now? Well that was fast.” She sarcastically jokes, grabbing her Makarov, placing a silencer on the muzzle, and then firing multiple gun shots at Kenneth who he also shot back and made lots of dents in the walls.

"That's too dirty, even for you Jessica,"

"Will you stop calling me by my name! I am no longer your bitch! Motherfucker!!" She replied to his insults.

"Okay.. Jessica ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

As the two continued to fight an entire battalion of guards followed by S.M.I.L.E. Agents arrived at the fight catching the two off guard in the middle of a now gun to gun stand off when the Battalion leader shouted.


Jessica decided to be polite and place her weapon down, unfortunately while Kenneth usually hesitates it would seem that it'll be impossible to fight everyone including the agents, so he placed his gun on the ground and immediately the Unicorn guards placed cuffs and detained both of them.

It seemed in the end between Kenneth (Agent 44) and Jessica (Bear 1), it would basically be a draw by default.

Dining room

After being brought into the dining room with nothing happening other than being told by Celestia to come with her, obviously I was going to listen to her or probably get stabbed by her guards even if she didn't hint at that...

I sat down across from the table which was only 1 chair size big and she sat down across from me and sighed.

"You never knew who Luther was, did you?" She asked.

"Ehh... No, no not really, though I've heard about him religion wise, but I don't actually know him exactly," I replied.

Celestia looked at me and ignited her horn and formed a ball of energy in front of me that showed some sort of vision of Luther and a tribal army, she goes on to explain.

"Luther was a human who saved humanity with the wielding of a staff from the wendigo's.. While he was a savior within the human race... He unintentionally sent the wendigo's to what would be me and my sister's home… Skyrose city," Celestia Emphasizes, giving me concerns she might have a grudge on me..

"Damn... But I mean, it wasn't his fault, he had to do what he had to do or humanity itself would've been extinct, in fact if it wasn't for him... The continent would’ve died and you would've suffered whatever happened back then.. But only worst.."

Celestia nodded.

"Indeed.. But I didn't resent humanity that day, or any day, but I did resent those who would harm the innocent ponies I've spent my years ruling and defending over, But there’s another reason why I brought you here other than discussing family past... Have you wondered what your species is doing, Lieutenant?" She asked.

"Not that I know of.."

She ignited her horn again and expanded the energy bubble revealing something I never see.. Or was I not meant to see..

"Humanity day by day expands its science, both for good.. And both for evil.. It was foretold a thousand years ago by my instructor and friend Starswirl that humanity will no doubt continue to expand further, and further into scientific breakthroughs.. But so will lust for power… I'm afraid to tell you this, but it would make you the only human to know that someday, according to Starswirls prophecy.. Humanity will go off bounds to the point of destruction.. There may be some protocols that your leaders would be placing now, but in the distant end... Science would soon be the reason that not only Humanity goes extinct.. But everypony, every griffon, every zebra and Kirin.. Everything including changelings and minotaur, giraffe's and Arabic horses! Yeti's and all species.. All will perish with inventions that humanity would invent that should never be invented at all.. And the fearful part is, it’s not hand held weapons that your kind use in wars.."

I stood back, fearing her words.. What was she saying I thought... Is it true.. That we might end up destroying ourselves and everyone else... I need to know how or why she knows all this to begin with?

"You see Mr. Yates... Luther only postponed the inevitable fate of humanity with the purpose of humanity helping everyone who is in need of help... But from what I fear, Starswirl and his prophecy says otherwise... "

"What exactly do you mean by all this.. Are you saying that humanity could end everyone on this planet in a given time? If that’s the case, why the mercy?"

"Every species deserves a chance, but there's one thing that science would eventually invent that I would fear the most..."

She then shows a flat field with nothingness and then in a blink of an eye it was as if heaven just opened up to show all of its glory...

But it wasn't glorious... It was hellish...

I watched while my eyes watered from the brightness of death... The destruction of this... This single explosion brought on.. As more and more views of this weapon's destruction continued to blast.. Both in cities such as...

Manehattan, Yorker city, Washington Capitol, Moskva, Greiffonhelm, Sunset city, Rio, Angeles, Debraville, and Canterlot....

The bubble shrinked, and I looked at Celestia wiping my eyes that wasn't sadness... It was fear, fear of what's going to happen when science goes too off boundaries

"Dear God… What the hell did I witnessed…"

Celestia didn't answer but sat down and watched, she seemed emotional on what she saw would be humanity's fate... If not the entire world's downfall...

The same bomb that would go on to be the deterrence of all wars...

And the weapon that would end all wars...

The weapon in question.... Was the Nuke.. And the project had already started...

In January of 1002.. Two months from then..

Fox News

"We have breaking news at the capitol today, the inevitable coup has been launched today by Uncle Sam after the president deliberately and horrendously destroyed our nation’s economy and our stand in the national affairs, that's right you heard that right, apparently we elected a spy in this country.. AS PRESIDENT! Apparently while Good ol' Uncle Sam saved our skins before that bastard! Excuse my Aquila, but lord knows what the hell the changeling was giving to him, whatever slut he was serving with, John, what seems to be going on in the capitol?"

The camera pans to John who is in front of a crowd of protesters holding up signs and slurs with the streets filled with American soldiers, armor vehicles, and M1 Abrams.

"Thank you Emanuel, Apparently as you said there was confirmed reports that the democratic president Jimmy Carter was indeed a fake person, as you can see behind me of what looks like a military coup is in fact under control of Uncle Sam, never had the nation had this happen since the incident with President Bucannon which erupted in civil war, with the new fact that he never exist is now a matter of outraged protest as you can see on my right, John point the camera.

John points the camera towards a crowd chanting “Fuck Changelings”

“As you can now see, behind me is a VERY VERY angry crowd, in fact I have a fox contributor here with me on the scene who happened to also be protesting, sir what exactly is this group protesting about?"

The person goes to the microphone and comments.

"Well, not to sound speciest or anything but we're mainly protesting about the Changeling population in America!"

"And sir why is that?"

"Because those damn Changelings still has loyalty to their slut of Queens and who knows, they might abduct us and probe us like em fucking pony aliens or those moth ponies that keeps being attracted to our light!"

"But sir.. What does moth ponies have to do with probing?" Asked the reporter.

"I.. Uhh.. Nevermind, what does have to do with probing is those fucking spies! YOU HEAR THAT YOU BUG BASTARDS WE'LL COME FOR YOU! AND THEN YOUR QUEEN! WE'LL FIND YOUR FUCKING QUEENS AND EXECUTE THEM AL-"

"That'll be enough, thank you sir.. Emanuel back to you."

The camera pans back to the news studio where Emanuel continued.

"Thank you John, as we cover this news broadcast, since the discovery that President Jimmy Carter was non-existent and was a changeling in disguised, the entire bureaucracy has been suspended of government operations and martial law has been declared all across the nation, the Democratic party has also been suspended personally by Uncle Sam from this years elections following the arrest of the Changeling spy who ran as one, however the Republican party was not spare either as it has been also been placed under investigation in terms of potential spy networks, however just recently Ronald Reagan had given his remarks and declared the Changelings. "An Evil Race, and had promised he will seek retribution if elected" meanwhile a new political party had been formed that sought to eradicate and 'purify' the nation of Changelings and even chose a runner named Huey Long, who claimed to have the 'solution' to America's problems, we will see how this will go this is Emanuel, signing off, Fox news."

Throne Room

It would seem that Ford and some other female were brought into the room guarded heavily by the EUP and SMILE agent, and it looks like both of them are very pissed at that display..

Though it seemed Uncle Sam had told me the Soviets are sending someone to intercept Ford, but I didn't expect them to send in a female to do it..

Though then again if Celestia could rule Equestria I guess it would make sense, but in all seriousness.. What was Ford about to do?

"Kenneth Strongwill and Jessica Tovarich... Why have you two decided to fight in my own castle!" Celestia asked, walking in front of them.

"Don't ask me, I'm not the one who did the first blow, unlike Kenneth here," Jessica replied, as Kenneth rolled his eyes.

"Unfortunately you both are at fault for what you’ve stirred, especially for Kenneth, you were about to frame an innocent human while you got away with SMILE documents, and for this you will be both punished for your actions that you both committed here, you will be sentenced to be sent back to Humarica and to never set foot on Equestria ever again. As long as I reign, you do not have no right to be here! The guards will escort you both out as of now." Celestia declared, as the guards now escorted the two out while I was a bit worried that she may end up following up her punishment with me.. Welp there’s always the book of Zebrican languages..

She turned towards me and sighed as Agent 44 and Bear 1 left the room.. I would never know what would happen to the two nor see them again.

But now it was me, and she looked and... Smiled?

"You know, since you've did behave better than the two I like you to be the-"

"Woah! Woah! Woah! If you intend that I become the person to do the priest post I have to be a Captain to do that!"

"I mean for you to be a groomsman." She finished.

"Uhh.. I mean I really don't have any close relationship with either party. I'm just the representative witnessing for the preside- oh.. Yea... I almost forgot..." I reminded myself, knowing that Carter was non-existent..

"I mean... It'll be an honor then Mrs. Celestia." I replied, which she was in glee.

"Great! I'll see you at the rehearsals, don't be late!" She happily informed, prancing away from the room, confusing the hell out of the guards who looked at me and we both shrugged it off.

It seemed either I was spared from a punishment... Or that it might be me being paranoid the whole time.. Welp I might as well get back to my room and report back to Uncle Sam... Wonder what he'll think about this..

Author's Note:

Part 3 will be the end of the Canterlot wedding Arc.

What will America do now that the President has been made?

How does the Thestrial-SF diplomacy go through?

And what will Uncle Sam say about Yates being a Groomsman?

Find out next on Part 3.. Dear lord..

Rewritten as of 7/11/23