• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,630 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...

A Canterlot wedding Part 3

Diplomatic center, Batanero, Thestria


"You heard me, the only thing that we want is this piece of territory here on this map," Stefanos pointed.

"B-but we won that land fair and tactically! Why else would we keep a fucking mass military presence there!?" A diplomat shouted.

"That's enough, Luiz, but in retrospect we did fight and won the territory in the first war, remember the Lunar war when we kicked your asses off that same land that you pest used as a slave market!" Alberto reminded the bat pony.

"So what if we used it as a 'slave market' we didn't mistreat anyone there," Stefanos defended.

"Oh yeah you're right you didn't.. You fucking killed them," Alberto responded.

Stefanos and his diplomats looked at Alberto with some of them sweating on that fact, but finally Stefanos snapped, snarled, and hissed at Alberto.

"If you don't mind then there will be no further negotiations! I expect your forces to be ready by the end of this month! Because peace is now off the table! Now is the time for action!" Stefanos yelled.

"Fight me then I don’t care anymore! You might have superior technology but we have spirit, and somewhat advanced weaponry that we're not afraid to use. SO COME GET SOME YOU BAT BASTARD!" Alberto shouted, slamming his briefcase and dragging the Diplomats out of the room, while Stefanos rolled his eyes both in disgust and pity.

"I wish I could say the same to those cocky humans... Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.. Get me Chiropteran leader Autumn Breeze, and the generals, it's time we finish preparations for operation Night Storm."

“Mr. Presidente, are you sure we can take on the huge nation? Especially with it being huge and threatening we might find ourselves ending up like Parsley?” Questioned the diplomat.

“Whether or not, war has always been inevitable at this point, we’ve only increased it even more, and there’s no doubt that the Thestrials will strike at us when we least expect it that’s why while the Americans may not help us I expect us to go into total jungle mode, the military will be authorized to use any means necessary to deter the enemy at all cost,” declared the Presidente

White House

"So it's true... The Changelings that worked underground under our noses, exported technological blueprints to the Thestrals in Thestria and then reversed engineered the tech..." Uncle Sam summarized.

"Well, that is at least so far what we’ve got, I did receive word that they were only given tanks and new weapon blueprints. But nothing else, by the way.. I was looking through the American Naval base records in Gradenland and found that you were working on a new vehicle that would support the M1 Abrams and decommission the M60? Is that right?" Sunset questioned.

"Why of course young Alicorn, we've looked at some of recent defeats and saw that the majority of them was because the infantry and tanks lacked additional equipment support, sure they both would be combined in assault wise with the M60s supporting the Abrams but with the recently failures and budget cost we can't keep supplying our troops with airstrikes over and over again nor supply heavy tanks with heavy tanks. And then there's the new fighter craft..."

"New Fighter craft? But you humans have already exceeded this world's technology! Even Celestia was impressed with what humanity came up with! Like the walk mare!"

"You mean Walkman?"

"Potato Potahto! Same thing, But the F-14s that you've made already made a shocking surprise in Appleloosa and you're making a new fighter craft? What are they even called?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"F-15 Eagle."

"Interesting! But why the secrecy though?"

"Erg... We don't talk about 15 as it’s currently being field tested on the Starhawk carrier, I’ve sent the head of the Naval department to personally commission production of the jets so we won’t know whether the baby will fly soon or not, but hopefully the increase in budget from the friendly neighborhood congress should convince them otherwise."

"I see... So what's so special about this "F-15 " what's better than the Tomcat type?" Sunset asked.

"Lets just say that those types of jets will practically detect anything around it, from ground to air, hell it can even outmatch the weather! Basically it's the killers of the sky for crying out loud! Along with improved flight controls and enhanced speed," Uncle Sam Chuckled.

"But you could've asked Celestia to clear the weather, after all she does have a weather detachment for war time occasions."

"Yea.. But we aren't gonna wait for pegasus to clear the sky clutter when we can use those babies to fight in the storm, after all it was the main struggle when it came to dogfighting against other crafts, but now as for the main struggle is the secondary vehicle armor support."

"So... What do you call these new types of vehicles?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"Well, apart from the APCs that only have machine guns and can transport troops, I call the new vehicles, IFVs."


"Infantry Fighting Vehicles. It's basically like an APC, but with the exceptions of having a 55 mm Autocannon and two pairs of TOW missiles, along with space in the back for troops and the turret can spin faster than the Abrams."

"Wow... That's.. I don't know what to say other than just wow... But what do you name this new type of weapon?" Sunset asked.

"We call it, the Bradley Model 2."

"Model 2? What happened to Model 1?"

"... We don't talk about Model 1, because… Complications?"

Pentagon, Washington city, 10 years earlier


"Shit! Shit! Shit! I’m late!"

Running through the night I apparently overslept forgetting that I was the groomsman for the wedding and the witness of a non-existent president. Of course, oddly Uncle Sam did go through customs with Celestia before having me accept the status as an official groomsman, as long as I kept the radio with me at all times.

But it seems I was too late when a crying bride ran by me, followed by what seemed to be her bridesmaids, a pissed stallion and an even more pissed Celestia... But out of everything I’d ever had done when someone is pissed, I asked.

"Sorry I was late?"

Her pissed attitude died off and then she sighed.

"It would be your fault if it wasn't for my protégé.."

"Protégé? Didn't know the Alicorns had one?" I wondered, despite her first response partially offending me.

"I've always tried to find the perfect unicorn who could exceed an average unicorn to become even more than they are, but of course Sunset Shimmer was successful,” Celestia paused.

“Huh, well you’ve obviously done very well with Sunset Shimmer. I'm sure you can do well with your second protege, hell! Sunset Shimmer rules her own nation in my home continent!” I spoke cheerfully while Celestia dropped her head near the ground.

“That’s what I thought the day Sunset Shimmer had risen to the title of Alicorn, the day she set hoof on the troubled nation that housed so many defenseless ponies who’re under the control of a evil and corrupted government, the day she exposed the actions of them and greed was the day she earned respect within a nation, but a friend she calls her own, so I thought perhaps a second would be greater, but maybe.. Maybe I was a bit too harsh back there.."

"What do you mean?"

”To explain what happened, it seemed that my Protégé Twilight Sparkle had thought of something that Cadenza was not, she thought that.. Well, she was a-"

"Jerk? Heh, I get that a lot from everyone from my experience, like seriously! I- Oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you or anything.."

"It's fine Mr. Yates, but then at the height of the moment when we started rehearsals she barged in the room and made false accusations of Cadenza being evil! I mean I never thought of Cadenza being evil! I thought Twilight liked her when she was just a foal!"

"Well.. Have you maybe thought of trying to get to the bottom of this regardless? After all, if she's your protégé, maybe you should just figure it out, and not shut her off or anything? Basically it’s your responsibility in a way since you are the teacher after all."

Celestia seemed to take my suggestion very seriously, she started to think, walking around and finally she nodded to herself and looked towards me.

"Maybe you're right.. I have to admit that never had a human suggestion something passionate like that."

"But you did see us fight, have you not?"

"I.. Have for all my years even after Luna's banishment.. Of course there was the Lunar wars when I truly saw what humanity could be capable of truly doing.."

"But have you maybe not considered the phrase a man would do horrible things.. Not for his country but for his family?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"It was a old quote from my Grandfather, or at least from my Grandfather since he gotten it from someone else, but I understood why he said that since he fought and served for his country, but when he saw through the Lunar wars he fought for Abraham Lincoln's forces in the north in the three way civil war that followed, when the civil war end he hoped I wouldn't join the army in the sakes of his family and their sanity... Although, I did undermine him regardless of his dying request.. But now knowing that my ancestor was a savior of humanity it kinda made me think of some things, before I overslept the rehearsal," I and Celestia stared at each other for a moment as it seemed that maybe with a closer look with the average human she seemed to be more changed over her views in humanity but of course there's the other matter of problems.

"So.. About your Protégé?" I asked, which made Celestia shake her head out of a trance.

"Oh my. I almost forgot, you can come with me and we can maybe make amends and figure out what's wrong with Twilight, or perhaps settle this once and for all," Celestia Suggested.

"Now you're talking! I was meaning to figure out where the marriage will be hosted anyways."

Me and Celestia headed towards the church where the wedding would be hosted, (Of course it’s in a church, how stupid am I!) The front door was still open since that whole incident that Celestia told me about, but when we reached the second door it was.. Open?

“Strange,” She said.

“What is it?” I asked.

“These doors were closed when we left?” Celestia said.

“Yea? Twilight probably saw herself out,” I said to myself, when Celestia was confused and saw that Twilight was not in the church.

"Not what Twilight would do, she wouldn’t run from her mistakes, I wonder where Twilight Sparkle is?" She wondered.

"I don't know, but it's kind of getting la-" it was then that I looked at the stairs and noticed that the carpet was singed as if something burnt it.

"Hm... Hey Celestia, do your stairs always have burnt stains for dominance on guests?" I joked in a question.

"I would never assert any dominance on a foreign visit, but why did you ask that?" She wondered. Taking my joke too seriously

"Because it seems either A. Something happened here, or B. Your Protégé was on to something.. Just not in the right place.."

Celestia looked at the circular burnt carpet and noticed too, she looked at me with worry.

"I see what you mean, somepony has kidnapped Twilight! I’ll get the royal guard at once!"

"No, don't! I know your worries, but something tells me to wait."


"I've seen these in a movie once, a teacher doesn't trust a student, maybe you should perhaps put trust into Twilight and she'll show up eventually!"

"But... But what if she doesn't!"

"Listen Princess, I'm not asking or ordering, but if your protégé made it this far then I know she'll figure out a way. We just need to trust her!"

After finishing that sentence, Celestia trotted around in worry, thinking and somewhat sweating, she breathed in and out and contemplated herself and even physically and mentally punched herself before she snapped out of it and looked down.

"I hope... I hope your right..."

"Hope is all we need... Now with that said, I gotta make some calls.."

SFN-Starhawk, Las Pegasus coast

The crew were watching through binoculars looking at their new fighter craft, the F-15, racing against the F-14 after being permitted by the Department of Navy William Halsey who is watching the race because he just landed on the carrier watching the two jets compete with each other as Admiral Hughes yelled in the speaker.

"And there is Falcon 3 moving past Eagle 4 on the right cloud Holy moly! Falcon 4 is now moving past Eagle 4! Will Eagle 4 catch up before the final lap is up!?"

The Eagle squadron leader, Eagle 1, A.k.a. Husk Tavern, spoke through the radio.

"Johnson! Make mama proud and show these new folks how its done!" The squadron leader urged encouragingly as the F-14 suddenly went to its top speed and went side by side with the unknowing F-15 pilot who looked at the F-14 pilot in his eyes when he F-14 suddenly dropped below and disappeared in the clouds.

The Tomcat was gone from the radar.

"What the hell? Where'd he go?" Asked the Admiral.

"Eagle 4 do you copy? Eagle 4 please respond!" The Corporal urged as there was only static in response, it was then the Admiral nodded and the Corporal then asked.

“Falcon 3, do you have eyes on Eagle 4 over?”

The radio replies.

"Yea... He's above me."

The Admiral and everyone else in the command deck sighed in relief when the Admiral briefly processed what Falcon 3 said.

"Wait a second... How above you?" The Admiral asked suspiciously..

"Like upside down above me.." Replied the F-15 pilot.

The entire deck erupted in cheer and surprise and excitement as some of the pilots and the crewmen yelled and shouted.






The squadron leader for the first F-15 squadron clapped in respect.

“Bravo Eagle 4, bravo.”

The F-15 pilot looked up at the upside down F-14 pilot and was given the thumbs up finger and then the finger which aggravated the F-15 pilot.

“Show off..”

"We have a winner!!" Shouted the intercom, as the runway was cleared for the two jets that landed on the carrier deck.

The F-14 pilot was crowded with F-14 supporters (The Majority) And the F-15 pilot was crowded by well, the F-15 supporters (The Minority) the F-15 pilot looked at Johnson in a pissed attitude.

"Just because you won doesn't mean the F-15 isn't better!"

"Yea yea, why don't you go smoke a gar and attend to other shit, like the fact that you have no bitches!" Insulted Johnson as his friends behind him chuckled

"Why you... GET OVER HERE!"

Immediately the crowd attempted to keep the two from fighting when the Department head stepped in and blew his whistle, pausing everything and everyone.

“If that is all you like to say to each other I want both Falcon and Eagle squadron members to report to briefing room 012 immediately!” Yelled the Naval head, as Husk, leader of Eagle squadron, and Jonathan, leader of Falcon Squadron. Grabbed their pilots and reported to the room as documents are given to every member entering in the room.

"What's this all about Admiral?" Asked Husk.

"Take a seat and listen, that’s all I ask of you 12," Requested Hughes, as the MP shut the door and shut the lights off.

"Falcon and Eagle Squadrons, you've all been summoned because we just been given word from Lieutenant Yates that the impending attack is imminent and has invoked Protocol Ural," Hughes informed, making the pilots weirded out from the information which Johnson bravely raised his hand.

"Yes?" Asked Hughes.

"Sir, I know it’s weird to ask but what is protocol Ural and what does this have to do with us? And also, no one really explained what that is," Johnson asked.

“Good question then, back in the Human-Crystal war the protocol was first created by the late president Andrew Jackson, who saw the inevitability of Equestria finding itself at war with a warmongering nation, of course protocol Ural was obviously no secret for the sake of safeguarding Equestria’s way of life, but of course when the Lunar wars broke out Abraham Lincoln insisted that the protocol still stays active even unto this day, but in simpler terms, we would come to Equestria’s aide incase a foreign invasion occurs,” Hughes explained.

“But, why come for their aid when we’re clearly not that friendly towards each other?” Johnson asked.

"Because we have received reports of espionage attacks in America, and Uncle Sam has granted the Ural Invoked valid, is that all pilot?" Hughes asked.

"No sir.. Nothing else."

"Good, now with that out of the way, we've just received reports that there is a huge swarm of these espionage-like creatures heading to Canterlot, command wants you to spare no mercy."

"Wait, swarm sir?"

"Yes Swarm, Changelings as we speak are making their way towards Canterlot, and they plan on striking at the moment of the wedding, explosives are permitted."

"FINALLY! SOME BOOM BOOMS!" Shouted the pilot in the back, which Hughes stared at him down.

"Sorry sir."

"Next time it'll be a write up!" Threatened the Co-officer, which the Admiral then continues.

"The weapons include Napalm ammunition, missiles, and the latest weaponry in the American arsenal, laser guided bombs,” the admiral said, wowing the pilots.

“How do we use that sir?” Asked one pilot.

“A F-14 co-pilot can remotely guide the crosshair installed recently in the navigation computer to it’s target, whatever the crosshair aims at is where the bomb will drop,” the admiral presented, while the pilots murmured in the back about the new weapon

“The military instructor will now give you your objectives now." The Admiral stepped out of the instructor's way and sat down in which the instructor stood on the podium.

"Your objectives is to cut down as many Changelings as you can with what you have, you only have a limited amount of Machine gun ammo so make every shot count, you may use your explosives but only in large crowds of Changelings, and try to preserve Canterlot's Infrastructure we don't want a angry princess messaging us about being reckless, both Falcon and Eagle squadrons will be launched, you are also advised to aim carefully to prevent accidental civilian kills but do not recklessly waste your ammunition trying to strafe a swarm wall," the instructor urged, in which the instructor stepped off the podium and the admiral retook his place.

"You may report to your fighters now and stand by for the launch sequence. Now, get your asses out of here now!" Ordered the Admiral as the pilots ran out of the room, grabbed their pilot equipment, and reported to their jets while Johnson looked at his greatest rival pilot of the F-15..

"Now we'll see what's the better jet!" Said his rival.

"Game on." Replied Johnson, as he boarded his F-14 fighter jet and now waited for further orders awaiting for the AC-130 to arrive at the link up point


As I stepped out of my room I saw a group of Equestrian guards who turned out to be the commanders of the Canterlot brigade, so after being pointed by spears, and clearing my name, I’ve spoke with the commanders of the Equestrian royal guard and briefed them about the situation of who their threat and enemy was.

"Alright, I have made contact and Protocol Ural is now in effect, so it’s going to be weird for a foreign to tell you what you might be doing considering that we aren’t that well with each other as we were once in the old times, but do listen to these instructions because it may save lives,” I’ve urged towards the commanders, which they were reluctant to listen when one stepped forward and said.

“What do we need to do?”

Immediately I rejoiced and answered.

“The enemy will most likely have airborne capabilities to pick on civilians on ground zero, what you must do is have the civilians taken inside of the buildings where they can shelter throughout the fight, after that the American airforce is on their way to reinforce and get these pest off the skies using F-14s or something new, it’s your jobs to keep the civilians away from the outside because I have a feeling that we may have a grudge towards the damned pest,” I explained, which the royal guard commanders nodded when one of them said,

"We will do human, you’ve heard him ponies scatter, prepare defenses, and get the outside civilians inside!" Ordered the guard commander, as the guards grabbed their weapons and shovels and ran out into town to prepare defenses while some escorted the ponies not interested in the wedding inside.

While this I was walking with the commander and also informed him of my role in the whole thing.

"I will be attending the marriage as a secondary, hopefully I can force the culprit to surrender whatever he or she has, so you’re on your own until air support arrives, got it?"

"Got it sir," replied the Guard commander, walking away from me to help out in defenses.

I Put on a suit, tie, belt, and... Yes you can never be truly safe without a Beretta.

Hmmm.. Maybe one more gun should do the trick.. Of course just to wonder, which one?

Ah, this will do the trick.

After grabbing my things I headed towards the church and looked at the dome that overheaded me. Ever since Ford and that female left the city the Black Hawk was used to take them back to the mainland, which was fucking unfortunate because it was gonna serve as temporary air cover until the air support arrived, and since it left I’m stranded here without, no air support for a while, and no transport back home. So until they send another one, which I doubt it’ll even make it here, I'm fucked.

But also, it made me wonder how things might progress at this type of point now that the threat is serious with the ever-pressing threat occurring. I might be witnessing the start of either a cold war or a full-blown war, either way, both scenarios could end tragically in no one's favor.

I entered the church just as when the wedding was starting and stood beside Celestia. I looked at Shining Armor who seems to be.. Oddly strange, not that I know him other than his name in the briefing but the fact that his eyes are... Green..? Aren’t pony pupils usually bigger than usual? Even Celestia has suspicions about what's going on with him, but it is cut short when the church doors open to reveal the bride. And then the wedding music. Wait, that's not wedding music? Hold on a second, is she singing? I can't tell because of the background music... Wait what?

"Mares and Gentle colts. We are gathered here today to witness the union of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and Shining Armor."

Oh boy... Here we go, I don't know who Twilight is, but I hope she gets here fast and does whatever she does best.. Whatever the hell she does best anyway.

Wait, did I say that twice?

"Princess Cadence and Shining Armor! It is my great pleasure!"

Oh shit. Here it comes, drama save me now!

"To pronounce you-"

"STOP!!" Shouted a purple unicorn that caught me off guard while everyone in the room seemed to cringe. I guess that's Celestia's protégé, now let's see what she knows...

Cadenza from name gets aggravated.

"Why is she so possessive with her brother!"

What followed was... Fake sobbing... Wait a second, is she?

"Because it's not your special day! It's mine!" Shouted a second Cadenza.

"What the hell is this??" I questioned myself quietly, which somehow attracted both sides' attention, it seemed they weren't introduced to me but the main one that was eyeing me was the one near Shining Armor.. And she looks pissed at my presence or existence.

Anyways, the one that uhh. Stared at me concerningly turned towards the other Cadenza and yelled.

"How did you escape my bridesmaids!"

The two explained that they used a bouquet to distract the bridesmaids... Into shards of crystals... Ouchy.

"Hm! Clever, but you're still too late!" The... Imma just assume she's the fake one.

"I don't understand! How could there be two of them?" The Orange one spoke in facts.

"She's a Changeling! She takes the form of somepony you love, and gains power by feeding off of your love for them!" Cadence Expounded.

Angered by this, the changeling imposter transformed from the form of Cadence Mi Amore to- HOLY FUCKING SHIT!

"AHAHAHA!! RIGHT YOU ARE! PRINCESS! and as queen of the Changelings! It is up to me to find food for my subjects! Equestria has more love than any place I have ever encountered, my fellow Changelings will be able to devour so much of it! That we will gain more power than we have ever DREAMED OF!" She explained her entire ploy very foolishly, but why the hell does that involve me in the first place?

"They'll never get the chance! Shining Armor's protection spell will keep them from ever reaching us!" Replied Cadence, making the Queen chuckle as if she did something about said protection spell...

"Oh I doubt that, isn't that right dear?" She then used some type of brainwashing spell on him that seemed to make his eyes glow greener, I wasn't going to tolerate that no longer and un-holstered my Barreta from my side.

Just as Cadence was charging to Shining Armor Chrysalis she was stopped and threatened.

"Ah ah ah! You don't want to go back to the caves now do you?"

It was then that I decided it was now or never, so in response to her threat, I grabbed my Beretta and pointed it towards the ugliest head I’ve seen, so ugly that if I was to be in the world ugliest face competition I’d shit my pants knowing I was competing against her!

"The only thing she’ll go back to is her husband, drinking alcohol as I shove a canister filled with gasoline deep up your ass and light you up with a fucking match you won't tell a difference between stomach acid and a flame!!"

My threat grabbed Chrysalis' attention and kept her horn lit ready to seem to attack me with her magic. Good thing I had been trained on occasions like these with some instructions from the AMSP (Anti-Magic shielding and prevention) courses. So to keep her deterred I pointed my pistol right at her head preparing to pull the trigger at a moment's notice, but that was when Celestia looked at me and nodded for me to stand down, so I stepped back but kept pointing the pistol towards Chrysalis’ head at a distance behind Celestia.

Chrysalis unlit her horn and went towards Shining Armor, and it seemed she foolishly explained what she'd been doing the whole time. But then she says.

"Even now my minions are chipping away at it!"

"Who's these minions you refer to bug?" I questioned, which made her chuckle.

"My Changeling subjects, of course, I wouldn't expect less from a human unlike you."

“Oh really? Considering you’ve domestically invaded my country with your pigs! No, I wouldn’t expect less at least that was before you became the most wanted in American history you fucking bastard!! I hope you and your petty "subjects" sufferings are brutal after the damage you Have done!” I cursed, offending her to the brim just as I was about to take the shot Celestia now stepped in on the situation, but I wasn't going to let that slip by. Not yet though.

As she continued rambling I pressed the button on the radio giving the signal to the SFN-Starhawk carrier, to send in the squadrons that were awaiting my order that was the plan for them, now until those jets arrive it's best to stall, and luckily I'm not the one to do just that.

But at the same time, she'd seem to be more cocky and so she continued to say that she controls Shining Armor, breaking Cadence and her heart along with that Twilight Protégé for some reason...

"First we take Canterlot! And then! All of Equestria!!!" She proclaimed.

"No!" Interrupted Celestia.

"You won't! You may have made it impossible for Shining Armor to perform his spell! But now you have so foolishly revealed yourself!"

The two then go head to head, horn to horn, and magic to magic against each other.

Celestia flew up lit her horn and fired her magic on Chrysalis which the opponent then fired hers soon after and the two beams of magic collided, at first Celestia had the upper hand but then Chrysalis somehow outmatched Celestia's magic and knocked her off the air.


It shocked everyone in the room including me. The bridesmaids and the protégé ran right to her side, while I just stared at Chrysalis.

"It seems Shining Armor's love for you is stronger than I thought! Consuming it made more powerful THAN CELESTIA!" Cackled Chrysalis thinking that I wasn't pissed enough. That was the straw that broke a Zebrican Camel's back.

"Keep telling yourself that you bastardly witch! It was worse when I heard that my home country the Federation was attacked! But posing as someone's bride to steal their love and attack the royalty! Not only you are disgusting pigs, but you! You are a vile wretched scum of the Earth! Creatures like you will be killed! Something I intend to do myself!"

" And what are you going to do about it human!" She cackled.

It was at that moment that I drew my pistol and fired on Chrysalis causing a panic in the crowded ponies as they all started to crowd. I used it to my advantage it get to a cover point in case Chrysalis starts retaliating with Lethal magic, something a human can not survive.

It was after I got behind a pillar though when my pants were tugged and it was the real Cadence who was behind the pillar with me.

"You can't defeat her! If it's how powerful my Shining Armor's love is you can never defeat her!"

"Yeah? But I can still kick her ass regardless, get out of here when you still can!" I advised.

"No! Not without my love! I won’t leave him with that monster!" She refuted.

I could facepalm myself if it wasn't in a situation like this, she could've followed Twilight and her friends who just ran out of the room like the rest of the civilians, but she's more stubborn. Foolish yet brave, but there are still some bystanders left in this room so to keep casualties at a minimum. In the meantime, until those jets arrive I'll need to pry at her. Temper.

I turned towards Cadence and ordered.

"Cover your ears, and get these ponies out of here!”

She obeyed and covered them as I shot 3 rounds before reloading and then shouting.


The remaining crowd of ponies acknowledged my order followed Cadence to the door ran out of the church to take cover from a possible storm of war, I also used this opportunity to try and grab Celestia while I still could before Chrysalis caught on to my plan but it seemed she had been staring at me the whole time when she stopped right in front of me with her horn lit.

"Get out of my way you whore!" I insulted, pointing my pistol at the now pissed bug.

" NOBODY! NOT EVEN A HUMAN WILL ADDRESS ME AS SUCH OFFENSE! NOW DIE!" She shouted as she then unleashed her built-up anger and fired multiple lethal shots directed towards me. I then quickly ran towards the stairs and knocked down a podium, grabbed Cadence, who was behind me after directing the evacuation, and peeked out of the Podium.


Using what Cadence could with her might, she flew up mid-air and started fighting Chrysalis slicing the air and throwing the Changeling Queen to the ground, she looked at the princess with a growl and a smirk.


"I'll try with every bone of my strength, BUT YOU WILL NOT TOUCH MY LOVE!"

"Then I'll pry it from your cold dead hooves!"

Immediately the biggest fight I've ever seen started behind my ass, so much for staying down, but then again this gave me breathing room TO RUN LIKE HELL!

Running through a fight scene with a pistol and gathering hope despite my ass nearly getting shot up in the crossfire the Changeling Queen wasn't letting up with her attacks on Cadence as she flew right past these attempts.

After reaching him I looked at Cadence, who was mid-air charging at Chrysalis, I tried to wake her soon-to-be husband up, it was only a matter of time before Cadence's distraction wore off and Chrysalis saw what I was truly planning right here, hopefully, if I can get Shining Armor to wake up It could reduce the risk of civilian casualties to zero and for the Jets to peck them off one by one, so I shouted to the dead brain stallion.


Shouting didn’t work, so I then tried to do a physical approach.

I slapped him 10 times.


Unfortunately, my trick didn't work, Chrysalis's magic was more powerful than I thought it was and it wasn't too long for me to realize that.

It was then that the dome shield shattered and the changeling bugs now swarmed into the city causing mass panic in the streets while the guards had been prepared thanks to me some were not prepared and got bondage and just when I realized that all of that was happening, which made my heart sink, the Changelings had now entered the church and surrounded me and Cadence putting me and her back to back with each other.

It would seem that any plan of reducing civilian casualties was now a total bust and with Shining Armor lost, it wasn't too late to save Celestia and hopefully keep these bastards off of her.

But now the question remains, where the hell is that air support?!

"This is Eagle 1 to Starhawk carrier, we have now entered Canlot- HOLY SHIT!"

The jet squadrons broke off formation as they approached a hell of a swarm.


"What is Eagle 1? What's the situation!"


"...Well holy hell, someone me to the nearest naval base now! I want a 130 in the air IMMEDIATELY! Falcon and Eagle are outmatched all fighters in the area the entire city is green! Danger close shows those bastards what we got! Get the skies cleared! All weapons are code hot! Repeat code hot!”

"What about civilians sir!" Asked Falcon 1.

"Creator knows what or who just does what you must, bomb the fucking place to ashes if you have to!" Ordered the Admiral.

"Alright! Falcon 4, Eagle 2 you're with me to cover the west side! We've got to clear the clutter, Eagle 1 let's have a truce. We need to focus on the enemy before we can focus on each other."

"Roger that Falcon 1, Falcon 2, Eagle 4, Eagle 5, You'll be covering the east side, Eagle 3 Falcon 3 cover our flanks just in case these bugs get brave!"

"Roger Eagle 1.

"Copy Eagle 1."

"Roger, lets show em some action!"


The jets went back into formation and then dispersed.

-Warning, Warning, Warning, Altitude, Altitude,-

"COME EAT SOME!" Shouted Eagle 4, as he unloaded his machine gun ammo on the crowd of insects that surrounded a certain 6 friended pony group that happened to be fighting against the Changeling invaders.


The missile launched from Eagle 1's fighter directly hits a group of flying Changelings.

"WHOOO! GOT 6 ON MY KILL SCORE!" Shouted Falcon 3.

"Oh yea? Let me show you how the Eagle's grab their meal in the morning!" Radioed Eagle 2, as he did a barrel roll and shot down ten changelings out of the air.

"Show off.." Commented Falcon 3, as a group of Changelings now started a ramming attack on Falcon 4.

"DAMMIT! I'M BEING CHASED THEY'RE TRYING TO RAM MY ENGINES! I CAN'T SHAKE THEM!" Shouted Falcon 4, as Eagle 4 broke off from East side coverage and shot down the brave Changelings to death.

"Saved your life!" Said Eagle 4.

"Yea... I guess I owe you one then hm?"

"If we survive this. Maybe."

"This is Admiral Hughes from the Starhawk carrier! We’ve just received word that civilians and innocents are being hunted down by these things, napalm is now permitted to use them wisely,” the admiral informed.

"Napalm?" Falcon 1.

"Yea, what's the problem?"

"Wouldn't that start a fire? After all, we are trying to preserve Canterlot infrastructure."

"Not anymore, this is now an all or nothing operation, all fighters are permitted to use napalm at once!" Ordered Starhawk.

"Roger, Falcon 2, Falcon 5, we got a huge line of bugs slowly creeping on civilians, lets show them the power of democracy shall we?"

"Roger, Falcon 5 get on my ass and follow me."

"Roger that Falcon 2. Prepping napalm."

“This is Captain Westar, we’re taking off from Airbase Alpha from fort mourn island, ETA 23 minutes until then,” the pilot announced to Hughes which he nodded.

“Understood, proceed to Canterlot as fast as you can!” The admiral spoke tensely.

“Roger sir, we’ll be there to bring in the rain soon enough.”

“Let's hope so, because the battle is now raging chaotically.”

The Changeling Queen cackled as the bugs surrounded me and Cadence, they glued her hooves to the ground. And Chrysalis smirked at my desperate situation.

"Well, it looks like you're outmatched, I have to admit it didn't take long for your wretched mentor Sam to figure out someone else's plans on knocking your country out of their arena in politics. Unfortunately the same someone used my subjects in their game. It disgust me!"

"Lying to me huh? The fact that you happen to not wear your responsibility and blaming someone else for it makes me even more pissed and makes you more incompetent. Face it you slut! I will make sure to break every once of your bones for attacking my home nation and this nation, starting with your fucktards!"

"I'm afraid I won't allow that you wretched human, fortunately for me, your ancestors' legacies die here, kill him."

The Changelings show their fangs and prepare to charge. I guess I should say what the last weapon was before being killed.

"I guess you haven't anticipated... THIS!"

I grabbed out an M249 Light Machine gun and surprised and attacked the enemy when I opened fire on the crowd of Changelings, one by one they fell and died from my wrath of the machine gun, the rest fell back to a wall while those who somehow survived the initial attack by me struggled to keep living as they either bled to death, or have already died.

As for those who saw death before dishonor, they charged at me with their fangs and bit my arm, the problem was it didn't penetrate my skin but rather break their tooth off. (Forgive me for what I'm about to do) I tear my suit and tie! (R.I.P.) And revealed my gray body armor that I’ve been wearing the whole time with a M16 rifle.

“How do you even walk?” Cadence asked.

“Trust me when I say this is very uncomfortable but worth it!” I responded and then backhanded with the machine gun and shot the attacking changeling warriors who charged at me with spears in an attempt to stab me to death but with quick thinking I rolled towards the nearby pillar and the spearheading towards my skull sliced through the pillar making the Changeling warriors unable to pull out which enabled me to quickly switch to my now depleted Light Machine gun with my Barreta and shot multiple rounds into their armor before penetrating through it and killing them.

When the other warriors charged towards me I charged right back at them without any second thoughts and CQCed them towards the ground, with backdropping, back kicking, and the kick to the groin, with the pain that the warrior changelings succumbed to it was then that I almost forgot about something very important when I noticed that the Changelings were wrapping Celestia into a cocoon.

"Shit, I almost forgot, I need to save Celestia, not taunt these pests!" I said to myself.

"Did you think those tactics will help you human? Let us kill him, brothers!" Said one of the Changelings, as they leaped towards me all at once and I moved aside and shot their wings off, and then threw the flightless out of the window and caused them to fall towards their deaths on the ground below.

Chrysalis then lost her cool when I shot them and shouted.

"NO! YOU BEAST! YOU SLIMY PEST! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SUBJECTS!" She was now enraged, and… That was good.


This shocked Cadence, which kinda made me a bit surprised that she didn't know what type of logic I was planning but if anything humanity is so much good with exploring and studying their enemy that it was discovered that if a Changeling lost their cool the 'love' they collected will be faded into nothing then again she didn't attend a human military school so not surprised, what I’m surprised that slut Queen hasn’t figured out what I’m doing here.

"TAKE THIS YOU RODENT PEST!" Shouted Chrysalis, as she fired a bolt of magic that I happened to be prepared for and ducked from the shot, I then charged at her but then she fired another bolt and hit my chest.


"DEAR FAUST! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!" Cadence shouted in worry.

"No, f-f-fuck no it's not, but I can handle it. Bastard is gonna need to shoot more than that to kill me off!"

In retaliation, I then charged at Chrysalis head-on and sucker punched her in the face, just as the Changelings were about to cocoon Celestia I shot them with my pistol and ripped bits of the incomplete cocoon off of Celestia and then helped her up.

"Are you alright princess?" I asked, as she was disillusioned at one moment before shaking her head.

"M-m-mr Yates? H-h-how did you-"

"No time to explain, you need to gather a group of guards and-"

Suddenly I was shot by Chrysalis again by her bolt only in the shoulder which wasn’t covered by my vest and started to bleed. Celestia was shocked and quickly tried to attempt a healing spell but she was too weak to perform it after her fight with Chrysalis, building up her strength she knew if I was to die here Canterlot would possibly be doomed, while she had faith in her student and her friends she doesn’t know whether they made it or not, and then there was the matter of what happens to her sister after all of it, she looked at Chrysalis with spite and anger, she couldn’t forgive herself for not believing Twilight’s warning, Twilight was right but not in the right place, just like I said, Celestia knows now to keep her trust with her student for now on no matter what happens, but when she looked at the monster responsible for it all, she attempted to stand up on her four hooves to fight her again in a rematch.

"Don't waste your energy, you’ve done enough, I'll deal with her myself."

I got up despite my flesh wound and sounds of explosions sounding all around us as the air support had now arrived to start pounding and killing the pests that were outside, I watched the changeling Queen even more angry as she watched through the broken window of her subjects being slaughtered outside.

“How does it feel you bastard, to have something you love so much be taken away in an instant, now you know Cadence and her pain, my country's pain, and everyone else's,” I said in a glowered hatred towards the evil Queen.

“I will not be intimidated by your human quotes! In the end, you will all be destroyed!” The Queen condemned, but I was hoping she was going to say that.

“That's a funny whore, because I was thinking about our fates and smiled, wanna know why?” I asked, but she growled deeper.

:” Because you won’t be there to witness it other than being incinerated.”

I and Chrysalis were now in a standoff ready to punch each other to the death. When my radio went off.

"This is Captain Westar of the AC-130, does anyone copy it?"

My radio was now statically on, so I grabbed it and answered.

"This is Lieutenant Yates, I read you, Captain." I replied.

"Roger that Lieutenant, I'll be ready to fire everything I have on your orders." Replied the Captain, as Celestia got up and used me to keep her balance.

"What is an AC-130..." Celestia asked, as more jet noises could be heard outside followed by explosions, napalms, and Machine guns.

Celestia saw a peek of the gunfire the Jets were shooting and was both terrified and somewhat dopamine-induced excited. It was when the jets brought in the napalm that shook Chrysalis off her feet and created a gust of wind.

It was then in anger that she leaped charged towards me and pinned me towards the ground attempting to bite my face off which made me drop my radio which slid towards Celestia’s hooves she looked down and saw the radio still in one piece, she used her magic to pick it up and then used her strength to shoot a magic round towards Chrysalis which after developing her shot, it hits the Queen in the right-sided torso knocking her off of me and onto the ground, before she got up I grabbed my LMG and the radio that Celestia handed me and pinned her to the ground.

That was when the mane 6 were brought in by the pest but they seemed to be more surprised at what was going on outside than me rescuing Celestia. I then placed the radio near my mouth and spoke.

“Stand by for orders Captain,” I ordered.

“Acknowledged,” replied the captain, as I looked at the changeling queen with the spectating mane 6, Celestia, and Cadence.

"Your plan is foiled, your fucking army is in desolation and on my word, destroyed and wiped off the face of this planet, so if you care about your subjects…. Leave, now."

The Changelings were in shock and were loyal to the Queen enough to where they foolishly released the six ponies and tried to charge at me before being stunned by Twilight’s magic and then getting tied by Applejack and the other friends, while the pink and white pony barricaded the door to drive the Changelings off away to the exit in which the orange and the cyan pony assisted in keeping the door closed.

I turned to the now defeated and pinned Chrysalis who was now in fear not because of the huge weapon I was holding, but because of how down south her 'plan' now went, it's now more like trying not to die rather than a hostile takeover.

"Your terror on this city is over, I say again, surrender now, and I’ll let you collect the pieces of the remains of your army."

I then pointed my gun at her bug face to assert that choice and she then received the message and answered.

"What are your terms, you wretched scum!"

"First I'll ignore that first part, second, release Shining Armor, take your army out of the city like I said, and never return to Equestria, and if you dare attack my home country again I will see to it personally that your home hives are flattened to the point beyond repair! Is that clear you bug whore!" I threatened the demand. At first she seemed to be refusing my courteous offer, but with the jets still cutting down her subjects and the AC-130 itching to shoot at her subjects she had no choice.

"Fine..." She replied in a snarl.

Shining Armor is released from her spell, Cadence is freed by Twilight’s magic who she then embraces Shining Armor.

By the time Shining Armor saw the view of me pointing a giant weapon at the slut queen he was with no doubt without words. Other than hugging the real love that was kidnapped from him.

Chrysalis stood on her four hooves amongst the chaotic war zone as F-14 and F-15 jets continued to cut down on the assaulting insects, she looked back at me and I continued to point my weapon towards her and she sighed.

"MY SUBJECTS! RETREAT! BACK TO THE CHANGELING LANDS! RETREAT!" She shouted, as all bugs including the ones outside retreated from the premises of the city. With some of the bugs retrieving the injured with stretchers. In a glee, I turned to my radio.

"This is Lieutenant Yates, fighter squadrons stand down, the bugs are retreating." I ordered.

"Can we get confirmation on Captain Westar?" Asked Admiral Hughes.

"Confirmed sir, the Changelings are retreating and attempting to retrieve their injured, we won."

The entire deck erupted in celebration and the admiral clapped for joy.

"YEEHAW! CALL BACK THOSE FIGHTERS! RETURN THE GUNSHIP! SET PROTOCOL URALS TO INACTIVE LEVELS!" Shouted and ordered the Admiral, William eyed him a bit which the admiral gulped.

"Eh. We won sir?" The Admiral rephrased, but Halsey shrugged and smirked with a nod.

The jet squadrons of both Eagle and Falcon went into a joint formation and headed straight back to the carrier as ponies cursed the now retreating and defeated Changelings off their lands.

As for Chrysalis, she got up with the help of her Changeling guards, who remained and stared at me with a snarl.

"Don't think this isn't over! You've won today, but now you have made a permanent enemy with the Changeling Queendom! I'll see to it that everyone hunts you down for a bounty!" She Threatened, as Celestia, Twilight, Shining Armor, and Cadence lit their horns toward Chrysalis.

And I replied...

"Then make sure to tell them to be ready to die when they find me. And I'll make sure to send their heads to you afterward for my regards. And as for your little 'Queendom,' all you'll come back to is disloyal warlords and power-hungry politicians calling for succession. In fact... I think there's a crisis right now... As we speak."

Chrysalis snarled, hissed, and flew away from the castle and left Canterlot, Shining Armor then reactivated his protection spell, with one slight confusion..

"So Twily.. What did I miss?" He asked, to which Twilight shrugged and looked at me.

“I have no clue, but I think it has something to do with him.”

One day later

It all proceeded as planned, or. Would that be a re-plan? I don't know, but what I do know is Cadence and Shining Armor couldn't think of a better day at their wedding than the day literally after the chaotic siege.

I was charged by Celestia to be in charge of clean up and from what I counted some of Equestria’s infrastructure was severely damaged but was restored by the Unicorns by the eventual hour, buildings were not much as destroyed as expected with a neighborhood, of course, being totaled by Napalm fires and laser-guided bombs, the surprise was that no civilian’s were harmed by the jets, but there was reports of rape committed by Changelings.

As for deaths, Changelings were killed by the thousands which because of that would bring massive calls in the Changeling lands of succession bringing it into a warlord era like lands.

But with all that chaos the rebuild was complete just in time for the wedding, as it started I stood in the corner with my pure white formals on and sunglasses while I watched the beginning of a union begin.

The moment of the kiss made me think about a lot of things.. Mainly post military life, and how I'm supposed to be the far descendent of well, by now my greater times a thousand grandfather Luther.. But it was best to live in the present and then move on to the future.

I looked outside and saw a crowd of ponies cheering for Shining Armor and Cadence Mi Amore and their marriage, but what happened next scared the shit out of me when that same Cyan pegasus who blocked that door flew and broke through the sound barrier!

Like damn.. Who knew she was a jet.. Wait, maybe she is a jet... Hmm...

Thestrial-Argednina border

"LOAD UP THOSE ARTILLERY SHELLS QUICKLY! WE NEED TO BE READY BY THE END OF THIS MONTH! OTHERWISE WE'LL BE CRUSHED BY THOSE BAT TANKS!" Shouted a commander, as the men scattered and loaded the shells on the Artillery when a scout soldier ran up to the commander.


"Easy private! What's going on?"



The commander snatched the binoculars and was about to look when he saw three MI-8 helicopters loaded up with bat ponies heading straight for the base.

"Oh shit the preparation was a trick! Get me in contact with the High command now!!! RED ALERT! THE INVASION IS HERE-"


Suddenly a barrage of missiles were launched at the Artillery camp starting chains of explosions, the MI-8 helicopters began its attack on the base. Missiles strikes at the armor vehicles that are being used to shoot down the aviation they never expect the Thestrials to even obtain and troops also being gunned down by PKMs from the helicopter side doors as the Bat ponies fired their rifles from above and onto the backs of Human soldiers as some attempted to flee from the battle before either being shot by the Bat-ponies or the field officers who are trying to keep their men in line.

The Commander shouts.


As the soldiers now grabbed their RPGs the MI-8 helicopter landed on the ground and unleashed a squad of Bat-ponies shooting their SA80s on the troops.

"FOR THE NIGHT!" Shouted one of the Thestrial Bat-ponies, as they drive off the Human soldiers and capture the Artillery cannons.

"WE CAN'T FIGHT THEM OFF! RETREAT!" Shouted a field officer.


"THEN THAT CASE FUCK YOU! I CHOOSE LIFE OVER COUNTRY! RETREAT!" Shouted again from the field officer as the majority of the camp men retreated into the woods as machine gun trails behind them in a fiery inferno as another MI-8 helicopter landed with heavily armored Bat-Pony soldiers with Atlyn helmets. Followed by a Blue K6-3 helmet commander stepping out of his helicopter overseeing the flaming inferno when a bat-pony soldier came to him with the radio.

"What's the Status, did we get them?" Asked Stefanos.

"Even better, they've retreated into the woods, and their equipment is ours.. It seems the Soviets stuck with their deal," the Bat-pony reported, as the flames continued to rage behind him.

"The Red Mother was known to keep up with her deals, but I never expected her to actually stage evidence on the Changelings at the cost of her own Changeling agents, impressive for an immortal being when it came to deals.. But now we focus on our true enemy."

"Yes, General. I will send you further reports, until then Hail the Night!"

"Hail the Night."

Canterlot castle

After seeing the whole bouquet and a beautiful ending to it all, I unfortunately have to leave...

Yea I know what you're thinking as I write this.. You just got here?

Well that doesn't stop me from leaving.. The Black Hawk helicopter lands at Dawn and there's the whole nature trail I have to walk to get there and then there's my stuff... Ugh..

Of course, just like Uncle Sam says, “there’s always the second time” perhaps another wedding might be a thing and I don’t have to leave it.

After traveling up the stairs I went into my guest room and.. Saw my case already packed up and sitting on the table? I don't really get it but that was probably a... Wait, what's that note? I asked myself as I picked it up and it read.

"Dear Yates, for saving the wedding at the time's of surprise me and my sister, Luna, decided to pack your things for you since you are returning back to your homeland soon, I hope that in the future we can both be friends with each other."

"Sincerely Princess Celestia. Hm... Well, nothing like a not so secret admirer in my case, I wonder what might happen next after all this.. Maybe Chrysalis might not heed my warning and send someone to actually die? I don't know, lets see about the news though before my phone battery dies."

I grabbed my phone and scrolled down, it's the usual.. Weather.. Weather.. Thestria declares war on Argendina.. Weat- wait. Wait, wait, wait, what!?


"That's right you are hearing it, from those who just joined into the news Thestria has declared war on Argendina, after a failed conversation attempt to ease the tensions, Humarican nations ranging from America all the way to Gradenland urged the two nations to de escalate tensions and discuss, but now reports had confirmed that a surprise attack at the infamous Albterto's trench has occurred, and multiple tanks identified as the new Thestrian tanks had now crossed borders in cities and foreign territory, as we speak they are currently making gains in the disputed zone that both sides claim as theirs is the said dispute zone is named "Gilligan's land" mark I see your under immense pressure can you tell us what we're hearing right now?"

The camera turns to mark who is in the capital city of Aires Norrington, as it is currently being bombed by close range bombers and fighters in the rain.

"As you can hear behind me the gun fire and Anti-Aircraft weapons attempting to shoot down the bombers and planes, the city is active but not in a civilianized way as it was just hours ago. What we do know however is that so far the Thestrial armies has captured the main city of the Gilligan province or Bueno Eris, a city that was once the treaty stead that was signed between the nations of Eyre and Erie, but now, now the city is under Thestrial siege with records now at their mercy of the artillery strikes being fired, along with the locals there.. This is Mark signing off, in Aires Norrington."

After my phone died from the worthless depleting battery I was now sitting on my ass on the bed thinking... What the hell happened? I thought we had secured peace over the region not too long ago?

Was it a Changelings plan??

Or was it... No it can't be, the peace treaties! Even Celestia herself threatened to personally destroy both us and the NSRS with the sun! Though that kinda sounds a bit tyrannical probably because she didn't actually say that but still!

Was Chrysalis telling the truth when she kinda stated that they weren't behind all of this? After all, it's impossible to undermine our intelligence division...


Moskva city

The Red mother sat on her chair listening to her own style of patriotic music drinking tea when a N.I.B. Agent entered her realm with documented reports.

"Madam, your plan went exactly according to plan, the Americans are considering intervention and pulling out from Zebrica! And reports from our new spy network indicate the Americans will be redirecting equipment supplies from Arabia to the Southern Federation!"

"Great work and great news for the socialist ears of mine, now with that out of the way, I might want an intelligence post on the.. Target.."

"You mean that Luther related guy? Why don't we spy on others? Like Uncle Sam? Or Princess Celestia? Or better yet! Grover the 5th?" The N.I.B. Agent questioned.

"Because... Why spy on them, when we can spy on a key for a true ultimate weapon!"

"And what weapon is that?" Asked the Agent, as she started to laugh. Making him a bit nervous.

"The Staff Of Luther! oO course with the staff we can use it’s full potential and power to the point that not even Celestia, Luna, or any other Alicorn princess or element bearers can never stop us, and if Uncle Sam will either choose to surrender to us or be destroyed, the world will be on its knees begging for mercy, capitalist imperialism will die at the blade of its power! Of course, before we can do any such thing thing, we need the staff and then the boy."

The Red Mother then looked at her advisor who was watching her speech and ordered.

“Get me in contact with Agent Yuri, I request his presence tomorrow for a operation, at 10:20 AM, my experts predict the return of the Crystal Empire and I believe the staff is still there, the wretched ruler elizabeth stolen what was rightfully ours and given it to princess Mi Amore, and that would be her last mistake as a human of herself, and if those mane 6 ponies bothers with our operation let them be killed.”

“It shall be done our Red Mother,” replied the advisor, leaving the room.

In Canterlot and Washington city Uncle Sam and Celestia simultaneously wake up with a small thought which they went to sleep, and then waking up again to realize that the Red Mother is now making her moves and even Celestia would wake to feel the same disturbance of dread, and... Something odd with me that I would never have seen myself as..

Long Live the Northern Socialist Republics!"

Author's Note:

Ahhh! Finally after some editing and work we are now fully introduced with the true enemy of Humarica.

And that also concludes the end of the Canterlot Wedding arc. And for a little hint of the next chapter!

(Rewrite as of 7/20/23)