• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,629 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...

Chapter 2: 1001 ALB, The Olenian Crisis

Author's Note:

Rewritten as of 7/10/23

“Good morning from the CNN Headquarters, my name is Lynda Kinkade and we have a breaking news development in the country of Olenia, King Aldar the II has died, it was said that some of the local politicians and business leaders were just on a board meeting about the recent events regarding tensions between the political and military officials, it was after Aldar had died was when the kingdom commission council of Olenia, or what’s called the KCCO, received a message from the palace of Hjortland, it was said that the king had died in a stroke just right outside behind Mathew as you can see now.”

A second camera shows Chance and the background surrounded by deer guards and police agents.

“Some people are, however, coming outside in Olenia to inspect the scene themselves and start to call it a hostile takeover, Matthew tell us what you’re seeing?”

*Camera Pans towards Matthew Chance*

“Just like you said, apparently the scene has been a bit quiet along with the officials, in fact if we pan the camera to where that scene with that Olenian is guarding, they seemed to have the area locked down tight, now of course as for speculations of a coup, it has not been confirmed as of yet, but whether it’ll be a coup or not, the heir to the throne is, Velvet Jelzek, who recently returned to the kingdom for the meetings and…”

“Is something wrong Matthew? I notice there's some equipment behind you?”

Matthew, on camera, tells Louis the cameraman to turn towards his right where a convoy of T-64s and BTR-70s piloted by human pilots and two trucks boarded with armed human soldiers drives by them as the Olenian police clear the streets of civilians, the watchers look on with surprise when they see a faded white eagle symbol on one of the tanks not completely erased.

“There is, in fact, a situation, it would seem that just by looking at those tanks these are T-64s, and the only nation who has these is Rodinia but they were, lended to a Private Military company called Serbija, a caucus legion of troops hired by Brezhnev to enforce international events, it seems that we are witnessing either a mercenary coup or someone had hired them to help them accomplish this, but it seems whoever has behind said coup, they’ve got a nation to run especially due to its current economic stance.”

*As the armor convoy drives through producing disturbing sounds of treadmills that can be heard over the microphone the reporter is barely understandable by the sounds of armor Camera pans towards Elaine at the News studio*

“Matthew, our sound got cut off. We'll have to go back to you in a moment as we have other news to cover.”

Next on CNN News:

Apple-Buffalo war breaks out In Equestria after a border dispute.

Discord unleashed, and what would it do to the national economy?

The Election of 1001 of the River Republic

And finally President Carter and the new Whiskey tax bill proposal.

Coming next, after these short messages.

*A certain burger place ad plays*

A day after the report, more and more media outlets would eventually cover what was now known as the Olenian coup de tat staged by Johan, it was believed he killed his father, and eventually he placed Velvet Jelzek under house arrest before she fled into a pro-Harmonist compound where she rallied support.

During this, the F.I.U. informed President Carter and General MacArthur and the heads of Congress about the possibility of a rescue operation after being tipped on Velvets Location but was also alerted that Johan plans to attack and kill her in the Pro-harmonist compound which is a apartment complex, the resistance discovered Johan's plan as well and are preparing her evacuation on a ship to Equestria.

A 5 day meeting was held by the head general of special operations, Bryan Fenton, with joint session of congress being hosted to discuss whether a special operation should be conducted or not, the 4 day meeting ended with a tie, but it was quickly concluded in a surprise visit by Uncle Sam, himself, who broke the tie and immediately authorized the deployment of the Eclipse Brigade 23rd unit, and the 10th air brigade.


A squad of three Black Hawk Helicopters, from the 10th air Brigade, arrives at the city of Vaverfront where Velvet will be at, the men participating in the operation were briefed that they were to secure and evacuate Velvet, who will be code named 'present,' and take her away from Olenia due to communications being cut off from Olenia to the world the Eclipse Agents will have to make contact personally.

“Alright! Listen up men! I want to make this operation clean and clear! There will be no sense of bitching out since you’ve lost the chance so let me go over the briefing one more time!

Your target will be at the apartment complex, landing zones are tight so you’re going skydiving out of the helicopters with your provided parachutes that you can thank your friendly tax payers for!”

The entire passenger room chuckled with the last part of the sentence when the commander continued.

“After you recover, Velvet Jelzek, make your way toward the exfil point immediately! Is that loud and clear!”

"SIR YES SIR!" Shouted the men, as they prepared their M1A4 rifles and night vision goggles on, the lights on the Black Hawk turn death red.

"Good! Now get the hell out of my ride!"

The Apartment Complex

While the Eclipse brigade was about to arrive, there was remains of Aldar's loyalist forces, who speculated that Johan was behind his death and saw Velvet Jelzek as the rightful heir, were tasked to guard the compound and await for transportation but they were only armed with black marketed armor and a rifle, while it was outdated it was enough to keep them by while they guarded the building to await for the carriage when they saw two deer's walking towards them.


"Unfortunately for you soldier, this is a apartment complex and we are allowed.. Move aside before you end up like Aldar," threatened the Johan Loyalist, as the harmonic soldiers pointed their rifles at him.

"The hard way it is then.."

Behind him arrived a T-64 tank with human tank pilots sticking out and aiming the Light Machine gun right towards them as two Ural-4320 trucks arrived with a brigade of armed deer soldiers mixed with Serbija PMC's jumping off and pointing their guns towards the defending garrison, which forced them to drop their guns.


"Shit is right, pelt's, take these traitors away... And then make them kneel, the rest of you, storm the apartment Johan wants Velvet alive.... For now," ordered the Johanist commander, while the loyalist that were guarding the complex were then arrested, Johan's soldiers, as ordered, stormed the apartment complex and started raiding rooms and houses, the T-64 tank smashes through the apartment gate and rolled into the street with the mercenary soldiers securing each building resulting in a brief but violent gun fight that ranged through the streets with arms fire causing a massive disturbance and created a crowd of spectators.

Meanwhile, by the time they got to Velvet's room, the window was opened indicating that she escaped, and that was when the deer who met Velvet's men came in.

"Field Marshal Gustaf! She escaped!" Alerted the deer, but not Gustaf, as he turned towards the closet and spoke.

"Did you really think I would fall for your tricks Velvet Jelzek?" He said, as the deer soldiers opened the closet revealing a frightened Velvet Jelzek who they wouldn't expect that she was prepared to fight back the moment the soldiers pointed their rifles and would engage in a hoof-to-hoof fight.

Back at the fleet of three Black Hawk Helicopters, the 23rd unit is now nearing it's drop zone when the light turned bright green on the door.

"THATS THE SIGNAL! DROP! DROP! DROP!" Shouted the Special forces commander.

The agents one by one, jumped out of the moving helicopters and released their parachutes strapped on them, all 20 Spec ops agents exited the helicopters.

The Special forces commander sat down and ordered.

"Pilot! Play my soundtrack!!" He ordered.

"Which one sir?" The Pilot replied.

"THE GOOD ONE! WITH EXTRA TUNE!" The Commander responded.

"Ok sir..." The Pilot obliged.

The tape was placed in the radio box and then after, the pilot then pressed the play button.

The Parachuting soldiers were now landing at the target spots, with M1A4 rifles and suppressed pistols equipped with them, the black dark suits kept them camouflaged in the dark while the squad commander and his squad met up in the alley way.

"Is this all of us?" The Commander asked.

"No sir, we have 5 unaccounted for and they carry the majority of our explosives," replied one of the soldiers.

"Dammit.. We'll need to improvise until they can relocate and find us, until then lets make contact with the harmonist" The Commander ordered, as the group ran through the alley way, passing trash can after trash can when the command raised his fist to halt his squad and signaled one of his men to move forward and scout, soon enough they see a T-64 pointing a cannon at the meeting spot.

"Sir! There's a tank at that area!"

"I see... I know Velvet Jelzek has loyal soldiers, but reports didn't specify a tank, atleast for this area," The Commander pondered.

"Are we too late sir?" Asked one of the agents.

"Yea.. I think we are, but that doesn't mean we won't make noise, ready and suppress your rifles and prepare to nub tube this son of a bitch," Ordered the commander, as the soldiers loaded their guns and prepared themselves for the rock and roll.

The commander and his squad raided a abandon building on the right alley and took up gunner positions as the rest of the squad hid in the bushes and awaited the final order to shoot, after setting up the Light Machine gun the commander looked through his binoculars and saw Velvet being dragged with wounds on her chest, bruises on her face, and bleeding forelegs she was dropped in front of her loyalist.

"There she is, now let's show her how we rescue targets,"

45 minutes earlier after a brief off-story stand off Velvet lashed out at the men pointing the rifles and broke one of the human soldiers arm, and kicked another one in the gut, groin and then thrown him towards then wall, before Velvet could go for Gustaf one of the Olenian deer guards tased twice on her forelegs until they started bleeding and knocked her unconscious which they then kicked her in the gut and presented her towards Gustaf.

"Foolish mistake, you fucking pelt," Gustaf cursed, before Velvet spat blood on his face.

"Go to Tartarus!" Velvet responded, which Gustaf cleaned his face off from the blood spat on him and then sucker punched her in the nostril.

"Take her outside! And.. Clean this up," he ordered with a calm voice, in which the deer soldiers acknowledged and took her away with the other two helping the Serbija soldiers get back on their feet.

She was then dragged by the Johan loyalist and then dropped to the solid road infront of her men who was watching in dreadful silence, it was when Gustaf and the other two human mercenaries turned to one of the human soldiers who held a Makarov pistol and handed it to him, he then loaded the pistol with the sound of a load click, and then looked at Velvet.

"I prefer to savior the moment, for the sake of exampling my dear," He smirked, staring at her face to face at each others souls.

"You were always a sucker for glory, especially towards our people!" Velvet growled, while Gustaf pulled out a Makarov personally provided by a Serbija soldier, he examined the Makarov pistol with pride and chuckled.

"Amazing how humans can come up with such amazing weapons of war, I might consider buying one given the chance for my own personal use, now as for the contacts with the black market,"

"They ratted us out?" Whispered one of the harmonic soldiers.

"Ah in good thanks to the lands of Rodinia, how nice of them to provide this great weapon, and I get to use it, starting with this one, said Gustav as he presses the Makarov on the deer soldier's head, who the Velvet loyalist then shouted.



The Velvet loyalist lay bleeding on the solid ground, dead, the rest of Velvets men looked at their now dead comrade and looked at Velvet just as the Serbija T-64 tank aligned it's HMG and LMG on the lined Loyalist, they looked at Velvet Jelzek and singed the national anthem of the Kingdom of Olenia.

Velvet listened to the anthem with saddening pride before the Serbija commander ordered a wall of men to line up.


The human soldiers prepared their rifles.


"You know the best part about this dear ol' Velvet? It's that they promise to trade and stimulate our economy, along with suppressing rebels like these" Gustaf whispered, filling Velvet with rage only to be held down by the human soldiers keeping her in bondage as she is forced to see what would happen to her comrades.


The firing squad fired their AK-47s and soon the deer resistance was pelted to death they were gunned down by the deathly sounds of Machine guns from the tank and the sounds of Assualt rifle ammunition penetrating their bodies tearing their heads and flesh open, exposing their guts to Johan's soldiers, and the horrible sight that gave Velvet PTSD, as for the Serbija mercenaries, they didn't care about their deaths other than them being traitors. There was no remorse, no pity, just pure injustice... As for the Johan loyalist, they felt sorry for choosing the side they've chosen.

At least in their eyes that was..

Velvet was next, and she knew that, she was about to be like her father...

Dead.. Dead at the hands of a killer who now pressed his pistol on her head.

"Nothing personal, just good business"

Just as Gustav was about to kill Velvet, pressing the gun to her head.

Loud machine gun fire was heard from the building as the 50 caliber round screamed through the air and pierced through Gustaf's hoof, cutting it off completely and detaching his right for hoof, while the troops scattered through the sudden chaotic war zone with bullets flying all over the place the Serbija mercenaries took cover behind the tank and fired discriminately at the abandon building now a machine gunner nest, in the midst of a war ground Velvet see's the opportunity and went for Gustaf's pistol, on his detached foreleg, and killed the soldiers that held her down and made a run for it.



The soldiers forgot about Velvet and the deer soldiers went to Gustaf instead, but that was when a bright, red, flare was shot in the sky.


The deer soldiers ran into the machine gun fire and got shot to death, lighten up by the bullets the Serbija commander rolled his eyes and crouched through the gun the fire and dragged Gustaf through the machine bullets while the Serbija mercenaries laid suppressive fire on the stronghold controlled by special forces soldiers.

"What the.. What happen to my-"

"They're dead you fucking jackass, stay here while me and my men kills these fuckers! And someone get this FUCKING TANK TO DO SOMETHING HERE!"

"2-3-3-4 armor company we're under attack! Requesting immediate evac and gun support!" Yelled one of the Serbija soldiers.

"Da, southern group enroute, hang tight Vaskia team" replied a tank pilot, as the tank they're taking cover behind started to turn it's turret towards the building.

The 23rd unit had so far killed only 10/30 but they needed to secure Velvet when the squad leader saw her running.

"Bravo-6, Echo-4, take the present and bring it here." He ordered, as the two nodded and ran right towards her.

The Squad leader turned back to see the tank pointing at him.

"OH SHIT!" Shouted one of his soldiers, as everyone got away from the walls before it exploded upon impact from the tank shell, knocking one of the men unconscious.

"Get him out of here! Quick!"

Meanwhile, Echo-4 and Bravo-6 tracked down and found Velvet but she attempted to slow them down as she kicked things that went domino effect and smashed through the ground, however she quickly starts to figure out something with her pursuers and quickly comes up with a plan.

While this, Echo-4 and Bravo-6 were jumping hoops with air being limited before they get tired.

"DAMN! THIS DEER IS HELLA FAST!" Complained Echo-4.

"H-Q said she's worth it, we have to take her before her brother does," reminded Bravo-6.


"Stop shouting, it'll make it worse, we have to keep up with her in silence or we'll never find her," Bravo-6 replied.

As they were speaking however, they ran into a brick wall..

"Dammit Echo-4, I said keep your mouth shut."

The two were then knocked down and pinned by Velvet, who was holding the Makarov, and disarmed them of their weapons, and pointed the pistol towards them.

"Who are you! Why are you following me!" She interrogated, unknowing that the two had a knife and a side arm, but they can't do anything to her other than answering her questions.

"Easy... Ma'am, we're apart of the 23rd unit of the.... Eclipse Brigade," answered Bravo-6.

"THE ECLIPSE BRIGADE!!??" She quickly silenced herself and looked at the two dead eyed on their pupils. "And what buisness do you have doing in my home?"

"So you've heard of us?" Echo-4 whispered, which after a self-hesitancy Velvet unpinned the two and lowered the weapon, but kept it handy.

"I was told by... Celestia about you people, how much you were loyal to 'Nightmare moon' and that you'd even attacked civlia-"

"Woah! Hold on there, we are not loyal to anyone other than our country, and who the fuck said we attack civilians?" Bravo-6 outraged.

"That would be some of the locals in Vanhoover," she replied, which the two dully looked at each other.

"The fucking communist province, every else and it's the commies," Echo-4 commented.

"Should've known... Look, our team was sent to rescue you," Bravo-6 revealed.

"By who's order." Velvet glared.

"By the will of our head of state, Uncle Fucking Sam." Bravo-6 replied, which made Velvet's eyes widened.

"Uncle Sam... Wha- What does he want with me!?" She asked.

"I don't know, something to do with a eventually invasion of Olenia, he wanted to reinstate a harmonist government with your name," Bravo-6 answered, Velvet stood back and though for minute.

--If Uncle Sam went through all of this trouble to rescue me.. There must be something behind this, Celestia did warn me not to trust those who would use others, but if he's right and Uncle Sam does launch a invasion on Olenia I have to be in the forefront!--

After a thought, she turned to the two men who were picking their rifles up and answered.

"Lead the way."

What was once a peaceful shoreline now turned into a chaotic warzone as Machine guns from one side to the other pelted the ground in attempt to kill the either side as the squad leader decided to screw it nub tube it into the tank that was almost about to kill his men in the bottom floor who're also firing at the enemy ground level when one of his men advised.

"Sir! You're still bleeding from your eye and the tank is too far!"

"One eye!? One eye!? I can shoot a pistol blindfolded and I could still kill someone!" He shouted back, as he took aim but due to the intensity of the gun fire one bullet went inside of the tube and blew the rifle and blew him back towards the wall, while he was unscathed from that he was shocked.


"Damn! What are the odds! OF COURSE IT'S GOING TO HIT THE GUN DAMMIT!" Shouted the soldiers,

"ENOUGH!" Shouted the commander, "DON'T YOU SEE WE'RE IN COMBAT HERE!"

It was when in the midst of the gun the the tank turns it's turret towards the building and prepared to shoot it's second round on the second floor.

"GET AWAY! GET AWAY! IT'S GOING TO SHOOT!" The commander shouted, as the soldiers ran for cover when they heard a missile hits the back of the T-64's engines and what followed was a massive geyser of flames shooting up from the copit killing everyone inside of the tank when the Serbija mercenary commander shouted.

"Pull back! IT'S GONNA BLOW!"

The mercenaries ran from the endangered tank and then in a instant the T-64 blew it's entire top off blowing and shattering it's entire chassis to the point of no repair leaving nothing but a statue of burning ashes, while at the same time confusing both sides of who fired the rocket.

"Sir! What was that!" Asked one of the men, when they saw the 5 unaccounted men arriving with rocket and grenade launchers.

"Captain Lian!"

"Lieutenant, David... I see you got your men all over the place," Lian criticized, looking at the men cowarding in fear from the Tank machine gun.

"Uhh.. B-b-bu-"

"I don't want to even hear it Lieutenant, did you even get the princess or not!" Lian asked, without even using the code phrase for Velvet in which David gulped and was about to reply to say no when a familiar voice said.

"Am I happened to be the 'present' you've been mentioning?" Velvet interjected, with Echo-6 and Bravo-6 wedging at her side.

The Captain looked at his Lieutenant.

"Looks like a yes to me then, Echo-2, Delta-5! Pop the flares and let's get out of here!" He ordered, as the two soldiers popped green flares to signal the helicopters to land on the exact position when three Black hawks landed on the ground.

"Present first! Everyone else guard her rear! Echo-3 fire grenade launchers to cover our escape!" He ordered, as the two carefully helped her load on the helicopter while Echo-3 fired smoke grenades the smoked the area to cover their exfil area as the helicopters retreated back to Federation soil.

As the Serbija mercenary leader and Gustaf and the surviving soldiers looked at the now destroyed tank, Gustaf looks through the smoke and sees a black hawk take off with their target, he looked in fear as it signaled his failure... By then the southern battalion arrived to the scene only to find remains of a chaotic siege as the two T-64s halted and unloaded the deer soldiers who quickly took positions around the compound along with medics who quickly started to treat the field marshal. (who will most likely face demotion)

One of the deer soldiers came to him and asked.

"Sir.. What do we do now?" There was no reply other than shocked and heavy breathing. "Sir?"

He only replied with.

"No one will believe what I have to say tonight..."

Debraville, home of the Statcom, Federation of American States.

The docks were busy as usual, with engineers conducting usual maintenance on the Statcom Battleship, and Cranes lowering the food supply from merchant ships from Continental Equestria.

But what was I doing? Well...

Work montage








What I say, completely occupied, anyways, reports arrived for the recent updates about Luna's return, it's been a year since we've ported at Debraville, we aren't sure when our next departure is but when we know, we'll be ready...

As soon as the President does this whole "negotiation" thing, to be honest though, Jimmy Carter might get voted out in this years election. I wonder who the Reagan guy is? Anyways, I always thought that Jimmy Carter was a bit strange considering that CBS literally just exposed him for shouting at the entire world, it also seems like the American generals are up to something to, I hope that doesn't result in a coup or I'm a goose.

I walked inside Captain Douglas mess, and found the usual stacks of paper work only it was kinda... Well short for once I can say, but not to get into details, it was all but tidy for the least.

"Here's the debrief for that whole 'Lunar weirdness' incident, is there anything else sir?" I asked.

The Captain grabbed the dossier and flipped through pages, looking for errors that the radio operators did, which seemed to be all in order when he placed down the document.

"Anything wrong?"

"Nothing else, you can go Sergeant," he dismissed, which I followed through and saluted before exiting the room when he all of a sudden said.

"On second thought... There's something I need to inform you about, take a seat Sergeant."

So I came back infront of his desk and sat down on the chair. He looked stressed out just by the looks of his face.

"Of all my years as Captain of the Statcom Battleship, I have never seen a more productive crewman than anyone else since my days as a custodian on the SNF-Republic, and since then.. You've been the most hard working one Sergeant."

Surprised by this, I was just basically just... Breathless, man... I thought he was gonna give me another assignment, but nope what came next was this..

"After reviewing your recent work report, and conduct along with keeping our men fit, a decision was made to have you go on a mandatory vacation."

"NOOOice?? I.... Thank you s-sir???"

"Now, with that said, take a break, you haven't even used a R&R time since you've joined naval branch.. Which is kind of concerning with the officer command... Anyways dismissed."

I got up and left the room, as fast as I can when I found my room filled with Military police packing my things....

It seems that the Captain was serious to bring the MP into this... But I guess I can see what I could do on my... 'Mandatory' R&R time..

Saddle Arabia, Trogiers front, city outskirts.

Meanwhile, the Arabian Operations being conducted by the RSRS authorized by the workers council formed, by the Red Mother in 970 ALB, had authorized a military intervention in the area along with the new tank design called the T-90AM.

The T-90M is a product of it's counter part of the under produced T-80U, but more advanced and armored. It competes the Federation's Abrams tank, easy and complicated to build, it's equipped with a autocannon, a internal machine gun built in, smoke launchers, semi-advanced radars, and a 125 mm cannon.

And if the Rodinian's can secure a communist stronghold in Saddle Arabia, then it'll be able to have a immense advantage against their enemy the Americans since American dominion in Zebrica is severely strong thanks to the storm kingdom..

The only problem was that Arabia has now entered it's 2nd year of civilwar and even worst is that they are bidding aid and assistance from Equestria, with unconfirmed reports of American backing, while the bid wasn't announced to the general public, the NIB would say otherwise.

NIB, or the Northern Intelligence bureau, is a agency of the NSRS that competes against the Federations Intelligence division, F.I.U. (Federal Intelligence unit), it unfortunately for the Federation, yet fortunate for the soviets, that the division has extreme skill in spy networks, sleeper agents, and even a ruthless sub-division with it called the SSB, Special Soviet Brigade, of course luckily for the Federation it had managed to rid itself of the agents, but it proved very worthy of being a adversary towards the American nation when it came to spy agencies.

But with that out of the way, the 134th Armor-Infantry brigade were deployed to Arabia after other divisions had suffered losses, and to replenish they had to go about 5 miles away from the frontline while the frontline would be replaced by another division it shows how much the Northern Soviets went through to accomplish the goal.

This story starts with another character, a friend of mine who's name is, Ogalivich Volklav, or in simple terms just call him Ogav.

He told me the story of Trotgiers.. And I had to admit, it sounded like Tartarus on this world.

He was walking through the sandy road, looking down at his tan boots.

He was at camp Tuna, or atleast what's really left of it when the Arabian kingdom continued shelling the area with either canon balls or shells.

Nonetheless the camp looks somewhat stable in it's condition, despite the part when the hot canon balls hit the vehicle engines and explode them, causing a fire on the tents once in a while. But that was least of his concerns.

"Ah, Lieutenant Ogav, congratulations on your promotion." Congratulated Comrade Ivan, in which Ogav smiled and the two hugged and patted.

Ogav and Ivan were friends since the day they conscripted, the first day they met Ivan was bullied by his colleagues who happened to be Ponies, stating that he wasn't fit to be in the military at all, but just when he was just about to quit, Ogav had came to him at the time of need and told him that they should remind the ponies who's really in charge of their glorious nation, and since then the two had been inseparable , with Ogav being the hero figure to Ivan, and most of the men in camp, but the two's friendship was truly a victory to Ogav.

Oh and also the ponies that bullied Ivan were assigned to the SNS-Mother as custodians. (Soviet Naval Ship)

"Ah yes! After my tactical brilliants I'm sure we can find some way to penetrate the enemy, just some how.. Of course we always have those T-90 tanks to come soon to finally replace the T-72 tanks we've been using ey?" Ogav smiled.

But Ivan frowned at the statement.

"Actually... I heard that they are having to recall T-90 deployment, because of the Victory parade over the Stalliongrad revolution.." Ivan informed, which destroyed Ogav's smile.

"BLYAT! SON OF A SUKA!" Ogav cursed.

"I guess you'll also be telling me that we'll be launching a attack on the enemy with the damn T-72S!" Ogav crossed his arms, which made Ivan shutter.

"Actually... I'm here to tell you that your being summoned for that reason.. Your to lead the company to flank right.." Ivan informed again, which made Ogav sigh.

"So.. I guess we're just launching yet another assualt huh.. They won't learn will they..." Ogav emotional, which Ivan nodded.

"I mean, on the bright side, you are a Lieutenant!" Ivan smiled.

"Yea.. Maybe I can make this work, all I need is to be positive."

Trotgier city

"BLYYAAAAAAATTT!!!!" Shouted Ogav, as he and Ivan ran for their lives along with other 10 soldiers dodging Rifle fire from the Arabian soldiers as they slid inside the dugouts.

"IS THIS ALL OF US!?" Ogav shouted, in the midst of the gunfire while two of the 12 suppressed the enemies fire.

"Da Comrade that's all of us! They destroyed our BMP-3!" Reported one Soldier.


"Ogav! We were sent in as a squad, I thought you'd known that!" Shouted Ivan, which Ogav's stomach burned.

"Uhh... I was sleeping the whole time."


"DA DA DA! OK WE GET IT! I'D SCREWED UP! BUT IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO SALVAGE THIS! WE CLEARLY NEED TO CLEAR OUT THAT BUILDING RIGHT INFRONT OF US!" Planned Ogav, while they took cover from the raging gun fire from the sand stoned building.

"Rocketeer! Blast that window! Machine gunners! Cover us! Rest of you are with us!" Ogav ordered.

"Yes sir!" Shouted one of the soldiers.

"Copy, time to crisp em, said a Flame trooper.

The Rocketeer fired his RPG-7 at the Desert building hold out, blowing up it's wall while the PKM Machine gunners gunned down the Arabian horses attempting to investigate the missing wall.

The rest of the 8 begin marching up towards the building that was big, but compacted with soldiers and only one floor that is yet to await their arrival. The capture of the Building would be a final beach head to take the city once and for all.

The 8 men stormed the building killing everyone that tried to put up a defense but were quickly out matched by the Ak-74 rifles, after that there was the stairs to take care of.

"Watch your feet! These horses can chop them off with swords!" Ogav alerted, which the troops looked around as if they were being swarmed by bees while climbing up the stairs when a Arabia was charging at the Human soldiers with a spear that was aiming for Ivan's chest before being shot 12 times by a Sub-machine gunner soldier.

"MOVE UP!" Ogav ordered yet again, as the group has now entered the one and only floor which was populated with about 12 Arabia soldiers who happened to be distracted on the Russian Group that Ogav was suppose to flank with.

"Lieutenant Ogav! Have you secured the building yet! We're being pinned down!" Shouted the radio, which drove the Arabian soldiers to their attention and shot their rifles, while two of the 8 in the group got shot nearly to death, the remaining six took cover while the medic of the group tended to the injured two who were shot in the knees and chest.

"Bad time to be calling me on that!" Ogav yelled back.

"Have those T-72's ready to blow those suka's sky high! I'll throw in the red smokes to mark the targets!" He ordered.

"Affirmative, Armor company standing by." Replied the Armor captain, as Ogav attempted to grab a flare someone shouts.


The Grenade landed besides Ogav who goes into a state of paralysis, he watched as the grenade was ticking when he saw his friend Ivan jumping on top of it.


The grenade exploded, sending impacting blast waves to the group, while it's shrapnel pierced inside of Ivan's flesh.

In horror and anger, Ogav grabbed his Ak-74 and killed the entire Arabian defense soldiers, while those who took cover remained behind the barriers loading their rifles, which Ogav took the opportunity and grabbed his knife and ran right for their barriers, before the Saddle Arabian soldiers could had the chance to even shoot, let alone load their outdated rifles, one by one, Arabians horse throats were slit open by Ogav's knife, covering him in blood as they fell onto the floor, with the last 4 being killed off when he threw the red smoke in the rooms in which the T-72 tanks that stood by unloaded their payloads and destroyed the gun nests.

After revenge, Ogav dropped his knife, got up, and ran towards Ivan who was turned over by the medic.

"SAVE HIM DAMMIT!" Ogav shouted, while the medic tried to stabilize Ivan, but the wounds was too severe...

Ogav sat in desolation....

In the end, the battle would result in casualties in the hundreds, if not thousands.

The Two Russian soldiers who were shot never made it out.

Ivan was declared dead by entering Socialist soldiers.

Ogav would be transferred to a military base where me and him would meet at in 1004...

Camp Crimea, Wings of Yakyakistan incident.