• Published 16th Jan 2012
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A Whole New World - Van50608

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Meet The Matchmakers

Chapter 22 Meet The Matchmakers

Guys I'm going to try switching perspectives to see if I like it so I can use it for future chapters.
Leave your thoughts on it .


For about ten minutes Luna and I argued where we were going to eat breakfast she wanted fancy, and I wanted simple. Women you can with them and you can't live without them. We finally came to a compromise and decided to eat at Sugercube corner for a nice sweet treat that would give you diabetes if you were human. We walked in a saw Pinkie running the counter I asked "Hey Pinkie! What's your favorite thing you eat for breakfast?".

She said "Oh that's easy! Cupcakes!" and hands me a cupcake that had rainbow colored frosting. Right there I turned to throw up, but held it down and asked "Hey where is Rainbow Dash?".

Then I heard as voice from behind me which let me release my breath I heard a "Lookin for me?". "Shew" I taught to myself as she trotted up to me and said "Hey it looks like you saw a ghost". I turned to her and said "Yeah you could say that". Luna then jumped in and said "Hey Pinkie could I have a rainbow cupcake please?".

She said "Sure! that will be three bits, or you could come to my super fantastic super duper awesome possum party tonight at Sugercube Corner that's at 7 o'clock please?".

Luna said "Well I'm not doing anything tonight what about you Van?". I said "Nope, but could I bring the guys? they've have had a sudden decrease in social activity lately".

She said "Sure, but they have to bring a date with them by tonight. Ok?". I said "Sure. Hey Luna! want to play matchmaker today?". She said "Meh I don't think Canterlot really needs me today so why not?".

We walked to the park and began to make a list of who would be with who and when were done it looked something like this.

Pinkie---------- Michael

When we were done I said "Now lets convince each of them to go on a date with each other go you go get the girls and ill get the guys". She said "Ok now lets meet back here in an hour to get arrangements together". I said "Ok Break". and we each left to go get our respective ponies.

I soon arrived at the house and I saw that everypony was in there own room doing something. Probably playing Call Of Duty, and I yelled "Hey guys! get cleaned up were going to a party tonight and you are each taking an element of harmony to it. Now get your asses in gear and Move".

".Also take a shower because you guys most likely smell like shit".

Soon I got at reply from each them wonder which mare they would take to that party I yelled back "The sooner your clean the faster you can find out!". We all took our showers and got ready.

Each were wearing a tux and a top hat I said "Guys not so fucking fancy this is a casual party just wear a polo shirt or something like that, and also use manners these mares have saved the world twice so don't be a total shit stain tool".

They all nodded at me with a scene of approval and I said "Ok guys lets go to the park to meet your mare after you get changed. ALLON-Y!".

Warp perspective Luna.

'Its a wonderful day". I thought as I trotted down the cobblestone road to Twilight's house.

When I arrived she said "Oh Princess Luna its an honor to see you!'. I said "No, Twilight the pleasure is all mine'. She said "Is there something that you need to talk to me about? Please come in". I walked in the house and said "Twilight you need to help me gather your friends for Pinkie's party tonight.

Its a requirement for each of you to take a stallion with you so Van and I made a list and matched each of you to who we thought would now fit best". She asked "Who might I be with?".

I said "You can't find out until we gather the elements, let you prepare then bring you to the park in and hour". She said "Ok ill get Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity. You get Rainbow, Nurse Redheart and also pick up Applejack I'm sure we can find her an escort for this party".

I said sure "Now lets go we are wasting precious time to get ready". Then we each trotted of in our respective directions. Soon in about 15 minutes we had gathered all the elements in the library and I said "Girls we are each taking somepony to this party tonight we have about half an hour to get ready any questions?".

Rarity complained "Only Half an hour that's far to little to be acceptable'. I said "Well currently its all we got so its that or nothing'.

She said "Fine, but can we at least do it back at the boutique I have plenty of dresses for us to use for tonight'. I said that's fine now we need to get going".

About 25 minutes later we were finally dressed up and ready to go. Each of us wore a stunning yet simple dress and some makeup. We trotted out of the boutique and toward the park hoping not to be late.

Warp perceptive back to me.

We arrived at the park about five minutes early because it didn't take us long to get dressed in a shirt and take a shower. We soon arrived and saw that the girls were trotting down the road in really nice dresses, but they were simple at the same time it was amazing. We all met at the bench that Lyra usually sits on and we read off our arrangements.

When we were done everypony looked happy, but Applejack and Michael Applejack started and said "Who am I goin with'. I said "Honestly I don't know you could fine a mare or you could go with Spike or your brother".

She said "I think ill be most conformable with Spike". Rarity chimed in and said "Oh and I have the most adorable little polo for him! I'll Be right back".

Then Michael asked "What about me?". I said "Your going with Pinkie. She's planning the party and you'll meet her there". He said "Alright that's fine". About five minutes later she returned with a dressed up Spike.

I said "Alright Everypony and dragon lets go to the party!".

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