• Published 16th Jan 2012
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A Whole New World - Van50608

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Team Iron Pony Part IV Finale Part 1

Chapter 29 Team Iron Pony Part IV Finale Part 1

Hey guys guess what? Jacob and Grant are on FIM fiction! While Elliott, Graham, and Michael watch the show.
Be sure to welcome Jacob and Grant to the herd. They chose the most original names ever:


Thanks guys. One last thing "Finale" doesn't mean the end of the story just the end of the contest.


2 hours until contest

With my head held high and my pimp music blaring in the background I felt like I was invincible. Well until I ran into a tree. That was pretty downright embarrassing. Though after my short detour with the tree I find myself at the park with makeshift bleachers, concession stands, and a whole line of porta potties set up around the arena that had been built overnight for our event today. On the right side of the arena there was the opposing team: Grant, Jacob, Michael, Applejack and Graham and on the other side was the rest of my team: Cory, Elliott, Big Macintosh, and Rainbow Dash.

One hour until contest

Tenetions we're high ponies from as far as Applelosa had come to see this spectacle of a contest, and earn their share from the gambling that was going on. I on the otherhand was fearing like I was going to shit myself infront of all these ponies. My body had tensed and my scences were on high alert. I was ready to face everypony on that other side and pound them into the ground without mercy. Not so much because I didn't like them, it was just because of the shear fact that I didn't want to be Trixie's bitch.

Five minutes until contest

Remember what I said earlier about be really nervous? Yeah take that and multiply it by ten and Bam! You get now.

Spike, who had volunteered to be the announcer for our contest said "Captins to the middle please."

I get up and walk to the middle to meet Jacob we exchange a brohoof and listen to Spike.

He said "Ok guys I have a coin with me for this special event. On one side there is the Sun and the other the Moon. Jacob you called me short that one time you visited, so Van you pick the side."

I ask "Hey Spike why are we flipping a coin?"

He replied "Oh because in a traditional Iron Pony Contest there is a coin flip to see who will be givin the first point. Kinda like the free space in bingo."

I said "I see. Ok I choose Moon."

Jacob mumbles "Go fucking figure."

The coin is flipped, and guess what it lands sideways. I tactical facepalm and Spike pulls out a rule book from somewhere and says "If in the extremely unlikely case the coin lands on its side the coin flip will be eliminated therefore nopony earns the free point. Now both of you return to your sides. The competition will begin soon!"
A loud cheer from the crowd signals that the score is currently tied 0-0.

Event I Obstacle Course A
This was the first challenge of the day, and probably the easiest overall. The course looked like the exact same one used for the sisterhood social. We choose Applejack to represent mainly because she was the created of the course anyway so it was the most logical choice. They chose Michael to represent for them. Michael was really fast, but lacked agility this is where Applejack would whoop flank in this first course.

Switch POV to Applejack

"Ok you can do this. You know this course better than Granny Smith knows zap apples. You. Can. Do this." I thought to myself as I readied myself at the starting line.

Soon I heard the dreaded "Everypony on your mark."

Muscles tensing

"Get set"

Heart racing


With adrenaline pumping though my veins I power off the line to see that he is ahead by about a hoof and a half. I think to myself "No, Van trusts me you have to do this!"
I push and strain my body beyond its limits, but it isn't enough. I gain head with every jump, leap, and pounce, but I am out matched by his brute speed. The final leg is approaching. I'm behind I have to work harder! I have to push! With my last reserves of energy I race to catch up we come around the corner, and pass the line. We were so close. Only the video can tell us now.

Switch POV to me

"Holy flying fuck! That was the closest race I've ever seen! I really hope that she won!"

A few minutes later the footage comes back. The Unicorn on the controls zooms in and puts it in super slow motion. It's tied, but then Michael sticks his snout out which ultimately means that he crossed the line first. We lost. I turn to Applejack who looks like she's on the the verge of tears.

She looks at me and says "Van, I'm so so sorry."

I reply "Hey it's not your fault you tried your best."

She yells "Well it wasn't good enough!" and dashes off.

"Aw shit" I think to myself I yell "Hey Elliott your up for course 2 I got to find Applejack."

He replied "Christ sake Van! What did you do this time!?!"

I say "She's just upset. Well good luck and DON'T fuck up.Also tell Luna where I am."

He replies "Righto boss."

With that I dash off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.

Because I love you guys have some info on Chinese Dragons:

Chinese dragons are believed to have exactly 117 scales. 81 of the scales are positive or yang and 36 scales are negative or yin.

Chinese dragons are made from the nine anatomical resemblances of other animals; the horns of a stag, head of a camel, eyes of a rabbit, neck of a snake, belly of a clam, scales of a carp, claws of an eagle soles of a tiger, ears of a cow and on top of his head he has a lump called a Chimu, which he cannot fly without.

Different Chinese dragons include the Winged dragon, Horned dragon, Spiritual dragon, Celestial dragon, Hidden Treasures dragon, Yellow dragon, Coiling dragon (lives in the water), Earth dagon, and the Dragon King. The Dragon King technically is made up for four separate dragons that rule over individual seas of the North, East, South and West

Dragon Years boast the highest childbirth rates by almost 30%
The more toes a dragon has (up to five) the more “regal” it is

Many of China’s emperors believed themselves to be descended from dragons
Chinese have 4 mystical animals; dragon, Phoenix, tortoise and unicorn. The dragon is the only one in the zodiac

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