• Published 16th Jan 2012
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A Whole New World - Van50608

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Kind Of A Rarity

Chapter 39 Kind Of A Rarity

Exams and Track Meets and Homework oh my! I've been super busy lately, and on top of that my parents made a “Surprise” trip to Nashville with my brother and I. They pulled us out of school early and I didn't bring my phone so I couldn't write. Big sorry about that.


Graham's Point of View

"Damn how am I going to do this right?" I thought as a walked down the dark street.

"I mean I know that she liked me since we talked at that party that Pinkie threw us, and Van told me that she said that the mare talking to me was ummm an uncouth bitch or something like that." I continued to think.

"Who could I ask for advice? Maybe Twilight has a book on it." I begin my short walk to the library to see if she has anything in her selection. When I reach the door I am greeted by a little Draco with bloodshot eyes who says "Sup dude."

I asked "Dude you stoned?"

He replies "Yeah man poison jokes is that shit."

I say "Right man. So do you know where Twilight is?"

He says "Yeah dude she's upstairs. Want a blunt?"

I say "Nah maybe later, but thanks for the offer."

He says "K dude."

I walk inside and walk up the stairs to see a closed door. I knock and I hear a "Spike! I told you I was busy!"

I reply "It's not Spike it's Graham. Van's friend."

She says "Oh sweet Celestia I'm sorry I'll be out in a minute." just as promised she walks out in roughly a minute. Hey when you got a dragon smoking blunts downstairs what else are you going to do?

When she came out I asked "This might be a little embarrassing, but do you have a book on how to tell somepony you love them?"

She looked at me with a really happy face on that would have made Pinkie envious. Probably because somepony wanted a book or some shit like that. She said "Who's the special somepony?"

I said "Ummm somepony you know really well."

As impossible as it seems her smile grew even bigger. She said "I won't tell anypony Pinkie promise."

I sighed and said "It's Rarity."

Her smile instantly faded, and she said "I'll get you that book."

She trotted down the stairs magicked a book off the shelf and said with mundane in her voice "Thanks for coming to Ponyville library come back soon."

She then led me downstairs and slammed the door in my face and then from what I thought I heard ran up the stairs. Holy fuck this is a weird night, maybe Van could help me. He's pretty good with awkward situations.

Van's Point of View

Clop clop clop clop clop clop. Was the sound my hooves made as I returned home from my relaxing evening walk though the streets of Ponyville. Honestly it was a much more casual look that Canterlot was. Besides Canterlot was filled with poor drunks and fugly hookers. I really thought that this world was completely innocent, but hey you know the saying "The grass isn't so green on the other side of the fence". On my way home I do run into Graham who looks like he's tripping balls and freaking out. I ask "Dude what the hell is wrong?"

He said "Im so damn confused and I'm freaking out because the little dragon thing in Twilight's Library is smoking blunts! Also I don't know how to ask out Rarity!"

I reply "Damn dude your seem to be in a shit load of trouble, but I think I have a solution."

He asks "What?"

I say "Grant. Back on Earth his job was to practically solve girls problems, and the only reason why I remember that was because the buzzing of his phone got really fucking annoying while we were playing poker."

He replied "Are you sure that he could help in this situation?"

I reply "I'm completely positive.

He says "Alright can I trust you, but we should probably ask him if he wants to."

I say "Aright let's talk to him we're almost home anyway."

He says "Alright dude."

We walk into the house to see that Cory is asleep on the sofa, Jacob and Vinyl are hanging out, Elliott and Michael are playing Call of Duty, and that Grant is in the kitchen making a burrito. I walk up to him and ask "Dude could you help us?"

He replies "Yes, but I need to eat this burrito first. It took an hour and a mother fucking half to find all the ingredients."

Graham says "What's in there?"

He replies "Whatever is in a normal burrito minus the meat. Hey Van could we take a hike or something into Broke Back Mountain?"

I reply "Sure, but why? You never really liked running or hiking for that matter."

He says "No I don't I really hate doing that, but do you think we could bring some bacon strips or something and have a cook out? I really miss meat."

I say "Sure if everypony else is up for it yeah we can get some delicious pork products. But you have to help us first."

He replies "Sure why the hell not?"

I say " It's girl problems."

He groans and says "Fine. What's the problem?"

Graham takes over and says "Well I like Rarity, and she likes me, but Twilight likes me and I don't like her. What could I do?"

He replies "That's easy. You tell Twilight you don't feel that way, but say you want to be friends. You ask Rarity to be you mare, and go on a date. Therefore Twilight and Rarity are still friends the end."

I say "See he's kind of a rarity then it comes to these things."

Graham replied "Well I can agree with you there. Well I'll get everything settled in the morning."

I say "Alright that sounds good, and look at those two."

We look over at the couch to see that Vinyl and Jacob had snuggled together on the couch with their tails hanging off. The best part was that the were wrapped around each other and they formed a heart.

Elliott can up behind us and said "Well I know the best way to end this perfect night for them."

He walks up right over their heads, mouths to us three words. "Cover you ears." he pulls out a blow horn and then shit hits the fan. Literally.

Have some Narwhal facts!

The name narwhal means "corpse whale" because it often swims belly up, laying motionless for several minutes

Narwhals often travel in pods of about 4-20 whales; these pods are often seperated by sex

If you were to swim in a narwhal pod and you heard one whistle or squeal to the other one... well that would be the last thing you would hear because the sounds that narwhals make are deafening to humans

The average weight of a narwhal is one ton!!!

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