• Published 16th Jan 2012
  • 6,143 Views, 379 Comments

A Whole New World - Van50608

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The Party!

Chapter 23 The Party!

We soon found ourselves at the party and finding that everypony were actually enjoying themselves aside from being matched with a pony that they really haven't been acquainted with. We soon hotline that the Dj was playing a slow song for the couples to dance. Luna and I took our places on the stage, stood up on our hind legs, and began to waltz in tempo to the song. All was going extremely well until I noticed one thing that the Dj is supposed to do in every song that had totally slipped my mind until about three seconds ago when I heard a deep crescendo. The drop. Beeeeeeeeeewww We We waaaaaa wawawa bewwwwwww WeWe wop wop wop.

"Fuck it we can have a romantic slow dance some other time". I said to Luna over the musical chaos ravaging my ears.

She replied "Yeah! Let's go check on the others. I want to see how our matchmaking went".

We decided that we should first go find Grant. Mainly because he should know where everypony else is due to the fact that he had hawk eyes. We looked around the bar first to instead find Rarity and Graham idly chatting at the bar until they began making out and spilling their drinks everywhere creating a big scene for everypony in the nearby area to witness.

Graham yelled "Whoooo I'm so wasted!".

Rarity yelled "Yeah! Booze! Let's go back to my place hot stuff".

Luna and I just stare at each other, and say in complete unison "That was Awkward". Then decided that it would be a good idea to take a quick bathroom break, and regroup in a few minutes.

I walled quickly into the bathroom, and heard a series of ughs and other various sex sounds coming from the stall next to me. Right when I was taking a massive shit.

"Seriously cant I get some privacy around here?". I thought as I continued on the toilet.

Then I heard the scariest thing. I heard "Yeah! Ride me harder! I'm a dirty mare".

I listen for the reply. I hear "Fuck Yeah! Hoe!".

"Oh I thought". As I formulated a plan in my mind.

I ventured. "Elliott? Is that you?".

He said "Van! Waz up?".

I said "Dude banging in the stall? No class bro. Also wasn't Rainbow supposed to be with Cory?".

Cory's voice appears from nowhere and said "Bro I'm in here too".

I said "Well this is awkward. I'm going to leave now". Then flushed the toilet, washed my hands, and promptly exited the bathroom.

I walked around the border of the party to see that Luna was waiting for me over at the bar. I said "You will never believe what I heard".

She replied "Couldn't be to bad. Shoot".

I said "I heard Elliott banging Rainbow".

She replied "What? Thats not bad you big pussy".

I finished "With Cory too".

She said "Oh. Yeah. Well thats pretty bad".

We sat there in awkward silence until she said "Hey want to dance?".

I replied "Sure" and we walked out on the dance floor. When we got there we saw something that I never believed I would ever live to see in my lifetime. It was Twilight grinding on Grant. Hard. Right there I nearly threw up on the spot, but held it down. I looked over to Luna to see that she was also turning a very sickly shade of green.

I said "I pretty sure this has ruined whatever innocence I had left. Do you think it's time to split?".

She said "Yeah I haven't seen something so so nasty in about 1632 years".

I ventured "What might that be?".

She said "A pony being burned alive, flayed, skinned, varnished, stuffed, and used as a sex doll".

Now I really felt sick. I said "Yeah. Um I think it's a good time to go". We turn back to the floor to see that they began making out on a table. She replied "Indeed".

We turned and walked out the door into the nice chill of the night. When we got to the house it was only midnight, so we did most the sensible thing. We made pizza. Nopony else in Equestria had ever had pizza besides my friends and I so we whipped up a pie and began to eat.

I handed her the first slice and said "Here try this its really good".

She picked it up with her magic, examined it and took a nibble then a bit, and before we knew it we had finished off the pie and she was starving for more. I quickly put in a new pie and said "Come with me were getting something to drink". We walked up the stairs, and up into the attic to get some Mountain Dew. I grabbed her Code Red and I grabbed a White Out, and walked back downstairs. As soon as we arrived the pizza was ready, and we took it out of the oven to cool. Then we tried our drinks. We popped the lid I took a swig of mine while she smelled it, magiked into a glass, examined it, a took a swig, then a gulp and so on.

By Two Am we were each full of pizza and Mountain Dew, so we decided to get some sleep and make breakfast here in the morning.

When we were both situated in bed she asked "Van do you remember how we meet?".

I said "Yeah you hit me with a book".

She retorted "Well you said Celestia stole Abby".

Then her mood softened and she asked "Why me though? Why not somepony like Twilight?".

I said "Because you were my favorite even before I meet you".

She said "What do you mean?".

I said "Remember Fan Fiction? Yeah it characterizes you well, and you fit my personality best".

She said "Well I'm glad you chose me".

I replied "Yeah me too".

Then we cuddled up, and fell asleep until she had to set the moon in preparation for the morning.

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