• Published 16th Jan 2012
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A Whole New World - Van50608

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A Promise

Chapter 42 A Promise

Ok guys Im not van so please don't hate me, and I'm hoping he doesn't change it too much, well anyways here you go.
- Grant

Ps. Still in Van's point of view.

Hey guys it's Van please understand that writing style might change a bit, but I'm keeping it as humorous as ever. This chapter might be a bit darker but not by much it's just because we have different writing styles. Thanks for understanding, and enjoy!

"Guys, shut up and let him talk." Elliott snapped as he slapped Cory on the back of the head, here Grant is on his death-bed and Cory is hitting on the god damn nurse.

Grant smiled faintly and whispered under the little breath he still had in him "thanks Elliot, could you, Michael and Graham go get twilight?... I want to talk to her before I'm gone.. Plus I want to say some things to my these three dumbfucks here" he said with a somewhat growing smile. Elliott nodded quickly and rushed the other two out the door to find the guilty purple pony.

"Jacob, Van, Cory... Come over here... You guys have been my best friends for these last few years and I just want you guys to know these years have meant a lot.. I never did have friends until I met you and I'm glad I did. I couldn't have asked for better friends ."

By this time me and jacob were staring Down at him Feeling awful, Cory's eyes were even starting to water, wait is that a tear?

"Holy flying fuck, Cory is crying" I thought as I turned my attention back to Grant.

He continued " I'm not sure if this is good bye, but I really hope I get to come back here and see you, I hope this isn't the end.. I'll really miss you guys... But don't you assholes be too saddened by my leaving, I dont want to mess up you all's good times."

He smiled again with tears coming down his face. Grant cmon don't go... You can't go! Just stay with us man. Don't go dying on me!" Cory yelled now crying more heavily.

"Somepony get this guy a health pack! We need some Hyper potions over here quick!" Jacob blurted out crazily, obviously somepony has been playing too many video games...

"I promise Grant... We will find a way to bring you back here... We will do it... You have my word you son of a bitch"
I said smiling just a little.

He said "I know you will man, and I can go easy now that I know that.... But I still need to talk to twilight.. Where is that fucking mare.. "

Just then though she walked the the door... Well more like she was pushed through by the other three colts, she looked like she had been crying and she couldnt even look at grant. "Sorry we took so long." Elliott said in a huff of breath.

"Yeah. She put up quite a fight." Graham added.

Grant smiled and looked at twilight and asked her to come to him quickly, she hung her head but did as asked. "Twilight.. I don't think I have much time.. But.. I have to tell you something... I..." and right when he was about to finish the cheesy joke man came in through the door (he is made of cheese.. Get it? Its a joke within a joke, jokeception if you will, anyways...) and yells "Hey guys! How does a lion take his steak?! Medium ROAR!" he barely had time to finish his awful joke before twilight sent him shooting out the window.

I looked at Jacob before yelling "What the fuck dude? I told you we werent doing the cheesy joke man!" he looked back and said, "What are you looking at me for? I didnt write this chapter!"

I nodded and proceded to look at Grant and he smiled and shruged barely and mumbled "Thought it could shut him up about the damn thing".

then Twilight looked back at Grant and saying frantically "you what Grant.. You what??" he closed his eyes and whispered "I think I love you"... Then he goes limp... The room went silent before Michael yelled "FAAAAGG" before being sent out the window also by Twilight's rage magic, but he was safe. He landed on the cheesy joke man. Unfortunately right on his cheese balls, and broke his cheese stick.

Right then Graham fell on his knees and just stared at the ground and said "This is my fault... I sent him to that crazy bitch's house just to get him to help me with my own problem..."

Then twilight looked at graham furiously and stated angrily "crazy bitch?! Problem?! Really graham if I didn't used to like you I would shoot you out the damn window with your friend and the cheese guy."

"CHEESY JOKE MAN!" Jacob corrected her firmly.

Her horn glowed angrily which made him cower down and say " oh yeah.. Cheese guy works too...dumb bitch"

After all that god damn anger from twilight I was almost afraid to ask but I managed to gather some courage and ask, "Wait Twilight, did you say you USED to like Graham?" she held her head up proudly and nodded, "I'd rather have a man that can talk to me about his "Problems!" instead of sending a replacement.

Plus pardon my Prench the jackass called me a crazy bitch. So I like somepony else now..."then she turned back to the bed, now remembering where she was and why grant was in this condition.

She then say down next to grant and held his hoof, now starting to cry, and she whispered in a low voice "I love you too..."

Then again the room went silent other than twilight and Cory balling their eyes out, before Jacob tapped Cory on his shoulder and whispered "Man up Cory, only pussies cry, be a true man like me" then he held his head high before taking a hoof to the jaw from Cory who then continued to cry with twilight.

Elliott said "Damn I need a drink."

I then go and poke Jacob lightly, then kick him in the side softly. "Yeah he's out cold... Well guys let's go... We need to think of ways to get him back to ponyville were going to need the super strength Russian vodka for this one .. I have a promise to keep.

Now for some penguin facts :3

There are 18 species of penguin in the world. While some species are widespread and thriving, 13 of them have declining populations, and five of them are considered endangered and facing possible extinction if strong protection and conservation measures are not taken.

While most people associate penguins with Antarctica, they are much more widespread and penguin populations can also be found in South America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, as well as many small islands in the southern Pacific Ocean.

While swimming, penguins will leap in shallow arcs above the surface of the water, a practice called porpoising. This coats their plumage with tiny bubbles that reduce friction, allowing them to swim as fast as 20 miles per hour (32 kph). It may also help them evade predators and allows them to breathe more regularly, and some scientists theorize that they may make these leaps out of sheer joy.

Penguins lost the ability to fly millions of years ago, but their powerful flippers and streamlined bodies make them very accomplished swimmers. They are the fastest swimming and deepest diving species of any birds.

The light front and dark back coloration of classic penguin plumage is called countershading and it provides superb camouflage from above and below to protect penguins in the water.

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