• Published 16th Jan 2012
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A Whole New World - Van50608

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Team Iron Pony Part V Finale Part 2

Chapter 30 Team Iron Pony Part V Finale Part 2

Sprinting as fast as my legs could take me I dashed to Sweet Apple Acres to find my "Mare is distress" if you will. Thank god the park is only about five minutes away from the park. I walk up the Stairs and knock on the door.

I hear "Go away big Mac I don't want to talk."

I say "Afraid not Applejack."

She yells "What do want? Go away!"

I say in a calm collected voice "I want to talk."

She says "No. Go away."

"Damn she's as stubborn as Jacob's girlfriend in a mood." I think to myself.

I say "Well at least could come out?"

Once again I'm meet with a cold "No."

I ask "Applejack, who are you mad at?"

She says "Michael."

I reply "That's not true. Your mad at yourself."

She yells "No! Go buck yourself! And go away!"

"Well damn I guess I that doesn't work." I think to myself. The. I got an awesome idea that always worked on my little brother.

I say "Well if you feel that way I'm leaving."

I trot loudly in place the get softer and softer. When I stop I see her head pear out then I jump and yell" Tickle fight!" then Pinkie out of nowhere yells "Yay tickle fight on Applejack!"

We both leap on top of the still surprised mare, and began to tickle her as hard as we could.

She soon began to beg "Stop! Hey I said Stop! Stop now!" she threatened.

I looked at her and said "No."

She said "Then you leave me no choice. Pinkie he broke a Pinkie promise!"

"Oh shit." I thought as Pinkie's ears began to fill with steam and smoke.


The first thing that came to my mind was RUN!!!!!!!! I dashed down the stairs, and out the door of the estate with a rabid Pinkie bounding after me looking like I murdered her parents.

I yelled "Pinkie I didn't break a Pinkie Promise!"

She yelled "Lies! Just like the cake!"

I would have stopped right there and bent over laughing my flank off if I wasn't running for my life. Hell my legs were burning more than that time I flipped my friends golf cart on top of them ( True story bro).

I yelled "No I didn't please believe me!"

She yelled back "Bite my shiny metal ass!"

I turn to she that she was giving Bender a ride on her back, and surprisingly still gain ground on me. He yelled "Hey asswipe! I'm going to bend your dick so much it will make ballon tying clowns jealous!"

That did it I stopped and yelled "No fucking way." and bucked him as hard I could in the face. Well he was smart enough to pulled a team Rocket and all I heard was "Team Rockets blasting off again! Twinkle."

I was so busy bucking that asshole that I didn't realize that Pinkie was in front of me. She said "Van did you really break a Pinkie promise?"

I said "No I swear that I didn't Applejack just used you as a distraction."

I then turn to Pinkie whose hair has now deflated and said "Hey don't worry though. She just wants to be alone. Now come on let's go back to the competition. We got some events to win."

When we arrived back at the contest the score was 5-4 us. There was one event to win it all or tie for the extra event. Some ponies know it as The Monster or The Mauler. It was the dreaded path through the Everfree in the dead of night. It got it gruesome name form when the corse was established during Discord's rule. 1,000 ponies went in to clear it and only seven came back out. One went on to live a normal life while the other six were traumatized for life and deemed "Unfit for society" they were locked up until there deaths.

We chose our contenders it was Me and Jacob, the captains that were left to lead this deadly event. Thankfully we were more advanced than the ponies of Discorded time. We had Pegasus ponies patrolling the air, unicorns tracking our vital signs, and a handy Five Seven just in case.

We had three minutes until the race started. We were briefed of what our challenge would be like. A Six mile marathon through the solid dark with no guidance, but the path in front of us. They then made of sign a contract with I believe stated that they were responsible for any deaths wether they be by: Insanity, being eaten, getting lost, being maimed, falling, seizure, fire damage, drowning, and by suicide. Of course I signed and so did Jacob.

We were both waiting at the starting line the judge said "Ok I want a clean race! Don't die either! Good luck."

He said "Take your mark. Go!" and shot of a cap gun while we dashed into the forest.

We were neck and neck for about the first three mile constantly trying to get the upper hand on one another. By the fourth mile I decided to slow it down a little. I didn't seem to see Jacob in front of me anymore so I stopped and caught my breath for a minute. Then I hear what I dreaded most. A manticore breathing right next to my face. I instantly scream pulled out the Five Seven and try to unload the whole mag on it, but unfortunately fate had other plans. The gun was a dud. It shoot a stream of confetti which was then meet with a "Bang!" flag. This did nothing, but piss the manticore off more. He swung his massive claws at me, and it bears into my left foreleg. My instincts then kick in. I run. I run like my old track coach was on my ass for not meeting my regular time. I sprinted and sprinted and sprinted until I couldn't feel my legs. I gave up all hope and I was about to collapse and accept the fact of being torn apart while being eaten wasn't suck a bad way to go, but then something out a Disney movie happened. I was a the exit of the forrest. The home stretch. I get up ignoring the burning in my legs and run with all the energy that I can muster toward the finish.

I stumbled and tripped. Twice, but I made it. Looking like a drunk irishman I stumble across the line to an awaiting group of paramedic ponies on standby. I asked one of them "Where's Jacob?"

He replied "He hasn't come out yet. Come on we're taking you to a hospital."

I said "No! I stay here. Patch me up."

He sighed, but complied and began to tape my wound.

Its been three hours everypony has gone home, but the main six minus Applejack and us stand at the line waiting for our friend to come out along with a worried Vinyl Scratch, even through those thick goggles you can see her worry as clear as a crystal.

I finally get up and say "No man left behind."

My friends get up and put their hoof in a circle and say "No man left behind."

Then the mane six and Vinyl get up and say "No man left behind."

And with that we all get up and walk into the still pitch black Forrest.

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