• Published 16th Jan 2012
  • 6,143 Views, 379 Comments

A Whole New World - Van50608

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The Wild Plot Uses Foreshadow

Chapter 43 The Wild Plot Uses Foreshadow

I've been getting pretty good feedback about the last chapter and Im glad you like my writing, please leave comments on how you feel about it

Hey guys I hope you like what Grant has been writing because I know I have! The only thing that peeves me about his writing is he doesn't cap so names! It drives me to the drink (Which in this case is diet ginger ale) chapter might be up a little later than usual today, because of a swim meet. Enjoy!


POV Grant

I woke up in my bed in my room. I had my fancy looking four poster bed and my slytherin banister and my newtons cradle. I heard the birds sweet gentle chirping outside the window over my head only to be overpowered by my yorkie's loud, annoying barking.

I sit up and yawn, still in pain from being thrown through the walls but oddly... It felt like it was all a dream. The memory of it all still in my rad firmly, but the idea grows more and more ridiculous. "Being sent into Ponyville? That's impossible, no way it could have really been true.

" I thought laughingly as I get up and get dressed. For some reason I was buck naked. I them walk downstairs to see my dad cooking breakfast, and he says, "Morning Grant, you want some bacon and eggs?" like I was never even gone.

I reply happily but confused, "Sure dad can I have 30 pieces of bacon please?" He just stared at me, but when he realized I was serious he replied.

"Son you can't eat that much without gaining weight.. Or maybe even diabetes." I smile and laugh then say "it's ok dad ponies can't...." Then I catch myself before I get any further.

When he gives me weird looks I try to change the subject and say "Where is everypony anyw..." once again more weird looks.

I then say " I'll pass on breakfast dad... I need to talk to the guys." He still gave me strange looks but nodded and said, "Ok bud... But be sure to eat sometime.

" I pretty much shrugged off what he said and went of to calling my friends. First Van, " ...... RING RING RING hello, you have reached the automated voice mailbox of" FUCK, well that doesn't mean anything.

Jacob next, "ring ring ring ring ring hello you have reached the automated" FUCKING HELL, maybe.. It is.. No. I have to keep checking.

Now Cory. RING RING RING FUCKING RING hello you have" GOD DAMN IT! Ok how about the other three, (I have shortened these three but the main point is they weren't there either)


Graham: Ok maybe those fucking are pranking me


"Damn it I should have known their phone number would have changed when going to Equestria! Fuck!" I yell. I continue to sit up in my room. I say out loud "I wonder how the others are.....


"Ok everypony, we got our vodka, just please don't get too fucked up, we have to think of a way to get grant back." I said firmly.

"We don't even know if he's alive man, like what if you die a pony.. You die for like real time?" Elliott, who clearly has had to much vodka, added. "Yeah, really. What if he isn't even around to bring back?

Elliott may be completely destroyed right now but he has a good point." Jacob added sadly.

"Does anybody know if humans survive Pony death?" Cory asked.

Then it hit me. "Twilight, I want you to rush and get Luna from Canterlot. I have a feeling she will want to be at the funeral and we need her assistance." she nodded quickly and said guiltily,

" Anything to get grant back so I can tell him how I feel." Then she zipped off in a little zap or magic or whatever. "Now back to business, any suggestions?" I asked.

"How about a revive? Do they have those in Ponyville?" Jacob asked once again after playing too many video games.

Since none of us knew the answer I just told him to ask Luna when they pop in. "Any other ideas?" I asked hopefully. "How about we just pour vodka down his throat until he wakes up from the buzz?" Cory asked in high hopes.

"We want to wake him not drown him dumb ass" Elliott snapped.

"Cant drown somepony who is already dead shit stick" Cory snapped back.

"Hey Fuck you cock nut!" Elliott retorted.

Then they started fighting and one of those cartoon dust balls formed around them as they brawled. With the occasional hoof or head being pushed out then pulled back in until I stuck my hoofs down and pulled them
Apart, Cory with a black eye and Elliott with a busted lip and multiple bite marks on his front legs.

"Guys we need to figure out a way to get Grant back and that won't happen with you two fighting ok? And I'm not on Elliott's side or anything but biting? Seriously?" i said with a (are you fucking kidding me) look on my face.

"Hey I play to win bitch." Cory said confidently. "Who's the one with a black eye mr winner?" Elliot said with a smirk.

But before Cory had time to say a whitey comeback Twilight came back with Luna and yelled at both Cory and Elliott, her horn glowing angrily "you two need to stop fighting and help us find my Grant or so help me god I will magically hold you down, get a spoon, and cut your dicks off and shove them so far up your ass you will..." but then Luna gave her a slight look asking her to calm down.

I mutter "Jeez Grant if this is the chick you like then you fucked yourself over worse than being on every Jackass stunt combined"

Twilight stepped back, looked down and said quietly "I apologize for my behavior, I just want to find a way to bring grant back to Ponyville. I want to see him and tell him how sorry I am..."

"No problem..."they both said shakily. I'm pretty sure they both wet themselves. They will not live this down.

"So Grant is really gone..?" Luna asked sadly, her ears drooping slightly.

We all nodded and I said "Yes, and we need your expertise to help us find a way to bring him back.

So Jacob had an idea and he wanted to know if they had revives in this world." I asked my marefriend nicely since I hadn't seen her in a while. "Revive...? What is that? Some sort of potion to revive the dead?" she asked, somewhat confused. "Yeah pretty mu..." I started before Jacob interrupted me and said, " Not exactly, It is a diamond shaped item that revives a Pokemon (or in this case grant) with half his HP." "Ha.

How preposterous, a simple item that isn't even a potion bringing somepony back to life without magic or anything." Luna laughed slightly.

"Dont make fun of his video games Luna... You haven't seen what he did to the guards at the hospital.." I warned quietly.

Jacob held his head high and yelled "I am the Dragonborn! To High Hrothgar!". After about a minute of awkward silence Luna said "Fine, just hear me out. I know who we need to talk to to get Grant back. We need to find Zecora.

To be continued

Now some facts about dreams

Within 5 minutes of waking you forget half of your dream. Within 10 minutes you forget 90%!

People who became blind after birth can see images in their dreams. People who are born blind do not see any images, but have dreams equally vivid involving their other senses of sound, smell, touch and emotion.

Our mind is not inventing faces – in our dreams we see real faces of real people that we have seen during our life but may not know or remember. We have all seen hundreds of thousands of faces throughout our lives, so we have an endless supply of characters for our brain to utilize during our dreams.

If you dream about some particular subject it is not often that the dream is about that. Dreams speak in a deeply symbolic language. Whatever symbol your dream picks on it is most unlikely to be a symbol for itself.

Men tend to dream more about other men. Around 70% of the characters in a man’s dream are other men. On the other hand, a woman’s dream contains almost an equal number of men and women. Aside from that, men generally have more aggressive emotions in their dreams than the female lot.

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