• Published 16th Jan 2012
  • 6,143 Views, 379 Comments

A Whole New World - Van50608

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Chapter 41 Jacob+Thu'um=Lolwut?

Hey guys it's me! Yeah it's been awhile I know hate me all you want, but I'm taking a serious hit from this years pony drought. So as of this chapter on until ummm I dunno September Grant will be a writer who will send his chapters to me for proof reading and posting. I've just been so uninspired and busy with getting a learners permit and swim team that everything is jumbling up on me so quickly that I can't keep up. Well rest assured that the content will still be fine and dandy and that if Grant's work isn't full of dumb references then I will make them! Have a great Summer guys and gals.

P.s Elliott moved to Minnesota this summer it kinda sucks.

"So wait what happened?" I almost scream at the guilty purple pony at my door.

She said "Well I lost my cool and blasted him through about seven walls with raw magic, but don't worry I sent a letter for Celestia for help."

I yell "Twilight! What is fucking Celestia going to do? Where is he?"

She replies with tears in her eyes "Ponyville hospital."

I yell "Guys get your asses in gear and follow me! Grants hurt and in the hospital."

Everpony runs down the stairs as quickly as possible. Jacob runs down the stairs fastest and asks "Dude how the hell did that happen?"

I say "I'll explain later. We need to go! Now!"

Twilight says "I can teleport all of us to the hospital!"

Cory yells "Then let's get a fucking move on!"

She glares at him for a second and says "Alright everypony hold still."

She concentrates and then we arrive in The Ponyville Medical Hospital. Apparently we startled some nurses Graham says "We need to see our friend! He should have been admitted a little while ago."

A nurse says "Room 666 on the sixth floor on the right."

Michael says "Well now we're fucking screwed aren't we? Just by stroke of luck Grant ends up in the motherfucking devils room."

"Well now were officially fucked!" Cory blatantly stated.

"Well we need to move now! Twilight you stay here. I think you have caused enough trouble." I yelled as we dashed to the elevator.

When we arrived at the entrance of the room there we two really muscular looking ponies with shirts the read "Security" in big white print. They said "Nopony except doctors and other medical staff is allowed within the premise. Please leave."

I yell "My ass were leaving our friend is in there!"

He responds by looking at me straight in the eye and says "Look punk if you want a fight the take it out back with Rik over there."

I turn around and we from a circle like before a play in football. Cory begins our quick huddle by saying one to the funniest thing I have ever heard leave his mouth. He said "Who the fuck names there pony child or whatever the hell is Rik? Seriously I hear Twilight Sparkle and even fucking Rainbow dash, but Rik seriously?"

I say "Nows not the time for that. We need to find a way to get into that room to see our friend, because if it were me then I'd probably be dead if I were flung through seven walls too."

Elliott says "Well does anypony have any ideas?"

Jacob speaks up. He says "I got one. Me being the most expierenced Skyrim player here I'm pretty sure I can blow them over?"

I look over to see that Cory and Michael are rolling on the floor laughing their asses off at what they just heard. Michael says "Hahaha yeah and I'm married to Nikki Benz."

Jacob yells "I'll show you! I'll show you all!" he turns back to the two security guards, gathers as much air in his lungs as he can and with all his might shouts "Fus Ro Dah!" and the two ponies that we previously standing at the door were blown back through the door and the wall of the room.

We all turn to Jacob with wide eyes and shocked expressions. Graham says "Hold on a sec" he pulls out his
iPhone makes some clicks with it and this begins to play.

(Start at :35)

After that had finished up with all of us going "Yah! Yah! Yah! Yah! RAH!" at the end we look in the middle of the room there was a bed with so much hospital machinery to he looked like Dr.Octopus. We all walk up to him and stare at him a minute. Just then a Doctor in a white lab coat walks up be hind us and says "I'm sorry he's currently unconscious and in his current state he only has about an hour to live at the most. Also about the door and wall you paying for that."

Elliott sings "Like a good neighbor Statefarm is there."
Unfortunately no insurance person comes to our rescue, but instead a note that says

"IOU one retardedly happy insurance agent. Signed God"

Cory says "Well damn I thought that would work seeing as Jacob just Fus Ro Dahed his way through a wall."

Jacob says "Wait does that make me dragonborn?"

I say "No, but if anyone pisses you off you can shout them somewhere else."

He says "Meh close enough."

I say "Back to Grant do you think he will wake up?"

Graham says "Doubt it his injuries seem to severe."

Cory steps in and says "Yeah but they always do in the movies."

We look over to see that Grant's eyes have opened he says in a quiet raspy voice. "Hey guys."

To Be Continued......

Here some facts on Skyrim Dragons

Defeating dragons will be the key to unlocking many of the Dragon Shouts.

Dragons you must battle can be grounded by heavily damaging their wings, preventing them from taking flight; expect a big landing if you drop them out of the sky, however!

Skyrim's dragons are said to be reminiscent of dinosaurs as envisioned in the Jurassic Park motion pictures

You cannot fly dragons except in main quest once.

Some dragons are scripted in to the story and others can be randomly found.

You cannot wipe out the all the dragons forever.

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