• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 32,805 Views, 4,346 Comments

The Tales of Prince Onyx - Stanislas

[Celestia found a human baby in her garden and decided to keep it.]

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11-when all was simple

chapter 11

When all was simple

Celestia was in her room, she just received a letter from her son who was sent with Gryffin to the Gryphon Empire last week. She looked at the scroll, it had some dry little spots of what she thought was water on it. like if her son had been crying when he was writing it, she quickly opened it and read it, her heart missed a beat, the hoofwritting was shaky and she could feel the sadness of her son through the words on the scroll.


Please I want to come home, the Gryphon’s here have took all my plushies and threatened to destroy them if I don’t follow their rules, I miss you please mommy. I’m so sorry that I picked the Emperor instead of you. I want to go come back home, I miss you, I miss Twilight, I miss my friends and Philomena, I promise I will never eat meat again If I come back, please mommy, I’m sorry! I don’t want to stay here anymore.

Celestia was in tears, she couldn’t do anything for her son, the only thing she was able to do is send him some letters. Suddenly the door of her room slammed open and a purple fog entered and soon followed by Nightmare Moon. Celestia was shocked, what was her sister doing here?

“HAHAHAHA! As I see, my sister your still so well. First you banish me, your own sister the only member of your family, then when you are given a life to take care of, you lost him in the claws of a Gryphon... and if I’m right, that Gryphon will probably return your son in a body bag”


Celestia flung up in her bed, sweat was flowing down her coat like a stream of water and her breathing was loud.

“A dream...That was all just a dream...” Celestia walked out of her chamber for a glass of water, she went into the kitchen and drank a pitcher of water. The moon was full this night, she looked through a window and she could clearly see the Nightmare Moon picture, showing that luna was still indeed imprisoned, usually the stars would shine more brightly and the moon was even more brighter when her sister would raise the moon, but when Celestia would raise it, the bright lights of the moon and the stars would be darkened. She never learned how to properly raise the moon and the stars, she only learned how to raise the celestial bodies, when luna raised the moon, it was like a beautiful painting, unlike when Celestia would raise the moon. Celestia remembered when Onyx had asked her who was the other pony In an album of celestia and luna’s



1 Year Ago

Celestia’s Room.

“And this one is when I had raised the sun for the first time.” Celestia said showing a picture of her to Onyx. “Oh! And this one, is one of my favorites, it’s when my mom let me wear her crown.” Onyx was looking at the picture, his mother was wearing the royal crown of the day and an Alicorn was looking at her happily.

“Mommy, who’s the other pony in the picture?” He asked curiously.

“Well the big one behind me is my mother, Galaxia. She was the one who ruled Equestria before me. She was a good mother and took care of me very well.” Onyx, still hugging his mother, pointed to the little filly in the picture

“And this one mommy, who she is?” Celestia looked at her sister before she slowly answered her son.

“This is my little sister Luna, she was upset this day because she always wanted to wear Mother’s Crown.” She told him with a sad smile. Then she covered Onyx with her wings to bring him closer to her, she then turned the page of the book. The next picture was of her and Luna, walking around old-time ponyville. Small tears started falling down from her face and dropped on the book.

“Mommy... why isn’t your sister and mother in the castle now?” Onyx asked innocently. Celestia took her time to find a correct answer that wouldn’t startle him, she never told Onyx that Luna was the one called Nightmare Moon. At least it will be easier to explain where her mother is, since she had already explained to him what death was.

“Well for my mother, she passed away a long time ago, and I’m sure she’d look over you and me. Now about luna... she got the need to go on vacation to clear her mind, but she will be back, when you’re older, I’m sure you and her will be great friends.” Onyx, still embraced by his mothers wings, looked at the album and asked her.

“But how can your mommy be in heaven.... You’re suppose to live forever because you are a Alicorn!” Celestia giggle.

“This Onyx is false, many ponies think we are immortal, but that is not true, in fact we can live a lot more longer than all the other ponies, we can live approximately 10,000 years.” Onyx waited a little before he returned with another question.

“So how old are you mommy?” Celestia laught before she hugs her son.

“I will only answer you if you promise me to never ask this question to a other mare ok?... I’m 2986 years old and my sister is 2786 years old. And for your cousin Cadance, she 15 years old.”

“Wow you are really old mommy.” Answered back Onyx. Celestia was speechless. being stold by your own son that your old is always a shock, even to Alicorns

“Mommy....can i ask you a last question?”

“Sure but after that its will be time to go sleep.”

“Will I live as long as you mommy?” Celestia this time didn’t find an answer, so she just held Onyx close to her and hummed a little song to help him to sleep.

Stars and moon and air ballons
Fluffy cloud to the horizon
I’il wrap you in rainbow
and rock you to sleep again.

Teddy bears of pink
Duck and limbs of white
Dont you cry my dear, I’m here now
I’il be your nightlight.


Celestia finally finished her water glass, but before she coul go out a guard pony ran to her.

“Celestia we need your help, somepony found the dead body of our captain, alone in a alley with his throat cut.”

Author's Note:

a little sweat chapter before the shit storm come to us

Filly Celestia is best filly.

i got a rainbow dash from Mc donald :D now i have 5 applejack and 1 RD

so guy the next chapter will tell with who Onyx will go....so

Gryffin the Gryphon or Celestia?

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