• Published 18th Nov 2012
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The Tales of Prince Onyx - Stanislas

[Celestia found a human baby in her garden and decided to keep it.]

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7-The first day part 1

Chapter 7.

the first day part 1

Celestia was in her bed, the fire in the fireplace making her warm and comfortable, the soft freshly cleaned blanket was just beckoning her into the bed. She closed the book Onyx had given to her, then she said goodnight to her pet phoenix and blew out the candle. She started to fall asleep, until she heard somepony knocking at her door. She let out a loud sigh, got up and opened the door, but to her surprise she saw Onyx in front of the door, with all his plushies in his arms.

“Honey, what are you doing up at this time?” She asked, a little worried.

“Ca-can I sleep with you tonight mommy, I...I don’t want to be alone.” He asked, with a shaky voice. Celestia who was worried, let him in.

“Are you alright honey? You seem to look like you’re troubled.”

“No...I’m ok.......I just want to sleep with you, ...can we go sleep, please?” He asked, then dropped all of his plushies on Celestia’s bed. Celestia returned to her bed and let Onyx rejoin her, when they were finally on the bed, she kissed him on his cheek and re-lit the candle, but before she went to sleep, she opened the cage for Philomena, who immediately laid down with Onyx and moved herself closer to him. The only noises left, was the one of the fire in the fireplace.


“Onyx....Onyx...It’s time to wake up now.......Onyx come on, you have school today.” are the first words Onyx heard this morning. At first, he was gonna jump out of the bed and run to school, but then he remembered the event of the last night, so he just ignored his mother.

“Onyx come on, you don’t want to be late, do you?” Celestia asked, who was now shaking him gently. Onyx slowly woke up and looked around him. All his plushies were still here, Philomena was now eating in her cage and no sign of Blueblood here. Celestia who was wondering why her son was so lazy this morning, took the blanket off him.

“Come on Onyx, yesterday you were so excited about this day. What’s the matter?” She asked softly, but still with a curious voice.

“....I don’t know mommy....... What if they don’t like me?....Because I’m different......What if they don’t want to be my friends or worst, don’t want to talk to me because I’m different?” He asked, tears threatening to break through. Celestia immediately hugged him.

“Shhh, don’t cry, you’ll see. Anyone that will call you a monster, are jealous that they arent as different as you, you are a wonderful child who every-mother would love to have, so never again call yourself a monster. You are the prince of this kingdom and you should not let what they say, get to you.” She said in a soft voice.

“And I’m sure you will make plenty of friends there, and you still have Shadow Heart and Twilight, right? So don’t be scared, My little prince.” Onyx, who now had a smile on his face, hugged his mother.


Both, Celestia and Onyx went outside of the castle and were now in-front of the school. After breakfast, Onyx had asked his mother to repair his backpack with her magic, because apparently he had fell down some stairs and accidentally crushed it. Sure she had accepted it and the backpack was now perfect, but she found it a bit odd that his backpack was all crushed but her son was fine, because if he’d really had fallen down some stairs, he should have some bruises or scratches, right? Although, its good he didn’t get any scratches.

They were in front of the school, and the school was filled with a lot of future students. Onyx was pleased to see so many children of his age, and by the number of them he saw, no doubt that he would be able to make some friends.

“The school will end at 4pm, are you sure you don’t want me to come get you after?” Celestia asked. Onyx hugged her.

“Don’t worry mom, I can take care of myself, and I remember my way back to the castle.” he answer back , obviously very happy he remembers the way back. Celestia kissed him on his cheek.

“If you say so, I have an old friend to go meet, so please don’t cause any trouble and remember what I said this morning. Okay now go, before you get late.” She watched Onyx until she lost him in the sea of ponies. She felt a little stressed about it, but every-mother needs to pass by this way... right?

She teleported herself to a sauna, south of the city. She walked inside and went into the cloakroom, inside were many mares talking about this and that, when the group of mares saw the Princess, they all bowed to her.

“Raise, my little ponies. I wish to ask you all to please leave me alone In here for a couple of minutes.” She asked nicely. When all the mares left, she waited 2 more minutes, to be make sure that nopony was still there.

“You can come out now Raynor.” She said to nopony in particular, until a shadow came out of a corner, The shadow was in fact, a cream pegasus with a short dark mane missing his right eye.

“You know what Celestia, I think you have a talent for ruining the fun of others. This beautiful mare was going into the bath and now by your fault, I will miss all of that.” Celestia let out a sigh.

“Even after all these years, you have not changed.” Raynor was the only pony who can disrespect her and stay alive to brag about it.

“Well everypony has their weaknesses, and mine is that cute mare... and that reminds me, my offer to the restaurant is still available.”

“We both know that If I accept that, you will bring me into your room and we discover each other...” Celestia answered back, and before he can argue, she used her magic to teleport them both to Raynor’s house, who lived closer to the little woods outside the big city.

“So what gives me the honor to receive the royal flank at my humble house?” he asked with a perverted smirk.

“I want to give you a new mission Raynor.” She said, but before she could continue the expression of Raynor went from a pervy smile, to a sad and angry one.

“You don’t need to say more Celestia, my answer is no. I had quit the royal guard, for not being brought into a new adventure. All I want is to live peacefully now, I had already given an eye for this country, I think that is enough.”

“I already know all about that Raynor, but you are the best spy our guard ever had, and this is not a mission, you won’t need to take the life of somepony, you will only need to watch my little Onyx. Normally I would ask Strong Shield, but he’s gone on vacation so please, do this for me?”

Raynor looked at her quizzically. ”So all what you want me to do, is to watch your adopted son and make sure nothing happens to him, no murder, no death.... right?”

“Yes, but I don’t want him to see you, if he knew I made you watch him, He won't trust me anymore. Can I count on you?” Raynor looked at her with a smirk, and approached her.

“Well, if you can come with me for some tea, maybe I’ll think about it.” He asked with his habitual smile.


After Onyx had left his mother, he went to join the first year group, and like how the pony in charge of the inscription yesterday had said. He would have to follow them until they had reached a classroom. Onyx had sat down in the back right corner of the class, and looked at all of his surroundings. In front of him was an earth pony with a strange, rebellious manecut that Onyx had never seen before, and was a colored blue with a sky blue pattern. His coat was just a plain white, and he had a cutie mark of a double 16th note. Despite all that, the one thing that stuck out the most, were his shades.

Then Onyx looked to the pony... I mean gryphon on his right, she was a female gryphon. Her feathers are,, a startling white color at the base, but they get darker as you go towards the tip of the feather, changing into brown and then into a greyish black, giving her a somewhat waved appearance. As her feathers move outwards, the darker the color got. Her eyes are a sharp, startling amber. Her head has a somewhat tanned brown, with five black feathers sticking out and over her eyes, giving her a somewhat uncaring appearance. Her hind legs are much like her head, a tanned brown, and the tip of her tail is white at the base, and turning brown at the tip. Her beak is unique in that, it starts a startling golden yellow, quickly turning into a white, and at the curve, a shining, charcoal black.

Onyx was going to ask the pony in front of him where he got those shades from, but then the teacher came in, all the students were now silent. The teacher was a light blue unicorn and a white mane. his cutie mark was a swirled sun.

“Okay class, my name is Sun Swirl, and I want each of you to present yourselves, this way it will be more simple to know each other. So just say your name and why you are here. Okay so who wants to start............ nopony?.........Ok then, I will pick one of you randomly.”

The teacher pointed a random pony in front of the class.

“You, you’re first.”

The little pony was a light brown pegasus with a yellow-brown mane and a lighting bolt for cutie mark. He looked stressed, or maybe just shy.

“Hi.. My name is.. is Lighting Strike, I’m a pegasus and I am here... because the sc..school for pegasus of Commander Hothead was too hard for me.” Then he quickly look down and waited.

“Good, okay so, now if you turn to the one at your right and we will continue like that.”
Onyx saw that, he would be the last one to present himself.

The next one after Lighting was a creature that Onyx had never seen before. It was looking like a unicorn but something was wrong with his fur. He had a black coat with red zebra stripes, yellow irises with slits for pupils (Kind of like a cat), his cutie mark was an ancient arcane symbol (pentagram), red and gunmetal gray hair for his mane and tail, and a blue open necked vest.

“My name is Arcanus, and I’m a Zebracorn, I came from southern Equestria and I have been sent here to learn things, that my clan can’t show me.” He was talking like if he was already an adult and looked like he was somepony always really serious.

The next one was a dark gray unicorn, she was wearing a white jacket and some glasses. She had a purple mane with some dark gray and she was looking very happy.

“Hi! My name is Aurora, I’m a unicorn as you can see, I’m here to learn, find my cutie mark, and meet some friends with my brother right here.” She pointed at the Pegasus next to her, who has the same color of mane and fur. The pegasus presented himself, his name was Orion and he was here for the same reason that her sister was.

The next one was a gryphon with red feathers from the eyes following around the the head and trailing halfway down the back of his neck. When he heard his name he quickly stood up but at the same time he dropped his pencil on the floor, some students had started to laugh but for only 3 or 5 seconds. “Hum..my name is Jernaclaw and i’m here because my parents sent me here...”

The next one was a pale blue unicorn with a blue cream mane, she was wearing a magic outfit, like the one worn when a unicorn does some magical show. “this is the great and powerful Trixie, and she is here in this school, because the magical school was not good enough for her.”
Onyx found that Unicorn really annoying, first she doesn’t speak like everypony else.

The next one before the earth pony in front of him was a another gryphon, a female this time. Her feathers were white but ended in purple, the feathers around her eyes were completely purple. ”mmp pfft, my name is Axandrea, and the reason I’m here is... personal.” was the only thing the teacher got out of her.

The next one was the earth pony from earlier in-front of him. The colt pushes his shades upwards to his forehead, as if they weren't allowing him to see properly. He held a blank expression for a few seconds, which felt like hours for the nervous Onyx who wanted to know about him more... Finally, the colt presented himself.

“I’m Vallie Scratch and I’m here to learn.” were the only words that came out of his mouth. Onyx was a little disappointed, but he decided to wait for the break to ask know more about Vallie.

The last one was the female gryphon at his right, but when she spoke, Onyx was shocked, she was not a female... It was a male. Onyx was happy he didn’t speak to him yet it would have become awkward.

“My name is Glide, i’m here because my mother think it will be the best cultural experience for me” Something about his voice makes Onyx feel like he could trust this guy.

Onyx was trying to found who will be the next one, until he realised that its now his turn to speak, all of the class was watching him, waiting for him to speak. “Uhm... Hi … my name is Onyx... I’m the adoptive son of Celestia and I’m here because I want to learn how the things work here. I don’t know what I am yet so I wish to learn what I am by studying really hard.”


The bell had finally rung, it was lunch time. Onyx was walking in the school cafeteria, trying to find a good spot to eat his lunch. Until he saw one of the gryphons who was in his class.

“Hey! You’re the one in the corner right? Name’s Axandrea, glad to meet you.” Onyx was smiling, she didn’t seem to be scared about his appearance.

“Name’s Onyx, the honor is mine, but can I ask you a question?” he asked

“Sure what is it?”

“Where do we eat in this school? I’m trying to find out where everypony else goes, but I think I’m lost.”

Axandrea lets out a little giggle, it sounded like the noise Philomena would make when Onyx brushed him.

“Well if you continue to walk in this direction you will find the place where vegetarians eat.” She said pointing to the left corridor.

“The vegetarian section?” Asked Onyx, curious like always.

“Well yes, because this school is an Interspecies school, the director chose to separate the ones who eat meat and the ones who don’t, for the security of everypony. So like this we won’t be able to scare grass-eaters like you.” She answered back.

“I’m not a grass eater, I don’t even like grass, it tastes horrible. I’m not scared of you eating meat.”

“Mom said that these are for eating meat,” he shows her his canines “I’m going to have a chicken sandwich for lunch.” Axandrea was surprised, in her mind she thought that the new prince was just a another grass-eater like these ponies, but she was wrong.

“Well well, at least you’re more cool than i thought, come with me, I’ll show you to the gang.” Onyx was happy, it was the first time, except for Shadow, that somepony invited him somewhere.


Author's Note:

We (me, prince john and rober24425) have worked really hard on this chapter, for make it with less grammar error and all that fancy stuff.

and thank to everyone for the OC, i have not finish to add it, so if your OC is not into this chapter, its can be into the next one.

ho and btw i will now do short chapter everyday, unless is a important chapter (like this one XD) and if all go to the plan the part 2 will be here today.

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