• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 32,802 Views, 4,346 Comments

The Tales of Prince Onyx - Stanislas

[Celestia found a human baby in her garden and decided to keep it.]

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8-the first day part 2

Chapter 8

The First Day

Onyx looked around him, he wanted to throw up, when Axandrea had said that everypony here ate meat, he never had thought that it would be raw meat! Some gryphons at his table were eating raw fish, others ate raw rabbits and Axandrea was eating... something... he did not know what it was but the smell was horrible. The table was covered in little pieces of flesh and organs, it made him sick, but he didn’t show it because he wanted to look brave in-front of her.

“So Onyx, are you sure you don’t want to try it” Axandrea asked, showing him the thing she held.

“Heh Heh Heh, thank you, but no thank, the sandwich was enough, I’m full” Onyx answered back, trying not to show the horror in his face. The only thing Onyx wanted right now, is an empty bag to throw up in.

The bells finally rang and all the students went back to class, Onyx looked at his schedule, the next class was P.E.

“Well, maybe this time class will be fun.


Onyx was waiting for the teacher to stop talking. He was a HUGE earth pony named Legend, he has a olive green coat, with a dark mane, and a dragon skull for cutie mark. He was talking about the safety rules, about how he would teach them, about how he had became a sports teacher, and about how he earned his cutie mark. It was booriiinnggg.

“And then, I found a letter where it was written The cake is a lie. Can you imagine how angry I was to have run around the entire city for nothing?” If Onyx had to choose between watching Axandrea eat, or listen to the teacher for five more minutes, he would choose the first one, by far. Finally the teacher stopped talking.

“Okay now you will team up in a group of 2. Okay...lets see... alright, I will make the teams myself and give you a color. The team who will have the most points at the end of the class will win something.” The teacher started to split up the students, Onyx was hoping to be with Axandrea, but unfortunately she was sent with a other gryphon named Glide. Onyx was teamed with the pony named Vallis, and he was happy about that because maybe he would be able learn more about him. they both took the little flag of color the teacher have gave them, Onyx and Valiis were the red team. Onyx felt the hoof of a pony, looking back it was the hoof of Vallis, who took off his shades.

“Ready to wubs the other, partner?” He asked with a smile.

“Yeah sure!” Onyx answered back even thought he had no idea what ‘wubs’ meant.

The test was easy, the first one was just a simple test to know the equilibrium of each other.
Then it was the race test, this one Onyx finish last because unlike all the other students, he walked on 2 legs, and running with four legs is faster than running with 2, even if he finished last. Vallis cheered him on while the race was going. The next test was climbing, a rope was suspended from the ceiling and one of the partners needed to climb it and touch the roof. This time, Onyx was the winner by far, since he looks like a monkey, and with that point, him and Vallis had reached second place.

Never before had Onyx felt so good, he could feel all his muscles move independently, hear his heartbeat pushing blood throughout his body, the adrenaline flowing in his veins making him alert to all movements around him. The teacher was in-front of the class, all the students were sitting at the side of the room watching the teacher explain the rules of the last test. Only the top 3 teams are able to do the next test and Onyx was in the first three. Him and Vallis are in second place, the third place was Lightning and Arcanus, and the first team was Aurora and Orion.

“Alright, when I say go, one member of each team will run to get that flag, then they will need to give it to their partner, when your partner has the flag, they will have to climb this pole and put the flag at the top, the first team to do all that will wins, and remember, no magic, no wings, just your legs!”

Onyx looked at Vallis and asked “Do you think you can do the first part, like you have seen, I’m not the best one for racing, but I can climb.” Onyx asked, Vallis poked him playfully with a large smile

“Don’t worry partner, You can do the climbing, I’ll do the running, sounds good?” asked Vallis, Onyx just nodded. They both looked at the 2 other teams expectantly, until the teacher asked the Person/pony that will be running to take their marks. Onyx along with 1 member from each team stepped up to take their marks

“Ready? Three... Two... One... GO!”


“WE WIN WE WIN WE WIN!” Onyx and Vallis hugged each other (Totally no homo), They won the last test, Onyx secretly wished that the school ended now, this way he would be able to tell his mom how he won, he was so excited.

The second place was Aurora and Orion, who both walked toward the winners.

“Nice competition, It was really impressive how you used that thing around your hoof to have a better grip on the rope!” Orion complimented. He was the one in his team that climbed the rope

“Well these are called fingers, and thanks! You and your sister were hard to beat” Onyx said with real enthusiasm.

Aurora started talking,“We should hang both hand out sometime, I came here to make friends, and you two look like some good ponies” Onyx was smiling, this day he didn’t just start school, but he made 4 friends, Blueblood was wrong and it was fine for Onyx.


The bell had finally rung, informing the students that school has ended. Onyx was on his way to the castle, thinking about what he would do when he got home. First he would show Twilight all that he had learned today, and tell his mother about the competition and how he had won, but when Onyx reached the entrance of the throne room where his mother was generally, 2 guards blocked him at the entrance.

“Why can’t I go see mommy?” Onyx asked, hoping that it was nothing too important.

“Your mother has a meeting with the king of the gryphon kingdom, your highness... She clearly stated that she didn’t want to be disturbed.” Onyx knew that sometimes his mother had royal duty to do, even if he knew that, he felt that it was stupid that he couldn’t go talk to his mom right now, so he waited in his room, hoping that Twilight would come soon.

Author's Note:

That chapter was horrible to writte, but the next one will be better.

i should find a new cover for this story right?

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