• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 32,806 Views, 4,346 Comments

The Tales of Prince Onyx - Stanislas

[Celestia found a human baby in her garden and decided to keep it.]

  • ...

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A/N This chapter is a collab between me and Berry Punch, hope you will like it guy and don’t forget to read her story
Chapter 33


After their meal with the Apple family, Onyx and Twilight thanked their hosts before walking back towards the library. The autumn night was clear and not too cold, so they took their time on their return.

“Are you sure you’re not angry at them?” asked the unicorn.

“Twilight, come on, I’m not Blueblood. I can handle a joke without throwing everypony in jail,” answered Onyx; judging by the look on Twilight’s face, he might have said that in too harsh of a tone.

“Aww, I’m sorry, Twiley. It’s just that I’m tired of everypony thinking that because I’m royalty, that they need to act differently around me,” he said, hugging her. Twilight’s heart was racing like it had in the Running of the Leaves; her stomach felt like it was full of butterflies.She felt so close to him. She smelled his dark mane and wanted to kiss him, but their embrace ended before she could.

“So what’s next, don’t you have more friends to introduce me to?”

It took a moment for Twilight to answer him, her mind still foggy. “Umm ... what? Oh, yeah, you still have to meet Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, but they’re probably asleep.”

Onyx continued walking next to Twilight; he wanted to tell her why he came to Ponyville, but didn’t know quite how to say it. He was nervous, to calm himself he observed Ponyville’s nightlife. A few restaurants were still open and ponies were eating food on the outdoor patios. Some were alone, one mare in particular was uncomfortably staring at him like he was prey, and others were there as couples. There was that gray pegasus mailmare with a brown earth pony wearing a bowtie. Onyx wanted to talk the couple and ask them how to ask a mare out, but he didn’t for two reasons: first, he would just look silly, and second, he recognized the gray mare and didn’t want to go through the whole Ditzy/Derpy name problem again.

They both continued to walk towards the library, talking about the stars and what Luna and Celestia might be doing on their vacation until a mare walked by, bumping into Onyx and causing him and herself to fall.

Twilight rushed over to help Onyx up off the ground and turned to scold the mare who had caused the accident. Though, upon seeing who the mare was, Twilight’s anger subsided and she began to giggle quietly.

Confused as to why Twilight was laughing, Onyx looked over to the mare, who was now sprawled out on the ground. Acting quickly, Onyx did the only gentlemanly thing to do and helped her up; the mare still looked young, maybe in her late 20s, with a light purple coat and a curly, magenta-colored mane. As she steadied herself on her four hooves, Onyx spoke up. “Are you okay?” he asked kindly.

The mare seemed to be in a daze as she looked up to the Prince with a puzzled look. “I am ... I’m f-fine! Oooooooh, you! *hic*” She booped the Prince on the nose. “You’re the ... hehe, Prince!” she exclaimed, smiling at Onyx with what seemed to be a sultry look.

Awkwardly, Onyx smiled. “Heh, yeah, that’s me. Tell me, what is your name; let’s see if we can get you home,” he said calmly, still holding the mare upright to prevent her from toppling over again.

The mare smiled “Ye—*hic*—es, I am Berrrrrrry Puuuuunch,” she slurred and giggled before collapsing onto the ground again. Onyx picked the mare up over his shoulder and stood up.

Now carrying Berry over his shoulder, the Prince questioned her, “So, where do you live Berry Punch? Let’s get you home.” The mare in question giggled and started singing something about bottles on a wall. Onyx sighed and spoke in a more forceful tone, “Where do you live, Berry?”

Berry Punch stopped singing and tapped a hoof on her chin, still being held by Onyx. “I, uh *hic* Oh! I live over by the ... the park?” She sounded confused. “Oh! Yeah! I live in the *hic* house by the park!” she smiled and Onyx swore he heard her squee(?). “Oooh, I feel like one o’ them flying horses!” she shouted as they walked off.

Sighing, Onyx walked towards the park where the mare apparently lived nearby. After about a five minute walk later, Twilight and Onyx arrived at Berry Punch’s residence and left her to her own devices. Onyx chuckled as he and Twilight walked along the road through Ponyville.

Twilight smiled. “Don’t worry about her, Onyx; Berry Punch seems to get herself drunk like that at times. But really, she is a sweet mare,” she giggled lightly.

“Well, she’s lucky there’s not some masked psychopath that likes to bursting pony into flames, because as drunk as she was, she wouldn’t stand a chance at defending herself,” chuckled Onyx

“That’s just silly, nopony in Ponyville would do that.”

“I’m just teasing you, Twillight, don’t worry...”

Onyx and Twilight entered the library, all was quiet. Earlier that day, Twilight had asked Rarity if she could take Spike for the night. She’d gladly help Twilight get some time all alone with Onyx.

“So ... you can have the couch if you’d like ... or I could go prepare the spare mattress...” said Twilight, still feeling the butterflies in her stomach; she tried to act like it was nothing, but she felt like she was going to throw up. She quickly went to her room to get Onyx some bedsheets.

During this time, Onyx was waiting in the main room, trying to find a way to tell her that he loved her; the day he spent with her was one of the best he’d had in a long time. When he was with her, it was as if nothing in the world could ruin his good mood.

Maybe I should be direct, and just kiss her when she comes back... No, that’s a bad idea; what if she doesn’t have the same feelings for me ... on the other hoof Cadance did tell me she was sure that Twilight felt the same for me... Maybe I should ask her ... write it on a scroll and show her? Nah, that would be silly; I’ll be in front of her ... sing it? Nope I’ve always been the worst one in the family at singing ... hell, even Blueblood is better at it than I am.......... Oh, what should I do?

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