• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 32,783 Views, 4,346 Comments

The Tales of Prince Onyx - Stanislas

[Celestia found a human baby in her garden and decided to keep it.]

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5-plush wars

Chapter 5

Plush Wars

Celestia closed her Diary and hid it under her bed with her magic, the last thing she wanted is somepony to find it. Then she fed Philomena, her pet phoenix, and finally went outside. Today was a calm day for her, like each Saturday she had no meeting, no council, and no pony asking requests, more importantly; it was her favorite day of the week because she can be with her son. The sky today was clear, and she could hear the birds in her garden sing, showing the world how happy they are. Celestia found that it could be a good day to bring Onyx to the garden or to the park. So she walked into the direction of his room. Since he turned five, she gave him Luna’s room, sure she could change the decoration into something more in his color. She’d have to paint the wall in a multiple shade of yellow, red and orange, but she’d leave the roof in a deep dark blue. Since her sister will be back in 13 years, she didn’t think that her sister would mind if her room was no longer hers but was Onyx’s until she came back.

When she reached the door of her sons room, she asked the 2 guards that protect the door to go take a little break. She then knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

“Who’s there?” a little voice asked from inside the room.

“It’s me your mother, can you let me in?” She questioned back.

“Noooo! Don’t come in, I’m doing something for you!” Celestia was surprised, she always liked surprises from her son. So she sat in-front of the door and waited patiently for her son to finish whatever he is doing. When he finally opened his door to let her come in, she was really surprised. Onyx sat on his bed, and in his hand he had a strange brown book. Celestia asked what the book was, but the only answer she get was

“Mommy come see, I want to show you!” Celestia approached her son’s bed, she’d never seen this book before and she was wondering what it could be. When he opened it, she blown away by what she saw, in the book was a collection of all the pictures she have taken since she had found Onyx.

“B-But where did you find all this?” she asked.

“Well, asked Shadow’s mom, if she can bring me some of the pictures you had of me and you, and I had put them in this book, this way you will never forget me.... Did I do something wrong mommy?” Celestia give him a peck on his head before she took the book.

“Something wrong?... No, no you did not do such a thing, is more like the opposite. It’s wonderful Onyx! I will put it away and look at it before I sleep.” Onyx embraces his mother in a hug, and they both stayed like that for a few minutes.

“So Onyx, how would you like it if we go to the park today?” asked Celestia, Happiness evident in her voice.

“To the park... really? I would love to mom! it’s been like forever since we’ve last been there!” Celestia giggled at her son's excitement.

“Since forever? But we go there everyday.”

“I know, but for me, it’s like forever!” answered Onyx answered back.

Celestia and Onyx walked out of the room and went outside, heading in the direction of the park. Onyx, who was riding on Celestia’s back, looked all around him. Canterlot was always beautiful and clean, Canterlot is a place where many ponies do their business, whether It be buying food, buying clothes, or even something as simple as just enjoying the weather. But unlike every other day, dozens of ponies fillies and colts were lined up in front of the east tower.
Some looked really stressed, but others looked really happy.

“Mommy... What’s going on there?” Onyx asked, pointing to the tower with his finger.

“That, Onyx, is where the little fillies and unicorn colts go, to be the best, and join the school for gifted Unicorns” Celestia answered back. She continued on her way to the park, when all of a sudden an explosion was heard a bright purple flash followed after, appearing at the top of the east tower, along with the head of a small baby dragon. All of the ponies were running away, screaming bloody murder

“Mommy what is it?” asked Onyx

“I don’t know” answered Celestia “But you need return to your room now.”

“But mom, I don’t wan-” a sudden flash of color blinded Onyx and when he re-open his eyes, he was back in his room.
“I hate it when mom teleports me, it’s unfair.”
Onyx was sitting there, crying into his pillow, he wanted to go see what was happening, not stay in his room... He wasn’t weak! Now he had missed the opportunity to see a real dragon! A dragon him and Shadow would slay like when they are playing together. But noooooo all the fun is for the guards and his mother. Onyx was still in his bed when he heard a knock on the door.

“Go away, I don’t want to see you now mom!” Onyx yelled.

“You see Smarty Pants, it’s like I said, this is not the room of the Princess. We should ask the guard.” Said a little voice of a little filly outside.
Onyx, curious because he never heard this voice before, open his door and saw a little purple unicorn filly. who was talking to a little plushie.

“Why do you want to find my mommy?” Onyx asked. The unicorn was not moving, but stared at him, like if he was something strange and scary. The unicorn then started to slowly walk backwards.

“Wh...who are you?” she asked slowly and with a scared voice.

Onyx sighed, this is not the first time he meet somepony who was scared by his appearance. he had asked his mother about it, and she answered ‘sometimes, ponies tend to get scared about some things they don’t know or don’t understand’. But even if he knew that, he found it a little hard to get everypony to stop being scared, everypony is scared of him before they can get to know him more. Even his body guard looks at him like he was something that should not exist.

“My name is Onyx, or Prince Onyx. I’m the son of Princess Celestia.” At the word Celestia, the little filly’s ears perked up.

“Oooh, you’re the new prince! My parents had talked about you at home. I was always wondering, why you are so different to us... No offence.” She said with the biggest smile Onyx ever seen.

“Um... I would like to help you with knowing me more, but even I don’t really know who I really am... Nice plushie by the way.” he said, pointing to the little plushie at the foot of the unicorn

“Oh! This is Mr. Smarty Pants. He always helps me with my homework... By the way, I'm Twilight Sparkle.”

“Twilight, that is a cute name, I like it... Hey do you want to play with me, I have some plushies of mine too!” at that same time, he opened his door more, letting Twilight come in.
Twilight walked slowly into little faol’s room... or whatever he was. Sure the princess had asked Twilight, to meet her in her room for a talk about the recent outburst of magic she got this morning. But if the Prince who is a whole new specie to discover, asked her to play with him. How could she say no?
Celestia was starting to worry, she had asked the little filly to meet her in her room two hours ago, and she still is not here, and she did not take the time to go see how is Onyx after she teleported him away. So to kill some time, she decide to go see her son. Maybe she will see the little filly at the same time, lost in the castle. She walked a little more faster than usual to reach the room of her son, but when she was in-front of the door, she heard 2 voices inside.

“But who can be with him? Shadow Hearth is at the school, Strong Shield had taken some vacation days off, and I’m here....” Said celestia quietly to herself. She slowly open the door and took a quick peek of what was happening inside.

Onyx was throwing a plushie at a... book fort?...and the little filly, who was hiding under the fort, threw the plushie back at Onyx.

“Captain Smarty Pants will protect me from you! You should surrender now!” Twilight yelled at Onyx.

“NEVER! The General Philomena will save Commander White Tiger from you!” Onyx answered back.

Celestia slowly closed the door, and walk away. It was the first time her son made a friend by himself and she was proud of it.

Author's Note:

A new chapter so soon, just for you, my dear followers

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