• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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The Approach of a Family Reunion

Kanto. Pallet Town. Ketchum Household. Day.

"Hey, Mom!" Ash entered his home, joined by Fluttershy on this new day. And greeting him back was Delia Ketchum long with Mr Mime. Entering the Ketchum Household as well were Fluttershy's Pokemon with Raboot lunging in, attracted to a delicious scent that came from the house. That was Delia's wonderful cooking which could entice anyone. Sitting on the window of the Ketchum Household and on the table were freshly baked pies.

"Glad you two could show up. How is your friend, Chrysalis?" Delia referred to the massive diorama that Fluttershy and the Pokemon from the Pokemon House helped craft.

"She got her gift. We're hoping she wakes up to see it." Fluttershy replied.

"How nice. I'll be giving something back in return. I wish I spent more time with her to know what she likes but I can think of something." Delia was also aiming to give a Get-Well-Soon Gift to Chrysalis, even if she knew very little about her. But she had Chrysalis' relationship with Ash to go off of.

"By the way, Mom. I was hoping to show you to Galaxy Master today." Ash revealed his true purpose of showing up at his household for today instead of just exploring the world. "It'll be like meeting with Dad again!"


"Oh, yes. I'm glad you told me everything last time. It's wonderful to know that he is indeed your father, even if he was made by the crystal. Perhaps I should take credit for bringing him into this world since it was by accident." Delia giggled as she was the one responsible for causing Galaxy Master to become real. "It wouldn't be the first time. And this will definitely be a wonderful feeling to see him again."

"How long has it been since you've seen your husband, actually?" Fluttershy asked.

"Many years. I think I've lost count. But that's about to change now. Oh, it will be so exciting!" A giddy Delia expressed. "And he'll even look better in that outfit than he did all those years back."

"Better? Wait, has he worn an outfit like that before?" Judging by what Delia was saying, Fluttershy believed that Ash's father has worn a Galaxy Master outfit before. "Even before the crystal made Galaxy Master real?"

"He has. I can show it to you and it's absolutely adorable." Delia had the proof. There was a way to show Fluttershy the past on what exactly happened all those years back. This is also one of those rare instances where Ash's father's face could finally be seen. Fluttershy would be lying if she wasn't a little curious about that.

Delia's way of showing Fluttershy was rather old compared to what exists now. But perhaps not too old for Equestria if it were to ever be there. A VHS tape. Fluttershy gazed her eyes on this old tape cassette that was a bit dusty, but was soon cleaned. It has been sitting away for a while until now. Now it was time for it to be played once more on an equally old device. A VHS Player.

"Ash and his father used to play around a lot whenever Ash wanted to enact a story. It was based around the character and it's just so precious to watch. Have a look." The player would react to the tape, taking its sweet time to prepare itself. This tape housed memories of Ash's experience with his father.

And on this old video, a young Ash Ketchum could be seen. That face and those Lightning Bolt Birthmarks were indistinguishable no matter the age. The Young Ash was wearing a costume which was rather tacky, having a black and red pattern on it. It was simply just a black cape with red accents and patterns along with fake horns that were made out of cardboard while his regular clothes were still on. It could hardly be called a costume.

As for the man standing next to him, that was his father. Mr Ketchum himself. Alas, even with this old video, his face was still covered, mainly because he was wearing the first-ever Galaxy Master outfit before the real one came into existence. And the difference between the two was stark. This Galaxy Master outfit was rugged, corrugated and crumpled. It looked like none of it had been ironed. As for the helmet, it protected his face, preventing Fluttershy from seeing it. One of the helmet's accessories was even drooping down while the other was still standing up.

"Okay, you two! Looking great!" The voice of Delia Ketchum in this video spoke as she was the one who recorded this video. It was essentially from her point of view. "How are my two comic characters feeling?"

"Great and destructive!!" Ash raised his arms before putting on a rather poor evil laugh. If it was not clear already, he was playing the role of the Supervillain as opposed to his father's Superhero role. "Hahaha!"

"This is a bit tacky, isn't it?" Ash's father commented on the outfit, tugging on the cape which had holes in it. "Are you sure you made this, Delia?"

"Oh, no. Ash made it. He did an impressive job for his first time creating a costume, eh?" Delia spoke as Ash put a lot of effort into these costumes. Well, mainly his father's. Ash's was simply and had little going for it. "And that's certainly not the definition of tacky."

"Mom taught me how to make these. Now I can use this for my story! Come on, Dad! Do a pose!"

"Like this?" He tried his best to put on a pose but failed poorly at it. The standard Superhero pose was the hand triumphantly on the hips but the way he pulled it off made it look like he had a back cramp. This prompted laughter from Ash, Delia and Mr Mime. "I look cool, don't I?"

"You always look cool to me, Dad!"

"Get in the centre and pull off those character shenanigans in your books Ash." Delia encouraged.

"Yeah. You're a glutton for action, just like your old man. Show me what you can do, son." So did his father.

"Really? I don't know, Dad..." Ash scratched the back of his hair, knocking on the cardboard horns that were strapped on his head.

"If you're worried about hurting me, don't worry. I can take it. I got kicked by Rapidash when I pet the wrong spot one time so I've got the endurance." He hyped himself up, believing he could take the hit. And plus, Ash was young compared to his father so the impact would most likely be rather weak.

"Oh, okay. Take this!" Ash did not hesitate. He would lunge in, throwing an energetic punch at his father. And it was a powerful blow that struck his father in a sensitive spot below the belt.

"Hmmrgh!" No one could see it, whether it was in the past or present, but they could definitely tell that he was making the most expressive face of pain possible as that punch was harder than he expected.

"Oh, my goodness! Darling, are you alright?!" Delia gasped as Ash's father would start leaning over, becoming a stiff board afterwards that was bound to fall over. Ash grimaced, looking at his fist as even he didn't expect to hit that hard.

"Sorry, dad! Are you okay?!"

"T-That's my boy..." But Ash's father loved the strength that was displayed, proud of his son and saw potential there. He would then fall on his face instead of getting on his knees, taking in the pain.

"Ah, wonderful times." Delia smiled while looking back at this tape. "I'm hoping his memories are far back enough to remember this. I assume they are."

"Aw, look at how small you were, Ash~!" Fluttershy gushed at the little Ash Ketchum, finding him adorable.

"I bet he can take a hit better this time now that he's got a tough body!" Ash grinned with glee. "Who am I kidding Of course he can! I wanna head back there as soon as possible, man!"


"Ah, I need to bring a few things over since we're meeting with him. If there is a face within that body of light, then his favourite foods need to be brought to him. I still remember how to make them." Delia wanted to make this reunion special. She would grab and make whatever she could that was connected to her husband. This meant quite a lot of packing as it was also a trip to another dimension entirely.

Another Dimension. Out in a red space.

The skies of this dimension's earth may be blue but the cosmos were red. They burned with the intensity of many flames and yet, they were small. This space was tiny and compact compared to the rest. It was comparable to at least 50 large stars but that wasn't enough to make it as big as the rest which greatly exceeded it.

And emerging from this small yet fearsome space was a sudden outburst of energy. Creatures were starting to pour out of the red space, only having eyes and arms and no proper bodies of any kind.

Back on the Earth, the Subspace Pokemon felt this outburst. It was familiar to them for one reason. The forces that were hostile towards them were approaching once more. And of course, with this attack meant that their guardians would be there to stop them. And the way they attacked was long distances instead of entering the planet themselves. These arms with eyes would fly out, reaching the world in seconds

Galaxy Master already received an alert thanks to his devices. And for him, this was all casual. Arriving on the back of his Charizard, he intercepted these arms and eyes immediately, preventing them from harming a single Pokemon.

"Twice in a row in one night and now today?! I think not! Charizard! Unleash your flames of Purgatory!" By that, Galaxy Master was referring to Inferno, giving it a different name.

"Char!" Charizard put his arms together as a light blue and blue flame appear in between its mighty claws. He then pulled his arms next to it, dragging the fire with it. Charizard was essentially holding a rope of flames before throwing it.

The flame rope would wrap around the ominous arms and eyes, right as a Subspace Starly was about to be snatched by them. With this grip, Charizard managed to break them apart. The Subspace Pokemon would flee, giving Galaxy Master and his teammates space to take action, unless they wish to be caught up in the mess.

The attackers from above already expected Galaxy Master by this point. He's been going against them for a while now, specifically days after the two worlds united. Their attempts on the Subspace Pokemon have been foiled by this fictional character time and time again. He leapt off Charizard, making his stylish entrance by sticking a superhero landing. Joining him was Pikachu.

"We've been going at this for a few months now, I believe. I'm still not sure who you are, but as long as my friends and I are here, you won't lay a finger on them!" Galaxy Master exclaimed, holding his hand out. From his hand, he would summon a Pokemon to assist him in battle, unleashing a ray of light in the process. Out of that light, two Pokemon appeared. Gliscor and Swellow respectively.



"Gliscor! Cut those arms and eyes apart with claws! Swellow! Assist Gliscor with your razor-sharp wings!"

"Gli!" Gliscor would use Night Slash while Swewllow would use Steel Wing. Both Pokemon flew in unison, going in opposite directions. The eyes tracked down the two Pokemon, emerging out of the ominous arms. The way they came out was rather unsettling as black goo would fly out each time a new eye would emerge.

The attackers from the cosmos felt Gliscor and Swellow slash into them, making all of their eyes blink even if they were far away. Pikachu and Charizard would chime in, unleashing electricity and fire onto these creatures with only arms and eyes as their appearance.

These creatures felt all these elements crawl up their arms and eyes, even blinding them. This reaction prompted them to violently swipe and slash at the surrounding area, hoping to hit something. All this wild flailing did succeed in smacking Pikachu and Gliscor with how many creatures were up there, however, it was just random swings at this point.

The Subspace Pokemon stood from afar, watching Galaxy Master and his friends combat these strange attacks from beyond. It was still unknown where they came from and why they were after these Pokemon specifically.

"Just what are they?" Galaxy Master held up his cape to block the fierce dust that emerged. All of his Pokemon slid and flew back once some distance was gauged between them and the creatures above. "Is everyone alright?!" He asked the Pokemon living here. Thankfully, none of the Pokemon received any harm. Galaxy Master came to their rescue in a heartbeat.

Suddenly, the creatures would also stop. Instead of attacking Galaxy Master and his team while they had the chance, they would stay still, only mildly moving their arms. Watching their movements carefully, Galaxy Master waited for the next action. The creatures were waiting for a reason.

These past months have been quite a nuisance for them thanks to Galaxy Master. He didn't even look tired when doing this, meanwhile the creatures had to retreat and prepare for another attack. Deciding that it was getting tiring, the creatures would suddenly reveal more of themselves. Black goo stretched out of their arms, soon forming extra body parts with more eyes. But below those eyes were mouths. At last, they had mouths.

"Galaxy Master. We'd like a word with you." The creatures spoke to the fictional character, surprising him. NOt only did they manage to grow new parts that were closer to an actual body, but they could speak perfectly.

"What?" And at this moment, they wished to speak with Galaxy Master instead of continuing their attack. rather unexepected development that Galaxy Master was not expecting. What exactly could this mean?

Equestria. Ponyville. Afternoon.

"Okay! Let's get rolling!" After a few hours, Delia was finally ready to set out to this other dimension, entering Ponyville. She came prepared, bringing everything her husband loves and more. Various bags were being held by Ash, Mr Mime and Audino because of Delia's love. Wearing a summer hat under the Equestrian Sun, Delia Ketchum, much like her son, was feeling rather adventurous. "I can't wait! This is a thrilling moment for me. It reminds me of my younger years. But instead of chasing Pokemon, I'm chasing after your father. Previously, he was the one that came to me."

"This is way more than what he has back at the Galaxy Tower...!" Ash sighed while holding all of these bags. "What's in these bags, anyway?"


"Now then. How do we get there? Is there a gateway we need to find?" Delia looked around another gateway, believing that was how she would enter that other dimension.

"If we wanna get there, we gotta visit Potion Nova's home. She's got a potion for it but It's not much." Ash explained the only way to reach that dimension. "Or, we can wait for Galaxy Master to take us there but that's easier said than done. And we all can't go since the potion's running low and it's hard to make."

"Oh, really? That's a shame." Delia pouted at these inconveniences. "Does that mean only I get to go there?"

"I guess so. If it's only you that drinks it, you can go through it. I don't think all of us can drink what's left." Ash shook his head.

"Sorry, Mrs Ketchum." Twilight apologized to Delia for these drawbacks. "That potion is hard to make even for someone as skilled as Potion Nova. It might just have to be you and maybe the Pokemon if you keep them in their Poke Balls. I understand you really want to meet with him though."

"You can go ahead, Mom. Take some of my Pokemon with you if you want." Ash recommended that Delia should go on ahead. He prefers his mother's happiness over his.

"No, no. I want it to be a full family reunion." However, Delia thought otherwise. She wanted Ash to be with her and in the same room as Galaxy Master. "It's usually only me and one of you. I'd prefer if it was all three of us time."

"I guess...We can have Potion Nova bring him here. She can maybe use the last of the potion and Galaxy Master can do the rest." Ash thought of another option. "That's probably for the best, right?"

"I think so." Twilight nodded in agreement. "Potion Nova by now might be working on her potions or even at the dimension already. We can travel there and make it as quickly as possible. Maybe see the sights along the way. A lot's changed after the worlds united, Mrs Ketchum."

"Lovely! I'll take that option~" Delia said with glee. There was a chance indeed. "Just wait for me, dear! And once we meet up, it's off to somewhere romantic! Is Las Pegasus a romantic place?"

"Is it technically cheating if she goes with him instead of Ash's actual dad even though he is Ash's dad?" Fluttershy asked, wondering if this counted as Delia cheating on Ash's father with Galaxy Master or if it was still the same thing.

"It technically is Ash's dad but it's just a recreation of...You know. I'd rather not try and get into it." Twilight preferred not to delve into it.

As far as it goes, Galaxy Master was like a second dad to Ash and that was the best possible compromise in this instance. It was off to Mareflower. Home of Potion Nova. And there, they were hoping that Potion Nova would bring Galaxy Master back.

However, no one, not even Potion Nova currently knew what was developing over at that strange dimension. The train to Mareflower would be taken with all of Delia's bags being thrown inside. At last, Ash, Mr Mime and Audino could rest their arms, slumping on the train seats.

"Aha...Nice." Ash sighed with relief.

"Oh, Twilight. I should tell you about this cute video Delia showed me. You'll love it." Fluttershy said, eager to share what she saw on that VHS Tape. She couldn't get it out of her mind right now.

"Oh really? Do tell."

"Las Pegasus is more of a celebratory place, isn't it? Maybe Canterlot will be a better option." Delia was still thinking about where to go with Galaxy Master once they meet up at last. "A city of romance is all I need. Kalos might be a good pick. What do you think, Ash?"

"I just wanna spend time with him again. That's all." Ash replied as the train doors were closing, ready to leave for Mareflower. "It doesn't matter where. Here or another dimension."


"I suppose. That old restaurant I used to run is still around but with a different owner. It's where I decided to pursue your father after I fell for him. Perhaps taking him there will be wonderful. Hopefully, he's not too busy."

"He promised he'd spend some time with me and the best way to do that is with some action," Ash added. "I really wanna do hero stuff with him, ya know. What about you, Mom?"

"Action is always lovely. But after so long of not seeing him, I think I prefer to take things slowly again." Delia preferred the slow approach. "He may be a body of light based on your father, but he still counts as my darling either way. It's a shame both of them ended up becoming so busy but at least we get to meet one of them."

"You're gonna be heading into another dimension though. Are you sure about this, Mrs Ketchum? He's dealing with these strange forces too while also handling the Dread League at night." Twilight warned Delia.

"Twilight. I'm sure of myself. After all, before I met him, I got myself into danger a few times. I can share some more stories of my past with you now that we're on this train. How does that sound?"

"Yes please!" Twilight and Fluttershy collectively said, excited to hear about Delia's past.

"You called yourself the Raging Leaf back in your career as a Pokemon Trainer. What was that like before you met your husband?" Twilight asked.

"Ah...it was something." Delia pressed her face on the train windows, reminiscing about the past. She had something entertaining to share with them indeed. And for her, thinking and talking about it got her heart flustered. It would be a good way to kill time while they were off to Mareflower and by extension, the strange dimension.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 116 End.

Author's Note:

You're getting some backstory next.

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