• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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A New Breed of Harmony

Kalos. Anistar City The Pokemon Festival. Day.

With the Pokemon Festival continuing, Ash and his group ended up in Kalos, this time, in Anistar City. They showed up here in the middle of the day despite being all the way over at the Crystal Empire, literally minutes ago. And this was all thanks to Lucas and his power to create gateways.

This time, Lucas created a gateway from Dodge Junction to Anistar City. Another successful creation that was gradually bringing back the enjoyable travel of the gateways that has been missing for a while. It's only been months since 98% of them vanished.

"How are you feeling this time, Lucas?" Looking down at Lucas who was lying on his back and gazing into the sunny skies was Pinkie Pie.

"Uhh...Still messed up. Not sure if I'm getting used to this just yet." Lucas groaned. This was still a new experience for him. It seems that every single day, he was going to be absolutely out of it.

Aside from the creation of gateways, the presence of Zeraora was also something to note. After yesterday and last night, the Thunderclap Pokemon was calm once more but the threat of a rampage going off was very much present. Speaking of Zeraora, she was currently taking the time to eat some food.

She sat with Ash and his many Pokemon, Lucas, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Apple Bloom, snacking away at the food offered here at Anistar City. Zeraora hasn't had the chance to eat all that much for a long time, so this was truly blissful to her. "Zee..." With sparkles in her eyes

"Feeling good? How long has it been since you've eaten?" Rainbow Dash asked. Zeraora couldn't recall. It has been a long time after all and she's never had a meal this good.

"Zeraaaa!" She was so pleased with this, her arms moved lightning-speed, snatching Apple Bloom and Pikachu's food, wanting more.

"Ah! Hey!" Apple Bloom gasped as her muffin was snatched in the blink of an eye.


Zeraora was going crazy, gathering as much of the food laid out on the table as she could. She was hoarding a plethora of it, making sure that she would eat like royalty.

"Pheromo." Swiftly slapping Zeraora's paw and preventing him from scarfing down the stolen food was Pheromosa. The faster Pokemon made sure that all was fair. The Thunderclap Pokemon was stunned for a moment by this slap. "Mosa." Pheromosa wagged her finger, urging Zeraora not to do such a thing. She still needed manners even if most of Pheromosa's friends ate like maniacs.

"Zera..." Zeraora grumbled. he soon returned the food to Pikachu and Apple Bloom. Pheromosa would also teach Zeraora other manners. Such as eating like a lady.

"Pheromo." Showing instructions by delicately consuming her own food, Pheromosa figured that she might as well help Zeraora adjust. She may have spent the majority of her time in the wild, but around others, the Thunderclap Pokemon would have to tone a few things down here and there. Not just her rage.

"Rrr..." The Electric-Type grimaced after seeing Pheromosa's instructions. Zeraora tried mimicking this lady-like movement. But she certainly wasn't pulling it off. Failing to have any of those mannerisms, Zeraora stuck with what she knew.

"Gible!" Eyeing down the same food were Ash's Gible and Lucas's Garchomp. Both wanted the same ting and immediately went for it. Naturally, both of them couldn't have it and that immediately sparked up some conflict.

"Gar!" Garchomp and Gible pulled against the food, trying to claim it. This started a struggle, but it was clear who had the stronger pull Lucas's Garchomp. However, Gible had an equally powerful grip to make up for it as even when being lifted into the air, he didn't let go of it. Garchomp frantically shook his head around, shaking Gilbe in the process as a method to try and remove him.

Since Ash and Lucas shared the same Pokemon, they managed to connect with ease. From the Infernapes entering an arm wrestling contest with each other, the two Staraptors showing off their bangs to see who would be the best in their respective flock, to Buizel and Floatzel conversing.

"Still not going to visit the Crown Tundra just yet, sister? I thought you were dying to meet up with Cobalion." Luna commented, bringing up Celestia's original plan.

"Mmm...later. Right now, Zeraora needs our full attention before someone else gets hurt. Until then, Cobalion will have to wait. Unfortunately..." Celestia made a crooked smile. "Hopefully it doesn't last the entire festival. I might luck out and Cobalion could come to me."

"No. No." Luna shook her head, shutting that down in an instant. "No reason to come here to Kalos unless something has happened. I mean, we've dealt with the Yveltal issue so there's no need to worry about that."

"Nothing?" Celestia squinted her eyes. She wasn't too sure about that. A strong part of Celestia was always expecting something wild to happen in a place where problems have been solved. Even if Yveltal was at peace now, Kalos was still harbouring something else.

"I wouldn't say nothing." Checking out her phone and reading up on Kalos at the moment was Sci-Twi. "There's a recent development about the Harmony Phenomenon."

"Oh, really?" Celestia leaned over. "What is it?"

"It looks like some of it leaked over to Kalos. Just a small bit though." Showing the two alicorns, it was revealed that the ponies that show up here carry the Harmony Phenomenon with them. While it was at its strongest in Equestria, much like the Bond Phenomenon, it could be used everywhere else.

However, unlike the Bond Phenomenon, it was slightly weaker when out of its advantageous area. And all of this had been reported by none other than Professor Sycamore, who first discovered the truth behind this phenomenon which was mistaken to be the Bond Phenomenon and even gave it its name. His research of this new phenomenon that was very young hasn't stopped yet.

"Hm." Luna looked at her hoof. "How come I haven't tapped into the Harmony Phenomenon yet? My sister already has and so has Rainbow Dash. I and many other ponies haven't been as lucky. What is it going to take to have the Harmony Phenomenon to reveal itself to me?"

"I'm sure there's a way to trigger it. For Rainbow Dash and I, it comes from synchronizing with our Pokemon." Celestia suggested. "You're already close with your Pokemon, Luna."

"Yes, but there haven't been any signs of merging or sharing a mind," Luna grumbled.

"Hehe! We got lucky!" Grinning and feeling proud of themselves were the CMC. They've actually experienced the Harmony Phenomenon. For them, their Pokemon evolved differently Instead of battling or in a dire situation, it was out of love and happiness.

"I'd love to have the Harmony Phenomon on my side as well." Rarity spoke, chiming in. "Many do. When we learned about it, so many ponies wished to tap into it. Of course, I don't think many have succeeded aside from my sister and her friends..."

"Same here." Applejack was part of that camp of ponies who wanted a piece of it.

"Same!" Raising his arm up vehemently was Spike. It wasn't just ponies, but also Dragons who wanted a piece of it. "It'd be so great if I had it."

"Spike. You already have those Dragon abilities since you're a Dragon Trainer." Scootaloo pointed out.

"Yeah, but imagine if I could do more than just understand Dragons?"

"Well, if you're all having trouble tapping into it, then why might as well get experimental." Celestia winked. "I've been around for centuries and I've overseen many magical forms out there, making sure to keep them balanced and learning from them. The Harmony Phenomenon won't be any different."

"Really?! Right now!" Excited about this was Sci-Twi. She would love to see the Harmony Phenomenon in action. Aside from the only two examples.

"Right now. Right now, we know of three ways it can work. Merging with the power of Mega Evolution, something similar to the Bond Phenomenon and evolving in different ways. It all comes back to the Pokemon and everyone that's natural to them. I say we start with learning new moves. Everyone. If you're itching to unlock a new move for your Pokemon, now would be the time to find out."

"New moves? Like... moves that don't exist?" Scootaloo was hoping she was getting that right.

"That's right. It's better to look for something that's never existed before than something we know about. While it would be nice for the Pokemon to learn moves they don't regularly know, much like Alpha Rapidash and her Dragon Pulse, something unseen would be even greater. Personally speaking."

"Works for me! Out you come, Prinplup!" Sending out her Prinplup was Sweetie Belle who didn't hesitate to take a swing at this.


The others followed up on this, sending one Pokemon each. For Scootaloo, it was her Pachirisu. For Rarity, she selected one of her Leavanny Specifically, the strongest one she had. Applejack went straight for one of her Golett, mainly the first one she ever caught and finally, Spike chose his Flygon.

Luna thought about it for a momebt before deciding to join in. Why not give it a whirl? Pokemon are unpredictable creatures after all and an amazing move might truly come from this. The Pokemon she chose was on the top of her head and random. Luna figured that she should give Frillish a shot.

"Alright! How are we going to do this...?" Even though they had their Pokemon out, they weren't sure how to start. What did they need to do to get started and unlock these never-before seen moves?

"Watch." Celestia ad something in mind. She was going to personally view the Hamony Phenomenon for herself. And with the power of the Boundless Cutie Mark, she could make it happen. The Sun Princess closed her eyes for a moment before reopening them, tapping into the power of the Boundless Cutie Mark and her Mega Stone.

The Mega Stone could be seen levitating under Celestia's control as she wrapped a huge chunk of her magic around it. They all gazed as Celestia was using her version of the Harmony Phenomenon to kickstart things. By affecting the Mega Stone which usually helps form Celestial-Gardevoir, a vast expanse of energy flew out of it.

The surrounding area was then filled with this nebula-like energy that created a space. It was filled with both Infinity Energy and Equestrian Magic. The two major factors in the Harmony Phenomenon. The two respectives energies could be seen crackling and sparkling around this space.

The crackling part came from the Infinity Energy while the sparkles came from the Equestrian Magic. The nearby people here at Anistar City watched as this Nebula Dome was formed. It was rather large too, matching the size of an average Pokemon Gym.

"I've had this in mind before I usually merge with Passion, so why not merge the two energies themselves instead?" said Celestia. "In this space, the Harmony Phenomenon is absolutely brimming. Here, we can go through many experiments and see what sticks. The Harmony Phenomenon speaks for itself too. It is all connected to the bonds we share. That is how it affects us."

"Easy enough for us all." Rarity added. "We're so close with our Pokemon. Coming up with a new move will be absolutely easy!"


"Let me try! Pachirisu! Think of something great! Something you like!" Scootaloo opted that Pachirisu came up with something truly magnificent.

"Pachi...!" Pachirisu concentrated deeply. Whatever she liked, she could possibly make it into something new. Pokemon Moves usually range from close-up attacks, ranged attacks, status moves, healing moves or even moves that boost, protect and weaken the Pokemon. It all had to be in the realm of the Infinity Energy, with some magic sprinkled in.

"Perhaps just thinking about it might not work." Luna shook her head, seeing no progress so far. "I'm not sure that has something to do with our bonds. Maybe you should-"

"Risu!" However, cutting Luna off, was a creation that came straight from Pachirisu. The Moon Princess gasped as a wobbly electricity was expelled from the EleSquirrel Pokemon's body.

"Oooh..." Luna pulled back as everything was suddenly in slow motion for her. The reactions of her friends and family were slowed down. The sounds were slower and deeper and her own body was lagging behind. But not Pachirisu. She managed to pull something off.

"Pachi...Risu..." Pachirisu felt rather bewildered and dizzy afterwards. Feeling this too was Scootaloo. The pegasus had swirly eyes as she fell on her back.

"Wow! What was that!? Is it something new!?" Trying to confirm this was Sci-Twi, who immediately took out her Pokedex. The best thing to do was check up on Pachirisu's current moves to see if anything was different. Lo and behold, there was something different that had been described by the Dex.

By overriding her electricity and sacrificing all of her speed, Pachirisu managed to create a Slow-motion affect, making her opponent see and feel things in slow motion. At the same time, they would constantly be surrounded by electricity. It was somewhat similar to Static but with a greater emphasis on making sure that the opponent was far too slow to do anything. The only downside was that Pachirisu lost a good chunk of her swiftness.

"On the first go, too. Not bad, Scootaloo." Rainbow Dash congratulated.

"T-Thanks...I was thinking about the same thing too." Scootaloo blurted with a weakened voice. "This is gonna do wonders at the Pokemon League for sure..."

"I see. Because you were thinking of it and so was Pachirisu, the Harmony Phenomenon took what the two of you were thinking and created something out of it." Celestia already understood the process behind it. "Since they have such a strong bond, it was easy for the Harmony Phenomenon to work for them."

"And it works splendidly..." Luna recovered as her mane was fried thanks to the electricity.

"Let me try! Let me try!" Wanting a swing at it next was Sweetie Belle as she faced her Prinplup. The young unicorn placed her hooves on her head, concentrating deeply. "Okay...Let's try and be on the same page, Prinplup. Think."

"Prin...!" Prinplup would do the same. He had to think of something that he would prefer. For Prinplup, he was thinking about one thing. His final evolution. Empoleon. But that was obviously something that could be achieved without the Harmony Phenomenon.

Sweetie Belle was thinking about her Pokemon Contests and how she loved to grow with her Pokemon, coming up with new tricks. The Harmony Phenomenon read this as well, knowing that Sweetie Belle was already great at making new tricks. There wasn't much it could do for them.

"Mmm..." Sweetie Belle pouted as nothing was happening so far. But she wasn't about to give up. Surely, the Harmony Phenomenon had to come up with something. "Mmmm...!" Her face was starting to turn red from all this thinking and focusing. "Nothing's happening. What gives?"

"Hm. It may be more complicated than we thought." Celestia pondered. "But we have plenty of time to figure it out. Try again, Sweetie Belle. Prinplup. See what you can do. The rest of you can try it out too. Who knows? It might have already come up with something for you."

This was a place to experiment. The Harmony Phenomenon Space that Celestia made was all for trying new things out. They would start small by coming up with new moves and so far, only Scootaloo and Pachirisu came up with something. What truly mattered was the bond between the Trainers and the Pokemon, but that part certainly wasn't a problem for them.

But they weren't the only important visitors in the Kalos Region. Out in the fields of Kalos, the most dangerous visitors had arrived. From above, a ship that looked like it came straight from Pegalysium could be seen riding the clouds themselves. Using the clouds as a sea, this ship would then descend, having some form of flight which allowed it to slowly touch the ground.

But this wasn't a ship belonging to the original Pegalysium. With the symbol at the front resembling Second Wind's face plus the colour of the ship being Indigo, it belonged to Pinnaculum Pegalysium.

Daybreaker and Second Wind were here and they were joined by the Aura Vampire Gardevoir. Once the ship landed, they stepped out with their respective forces. The fields were met with these two Queens.

"So, Hunter J said that she was here at the Kalos Region. And apparently, there is a secret gateway that only her group knows about." They were here for Hunter J, who apparently also knew where a gateway was.

"Let's hurry and find this gateway already. If we can get our hooves on that, the 5-day limit gateway won't matter all that much. I can most definitely have the Unown use their power on it!" Second Wind declared.

"Mmm..." Gardevoir was worried about something else. And that was the Aura that she gets to eat. When entering the Kalos Region, Gardevoir could already feel a great surge of Aura. This region would obviously have a ton of it, all thanks to the power of Mega Evolution. Places like the Sinnoh and Alola Region also boasted high amounts of Aura.

Eager to begin, the Embrace Pokemon, with a gleeful smile on her face, started hovering away.

"Hold it! Where are you going!?" Daybreaker bellowed, freezing the Psychic-Fairy-Type in place with her voice.

"To consume some Aura, what does it look like?" Gardevoir turned around The answer was very obvious to Daybreaker. But even so, Daybreaker did not let Gardevoir leave so lightly.

"Not at all. You're not leaving our sight." She wagged one of her feathers as if they were fingers

"Says who?! You're not the boss of me. Even if you're leading this alliance..."

"If you go out there, you'll be recognized without a doubt and dealt with at the same time. You'll make our alliance short of a member, even if it has mountains of members."

"No one is going to recognize." Gardevoir scoffed. "To them, I'm just a Shiny Gardevoir, that's all. Besides, by the time they do recognize me, I'll have taken their Aura. No matter how large or small it may be~"

"True...But they would find it rather suspicious that a rare Gardevoir such as yourself is just moving around, especially if they catch you absorbing Aura." Daybreaker brought up another argument. "Taking away the Aura part, you'd be targeted just because of your rarity and Gardevoirs aren't the type to just move around without anyone else. They're social creatures after all."

"Tch. I know I'm social. I don't need you to tell me that." Gardevoir grizzled. "But you do raise a point. I could be suspected, especially since this place is crowded compared to where I was for so long."

"That's why you should stick with us. Until we've reached a certain point in our plans. I promise you, when we get to the gateway, you'll be able to feast on plenty of Aura. I informed Hunter J about it prior to the gateways disappearing after all."

"Y-You did?! There's an Aura Feast waiting for me!" Gardevoir made a prolonged gasp as her eyes lit up

"Indeed. As for where we need to go..." One of the troops brought over a map for Daybreaker to read and show up. "Hunter J informed us that a secret gateway is hidden inside of a fridge. Of all places. Her group was lucky to find it."

This place was none other than Nadya's home. Located in Tropezete Town. It possessed a gateway hidden from the rest of the world, but not from those who had nefarious plans. This was where Daybreaker's group was heading to further their plans now that they've managed to travel to Universe One. And it was also the place where Pokemon Hunter J was waiting. A wicked reunion was about to commence.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 316 End

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