• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Blooming Serenity

Equestria. On the Seas. The Sea Temple, Samiya. Nightfall.

There was only one place to flee during this destruction. And that was the Sea Temple. It hadn't faced any destruction yet and the raging seas were ineffective due to how the Sea Temple was built, but the garden above would certainly prove to be an issue since the Sea Temple was below it.

Massive rubble from the garden would start dropping onto the temple, leaving it vulnerable. The People of the Water all collectively ran to avoid the falling destruction. As for how everyone else would get back to the Sea Temple, it seemed like the only way to do so was by utilizing the destroyed garden to their advantage. Large chunks of the garden were already ripped, leaving holes in the process.

Some of these chunks fell into the sea, causing wider and larger splashes that seemed to be getting closer each time. Donoma kept looking inside of her crystal ball, seeing what visions of the future could come from this and the outcomes were plentiful. Any of them could be possible depending on how things go.

"His majesty and the others haven't returned yet...Can they even return?" A man said, worried about Ash and everyone in the garden, fearing that they may succumb to the destruction soon. So far, no one has even shown up at the Sea Temple at all.

"Donoma? What are you seeing in that crystal ball?" A woman asked Donoma, who sat there with her crystal ball for a while after the visions came in.

"Too many outcomes..." Donoma grumbled, showing visible sweat on her disgruntled face. "And I'm afraid most of them are rather destructive for us and those up there."

"Can't we do something?" The People of the Water wondered what they could do in this instance. Their own lives were at stake along with the lives of those up at the garden after all.

"There is. I can see an outcome that involves our safety. But..." Donoma saw a positive outcome, but judging by her last words, that outcome would be harder to achieve compared to the easy and destructive outcomes she saw.

Despair Plant Garden.

Up at this collapsing garden, only two groups stayed behind to finish things up here. Ash's group and Twilight's group. But Ash's once large group had been split once he and Pikachu decided to help the People of the Water while the others went along. Enola, Adriel and other Samiyans had been badly injured by the Lich Queen and Dimstar, finding themselves weak until Ash noticed them.

Coming to their aid, he helped up some of the downed Samiyans while the garden was being struck by dark lightning and combusting in different areas.

"Your majesty...You should leave here while you have the chance." An injured man said while being helped up by Ash.

"No way. Not until everyone's outta here." Ash refused to leave when there was an opportunity to save everyone else. He looked at them all, seeing the respective injuries that Rosa Maledicta gave them.

Thanks to Rosa Maledicta's shadows, a burning sensation radiated from their chests. Some had clamped their fists onto their skin, nails digging deep into the flesh in search of relief from this agony. What if there was no end to this pain? What if it got worse? These thoughts alone were enough to get their heart racing faster, never mind the pain itself. For a moment they focused on the pain, honing in on every sensation. Where it came from, how badly it hurt and how badly they wanted it to stop. The shadows would still exude from their body even after Pikachu blasted most of them away with Thunderbolt.

They all took a deep breath, then another and then another. A state of calm returned to their minds for a moment. On any other day, the Samiyans probably would've gone to bed and rested to make sure they'd heal well and fast, but not today. Especially when everything was falling apart and threatening their home below.

Little Enola was held by Ash, breathing into his embrace to calm herself but it wasn't enough. Not when neither of them have managed to heal up.

"I'll need extra muscle. Come out, everyone!" Ash held out all of his Poke Balls, throwing them into the air. Out came Dragonite, Gengar, Lucario, Sirfetch'd and Dracovish. "Help me out here. We're getting everyone down from this garden and back to the Sea Temple."

With Ash's call, Dragonite and the others would pick up as many of the Samiyans as possible, having their advantages. Ash would carry Enola on his back while Pikachu was trying his best to lift some of them. Alas, he wasn't strong enough for that. But his teammates were.

Gengar used Psychic to raise some of them up while Dragonite and Lucario used their arms. Dracovish used his powerful jaws to lift the Samiyans from the ground, making sure to hold back his bite since they were already in pain and as for Sirfetch'd, he would simply act as the guardian.

"Sir!" Sirfetch'd would protect everyone since they had their hands, teeth, paws and claws full at the moment. With everyone being held, Ash and his Pokemon would advance, searching for a way out of here.

"Try as you might, you won't escape with this baggage." Still eyeing them all down was Rosa Maledicta, speaking to Ash's group. "Either the garden takes you or the seas do. Or I do."

"Not gonna happen!" Ash replied while rushing through the garden with the others.

"We shall see about that." Rosa Maledicta cackled with malicious intent before using the remainder of her magic to interact with the gardens once more. All she could do was spread shadows at the moment and that was about it. But those shadows were rather vicious, bursting out of the ground.

Ash and his group were being chased down by shadows that came rising out of the ground continuously, attempting to grab them all. These shadows resembled vicious claws that could dig into the skins of those it managed to grab ahold of. These erupting shadows only left more holes in the ground as some of them appeared in front of Ash's group, ready to stop their progress head-on.

"Sir...Fetch'd!" Sirfetch'd would slice through the shadows with his Leek. He did it with stunning elegance, dispersing the shadows with a single strike.

"Nice one, Sirfetch'd!" Ash praised as Sirfetch'd led the charge, holding his Sword and Shield out at any more shadows that would come this way.

"Lu? Ca!" Lucario was also helpful in this, using his Aura to detect danger. He would leap over an incoming shadow while carrying some of the younger Samiyans, predicting where it could come from to protect them all. Rosa Maledicta growled as, despite the circumstances, Ash and his Pokemon still found a way to slip on by and challenge the odds. However, with her view over the entire garden, something else caught her attention in the meanwhile.

"Oh? What's this?"

As for Twilight, Daisy and Paradise, they had come across the centre of the garden, where the roe could be found. And at the centre, it was by far the worst-looking spot out of everywhere else. Since it was where the destruction started, it was the most damaged with only a small piece of the very middle intact.

The centre now appeared as a group of scattered garden platforms that were crumbling and surrounding the howling hole which unleashed a plethora of magic. With the way the two conflicting magics were bursting out of the centre, it looked like they had come across the most destructive force that could possibly exist and will ever exist with how perplexing it was to look at. And with Daisy and Paradise here, seemingly the only way to stop this destruction was with the power of the Flora Ponies.

"There it is." Twilight gulped while looking at the chaotic magic storm at the centre. "You two have full confidence and that's great but...how exactly are you going to calm it down?"

"We affected it when we got in the garden and our magic is still doing the same with us around, right? So touching it is what we might have to do." Paradise said. "That means we're gonna have to touch that centre."

"Um...M-Maybe we didn't think this through." Daisy was looking a bit hesitant, closely holding the Baby Despair Plants next to her. "That looks way too dangerous for us to even approach."

"You brought it up first." said Paradise. "We have to go through with this since we have that weird elixir magic around us. If we do it together, we could sort it out."

"Right. Together." Daisy nodded before gently placing the Despair Plant babies down. "It'll be just like how we woke up all the babies. Just touch it."

"Your magic seems to be potent even if there's no visible essence of it. You have a lot of potential and now is the time to show it off. If there's any destruction coming your way, Togekiss, Eve, Absol and I will protect you. And the babies, of course."


"Ah, so it was you two." Rosa heard it all once she switched her attention to this part of the garden as she startled Twilight and the Flora Ponies. That included the Baby Despair Plants. "You two are the ones that weakened my garden. You are the reason why it's so weak now...I should've known that you two would be responsible for it due to how out of place you looked compared to these familiar ponies."

"Rosa...!" Twilight snarled, looking up at the sky where Rosa's voice was the most prominent.

You have a special form of magic that affected my garden, eh? One so powerful that it can make my garden so...so pitiful."

"Hey! It's not pitiful!" Daisy puffed her cheeks, not taking lightly to Rosa Maledicta's insults to her own garden.

"Yeah and we're pretty great for being able to hold back something you made." Paradise grinned, feeling confident in herself.

"I understand that you said elixir...That sounds awfully familiar. If I were mistaken, it almost sounds like you borrowed the magic of an elixir that affects plants. Much like my own..." Rosa Maledicta recalled her elixir which had recently been used by Twilight to bring life to the Flora Ponies. "No matter. What can you possibly do now with how things are turning out?"

"Just watch. Together, Daisy!" Paradise went ahead, prompting Daisy to do the same.

"Ah! Wait!" Daisy ran ahead while Twilight and her Pokemon readied themselves for whatever Rosa Maledicta would try and pull. Of course, Rosa's magic would appear in the form of shadows, flowing out of the broken garden platforms and approaching the Princess of Friendship and her Pokemon.

All the while, Daisy and Paradise were hopping from platform to platform, attempting to reach the centre of the garden in time. Each time they leapt on a platform, it could crumble and fall apart. Daisy squirmed as she took delayed jumps once she felt the platforms fall. Paradise was more daring and agile than her sister, taking leaps every second without any fear. She would quickly look back at Daisy who was absolutely terrified yet fully going through with this.

The platforms would start falling apart faster and faster with each jump as Daisy was struggling to keep up with her sister. Her hoof slipped on one of the edges as her lack of speed brought drawbacks. However, for that drawback, there was Paradise to cancel it out, quickly holding Daisy's hoof. She would pull her sister up from the crumbling platform before moving along.

As for Twilight, she and her Pokemon fought against the shadows that swarmed them. Rays of magic and rainbows flew out along with slashes of darkness, trying to fend off against the shadows. They could damage and destroy the shadows but they seemed endless with how many would appear each time one batch was destroyed.

Twilight growled, trying her best to keep up with these shadows as some of them were getting incredibly close. Each time a batch was destroyed, the next batch grew faster and stronger.

The Flora Ponies arrived at the centre, eyed down by Rosa Maledicta, who was curious to see how this would turn out while attacking Twilight and her friends. Standing close to the centre means that they would feel the most pressure. With their bodies being soft and fragile as flowers, the pressure would make their respective flowers burst out of parts of their bodies, making them wince.

In a heavy storm, plants were at risk and these two were no different even if they had the build of ponies.

"Mom knows we have a special talent that only works on plants...Let's make it count!" Paradise groaned before holding her hoof out, touching the ground near the centre. She would finally make the first move, using her hidden magic that was also exuding out of her, even if it wasn't visible at all. When touching the ground, she felt her face wobble from the pressure as more paradise flowers would start flying out.

Helping her out was her sister Daisy, putting her hoof next to Paradise's. She would feel the same punishment but went through with it either way. The magic around them synergized as they were the only ones who possessed it and could use it unknowingly. But this time, they were using it with knowledge.

"Interesting. But I'd rather see your demise." Rosa Maledicta would try and destroy them either way, summoning flowers from beneath them while Twilight was too occupied with the others.

"No! Daisy! Paradise!" Twilight yelled before being slapped in the face by one of the shadows, losing her focus for a moment. It looked like no one could save them from the shadows that would try and destroy them.

No one except the Despair Plants. The Baby Despair Plants would suddenly jump in, taking the hits for them instead as the shadows would strike the newborn plants, failing to reach the Flora Ponies.

"Impossible! You've influenced Despair Plants as well?! And since when could they become infants?!" A stunned Rosa Maledicta uttered in disbelief at what she had just witnessed. Daisy gasped, seeing the babies take the hit for them. Her heart skipped a beat because of this. Already, she had formed a bond with these babies in this garden and seeing them take damage was shocking. She was new to this world just like them after all. Daisy looked away, knowing that she had to keep focusing.

The Despair Plant babies would tumble and roll on the ground, having the sentience and choice to choose a side. And surprisingly, they chose the side of the Flora Ponies which meant they were against Rosa Maledicta. Rosa had never seen this before. How could the plants defy her? She certainly missed out on a lot because she was resting that whole time

Their respective flowers would suddenly bloom, surrounding the centre of the garden in a beautiful circle. The Daisies and Paradise flowers multiplied at lightning speeds, soon decorating the destroying circle of the core before stacking on top of each other. With their eyes glowing a verdant green, the Flora Ponies were fully focused, having blank looks on their faces.

This correlated with the sudden uprising of magic. An abundance of flowers suddenly wrapped themselves around the magical energy bursting out of the core, decorating them and hiding the destructive colours in a tower of Daises and Paradise Flowers. This beautiful rise even masked the horrific sound coming from the core as they each covered every part of it.

Afterwards, the energy bursting from the core would fizzle and wobble, attempting to break free from this Floral Hold. But it failed to do so. The combined magic of Daisy and Paradise would then gracefully dissolve the magic, transforming it into flowers of their type.

Twilight and the group gasped in awe as the final hurrah of this magical feat was a new burst of magic. But one that was rather brilliant and peaceful, resembling the colours of the two flowers. This burst would create a bright light was enveloping the area, rapidly forming flowers from it.

"W-What is this...?! Creation?!" Rosa Maledicta was in awe as well as the clouds were hit by this expanse of magic.

Seeing this was Galaxy Master, Rarity, Applejack and Fantina. The new outburst of magic brought no destruction at all. Instead, it brought life. A tower of magic pierced the dark clouds, bringing about a bright blooming aura as this magic replicated what Rosa Maledicta had also done.

Flowers were blooming within the clouds themselves. Something that seemed impossible but wasn't. Life bloomed in the night sky, welcoming back the beautiful stars and more of the Moon.

"Marvelous..." Rarity gushed at this dreamy and rather romantic sight.

"Great Nebulas...Flowers in the Clouds?" Even Galaxy Master was taken aback by this as they all stopped to admire this.

"Fantina!" Ebony Rhyme yelled, spotting her friend up ahead, ignoring the flare of magic. She was too busy fixated on her friend to admire the beauty as she galloped over as fast as she could.

"Ah! Ebony! Excellent timing!" Fantina waved at her. Ebony Rhyme would soon come to a halt once she saw that Fantina was not alone. Alongside her was a Superhero, an Earth Pony and a Unicorn. Neither were vampires. This was a rather awkward encounter for Ebony Rhyme as she was hoping to avoid anyone else entirely. Galaxy Master, Applejack and Rarity would take the time to look at the vampire immediately, only adding to this awkwardness.

"W-We...We need to go. Now." Ebony Rhyme uttered, not trying to look the others in the eye, only focusing on Fantina. "It's best that we leave. You should be back in Magehold by now."

"Hold on! Fantina isn't going anywhere!" Rarity objected, refusing to let Fantina return as she stepped in front of the others. "Fantina will be returning to her home instead."

"I don't have time for this...!" Ebony Rhyme bared her fangs, hissing at Rarity like a vampire would. Rarity pulled back, feeling rather appalled at this sudden hiss. "I'm taking her back now! Move out of the way!"

"Yeah, right!" Applejack added. "We came this far to find Fantina and everyone else's worried about her. So we ain't leaving without her, ya hear?"

"Girls. I believe I should be leaving." However, they were overruled by Fantina's own decision. She walked past them, approaching Ebony Rhyme herself.

"What!? F-Fantina!" A stunned Rarity stuttered with an audible gasp. She knew that Fantina lost her memories but the fact that she was willing to go back to Magehold was shocking.

"I wish I didn't have to do this though..." Ebony Rhyme thought to herself, knowing this was her one opportunity to set Fantina free. However, the Lich Queen and the lack of Fantina's memories made that difficult for her. Thus, this option was the one she chose. Her eyes trembled as she hated to bring Fantina back when she was trying to free her. Her one chance and it was ruined because of Rosa Maledcita waking up.

And Galaxy Master saw it. He saw the reaction in her eyes, knowing about her decision. "Wait." He stopped Rarity and Applejack from advancing, surprising them. "Let them go."

"What? But-" But before Rarity could say anything else, Fantina and Ebony Rhyme were already fleeing the scene. Fantina would look back at the three individuals she met tonight. Alas, she still had no memories of Applejack and Rarity, especially Rarity's younger sister Sweetie Belle. She was truly devoid of those pleasant times as she left with Ebony Rhyme.

"Why did you let them go?!" Rarity questioned.

"Just this once, she has to. Trust me." Galaxy Master said calmly. "Trust in your friend. The next time you meet will be the full reunion, I promise. For now, it's best to let her go. For her sake...As for us, we should be leaving as well, but not before I make sure everyone else is okay."

"How are we gonna get down from here? There's no other way back down with all those roots gone."

"Ah, but there is! Behold! The source of where this magic is coming from!" Galaxy Master did a stylish pose while pointing ahead. He was focused on the blooming flowers that were continuing at this moment, bringing life to the Despair Plant Garden, especially the source of it. But it was doing more than just bringing life, it was repairing it.

Areas that were once destroyed were being replaced by the beautiful flowers, reassembling what had been lost and adding a unique change to them. Holes were patched up by the flowers, trees were lifted back up and redecorated. Nature was working its magic. Literally. Daisy and Paradise were essentially embodying nature itself.

And as for the way down, a stream of flowers would descend from the garden, dropping onto the Sea Temple. The Samiyans backed up to see this dazzling and gorgeous stream of flowers that now replaced the vines that originally led up to the garden. The garden itself was showing more vibrance as the horrid howling was now gone. It died down, no longer crying out in pain for the suffering it was enduring with this back-and-forth struggle.

Instead, it was silent and at peace thanks to Daisy and Paradise. With a new appearance, A neatly trimmed patch of grass was accompanied by various hedges and bushes. A pond was built in the front of the garden, buzzing with floral life, and always tinkling thanks to the small waterfall. The rows of flowers are bordered by the larger ones, but have no difficulties claiming a spot of their own; they're attention-grabbing. Vines and roots compete with each other for the best and the most land in the garden, each keen to claim it all.

The massive pond claimed all the glory within the garden as it outshines all others. The rows of flowers were surely a sight to behold, and the hedges and bushes are nothing to sneeze at, but everything dwarfs in comparison to the pond. And with how far their magic spread, there was more to see.

"Daisy! Paradise! You did it!" Twilight exclaimed with wonder in her eyes. "You two are more amazing than I thought! You restored life to this garden and remade it!"

But they were silent. No response came from the Flora Ponies. After bringing new life into the garden. Instead, what followed afterwards was them falling to the ground. Daisy fell on her back while Paradise fell to the side. And with those drops, Twilight saw the looks in their eyes.

They were unconscious.

"Daisy!? Paradise?!" A shocked Twilight yelled. The two Flora Ponies had seemingly expended their magic and with how large-scale this was, it made sense.

"Amazing. They truly must be from the elixir I once worked on...They brought life to this garden and made it their own." Even the Lich Queen had to compliment this. "But of course...this is no longer a garden fit for the Dread League or Magehold. It's been tainted with this vibrant magic...A Magic I abandoned long ago and it seems like it has been revived. No matter. These two will be disposed of for how much of a threat they are."

"Don't you dare touch them!" A furious Twilight bellowed, unleashing some of Horizon Storm's magic as she blew away the shadows. Daisy and Paradise were in grave danger now that they were unconscious as Twilight flew as fast as she could with Togekiss and the others following her.

But with those shadows destroyed, new ones would appear, this time in front of Twilight. These massive shadows would form a blockade instead of just flying at their targets, blocking the Princess of Friendship and her friends. Twilight crashed into this shadow blockade which caught her and abruptly stopped her movements.

"Rosa!" Twilight growled, calling out Rosa's name with anger as Absol would immediately use Night Slash to try and cut through this dark blockade as fast as he could. He was the only one who sensed it coming but the same couldn't be said for his friends who had also crashed into the blockade that trapped them. But Absol wouldn't be fast enough to reach the Flora Ponies.

The blockade was too thick and strong to cut through in time to reach them, leaving Rosa Maledicta with a ton of free time. The shadows grip and crash into the unconscious Flora Ponies, harming their fragile flower bodies as Rosa Maledicta already had her grasp on them and there was seemingly no one to stop her.

Seemingly. Until a flash of light appeared. Bursting through the blockade was a golden beam of light, passing by Twilight and piercing the shadows that Rosa Maledicta held the Flora Ponies with. Rosa Maledicta gasped as this light would then form into a familiar figure.

Galaxy Master, that is.

"Fear not, my little pony!" Galaxy Master said after sliding into the scene. "Like a Shooting Star, I show up at the speed of light!"

"Galaxy Master!" Twilight exclaimed happily as this was the most pleased she was to see the Fictional Character. His light would obliterate the darkness, freeing TWilight and the others from it.

"Twilight! This way!" And coming along with the Superhero were Rarity and Applejack, spotting their friend. "Hurry!"

"Hup!" Galaxy Master would then pick them both up. "Have no fear. These two will be safe and...Are surprisingly soft and fragile."

"Galaxy Master. I was waiting to get to you."

"And now you have me." Galaxy Master spoke to Rosa Maledicta. "I understand that you are responsible for all of this, correct? You fiend!"

"Most of it anyway. But don't worry about that. They may have brought new life to this garden but that doesn't stop the fact that the raging seas are also a problem." Rosa Maledicta laughed as the magic of the Flora Ponies didn't exactly touch the seas themselves. They were still destructive and splashing violently. "That's all thanks to my own magic! So if I can't have the garden blow up...I can at least have you all drown in the deep blue sea!"

Even with this vibrant turnaround, the Lich Queen always had something to say and something to do, laughing in the face of whatever would dare try and fight back against her. She truly brought a sense of dread that was always present and could keep coming back constantly.

"Not happening. Take them with you, my little ponies! Starlight Road!" Galaxy Master would quickly pass on Daisy and Paradise, holding his arm out to create a road of stars. This road of stars would quickly materialize as Daisy and Paradise would slide on it, still unconscious and not feeling anything.

Deadly shadows would rise up, attempting to catch the Starlight road, only to miss with how fast they slid on it. The Starlight Road would burn the shadows, keeping them at bay while the rest of the were focused on the Superhero and his partner. Galaxy Master and his Pikachu would face off against the remainder of Rosa Maledicta's magic as Twilight and Absol managed to catch Daisy and Paradise.

"You're not coming?!" Applejack questioned, noticing how Galaxy Master would stay behind.

"The garden itself is fine but that doesn't mean my work here is done!" Galaxy Master uttered. "You have a way to leave! Take that exit and I will deal with the Lich Queen's magic!"


"It'll do me a great service destroying you here, Emissary of Light! I can't have you roaming around ruining my creations any longer!" Rosa Maledicta roared, dedicated to destroying Galaxy Master who was also a massive threat. Galaxy Master would stay behind while everyone else fled the scene.

A flare of Light and Dak would emanate from the two opposing forces as they would soon enter a clash that no one else would ever witness.

The stream of flowers was the way to escape. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and others would descend from these safe flowers which were also assisted by the remade Despair Plant Garden. Even though the garden was no longer in peril, the seas begged to differ, splashing against the Sea Temple as all the Samiyans were huddled in one spot away from the crashing waves.

More and more would approach the stream of flowers that welcomed them, especially Ash's group as he came down with multiple Samiyans. Gengar, Lucario, Dragonite and Dracovish brought them all safely down with Sirfetch'd being behind to see if any threats were nearby. But none at all.

"Oh! You're all back!" Alo said with glee as the People of the Water were thrilled to see the return of everyone else.

"Yeah...That got rough." Ash said with a smile before placing Enola gently down. "But we got out safely. I don't know what happened but...the garden started blooming all of a sudden."

"We're not out of the clear yet!" Twilight said, being the last to show up with Applejack, Rarity, Daisy and Paradise. "We still have the seas to worry about! Galaxy Master's staying behind to hold Rosa Maledicta back!"

"He's staying behind?!" Not the words Ash was hoping to hear when he was searching for Galaxy Master this whole time. But if it was against Rosa Maledicta then staying behind was the best option for their own safety.

"Rosa Maledicta might gain views of the Sea Temple if she somehow spreads her influence here and we can't have that." Twilight shook her head. "We need to leave, now!"

But her influence, even though it was outside, was already powerful. The waves had reached a powerful level, suddenly rocking the Sea Temple as if a massive hammer was being smashed against it. The Samiyans down here already had to deal with the crashing waves and now there were the turbulent waters that were meddling with the temple from underneath.

With the force of a typhoon, the seas were beginning to carry the Sea Temple, moving it from its location at last. The Sea Temple does usually travel with the motion of the waters, but not like this. Just when they thought they had escaped a rough scenario, another one hit them. And it was the final rough scenario.

Ash and many others held onto whatever they could with all of this rocking as the Sea Temple was out of control at this point. All they could do at the moment was hang on. It would be a rocky ride as the Temple was rapidly travelling, wobbling across the violent seas.

And while many were trying to hold on for dear life, Ash looked up at the garden now that it was being left behind. After all, Galaxy Master was on it. And the last thing he saw before the Sea Temple accelerated was a final flare of Light and Dark that enveloped the whole garden. After that, it was back to focusing on these rocky seas. The Sea Temple was massive and well-built to be this durable. Everyone relied on that well-built nature at the moment as it was certainly doing well to defend them.

For the most part, they had avoided the Dread League. And the raging seas were the final problem they had to endure. Twilight held onto the Flora Ponies closely who were at risk of being drenched by the water with the flowery bodies. As long as everyone was safe, that was what mattered to Ash.

Eventually, the Sea Temple left rough waters once it moved far away. The spot it was previously on was far from here, no longer violent and rough. The temple would find itself coming to an abrupt halt.

With the durability of the Sea Temple, they all made it away from the destruction that threatened them, avoiding the Lich Queen at last. Peace finally befell the area. The gentle sounds of the waves were heard once more. But in return, many were drenched and wet thanks to the rough waves that kept hitting the temple.

"Oh, man...Is everyone okay?" Ash asked after the rocking came to an end, golding his head.

"I think so." A dizzy Pinkie Pie uttered as her eyes were rolling. Many others felt perplexed and bewildered in many ways "Did we make it?"

"We did," Ash confirmed before looking out. The Sea Temple had stopped because it had docked somewhere. And that somewhere appeared to be a beach out in a region. The region at the moment was not known by any of them but they would take any of those regions over what just happened. "Hah..." Relieved, Ash fell on his back. No one had gotten any sleep after all because of this event. "Glad that's over with..."


"Indeed...That got out of hand incredibly fast..." Rarity faceplanted. "My beauty sleep is already overdue.

Everyone sighed and groaned now that it was all over. The amount of relief they felt was stellar. What started as a quick search for Galaxy Master turned into that fiasco. Thus, it was fitting that a peaceful beach was the last place they ended up at.

"Galaxy Master...I still didn't get to see him..." Ash sighed as his chances of seeing Galaxy Master had been taken away once more. It was rather irritating that the Dread League had ruined it for him. Yet, a smile graced his face. There was still a chance. To Ash, there was always a chance. He just had to seize it when the time is right. But right now, the best thing to do was rest.

Everyone would rest near this beach. They certainly needed it. And while getting ready to rest, Ash knew that Galaxy Master, who was based on his father, was out there doing his best to keep everyone safe. Another fierce confrontation with the Dread League ends as the journey continues.

Chapter 80 End.

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