• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Mythical Trio in Divine Territory

Author's Note:

The Pokemon do talk in this chapter

Equestria. Ponyville. Nightfall.

Nightfall in Ponyville, where many are asleep. Under them all was not just the Moon and the Stars, but also the tear that was visible in the sky. It shimmered silently while lurking with an enigmatic and ominous force. Some were still awake during this time. Among them was Mew.

Over at SugarCube Corner, Mew would get up from his own bed while Pinkie Pie was slumped over, completely asleep and out of it. Right on the bed and the floor, a plethora of sweets and pastries could be seen as she ate herself to sleep. This prompted the arrival of some Rattata who would sneak inside of SugarCube Corner just to snatch the remains.

Mew flew out of his bed, looking back at his trainer with a smile before flying off. In the dead of night, Mew was about to do his own thing while Pinkie Pie was asleep.

"Mew..." Flying out of the window, Mew was out of SugarCube Corner and heading elsewhere. But not before turning himself into his favourite Pokemon, Lugia. His body would emerge as the Diving Pokemon as the force of his wings caused a wind pressure through the night.

Looking up at the figure of Lugia was Absol, who was always up at night to make sure everyone was safe, even if he couldn't figure out why his horn was blocking him from sensing danger. But at least he knew that this was Mew on the move and he wasn't the least bit surprised at him doing this. Looking outside as well as Owlicious along with other nocturnal Pokemon and animals.

Mew was off, heading elsewhere but he would make sure that he would show up in the morning.

As Mew soared gracefully through the moonlit sky, leaving Ponyville behind, the landscape below transformed into a mesmerizing dreamscape. The rolling hills of Equestria morphed into swirling pastel colours, creating a surreal and enchanting vista. Wisps of cotton candy clouds danced around Mew's form, adding to the dream-like atmosphere.

As Mew journeyed further, the boundaries of reality seemed to blur, and soon, the familiar sights of Equestria faded into a kaleidoscope of vivid hues. The stars above twinkled like a thousand gemstones, casting a soft, ethereal glow upon the land below.

With each flap of its wings, Mew felt lighter than air, as if it were gliding through a world made of pure imagination. The gentle breeze carried whispers of forgotten dreams and untold stories, weaving them into the fabric of the night.

Eventually, Mew found itself crossing into the distant region of Unova, where the landscape took on a new and exotic allure. The terrain shifted beneath its feet, transforming into a mosaic of vibrant colours and the most glorious patterns. The air hummed with the energy of countless Pokémon, their voices blending into a harmonious symphony.

As Mew soared over Unova, he felt as though it were floating through a painting come to life. The moon cast long shadows upon the earth below, creating a captivating interplay of light and darkness. Each twist and turn of Mew's flight brought new wonders into view, from towering mountains to lush forests teeming with life.

The tear in the sky cast its own light while hanging over the land ominously. Mew would even raise his head to see this tear, wondering if anything was going to come from it.

Lost in the beauty of the night, Mew continued his journey, drifting ever onward through the boundless expanse of the dream-like world

Unova. Eindoak Town.

As Mew glided gracefully through the star-studded sky, he felt a familiar tug at its heartstrings, drawing it towards a quaint little town nestled among the Unovan countryside. Descending gently upon the outskirts of Eindoak Town, Mew's eyes sparkled with anticipation as it sensed the presence of its dear friends, Victini and Meloetta, waiting below.

Eindoak Town greeted Mew with open arms, its cobblestone streets bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight. Mew returned to his original form, leaving the colossal appearance of Lugia. Thankfully, he didn't wake anyone up. But there was a reason as to why Mew chose to come here of all places during the night.

He was here to meet with old friends.

As Mew touched down upon the ground, it was greeted by the sight of Victini's playful flames dancing in the darkness, illuminating the path ahead. Nearby, Meloetta stood with poise and grace, her melodious voice echoing through the night like a gentle breeze.

"Mew, you made it!" Meloetta spoke. She was expecting him and so was Victini. Meloetta left her home just to come all the way to Eindoak. All three Mythicals were currently out in the open during the dead of the night, casually hovering about.

"Mhm!" Mew nodded. "I knew you'd be here too. We didn't get to do much together when the Pokemon Festival came."

"It was too dangerous for that. That festival is always full of danger." Meloetta shook her head.

Victini bounded forward with boundless energy, a mischievous twinkle in its eyes. "We can forget about that. I found something amazing! You have to see this!" Victini said with enthusiasm.

"Victini hasn't told me yet since he wanted you to show up first." Meloetta explained.

"I wanted Hoopa to be here for it too, but I haven't seen him at Arche Valley." Vicitni continued. "It's fine. I can show him later. This is something you're both going to love."

Mew and Meloetta exchanged curious glances before following Victini's lead, their curiosity piqued by its infectious energy. With eager strides, they made their way through the winding streets of Eindoak Town, each step bringing them closer to the mysterious discovery that awaited them.

As Victini led the way with boundless enthusiasm, Mew and Meloetta followed closely behind, their curiosity piqued by the promise of an amazing discovery. Eindoak Town seemed to shimmer with a magical aura under the moonlight, its cobblestone streets illuminated by the gentle glow of street lamps.

The trio wound their way through the quiet streets, passing by quaint cottages adorned with colourful flowers and trailing vines.

As they reached the outskirts of town, Victini suddenly came to a stop, his keen senses detecting something out of the ordinary. With a flick of its fiery tail, Victini gestured towards a dense forest that loomed ahead, its dark canopy casting shadows upon the ground.

"There's something over there," Victini exclaimed, its voice tinged with excitement as it bounded towards the edge of the forest.

Mew and Meloetta exchanged curious glances before following Victini into the depths of the woods. The forest was alive with the soft rustle of leaves and the distant hoot of nocturnal Pokémon, creating an atmosphere of mystery and intrigue.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, the air grew thick with magic, the very essence of the woods tingling against their skin. Shafts of moonlight filtered through the dense canopy above, casting dappled patterns of light upon the forest floor.

Suddenly, Victini came to a sudden halt, its eyes widening in awe as it beheld a strange phenomenon unfolding before them. In a small clearing ahead, a swirling vortex of energy crackled and danced in the moonlight, its colours shifting and changing with each passing moment.

"Is that...another gateway?!" Meloetta exclaimed, her voice filled with awe as she approached the portal, her gaze fixed upon its otherworldly beauty.

"Sort of...Just watch." Victini lowered his voice, wanting his friends to take a closer look at what this could possibly be. Mew and Meloetta would keep a down-low, hiding behind some bushes while gazing at the vortex. It wasn't exactly another gateway even though it resembled one.

Victini lowered his voice, wanting his friends to take a closer look at what this could possibly be. Mew and Meloetta would keep a down-low, hiding behind some bushes while gazing at the vortex. It wasn't exactly another gateway even though it resembled one.

As they watched in awe, a golden light suddenly emanated from the portal, illuminating the surrounding forest with its radiant glow. Mew and Meloetta exchanged astonished glances, their hearts pounding with excitement as the source of the light became clear.

Emerging from the portal were beings of pure light and grace. Angels. Angels from the Ambrosial Plane had arrived. The angels from the Ambrosial Plane had descended upon Eindoak Town, their presence filling the air with a sense of divine wonder.

Mew and Meloetta could scarcely believe their eyes, their breath catching in their throats as they beheld the celestial visitors. The angels moved with grace and purpose, their presence imbued with a sense of peace and serenity that washed over the forest like a gentle breeze.

"Aren't those Angels? Why are they here?" Mew asked. He tried seeing if he could recognize any of them. Some of them did appear as ponies, some appeared as other creatures while others were hard to explain. But neither of them looked like the Angel Lightwing or even Strident Heart.

"This isn't their first time here." Victini replied, revealing that he has seen them here at Unova before. "I saw them a few times around Nova."

The angels were here for one reason. And it involved one of their own. This was revealed by the words one angel spoke. "Try as we might, Lightwing still hasn't been freed from his clutches. Perhaps Strident Heart was right about this world."

"The barrier that Team Plasma has made is made out of our own Divine Energy. In just a short amount of time, they've perfected it to the point where it seems unbreakable. How can that be?" Another angel was struggling to comprehend how the scientists of Team Plasma could create such a powerful barrier by only having Divine Magic for a few days.

Mew's mind raced with the implications of the angel's words. The realization that Team Plasma had harnessed Divine Energy to create an impenetrable barrier sent shivers down its spine. "Lightwing's been caught..." This was also Mew's first time hearing about this.

"Either way, they are not unstoppable. No matter how smart they are, they can never understand Divine Magic's full capabilities in such a short time. Especially after their ruler, Ghetsis, succumbed to its consequences. Right now, his very being should be drifting in the Abyssal Depths as his own punishment."

The Abyssal Depths.

The Abyssal Depths stretch endlessly beneath the ethereal expanse of the Ambrosial Plane, a yawning chasm of infinite darkness that seems to swallow all who dare to venture too close. Here, the laws of nature are twisted and distorted, giving rise to strange and eldritch phenomena that defy comprehension.

Within the Abyssal Depths, there is no sense of time or space, only an endless expanse of nothingness that stretches into infinity. The air is heavy with the oppressive weight of despair, and the very fabric of reality seems to fray at the edges, threatening to unravel into chaos.

In the unfathomable depths of the Abyssal Depths, Ghetsis drifted like a spectre, his petrified form suspended in the suffocating embrace of eternal darkness. Time seemed to lose all meaning in this desolate realm, stretching into an endless expanse of nothingness where each moment bled into the next with agonizing slowness.

His consciousness remained tethered to his stony prison, a prisoner of his own folly condemned to wander the abyss for all eternity. The weight of his sins bore down upon him like an unrelenting burden, dragging him deeper into the depths of despair with each passing moment.

The darkness that surrounded Ghetsis was absolute, a suffocating void that seemed to press in from all sides, threatening to crush him beneath its oppressive weight. Shadows danced and flickered in the gloom, their twisted forms mocking him with their malevolent whispers and taunts.

With no landmarks to guide him, Ghetsis drifted aimlessly through the abyss, his senses dulled by the pervasive darkness. The air was thick with the stench of decay, and the silence of the abyss was broken only by the distant echoes of his own despairing cries.

As he floated through the endless expanse of nothingness, Ghetsis's mind became a prison of its own making, haunted by visions of the life he had left behind. Memories of his past deeds tormented him, replaying themselves over and over again like a never-ending nightmare from which there was no escape.

Unova. Eindoak Town. Nightfall.

"Without their ruler, they will eventually fall. Then, we shall judge them in the Astral Court. All of Team Plasma." The angel continued. "For now, we need another approach to breaking that barrier. Our own Divine Magic is, surprisingly, failing."

Mew felt a surge of vindication at the mention of Ghetsis's fate, knowing that even the most powerful mortals were subject to the laws of the divine. The Abyssal Depths, a realm of eternal punishment for those who dared to challenge the balance of the universe, served as a stark reminder of the consequences of hubris and greed.

After all, Mew was once used by Team Plasma which left him weakened for long until he reunited with Pinkie Pie, so this was incredibly cathartic to his ears.

"We cannot wait for them to lose their spirit. Not when they could potentially tear more out of Lightwing." Another angel thought otherwise. As the angels continued to discuss their plans, walking off and most likely heading straight for the Harmonia Kingdom, Mew's gaze turned to the portal they had entered through, its shimmering surface beckoning to them.

With wonder twinkling in Victini's eyes like the flicker of a flame, he couldn't contain his excitement. "I wanna see what's beyond there," he exclaimed, his voice brimming with curiosity and eagerness. Mew, too, found itself drawn to the mysterious portal, already envisioning grand adventures awaiting them on the other side, perhaps even a chance encounter with more angels and places they've never even thought about before.

"Yeah..." The New Species Pokemon slowly nodded his head.

But Meloetta, ever the voice of reason, immediately threw a damp blanket over their excitement. "You can't go there!" she objected, her expression a mix of concern and disbelief. "Do you have any idea how dangerous it could be?"

Mew and Victini exchanged sheepish glances, momentarily deflated by Meloetta's practicality. Leave it to her to rain on their parade, even when they were on the brink of embarking on the adventure of a lifetime.

"Aw, come on, Meloetta!" Victini protested, his enthusiasm undeterred. "Where's your sense of adventure? We'll be fine!"

Mew, always one to stir up mischief, couldn't resist adding fuel to the fire. "Yeah, Meloetta, live a little! You never know what kind of fun we could have on the other side!" it chimed in, flashing a mischievous grin.

Meloetta rolled her eyes, torn between exasperation and amusement at her friends' antics. "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you," she relented, shaking her head in mock resignation.

And with that, the trio made their way towards the portal, their laughter echoing through the forest as they prepared to dive headfirst into whatever zany adventures awaited them beyond. After all, with friends like Mew and Victini, there was never a dull moment, even in the face of danger and uncertainty.

The Celestial Gardens.

As Mew, Victini, and Meloetta stepped through the portal, they found themselves enveloped in a shimmering light, their surroundings shifting and morphing until they arrived in a location floating amidst the clouds—the Celestial Gardens.

Their eyes widened in wonder as they took in the breathtaking sight before them. Towering spires of marble and alabaster rose from the earth, adorned with intricate carvings and adorned with exotic flowers and plants.

The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of blossoms, and the gentle rustle of leaves added to the serene ambience of the gardens. Above them, the celestial stars twinkled like diamonds in the sky, casting a soft, ethereal glow upon the landscape.

"Wow..." Meloetta was starting to take it all back. This place didn't look dangerous in the slightest. In fact, it was the epitome of tranquillity and serenity, a far cry from the perilous realm she had imagined.

"I should've brought Pinkie and the others...this is amazing! Ash and Pikachu are so lucky to see this first! Or I guess...be here first!" Mew gushed, feeling a bit jealous of Ash and Pikachu, but that quickly subsided.

Mew and Victini exchanged grins, their spirits lifted by the enchanting atmosphere of their surroundings. "See, Meloetta? I told you everything would be fine!" Victini exclaimed, his voice filled with triumph. The next batch of words he had were cut off once the sound of something moving caught his attention.

All three of them looked to their right to see creatures that were most definitely not Pokemon and were exclusive to the Ambrosial Plane.

They were ethereal beings of shimmering light and delicate wings, appearing as some sort of Aurora Sylph as the ground of them started dancing among the celestial flowers, their movements a graceful ballet that mirrors the shifting hues of the aurora borealis.

Each Sylph was adorned with iridescent patterns that ripple and shimmer in the sunlight, their translucent wings trailing ribbons of colour as they flit from flower to flower. Their laughter is like the tinkling of wind chimes, filling the air with a sense of joy and wonder.

Speaking of Sunlight, there was an interesting blend of Day and Night that was visible in the sky as both celestial bodies created a wonderful balance as one side did not overshadow the other.

As Mew, Victini, and Meloetta continued to explore the Celestial Gardens, they encountered more wondrous creatures that seemed to embody the very essence of the ethereal realm. Now they were starting to see how Pokemon Trainers felt when discovering them.

Graceful spirits of light and shadow, known as Luminous Nymphs, glided through the gardens like wisps of mist on the breeze. Their delicate forms were wreathed in ethereal veils of shimmering energy, their movements fluid and graceful as they weaved through the foliage.

Mew, Victini, and Meloetta watched in awe as these Luminous Nymphs moved with an otherworldly elegance, their hearts swelling with wonder at the sight before them. Though they did not know the names of these creatures, it was clear that they possessed a power and beauty beyond anything they had ever encountered before.

Mew, Victini, and Meloetta exchanged excited whispers as they watched the Luminous Nymphs glide gracefully through the gardens, their hearts filled with a newfound sense of awe and reverence for the magical creatures that inhabited this enchanted realm. And as they continued their journey through the Celestial Gardens, they knew that they were on the brink of discovering even more wonders beyond their wildest dreams.

As Mew, Victini, and Meloetta ventured deeper into the Celestial Gardens, they were overcome with a sense of wonder and awe at the ethereal beauty surrounding them. However, their presence in this sacred realm did not go unnoticed by the entities that dwelled there.

Suddenly, they found themselves being watched by beings with complex and impossible-to-describe appearances. These entities, their forms shifting and morphing with every passing moment, radiated an aura of otherworldly power.

However, the Mythical Trio had their senses were completely captivated by the enchanting beauty that surrounded them. The vibrant colours of the flora, the gentle rustle of the foliage, and the ethereal melodies of the creatures that inhabited the realm held their attention completely.

"When did you even find out about this, Victini?" Meloetta questioned.

"I never stay in Eindoak all the time. I'm always moving, wanting to see more and during the Pokemon Festival, I saw this portal show up."

"So it was while the Pokemon Festival was going on. Lucky..." Mew puffed his cheeks, his tail swishing back and forth.. He wished he came across this first instead of having to be surrounded by Daybreaker's invading forces, a tear in the sky and a rippling world. Then again, the rippling world would've still reached him since it reached everyone. "But about Lightwing..."

As Mew, Victini, and Meloetta continued to admire the beauty of the Celestial Gardens, their senses fully immersed in the enchanting surroundings, they were suddenly interrupted by the approach of the mysterious divine beings. The entities, with their complex and ever-shifting appearances, moved towards them with an air of solemnity and authority, their presence commanding attention.

Mew, Victini, and Meloetta turned to face the divine beings, their hearts racing with a mixture of awe and apprehension. Though they had been spotted at last, they couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation at the thought of facing these otherworldly entities.

"W-What are those?!" Mew stammered.

"Isn't it obvious...They're probably guardians..." Meloetta spoke with a nervous tone. This was one of the few things she feared and it looked like it was coming true.

The divine beings regarded them with inscrutable gazes, their eyes like orbs of shimmering light that seemed to penetrate to the very core of their being. They spoke with booming voices in this heavenly place. "You three are still alive. Your spirits and souls are still active."

"Uhh...Just visiting?" Victini shrugged. But judging by the tone in the beings' voices, it was clear that they were not happy about this unexpected arrival. Clearly, Mew, Victini and Meloetta were not supposed to be present in the Ambrosial Plane since they were alive and kicking.

"I wonder what it'd be like to play with them..." Mew had something else to say. That child-like nature of him was taking over once more as he was very much eager to play with beings of a higher plane.

"Time to go!" Victini bellowed. As soon as the gravity of the situation sunk in, Mew and Victini wasted no time in making a break for it, their instincts screaming at them to flee from the looming threat. With a burst of speed, they darted away from the divine beings, their hearts pounding in their chests as they raced through the Celestial Gardens.

Meloetta let out a panicked screech, her fear overriding her usual composure as she quickly followed her friends, her feet pounding against the ground as she tried to keep up with their frantic pace. But their sudden flight only seemed to provoke the divine beings further, prompting them to pursue the fleeing trio with an intensity that sent shivers down their spines.

The celestial beings moved with an otherworldly grace, their forms shimmering with ethereal light as they closed in on Mew, Victini, and Meloetta. With each passing moment, the gap between them grew smaller, their presence a looming threat that left no room for escape.

Mew and Victini's hearts pounded with adrenaline-fueled panic as they pushed themselves to their limits, their every instinct urging them to find a way out of this perilous situation. But no matter how fast they ran, the divine beings remained hot on their heels, their pursuit relentless and unforgiving.

Meloetta's voice rang out in a desperate plea as she struggled to keep pace with her friends, her fear threatening to overwhelm her. But with the divine beings closing in from all sides, their options were dwindling fast, leaving them with little choice but to confront the consequences of their hasty actions.

"I can't wait for them to do something!" Mew excitedly said. "How fast do you think they are?! Faster than us?! Even when I transform?!"

Meloetta's voice rose above the chaos of their flight, her words tumbling out in a torrent of fear and frustration. "I can't believe this! I should've seen this coming! Why did I agree to go through with this?!" She exclaimed, her tone a mix of panic and disbelief as she struggled to keep up with her friends. "If I get put on trial, it's both of your faults!"

Mew and Victini exchanged frantic glances as they sprinted through the gardens, their hearts pounding in their chests with each beat. The divine beings pursued them with an otherworldly grace, their forms shimmering with celestial light as they closed in on the fleeing trio.

The Celestial Gardens seemed to blur around them as they raced through the labyrinthine pathways, the vibrant colours of the flora and the gentle rustle of the foliage a dizzying blur. But there was no time to admire the beauty of their surroundings now, not when their very lives potentially hung in the balance.

One of the divine beings raised their hand, and a shimmering barrier of light materialized in front of Mew, Victini, and Meloetta, blocking their path with an impenetrable wall of energy. The trio skidded to a halt, their hearts sinking as they realized they had reached a dead end.

"I got this!" Mew exclaimed as he was charging up an Aura Sphere.

"Don't make it worse!" Meloetta most definitely didn't want either of them to retaliate. That could just bring more trouble that she didn't want. It was too late though. The Aura Sphere smashed right through the barrier, allowing them to keep moving.

But before they could go any further, another of the divine beings extended their hand towards them, and tendrils of energy shot forth, wrapping around Mew and Victini with a vice-like grip. The two Pokémon struggled against their invisible bonds, their movements restricted by the divine power that held them captive.

As Mew and Victini strained against their invisible bonds, their efforts proving futile against the overwhelming power of the divine beings, it seemed as though escape was impossible. Meleotta looked behind her when seeing the Divine Beings approaching, rather intimidated by the fact that she wasn't restrained. But refusing to let the chase end here, Victini tapped into his inner reservoir of power, drawing upon the boundless energy that flowed within him.

"Mmmrgh!" With a fierce grunt, Victini unleashed a torrent of fiery energy from his body, the flames burning with an intensity that rivalled the Sun itself. These divine bonds that held him captive were no match for Victini's infinite power, disintegrating in the face of his overwhelming strength.

Mew watched in awe as Victini broke free from his restraints, the flames of his power engulfing him in a blaze of fiery determination. Once free, they kept on moving. Even the Divine Beings were surprised by this. This was their first time seeing Victini's Infinite Power.

Once the divine beings approached, Mew grabbed a hold of his two friends, instantly using teleportation to move at a quicker pace.

The enigmatic Luminous Nymphs fluttered around them, their delicate forms weaving intricate patterns in the air as they danced in celebration of the newfound freedom that filled the gardens.

The Aurora Sylphs joined in the chase, their shimmering wings carrying them through the celestial landscape with grace and agility. As Mew, Victini, and Meloetta darted between towering spires of marble and alabaster, the Luminous Nymphs and Aurora Sylphs followed close behind, their laughter mingling with the gentle rustle of the foliage as they revelled in the joyous chaos of the pursuit.

But amidst the whimsical frenzy, the divine beings remained undeterred, their determination unshaken as they continued to pursue their quarry with unwavering resolve. With each passing moment, the gap between them closed, their celestial forms shimmering with divine power as they closed in on Mew, Victini, and Meloetta.

Eventually, their pursuit by the divine beings reached a climax as they found themselves confronted by a towering spire that seemed to block their path at every turn. With their hearts pounding in their chests and their breath coming in ragged gasps, they searched desperately for a way to escape the relentless pursuit.

"I could try turning into one of them and slip by!" Mew suggested, having an escape plan.

"You can't turn into them!" Meloetta bellowed, finding that impossible. "They're not Pokemon like us!"

"Not if I use Ditto first!" Mew smiled, knowing of a way to cheat the transformation. Ironically, Ditto had one massive advantage over Mew. Being able to turn into other beings and items. Not just Pokemon but before Mew could make that decision, he, Victini and Meloetta would all crash into one thing. Or one being. It started with Mew crashing into a blue figure and Victini and Meloetta unable to stop themselves thanks to this high adrenaline pursuit.

Ough..." They fell over, ling on the ground and feeling a bit dazed. The being standing before them was not a divine being. Instead, it was a Pokemon, much like them. Not just any Pokemon though.

As Mew, Victini, and Meloetta raced through the Celestial Gardens, their hearts pounding with the adrenaline of their frantic flight, they stumbled upon a figure that seemed to materialize out of the shimmering mists.

A Lucario, its form bathed in an ethereal glow.

This Lucario being here had this glow to signify one thing. It had passed on. And when looking at the trio, it could see that they had obviously not passed on. But when looking at the trio, Lucario would fixate its eyes on Mew specifically, all the while the Divine Beings were still in pursuit.

Victini's discovery led to this. And while the area around them was fantastical and truly divine, they were immediately flung into trouble by being here as alive beings. Curiosity is a powerful force and this was by far a massive example of what it could lead to.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 401 End.

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