• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Back to the Final Frontier

Alola. Poni Island. Altar of the Moone. Day.

A new day has come and the Altar of the Moon sat there, damaged because of Malamar's actions. Surveying the area were the Pokemon Rangers from the Ranger Union. All of Malamar's minions have been apprehended overnight and the leader, the Main Malamar, tasted defeat once more at Ponyville. By extension, this meant all of Malamar's forces had been stopped, properly ending his group. That was one member of Daybreaker's Alliance down.

"What a mess...The Altar is centuries old. It won't be easy repairing this." One of the rangers spoke when surverying the scene. "What about the Moon?"

"The Moon should recover with Lunala up there. But I don't think it's going to stay put." Another ranger replied, knowing that Lunala would be on the move due to recent events If it figures out what Malamar was only one individual trying to force it out and capture it, the Guardian of Moon will do everything in its power to avoid that outcome.

"If we could just get to Universe 11, things would be a bit easier for us, but there's something in the way."

"Something hot. When we used our new Travel Spheres to try and entire Universe 11, there was this powerful flame blocking us. Most likely, Daybreaker put it up there. I did hear about that from Princess Flurry Heart. There's a Magical Cosmic Flame blocking people like us from reaching Universe 11."

"Can't exactly put it out. Magic and Cosmic." The ranger grumbled. "Figuring out their next move is going to be hard if we can't reach them."

"Ahh...I wouldn't say that. Jackie already suspects that they'll be going above and beyond to get Necrozma to full strength Literally. He's predicting that they'll go up." The Ranger pointed up to the sky. "Malamar already messed with the celestial body in the sky and most likely, that alliance will go straight for the stars."

"Outer space? Really?"

"Empress Twilight did it. What's stopping them from doing the same?"

Equestria. Ponyville. Day.

As a new day rose, the aftermath of Malamar's attack was being repaired by its citizens. Thankfully, since it was minimal, the repairs wouldn't take that long and overnight, some of them were already finished and the damages vanished. But the one thing that wasn't vanishing was Malamar himself, who was currently lying on the ground, still present.

His eyes were whited out while his body was trembling, still feeling the effects of the powerful slice Kartana did and the huge amount of Rift Energy he had within him.

"So...He's just been here all night?" Appearing here was Rainbow Dash, who was being caught up with everything that had happened last night.

"No one bothered to move him. They were either too tired or working too hard to fix everything." Twilight answered.

"...Is he okay?" Fluttershy questioned, genuinely concerned. The fact that Malamar was on the ground, seemingly unconscious while still trembling.

"He's in a vegetative state. Absorbing all of that knowledge was bound to do this to him. Kartana just accelerated it even after destroying his Equestrian Form." Twilight explained. "He might recover but his brain will never be the same again. Unless someone or something heals it."

"So, he's out of commission for a while, huh?" Rainbow Dash shifted her eyes. She paused for a moment before putting on a wide grin, slowly taking out a Poke Ball.

"Rainbow Dash." Twilight side-eyed Rainbow Dash.

"What?! I can't catch him?! I'll whip him into shape and make him a model citizen, trust me!" The pegasus boasted. "It'll be just like Hollow and Spiritomb."

"I don't think we're dealing with a Spiritomb here. If he doesn't recover from this state, it'd be a bit off-putting to have him on our side in such a poor state. Pretty cruel too. And if he does recover, well..."

"Alright, alright." The pegasus placed the Poke Ball away. "I won't catch him. Yet."

"Right now, it's best to have him be at Canterlot. Princess Celestia might need him since he's connected to Daybreaker's alliance. He'll know a lot. And speaking of that alliance, now we now what their next plan is." The Princess of Friendship turned her attention to the Sun and by extension, the Moon that is currently resting. "They're going after Solgaleo and Lunala."

"Solgaleo and Lunala? Aren't those the Alolan Legendaries?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

"That's right. And Necrozma's connected to them. They've probably figured that out and that's why Malamar was so bent on finding one of them."

"But hey, if something goes wrong, if you've got Kartana to count on!" Rainbow Dash pointed her hoof at the Ultra Beast. Kartana staying with Twilight was not an exaggeration. "Look at you, having an Ultra Beast for a Pokemon!"

"I guess so." Twilight smiled. "Ever since that night, Kartana and Twilight became partners. Twilight even held out a Poke Ball. The same Poke Ball that came into contact with Kartana.

"So if that was Malamar's attempt, what will the others do?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don't wanna know..." Twilight grumbled. But if she had to guess, her thoughts were similar to Jackie's. The Princess of Friendship had a strong suspicion that their next target might be up in the stars. After all, Lunala did not appear on Earth during all of that mess.

Universe 11. The Solar Empire. Canterlot Castle. Day.

Meanwhile, in the dark and twisted realm of Universe 11, Daybreaker and the others have already learned of Malamar's defeat. Gathered in her throne room for a meeting were Gardevoir, Second Wind and Cozy Glow. Quite the small selection today.

"Malamar may have lost the battle, but he hasn't failed us entirely," Daybreaker declared. "His actions have stirred Lunala, drawing the attention of the Legendary Pokémon that we need. I guess our other options are out of the window now."

The other members of Daybreaker's alliance exchanged glances, their expressions translated into a bit of worry and curiosity. Second Wind, the cruel queen, leaned forward on her throne, her gaze fixed intently on Daybreaker. "Those ponies back at Equestria are something fierce. How can that humble town be so powerful?"

"You'd be surprised. I'm not all that shocked since I have a Ponyville of my own in this universe. I know first-hoof how much that town can fight back if threatened. Besides, by meddling with the moon, Malamar has provoked a reaction from Lunala, which is what we needed. Lunala will do everything it can to make sure the Moon is safe. And I can only presume that involves both moons."

"What about Solgaleo though?" Present here was the young Cozy Glow. "And where's Team Plasma?"

"Still having their angel problem. The fact that they've gone that long proves that they can handle themselves." Daybreaker answered.

"Do you think I could take some Divine Light from them? Can I?" Gardevoir flew over, wanting a piece of Divine Light. "I bet their Aura will increase my lifespan tremendously!"

"No, no. Let's not go there, yet." Daybreaker shut her down immediately, making the Aura Vampire pout. "Now that we know of a way to get the attention of Lunala and by extension Solgaleo...I believe you all know what we must do next." Daybreaker smiled before dropping a bombshell. "We're going to outer space."

With Daybreaker's revelation hanging in the air like a thundercloud, the members of the alliance exchanged stunned glances. Outer space, the final frontier, seemed like an unimaginable destination, yet Daybreaker's confidence left no room for doubt. That was the next step and quite the leap.

"Outer space?! We're not actually going there, are we?!" Second Wind gasped.

"I mean, if some of you want to, that's fine. I know you have unfinished business, Second Wind." Daybreaker shrugged while leaning back on her throne. "I know for a fact Twilight will be coming with us. She already has ships for space after all."

"Pass." Second Wind would sit this one out. "You're right about unfinished business. There are some things I just have to deal with first and I am not ready for outer space."

"Understood. As for you, Cozy Glow, you're coming with us."Daybreaker glanced over at Cozy Glow, already deciding that she would come along for the trip.

"I-I can't go to outer space!" The young pegasus stammered. "I'm not ready for that! And what about my job being a spy in the Pokemon School?!"

"It'll only be a short trip, I promise. You'll be back to Earth as soon as possible."

"But what can I do? I don't know anything about Outer Space and all that!" She bellowed, bringing up a very good point. "I should just stay back at the Pokemon School. Just to be sure."

"Hmph. There's a reason for me picking you, Cozy Glow. I promise you, it'll benefit us greatly." Daybreaker was still confident enough in Cozy Glow. "You helped us discover Fairy Matter and by extension Dragon Matter. So, I have full faith in you."

"Y-You do?" The young pegasus was stunned to hear that. Cozy Glow's expression softened as Daybreaker expressed her faith in her abilities, her initial apprehension giving way to a glimmer of hope. "Y-Yes, I do,"

"You may not realize it yet, but you have something that we need in all of this. Do your best and I can bet that we will not fail. We might find something new in the process too." Daybreaker reassured. "If things get too out of hoof, I'll have you home safely. I promise."

Cozy Glow's doubts began to fade as Daybreaker spoke, replaced by a newfound sense of determination. "I-I'll do my best," she replied, her voice tinged with determination. And in her mind, she spoke something that she didn't want anyone else to hear. "Aaaaah! Yes! Recognition!"

"Tch. Always soft on children." Second Wind kissed her teeth. Daybreaker certainly wasn't like this with anyone else except children.

"Let's get ourselves ready. Nightmare Moon and Starlight will stay on Earth as well. Twilight is definitely coming with us which will give us a huge number advantage. My forces and her forces will be large enough for outer space. Second Wind. If something goes wrong, contact me."

"I'll be in touch, I guess." Second Wind shrugged.

Daybreaker would get ready, prepared to enter the final frontier that is outer space, but only briefly. They already had the ships they needed. Whether that was Empress Twilight's own ships which have greatly decreased in number ever since that failed invasion or Daybreaker's own ships which were plentiful.

The launch date was today. There wouldn't be a tomorrow or a day after tomorrow. To ensure they have everything they need for their journey, Daybreaker's alliance procures a vast array of supplies and equipment just for space travel. And of course, Poke Balls.

Currently, multiple Poke Balls were being loaded up into a container and they were some of the most Elite Poke Balls only. Ultra Balls Timer Balls and of course, Master Balls. Plenty of Master Balls. They were searching for Legendary Pokemon after all.

As the loading of supplies continued, Daybreaker herself oversaw the final preparations, confident in what was coming next. In her mind, she could picture herself finding Lunala and perhaps Solgaleo. But for now, she was going to stick to one Pokemon. Necrozma was currently in his Poke Ball, hungering for more light immediately, and now, he was heading into the one place where light is very much plentiful, aside from Universe 1's Earth.

Universe 1. Equestria. Canterlot. The Pokemon School. Day.

"You should've seen it! It was massive!" As a new day at the Pokemon School came, so did something new for Gallus to speak about. He, Silverstream and Sandbar got caught up in Malamar's actions briefly. Gallus was currently going on about the massive tendril that was seen clashing with Twilight and Luna out in the wild. He definitely saw it from afar that very night.

The students who came from Ponyville also remembered it vividly. Their town went trough the wringer yet again, but on the bright side, there wasn't that much destruction compared to previous events.

"Pssh. I don't believe you." However, Sandbar and the others doubted it immediately. Their fellow classmates were very sceptical but they were aware of Malamar's attack last night.

"It's true." Silverstream backed him up. "Before that, we got caught by this weird jelly thing. It didn't feel all too good. I think I can still feel parts of it around me." She would then shudder just thinking about it.

"It's actually true." Sandbar supported it. "The only reason we're still here is thanks to Princess Twilight. And I have Ponyta to thank for that too."

"Mmm...I don't know about that. Why would he suddenly come for you three and not anyone else? I don't hear anything from everyone else here. The worst they got were hallucinations at night apparently." Smolder was still sceptical. "Not us though. We were all safe so it wasn't that big of a deal.

"Well, ask Principal Twilight herself. She'll confirm it." Gallus proudly said.

"I don't think she's in today. My sister back at Ponyville said she had something important to do." One of the students from Ponyville said, knowing what Twilight was doing. And right now, she was definitely not in her office. Instead, Twilight was more focused on what Daybreaker's Alliance would be doing next.

Hoenn. The Ranger Union.

At the Ranger Union, they were currently getting alerts about yet another gateway being opened. The Rangers were well-equipped for whenever that sinister alliance makes their move in this universe, especially when a gateway opens up. Even after Malamar's defeat, something was stirring up already.

"Look at this." One of the workers pointed at the screen, seeing where the gateway was showing up. Usually, the gateways are opened on land, sea and even the air. But this time it was different. The Dispatchers at the Ranger Union witnessed a gateway opening up in outer space.

"Outer space?! Has that happened before?!" A gateway opening up in outer space was a rare occurrence, unlike anything they had encountered before. Even if it was brand new, they knew that it was from Universe 11 and they had to act fast. This development raised urgent questions and concerns among the Ranger personnel, prompting them to spring into action.

Dispatchers quickly relayed the information to the Ranger teams stationed across various regions, alerting them to the unprecedented gateway opening in outer space. The Rangers mobilized with precision and efficiency, preparing to respond to this new threat with all the resources at their disposal.

Meanwhile, analysts and researchers at the Ranger Union scrambled to gather data and analyze the nature of the gateway, attempting to understand its origin and potential implications. Speculation ran rampant among the workers, with theories ranging from natural phenomena to the influence of external forces at play.

"Looks like Jackie was right. They are going straight to space. But this soon?" One of the dispatchers commented. Now that they were well aware as to the next action of the alliance, they couldn't afford to wait. Daybreaker's team were already passing through the gateway at this very moment, above the Earth itself

The Ranger Union understood that they had no choice but to respond in kind. Sending their elite Pokémon Rangers into space was a bold and unprecedented move, but it was necessary to counter the threat posed by the alliance and protect the integrity of the merged world.

Urgently, the Ranger Union quickly mobilized their forces, assembling a team of highly skilled and specially trained Pokémon Rangers for the mission.

"Make sure you contact Princess Celestia too. The Rangers established a secure communication link with Equestria, sending a message detailing the situation and requesting Princess Celestia's assistance in this.

They would have to wait for a response from Princess Celestia if she was available at the moment. The ship could already be seen passing through the gateway. But of course, there were multiple of them passing through since Daybreaker was coming well-equipped.

Getting to them as soon as possible might not be soon enough. Since they opened up a gateway in space, the alliance had a colossal advantage. However, the closest to them was Pegalysium which was high above the clouds and just below the corrupt Pinnaculum Pegalysium. The best they could do is try to catch up.

Outer space. The Solar Sword.

The Solar Sword. A marvel of engineering and a spacecraft designed with one purpose in mind: to carry Daybreaker's alliance into the depths of outer space but only when necessary. The time for it to be used has finally come. Built with state-of-the-art technology and equipped with formidable defences, the Solar Sword was a sight to behold. Larger than Daybreaker's aerial ship and even larger than Empress Twilight's main ship.

The exterior of the Solar Conquestor was adorned with familiar Equestrian markings and Sun Symbols, staying in line with Daybreaker's theme. Its hull was reinforced with advanced alloys and shielding, capable of withstanding the harsh conditions of space travel and repelling any potential threats they might encounter along the way.

Perched upon her throne within the command centre of the Solar Sword, Daybreaker exuded an aura of regal confidence as the spacecraft hurtled through the void of outer space. Her eyes were fixed on the Moon in the distance, making that her next large target.

Around her, the crew and allies of Daybreaker's alliance moved with purpose, their anticipation palpable as they prepared to confront Lunala and seize its power for their own nefarious purposes. Technicians monitored the ship's systems, ensuring that all was in working order for the critical moment ahead, while guards stood at the ready, their weapons primed for any potential threats. Among them was Sunrise Sparkle who came along for the ride, being the smartest of Daybreaker's Solar Empire.

Next to the Solar Sword were other Daybreaker Ships as well as Empress Twilight's ships. The Empress herself was on board, putting on a scowling face. Clearly, she was still bitter about how much her Empire has been crippled. Now Daybreaker was calling the shots instead of her but she had to put up with it if she wanted to get back to speed.

What they were about to do to the Moon might be even worse than what Malamar did, depending on how it goes. Cozy Glow was shaking uncontrollably when entering outer space. Never before has she had to go through this. But keeping her calm was Daybreaker who used her magic to lift up the pegasus, bringing her straight towards her.

On top of that, Daybreaker awaited the inevitable arrival of any who dared to oppose her, such as the Ranger Union. Any gateway action will always be picked up by them after all.

"I'll be waiting for you," Daybreaker said, ready for their arrival. "And I'm hoping you can also make an appearance. Me." She referred to Universe 1's Princess Celestia. A part of Daybreaker was getting rather excited by this. The part of Celestia that enjoyed a good thrill was still in there. The thrill of action, that is.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 417 End.

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