• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Dimensional Reunion

Equestria. Mareflower. Potion Nova's Green House. Afternoon.

After an almost lengthy train ride, Ash, his mother and his friends had arrived at Mareflower. And the first destination was Potion Nova's Green House, where they had a chance to enter that other dimension. Ash, Mr Mime and all other Pokemon carried the many bags Delia brought along, exiting the train. Everything in there was meant for Galaxy Master since he would normally have the same tastes as Ash's father.

"Oh? Back so soon?" Potion Nova would exit her Green House to meet with them outside. All it took was a knock for one of the many entrances to open up randomly, just like before. It wasn't exclusive to just her visitors.

"Hi, Potion Nova. We're just making a quick trip back to that dimension. It's for Delia here." Twilight greeted, assisting Ash and the others with the large bags b using her magic. "And it's a huge haul too."

"Delia?" She looked over at the tallest character here as the name Delia sounded familiar to her. "Wait...That Delia?"

"Oh, you've heard of me? Recently or years back?" Delia questioned.

"Recently. Galaxy Master started talking about you after he met with Ash and he brought you up. I'm guessing you want to m meet him right now?" Potion Nova gazed at the array of bags. "Don't tell me you're all going there?"

"No. We know there's not enough for all of us. it's just Delia this time. It'll be a romantic reunion between husband and wife so we'll all stay out of this." Fluttershy replied.

"But I want to bring Ash with me as well. Then it will be a true family reunion. Do you have enough of that potion?" Delia asked, hoping there was enough for her and Ash.

"Well...Take a look." Potion Nova would answer her by bringing over the Dimensional Potion. With how important it was, it was kept close to Potion Nova. But because of its importance, it was incredibly hard to make and the current status of it was rather poor.

The potion was down its final drops. Most of it had been used by Potion Nova who has been going back and forth betwen dimensions, just to meet with Galaxy Master. It would take some time to make a new one as there was only one bottle of it that she ever made.

"It'll barely get two of you through but that's about it. This is the final time it can be used." Potion Nova warned. "But...Ash already knows what to expect when going through that tunnel and Galaxy Master will handle the rest. It'll be just you two." She passed the potion over to Ash. "You don't have to worry about your bags. The potion takes our baggage into consideration."

"I guess we'll be staying here then. Not that I'm complaining." Twilight Sparkle saw this as a positive for her as well. She would have the chance to spend some time with Potion Nova, learning more about potions. "I get to learn more about potion making here."

"I wish i could come and see the Subspace Pokemon with you." Fluttershy did wish to enter that dimension, just to view the Subspace Pokemon. But, she preferred not to ruin this family moment.

"You'll be staying with them, Pikachu." Ash held Pikachu, placing him down next to Fluttershy. Pikachu, unfortunately, could not come along this time. The rest of Ash's Pokemon could since they were in their Poke Balls, but Pikachu's Poke Ball wasn't here and was certainly out of the question since the Mouse Pokemon refused to go inside.


"We'll be back as soon as we can. I'll tell you everything, okay?" Ash promised his electrifying friend.

"It's a shame you can't come along either, Mimey. I'd love to see the look on his face when he thinks you're the same Mr Mime from before."

"Wait...? This is the same one as before, right?" Twilight paused for a moment, processing what Delia just said. "You said you were with him since the earlier days. Your story was proof of that."

"Oh, no no!" Delia giggled. "This is a different Mimey. We met this one at a circus. The one I had in the past was different."

"It is?!" Fluttershy and Twilight received a surprising reveal. They firmly believed Mr Mime had been with the Ketchum Family from the start but that wasn't the case. There was another in the mix that was not here with them. "Where's the previous one then?"

"Two sides of the same coin. I released mine into the circus when wanted to pursue his dream and it's fitting that we befriended a new one at the circus." Delia answered. "I'll still remember my first Mimey. I know he's doing just fine at the moment with his circus career."

"Mime-Mime." Mimey agreed. Even though he hasn't met this other Mr Mime who was once a Mime Jr, he knew very well that his species were experts in what they do. Most likely, he was having a successful career.

"Oh, well. Maybe when he shows up here with us. Come on, Ash. Let's get going."

"You got it." Ash nodded before taking a sip from the Dimensional Potion. After that quick sip, he would pass it on to Delia. This would spell the end for the potion, much to the dismay of Potion Nova. She knew she had to work hard to make another one.

In fact, it was more than just making a new one. With how things are right now, Potion Nova might have to make multiple of these potions and crafting one was already time-consuming. With Delia drinking the last of the potion, that was all she wrote.

"Oooh!" Delia's eyes opened as the potion would affect her in a unique way. Ash and Twilight had their bodies flare and react in different ways when they first drank the potion and the same went for Delia. Her eyes were full of cosmic stars now as the energy within was affecting her dress.

Her dress gained an extension, becoming a full-on gown. A cosmic gown to be exact. It gave Delia that astral look which seemed to be a bit common nowadays. Twilight, Fluttershy and Potion Nova marvelled at the beauty that Delia radiated. Granted, it wouldn't last forever as the two of them would be transported away from here.

"So...How come it does that to you?" Twilight immediately asked Potion Nova about the potion and how it gives the users unique appearances depending on who drinks it.

"Oh, that? I have no idea. But, would you mind helping me make a new potion? You're pretty well-versed in Rift Energy, right, Princess Twilight? Maybe you can speed up the process for me."

"I'll see what I can do. What about you, Fluttershy? Any plans now that we're here at Mareflower?"

"I was hoping to go to that other dimension but oh well." Fluttershy pondered. "Hmmm...Is there a potion about Pokemon, maybe?"

"I might have something that catches your interest. I've been studying Pokemon too and I've already crafted some potions based around them. Come on in and see for yourself." Potion Nova was eager to show the extent of her potion collection to her visitors. Twilight already got a good view of some of them but there was more to be seen. And for Fluttershy, it would be a first.

Another Dimension.

After travelling through the Dimensional Tunnel, Ash and Delia had arrived in this other dimension. Delia got a good view of the dimensional tunnel and the other dimensions that were floating in the background. It didn't last long but it was pleasing to see. As to be expected, all the bags came along with them and the one to receive the bags was Ash.

He successfully landed on the ground, only to be knocked down by the array of bags that had plenty of items inside. He was downed by these bags which were all resting on him. "Ow..."

"Oh, it does feel different than passing through a gateway," Delia commented before removing the bags from Ash. Her eyes were blessed with this odd dimension and its colourful skies. However, it was a bit different from last time. Some development has been made as the skies gained a mixture of red and blue with the red being faint in the distance. This obviously came from the cosmos themselves which were a bit visible now due to how small this world was. Space itself here was very compact and minimized.

But what truly got her attention was the massive tower belonging to Galaxy Master. The Galaxy Tower. Delia was starting to feel like her old self again, exploring new landmarks that went beyond her home. This was definitely way past her home at this point, existing in a completely different space.

All she had to do was look for Galaxy Master and also receive a tour of the tower. But this time, it wouldn't be Ash and Delia that went to him. Instead, Galaxy Master would come to them. Storming out of the tower were each and every one of Galaxy Master's Pokemon. He had plenty with him that always helped out when needed, defending the innocent and foiling any wicked plans from the Dread League.

Delia soon noticed how each of the Pokemon that left the tower were identical to the ones Ash had. Galaxy Master had the same Pokemon that Ash has. The numbers were even as well. Pikachu ran up to Ash after seeing him, lunging into the arms of his trainer's son.

"Pika-Pi!" With all these Pokemon making an appearance, Delia was amazed as it felt like she never left her home at all. Due to how familiar they were, it was as if she was back at Pallet Town, hanging otu with Ash's Pokemon.

"Oh my! Isn't this familiar?" She giggled while being swarmed by the smaller Pokemon, such as Snivy, Oshawott, Totodile, Rowlet and so on. "Haha! Hello, little ones!"

"Yeah! It's pretty neat!" Ash loved it. He didn't question why Galaxy Master had the same Pokemon as he did. He loved all Pokemon that much. "But now that I think about it...how come I haven't seen Rapidash yet?" But he did question why Rapidash wasn't present. That was a Pokemon his father had and it was nowhere to be found in this sea of familiar faces.

"You're here so soon"? Leaving the tower as well as Galaxy Master as he was the last to arrive. "You-" His words came to a halt after seeing more than just Ash Ketchum. Someone equally as important was there, sitting gracefully on the lush grass while holding the little Pokemon next to her.

Delia Ketchum.

Though the real Mr Ketchum was out there in the world, going on his own journey, Galaxy Master was just as real and still considered Ash's father. And this showed by how he reacted to seeing Delia. Galaxy Master has consistently had the same reaction to almost everyone he has met. He always made a grand entrance, spouting out his intro catchphrase and poses, being as bombastic and cool as he could be. A full-on Superhero is what he was when it came to interacting with others.

But for Delia, and even before this, Ash, that wasn't the case. His reactions were reserved and gentle. There was no flair to them at all. Galaxy Master only took this in and when seeing Delia, the memories that were connected to the real Mr Ketchum were kicking in.

His memory pool was limited, only focused on the past instead of the present. But after meeting with Ash, new memories were starting to arise and seeing Delia unlocked the remaining ones. That beautiful smile that could calm many and that comforting and welcoming aura was unparalleled. He could feel it from the entrance of the tower. It was lovely.

Delia could tell how he was reacting. She knew how her husband was even if she was looking at a copy of him. It counts to her either way, much like how Ash counts him as his actual father. Delia Ketchum stood up as the Pokemon would part the way for her.

"D-Delia?" He spoke her name, hoping he got it right.

"Mhm. It's been a while, hasn't it, dear?" Delia replied with a warming look of satisfaction and happiness. "Look at you. You received quite the upgrade, haven't you? Especially with that outfit."

"It is you. I um...I didn't think I'd meet with you so soon. Or even like this." Galaxy Master rubbed the back of the helmet. "I'm not exactly him after all."

"Oh, does it matter? Ash already expressed that. Family is family, even if they are bodies of light. That just makes it all the more fun." Delia giggled before going for a hug. Her warm embrace would catch Galaxy Master off guard as he wasn't prepared for it. "I'm so glad to see you again...It's been so many years since then."

"It has...But for me, it feels like only today we're meeting." Galaxy Master replied as it didn't feel that long at all. It was only recent. But the memories within made it also feel like many years have gone by since they've last met."

"I have so much to tell you, dear!" Delia looked up at him. "Ever since you left, so much has happened! Has Ash already told you everything or is there more to share?"

"He plans to but, I wouldn't mind if you also shared stories with me, Delia. Where's Mimey, by the way?" Galaxy Master asked, referring to the first Mime Species Delia had.

"Out in the circus. But there's a new Mimey with us. When I said I wouldn't catch Pokemon that belonged to families, I was a bit too literal with that when it came to the Mime Species. "I'm sure the old one is doing fine with his new career. But even if he's not here, I brought a few things that will jog your memory!"

"A few...?" Ash looked at the bags as these were more than just a few. Even Galaxy Master's Pokemon sighed at this understatement while Totodile, Gible and Scraggy were snooping inside the bags to see what they could find.

"You're not busy now, are you, darling?" She questioned, hoping to spend some free time with him.

"I hate to say it but...I am." Alas, Galaxy Master was busy right now, having no free time for Delia or Ash. This brought a frown to Delia's face. Even with this new version of her husband, he was still occupied. "I'd love to spend some free time with you, but there's a lot on my plate. Plus, a new development has arrived. The creatures from beyond spoke to me today and I am hearing them out."

"Huh? Are you talking about the ones attacking the Subspace Pokemon? You sorted things out with them already?" said Ash.

"Surprisingly, yes. They seemed to have evolved, wishing to speak with me. They are hostile but not in the way I thought they were. You can come with me to see what has happened so far."

"Oh, alright." Delia puffed her cheeks, blushing out of disappointment. "I was hoping that we could go somewhere romantic right now but...this'll do for now."

Equestria. Mareflower. Potion Nova's Green House. Afternoon.

Meanwhile, Potion Nova had brought Twilight and Fluttershy to a new room within her home. Each room had different categories of potions that all shared some things in common with each other, making it easy for Potion Nova to find them. And currently, she had something that centred around Pokemon, exciting Fluttershy.

The room she revealed was much like any other room in her Green House, but it was the potions that truly mattered. Fewer potions were stacked here compared to the others, but it was still quite a lot from what was seen on the cabinets and shelves.

"Alright, Fluttershy. I've heard how much you love Pokemon. You even made an entire sanctuary for them." Potion Nova said.

"That's right. The Pokemon House. It's just the most wonderful place."

"Luckily for you, I started researching Pokemon not too long after they came into our lives." The unicorn would use her magic to bring over three bottles. "They're so amazing. They seem to be rooted in both Magic and Science, making the perfect creatures in...anything, really?"

"I know, right?" Twilight agreed. "I know a lot about them but there's still so much that I don't know yet. It's so intriguing. I've found a lot these past years. What have you found, Potion Nova?"

"Well...I haven't gotten into much action when it comes to Pokemon. I prefer to observe them and the only one I ever caught was a Galarian Ponyta who's now a Rapidash. But from the Pokemon I got to see and be with, some interesting things came my way. Such as Infinity Energy." The ever-present power of the Pokemon World had been brought up.

Infinity Energy. The cause of practically everything that has to do with Pokemon. Their life force and how they can harness attacks, even evolving in the process. It truly lived up to its name of 'Infinity' as new phenomena were being discovered thanks to it. The most recent was the existence of Subspace Pokemon.

"Infinity Energy is that perfect mixture of Magic and Science, so I had the opportunity to use my skills on them. And what I found was amazing. And one of these amazing discoveries is rather recent. Just as recent as this dimension suddenly showing up."

"Well? What did you find?" An eager Twilight asked.

"I made these potions that take different Infinity Energies from other Pokemon. The three I'm holding up now allow the user to tap into the nature of Pokemon. This one has the power to make you use a Pokemon Move. But it's only one move." She put one potion out that had a red colouring to it. "There are other potions with other moves here and I'm working on them."

"I can use a move with this?" Twilight held the potion. "Which move?"

"I believe it's Flamethrower if I'm not mistaken. Or Inferno. Or Fire Spin. They blend in with each other a lot. But there are other potions that have different moves in them. It's like having my own movepool. And you can bet i bring some of them with me when the Dread League is involved."

"Ah! Does this mean I get to use Sunny Day and Aromatherapy?!" Fluttershy's eyes lit up, wishing to use moves such as Sunny Day and Aromatherapy.

"I think I have a potion for Aromatherapy. Sunny Day's hard to make though but I'm getting there. I'm even planning to try and replicate Pokemon Physiology with my potions but that requires even more work than before. As for this second potion, it allows the user to evolve just like a Pokemon!"

"Evolve?!" They said in unison, amazed by what they were hearing.

"That's right! B-But I haven't actually tested it out on myself yet. I only used it on a Snubbul that wanted to evolve badly. I'm not sure what it'll do to a pony. Or even a human for that matter. So I'm keeping this one at bay for the meanwhile. Just like the potion that reverses a Pokemon's evolution. It might come in handy someday."

"Amazing. So what about that third one you have?" Twilight focused on the third potion Potion Nova had out.

"This one? Ah, it's nothing special. It allows you to speak like a Pokemon. For about...15 hours at best. Use it on a Pokemon and they'll speak like us. Not a big deal."

"Well, it sounds fun either way. I've always wanted to know Eve would sound like with her own unique voice. Nothing special happened when Manaphy used Heart Swap on us so this will be interesting. What do you think, Fluttershy?"

"Oh, of course!" Fluttershy was all for it, obviously. "Let's try it right now! What about you all?"

However, the second they turned to face the Pokemon, there were none. Only Mr Mime was there and nobody else. Pikachu, Espeon, Audino, Raboot and Bayleef were all gone, running off to explore the Green House for themselves.

"Where'd they go?! Mr Mime?!" Twilight looked over at Mr Mime.

"Mime?" Mr Mime, shrugged, having no clue as to where they went or how they even slipped past his view and presence. They went their own way, eluding the others.

"They choose now of all times to roam around?!" Twilight gasped, worried that the Pokemon might cause some chaos within the Green House and set off different potions. "If they knock over or try one of your potions...!"

"Oh, that would be bad if something happened." Potion Nova added. "But it's fine, we can just find them and who knows? It might be fun depending on what they drink." But Potion Nova would be lying if she said she didn't want this to happen.

When it comes to Pokemon, they were curious and playful creatures. Sometimes to their own benefit, sometimes to their own detriment. And right now, four of them were wandering the Green House with so many potions available. Something could go wrong if something wasn't done. Or it could be the opposite. There was only one way to find out as the journey continues.

Chapter 118 End.

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