• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Short: Acceleratation of Plans

Kanto. Rota Kingdom. Cameran Palace. Late Afternoon.

"Ilene! Check it out! We got it!" Returning to the Rota Kingdom were Ash, Lucario and all of their friends. And in Ash's hands was the Lucarionite. With it, Mega Evolution was now possible for his Lucario as he held it triumphantly in the air to Ilene.

"Wonderful." Ilene was relieved. She feared the worst because of Goldeboron Mountain Pass but she had nothing to fear anymore now that they had returned. "I'm glad to see that you're all safe."

"I wanted to stay there a bit longer though. All those Pokemon that can Mega Evolve? And they were all so strong too but I didn't get to see all of 'em. Not even a Salamence." said Rainbow Dash as a part of her wished to stay a bit longer at that Mountain Pass.

"That Mega Evolution Sage would've been a genuine problem if it continued any longer." Gurkinn, who was actually the sage, spoke. Only Twilight and Korrina saw through his disguise.

"Grandpa, that was obviously you," Korrina said, exposing him immediately instead of just keeping it a secret.

"Gh!" Gurkinn twitched after Korrina revealed his identity. And the way he reacted only gained the attention of the others, who had an inkling that it could be Gurkinn, mainly by his voice and those unique eyebrows.

"It was?!" But of course, Ash, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were blown back by this, having the biggest reaction out of everyone.

"You spoiled it, Korrina..." Gurrkin grumbled. "B-But anyways...Nevermind that. Congratulations on your achievement. Ash. Lucario. With this, that annoying Ataxia won't even be noticeable. The Aura you and Lucario share will pin down Delayed Aura Ataxia with an iron fist. After all, it's the usage of Aura that made it so difficult for your body and with Mega Evolution, those difficulties will be gone. But Ataxia will live on."

"Yeah. That's what I really wanna focus on. The Pokemon World Championships is cool and all, but this is more important. We're talking about everyone here." Ash looked at his Mega Stone and the way it glistened. As for the Lucarionite, it was currently within Lucario, only appearing when needed.

"You've already brought peace to those who suffered from the Ataxia long ago. And now it is time to bring peace to those who could suffer from it in the future. I know you can do it, Ash. For now, let's celebrate. I have a feast prepared right now for this occasion. Anything that has to do with Ataxia's disappearance deserves some sort of celebration."

"A feast? Yes!" Music to Ash's ears. Many of them would enjoy a feast here at Cameran Palace. And in the case of royalty, the feast was tremendous and appealing to the eyes. And of course, this feast was catered to everyone. Humans, ponies and Pokemon.

The presence of Hayburgers was a surprising but welcome one, especially for Twilight as Equestrian Food could be found here. The chefs of Cameran Palace already knew just what to serve up. Apples and other fruits had been made into dishes along with the existence of that ever-enticing Slowpoke Tail that was beloved by all species for how delicious it was. Aside from that, there was some delicious spaghetti that Ash would immediately slurp up, joined by a tower of chocolate chip ice cream that was stacked in a bowl, representing a tower.

The stylistic choices of the chefs had also been shown with how they modelled castles out of food just for extra style points. Pies, salad, sandwiches, corn, cake and more. One of the main appeals would be the pizzas without a doubt and all of their variations. This was a rather hefty feast for such a group even though they didn't compare to the number of people that live in Cameran Palace. They were eating like Royalty right now. But even then, the people weren't exempt as they were invited to feast on Queen Elise's treat.

"If you eat too much, you could be put in a food coma," Gurkinn said, having small bites compared to what everyone else was doing.

"Bah, I'm sure it'll be fine! If only Bea were here! She'd love this!" Pinkie Pie devoured the Ice Cream scoop tower, feeling satisfaction.

"Speaking of, Bea, your match with her is pretty soon, Ash." Korrina said. "Best get ready."

"Oh yeah, I'm ready! Right, guys?!" Ash held up a pizza and wing, prepared for battle even this late at night. "We're coming in full force!"

"Pika!" Pikachu and all of Ash's Pokemon agreed, prepared to bring their all against Bea tomorrow. Of course, they might as well stay the night here at Cameran Palace with how late it was. And by tomorrow, the battle with Bea would take place. Whether at Equestria or Bea's Gym over at the Galar Region.

Magehold. Nightfall.

It has been a while since the events that took place on the Despair Plant Garden. Rosa Maledicta was still in her healing chamber, needing to recover some more after what happened with Galaxy Master. In her chamber, she could remember that interaction with the fictional character and how it completely turned things around for her.

In her memory, she recalled the flash of light and burst of darkness that she and Galaxy Master made while clashing. As a result, the garden itself vanished from its original location. At this very moment, the garden was unknown to Rosa Maledicta. No longer could she find it as its existence has completely left her.

"That accursed character..." Rosa Maledicta uttered. "Because of his light, I can't see the garden anymore. But it might also be because of those two ponies who remade it. "I've yet to speak with Fantina and the others about what happened up there. Even if it was an accident, Fantina should have never left Magehold. Now she is aware of the others."

And speaking of Fantina, she even recalled the moment when she spoke with her and Ebony Rhyme after they returned. The same went for all of the vampires. By this point, Rosa Maledicta's irritation was growing. She was usually calm but recent events have stirred her up. The walls around her would crack with windows falling apart. Gathering everything together, the Lich Queen decided on something.

"I can't waste any more time. I'll have to move things forward at this rate." Rosa had decided to speed up her plans. She saw that her opponents were only getting slipper by the second, gaining an edge over her. "It might be time for me to call for the help of the Pony of Shadows."

And hearing this from the other room was Fractured Note, who was secretly behind tearing down the Lich Cycle that his magic accidentally started after being mysteriously corrupted. His eyes opened as Rosa Maledicta's patience was wearing thin. She had been provoked enough at this point with her opponents finding ways to stop her seemingly unstoppable flora and continuing to slip away from destruction.

And just then, a stream of shadows would pass by Fractured Note, phasing through the doors and entering the healing chamber of the Lich Queen. This ominous shadow carried a foreboding presence around it, appearing out of nowhere. It didn't even spawn from the shadows around the area. It just seemed to appear out of thin air. Fractured Note could already sense that the Lich Queen was prepared to kick things into high gear.

He would take the moment to peek through the gaps of the door, seeing what passed through. And he could just barely make it out from this angle and viewpoint. Appearing next to the Lich Queen was this mysterious shadow which was then forming into the head of a pony. But that was all Fractured Note could see. Fractured Note would listen closely to this, wondering what Rosa Maledicta would have to spout out. Anything that the Lich Queen says has to be memorized and the only one who has that much memory of the Lich Queen was Fractured Note.

Meanwhile, over at Ebony Rhyme's home, she was busy making a memory potion. It was all for Fantina, attempting to restore her memories ever since Rosa Maledicta captured her. Alas, for this to work, she'd need to find a way to overpower Rosa Maledicta's magic which was a tall order in every way. Seemingly no one in Magehold could even compare to such a feat.

She was already working on it in secrecy as if it was just like any other potion. This way, she wouldn't draw too much attention from Rosa Maledicta, which was the preferred option. But by now, Ebony Rhyme thought about what could happen next after what occurred in the Despair Plant Garden. She had finally reunited with her old friend Potion Nova and now they were enemies on different sides. Even though they bonded again after all these years, they still had to go against each other.

If anything, this would help solidify Ebony Rhyme's decision to end the Lich Cycle. She already wished to help Fantina by freeing her from Magehold while still following the orders of the Dread League. However, with her new decision, she might as well be straying away from the Dread League and Rosa Maledicta. And that was a rather terrifying thought to the Potion Maker.

She gulped, knowing she was in a difficult scenario right now. And most likely, after speaking with Fractured Note, there could be other vampires in Magehold attempting to break this cycle as well. Whatever happens next, she feared that the Lich Queen would do something about it and that was a most terrifying thought. Just then, there was a knock on the door. And the magic around the door would instantly remove the lock, sensing a friendly presence.

"Evening, Ebony." It was none other than Fantina. The person of interest.

"Oh, it's just you, Fantina. You always show up at the most convenient times, don't you?"

"Sorry for disturbing your work this late at night. I just came to tell you about what I'll be doing next. Do you remember that fun Fashion Show that I had with the children?"

"That thing. I mean yeah...It was fun and humorous to look at." Ebony smiled, recalling the enjoyable Fashion Show that Fantina and the young vampires put on, remembering all the happy faces there. Even Ebony enjoyed it.. "And pretty satisfying to see Opal get beaten like that."

"It was fun. Many vampires did enjoy it and it only encouraged me to do more. Well, I would've done more either way but I would've needed permission." Fantina chuckled. "Everyone is looking forward to what I can do next. And I don't want to disappoint by never doing anything else.."

"Well...What are you planning next? Considering everything that's happening, you sure are gung-ho and jolly to keep doing what you love." Ebony Rhyme questioned.

"Why not?" Fantina hopped onto a table, sitting on it. "The best moments of my life are experiencing the things I love to do and seeing so many love and get involved with it." The Hearthome City GYm Leader was truly a happy individual but Ebony wondered if that had something to do with Rosa Maledicta's magic. "Which is why the other day, I had a chat with Fractured Note. I will be bringing what I love the most here to Magehold!"

"And that is...?"

"Pokemon Contests, of course!" From her pockets, Fantina would reveal a poster. And on that poster, an announcement for a Pokemon Contest had been made. On the poster, Fantina and her Pokemon could be seen, posing and being their elegant and spooky selves.

"Pokemon Contests? Those things? IN Magehold? I mean the Fashion Show I can kinda see but contests?"

"It will be wonderful!" Fantina giggled. "I was eager to get back into them and now is the perfect time. The stage will be set and it will resemble that of a Contest Stage in no time!"

"She's speaking about this extensively, even recalling how the stadium looks. Maybe she does remember more than just her childhood and her Pokemon...". Ebony Rhyme had to wonder if Fantina's memories still had something else that was leaking out. "Well, I'm eager to see that too. You talk so highly of them."

"Mhm. And would you like to join it too, Ebony?"

"M-Me?!" Ebony Rhyme would suddenly pull back after being asked that question. Fantina offered her a spot in this upcoming Pokemon Contest. "Uh...I think I'll pass. I don't think I'm fit for something like that. It sounds too extravagant and I have my potions to work on. I'll just watch it like how I watched the Fashion Show."

"I understand. The whole thing will be organized by yours truly. I know everything there is about contests. The stages and the splendour that goes into them! Of course, the children will be new to this. I'll be teaching them how to make their Pokemon moves do more than just attack and defend. There's a fabulous and dazzling way to use all of those moves that their Pokemon possess."

"I can't wait then. I know you'll do a great job at it." Ebony nodded. "But you have rather odd timing too. After what just happened, is now really the best time to have a contest?"

"I know. Which is why I want to lift everyone's spirits up. That's why I love doing things like these, Ebony. It's all about making everyone have a good time. Because the thrill of entertainment is possibly the greatest joy in the world." Fantina cemented her love for entertainment once more.

Whether it was Fashion Shows, Dancing, Pokemon Battles, Teaching or even Pokemon Contests, Fantina knew how to have good time. And the people of Hearthome City were so lucky to have had someone like her and it was a shame she was missing. But it was also a blessing to Magehold. A place so dark and dreary, devoid of much enjoyment except horrific acts. But ever since Fantina arrived, that was swaying the other way.

The Hearthome City Gym Leader would depart, leaving Ebony to her own devices. And after having that chat with her human friend, Ebony Rhyme had a stronger drive to help her. If anyone deserved the help it was Fantina, even though she was the one helping to lift everyone's spirits. Right now, Ebony didn't care about how strong Rosa Maledicta's magic was. She just had to overcome it with her memory potion.

Hopefully, it's not too late.

Kanto. Rota Kingdom. Cameran Palace. Nightfall.

And after such a delicious feast, Ash and his friends fell into a food coma. Well, some of them. Pinkie Pie was definitely out cold for the time being along with Rainbow Dash, Applejack and even Korrina. But even with that food coma, they could not wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow was the day that the third and seemingly final battle with Bea would take place. Watching them all sleep in the royal guest rooms were Gurkinn and Queen Ilene as they were currently speaking to each other. Most definitely about Aura.

"When he actives Mega Evolution for the first time, that's when things will tilt for Delayed Aura Ataxia," Gurkinn said. "It all depends on Ash and Lucario now."

"It does. And the goal Sir Aaron sought to complete among other things will be completed. But what about that Gardevoir? As long as she is around, Ataxia will continue to exist, won't it?"

"We can't trap her back in the realm she was sealed in. Otherwise, Delayed Aura Ataxia would emerge once more. It's how it built up over the years and caught up to many Aura Guardians. Because of her, so many of them failed to work at their best performance and that would add to why there are very few Aura Guardians in the world left."

"I see. Letting her out in the real world is the best option right now." Ilene nodded in understanding. "What about Sir Aaron's relative descendant? What was his name again?"

"You mean Riley? Oh, Korrina and I Have met him. He knows quite a lot about Ataxia and has done everything in his power to keep it away from him. It still exists but Riley is extremely skilled at conversing every ounce of his strength.

"You're right. Sir Aaron's brother Rye was lucky enough to retrieve knowledge about Delayed Aura Ataxia." Ilene added. "His descendant Riley is one of the best hopes we have. But tomorrow morning could bring that hope to us."

"Well, let's let them sleep. I need it myself as we'll be heading to meet with Bea afterwards." Gurkinn would walk off, leaving Ash and everyone to sleep peacefully. So would Ilene as she quietly closed the doors.

It was already a big day hours ago with the quest for the Lucarionite. But tomorrow will be even bigger. Pokemon Battles can guarantee that. The fate of every Aura user's health and Ash's position at the Pokemon World Championships Rankings was on the line. Tomorrow shall be the true deciding factor of what happens with Ataxia.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 94 End.

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