• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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The Pokemon World Championships.

A worldwide tournament with a series of battles to determine the World's Strongest Trainer. At the pinnacle of this prestigious event stands none other than Champion Leon, revered as a monarch among trainers for his unparalleled prowess and indomitable spirit.

Aiming to challenge the current Monarch Leon is Ash, who had defeated Gym Leader Melony a while back, shooting himself to Rank 35. As the anticipation mounts and the battles commence, the stage continues to be set for an upcoming epic clash of skill, strategy, and sheer determination in the quest for glory at the Pokémon World Championships.

Equestria. Ponyville. Day.

At this moment, on his Rotomphone, Ash has just received a notification about the Pokemon World Championships. As Ash's Rotomphone buzzed with the notification, he eagerly tapped the screen to reveal the message: another Ultra Class Battle awaited him, this time against a challenger from afar.

"Alright! A new Championship Battle!" Ash excitedly said upon seeing his next challenger. He's been waiting patiently for another Championship Battle and now, here it was. "Someone by the name of...Marnie."


"That's all the way in Galar. Spikemuth, right?" Twilight said, seeing the location of Marnie's whereabouts. Quite the distance there without a doubt.

"Yep, that's the one!" Ash confirmed, a grin spreading across his face. "Spikemuth was...near the Isle of Armor. Somewhere near it anyway. Just gotta follow that same direction."

"It's a long way from here though." Rainbow Dash pointed out. "Do you think you'll need time to prepare?"

"Hmm..." Thinking about it for a moment, Ash made up his mind. "Nah. I think I'm good. Twilight. Rainbow Dash. Wanna swing by Galar with me?"

"Hold on, hold on. Galar's getting cold lately. The weather's been changing over time and thanks to Daybreaker, some areas are gonna be colder than they usually are. I need to keep warm."

"Yeah and that tear in the sky's still not looking all that friendly." Rainbow Dash's eyes would meet with the tear. Once more, it continues to hang ominously over everyone in Ponyville and nearby locations.

"Spikemuth looks pretty small though..." When looking at Marnie's picture and her location, Ash noticed how miniscule the area was. Specifically, the image shared with him showed a town that was rough and tumble. "Smaller towns are pretty hard to find a lot of the time, but we'll manage."

At that moment, the Tear in the sky would howl, alerting and startling many. The sound it made was cosmic indeed and it made some of them think something else was about to emerge from it. But it looked like it was just a bluff and all for nothing. The tear simply howled. The residents of Ponyville were wishing for the Ranger Union or anyone else to properly fix this.

Galar. Spikemuth.

Spikemuth. A small town located at the eastern end of the Galar Region and closest to the Isle of Armor. This rocking town is known for its punk vibe, crammed with shops lined up by jowl. But normally, it isn't aggressively cold. Just as Twilight predicted, wearing something warm was the right approach as the temperature near Spikemuth was rather harsh.

Thanks to the surge, the location of Spikemuth was graced with snow. Not what was shown on the Rotomphone. Showing up here, Ash, Twilight and Rainbow Dash gazed upon the small town, which had another difference compared to what the Rotomphone showed.

"Oh, man..." Ash saw that it was more than rough. It looked ruined. Spikemuth had destroyed buildings instead of ones that looked old.

"Do you think this place suffered because of that surge?" As Rainbow Dash voiced her concern about the town's condition possibly being related to the surge, Twilight nodded in agreement, her brows furrowing with worry.

"It looks like it." Twilight felt the same. "I don't see anyone else around here. Are we sure this is Spikemuth? I know small towns don't have much but..." But before they could fully assess everything about them, bursting out of the trash can were people, which caught Ash and his friends off guard.

These people wore the same clothes with the same motif around them, carrying a flag with them. A flag with Marnie's face. As the group of individuals emerged from the trash can, they wasted no time in introducing themselves to Ash and his friends.

"Oi! What do you think you're doing here in Team Yell territory?!" One of them exclaimed proudly, while the others nodded in agreement. The name they carried was similar to that of Team Rocket or Team Plasma. But it appeared as though this team wasn't as sophisticated and tidy as them.

Ash, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what to make of the sudden introduction. Team Yell's appearance only added to the mystery surrounding Spikemuth and its current state. As the group of individuals emerged from the trash can, they wasted no time in introducing themselves to Ash and his friends.

"Oh, sorry. We don't mean any harm," Twilight replied to them. "We're just showing up at Spikemuth for a Pokemon World Championships Match. Well, Ash was anyway."

"You're the one here to challenge Marine, aren't ya?" A Team Yell lady said, spotting Ash immediately. She and the rest of them were well aware of Ash.

"That's right! We're both in the Ultra Class, so I'm ready to throw down." Ash said with a smile on his face, quickly disposing of his previous expression for an excited one.


"Hmm..." The Team Yell grunts exchanged knowing glances, their expressions shifting subtly as they assessed the situation. They were well aware of Ash's reputation. It had gotten massive and now he has arrived here at Spikemuth. At that moment, the grunts would quickly huddle up, speaking to each other.

"That's him alright...He's famous back at Equestria and now he's here." One of the grunts spoke, his voice carrying a nervous tone.

"This is bad...Isn't he like stupidly strong?"

"He is. Why did Marnie have to choose him as the next challenger? Couldn't it have been someone weaker?"

"It's alright. As long as we're here, Marnie is sure to win. We just have to make sure she never takes him on."

"Hmm..." The Team Yell grunts continued to murmur amongst themselves before turning to face Ash and his friends, their smiles masking their true intentions. Behind the facade of friendliness, they were already devising a plan to hinder Ash's preparations for the battle, hoping to give Marnie an edge and secure her victory.

"You can't reach Marnie." One of them shrugged, claiming that Ash couldn't reach Marnie at all.

"Oh. Why not?" Ash asked.

"You just can't. Not with us in the way. You don't deserve to take on Marnine, since you'll lose." Another grunt shook his head, essentially calling Ash weak.

"Huh?!" Ash frowned at the Team Yell grunt's dismissive attitude. "No way, I'm weak!" He retorted, his determination shining through despite the provocation.


Twilight stepped forward, her expression stern. "It's not up to you to decide who gets to challenge Marnie. If Ash has earned his place in the Ultra Class, then he has every right to face her in battle."


The Team Yell grunts exchanged uncertain glances, momentarily thrown off by the trio's unwavering confidence. However, they quickly regained their composure, their resolve strengthening as they remained determined to obstruct Ash's path to Marnie.

"Enough talk," One of the burlier grunts declared, stepping forward to block Ash's way. "If you want to get to Marnie, you'll have to go through us first."

"Not that you can!" One of the ladies taunted Ash. She knew he wasn't weak, but in reality, she was doing what she could to stall for time. All of them were. All to make sure that Marnie wins by Time.

Not exactly the most common way of winning something but it wasn't out of the question. The grunts all held out their Poke Balls, challenging Ash to a battle, knowing how powerful he was, so they didn't have to worry about defeating him. They just had to throw everything at him and put up their best defence.

"Fine." Ash would adjust his hat a bit, agreeing to the challenge as he held out his own Poke Ball.

"Ash...You just need to get to Marnie." Twilight knew that this was just a waste of time. "Just forget these grunts and find Marnie."

"Yeah. I'm all for teaching 'em a lesson. They're just getting you on. I've seen this before." Rainbow Dash was on the same page as Twilight, wanting Ash to ignore the grunts. "At least let me take them on."

"I don't run from a battle. Plus, I'll finish this as soon as possible." Ash wasn't one to back down from a Pokemon Battle. Even so, he believed that he could end this quickly.

The grunts would unleash their Pokemon which ended up being Galarian Linoone and Galarian Zigazoon. Multiple of the same two Pokemon were summoned. Seeing these Pokemon for the first time, Ash and Rainbow Dash took their Pokedexes out, reading up on them.

"Zigzagoon. The Tiny Racoon Pokemon. Galarian Variant. Its restlessness has it constantly running around. If it sees another Pokémon, it will purposely run into them in order to start a fight. Thought to be the oldest form of Zigzagoon, it moves in zigzags and wreaks havoc upon its surroundings."

"Linoone. The Rushing Pokemon. Galarian Variant. It uses its long tongue to taunt opponents. Once the opposition is enraged, this Pokémon hurls itself at the opponent, tackling them forcefully. This very aggressive Pokémon will recklessly challenge opponents stronger than itself."

"Dragonite! I choose you!" On Ash's side, he had Dragonite enter the stage.


"All I need is one hit..." Confident in his skills, Ash believed that one attack was all that was needed which would back up the quick victory he mentioned earlier.

At that moment, the grunts would blurt out commands to their Pokemon, having them use Shadow Claw, Night Slash, Fury Swipes, Throat Chop and more moves that allowed them to get up close and personal.

"Now, Dragonite! Hurricane!" Ash bellowed at the top of his lungs. The echo of his yell would ripple through the air of Spikemuth, resonating with Dragonite.

"Draaaa!" Dragonite would also perform a powerful roar as from her body, she managed to summon a fierce gale. The wind howled around Dragonite, intensifying its Hurricane attack and creating a formidable force to reckon with.

Caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, the opposing Pokémon were buffeted by the powerful winds, their attacks disrupted as they struggled to maintain their footing against the raging storm. The grunts were also caught off guard as they were also struggling to stay on the ground.

With screams of surprise and alarm, each and every one of the grunts was sent flying into the air, their bodies carried aloft by the force of the winds. They flailed helplessly as they were tossed and turned by the swirling tempest, their cries echoing through the air as they were swept away.

In just a few seconds the sight of Spikemuth was replaced by the surreal sight of Team Yell grunts soaring through the air, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief. After being carried off by the relentless winds for a while, they came crashing down along with their Pokemon.

All of them had fainted. Team Yell had lost in one fell swoop.

"The Team Yell grunts, who had underestimated Ash's abilities, now bore expressions of shock and disbelief as they picked themselves up from the ground. It was clear that they had not anticipated the full extent of Ash's power, and they now recognized him as a formidable opponent not to be underestimated.

"Blimey..." One of them grunted. "We knew he was strong but this is ridiculous..."

"Oh. My bad." Ash noticed that he may have unleashed too much power. He quickly stepped forward, a sheepish expression on his face. "Guess I should've held back a bit."

"Dragonite..." Dragonite chimed in with a remorseful look, acknowledging her part and apologizing for that.

"Hah! Now you're gotta let him through." Rainbow Dash had a different response, laughing in the face of Team Yell.

"Hold it!" However, they weren't the only grunts here. The population of Spikemuth wasn't as empty as it seemed. From the windows of these buildings, more of them showed up. They all had a common goal. To stall for as much time as possible, even if it meant all of them had to battle. "You think you can just waltz through here without facing all of us?"

Twilight let out an exasperated sigh, frustration evident on her face as she listened to the grunt's insistence on battling despite Ash's victory. "Oh come on! He already won!" Twilight groaned, her patience wearing thin with the repetitive obstacles in their path.

"Yeah, but you haven't gotten through all of us." A grunt wagged his finger which just made Twilight grizzle her teeth out of irritation. Twilight fought to keep her composure, knowing that they couldn't afford to waste any more time in their quest to challenge Marnie.

With a steely resolve, Ash stepped forward, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. "If that's what it takes, then so be it. We'll take on all of you," he declared, his voice unwavering despite the daunting odds. "Besides...This gives me a good chance to get myself ready."

In Ash's eyes, it was also a way to warm up. The way he said it was rather intimidating too. Some of the grunts would gulp and pull back at Ash's words. It made them feel like they were about to be punching bags. And that is exactly what was about to happen. As soon as they sent out their own Zigzagoon and Linoone, Pikachu was sent up next.

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" Ash shouted, his voice echoing through the snow-covered streets of Spikemuth.

"Pika...Chuuuu!" With a crackle of electricity, Pikachu unleashed a powerful bolt of lightning, aiming to strike down his opponents with all the force of a thunderstorm. With 100,000 volts flying out, the force of the attack was overwhelming, as the lightning surged through the Team Yell grunts' Pokémon, enveloping them in a dazzling display of energy.

In a dazzling spectacle visible even from the outskirts of Spikemuth, Ash's Pikachu proved once again its formidable strength, swiftly dispatching the opposing Pokémon with a single powerful attack.

The grunts could only watch in awe as their Pokémon were overwhelmed by the sheer force of Pikachu's Thunderbolt, their defeat sealed in an instant by Ash's unmatched skill and determination.

Once more, Ash took down a group of Pokemon in one attack, proving to be exceedingly stronger than them. As the dust settled from Pikachu's electrifying display, it became apparent that the Team Yell grunts were far from finished. From every corner of the rough and tumble town of Spikemuth, more of them emerged, seemingly appearing from the shadows themselves.

They poured forth from alleyways, behind crumbling walls, and even from within the trash cans, their numbers seemingly endless. It was as if the very town itself had risen up against Ash and his companions, determined to halt their progress at any cost.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash exchanged worried glances, realizing that Ash was facing an overwhelming onslaught. The grunts were united in their goal to stall for time, and they seemed willing to throw every obstacle imaginable in Ash's path. But despite the odds stacked against them, Ash's resolve remained unshaken. With a determined glint in his eye, he steeled himself for the battles yet to come, finding enjoyment in it.

In a flurry of action, Ash, with Pikachu and Dragonite at his side, faced off against wave after wave of Team Yell grunts in a thrilling montage of battles.

With lightning-fast reflexes and strategic prowess, Ash commanded Pikachu and Dragonite to unleash a barrage of powerful attacks, sending shockwaves and wind pressures rippling through the streets of Spikemuth. Thunderbolts crackled through the air, dazzling displays of electricity illuminating the town as Pikachu's attacks struck true, felling opponent after opponent. Hurricanes would blow fiercely across the streets, lifting any rubble, grunt and Pokemon off the ground.

As the final Team Yell grunt fell to the ground, defeated, Ash stood amidst the aftermath of the intense battles that had unfolded in the streets of Spikemuth. But their respite was short-lived as one of the grunts staggered to his feet, his resolve unbroken despite his defeat.

"Oh, what now?!" Rainbow Dash groaned, already tired of this.

"Y-You haven't finished yet. There's just one more thing," the grunt stammered, his voice shaky but determined. "You have to-"

"That's enough! Knock it off!" With a bellowing sound, a voice shouted at the grunts. The Team Yell Grunts flinched at this voice as they recognized it all too well. Standing behind them and appearing onto the scene was none other than Marnine herself.

"Marnie?!" Team Yell gasped upon seeing Marnie's arrival. Her presence alone seemed to command attention, silencing the grunts and halting their attempts to stall for more time.

"Geez...Making me yell..." Marnie sighed. "I can't believe you lot. What was the point of battling him when you knew you were going to lose?"

"If we kept battling him, you wouldn't have to. Then you'd win the Ultra Class battle with ease! No effort needed!" Team Yell were 100% honest with their intentions and it appeared to be from a place of support. "Anything to make you win!" They knew they had acted foolishly, driven by their misguided loyalty and desire to support Marnie at any cost. But they had no regrets.

"Blockheads...I want to win on my own terms. You always do this." Marnine groaned. This was not the first time something like this has happened. Marnie's frustration was palpable as she listened to Team Yell's honest but misguided intentions. Their desire to support her at any cost was evident, but Marnie knew that their actions were ultimately counterproductive.

Despite their good intentions, Marnie knew that victory achieved through underhanded tactics would be hollow and meaningless. She wanted to win on her own merit, through hard work and dedication, rather than relying on the efforts of others. Like most Pokemon Trainers do.

"Nice! So you're Marnie!" Ash would zoom past the other grunts, returning Dragonite to her Poke Ball and finally approaching the one he was meant to battle today. "

"We're not even supposed to be in Spikemuth. We're supposed to be battling in Wyndon Stadium today...but I had a feeling they'd try something to stop you from showing up." Marnie said with a stoic expression. "They changed the location of the match on my phone when I wasn't looking."

"Wyndon Stadium? You mean I was gonna be stuck here?!" Ash gasped as Team Yell had one more trick that would've stalled for more time. Their determination to hinder Ash's progress knew no bounds, and their devious tactics had almost succeeded in derailing his plans entirely.

"But, we aren't leaving for Wyndon just yet. Either way, I actually did want you to come to Spikemuth." However, Marnie revealed a bit more. "You're the one I wanted to challenge as soon as I got to good spot in the Ultra Class, Ash."

"Yeah?" Ash was all ears for this. "Is this is about your town? It looks pretty beat up."

"It is. It's been suffering for 4 years now." Marnie continued with her tone changing. "Have you heard about that Storm Behemoth thing?"

"Yeah. We took it on." Rainbow Dash spoke. She, Twilight, Ash and all of her friends took on the Storm Behemoth themselves. That 500ft electrical force was quite the challenge and no matter how much time passed, it never stopped coming up. Mainly due to how much impact it had on the world despite being not getting that far.

"Sure, it caused a ruckus around Unova and Equestria. But some of the lightning crossed over the seas and reached Galar. And Spikemuth took a hit from it." Marnie revealed that the electrical pulse from the Storm Behemoth crossed over to another region. In this case, Galar. She could remember it now.

As Marnie recounted the impact of the Storm Behemoth's lightning pulse on Spikemuth, a solemn atmosphere settled over the group. With a distant look in her eyes, Marnie began to recount the events of that fateful day, transporting them back in time to the moment when disaster struck.

4 years ago.

The flashback unfolded like a vivid memory, the scene playing out before their eyes with startling clarity. They found themselves standing on the streets of Spikemuth, the air heavy with anticipation and unease as dark clouds loomed ominously overhead.

In the distance, they could see the silhouette of the Storm Behemoth, a towering figure wreathed in lightning as it unleashed its fury upon the world. The ground shook with each thunderous roar, and the air crackled with electricity as bolts of lightning streaked across the sky.

Despite it starting in Unova and quickly entering Equestria minutes later, the figure of this entity was so colossal that it could be seen from Spikemuth. This small town had the advantage of seeing things far off in the sea and the Storm Behemoth was no different.

As the storm drew closer, the people of Spikemuth watched in shock as the lightning pulse surged forth, crossing over the seas from Unova and Equestria to reach Galar. The pulse was like nothing they had ever seen before, a brilliant cascade of light and energy that illuminated the sky with its otherworldly glow.

With a deafening roar, the lightning pulse struck Spikemuth with devastating force, sending shockwaves rippling through the town and leaving destruction in its wake. Buildings crumbled, streets were torn asunder, and the very ground seemed to tremble beneath their feet as the pulse passed through.

This led to the scenario present here today.

"It didn't help that that weird tremor from the Pokemon Festival made things worse for us." Marine continued from there. "That thing that Daybreaker did ruined all the progress we made to try and fix everything. Now, we're back to square one."

Spikemuth certainly suffered a lot thanks to those two significant events. Twilight also had to wonder if Yveltal 's destruction also set them back since Xerneas's power to heal the world didn't automatically involve all buildings.

"So, I knew I had to battle you. You've helped a lot of people, especially back at Equestria. Aren't you like, their hero? Even though you're from Kanto?" Marnie also revealed why she wanted to battle Ash as soon as possible once she was a high enough rank.

"Well, I guess I am," Ash replied.

"If I battle and become the new Monarch, I could put Spikemuth back in the limelight. Maybe raise enough money to fix all of this damage. No one really wants to give our town the attention anymore, or even take on my brother's Gym."

"So that's why you wanted to take me on." Ash understood it all clearly.

"So can you do it?"

"Well, I don't think me being a Hero means I can just fix all of this in a flash," Ash admitted. "But I get what you mean. I can still help. I could give up a ton of money for you!"

"Can you do that? How much money are we talking about?" Marnie needed to know.

"Technically, Ash is a millionaire. Or...Billionare?" Rainbow Dash wasn't sure herself since she had no clue how much Ash had in his possession.

"Uh..." Thinking hard, Ash never really kept track of just how many he made. He just knew he had a lot due to years of exploring the world and battling. "It's a lot though! That's all you gotta know."

"That would be nice. But repairing the damages won't be the end of it. I want to bring Spikemuth into the limelight. To show that it's not just some dump like everyone says. There are amazing trainers here too. Do you think you could do that too?"

"Yeah, can you?!" The members of Team Yell would shout. They all had the same opinion as they wanted Spikemuth to be more. After all, supporting Marnie was connected to this. "We're powerful trainers too!"

"I don't know about that..." Rainbow Dash thought otherwise. Perhaps they were but considering they were up against Ash, they didn't stand a chance.

"They're all stubborn and loud, but they want the same thing too," Marnie asked. "My brother wanted to take my place, but I couldn't let him do that. A part of me feels bad for him..."

"Can you show me, Marnie?" Ash asked, wanting to see her brother. With a nod of agreement, Marnie led the way. The match between her and Ash was on the horizon, but not without something behind it.

Spikemuth suffered from some world-shattering events and due to its small appearance and identity, it truly got the short end of the stick. No support. No recognition. Nothing. The most it got was Team Yell interfering with Marnie's phone to let Ash know about Spikemuth. But Marnie and all of Team Yell wanted more than what they currently had.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 403 End.

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