• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Year: Riddles in the Tomb

With Desert Ruins assisted, even though there weren't a lot of Rhynocs in that realm and it didn't look like the residents were actually under attack for once, which was odd when the group considered what they had seen in the past, Spyro, Spike, Ember, and Elora returned to the main part of Midnight Mountain and headed over to the area that the last two portals to the other realms were located in. All that remained for them to do, besides the Speedway, was help out both Haunted Tomb and Dino Mines, so they could stop whatever the Rhynocs were doing to them, or whatever villainous group happened to be in place of the Rhynocs, collect the eggs that were in both realms, and then pick up the gems before coming back to this land so they could head to the next realm and then repeat it with the other realm. Once the last of the realms were taken care of they would tackle the Speedway, before heading to the area that Bianca was standing in so they could breach their true foe's stronghold and break the Sorceress' hold on the Forgotten Realms, though even as they thought about that they came to a stop near the square shaped portal that would take them to Haunted Tomb, but all four of them were positioned so they could see the portal to Dino Mines as well. One thing the group hoped, without saying anything to each other, was that they didn't see Moneybags in either of the remaining realms that they had to choose from, because seeing him in the last two realms was more than enough and they didn't want to see him again, so soon anyway, to which they focused on which of the remaining portals they wanted to go through next.

"So, Haunted Tomb or Dino Mines?" Elora asked, mostly because Spyro likely had a good idea as to which realm they should take on next and she was curious as to what he had to say, especially since she was used to following his lead when it came to picking out which realm was next on their list and was now used to fighting all of the enemies that were standing in their way, since the Sorceress was having her Rhynocs guard the stolen eggs.

"The former, actually," Spyro replied, thinking back to what he had been thinking earlier, when he had been asked the same question before he picked out Desert Ruins, though he was now staring at the portal that they were standing near, as he was interested in seeing what was on the other side of the portal in question, where he noticed that his siblings and Elora nodded their heads in agreement to what he was saying.

With their destination determined, and nothing to stop them from going through the portal, the four of them headed through the magical gateway that was in front of them and quickly crossed the distance between the area they had been standing in and the starting area for the next realm that they would be tackling for a time, just like they did with all of the other realms. The starting area that they appeared in seemed to be the first chamber that someone walked into when they entered an ancient tomb, based on the wall designs and the circular support pillars that were carved into the stone walls, with normal torches to light the entire area up, though that was when the group noticed a large golden coffin, or rather a sarcophagus, and a stone door that seemed to be the way deeper into the tomb. One thing that Spike noticed was that there was a button on the ground nearby, something that might be connected to the door that was in front of them, though instead of focusing on that he and the others turned their attention to the resident of the realm that was standing near them, who seemed to be eager for some visitors, like the Rhynocs hadn't been to this realm yet. It was in that moment that they discovered that the residents of this realm were purple skinned dogs, not the same coloration of Spyro and Spike's scales, though he was wearing what appeared to be an Egyptian set of attire around his waist, a collar around his neck, a large hat on his head, and he happened to be holding a staff in his left hand, meaning that he was an Egyptian Dog, based on the naming scheme they came up with earlier.

"Ah, yet another group of daredevil adventurers have come to rob our catacombs of loot... let's just hope all four of you are made of tougher stuff than the last guy!" the Egyptian Dog said, his tone telling the group that he found some amusement in the fact that people came to this realm in search of loot and that they failed all the time, even if they were only here because of the fact that there were eggs here, since they didn't want to rob them of all the treasure that was in their realm, due to that being what the Sorceress would have done, "If you can survive the trials of the catacombs, along with answering my riddle, we will give you a prize befitting your efforts. Here is my riddle: I am a vessel without hinges, lock, or lid, yet within my walls, a golden treasure is hid... what am I?"

Spike tilted his head for a moment, going over the words for a few seconds, before a frown appeared on his face, as it was a rather straightforward riddle when he thought about it and he already knew the answer to it, though as he figured out what the answer was Elora could see that he was debating whether or not he could tell the Egyptian Dog the answer now or wait till the end of the catacombs, since it wasn't clear when they were supposed to answer the riddle, hence the reason she turned towards the resident of the realm for a moment.

"So, can we answer the riddle now, or do we have to wait until the end of the trials?" Elora asked, because she figured that she could ask the question for Spike, since he was preoccupied with the simplicity of the riddle they had been told, before they got started on seeing what sort of enemies would be standing in their way for the duration of their stay in this realm, since they didn't see any foes at the moment.

"You have to survive the trials first." the Egyptian Dog replied, which informed them that they were going to have to fight their way through all of the enemies that were in this realm before Spike could answer the riddle that they had been told, to which the group nodded their heads to show that there was no confusion in what the guy was saying, before they turned their attention to the rest of the starting area.

From there the four of them moved into the area that was in front of them, where they found a few straw baskets to smash and a couple of loose gems just laying on the stone floor, though in addition to that it was easy to find that there was an image of a Rhynoc on the sarcophagus' lid, which opened not a few moments later and out popped a Rhynoc that happened to be dressed up like a mummy. From what the group could gather the Rhynocs had succeeded in delivering some eggs to this realm, but had been captured by the residents that called this place home, hence why the one that came out of the sarcophagus was dressed up the way it was, though Elora wasted no time in kicking it in the side of its head and knocked it to the ground, only to discover that no gem had been dropped. In that moment Spike understood what was going on and had Ember smash the sarcophagus that was resting near them, where his sister hardened her tail and swung at the object in question, which resulted in her smashing the coffin to pieces in a matter of seconds, as it appeared that it had been made out of a golden yellow colored stone, instead of actual gold, and it dropped the gem they were missing when Elora kicked their foe into the ground. Spike revealed that it was the same thing that they had encountered back in Fireworks Factory, someone was taking the gems and was setting them up inside a device that would allow an infinite number of Rhynocs to be produced, meaning that they would need to smash all of the sarcophagus' that they found as they explored the rest of the realm, though he could also tell that the others were glad to have him around, since he had figured out a potential problem within seconds of discovering it.

With that done the group started to move forward once more, this time spotting a ledge that Elora could totally jump up to with her normal jumping abilities, even though the area did contain the exit portal and what appeared to be one of Agent 9's portals, but instead of worrying about that, and possibly pissing off the Egyptian Dog that was behind them, the four of them approached the button that was near the stone door and Spike stepped on it, lowering the door so that his siblings and Elora could walk through it first, before he joined them on the other side. Interestingly enough there were a few stone steps in front of them, on the other side of the door, so they were able to pick up a few gems as they looked out at the rest of the area that they would be exploring, even though there happened to be a button nearby that was also linked up with the door behind them, in case they needed to backtrack, but they weren't about to do that. From the area that was at the bottom of the steps the group found another sarcophagus resting some distance away, no doubt waiting to dispense a Mummified Rhynoc or two to face them, though that was when they spotted a new type of foe that seemed to resemble the Earthshapers from Avalar, only their skin was a lot smoother than the ones in Fracture Hills, the pair were wearing wrappings all over their bodies, and they had what appeared to be either shields or ammunition containers on their backs, meaning they needed to be taken down as well. It took the group a few seconds to come up with a name for the new enemy, as there was no way they were going to call them Mummified Earthshapers, since that seemed lazy and there was the fact that these guys didn't have the same powers as the ones back in Avalar, so they stuck with Mummified Guards, since that was pretty straightforward.

Once they had named the new type of enemy the group moved forward and smashed three straw baskets that were near the edge of the area, allowing them to collect the gems that were inside the containers, before they dealt with their new foes, where Spike used a barrier to stop the first Mummified Guard's heated spheres from hitting them, though as he did that Elora jumped over the gap that was to their left and reached the area that the second Mummified Guard was in, allowing her to kick him with the side of her leg. That took the first foe down in seconds, allowing the one in front of the siblings to be stunned for a moment, which was when Spike pulled the barrier back and bounced all the spheres back at the one that they came from, hitting him with the same force that he had thrown them with, allowing him to take out his target in seconds, opening the way for Ember to use her hardened tail on the Rhynoc Sarcophagus, as they were going to call it by the same name as the Rhynoc Boxes from Fireworks Factory. With those three targets taken down, along with a Mummified Rhynoc that got hit by Ember as she was smashing the coffin it was coming out of, the siblings jumped over the small river that was between them and the area that Elora was walking down into, though that was when they found a pair of armor wearing jackals, who had dark blue fur and seemed to stand still, like statues, until one of them got close, to which Spyro charged into the first Armored Jackal and took it out in seconds, leading to Spike freezing the second with his Cone of Frost so he could true around and charge it down as well.

As it turned out there were no enemies in Elora's way, so she was able to break a few straw baskets as the siblings did the same to a pair of metallic vases, before they used the highest point of this section of the catacombs to glide over to the other side of the chamber, where some stones were falling from the ceiling, to which Spike used another barrier spell to give them a layer of protection so they could smash the straw baskets that were in the area and pick up all the loose gems that were around them, before jumping back down to the area the pair of Armored Jackals had been in, which was when Spike let the barrier spell dissolve and let the rocks fall again.

With that area cleared out the group stepped on the button that was near the small river and opened the door to the next part of the tomb, where they immediately found a few straw baskets, a Rhynoc Sarcophagus, and one Mummified Guard in the area on the other side of the door, to which they got to work the moment they spotted their enemies, as the Rhynoc Sarcophagus fell to Ember smashing it to pieces, while at the same time Spyro actually let the Mummified Guard throw a sphere at him so he could launch it back in return, by aiming and spitting it at his target. That, of course, allowed Spike and Elora to deal with the straw baskets and claim the gems that had been inside them, before they rounded the corner and spotted two more Rhynoc Sarcophagi between the area they were standing in and the area that the next door was resting in, which was being guarded by an Armored Jackal, so the pair waited for the others to finish up what they were doing before they attacked the next group of foes. Once the four of them were back together Spike and Elora struck down the Mummified Rhynocs that were able to emerge from the Rhynoc Sarcophagi, the former blasting his foe in the chest with a Fireball while the latter kicked her target in the side of the head, though that opened the way for Ember to rapidly smash both of the coffins to pieces with her armored body, allowing Spyro to charge forward and hit the Armored Jackal before it could even do anything to them. After the Armored Jackal was taken care of the siblings and Elora took a few moments to clear out the rest of the area that was around them, smashing the couple of straw baskets that were in the area and picked up all the gems that had been left on the ground, before they tapped the button and opened the door so they could move forward once more.

The next chamber of the tomb that they had to visit had more falling rocks that were coming from the ceiling, where it took Spike a few seconds to cast the same spell that he had used earlier and made sure that a barrier was resting above their heads, allowing them to smash a couple of metallic vases and pick up the gems that were in the area, before reaching the end of the area and found that they didn't need to press a button this time, so Spike let go of the spell as they moved into the next area. The first thing the group did, as they entered the next area, was smash a straw basket as each of them took in the enemies that were around them, as in one Rhynoc Sarcophagus and one of the Mummified Guards, at least that was what they could see at the moment, to which Ember rushed forward and smashed into the coffin that was in their way, preventing more Mummified Rhynocs from spawning, while Spyro let the larger foe throw a sphere at them so he could spit it back at him, beating him down in seconds as well. What they discovered was that there was an Armored Jackal up by where the foe Spyro had taken out was located, though further along the path that they would be following, to move forward through this tomb, there were two more Armored Jackals guarding the door and behind them stood one of the Mummified Guards, meaning they would have to be careful in this area. As such Spike gathered his magic and loosed a Cone of Frost on one of the Armored Jackals, freezing it as Spyro charged into the thawed one and then turned around to smash through the second one, clearing out those enemies in moments, allowing Elora to charge forward and swing her leg into the Mummified Guard's face, taking him out as well.

From there they climbed up the ladder that was on the right side of the area and reached the area that the last foe of this chapter was waiting in, where Spyro charged into the Armored Jackal and allowed Spike to check out the egg that was resting up there, before he sent it back home and they headed over to where the door was located, making sure to press the button near the start of this area before they moved into the next chamber. The next area was another one that had falling rocks, causing Spike to sigh as he made sure to throw up a barrier to protect them, while leaving an opening that allowed them to deal with a Mummified Guard that was getting ready to throw some of his heated spheres into the area that they were walking through, which was why Spyro gobbled one up and spat it back at their foe, taking it down in a few seconds so they could access the button it was guarding. Instead of pressing that immediately, and heading into the next chamber, what the group did was pick up any gems that were on the ground and smashed the couple of metallic vases that they found, before pressing the button and opening the door to the next area, where the four of them discovered one more Rhynoc Sarcophagus, a couple of straw baskets, one of the Mummified Guards, and a set of stone steps that lead to a portal that would take them to one of the side sections of this realm, which they ignored for the moment. What they did next was smash all of the straw baskets that were in the area, where Ember made sure to harden her entire body as she rushed forward and smashed the Rhynoc Sarcophagus that was near the portal they had discovered, eliminating another enemy from their path, before Spike approached the Mummified Guard and used a shimmering barrier, the Reflection spell that he didn't use all that often, to bounce the incoming heated sphere back at his target, taking it out as well so they could have free reign of this part of the realm as well.

With the area cleared of enemies they moved up the path that the Mummified Guard had been guarding and found that it brought them to the area that could be seen from the starting area, meaning that the starting area and end area for this realm were basically side by side, something that wasn't common when they thought about it, before they spotted an Egyptian Dog standing near the inactive exit portal, clearly waiting for them to reach the end of the trials, though it was clear that this wasn't the one they had talked to earlier, meaning the first one and this one had to have the same riddle for them to solve, hence why they approached him to see what he had to say.

"I see the four of you have managed to survive the trials... most impressive. Now let's find out if your wits are as quick as your feet. Do you remember the riddle?" the Egyptian Dog said, part of his statement revealing that he was actually impressed by the fact that they were able to make their way through the catacombs and overcame the challenges that had been in their way, though when Spike nodded his head, to show that they did remember the riddle, it was clear that the Egyptian Dog was going to repeat it anyway, so he remained silent for a few seconds, "My riddle was this: I am a vessel without hinges, lock, or lid, yet within my walls, a golden treasure is hid... what am I?"

"An egg." Spike replied, as he had gotten it within the first few seconds of hearing the riddle, because while it seemed all to simple to be a grand riddle that was meant to stump those that heard it, like some of the greater riddles he had been told since their return from Avalar, there was something about this one that made it different from the others, though he remained silent for a moment as he waited to see what the Egyptian Dog had to say.

"That's correct. Say, have you heard that one before?" the Egyptian Dog asked, revealing that Spike had gotten it right and that such a thing had caught the dog completely off guard, like he was expecting a guess and not a legitimate answer, but that didn't stop him from revealing an egg to the group, meaning that the 'prize' that they had been told about was one of the eggs that they had come to find, giving them two from this realm.

"Yeah, I have. In fact, according to the older texts, it used to be a way to identify the Egg Keepers that swore to serve the first purple dragon and keep all dragon eggs safe," Spike said, though at the same time he rubbed the back of his head for a moment, because that was ancient history and these days the dragons watched over their eggs on their own, even though he doubted that even the force of the Egg Keepers would have been able to stop the Sorceress' forces from doing what they did, before he returned to the matter that they were dealing with, "or at least that was what the riddle used to be, a thousand years ago, before dragons were banished from the Forgotten Realms and eventually settled in a number of locations across the world... at least we think so, given the information we've acquired."

"We, too, have tales of such a thing, hence why we were keeping these eggs safe from the Sorceress and why we were so keen to test you when you arrived," the Egyptian Dog stated, though as he gave them the egg that he had been holding onto, since the Rhynocs showed up in the realm with it and the other five that they were in the middle of recovering, the exit portal became active once more, before a look of determination appeared in the dog's eyes, "We have heard about the rebellion that the other realms are going through, turning against the Sorceress and her Rhynocs, and now that we know that the Sorceress is behind why the eggs are in these lands its time that we honored the ancient pact with the first purple dragon and help you fight your foes."

Before Spyro, Spike, Ember, or Elora could say anything the Egyptian Dog ran off to gather the majority of the other dogs that called this realm home, so they could go over everything they needed to do before the big battle, though at this point none of them were all that surprised by what was going on, since every realm they had assisted seemed to be in the middle of siding with them, to create a force of soldiers that would take the Sorceress' Rhynoc army down, but even as they came to that decision there was something they needed to discuss.

"Not to sound like I don't know anything, but whose this 'first purple dragon' you mentioned?" Elora asked, because she hadn't gotten through all of the tomes and scrolls that were in the Dark Hollow library and didn't had the same level of knowledge that Spike had when it came to dragon lore, in fact he was probably the only dragon in the Dragon Realms that knew as much as he did, and that was saying something when she considered how much Argus and the others that called that realm home knew about the subject.

"I'll explain everything later, once the Sorceress has been taken care of." Spike said, though at the same time he made sure to smash two straw baskets that were resting near Agent 9's portal, so Talon could pick up the gems that had been resting inside them, before he turned back towards his siblings and Elora for a few seconds, "What I can tell you is that we managed to impress the Egyptian Dogs and they're going to honor an ancient pact they made with the dragons over a thousand years ago, when we called these lands home... basically, we have another group of allies for the big battle, and the rest of what we said I'll tell you all about later."

Elora, sensing that there was more that Spike wanted to say and didn't due to the fact that they were focused on the quest they were on, nodded her head before they determined what they wanted to do first, as there happened to be three options for them to pick from, the first being a ladder that was near the exit portal, Agent 9's section of the realm, or the side section they had passed by a few minutes ago. It didn't take them long to determine that they should check out the ladder that was nearby, to which Spyro climbed up it first and discovered a lone gem for him to pick up, though that was when he found that the area that was in front of him held a slide, just like they had seen in the last couple of realms they had visited, to which he slid down it and collected the gems that were along the way, before finding that there was an area of the realm that looked at the end of the slide. There was one other thing he discovered, and that was that at the end of the slide there was an egg, where he stood there and waited for Elora to come to him, since he couldn't transfer the egg over to the area that the others were standing in and let her pick it up so she could glide over to where Spike was standing, before Spyro finally rejoined them and watched as Spike sent the egg back home. With that done the group headed to the first of the two side sections of the realm that they were going to tackle, which was the one that had the stone steps that lead up to the portal in question, and it didn't take them long to find their way to the area the portal was in, where they passed through it not a few seconds later.

The area that it brought them to appeared to be some sort of arena, one that had four directional areas and a square shaped center piece, with braziers around the entire area to light the entire place up, though that was when they found one of the Egyptian Dogs standing in front of them, where they had no doubt that he had something he wanted to tell the four of them, to which they came to a stop in front of him and noticed that there was a vehicle of some kind resting right behind him, which reminded them of a tank.

"Well hello there, the first round of the annual demolition hovercraft competition is about to begin! There is room for one more contestant, but one of you will have to answer my riddle to participate." the Egyptian Dog said, where he waited for a few moments to make sure the group understood what he was saying, something that they were expecting after the first Egyptian Dog had told them a riddle and the last one expected them to answer it, to which they waited for him to tell them what the riddle was, "The riddle is this: If one dragon can lay one egg in twelve years, how long would it take for one hundred dragons to lay one hundred eggs?"

"Twelve years," Spike replied in seconds, because that wasn't even a riddle in his mind, even if someone needed some knowledge on how dragons worked to be able to answer it, while at the same time his siblings and Elora nodded to show that they agreed with the answer that he was giving, since they knew he was right and that they would be taking on this challenge to recover the eggs that were in this section of the realm.

"Very impressive, that is correct. Good luck in the competition." the Egyptian Dog stated, where he seemed shocked that the riddle had been answered so quickly, though at the same time he seemed to eventually regain himself, no doubt figuring that a dragon would know the answer to such a riddle, before beckoning to the hovercraft that one of them would be using in the competition.

The group found that the hovercraft only had room for one of them to control it, so this time Spyro jumped onto the vehicle as the others stood back, where he messed with the controls for a few moments and made sure that he knew how to control the hovercraft, though once that was done he moved forward and entered the arena that was in front of him, so he could challenge the other contestants. As it turned out there were four red colored hovercrafts, as the one that Spyro was driving was blue colored, scattered around the arena that was in this section of the realm, where the others had to watch as Spyro maneuvered the hovercraft out of the way of the incoming attacks that were coming at him and fired a few shots at his foes in return, though that was when they watched as the first one was broken in seconds of the first round starting. From there it didn't take him all that much longer to track down the other three enemies and blast them as well, blowing up their hovercrafts as well, before he took a few moments to make sure there were no more enemies in the area before heading back to where the Egyptian Dog was waiting, who was really surprised by the fact that he had finished the round in such a short period of time. Once he came back to the area that the others were standing in the Egyptian Dog told them that there was a final round as well and that he didn't know how well the group would do in it, even though he was referring to Spyro and not the others, though the reward for winning the first round was one of the dragon eggs, one that Spike claimed as his brother headed back out into the arena so he could face the other foes.

The ten hovercrafts that Spyro had to fight this time around were more spread out and were eager for him to join the fight before they got started, though when he entered the arena again Spyro started to move out of the way of the attacks that were coming his way and fired a few shots in return, blowing away a number of the other contestants in a matter of seconds, just like the first round of the competition, before eventually taking the last one down and returning to where the others were waiting, to which he climbed off the hovercraft and returned to the Egyptian Dog.

"That was a battle for the ages!" the Egyptian Dog declared, to which he produced another egg and let Spike take it, though his tone revealed that he was actually excited about what he had seen and was glad that his riddle had been answered, before he focused on them for a moment, like he was thinking about something, "You're the first dragon that has won the competition in a thousand years! I'll make sure to write all this down for the future."

The siblings and Elora said nothing to that, as Spike made sure that both of the eggs were safe and sound before he sent them back to the Dragon Realms, causing them to leave the side area that they were in and headed back to where Agent 9's portal was located, where they quickly found their friend standing in the middle of the chamber, just like they found all of their friends when they entered the portals that were connected to their homeworld.

"Oh, hey guys, did you know that one of those dogs with the funny hats put a curse on me, because I had no idea they could do that, all because I shot him in the butt a few times because he annoyed me." Agent 9 remarked, where the group knew that someone must have asked Agent 9 a riddle and their friend had no idea what the answer happened to be, so he shot the Egyptian Dog a few times by the sounds of it, before he moved his tail for a few seconds as he glanced at it, which made the group wonder what he was doing, "He said he turned my tail into a snake, or that it would become a snake after an hour or two... does it look like a snake to you guys?"

"No, and I can guarantee that you haven't been cursed." Spike said, because he didn't detect any curses on Agent 9, as there were no magical signatures on his body and that meant that the Egyptian Dog in question had lied after he had been shot, figuring that the thought of his tail turning into a snake, and the panic it brought, was enough in the grand scheme of things, though it didn't sit well with Agent 9, who turned around and stormed through the portal that was behind him, an action that caused them to follow after him.

It was in that moment that they found that Agent 9 had found another Egyptian Dog and that there was a fence that was blocking the way forward, an electric fence to be exact, to which the group came to a stop behind Agent 9 as they waited to see what the resident of this realm had to say, even though whatever was guarding this area wouldn't be able to stand against the five of them.

"Behind this door lies the five deadly trials of King Rover, where no one has survived all five of them before. In fact, it is so dangerous that I cannot let any of you through this first door, not until you answer my riddle." the Egyptian Dog said, though at the same time the group remained silent as they waited to hear what he had to say, especially since Spike was sure he could answer the riddle in the first couple of seconds after they were told what it happened to be, to which he readied himself for what he was about to say, "My riddle is this: I follow you wherever you go, but the more of me you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?"

"Footsteps." Spike said, not even wasting a second in answering the riddle, though this time he refrained from sighing or saying anything else, because this was a rather simple riddle and he was starting to get disappointed in what sort of riddles they were being offered, as they didn't make him think for more than a few seconds, though the Egyptian Dog did open the way for them.

With the way open the group discovered that there were ten aggressive looking snakes that wanted them dead, not that it mattered in the grand scheme of things as they lashed out the snakes, Elora and Agent 9 blasting their targets with their blasters, Spyro charing through them, Ember whacking them with her tail, and Spike blasting them away with some low powered Fireballs. The next chamber happened to have fifteen more Attack Snakes, as Spike was going to call them, and it didn't take them long to wipe out the enemies that were in the second trial, where the group had to wonder why this was so hard for those that came before them, before they cleared out the area as quickly as they finished off the first one, allowing them to access the next trial. It was then that the group discovered that the third one had a mix of Attack Snakes and Mummified Rhynocs, though that didn't do much in the grand scheme of things since the group just repeated what they had done for the last two trials and quickly conquered the challenge that was being thrown at them, though it was the fourth trial that raised the stakes. The reason behind that was due to the couple of Rhynoc Sarcophagi that were in the area, along with a few Attack Snakes and some Mummified Rhynocs, where Ember focused on smashing all of the Rhynoc Sarcophagi while the others dealt with the other enemies that were in the area, before the fence fell and they were able to access the next area, where the group found that three Mummified Guards joined the battle. Of course the new enemies didn't do much in the grand scheme of things, as Elora focused on kicking those foes in the side of their heads as Ember smashed the couple of Rhynoc Sarcophagi, allowing Spyro, Spike, and Agent 9 to deal with the rest of the enemies that were in the area, before they wiped out all of the foes that were in the final area.

Once the area was cleared out the final door opened and they found an egg waiting for them, to which Spike took a few moments to check it out before sending it back home, to which they bid Agent 9 farewell and headed through the exit portal to return to the main area of Haunted Tomb, before heading back to Midnight Mountain so they could clean up the last realm and the Speedway, before finally facing the Sorceress so they could put an end to her plans.

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