• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Interlude: The Machinists

After visiting the Arcanaeum again, where both Ember and Spyro found a weapon that would allow them to switch things up in the future, Spike and the other scholars went over the artifacts and items of power Malefor had stored away inside the vault, determining which of them could be returned to their owners and which of them would have to stay locked up, as all of them knew there was a chance the individuals some of them belonged to would prefer they stay safe. Like the Scepter of Felinia, a magical artifact that had to belong to the ruler of the island that Prince Azrael ruled, that one they were sure the previous owner would want back at some point in time, while something like the Crown of the Firelord, an item that seemed more like a trophy than anything else, would likely stay inside the vault for the foreseeable future. As such Cosmos and the scholars allowed Spike to use Akilesh in the Teleportation Room, allowing them to move the Arcanaeum to whatever realm they wanted to visit in their quest to return the artifacts to their respective owners, even though anything that belonged to the first purple dragon would remain inside the vault for further study, and that also included whatever resided in the other rooms they hadn't explored yet. Elora and Hunter were still a little surprised by the fact that Malefor had crafted such a powerful enchantment on the Arcanaeum and didn't simply teleport it to a land the Sorceress couldn't get to, and Bianca even agreed with them, but they accepted the reason that Spike and the other scholars gave them, since they knew more about the subject than anyone else. Spike did wait for everyone to take their positions before he started to move them from the treasury and head to their first destination, just like he had done when they tested the spell out earlier, and once everyone else was ready the structure disappeared from the treasury and they headed for the realm that Spike had picked out.

Their first destination, as it turned out, was Magma Crater, the home of the Tikis that the siblings had assisted near the start of their adventure in Avilion, where they sought out Rocky, who seemed to be the leader of the beings that called this realm home, and found that he was overseeing the preparations for a party the others wanted to throw, either due to what happened to the Sorceress or just because they liked to party, where the latter was the more likely reason. Rocky was glad to see them, especially since they had done a great job fixing what the Sorceress had done to their realm, as in taking out all of the Rhynocs and calming the other creatures that they shared their home with, before he asked them if there was anything he could do to assist all of them, especially since Bianca was nearby and he knew that she was one of Avilion's new Council members. Once the question was asked Bianca explained that they had found the vault that the first purple dragon, hence the structure that was behind them, floating above the edge of the area, and Informed Rocky that they had found the Crown of the Firelord, a creature whose death apparently went into creating Molten Crater, based on what they were able to gleam from their studies and what Spike had told her, before getting to the point by asking if he and the others wanted them to return the artifact to him and the other residents of this realm. Rocky seemed surprised by the fact that they had found something like the crown that once belonged to the Firelord, even though Cosmos held the large flaming crown in question, but in the end he accepted the return of the artifact and had the group follow him so it could be placed in a shrine that was hidden near the exit portal for the realm, allowing Cosmos to place the crown in the space that had been created for it.

Interestingly enough that lead to a small elemental creature, one made of fire that was about the size of one of the hatchlings the siblings had rescued during their adventure, rapidly forming before their eyes, where Spike had to assume that the Tikis had created the shrine a long time ago, no doubt after the defeat of the Firelord, so that they could maybe create a new Firelord, one that wouldn't bother the rest of Avilion, though they did observe the little critter as it hummed for a few moments and wandered off to have some fun, to which they bid Rocky farewell for now and headed back to the Arcanaeum, so they could move to their next destination.

Not a few moments later the structure appeared in Frozen Altars, where they found the Ice Fairies and Penguins relaxing after all the madness that happened when the Rhynocs invaded their realm, though this time they were being more careful when they created snowmen, making sure they didn't come to life despite the fact that the spell had been broken during the siblings' visit to this realm. The residents were surprised to see that the group had found the Frostbite Staff, as that was the name of one of the other staffs that rested inside the Arcanaeum, the one that had a chilly aura to be exact, though the Ice Fairy that touched it was unfazed by the staff's power, which was understandable given that she and the others seemed to be immune to the cold, before she flew to the top chamber of the central pyramid and placed it inside the area in question, where she used her power to cover the opening with a metal door that only she and the other Ice Fairies could open, meaning they wanted to keep it safe. With that one taken care of the group teleported themselves to Lost Fleet, where they found the Opossum that loved to explore shipwrecks so he could collect the treasure that had been lost at sea and catalog each ship he explored, something that was more peaceful without the Rhynocs bothering him all the time, though he did stop when he noticed the structure appear nearby and came to investigate what was going on, despite the fact that he was surprised to see them again. The Opossum was, however, pleased when the group handed over the Jewels of the Sea to him, the powerful gemstones that likely controlled the water in this realm and would likely allow Ed, as that was the Opossum's name, to freely explore the rest of the shipwrecks that were currently out of his reach and maybe return the realm to what it once was, when he was ready to do so anyway. Given what the siblings knew of Ed it was possible that he would just keep the realm like it was, as he and the other residents had grown used to Lost Fleet being like this, but at the very least he was happy to have their relic back and that was just fine with them, allowing them to move onto their next destination.

After that the group picked out a few more realms to visit, such as heading to Haunted Tomb so they could visit the Egyptian Dogs for a few moments, who were quite happy to see the siblings again and were overjoyed to have the Scepter of King Rover, the item their first ruler had used so long ago and likely handed over to Malefor for safekeeping when the Sorceress put her plans in motion, back in their possession. They made sure to drop by Charmed Ridge, since they knew Prince Azrael and his residents were residing for the time being, and he was happy to see that the ancient scepter of Felinia was returned to him, even though the relic wasn't crafted from the power of an ancient creature, not like Ember's new weapons were, rather it was a magical symbol of his land, though it gave him another reason to be in their debt, as he had long thought the scepter had been lost to history, or something to that effect. Once they were done delivering that relic to the Prince of Felinia they teleported to some of the other realms and made sure to deliver the relics that belonged to the lands, where some of the residents were surprised to have the items return to them and others didn't seem all that annoyed since they figured their relics would have been returned at some point in time, even if Malefor had disappeared a thousand years ago. In fact there was one realm where the relic they were returning, a weapon known as the Blade of King Justin, the ruler of Enchanted Towers during the time that Malefor was around, was rejected and they were told that they could keep it, as the Purple Villagers had no need for the weapon and trusted that it would remain safe in the vault it had been found in. Other than that there were a number of rooms and other relics for them to study and figure out what each of them were, especially with the information that was resting in the Archives, before they returned to the treasury and resumed their expedition, while Spyro, Ember, and Hunter headed off to do something else while they waited for Spike and the others to finish what they were doing.

For the next couple of months Spike spent his time scouring the three floors of the Archives, taking in the knowledge of the past and learning more about the time that came before the Sorceress' rule, something that greatly interested all of the other scholars and Bianca, especially Bianca since everything she learned was a surprise to her, while at the same time exploring the rest of the Arcanaeum to see what else he might find, though it was the globe he spent a good deal of his time studying, since it was so interesting. The globe allowed them to see what Malefor and the others had mapped out in the distant past, continents and sets of islands that he and the scholars knew nothing about and had to read the tomes and scrolls in the Archives to learn about the areas in question, though whenever he looked at the globe his attention was on the third Aether icon, resting on a continent that had to be where Warfang was located. It was a mystery he wanted to solve, especially when some of the other scholars and Cosmos noticed what he happened to be looking at and spotted the icon as well, shocking them since they only knew of the two instances Spike had told them about, where all of them came to the conclusion that there had to be another Aether user in the world, no doubt a purple dragon, which interested all of them more than they were willing to admit. As such Cosmos and the others declared that they would talk with Nestor and put together a true expedition, one to a new land that they knew next to nothing about, save for its location, so they could unravel the mystery of the third Aether icon and determine what was going on, and if the individual the globe was telling them about was a villain it would be good for the siblings to help whoever called the continent home, since they would no doubt learn more about Malefor and the past that they were only beginning to rediscover.

Spike had the feeling that their friends would be excited about the idea of an expedition to somewhere new, an area that no dragon in the three realms had been to since this was the first time they were made aware of its existence and where it was located, though at the very least having Cosmos and the others helping him meant they might be able to find some way to get to the continent and start their expedition.

Spyro, Spike, and Ember found themselves sitting in the hot air balloon that allowed them to travel between the lands that Nestor and the other Leaders ruled over, though it was early in the morning, somewhat earlier than what they were used to, and to top it off it was also their thirteenth birthday, meaning a year had passed since the start of the last Year of the Dragon Festival and all of the hatchlings they had saved were now one year old, even though it would be a few more years before they understood what that meant. All three of them expected that something would happen when they reached the homeworld that was their destination, since they hadn't been told which one they were heading to, and then it would likely be a short party before everyone went back to their business, which was Spyro figuring out how to be a Leader, as he had started shortly after Spike's Archmage ceremony and the expedition to the Arcanaeum, Ember would likely be facing off against Titan and the others as she prepared for the future, and Spike would go back to his lessons. Despite all the time that Spike put into studying the Arcanaeum and everything that was in there, and there was way more than what he first thought they would fine, he still found time to tap into the knowledge that was inside the scrolls and tomes that were in the Archives, allowing him to potentially learn more spells for the future, since there was no telling what Malefor might have locked away inside the structure, even though he came to the conclusion that, after securing everything that had been in the Sorceress' possession, that their third foe had made up the spell to empower herself with dragon blood, so it either didn't exist or Malefor took that knowledge with him when he sealed the Arcanaeum. Either way he wasn't the only one that was learning new spells, as part of becoming an Archmage meant that he did have to take an apprentice at some point in time, and Bianca had taken to the basics rather well, building off of what Cosmos and the others had offered her in the past, so he was eager to see how far she was able to progress under his teachings.

"So, what do you think we'll be doing today?" Spyro inquired, mostly because he was sure that Spike, at the very least, had an idea of what was going to be happening when they reached their destination, since he was one of the smartest dragons in the Dragon Realms, so that made him eager to hear what his brother might have to say about what they would be doing, while Ember looked out at the water they were flying over.

"Hm, its hard to say." Spike admitted, though while he had been thinking about what the Leaders might have planned for them this time, since Nestor and the others liked to surprise them on their birthday, part of him was sure that with all of the hatchlings running around the Leaders just wanted him and his siblings to have a little fun, without being hounded by the little ones, before they returned to the Artisans homeworld, but there was something more believable that could be the answer to the question, "Personally, I think we'll be meeting the dragons that decided to become Machinists, and who was picked to be their Leader, before we do anything else, so we'll spend some time learning about the new dragon clan and then we'll likely head to Dragon Shores or something."

"I'd love to get back to my training with Titan," Ember remarked, where she raised one of her front legs for a moment and the bracer shimmered for a moment as she summoned the metal claws that happened to be one of the forms that the Fangs of Felinia could take on, and she was eager to see what she could do when she matured into an adult, because she was sure that would allow her to tap into the true power of the weapon she had claimed, before releasing her hold on the form and it reverted back to just being her bracers, to which she focused on her brothers again, "Now that I have my own weapons he's more than willing to teach me some of the basics, but insists that we wait until I mature before we even bother with the more difficult fighting styles he and the other Peace Keepers have developed over the years... though that means I have to wait two more years before I can do that."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. In two years our worlds are going to change," Spyro said, because he knew that once he and his siblings matured the Leaders would have big plans for them, especially since he was supposed to be a Leader one day thanks to his own hidden power, though he was hoping to have one or two more grand adventures before the arrival of their fifteenth birthday.

Spike and Ember looked like there was more to say, so they could continue their conversation as they passed the time until they arrived at their destination, before Marco informed the three of them that they would be arriving soon, which prompted the siblings to look over the front of the basket and discover that they were heading to the sixth homeworld, the home of the Machinists dragons. It was a surprise as they looked out at the familiar blocky and silver colored landscape that was in front of them, where somehow the natural parts of the new homeworld were already looking more angular than what they were supposed to, like the magic of the dragons that lived here was informing the land of what they were going to be doing with their lives and the land shifted in response. The landing area used to be the Gnorc Gnexus, since it had been under Gnasty Gnorc's command until three years ago, which was their first grand adventure, but now it was the land that the new dragon clan would be calling home, and the portals to the other realms had been shifted around to new positions that better suited the new residents of the land, though it also looked like the dragons had connected the area the hot air balloon would be landing in to the land that the nearby lighthouse was on, where Spike could see some houses resting further inland. From what they knew the Machinists were a mix of a few former Artisans, ones the siblings usually didn't hang out with or know much about, maybe one or two Peace Keepers, as Ember heard that there were a few of her type of dragon that liked machines and would be moving over to help the others out, and there were supposed to be one or two Magic Crafters joining the group, forming the first generation of Machinists dragons, and based on what he knew he had heard that it was one of the former Magic Crafters that would be the first Leader of this clan.

What they discovered, as Marco took them down to the landing area so they could disembark and figure out what was going to happen next, was that someone had come to meet them and probably escort them to an area so they could get a tour or something of the new and improved Machinists homeworld, though the dragon in question happened to be Eldrid, an alchemist that liked to tinker with bits and pieces of machinery, hence the goggles he was wearing and the tube-like horns that were attached to his head.

"Ah, Spyro, Spike, Ember, I'm glad you could make it." Eldrid stated, his tone showing them that he was happy to see the three of them again, though they came to a stop near him while Marco went to work making sure his hot air balloon was ready or the return trip, or a trip to one of the other homeworlds, to which he gestured for them to follow him as he walked away from the docking area they were in and glanced out at the rest of the land that was around them, "We, and by that I mean myself and the other new Machinists dragons, have been hard at work rebuilding the Gnorc Gnexus into a place that we can call home, and with Nora's help we were able to temporarily close some of the portals so we could shift their location to a place that made more sense to us. As you no doubt noticed, when you got close to our homeworld, we connected the docking area to the patch of land that the lighthouse is located on, though that's not all we've changed since the last time you three were here, as we changed the name of Gnorc Cove to Innovation Cove, mostly to reflect the fact that we will be using it as a place of work in the future, while the area you fought Gnasty Gnorc in will be called The Citadel for the time being, as we've decided to make it the home of the greatest Machinists dragon that isn't the Leader, so the name will change once someone has been chosen to fill that position, and the treasury you raided is going to be known as Testing Grounds in the future, for some of the machines we plan on creating."

"It sounds like you guys are going to be busy," Spike commented, and that seemed to be the truth of the matter, as it appeared that Eldrid and the rest of the new Machinists had put a lot of time and effort into expanding the area that the three metal dragon heads had been resting in, the ones Gnasty Gnorc had used to stall their progress, and he was sure that the new clan had moved the heads somewhere else, since there was no reason to break them down or get rid of any of them, before a question popped into his mind, "So, who did you guys pick to be your Leader?"

"Me, actually." Eldrid replied, where he chuckled for a moment, as if he found the entire thing to be funny for some odd reason, though the siblings weren't all that surprised, as he was one of the few dragons that actually wore anything that was remotely mechanical on his body, and his were the odd horns he had, so it was easy for them to see why he had been picked over everyone else, "I know, its a surprise, but I shall do my best to stand up to the standards that Nestor and the others live with and make sure to pass them on to the Leader that follows me, once we get to that anyway, since it will be a number of years before any of the hatchlings come of age and start figuring out what they want to do with their lives, and by then we should have a good idea as to what sort of tests we'll give them, like the art lessons you were given all those years ago. Oh, and don't worry about the little ones, they're resting near the lighthouse in a safe area that we set up once we realized we had some eggs coming, and we've asked Nora to put the safety spell on the portals so none of them accidentally wander into a realm and get themselves hurt in the process."

"Considering our first year or two, that's a good move." Spyro said, as he knew that he, Spike, and Ember had been rather adventurous when they were only a few days to a few weeks old and that one of the first things they did was freak out Nestor and the others Leaders by escaping Stone Hill and heading elsewhere, something that clearly prompted him and the others to 'hatchling proof' the portals that rested throughout a homeworld.

"Indeed, and that's not the only precaution we're taking with the next generation," a voice said, where the siblings glanced to the side for a moment and found that Nestor and the rest of the other Leaders were standing nearby, meaning all six of them were present now, though that was when they spotted someone else they weren't expecting to see during their visit to this homeworld, as Lady Eterna, the one who lead the Phoenixes, was standing near them, "but that's not why we had the three of you come here today. Cosmos and the scholars have discussed your want to leave the Dragon Realms for a time, to head down to the equator of our world so you can figure out what the significance of this third Aether icon might be, and we've arranged for a vessel to be made ready for the three of you, plus a few others that would no doubt want to join your in this new adventure you've been thinking about."

"Such as Sol," Lady Eterna commented, referring to the Phoenix that had been the first friend the siblings had made, before they were brought to Avalar and found both Elora and Hunter, not to mention everyone else, though it was a little odd for her to mention him while she was the only one of her kind in the area, meaning Sol was either somewhere nearby or they were talking about the near future, "We heard that you were planning on figuring out a way to leave these lands, for a time, and he decided that it was time to join you on one of your adventures, to see what its like visiting a new set of islands or a new continent, instead of waiting for someone to write about the experience."

"We'd love to have Sol join us, but we have a problem," Spyro said, as he was sure that Nestor and the others already knew this and he was likely just repeating what they were thinking about, even though he also knew that Spike and Ember understood what he would be referring to and they were remaining silent as they waited to hear what their Leaders had to tell them, "we don't have a vessel that would allow us to reach the continent in question, and without knowing what is resting on the continent the third Aether icon is resting on we can't risk accidentally teleporting into a wall or something, so a boat or something is what we'll have to use to reach the landmass we discovered earlier."

'Thankfully, we have a way to get around that problem," another voice pitched in, where the siblings turned to their right for a moment and found that the Professor was standing near them, though as they did that it was easy to see that he was holding something in his hands that seemed like a device of some kind, but none of them said anything as they waited to see what was going on and what their friend meant, as a vessel was the main problem they were facing and had no idea how to really solve it, "You see, we, and by that I mean myself and the Machinists, have been working on a little something, a surprise for the three of you, and when we learned of your desire to head to a brand new continent we had to call in a little help to make sure we finished our surprise on time. I also had to ask Nora for some assistance in opening a larger portal between here and the area we were working in, given that we didn't want to ruin the surprise by having one of you see it on accident, but now that its complete, and we're all sure about that, we can show you the project that we have been working on and reveal how it can help you get to your destination."

Spyro, Spike, and Ember opened their mouths to say something, as they had no idea what the Professor was referring to when he mentioned a secret project he and the Machinists had been working on, which actually explained why none of them had been allowed to actually visit this land until this point in time, before Spike felt something and turned to look out at the water that was near the metal dock they were standing on. Blue magic danced around part of the water, where it was easy to determine that it was Teleportation Magic at work, before a large portal opened up before their eyes and no doubt connected to whatever realm the Professor and the new dragon clan had been secretly working on, though that, as it turned out, wasn't the surprise that their friend had been referring to. What the Professor was talking about was a large metallic ship that emerged from the portal, one that reminded them of the metal ship from the last Speedway of Avilion and of the airships that the Breezebuilders made, though it did look like the battleship that had been resting near the edge of the Harbor Speedway, something that interested the siblings as they walked to the edge of the dock and observed it as it moved towards them. As the ship got closer to where they and the others were waiting it quickly became clear that people were standing on the deck of the vessel, as in Elora, Hunter, Bianca, and Sol, not to mention Sheila, Sgt. Byrd, Agent 9, and Bentley, but that only made them interested in what was going on and knew that Nestor and the others wouldn't tell them everything, meaning that it was up to them to figure out what was going on, though it was easy to determine that the Professor and the Machinists had prepared a ship for them.

"It took us some time to make this, even with the help of the Professor and the others," Eldrid commented, as he and the others were looking at the large ship as well, taking in the sight that was in front of them as the ship came to a stop near the dock and lowered a walkway for all of them to use, which was the reason why the Leaders started to walk over to where the ship was resting and the siblings followed them, "but in the end we were able to produce a mighty ship that will be able to carry you to the continent you saw the Aether icon on, even if it took us some time to make sure everything was working right before we could show this to you."

"I also helped Nora with her magic, given my skill in using Teleportation Magic," Bianca added, speaking the moment the group neared the walkway and started to make their way up onto the deck that she and the others were standing on at the moment, though as the siblings stepped onto the deck they found that there was a bridge of some kind, as in the command center for a ship like this, nearby and it was more square shaped, instead of a tall rectangular shape, like what they had seen in the past, and it no doubt had an opening that allowed people to head to the lower levels of the ship, as that were where the sleeping quarters likely rested, "I was also told not to tell you anything about this, since they wanted it to be a surprise for you, but I think this might be what you guys need to reach that continent."

"Its very impressive, and makes me eager to see what the Machinists create in the future, be it on their own or if they work with someone else again," Spyro said, to which Spike and Ember nodded their heads in agreement as they looked out at the deck that they were standing on for a few moments, finding that there were a few rails that would keep them from going over the edge, or at least that was their assumption on the matter.

"I'm glad you think so, because we put a lot of time and effort into making this," a voice said, where the siblings were a little surprised to find that Lord Capulet was standing nearby, though behind him stood another Breezebuilder who had dark feathers, almost black colored by the looks of things, while he wore a vest and some attire that announced that he was a commander of some kind, though he was also wearing an eyepatch over his left eye, where they had to determine that he had been through many of the Breezebuilder's conflicts in the past and that was why he was so serious, "Allow me to introduce Fury, whose agreed to be the captain of the AS Harmony for a few years, until he can train your Balloonists to pilot a vessel such as this... and no, we did not load the ship with weapons and ammunition, so this is more of a research and transport ship, instead of the usual warships we're known for crafting."

"That's the right move, especially given the fact that we have no information on the continent that the Aether icon is coming from," Spike added, though while it was amazing that the Breezebuilders had resisted the urge to add cannons and other weapons of war to this ship, including a few bombs since they really liked to blow stuff up, he knew that sailing towards an unknown continent, where they had no idea what sort of defenses could be waiting for them, with a heavily armed ship would likely result in them being blown up, "if we had weapons the defenders of the continent might assume we're coming to invade their homes and would react accordingly, which would result in us being blown out of the water by the defenders or even whoever is tapping into the Aether, be it another purple dragon or Malefor himself."

"Spike, I doubt we're going to find Malefor on the continent, as he would have to be a thousand years old and be an incredibly old dragon for that to be a possibility," Ember remarked, showing that, unlike some of the others who thought that the first purple dragon might still be alive, she didn't believe such a thing and suspected that whoever the Aether icon was revealing was likely a troublemaker that the three of them and their friends would have to deal with, before she let out a sigh as she considered the other part of his comment, "still, you're right about not heading there with a warship that is armed to defend itself... that might cause problems for us before we even reach our destination. Also, this is a pretty big ship, more than what any of us were expecting, so whose coming with us?"

"You aren't leaving me behind this time!" Sol stated, where the siblings glanced at him for a moment, as while it was possible that the older Phoenixes had trained him, like how Titan had trained Ember or Cosmos had trained Spike, none of them were sure what sort of skills he even possessed, but, at the same time, none of them were going to argue, because it would be nice to hang out with him again, and share a possible adventure him with.

"And we're coming along as well." Elora added, gesturing to herself, Hunter, and Bianca for a moment, before she took out a piece of paper and handed it over to Spike, who took it and noticed that the list contained him and his siblings, her and the rest of their assembled friends, five of the six Leaders that watched over the Dragon Realms, as Eldrid had opted to stay behind and get used to his new position, and the Professor, with Fury as the Captain and a few others that seemed to be the crew that would make sure everything ran smoothly.

Eldrid, seeing that the siblings were eager to depart for the beginning of their expedition, disembarked from the ship and returned to the dock that was nearby, along with Lord Capulet and the others that wouldn't be joining the siblings and their friends on this quest, before Fury got the ship moving as Nestor informed the siblings that he and the others had the feeling this adventure would start as soon as they revealed the ship to them, so they packed some of their stuff ahead of time, though not a few minutes later, when the ship was no longer near the dock, it stopped.

"Is something wrong?" Spyro asked, because while everything seemed to have been working a few moments ago he had no idea why the ship would suddenly stall on them, especially after all the time and effort that everyone put into making the ship in the first place, though his siblings were silent as they looked around the ship as they tried to figure out what might have happened.

"We're changing something," Fury commented, though at the same time the siblings could hear the sounds of parts of the ship shifting and rearranging themselves, to which he kept the serious look on his face as they looked around, knowing that none of them would be able to figure out what was going on, which allowed him to focus on making sure the ship was operating the way it was supposed to be.

Spyro, Spike, and Ember walked to the edge of the ship and found something that stunned them, there were two large propellers rising out of the water, where Ember even confirmed that the same was true for the other side of the ship, and it wasn't long before Spike discovered that the propellers used both technology and magic, as there were some bits of wind magic attached to the structures. Such a thing allowed the four propellers to actually lift the ship out of the water and push them into the sky, between about fifteen to twenty feet into the air from where the water rested, based on what he was able to see, though that made them realize what the name of the ship actually was, the AS meant Airship, which was rather interesting when they thought about it, even though they should have known that the Breezebuilders wouldn't have settled for a seafaring ship, rather they would have settled for another airship. Once the ship was level, and they were no longer rising higher into the air, Fury made sure that all of the ship's systems were running just fine and then they started to move through the air, where he directed them in the direction of the continent that was on the globe Spike had spent his time studying, showing them that it was time for their next adventure to begin at last.

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