• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Dragonfly: Danger in the Dojo

Spyro, Cynder, Spike, and Ember spent about ten to fifteen minutes watching the adults as they checked on the hatchlings and figured out what Ripto had done with his spell, even if the spell had clashed with the barrier Spike and Bianca had used to protect themselves and several of the others from what was going on, though while they did that Hunter, Amelia, Elora, and Bianca helped their friends out so they could figure out what had happened and what the four of them would need to do before they found the returning villain and dealt with him again. One thing that Spike noticed, while they were waiting for someone to tell them what the damage was and what needed to be done this time around, was the interesting crystalline statue that resembled one of the dragon statues Gnasty Gnorc had created during their first adventure, though he was sure that no dragon was trapped inside it and there seemed to be a number of openings on the base of the statue, making him wonder what might be missing from the statue and if they would find the fragments during this adventure. Spyro, Cynder, and Ember, on the other claw, were ready to go explore the other realms so they could figure out if Ripto had messed with them, see if the residents needed any assistance, and then figure out what needed to be done so they could figure out where their foe had gone, as the portal he had opened on the ground had no magic between the parts of the device and that meant the portal was offline at the moment. The only ones that weren't overly worried about anything were all of the hatchlings that had been celebrating their special day, before Ripto had rudely interrupted everything, though for now it seemed like Nestor and the Leaders could deal with them and make sure they did nothing reckless now that a villain had revealed himself to the group that saved the day.

Eventually the siblings and Cynder stopped what they were doing, which wasn't much since they had been sitting near the area they had assembled in when they found Ripto and his mind controlled minions had invaded this island, when their friends walked away from the area that each of them had been standing in and came to a stop when they neared the group that would be heading out into the realms that were connected to Castle Hills, showing that they had something to tell them before this adventure actually started.

"So, what's the damage this time around?" Spyro asked, because this would give them an idea on what they needed to do before they chased Ripto down and kicked his rear for the second time, even though he suspected that Spike had an idea as to what he could do to make sure the short villain wouldn't come back for a third time, despite the fact that he was hoping that not much had happened and that they would be done with this adventure rather quickly, so they could return to the celebration that had been interrupted.

"Despite our best efforts, we're missing ninety dragonflies," Bianca replied, where she sighed for a moment, as she had been hoping that the barrier she and Spike had created would have been able to stop whatever spell Ripto had been using on the massive group that had been resting in front of the castle, just like she knew that the siblings and Cynder had been hoping for good news, though that was before she considered something, "so part of Ripto's spell worked and, from what Cosmos, the rest of the Magic Crafters, and I could gather, they've been scattered across this homeworld and the eight realms that are connected to it, so to get them back you'll have to explore these new lands and rescue them. While you do that, and reverse whatever damage Ripto has done, those of us that can use magic will be focusing on opening the portal Ripto used to get here, so once you recover all the dragonflies, since I know you won't fight him until you've rescued all of the missing dragonflies, you can head through it and deal with him. There's also the ancient statue that seems to have been affected by Ripto's magic, given the missing fragments, so you might want to keep an eye out for any large or small jade fragments so you can put it back together."

"Also, Amelia and I will be helping the dragons restore order, before we head out and check the realms for any of the missing dragonflies," Hunter added, referring to the fact that he was going to follow what he had done in the past, where he would appear in the various realms of Avalar and Avilion and either offer a challenge to the group or lend them his aid in recovering one of the orbs or eggs they were looking for, before he glanced over to Elora for a moment, who seemed ready to tackle whatever was happening to the realms of this new land, "Elora will be heading out with you, just to see if the enemies even need five individuals fighting them, despite the fact that I'm of the opinion that four is the magical number this time around and eight is too much, but time will tell, especially since you'll need to complete a realm before figuring out the true number of individuals in your group this time around."

The group nodded and separated from each other, where Spyro, Cynder, Spike, Ember, and Elora started to explore the rest of the homeworld while Hunter, Amelia, and Bianca headed back to where the rest of the dragons rested so they could help them out, though what was interesting was that they found a chunk of jade resting nearby, between them and the statue, to which Spike picked it up with his magic and slipped it into one of the openings, the one on the far left based on the cuts that had been made on the jade, before they headed out to see what else there was for them to do before they tried one of the new realms out. Another interesting thing they discovered were a number of gems that were resting on the ground nearby, where Cynder raised her eyebrow as the siblings collected them, though Spyro explained that this was common for them, as a villain usually left behind gems that were stolen from the owners of the land, reminding her of what she had learned since she started living in the Dragon Realms, though while that happened Spike wandered off and came back with a new bag of holding, something to store the gems until this adventure was over. They smashed three of the straw baskets as well, or at least they allowed Cynder to do it since this was the first time she had done something like this, before they resumed collecting the gems that were on the ground as they explored the rest of the area, before they found one of the dragonflies hanging out near the waterfall that rested near the castle, either due to someone missing it or the fact that they had only just been dropped by Ripto's magic, though it seemed happy to see them and allowed Spike to do something interesting, as he released a burst of bubbles for a moment. This was one of the non combat spells he had discovered recently, Bubble Breath as it was called, though since it did no damage there was no reason for him to even worry about it, though he mixed some of his Teleportation magic into the spell, where the bubbles formed a small sphere around the dragonfly and safely teleported it over to the area Nestor was in, who could make sure whoever they rescued was safe and sound before returning them to their companions.

It was a rather interesting and useless spell in the grand scheme of things, but Spike had found a way to make it just a tiny bit useful, hence the reason they moved out after he saved the first of the dragonflies, so they could figure out how many more were in the immediate area and how many more gems they would find before deciding to head towards one of the nearby realms, which was why they took to the air and flew towards the upper part of the area while Elora jumped up into the area in question, allowing them to pick up some more gems, locate an area that an adult dragon stood in, and rounded a corner until they came to a stop when they spotted a magical metallic gate blocking the way.

"What in the world is this?" Elora asked, because she was interested in what the siblings and Cynder had found, even though the metallic gate had a blue hue and there just so happened to be a lock on it that had an icy symbol, like it was saying that someone needed to use their Ice Breath on it to open the way forward, hence the reason she glanced over to Spike for a moment, as he was likely the only one that really understood what was in front of them and could either confirm or deny what she was thinking about.

"Its an Elemental Lock, meaning that using the element in question will open it," Spike replied, though even as he said that he turned around and started to leave the area that they were in, something that was interesting due to the fact that he and Spyro had access to the element of Ice, thanks to Spyro recalling his memories and practicing the elements that he used to use in his past life while Spike simply used magic that also had the element, before he glanced back at them for a moment, "Come on, let's go see what else the rest of Castle Hills has to offer and if there are any other Elemental Locks for us to break, as we can always come back later and break this one when its time to move forward."

Spyro nodded his head and joined Spike as they headed back to the main part of the homeworld that the celebration had been in, causing Cynder, Ember, and Elora to follow after them not a few seconds later, where they found a gem near a floating rock that a dull red scaled dragon, who had a yellow underbelly, was standing near, a gem on a pillar of earth that contained a structure that looked like another portal and had a sleeping bear resting in front of it, complete with pajamas, before they headed out into the area that Ripto had appeared in. That was around the time that they reached an area that looked like it could have been molded to resemble a small course of some kind, a glide and hover course based on what they were seeing at the moment, so what they did was simply fly over to the end of the course, while Elora jumped over to the other stone and then jumped over to where they landed, and found a dragonfly that Spike rescued instantly, while the others collected the gems and stopped a few seconds later, when they found a structure that reminded the group of the Powerup Gates from Avalar and Avilion. Spike took a moment to look at it and figured out what it was, it was a challenge structure that would activate whenever someone passed through it, informing the others as to what they had found, as it was like the structures that they had seen in Avalar, as in the Powerup Gates that ended up in them getting an Orb for their efforts, so it was the same principle, save for the fact that they didn't need to beat up enemies to power them, which was nice when they thought about it. What they discovered, when Spyro moved through the magic of the pillars, was that a number of scarecrows suddenly appeared in the area outside the castle, informing them that they needed to flame the eight targets that had shown up, something they determined when they spotted the flame icon that was floating between the two pillars, which was followed by the group heading out and tackling the scarecrows, because Spyro, Spike, and Ember had access to the Fire Breath, Cynder found that her Shadow Breath set one on fire, and Elora's blaster, despite her thoughts on the matter, set her target on fire as well.

Between the eight of them it didn't take them long to overcome the challenge and rescue the dragonfly that had been attached to the pillars, breaking them as Spike sent the dragonfly back to the rest of the dragons, to which they moved out and resumed picking up the rest of the gems that were resting on the ground or in some straw baskets, found another Elemental Lock for the Lightning element that rested on a second gate, one that seemed to head out to a beach or an area that was similar to that, before they regrouped at the dragon with the stone platform and used it to leave Castle Hills so they could head to the first realm that needed some assistance... and not a few moments later, due to the platform having passed through some magic that was in the air, they appeared in a dojo, at the start of the realm.

"So this is Dragonfly Dojo," Elora commented, as there were several structures that reminded her of what they had seen in Bamboo Terrace, only the pillars that held the roofs of the dojo the magic had teleported them to were wider than what was in the realm she had been thinking about, and even the entire roof itself was larger than what she was expecting it to be, though before any of them moved Zoe, who had come with them and had been sent out after Ripto made his move against the dragons, flew down to where they were standing, "Zoe, what's going on in this realm?"

"Shortly after you asked me to figure out what was going on, several creatures called Riptocs, as that was what they called themselves, attacked the dojo and froze the dragons that call this place home," Zoe stated, which was when the five of them glanced out at the area they were in and spotted a creature that was somewhat taller that Ripto and had a horn in the area their nose would be, though it was wearing a purple ninja outfit and, unless they were seeing things, there was even a yin-yang symbol on the back of its attire, before they turned their attention back towards Zoe, "though I don't think you need to be told what to do at this point."

"Nope, we'll just free the dragons, beat up our enemies, save the dragonflies, and collect the gems," Spyro remarked, as that seemed to be the general plan for the majority of their previous adventures, meaning beating up the enemies that were in each of the realms, recover something that was essential to that particular adventure, and collect all of the gems that were laying on the ground, to which he nodded his head towards the others and they moved out immediately, as it was time for them to get this adventure started.

The first thing the group did was spread out and smash the four straw baskets that were around the dojo that served as the starting point of this realm, allowing them to collect the gems as they crossed the small bit of water that was around the dojo and landed on the flat ground, though that was when Ember came face to face with the first Ninja Riptoc, which she felt was a rather dumb name for what was essentially Ripto's people, as she was sure Spike was thinking something that was along those lines, who tried to kick her and she moved her body out of the way so she could smash her foe into the ground with her tail, this time not even bothering to harden it at all. As she did that her foe broke apart and a gem fell in its place, revealing that Ripto's army was just another force of gem creations, meaning he must have realized that no sane person would dare to challenge the dragons and had to create his own forces this time around, though at the same time she did notice that Spike noted what had happened as Spyro and Cynder smashed two more Ninja Riptocs into both the ground and the nearby stone wall. While all that was going on Elora found some steps and collected the gems that just so happened to be on them, including smashing some straw baskets at the top, which was around the time that one of the Ninja Riptocs landed in front of her and beckoned for her to come at it, though that was exactly what Elora did not a few seconds later as she dodged an incoming attack and then kicked her foe in the chest, hard enough to return it to its base form and her collection, which would be given to Spike once they regrouped. Spike, on the other claw, found that there just so happened to be a dragonfly flying around the starting area for this realm and made sure to encase it in bubbles as he sent it back to the Leaders, who would make sure it was reunited with its hatchling, before he found another Ninja Riptoc hanging near a wooden bridge that lead to the next part of the realm, so he used the wind to knock it onto its back and revert it back to its true form.

Once the enemies that were in the area were cleared out, and the gems had been collected and added to the newest bag that Spike had enchanted, the group got back together and approached the dojo that had a dragon sealed in a block of ice, something that reminded the siblings of their first adventure, when they freed the dragons from those crystalline statues Gnasty Gnorc had trapped them inside, and it wasn't long before the group was able to free the trapped dragon, mostly due to their Fire Breaths to be exact.

"Ah, thank you for releasing me," the dragon, who had orange scales with a gray chest and was dressed up in what the group assumed was a yellow martial arts uniform, stated, showing that he appreciated them taking the time to save him from the ice that he had been trapped in, even though they would have saved him no matter what, since that was what the siblings were used to doing and both Elora and Cynder were learning from their example, "We have heard tales of your adventures, about how you saved the known lands, the residents of those lands, and even the very world, and not once did I ever think we would be saved by your claws. Spyro, you, your siblings, Cynder, and your friend need to do everything in your power to return the Dojo to its once peaceful state, by driving out the Riptocs that have dared to attack this sacred place, and I will do everything in my power to help you through the rest of our realm."

Before anyone could say anything the dragon channeled his power for a few seconds and the door that was on the other side of the nearby bridge opened, meaning that it had been locked beforehand, and once he was done with that the group thanked him and headed out, as it was time to see what else had happened to this realm and what they could do to restore it to what it had been before Ripto attacked Castle Hills, even though they discovered a hallway that seemed to connect to the next area of this realm. That was when they found a tall variety of Riptoc that had orange skin, a blue outfit on over its chest and waist, and carried a wooden staff, though at this point Spike could safely say that the Riptocs were all dinosaurs in some manner, or at least that was his assumption since they had only seen two types so far, though like most of the larger enemies the siblings had faced in the past this one wasn't susceptible to a simple charge, which was fine due to Cynder jumping into the air, avoiding the staff, and then grabbed onto her foe's back so she could pull it backwards and drive it right into the ground, head first, resulting in her beating it and a gem landing in its place. With the Staff Riptoc dealt with the group was able to move forward and explore the rest of the hallway that was in front of them, finding one of the Ninja Riptocs hanging out about part of the way through it, who didn't stand much of a chance as Spike froze it where it was standing and then smashed the ice he had created with his Ice Breath, allowing them to collect the gem that had been their foe and the rest of the gems that were along the way. Not even a few moments later they reached the end of the hallway and found that they were in what seemed to be a rather nice looking garden, one that fit the theme of the realm they were currently in, only it was filled with enemies, not that they were expecting to get out of this area without a fight, given what they had seen in the past, and there happened to be a dragonfly nearby, so Spike headed for that while the rest of the group rushed out to deal with the enemies that were in their way.

Cynder found a couple of Ninja Riptocs hanging out near each other and dived into the shadows for a moment, where she unleashed her Shadow Play technique and knocked all of them backwards, hard enough to bring them down, which at the same time Ember jumped into the air and spun forward as she struck the chest of the Staff Riptoc that was her target, allowing the two of them to knock down several enemies at the same time, even though Elora was busy seeing what sort of portal rested above the area and Spyro wandered over to an area that had a hatchling trying to get a kite that was stuck in a tree at the moment. As such he took to the air for a moment and freed the kite so the young dragon could play with it, though once he did that he made sure the hatchling was escorted back to the first dragon of this realm, since it wasn't all that safe for him at the moment, before he regrouped with the others as they finished taking care of the enemies that were in this area, something that was followed by them finding another piece of the jade statue, a fragment that looked like it might have a lightning mark etched into it. With that piece acquired, and the area was cleared of gems and enemies, the group walked up to the structure that was in the middle of the area and freed the next dragon from the ice that he was trapped in, where the green scaled dragon apologized for the state that the dojo was in and that he was more than happy to open the way forward for them, knowing that time was of the essence and that he could explain things to them later, once the day had been saved, allowing the group to press on through the next structure and smash their way through the Staff Riptoc and the pair of Ninja Riptocs that were near it.

While they started to move out of the area Cynder inquired as to why they didn't check out what the portal had for the five of them, since she knew about the portals Spyro and his siblings had discovered during their third adventure, though that was when Spyro informed her that they liked to deal with the problems of the main realm first, as in the dojo and the enemies that were in the middle of attacking it, before they headed through the other portals and visited the side sections of the realm, where some sort of challenge awaited them, something that caused Cynder to nod her head as she followed them through the building and headed into the next part of the realm. What was on the other side of the building was a path that seemed to have been cut into a mountain, one that was now in two pieces, as in to their left and right, though the walls had been smoothed to the point where it looked almost natural and there were some stones in front of them to mark the different heights of the path, so they collected the gems that were around them as they moved forward, even though they were a tad bit surprised by the fact that there were no enemies in this area, at least not yet anyway. At what seemed to be the end of the path they did find one of the Staff Riptocs hanging around, who was knocked to the ground thanks to Elora blocking his attack with her arm, showing him that metal was superior to wood, before she finished him off, allowing the others to break the couple of straw baskets that were nearby and then glide to a large section of rock that had one of the dojos on it, where a quick burst of fire dealt with one more Staff Riptoc and freed the third dragon that had been trapped in this area, who thanked them before departing from the area that they were in, allowing them to collect the rest of the gems in peace.

That was the plan the group had come up with, though they paused as they found Moneybags, in the flesh and not the crystalline statue he had been imprisoned in, sitting near the edge of the area, looking like he was meditating while the enemies had been taken care of, but since it appeared that he hadn't noticed them yet the group finished collecting all of the gems that were in the area and then carefully approached the bear, because there was a chance that he was going to try and sell them something, just like old times, and they froze for a moment when he opened his eyes and stared at them for a few seconds.

"Oh, what a lovely surprise, its so good to see the four of you again... and where are my manners, we haven't been introduced yet," Moneybags said, though at the same time his tone surprised the group for a moment, because they had been expecting him to say something about how dreadful it was for them to have met again and that he had a plan to take some of their gems from them, only for Ember to beat the stuffing out of him until he retaliated, "I am Moneybags, once a dastardly money grubbing villain who did anything and everything to take the gems of those that were around me, be it those that called my land home, the realms that those had sworn to protect, or even the heroes that were in the process of dealing with the true villains of the lands I have visited."

"I am Cynder, formerly a resident of Doxantha, the land the majority of the dragons moved to when Morrigan, who took to calling herself the Sorceress, banished them," Cynder stated, though even as she said that she had to tilt her head for a few seconds, as when she heard about Moneybags and all the terrible crimes that he had committed over the years, against pretty much everyone that was around him, but even when she thought about all of that she realized that the bear in front of them really didn't resemble the one she had been told about, personality wise anyway, "Truth be told, I've heard a lot about you and all the crimes that you committed, and some of them are downright horrible, though you aren't what I was expecting to find when I considered the possibility of meeting you."

"Yes, my days in that crystalline prison have taught me a lesson, as hard as that seems," Moneybags replied, though as he said that he raised his left hand for a moment and the chasm behind him shifted, where they watched as a number of stone platforms moved into position and formed a path for them to take to the next dojo, before he shifted his hand for a moment and a sack of gems appeared before them, to which he glanced at them for a few seconds, "Here, as proof of my sincerity and desire to change for the better, I have opened the way for you to move forward and you can have half of the remaining gems that have I to my name, which is no small amount mind you, all without any strings attached... you can use them for whatever purpose you want, I won't complain at all."

Spike stared at the sack for a moment, as he and the others were surprised by what they were seeing, before he took a moment to gather his magic and loosed a burst of his Teleportation Breath at the sack, where Moneybags sat there and didn't move at all, barely blinking an eye at what was happening, something that really surprised them when they thought about it, though instead of saying anything the group simply nodded their heads and moved into the next area of the dojo, where they came to a stop as they reached their next destination.

"You know, we heard that Crush and Gulp went missing from the areas of Avalar we let them live in, though we were busy trying to help you guys out and didn't investigate it," Elora said, as she had been thinking about something since she and the others had seen the pair of dinosaurs that were with Ripto, despite the fact that they had mind control collars on them, and now she was starting to make some sense of what was going on, even though she was sure Spike had figured something out before this point in time, "even though we now know what happened to them... but I had no idea Ripto had stolen Moneybags' statue as well, much less broken him out of his prison."

"He probably applied a great deal of magical power to break the crystalline statue, which is ill-advised since that can cause severe mental damage to the trapped individual," Spike replied, because he had been thinking about that since the moment they spotted Moneybags and his sudden change in attitude towards them, not to mention the fact that he gave them, literally gave the five of them, half of his remaining fortune, a bold move when they considered the individual they were thinking about, before he glanced towards the bear that was still meditating where the group had found him, which was rather odd as well, "Given what Moneybags was doing back during our adventure in Avalar, causing realms to go to war with each other and staging coups, I'm sure that Ripto intended on hiring him as a general or something, to help him stage his assault on Castle Hills and the realms we'll be visiting, but if I'm right about what's going on he might have caused potentially irreversible harm to Moneybags' mind... resulting in what we're seeing."

Elora realized why Spike was so insistent that no one tried to break individuals out of the crystalline prisons, by using magic to be exact, and that if one wanted to break the statues it had to be a resident of the land that the individuals came from, like how she or Hunter could have broken Moneybags out at some point, but while she was worried about what they were seeing, especially since the bear they had met was not the same greedy bear they were used to seeing, she had to accept it and move on. That was the reason the two of them moved forward and joined the group that had dealt with the enemies that had been in this area, while also freeing the dragon that had been trapped in the dojo, before Spike flew over to the area that another hatchling seemed to be standing in and found that there was a dragonfly in the area, which was why he focused on the dragonfly as Spyro moved into the area and freed the kite that was in the tree, allowing the others to collect the gems that were around the area and add them to their collection. Once they were done with the side area that a second hatchling was resting in, where the last dragon the group had freed came over to collect him, the group flew out of the area and returned to the bridge that lead into the next building, where they found a dragonfly waiting for them, after they smashed the Staff Riptoc that was in their way, so they rescued another dragonfly and walked down the hallway that was in front of them, collecting the gems that were around them. A few moments later they found a second portal to one of the side sections of this realm, one that had what appeared to be tanks etched into the stonework around it, which was rather odd given the peaceful nature of this realm, to which they moved passed it and continued towards the end of the realm, something that would signal them to backtrack and deal with the two side sections they had discovered the portals to, which would give them a few more dragonflies to save.

Eventually they reached the end of the hallway, and that included smashing another Staff Riptoc into the ground, only to stop as they discovered that there was a gap between them and the area that the final dojo rested in, a circular area by the looks of things, and there happened to be a dragonfly resting over there, to which the group smashed the couple of straw baskets that were around them and then reached the area the dragonfly was in, who Spike saved as the others took a moment to recover the gems that were resting around the area before heading up the ramp. As they climbed the ramp the group shifted to the side for a moment as they spotted another hatchling and Spyro helped him retrieve his kite, even though that was when a dragonfly emerged from where they had been hiding and joined them so Spike could send it back to the others, allowing them to return to where the main path was located and ascend to where the final dojo rested, and they knew that due to the portal that was off in the distance, near a door that lead back to the starting area of this realm, just like what the group had seen in the past. At the top of the ramp, standing around the last dojo, they found three Ninja Riptocs and a Staff Riptoc waiting for someone to come and save the last elder dragon that called this place home, which was why the group lashed out at them immediately and without wasting any time, resulting in the speedy defeat of the four enemies that were up there, allowing them to approach the final trapped dragon and break the ice that was around him, all while making sure to pick up the gems that were around the area as well. As they expected the final adult dragon was happy with what they had done and revealed that one of the dragonflies had been near him when the Riptocs froze him and the others, hence the reason he made sure to shield it from the attack, though he did allow it to return to them so Spike could send it back to the others, before he headed off to make sure everything else was fine with the realm, even though the group had taken care of most of the enemies that had been in their way.

The next thing they did was glide over to where one more Staff Riptoc was standing, which was near the exit portal for this realm to be exact, and took it out by Ember spinning through the air and striking it down, something that allowed the group to investigate the path that was beyond it and found some gems before they reached the starting area of this realm, where the group informed Cynder that they would be heading back to the other portals and seeing what the side sections of this realm had to offer them, and the one they decided on was the portal that rested in the garden area that they had located the second fragment of the jade statue in earlier... which was when they discovered that the area on the other side of the portal was a large Speedway, causing a smile to appear on Spyro's face.

"According to the Guidebook, this is Banzai Speedway, the most peaceful Speedway in the entirety of Castle Hills and all the realms that we'll be exploring," Spike said, where he pulled out the book in question and read it for a few seconds, quickly finding the information that was inside the book so the others could figure out what was going on, though that was when he found what he was looking for and glanced at the others for a moment, "and, according to what is written here, there are two challenges for use to complete, the first being taking down the obstacles that are scattered around the small island that we're on, while the second one is the race against the locals... or at least it would be, though it looks like some of the Riptocs have invaded the area and claimed it for themselves."

"I'll take care of the racers, while you guys take care of the obstacles," Spyro stated, though instead of waiting for one of them to say something he took to the air and headed off to the area that the Riptocs were lingering in, showing that he was going to do exactly what he had said, that he was going to show the invaders just how skilled he was in this skill and that he was prepared to knock all of them out of the air, to which Spike, Ember, and Elora chuckled, something Cynder did echo a few seconds later, as they knew Spyro well at this point and trusted him with that task.

Spike, Cynder, and Ember found that the first obstacle they needed to deal with was a set of eight blue rings in the air, where two of them knew that they were the easiest of all of the various obstacles they had seen in the past and found that the path brought them to the main part of the island, allowing them to split up and tackle the other three obstacles that were in this area, with Spike going after the large lanterns that were hanging from the trees and lighting them, Ember took to the ground and charged through the Riptocs that were hauling carts around, and Cynder smashed her way through the Ninja Riptocs that were in the air, knocking them to the ground. Elora, on the other hand, spent some time flying around the Flight Realm, as the dragons called these side areas, and kept her eyes open for Hunter, just in the off chance that he had found his way into this realm while they were fighting the Riptocs, even though she knew he should be back with the rest of the dragons, before nodding her head as she returned to the starting point for this realm, as she didn't see her friend anywhere, which was a first when she thought about it. Once she was done with that the three dragons that tackled the obstacles landed nearby and a dragonfly came over to where they were standing, just like what happened during their third adventure, before they turned their attention towards the air and watched as Spyro flew by with the racers that he was currently challenging, just like he had done in the past, though they knew that he would soon return to this area with another dragonfly and they could leave for the tank area. Sure enough only a few minutes passed before Spyro returned to them and proclaimed that he was victorious over the Ninja Riptocs he had been racing, showing that his skills hadn't rusted since the last time he did this, and another dragonfly joined the one that the others had recovered, to which Spike made sure to safely teleport the pair of dragonflies back to the others, allowing the group to leave the side section of the realm they were assisting and return to the main section in no time.

From there they took to the air and made their way over to the area that the other portal was located in, which just so happened to have a small opening near it was resting in, where they landed on the wooden balcony and walked over to the portal so they could pass through it, where they quickly appeared on the other side of the portal and found the dull red scaled dragon standing in front of them, apparently standing near a metallic tank that had a green paint job, which seemed ready to be used by someone.

"Ah, welcome to our Tank Training Arena," the dragon said, even though the group still felt that it was odd for such a peaceful realm to have an area like this in the first place, despite the fact that it was possible this was more of a way for him and the others to relax when they weren't training dragonflies in the art of being a dragon's companion, though the group remained silent as they focused on him and waited for him to tell them what he wanted of them, "Would you like to use our tank and take out the dummies we've set up?"

The group glanced at each other for a few seconds and eventually nodded their heads, where Ember climbed into the tank and closed the hatch, mostly because there was only room for one individual to sit inside the vehicle, due to it being slightly taller than her, her brothers, and Cynder, before she found that the controls were easy to use and made the tank move forward as the others followed her, from a safe distance to be exact, just so they could see what the arena had to throw at whoever challenged it. The first thing Ember did was blast down the rocks that were in her way, mostly to get a feel for what the tank was able to do, before she made her way towards the false wall that happened to be in front of her and blew it down as well, all while the group continued to follow behind her and kept their eyes open for any Riptocs that might be lingering around this section of Dragonfly Dojo, though it wasn't long before they found an orange colored tank guarding the way forward, nor did it take Ember long to remove it with a precise blast. From there they found a gate that was being guarded by another tank and had two targets resting on either side of the gate, so what happened was that the tank was taken down by Ember while Spyro and Cynder used some of the fallen rocks to hit the targets, opening the gate so that Ember could drive forward and fire upon the three tanks that were in front of them, not to mention another one which had been hiding behind some rocks, before opening a way forward and followed it. Spike noticed that there was no information in the Guidebook about just the tank wandering the arena and defeating the various foes the dragons had placed in this area, which was why Elora loosed a blast from her armor and quickly blew up the next tank that was in their way, allowing Ember to move forward and open fire on her targets so the others could catch up with her, take stock of what was around her, and then act however they wanted.

Of course Cynder smacked the next two targets and opened the gate so Ember could advance, before diving into the shadows that were in front of her so she could strike the couple of tanks that were in the area with her Shadow Play and her own enhanced wind powers, even if she really did nothing to them and caused them to turn towards the area she was flying in, something that caused her to smile as Ember opened fire on all six of them and blew them up, allowing them to advance deeper into the arena and see what else the tanks had to offer them. From there they continued to move forward and found a few more tanks in their way, something that was easy for the group to take care of as Spyro and Cynder flew through the air to claim their attention, Spike used his magic to move all of the rock walls out of the way, while Elora and Ember used their individual tools to blast the enemies that were between them and the end of the section of the realm they were currently exploring. As it turned out that area seemed to be the end of the realm, where they made sure the last of the tanks were taken out before Ember turned around and headed back towards the dragon that inquired if they were going to challenge the arena or not, though while they did that Spike looked at the Guidebook and realized that this realm had seven hundred gems and, by his own estimates, he was sure they had collected everything that had been scattered around the dojo, so they returned the tank to the dragon and found one of the missing dragonflies waiting for them, the tenth one based on Spike's estimates. With that done, and the realm cleared out by the looks of it, the group headed for the exit portal so they could head back to the main part of this land and figure out where they were going to go next, as there were two paths for them to pick from and more realms to explore, before they figured out how to breach Ripto's portal and bring an end to their foe's evil plans.

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