• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Year: Engaging the Sorceress

With Dino Mines assisted and their problems taken care of, just like all of the other realms they had visited so far, the group returned to Midnight Mountain and headed for the lighthouse that contained the portal to the Speedway, as it was the last thing they needed to clear out before they assaulted the Sorceress and freed the Forgotten Realms from her iron grasp, as everyone that they had interacted with was getting ready to fight back at long last. They said nothing as they walked over to the structure that was their destination, because this time around there wasn't much for them to talk about due to the fact that there were no more realms for them to assist and no more lands to visit, rather Spyro, Spike, Ember, and Elora were focused on what would be happening once they cleared out this final Speedway. The fact that they had reached this point, by reaching the final homeworld and had assisted everyone else in these lands, was still surprising, but now that they were here all they could do was finish gathering the rest of the gems and eggs before they faced the Sorceress and kicked her off her golden throne, since she clearly didn't deserve to rule over these lands after all the hardships she had forced upon them since they arrived in Sunrise Spring. Spyro was sure that Sheila, Sgt. Byrd, Bentley, and Agent 9 were in the middle of getting all the residents of the lands ready for the incoming battle that they were going to be engaging in, with the Rhynoc army that their foe was building, so once they cleared out the Speedway it would be only a few moments later before they found their friends so they could see if all of them were ready for the battle for the Forgotten Realms.

When they reached the portal to the Speedway they pushed their thoughts about the battle out of their minds as they headed to the island that served as the final area that would be cleared out, and it didn't take them all that long to arrive at the starting area for the land, where they quickly found that there was a lighthouse in this place, a dock, and potentially a large ship in the distance, before the dragonflies headed out to find the residents and quickly returned so they could tell the group what they would be doing in this Speedway.

"The challenges are the same as the last couple of Speedways," Sparx stated, while at the same time Talon and Cinder nodded their heads in agreement, showing that the group should know exactly what to expect when they headed out, as it seemed that all of the Speedways shared the same challenges and the only thing that was different was Hunter's part of everything, "so Time Attack and Race the Blue-Footed Boobies, the birds that hold the highest speed record and haven't been beaten in a race."

Spyro, Spike, and Ember glanced at each other for a moment as they took to the air and headed out to see what sort of obstacles they needed to clear out so they could clear the Time Attack challenge, where Elora took off and landed at the top of the lighthouse so she could see what her friends were going to do, before she bothered to head out to see where Hunter might be hiding out this time around. The first obstacle she noticed was a number of seagulls that were flying in a circle around the island, eight of them to be exact, meaning they had to be the Blue-Footed Boobies the dragonflies had mentioned, but at the same time there were at least two additional obstacles that they could tackle and follow a different path that the one the birds were leading them on. What she found was that there were a number of metallic arches that were on small bits of land, along with lobsters that were holding lights in their claws for some reason and some fish who happened to be riding in small boats as they headed around the island, meaning the four obstacles were pretty easy to figure out this time around, as they were the seagulls, the arches, the lobsters, and the fish. Elora stood on the walkway of the lighthouse and looked out at the rest of the island as her friends separated from each other and focused on taking out their targets, as in Spyro dived down and followed the fish, Spike dealt with the seagulls, and Ember flew through the arches, all of them smashing their respective targets with ease, before regrouping to deal with the lobsters so they could complete the first challenge.

In fact it didn't take them long to clear out the first challenge and the seagulls gifted one of their two eggs, the dragon eggs to be exact, to the siblings, where Spike and Ember sat near it as Spyro started to race the rest of the Blue-Footed Boobies around the island so he could get the second egg they had, since they knew the birds had the other egg, before Elora jumped into the air, spread her wings, and headed out to find Hunter, though it didn't take her long to find him due to the fact that she checked the entrance of the lighthouse and found him inside the structure.

"Hey Hunter, how's it going?" Elora asked, because based on what she and the others had learned, after they came to the Forgotten Realms and found their friend in the previous Speedways they had cleared out, she was interested in what he might have discovered this time, since it would likely result in them getting one of the last couple of eggs that they had yet to find, and noticed that Hunter was readying his jet pack.

"Oh, hey Elora, I'm doing good." Hunter replied, to which he stood up and slipped on the device that would allow him to fly through the air, even though he was a little jealous of the armor that Elora was wearing and the abilities that it gave her, especially the metallic wings that she was fond of using all the time, before he focused on what he was going to be doing in the next few moments, "Anyway, my radar went off a few seconds ago and revealed that there's another sheep saucer taking off from the ship that's in this Speedway, though I have no doubt it has the other egg that's supposed to be in this land... I just have no idea how there can be so many sheep saucers."

"Its probably due to Moneybags selling them the vessels," Elora stated, due to the fact that such a thing had occurred back in Avalar, where some of the farm animals had revealed that Moneybags had sold them the weapons and ships that they used to wage war on Metropolis, something that caused Hunter to nod his head in understanding for a few seconds as he headed outside so he could take to the air.

Once Hunter was ready he took off and Elora did so as well, where she positioned herself above the lighthouse and noticed that the siblings had already finished the race, or Spyro did to be exact, giving Hunter enough space to chase the saucer that held the last egg of this Speedway, something that had to freakout the sheep that was piloting the saucer as it tried to get away from Hunter. Elora had to admit that the sheep had some decent skills, given that it was running away from Hunter and that its saucer happened to be damaged from a battle it had been in at some point in the past, in fact it could have been the one from the last Speedway, who had chased Hunter down due to believing that he had an egg, but either way this meant that it wouldn't be long before the chase was over. It wasn't long before the egg Hunter was after popped out of the saucer and landed on one of the earth posts the arches had been resting on earlier, where their friend stopped what he was doing and collected it as the sheep spun out of control and crashed into the side of the large ship that was resting in the water, shattering the saucer without damaging the ship in the process. With that done Elora took to the air and flew down to where the siblings were resting, where Hunter joined them and delivered the egg that he had rescued for them, to which Spike made sure all three of the eggs were just fine before sending them back to the Dragon Realms, before they thanked Hunter for the help and all of them, as all five of them this time around, headed for the edge of the realm, as it was time for them to head back to Midnight Mountain and focus on their real target.

It only took a few moments for them to breach the edge of the area and return to the last homeworld of the lands that they were in the middle of liberating from the Sorceress, where the group headed over to where the main structure was resting, as it was time for them to talk with Bianca and figure out where their forces were gathering, even though the siblings would be focusing on the Sorceress while the others focused on the Rhynoc army.

"Hey Bianca, how's the portal to the Sorceress' stronghold coming?" Spyro asked, as that was what Bianca had been working on since their arrival in this homeworld and she told them what the Sorceress' true plan had been, something that still pissed the group off when they thought about it, though even as he said that Bianca stopped channeling her power at the door that was in front of them and turned towards them.

"Good, as I just finished it, but I haven't actually opened it yet," Bianca stated, though at the same time she turned to the side and opened another portal nearby, one that likely took them to a very specific place in the Forgotten Realms, and focused on it for a few moments, due to the fact Spyro and the others were interested in it, "This will take us to the area that the Sorceress' Rhynoc army is gathering in, the area that our allies area gathering in for the battle of their lives, all so you can focus on our real foe, without having to worry about her calling for reinforcements during your fight."

The group nodded and headed through it, knowing that she would open the way back so she could let the siblings do battle with the Sorceress, before finding themselves in what appeared to be an ancient battleground, as there were blast holes all over the place, like two magic users had gone at it over something, and Spike could feel the magic in the air as he spotted a circular fortress off in the distance, above the area they were in, which was where the Sorceress had to be at the moment, preparing herself for battle. In front of them stood all of the residents of the Forgotten Realms, and when they meant all of them they weren't kidding, as everyone from the Lions of Sunny Villa and the Seals of Seashell Shore, to the Gnome Wizards of Crystal Islands and the Egyptian Dogs of Haunted Tomb were present, all of them carrying their own weapons and armor, to show that they were ready for what was coming. None of them were surprised to see that both Princess Ami and her Fairies, along with Prince Azrael and his Cat Wizards and Witches, had come to this area, in fact it made since due to the fact that they had a bone to pick with the Sorceress for trying to tear the relationship between both their lands apart, and it wasn't hard to spot Sheila, Sgt. Byrd, Bentley, and Agent 9 at the front of the army, clearly waiting for the battle between them and the Rhynocs to begin. Another thing that they weren't expecting to see were a few portal structures, which looked like the Super Portal from Avalar to be exact, and many of the forces from Elora's home were in the middle of marching out, as in the Land Blubbers and Lord Montague, the Breezebuilders and Lord Capulet, and what seemed to be the entirety of the Royal Guard that was being lead by Aeros.

The Professor came over and informed the group that he had called for reinforcements, since the Rhynoc army was made up of every type of Rhynoc the four of them had fought over the course of their adventure in the Forgotten Realms, and even explained why he had two other portals, ones that looked like they belonged to the Peace Keepers and the Magic Crafters, as even some of the dragons from the Dragon Realms were offering to help the residents take back their home from the evil Sorceress.

"Well, it seems like you guys have everything under control," Spyro commented, because while he knew that everyone that called the Forgotten Realms home was eager to take it back from the Sorceress that ruled over them, even if they had to fight in a massive battle to do so, he really wasn't expecting what he and the others were seeing, before he sighed as he thought about what was going to happen into this area, "Okay, the same rules as what happened when we stopped the war in Avalar stands: knock out your enemies and wipe out whatever ammunition structures they have... I'm only saying that since we have no idea if these guys are real Rhynocs or if they're gem creations."

"Right, and while we do this you can go take out that evil Sorceress," Hunter remarked, where the group watched as he took some armor from the crate that the Professor was offering him, which looked to be a more advanced version of what he wore during the war the siblings stopped, meaning it had to be somewhat modeled after Elora's armor, which she was fine with since her Mark III was still superior to whatever the Professor had created.

The group nodded as Hunter left them, clearly eager to bring peace to the Forgotten Realms, to which they followed Bianca back to Midnight Mountain and approached the main structure that housed the portal to where the Sorceress was waiting for them, where both she and Elora promised that they would do everything in their power to stop her if she tried to flee the area when they beat her. Not a few moments later the portal to the Sorceress' lair was opened and the siblings stepped through it, where it didn't take them long to appear at the edge of a metal fighting area that was resting in a pool of lava, almost like what happened when they fought Ripto a year ago, and standing on the other side of the circular arena was the Sorceress, who looked exactly like how the statue in Enchanted Towers portrayed her, even if she didn't like what the Purple Villagers had made. True to their word both Bianca and Elora stood on the stairs that were in front of the portal that would take them back to Midnight Mountain, basically blocking the exit with everything they had in their respective arsenals, to which the siblings focused on their foe, who seemed more interested in something else that was happening, no doubt commanding the Rhynocs to start the battle so she could crush her foes into the ground. What both interested and annoyed the siblings was the fact that the Sorceress' scepter actually held an egg at the top, meaning she was using it as a source of power, much like how Ripto used the Power Crystal when they fought him, something that caused Ember to growl as she stared at the evil magic user that was in front of them.

"So, you've arrived at last." the Sorceress said, to which she turned around and faced the siblings, where she could see both Bianca and Elora standing guard near the exit and simply frowned at them, as if she was disappointed in what she was seeing right now, before focusing on the siblings as they got ready for what was coming up next, "You three, along with those two, have been a thorn in my side since you came to these lands, aggravating the residents of the realms into raising their arms against me and my forces, and, to top it all off, you had the nerve to steal the eggs back... I'm going to enjoy this more than I should."

"News flash, Sorceress, but those eggs don't belong to you, they belong to the dragons of the Dragon Realms," Ember replied, though at the same time she, Spyro, and Spike spread out from each other so they could see what their foe had in mind for them without endangering the others if one of them were targeted, though both Spyro and Spike could see that she was ready to ignite her Warrior's Armor and just plow right into their foe, since she really didn't like the Sorceress, not that her brothers blamed her for that.

"Sorry dear, but the moment they arrived in these lands they were no longer yours, they were mine, which means that you have been stealing from me and plotting to overthrow my government since the moment you arrived." the Sorceress stated, almost as if she had a screw loose, which was entirely possible since it took a special kind of mental person to say what she was saying and actually believe every word of it, even though she was a tyrant that had expelled the rightful rulers of the land a thousand years ago and was treating everyone like trash.

"Listen, as much as we don't like you, perhaps we can talk about coming to a peaceful solution," Spyro said, though as he said that he lightly tapped into his real power, the one that had freaked out both himself and the Leaders of the Dragon Realms when they first learned that he had it, because he was hoping that the Sorceress had a weak will so he could lure her into surrendering without them having to waste time on a lengthy fight, even if that was what all three of them were ready for and that was what Elora and Bianca were expecting to see.

The Sorceress opened her mouth to say something, like she had a retort to what he had said, before she staggered for a moment as Spyro's power made itself known, though the reason he was going to a lighter version was because it would be easy to assume that Spike had done something and failed, instead of revealing that he had Conqueror's Spirit, as he was sure their foe might know about it and would try to defend against it if she suspected that one of them had it... before their foe freed herself from the power and focused on them, proving her willpower was quite strong.

"There will be no negotiations between us!" the Sorceress declared, though that was when she waved her scepter at her feet for a moment and lifted herself off the ground with a levitation spell, where the bottom of her feet stopped at the top of their heads, making the siblings determine that this was a waste of her magical power, especially since they were going to be starting the fight soon, "Once I'm done with the three of you, and those two guarding the door, I'm going to crush your army and restore my order to these lands."

The first thing the Sorceress tried was a basic Fireball, as if she was warming up or testing them, though instead of just targeting one of them she made sure that her spell was sent towards all three of them, where Spike determined that she must have a tracking spell or something that was allowing her to do so, but Spyro rolled out of the way, Spike just batted his to the side, and Ember jumped over the one that was heading her way, showing the Sorceress she was going to have to do better than that to bring them down. After that she tried another spell on them, Hellfire, which was basically a spell that rained Fireballs from the sky, even though she had to loose a burst of magic into the air for the spell to work the right way, and as the three of them dodged the attacks that were coming for them, which was rather easy since it seemed that the Sorceress might have no aiming skills at all, she rushed forward and raised the scepter into the air as it gathered magical power, intending to unleash the Earthen Hammer move on Ember. Spike knew the spell well, it was a melee attack that used the Earth Element, like how the Fireballs and Hellfire used the Fire Element, and it formed some rocks around the egg that was at the top of the scepter, basically to both protect the user and damage the target, but, due to the fact that their foe had no idea what they were really capable of, Ember hardened her body in seconds and stopped the attack, which was when a look of shock appeared on the Sorceress' face, followed by a quick grin that shifted into a pained expresion as she was knocked backwards by a tail whack to the chest. Spyro charged at her the moment she was distracted, intending on knocking her to the floor before this battle dragged on any longer, but the Sorceress blocked it by using her scepter to pull moisture out of the air and form a rather thick ice wall that stopped him in his tracks, showing them that she had more tricks up her sleeves.

Spike blasted her in the chest with a Lightning Bolt, knocking her backwards and breaking the Ice Wall seconds later, but even as that happened he knew the look that had appeared on the Sorceress' face for a few seconds, she recognized the Warrior's Armor skill that Ember had used, making him wonder if there was more to her plan than simply kill all of the hatchlings and make herself immortal. His actions, however, made him their foe's next target as the Sorceress readied a spell to blast him into the wall, not to mention drop him into the lava that he could totally swim through, though as she did that, and raised her scepter, Spike tapped into his own power, Sage's Vision, and peered into the future to see which spells she was planning on using against them, or him since he seemed to be her target. The first spell he countered with was the same one she was charging, where they both loosed large balls of fire at each other, basically a much larger Fireball that the dragons called a Fire Orb, similar to an Arcane Orb, and the two attacks collided in seconds, detonating when they met each other and covered the area in smoke for a moment, though that didn't stop the Sorceress at all. The Fire Orb was followed by small bits of the arena's floor breaking off of the stone and rising into the air so she could form sharpened spikes to loose through the air, something that Spike mimicked within seconds before they sent their Earth Spikes at each other, where both volleys matched up perfectly and shattered upon meeting in the middle of the area between them, only for the Sorceress to try blasting him with a Lightning Bolt, which was easily blocked by the same spell. That was followed by them loosing a volley of Ice Shards, basically the ice version of the previous spell, at each other for a few seconds, but as the two spells ended, but before the Sorceress could make the next move, Spike lashed out with burst of Wind Shuriken and struck his foe in the chest, knocking her backwards.

"So, one of you is a skilled magic user... far stronger than that worthless girl," the Sorceress stated, where she glanced at Bianca for a moment, who frowned as her former mentor talked about her once more, as she still couldn't believe that she followed someone like the Sorceress for the years that she did, learning the basics of magic until she was sent to the Dragon Realms to get the eggs, "Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth... you're quite strong."

"And you're easily distracted!" Spike stated, which was when he formed a whirlwind near Ember as Spyro charged into their foe's chest, knocking her into the area that he intended for her to be in, though as that happened their sister quickly used the whirlwind to launch herself into the air as she hardened herself, so she could spin around and barrel down into the Sorceress' chest as she fell onto her back.

The arena floor shuddered due to that attack, which made sense due to what Ember was doing with Spike's help in hitting the Sorceress, though as soon as they did that Ember jumped backwards and joined her brothers as they watched their foe's movements for a few seconds, where the Sorceress growled as she pushed herself up, before she swung her scepter and launched a number of Lightning Spheres, small orbs of lightning energy, into the air and let them swarm down on the area that the siblings were standing in. Basically each cluster consisted of ten orbs that rained down on them, only the siblings rolled out of the way and avoided the attacks that were coming their way, though Spike used a magical barrier to protect himself so all of them emerged unharmed, something that annoyed the Sorceress as she considered what she could do next, even though the siblings resumed the spread out pattern they had been using so far. That was followed by her channeling her power into the floor again and raised two fists made of stone to crush them into the ground, where Ember laughed for a moment as one of them lashed out at her while she still had her Warrior's Armor active, as her more metal-like body was more than enough to overcome the stone exterior of the fist that was sent her way, leaving Spyro and Spike to deal with the other one. Spike, however, used the leftover fragments of lightning that their foe had used against them to form lightning spears that punctured the fist and destroyed it, leaving the Sorceress without her spell, though that didn't stop her releasing a wave of fire to separate herself from Spyro and Ember, where the former leapt over the waves as he charged at her and the latter just smashed her way through them thanks to her power, before they rushed into her chest and knocked her to the floor again.

It was in that instant that the Sorceress got really upset with them, as evident of the clear sky suddenly flashing as she used her power to summon a storm so she could summon down more powerful bolts of lightning, but, once again, her lack of knowledge on their skills really made it hard for her to determine what they were able to do and what they weren't able to do, as Spike's power was enough to rip the storm out of her control and stop the attacks before they even had a chance to rain down on them. If the Sorceress was caught off guard by that she didn't have a chance to show it, not when she was using the stone of the arena they were fighting on to form some Earthen Walls to protect her from Ember, which weren't working since Ember's attacks were enough to crush metal armor, while she focused on trying to blast Spyro with some of her other spells, the same spells she had been using earlier, but Spyro was having none of that and avoided them with little effort, before he and Ember crashed into her again. Spike rejoined the battle moments later, using his magic to manipulate the arena floor to make sure the Sorceress didn't attempt to jump into the lava or anything, by creating his own Earthen Walls that were much stronger than hers had been, before blasting her with a Fire Orb that knocked her back towards the center of the arena, basically putting them back in the same formation they had started in when they first entered this area. When the Sorceress started to get back up, however, she did so with a look of determination and hatred in her eyes that caused Spyro to unleash the power of his own power, causing his Conqueror's Spirit to clash with what their foe was trying to use against them, as it wasn't the same as what Spyro was using, and the collision of the two powers caused the entire arena to shudder for a few moments and Spike, Ember, and Elora braced themselves, as Bianca had no idea what was coming and had to brace herself as she started to stagger, though she continued to stand like Elora did as they waited for the battle to be over.

By the time the two were done with what they were doing, and the collision of powers had stopped, the Sorceress fell to one knee for a moment and huffed with sweat on her face, showing that she underestimated the sheer power that was lurking in Spyro's body, something that he was only beginning to tap into since he only unlocked this near legendary skill a year ago, and while that happened the purple gemstone in her necklace shattered and a gleaming purple key hit the floor a few times before coming to a stop in front of Spike.

"Give up, Sorceress, you can't beat us," Spyro stated, because he could tell that she didn't have the magical strength to overcome Spike, nor did she have the physical power to beat him and Ember, so instead of wasting time and energy on a useless battle he just wanted her to admit defeat and surrender the egg that was attached to her scepter, so they could take her in and imprison her for her crimes against the Forgotten Realms, which were numerous and would earn her the rest of her life in jail, or near close to it anyway.

"All three of you are strong, I'll give you that," the Sorceress remarked, though at the same time both Elora and Bianca joined the siblings, as it appeared that the battle might be over and they wanted to hear what the Sorceress had to say for herself, or what madness she was going to spout next, before they took her down, to which she focused on the siblings as she continued talking, "though none of you can compare to Him, back when we fought a thousand years ago and I used a spell to banish the rest of the dragons from these lands..."

"The last guy who tried to imprison all the dragons ended up imprisoned himself," Ember replied, as she was referring to Gnasty Gnorc, the first villain that she and her brothers had taken out, not that the Sorceress would know who she was talking about, since she only found the Dragon Realms some time ago and clearly didn't have the time to see what had happened recently, though even if she did have time Ember felt that they would have been here anyway, so this fight was one that they were destined to have, "though its like my brother said, you can't beat us, so just give up on your dreams of achieving immortality and surrender already, before we're forced to knock you out."

"Immortality? Oh, you have no idea what my true plans are," the Sorceress said, where she didn't even attempt to shift her stance as she talked, showing them that she was more interested in speaking with them for a time, no doubt to let her get her power back so they could jump right back into the battle, or at least that was what Spike would do, before she let out a chuckle as she considered something, "Immortality was just a step in my grand plan, because once I figured out that He was still around, doing whatever it was that He might be doing, I set in motion a plan that would ensure I would come out as the top magic user the next time He and I encountered each other."

"I have no idea who you're talking about." Bianca stated, not that she was surprised, as some of the lessons that her former mentor gave her were too difficult for a novice to complete, no unless you were a total genius anyway, but this was the first time she had ever heard the Sorceress mention someone like that, using 'He' and 'Him', meaning it had to be a rather important person in her former mentor's life, possibly even the one that trained her in the first place, unless she just stole everything she knew from the dragons, which was very likely.

"Yeah, I'm not understanding what you're saying either," Elora added, though it was more due to the fact that the Dark Hollow archives had so much for her to read and discover that she was only a hundred or two years in the past, from this point in time anyway, while Spike was clearly at the thousand year mark and was likely reading into what the dragons used to do when they ruled the Forgotten Realms, before being banished anyway.

"Insolent little brat, how can you not know what I'm referring to when you're the one pretending to be a dragon with those wings of yours?" the Sorceress remarked, where Elora raised her eyebrow for a moment and opened a wing, as she had no idea why their foe was even mentioning such a thing in the first place, before deciding that it was better to not ask and just let the defeated magic user say what was on her mind before the siblings knocked her out, causing the Sorceress to sigh for a moment as she readied herself, "I speak of the first purple dragon!"

"The first purple dragon... you mean Malefor?!" Spike inquired, where the Sorceress actually nodded her head to show that he understood who she was referring to, while at the same time his siblings, Elora, and Bianca looked at him, as they had no idea who they were talking about and hoped one of them would shine some light on the subject, which was a good thing he knew as much as the Sorceress did, possibly even more, "He was one of the five dragons that ruled and watched over these lands a thousand years ago, back when the dragons called the Forgotten Realms home, and he was the first of our kind, the first purple dragon in all of existence, who was a master of magic and physical combat by the time he reach his maturity, which is fifteen years old for dragons. The stories about him are endless, about how he helped King Rover deal with the Midnight Serpent, helped the cat people settle in what would eventually become Felinia, gave the Ice Fairies their powers after saving Evening Lake from the wicked Yeti of the North, struck down the Dread Whale that was plaguing the waters around the lands, bested the Earthen King in a test of strength and skill while using his foe's power to shape what would become Enchanted Towers, conquered the Firelord to create Molten Crater and the area that surrounds it, and so much more... he's a legend among dragons! He's also the first, and only, dragon that was capable of using all three of our most powerful skills..."

"Warrior's Armor, Sage's Vision, and, more importantly, Conqueror's Spirit." the Sorceress stated, showing Spike and the others that she did know about the skills and that she had likely noticed what Spike had been using earlier, as it wasn't hard to see what Ember was using and she did just get a taste of the final power from Spyro, to show her that all three of them had one of the three skills that dragons revered.

"Oh... OH, I get it now!" Spike said, because the pieces of the puzzle were starting to fit in his mind, as the information that the Sorceress shared with them was more than enough for him to look at the puzzle that had formed when Bianca told them that her former mentor was going to kill the hatchlings and take their wings for a spell, "This isn't just about you becoming immortal, this is about you getting revenge on the one dragon that bested you a thousand years ago, back when you challenged him to a fight and he humiliated you after you torched the area we saw earlier, when we saw your army of Rhynocs! Its like you said, immortality was only a step you needed to take in the grand scheme of things, though killing the hatchlings and taking their magic for yourself would have strengthened your own magical power, I guess, and would have allowed you to access all the Powerups that we dragons are able to use, but the real purpose of all of this was to lure the stronger dragons into the Forgotten Realms so you could, somehow, strip them of their powers and abilities to add them to your arsenal, and we were prime targets the moment you realized what sort of abilities we had, especially since we revealed them to you over the course of our battle."

"I made up the line about the wings to piss off this brat, knowing she would deliver the information to you and would weaken you before the battle started... or so I hoped," the Sorceress replied, where she stood up and faced them, while at the same time revealing that everything Spike said was correct, that her true plan was to basically kill every dragon that lived in the Dragon Realms, be they hatchling or adult, so she could somehow siphon their powers and add them to her own, turning her into an immortal goddess of some kind, "That key goes to Malefor's archives, where I found a number of spells that would help me exact my revenge on him, and once I felt his power in this world again, somewhere on one of the many islands that are scattered around this world, I sent in motion my plan to gain all the power I could possibly need for my rematch... and you have given me the greatest skills of them all, which will allow me to topple Malefor and claim my long awaited revenge, before I enslave the rest of the world to do my bidding!"

It was in that moment that the Sorceress raised her scepter in the direction of the battlefield, where the group knew that all of their friends were fighting the Rhynoc army that she had created, before Spike felt a bunch of magic leave the area that she was pointing in, meaning she must have withdrawn the power from all of her creations to empower what power she had. That was followed by her using that power to transform part of the arena into what appeared to be a large suit of armor with her in the center of the chest, and they knew that fact thanks to the couple of small vertical lines that her face was behind, though the entire thing looked like a massive stone Rhynoc warrior that was half buried in the lava, a rather poor decision on the Sorceress' part even though she had likely reinforced the lower part of the body and the legs to avoid sinking into the lava in a matter of seconds. The moment the armor was ready, and the Sorceress was prepared to smash them, she raised the rock arms into the air and brought the hands together, where Spike watched as she started to gather magical energy between the hands, creating a massive sphere of fiery energy that was known to the dragons as the Emperor of Fire, one of the strongest fire spells in the world, at least to Spike's knowledge anyway. When she hurled it at them, however, Elora and Bianca jumped backwards, as they had no idea if they would be able to help or not, which was when Spike threw up several barriers between them and the incoming attack, while adding one to keep the others safe from the attack, though this time around, instead of being alone in stopping this attack, Spyro and Ember tapped into their own powers and added their own innate magic to what Spike was doing, adding a brilliant blue colored section and a purple section that had a yellow addition to it, representing Ember and Spyro respectively.

Together, against the sheer power that the Sorceress was using, they stalled the massive attack and forced their foe to increase the power that she was using against them, which only caused them to pour more power into the attack, before the three of them noticed a few strands of light purple energy dance around the area they were standing in, where Spike had an idea what was going on and dispatched the barrier in front of him and his siblings, something that was followed by him, Spyro, and Ember loosing three beams of that energy into the air that struck the massive ball of fire, blew it apart, and then struck the chest of the Sorceress' rock armor... where they had to cover their eyes for a few seconds as the entire thing shattered and they heard the sound of something hitting the lava, before opening their eyes and discovering that their foe must have fallen in the lava, and the egg scepter had landed nearby.

"What... what in the world was that?" Bianca asked, because she had no idea what the siblings had done to wipe out both the massive attack and the armor that the Sorceress had been using to protect herself, not to mention using to fight them, but she had to admit that it was rather interesting and it seemed to have taken quite a bit of magical energy from all three of them, as they looked a little tired.

"It... doesn't matter. We won, the Sorceress has been defeated." Spyro said, and that was the truth of the matter, they had beaten the Sorceress and, while he would have preferred to catch her and convict her for her crimes, this would break her hold over the Forgotten Realms and free everyone from her iron rule, to which he, Spike, and Ember headed back to where Bianca and Elora were standing as they carried the egg and the interesting key with them.

It was time to tell the residents of the Forgotten Realms the good news, that they were no longer bound to the ruler that had been abusing them for all the years before their arrival, and then, after some food and rest, they would go over what they needed to do to gather the rest of the eggs and bring an end to this adventure, even though all of them were sure that another would come at some point in the future.

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