• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Rage: A New Adventure

For the next couple of months Spyro, Spike, and Ember followed a pattern with their daily lives, where they would wake up, have breakfast, and then spend a good portion of their days either helping Nestor and the other Artisans dragons or head to one of the other homeworlds so they could continue their training, before returning to the land they called home in time for dinner so they could relax before the day ended. The three of them learned whatever lessons Nestor and the others wanted them to learn, so they could be prepared for any new challenges the future had for them, or just practice their existing skills so none of them got rusty, before splitting up to tackle their individual lessons, just like they had when they first learned the spitting skill. The siblings were happy to tackle anything and everything that the Leaders had for them, because a number of the lessons they went through were very interesting, especially since the defeat of Gnasty Gnorc had proved that they were ready for some of the more challenging aspects of the lessons they had refrained from teaching them over the years, before the big interview happened and their first adventure started. At the same time, however, news of the battles the siblings had been in, against Doctor Shemp, Blowhard, and Metalhead had spread to the five dragon clans, who were really impressed by how well the siblings had tackled their individual enemies and the tactics they had utilized in beating them, especially in the case Spike, due to the spell he used to beat his foe.

Neither Spyro or Ember were annoyed by that, as the rest of the dragons thought of them in the same manner as their brother, either due to their individual battles or the main battle with Gnasty Gnorc, but they had been well rewarded for their actions and now it was time for them to learn what else they needed to know about being a dragon, even if they didn't get a chance to use these skills in the future.

Every now and then, to their amazement, they were allowed to visit the land of the Beast Makers and head to the land of the phoenixes, where they could spend the day playing with Sol and relaxing from the various lessons they were being given, something that made both them and their friend happy. As such the four of them would explore the island that Sol and his species called home, testing their flying skills against each other as they raced from place to place, sometimes under the watchful gaze of some of the older phoenixes, just in case one of them happened to hurt themselves while they were flying and needed assistance from one of the Beast Makers. While they did that Sol explained that one of the last times he had actually visited the swamp Bruno and Sadiki called home was because he had been reckless during one of his test runs, as he had a new move he wanted to test and that had been the perfect day to test it out, but he had messed something up and had bruised one of his wings in the process, hence the reason he had been taken to Sadiki's temple for treatment, which the siblings understood was the day they first visited this land. Of course he had improved since that day and was less apt to get hurt while he was flying, but he learned his lesson and kept a watchful eye on what was happening in the area around him, so he didn't get hurt again, as that would annoy Lady Eterna at the very least, and, at the same time, it reminded the siblings of what they learned during their own flying lessons.

Even after remembering that day Sol seemed happy to be hanging out with them, just like all three of them enjoyed having someone their age they could hang out with, and they spent the various days testing each other's speed and seeing where each of them could improve, much to the amazement of the phoenixes and dragons that watched them on the days they visited this island.

By the time three months had passed Spyro approached his siblings after they were done with the training that Titan and Trondo had for them, before they went their separate ways for the day, and informed both Spike and Ember that he had something he wanted to show them, where Nestor raised an eyebrow for a moment, as he knew that Spyro had been focused on mastering the hover technique and that he was eager to see what his siblings had to say when he showed them what he had been working on. Once he told them that piece of information he used the stones that were nearby, the same one that he had used when he showed Nestor that there was something he was working on, and proceeded to show his siblings what he had been spending his time alone on. At first Spike and Ember wondered what their brother was doing, since it seemed like jumping and gliding at the moment, but that was before seeing the hover technique in action, and this time Spyro managed to land on the final stone of the course he was following, instead of misjudging the distance like he did when he showed Nestor this skill, meaning he landed on the stone with ease and grinned at his siblings for a few moments, as he was pleased with himself. Nestor, Titan, and Trondo had to admit that Spyro had perfected the hover technique, a brand new technique that none of them had even considered thinking about when training young dragons in the art of being a dragon, and knew one of the scholars would want to add this to the collection of skills they had been building over the years, who they suspected was going to be Spike.

Spike and Ember were interested in what they had seen, as they had been curious as to what Spyro had been putting his time towards mastering, while Spike was practicing his magic skills and Ember was learning the more advanced skills that Titan and Trondo were teaching her, and they were eager to have their brother teach them the new move, as they could add it to the list of skills that they had.

Nestor chuckled at that, because the siblings worked well as a team and were quick to share any useful techniques one of them came across in their journeys, either by teaching their siblings the skill in question, like Spyro was doing right now, or informing them of the technique or skill in question and then incorporated it into what they usually did, which he was sure they did during their first adventure. Speaking of which Spike had completed writing down the entirety of their adventure to stop Gnasty Gnorc and his plans about a month ago, binding the pages together and put the finishing touches on it to make it an official tome, one that the scholars of Dark Hollow were more than happy to accept, especially since they had an entire shelf set aside for everything that Spike and his siblings did, something that Nestor suspected they were going to add to at some point in time. He was sure that a book detailing Spyro's hover technique would grace that shelf, to honor him as the one that created it in the first place, while also appearing on another shelf that held all of the various skills that existed in the Dragon Realms, but for now he chuckled as he watched Spike and Ember tackle their brother's makeshift course as they attempted to learn the hover technique. He knew it would take some time for the pair to learn the technique that Spyro had spent the last couple of months working on, and they would likely learn it at a faster pace as well, given what they've done in the past, but he also knew this would only help them in the future, before they matured into adult dragons to be exact.

Spike and Ember found that, despite how easy some of the other skills were to learn, that the hover technique their brother had created was a new challenge for them to work on and they were happy to try their hand at learning it, while also asking Spyro for any pointers he might have, which made their brother pleased that they hadn't gotten it on their first try, like some of the other skills they had learned over the years. Spike had to admit that it allowed them to maneuver around an area a little better and let all of them cross gaps that the glide would fail them on, even if they hadn't seen any of those during their first adventure, but it was nice to see that Spyro was thinking ahead and was planning for the future, resulting in the creation of a brand new skill for him and Ember to learn. Ember liked the skill as well, more in the sense of the maneuverability it provided them, but she shared Spike's thoughts on the matter, that she was impressed that Spyro had come up with such a technique and that he was willing to teach them the hover skill he had developed, a skill she was sure they would put to great use in whatever adventures would be coming their way in the future. Both she and Spike knew that it would take them some time to master the skill on the level that Spyro had, since he had spent the most time with the hover technique, but that didn't stop them from trying to master the technique and add it to the list of skills that they were able to use, while at the same time making Spyro happy that they liked his new skill.

None of them had any idea what the future held for them, especially since their elders were focused on teaching the skills they needed before they matured into adults and weren't worrying about the future at all, but they were sure that when another adventure raised it's head they would be ready for it.

The rest of the year went by without much deviation from the schedule they had established with their training and the various days off they had, but that didn't stop Spyro, Spike, or Ember from enjoying the lessons the Leaders and the other dragons had for them, even if sometimes they practiced old techniques that they had already learned, to make sure they weren't getting lazy. The siblings were fine with that, since those days usually lead into tips and tricks for the newer skills they were working on, or just outright practicing the new skills on their own, to show Nestor and the other Leaders that all three of them were making good progress in their studies, regardless if the skills in question were magical, physical, or were related to flying. In fact many dragons got a chance to see them practicing the hover technique, as Nestor had them visit the five homeworlds and test the skill out in some of the harder areas that weren't like the area they had been using to master the skill, allowing the dragons of those lands to see what they were doing with their own eyes, and they were all impressed by what the siblings were doing, especially when they learned that it was Spyro that originally came up with the skill and was the first one to master it, before teaching his siblings the skill. The interesting part about all that was that some of the dragons even mentioned that they would have used the hover skill when they were younger, if it had existed when they were young dragons, which only filled Spyro with joy that everyone seemed to like his technique, even if most of them couldn't use it due to their matured bodies, but that wouldn't stop them from making sure the next generation of dragons knew the hover technique.

Of course they weren't the only ones that were being busy, as a number of dragons, those that were drawn to the new homeworld and the industrial setting that was in the middle of being created, were busy making the land the Machinists would call home the best it could possibly be, by combining their various ideas with what was already there. Spyro, Spike, and Ember would have to wait for those dragons to be done with their work, which would include deciding who was going to live on the island and who was going to be the Leader of the new dragon clan, but they were okay with that, since they didn't want to interrupt the work that was being done to the island. Nestor didn't have much to tell them about what was happening on that island, other than the fact that the first thing the Machinists wanted to create and distribute to the rest of the Dragon Realms what they referred to as a television, something that would allow them to pick up the various broadcasts and watch the programs, like the interviewer that came by before Gnasty Gnorc cast his spell. It was a very interesting idea, especially since some of the other ideas the group had were designed to improve the communication between the Leaders, so they wouldn't have to fly over great distances to talk if they didn't know magic, and that was only the beginning of what they had planned, but for now they were keeping to themselves as they prepared to add a brand new homeworld to the Dragon Realms.

In addition to all of that there were a few days where the siblings hung out with Sol, getting to know him and the land he called home better, but other than that there were no real adventures happening, so they focused on their training and whatever else Nestor and the other Leaders had in store for them.

Eventually the day of their eleventh birthday arrived, a day that was just like the other birthdays where they gathered with the rest of the Artisans dragons, ate cake and played games for the entire day, and really just had fun, though they also knew that presents were usually only given out during their earlier birthdays and when they matured into adult dragons, the day they would finally take up a profession of their own. That was a day that all three of them were looking forward to, since it would be a brand new experience to run around on two legs and fly whenever they wanted, instead of being restricted to the area that they could only glide and hover in, though they knew that they had to be patient, as it would be a few more years before that day finally arrived. Due to the whole thing about the phoenixes wanting to be kept hidden, even though there weren't any enemies lingering in the Dragon Realms at the moment, Sol wasn't able to join them, but that just meant that the following day they returned to his island and hung out with him, to make up for the fact that he wasn't allowed to leave his island and come visit them on their birthday. In the end it didn't matter all that much, as they made sure their day was filled with fun to make up for the previous day, where the siblings noticed that the pair of phoenixes that usually watched them and Sol seemed happy that they were having fun, which only encouraged them to make the most of their time before they were forced to depart and head back home.

The day after they returned from the island of the phoenixes, however, was when disaster struck, as the sky opened up and it started to rain on the Artisans homeworld, though while the siblings thought it would be a quick shower, and that it would be over soon enough, they slowly discovered that it was one of the longer showers that tended to last a couple of days, according to what Argus said. Of course Dark Hollow was prepared for the event of an extended shower like this, as were all the other realms, but that didn't stop the dragons from making sure that everything that could be wrecked by the rain was placed somewhere safe, so they could be brought back out when the shower was over, and the siblings found that they had to sleep inside the chamber that was below where Nestor and the other Leaders held their meetings when they were in this homeworld. Usually they slept outside, allowing them to gaze at the stars before going to sleep if they wanted to, but with all the heavy rain their home was experiencing they had to move their stuff under some cover, though it also provided Spike with the perfect chance to use the Water Safety spell he had learned on his siblings, that way none of them would be hurt if they suddenly fell into a deep pool of water while it was raining. However, despite the spell being in use there wasn't much the three of them could do but hope the rain stopped, while at the same time Nestor headed to the land of the Magic Crafters to see if he could talk with Altair and, more importantly, if there was anything they could do to lessen the storm.

The rain, as it turned out, went on for three while days, so much so that the siblings started to grow bored of doing nothing with their time, and it was on the fifth day after their eleventh birthday that they returned to the central hub area for their homeworld and sat under one of the trees that was in the courtyard behind the large wooden door, which Nestor now left open all the time, before looking up at the sky.

"Seriously, is this rain ever going to stop?" Spyro asked, because while he could understand that rain was good for the various homeworlds, not to mention the plants and animals that called those lands home, the bizarre storm they were experiencing didn't appear like it was going to be leaving anytime soon, which was annoying since he wanted to have some fun and not be rained on while he was playing with his siblings.

"Look on the bright side Spyro, at least we know the Water Safety spell works." Ember replied, as she knew that such a spell would be useful for her and her siblings, especially since they would gain the ability to be immune to the damaging effects of water when they matured into adult dragons, along with being able to swim in the deeper parts of the various bodies of water they had seen, "I mean, we've been out in the rain for a couple of minutes now, and neither us or our dragonflies have taken any damage from the rain."

"I wish there was something we could do to distract ourselves from this ongoing storm." Spike said, though even as he said that he decided not to correct his siblings on the matter of the Water Safety spell, as it was designed to protect one from the deeper bodies of water, like a river or an actual pool, that they might accidentally fall into, while rain, however, wouldn't actually harm them without the spell on.

"I know what you mean, Spike. It's been raining for so long that I've forgotten what the sun looks like." Spyro stated, though the second part of his statement was meant to be a joke, as there was no way that he could have forgotten what the sun actually looked like in this short period of time, before he focused on what they could do, "Maybe we need a short vacation, to get away from the storm. Maybe someplace warm and sunny... like Dragon Shores!"

Spike and Ember followed their brother's gaze to the portal that he was looking at, as all five of the homeworlds had a portal that lead to the paradise that the dragon clans called Dragon Shores, and both of them had temporarily forgotten that the one in the land they called home was just beyond the large gate that Nestor had keep closed for a long period of time, a portal that they were now staring at as well.

"Yeah, Dragon Shores." Ember said, as she liked the idea of leaving this dark and rainy land for a sunny and warm land the moment Spyro suggested what they should do, and she could see that Spike seemed to be in agreement with her and Spyro, even though he was likely thinking of something else at the moment, "Do you think Nestor will be mad when he finds out we went through the portal, without asking him for permission to head to Dragon Shores?"

"No, I'm sure he's probably planning on heading there himself, if Altair tells him there's nothing he can do about the storm that's over our heads." Spike replied, though there was always the chance that he could be wrong about that and Nestor could be angry with all of them, even though he was almost a hundred percent sure that their Leader would be just fine with what they had in mind, "Besides, we haven't been there for a year, not since we foiled Gnasty Gnorc's plans and gave him a taste of his own medicine, and we've been pretty busy lately, with all the training that we've gone through, so I think we actually deserve a day or two off."

"Okay then, all in favor of heading to Dragon Shores?" Spyro asked, because while it seemed like all of them, as in him, his siblings, and potentially their dragonflies were in agreement, he wanted to be absolutely sure before they charged into the portal and left their home behind for some time.

As soon as he asked the question Spike and Ember voiced their opinions on the matter, as in their agreement to this idea and that they were on board with leaving their home for a day or two, until the storm settled down, while Sparx, Talon, and Cinder buzzed in agreement as well, showing that they could also do with a day or two off, before a smile appeared on all their faces.

"Well then, it looks like we're all in agreement." Spike said, though that was a good sign, as he really didn't want to be bothered by the rain anymore than what they had experienced since the storm started, and he knew that both of his siblings and their dragonflies agreed with him, to which all six of them faced the portal and started to think about what they were going to do once they were on the other side.

"Last one there is a Gnorc!" Spyro playfully said, though as soon as the first word was out of his mouth he was already on the move, heading straight for the portal to Dragon Shores, and he knew that the moment his siblings realized what he was getting a head start they would chase after him, along with their dragonflies flying behind them so they didn't get left behind in the rush to the portal.

Spike and Ember followed after their brother, with their dragonflies followed after them, though they knew that he was eager to get out of the rain and they shared his thoughts, to which all six of them rushed into the portal that was right in front of them and let the magic take them to their destination.

Elora, Hunter, and the Professor stood near one of the stone walls of Glimmer, a realm inhabited by the Gemcutters, as they put the finishing touches on the portal that they had been working on, hoping to put their plan into action before the person they had been hiding from discovered their location and tried to stop them. Elora was a faun, a race of humanoid goats that stood on two legs, which ended in hooves, though while most of her kind had goat-like appearances she was more doe-like, especially in regards to her face, while she wore a dress made out of green leaves and she had leaf bracelets on her arms. Standing to her left, looking a little worried, was Hunter, a cheetah that walked on two legs like she did and had legs that matched his species, though he wore nothing save his quiver, which was full of arrows, and a bow that he might use if trouble found them, which Elora hoped he would use if the person they were hiding from happened to find them before their mission was complete. In front of them, standing next to the portal they had built in this area, was the Professor, a mole that was about half their size, though he white hair and white eyebrows, and he was wearing some glasses in front of his eyes so he could see, a lab coat that came complete with a good number of pockets and buttons, and a pair of dark brown pants, but Elora could tell that he was busy making this final calculations on the notepad that he was working on, to make sure they didn't make the situation they were in worse than what it already was.

Flying near them was Zoe, a fairy that was dressed in a light orange colored dress that had a few yellow and red bits to it, and came complete with small shoulder pads as well, though between them rested two spherical objects that they were using to power the portal they were standing next to.

"Professor, is it working?" Elora asked, as she was getting worried about the amount of time they might have left before they were found out, which would result in their scheme failing at the critical moment, though she did step forward, in case there was anything she could do to help the Professor complete his calculations on the portal and the Orbs that were resting in front of him.

"It's almost ready." the Professor replied, though while he knew that Elora and Hunter were getting anxious, and truth be told he was suppressing his own anxiety to the best of his ability, he was positive that he would have the portal open in a few moments, to which he looked at his notes again, "I just need to make one or two adjustments to these Orbs..."

"Are you guys sure we should be doing this?" Hunter asked, his tone revealing that he was the most worried out of all of them, even if he was the only one that had a weapon at the moment, and that was accompanied by him playing with his fingers the entire time, especially when he considered what they were attempting to do, "Bringing a dragon here might end up making Ripto angrier than he already is!"

"Calm down Hunter, everything is going to be fine." Elora stated, because based on what they had discovered she knew that using the portal to bring a dragon here was the best chance they had at putting an end to Ripto's rampage, but, at the same time, she could tell that her words weren't having any effect on Hunter.

"But you saw what was in the Professor's book! They have claws like this, and teeth like this, and they can breath fire like this!" Hunter nearly exclaimed, where he used his hands and his mouth to demonstrate why he was so worried at the moment, as in he was trying to mimic what a dragon could do in a fight, at least according to the book they had found on their way to Glimmer, "They sound more terrifying than Ripto could ever be!"

"Hunter, that's the reason we're doing this in the first place," Elora said, though at the same time she wasn't surprised that she was reminding Hunter of what they were doing once more, because sometimes it took her two or three times to make him understand what they were doing, even though there were other times where all it took was one mention of something and he understood what was happening, "a dragon is our only hope of stopping Ripto and you know it!"

Hunter was thinking of opening his mouth to say something to that, about having second thoughts about calling a more terrifying creature to their home, but before he could say anything the portal shimmered for a few seconds as the pair of Orbs lifted into the air and started to glow.

"It's working! I've found us a dragon!" the Professor exclaimed, as he was happy to see that his work was paying off and that they would soon have a protector that could help them banish Ripto, even if Hunter was worried that this was a terrible idea and that they would come to regret their actions.

The two Orbs raised into the air and separated from each other, one resting near the left side of the portal while the other did the same on the right, before a blue hole appeared in the portal, connecting them to the land the dragons called home, allowing them to watch as three small creatures, about the Professor's height, came flying out of the portal and crashed into the ground near them, along with three dragonflies that seemed worried, before the hole closed before their very eyes, indicating that the task the Professor had given them had been completed.

"Ugh, what a rough landing." Spyro commented, as he wasn't expecting to crash into the ground when he and his siblings came out of the other side of the portal to Dragon Shores, before he lifted his head and shook it for a few seconds, to make sure everything was fine, as he spoke up again, "Spike, Ember, are you guys alright?"

"Slightly disoriented, but otherwise I'm fine." Spike replied, to which he looked up at the area in front of them, which was supposed to be the Nexus that all the portals in the homeworlds lead to, or at least the ones that were connected to Dragon Shores anyway, and found that they were in some sort of valley area that had some elegant looking buildings, ones that didn't resemble any style the dragon clans worked with, "However, I don't think we're in Dragon Shores... not unless the island had some serious, and I mean SERIOUS, remodeling done in the last year."

"But that was one of the five direct portals that connects to Dragon Shores," Ember remarked, as both she and Spyro joined Spike in looking at the area that they had found themselves in, a land that was unlike anything they had seen thus far, and started to wonder where in the Dragon Realms they were, "if this isn't Dragon Shores, like you're suggesting it isn't, then what does this mean for us?"

"It means that someone managed to hi-jack the portal and changed where we were going to arrive." Spike replied, as while he didn't have the best knowledge of how the various magical portals of the Dragon Realms worked, as that was what Nora was working on at the moment, he had a basic idea as to how they worked and knew that someone had made a slight modification to the pair of portals they had been using, changing the one they would have exited through so they would arrive in an unknown area.

"I'm afraid that the one that hi-jacked your portal was me." the Professor said, causing the three young creatures to turn around and look at him, Elora, Hunter, and Zoe for a few seconds, as they had no idea they had nearly hit someone on their way out of the portal, though at the same time he could tell that his companions seemed a little speechless as they stared at the dragons he had called to their side, "I apologize for bringing the three of you, and your dragonflies, to Avalar in this way, but we desperately need your assistance."

"Avalar?" Spike asked, though at the same time he found that his satchel was with him, just as his hat, Spyro's scarf, and Ember's bracers had made the trip with them, to which he sat down and pulled out a new journal, because if this was a new land that they were discovering he wanted to make sure he had all the notes he possibly could for whenever he and his siblings found their way back home, "I take it that's the name of this place?"

"And why do you guys need help?" Spyro inquired, because from what he could tell this land was peaceful and there was no reason that they would need to mess with portals to snatch him and his siblings while they were on their way to Dragon Shores, but he was interested in hearing what they had to say, since there was a chance that a new adventure might be right in front of them.

"Wait, back up a moment." Hunter said, holding his hands out to stop Elora and the Professor from answering either of the questions that had been asked, because there was one thing he wanted to clarify before they went any further and started handing out information to creatures that might not even be what they were trying to bring to Avalar, "You mean to tell me that the three of you are dragons? I thought dragons were supposed to be bigger than this."

"For your information, kitty cat, we're only eleven years old." Ember stated, though it was interesting that the cheetah thought that they weren't dragons when the mole, who was dressed like a professor of some kind, was clearly expecting a dragon to come out of the portal, before deciding that it wasn't worth worrying about, "Just because we aren't as tall as the adult dragons are, doesn't mean we aren't tough. But, to get back to Spyro's question, why do you guys need help?"

Before anyone could say anything a large fireball struck the portal and caused it to explore, tearing the entire frame of the portal to pieces while scattering both the magic used to power it and the two spherical items that had been in the air in front of it, causing Spyro, Spike, and Ember to look up at the area that was above them, where they found three different newcomers that looked ready for a fight. One of them was a large blue scaled dinosaur looking creature, one that was carrying a club of some kind in it's right hand, which appeared to be a large chicken leg that had been cooked a long time ago and the creature was being slow in eating it, meaning that since it didn't smell someone had enchanted it to stay somewhat fresh so the creature could continue eating it without getting sick. The other creature was another dinosaur-like creature, though while the first one had blue scales and walked on two feet this one had green scales and walked on four feet, though it also had a pair of horns that looked like someone could use them to stir the creature, or run something through if the beast charged at something it's size. The third being that was staring down at them was much shorter than the other two, though while he looked dinosaur-like as well he seemed more intelligent than his companions, especially with the dark purple cape he was wearing, the medallion that he was wearing around his neck, and the magical scepter that was in his right hand, though he also had a coiled horn sticking out of his forehead.

The siblings glanced at each other for a moment as the people that called them to this land got up from where they were resting, as they knew the smaller being was the more dangerous one, especially with a scepter like that, given what Gnasty Gnorc had done with his own scepter, before shifting their gazes back to the being in question.

"Well, well, someone forgot to invite me to the party... and it seems that you're hiding something from me." the small being said, where he took a moment to sniff the air, why the siblings really had no idea, though that was followed by him looked down at the area that the siblings and the others were standing in, before zeroing in on Spyro, Spike, and Ember, where a look of disgust appeared on his face, "You brought dragons to Avalar?! I... Hate... DRAGONS!!!"

In that moment Elora, using Ripto's disgust of dragons as a distraction, had Zoe do something about the situation they were in, which was when she flew up to the being they were trying to defeat, just said he raised his scepter, and shocked his foot for a moment, forcing him to drop the scepter and allowed her to grab onto it. That, in turn, allowed her to fly off with it, only for the blue brute to swing at her due to Ripto's command, where she dodged the attack and forced the brute to hit his master off the green dinosaur, who was commanded to eat her alive before she could flee with the scepter, a command that gave her an idea. She made sure that the green dinosaur stared at her for a few seconds before it tried to eat her, where she purposely made sure the scepter got stuck between the creature's jaws and that it couldn't be pulled back, something that caused her to let go and fly away, which, in turn, caused the dinosaur to eat the scepter and utterly destroy it, much to Ripto's annoyance. As soon as that happened he declared that he would be back to deal with them, no doubt once he got a new scepter, one of equal or greater power, so he could destroy them for defying him and then crush the dragons that they had brought to this land, before he and his minions departed from the area that they had come to, as if there was no reason to face the group anymore.

"Who was that guy?" Ember asked, because while she had a feeling that was the new foe they were going to track down and beat up, just like they did to Gnasty Gnorc and his commanders, she wanted to be sure that her thoughts were correct before they did anything else, while at the same time Spike sighed and stuffed his writing materials back into his satchel, figuring he'd get his answers at some other point.

"That was Ripto, the reason we brought you three to Avalar in the first place." Elora replied, knowing that she hadn't told the three young dragons her name, or the names of her companions, but time was of the essence, so she turned to Zoe for a moment, who pulled a tiny book out of her sack, which enlarged to it's true size, and handed it over to the trio, as she knew it would help them out, "Look, with Ripto leaving the area, I don't have much time to explain anything, so take this guidebook. It's a magical guide to Avalar, it will help you understand our homeworlds and the realms that everyone calls home, and might even answer some of the questions that you might have at the moment. I'll meet you guys in Summer Forest, after I figure out what Ripto's up to."

Spyro, Spike, and Ember watched as the people that had hi-jacked the portal they were using to go to Dragon Shores chased after Ripto and left them alone in the area they had suddenly appeared in, which also left them alone with more questions than answers at the moment, though Spike claimed the guidebook immediately, as he knew that it would come in handy in the near future.

"Okay, how did we get ourselves into this mess?" Spyro asked, because so many things were happening at the same time and none of them had been given enough time to really digest the fact that a new adventure had found them, and a new villain that hated dragons that had run off, leaving them to wonder if the Dark Hollow library might have any information on Ripto, not that they could access those books at the moment.

"Oh don't complain, this is so much better than being stuck in the middle of a storm," Spike replied, as while he knew that this wasn't what Spyro was expecting when he made the suggestion to head to Dragon Shores, just like he and Ember weren't expecting this, now that he knew that another land was in danger he wasn't about to leave them, especially since they had done through the effort to call for assistance, "besides, helping people out feels really good."

"Spike, no offense, but I think you might have been reading too many of the old adventure novels in the Dark Hollow library," Ember remarked, as one of the things that Spike liked to do was read every book on the various shelves and add their knowledge to the mental library that he was building, and sometimes the bits of information he said were a tad bit annoying, but there was something about what he said that she couldn't deny, "however, I will agree that Ripto, from what little we have seen so far, needs to be stopped before he causes some permanent damage to this land, and it appears that we might have the best chance to do that."

"Well then, let's go see what this land has to offer and put a stop to Ripto's plans." Spyro said, as he agreed with his siblings, that Ripto needed to be stopped and his plans foiled, and he decided to forget what he had just said so he could focus on seeing what they needed to do first.

One thing the siblings knew was that while they weren't getting the vacation they had been focused on, back when they rushed through the portal to Dragon Shores, this adventure was going to be exciting and they were going to do everything in their power to bring Ripto down, to restore peace to this land, to which they walked forward so they could see what they needed to do and explore a brand new world, all while putting Dragon Shores at the back of their minds for the foreseeable future.

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