• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Rage: Violence in Zephyr

Spyro, Spike, and Ember came to a stop in the middle of the courtyard that was in front of Autumn Plains' castle, as it was time for them to pick out which of the realms they were going to tackle first, because this time around there were a good number to pick from and that would make it slightly harder on them, especially since they had no idea what was going on in each realm until they got there. Of course they could always go and ask Elora which one they should start with, as they had four good choices to pick from in the area that was around them, five if they counted Metro Speedway, but for now their focus was on the realms with the Talismans, as those were more important than gems at the moment, so they could break the seal on the dungeon and challenge Ripto and Gulp. Hunter wasn't around and the Professor had moved on to one of the other realms, so it was impossible to ask them their opinions on which realm should be taken care of first, and none of them wanted to talk to Moneybags just yet, after what he had tried to pull, but that didn't stop them from considering their options as they glanced at the realms that were scattered around the courtyard.

"So, there are eleven realms, nine if we don't count the two Speedways." Spike commented, though that was rather amazing when he thought about it, because none of them had ever seen something like this in the homeworlds they had taken care of in the past, as most of the homeworlds from the Dragon Realms only had five portals, and the land of the Machinists would soon follow that pattern, and Summer Forest didn't prepare them for this many portals, "Meaning we have a large number of places to pick from, to help the residents of each realm with whatever is bothering them at the moment, and we only need to come to a decision on which one to pick from."

"Zephyr, that's where we're going." Spyro stated, where Ember had a slight surprised look on her face, as she, at the very least, wasn't expecting her brother to say something like that, before she nodded her head in agreement as all three of them glanced at the portal in question as he started to move towards it, "Based on what Moneybags said, after you hit him, the residents of that realm are being attacked by someone else, meaning that it would be in our best interest to take care of whatever is going on on the other side of the portal, before we do anything else."

"Good, I want to see what's going on in Zephyr anyway," Ember remarked, because Moneybags made it seem like a large battle of some kind was going on at the moment, something that did interest her thanks to the fact that she was more like the Peace Keepers than her brothers ever would be, especially since Spike was a powerful Magic Crafter and Spyro was like an Artisan.

The moment the three of them agreed on which realm they wanted to tackle first, since it really didn't matter which realm they went to first, they headed towards the ramp that lead to the portal in question and charged through it, as it was time to see what sort of chaos was erupting in the realm that it was leading them to and, more importantly, what they needed to do to help the residents restore the peace. A few moments later they appeared in the starting area for Zephyr, where they reappeared in what appeared to be a grassy area with tall walls made out of a pile of stones, though what they discovered was that there were a few tree like structures that were scattered around the area, ones that didn't appear to be full trees and seemed to be bundled together by vines and seemed to be standing on a small thick stand that seemed to be more than enough to keep the upper part up in the air. The next thing they discovered was the fact that there were several structures that appeared to be houses in the area that was in front of them, though as they took all of that in they discovered that there were a number of falcons flying through the air, either delivering missiles to some of the other birds that were in the area or they were dropping the missiles on the people they were fighting. The falcons and other birds seemed to be in the middle of attacking large slug-like creatures that were trying, in vain, to attack the enemies in the sky, where the missiles blew up bits of the ground around them and tore chunks out of the stones that were around the area, though just from looking at what was going on the siblings couldn't tell who were the residents of Zephyr.

Of course that was before the three of them spotted one of the slugs standing off to their left, staring out at the battle that was raging st the moment, and it appeared that he wasn't pleased with what he was seeing right now, though he was wearing an interesting looking medal, a hat of some kind, and a stick that had a half eaten apple at the top of it, meaning he had to be the commander for the slug soldiers.

"What's going on here?" Spyro asked, because he had a feeling that this was what Moneybags had been talking about earlier, after he activated the portal to Zephyr to be exact, and what the bear had talked about was the fact that the birds were declaring war on the residents of this realm, or at the very least that was what the bear said and there was a chance that he was lying to them.

"War, kid. War is what is happening at the moment." the slug replied, where he spat for a moment as he focused on the battle, and the fact that his forces were being overpowered by the birds that were attacking them at the moment, only for him to turn to his right for a moment and focused on the fact that he was talking to someone, when a few seconds ago he was alone in the area, and noticed that the siblings were standing there, "Oh, Spyro, Spike, Ember, I was told that you three would be coming here at some point in time, so allow me to brief you on what is going on. It would appear that we've got us a bit of a situation here, as there's no denying that the Breezebuilders have got us pinned down and we can't do anything to overcome their attack, at least not on our own, as they keep dodging our attacks and have been knocking my soldiers out left and right. If we can blow up the building that our foes are storing their munitions in, we might have a chance at repelling them for the foreseeable future... even though I'm unsure how they managed to get all these weapons in the first place, since they didn't have them a week ago."

"Just tell your soldiers to hold their ground for as long as they can," Ember stated, though she growled as she looked out at the area that was in front of them, as she couldn't believe that all of this was because Moneybags sold the birds, the Breezebuilders as they were apparently called, all of the weapons they were using against the slugs, and she could tell that her siblings were annoyed as well, "we'll take the fight to the Breezebuilders and blow their munitions apart!"

"If you can do that, the Land Blubbers will be in your debt," the slug replied, revealing the name of the residents of this realm, which Spike found to be good for them, so they could stop referring to them as 'slugs' or 'slug creatures', but that was when he glanced at the battle that was unfolding and winced for a moment, "though you might want to hurry, as the longer we stand around talking the more ground those blasted birds gain."

As soon as the Land Blubber said that the siblings jumped into the area that was in front of them and focused on the enemies that were around the area, where Spyro and Ember focused on charging the small chicks, that were about their size and seemed to be wearing bands around their foreheads, though they had to roll out of the way to avoid the missiles that were being launched at them. What they discovered was that the falcons were delivered missiles to the chicks, as in they tossed them down to the smaller enemies and the chicks caught them with their beaks, before they loosed their new weapons at their enemies, causing the pair to avoid the attacks and slam into them with their heads, knocking them down into the ground and released some Spirit Particles into the air. Spike, on the other hand, focused on the falcons that were in the air and loosed a pair of Arcane Missiles at his targets, where Spyro, Ember, and their enemies watched as the bolts of magic raced through the air and slammed into the falcons, blasting them out of the air in seconds, causing his siblings to smile as they advanced forward, while the Land Blubber that was behind them scratched his head for a moment as he watched the three of them move deeper into enemy territory. The next thing they did, as they explored the area that they were in, was quickly pick up the gems that were laying on the ground and broke the straw baskets that were hiding behind some of the buildings, before they discovered a small gap that they would need to jump over to get to the next area of this realm, though Spike did make sure that the falcon in the air was blasted out of the sky as his siblings took out the rest of the aggressive chicks that happened to be in their way.

Once that was done Spyro explored the gap and found a pair of straw baskets down there, along with some gems that were near them, before he joined his siblings on the other side of the small gap, where they found one of the Land Blubbers on a cannon that could be moved around in a circle, but he was having a hard time targeting any of the enemies that were in the area and only stopped when the siblings came to a stop near his station.

"Dang cannon just isn't working for me." the Land Blubber stated, his tone revealing that he was annoyed with the fact that he couldn't hit the falcon that was flying in the air in front of him, though that was when he focused on the siblings as he walked off the platform that allowed him to control the weapon in question, "Do you think one of you can use this cannon and blast that bird out of the sky?"

"Should be easy." Spyro replied, because from what he knew Spike could just cast another burst of Arcane Missiles and take the lone bird out of the air in a matter of seconds, but that was a waste of energy and he knew his brother would rather keep his energy for later, hence the reason he jumped onto the area that the Land Blubber had been standing on and took control of the weapon.

Spyro found that it was rather simple for him to fire one of the missiles that the cannon possessed and hit the falcon out of the air, though at the same time he blasted the door behind the bird apart and then made sure to look around the rest of the area they were in, blasting a floating metallic vase out of the air, as it as tied to a balloon, tore apart a wooden door that was right behind them, and even blew apart a circular metallic chest on the house that was near where the Land Blubber had placed the cannon. The room that he revealed contained four straw baskets, where Ember broke them and collected the gems that were inside them, while Spike found a gem on a small wall between two of the structures, one that they would have missed if he hadn't looked there, before he headed back to the area that they started in and found a few more of them scattered around the area, where Talon picked them up before they returned to the path that would take them through the wooden structure the falcon had been guarding. The first thing all three of them noticed was the large blue colored Breezebuilder that was blocking the way forward, who wore no shirt, had a pair of brown pants on with a belt that had several pouches attached to it, had goggles on his head, and had a necklace with a pair of tags attached to it, but the smug look on his face indicated that he was pleased by the effort his forces had put in so far. It appeared that what the soldier liked to do was hurl bombs at whoever he was facing, if there was someone nearby for him to fight, so Spike used a barrier to protect them from the initial blast, which allowed Ember to burst out of the flames and spin through the space between them, knocking their foe to the ground like the rest of their enemies.

Once that was done Spyro smashed the metallic vases that were nearby as Spike grabbed the gems on the opposite side of the small room, before they moved forward and continued to explore the rest of Zephyr, even though all three of them were shocked by what was going on in this realm, as there were sounds of more cannons being fired and grunts as Land Blubbers were knocked away from wherever they were positioned. They picked up a few more gems as they walked into what appeared to be a cistern or some sort of water storage area, where two more of the bomb throwing birds were waiting for them, but they proved to be no match for the siblings as Spyro tackled once of them in the chest and Spiked used a little flame to cause the explosive the second was holding to explode, causing that bird to cough as he collapsed on the floor. The path that they were following lead them to three chicks who felt like they were nothing and laughed at them as they moved through the area, but since they were enemies, as they looked like the first couple of chicks they had taken care of, the siblings made sure to deal with all three of them, as well as climbing the stairs that one of them was guarding so they could follow the tunnel to one more bomb thrower, who lasted a few seconds before Spike ignited his bomb with a small flame, though that allowed them to come to a stop and stare out at the area that was in front of them. It was then that they saw what all the sounds were linked to, as the Breezebuilders were in the middle of bombing several areas of Zephyr with their bombs and the rest of their artillery, while the Land Blubbers tried to fight back to the best of their ability, but it was painfully clear which side was winning.

"How are we supposed to save this realm when a full blown war is going on?" Spyro asked, because he had no idea what he and his siblings could actually do for the Land Blubbers, as while he was sure they could blow up the area that the munitions were being stored in, and wipe out all the weaponry that was inside it, he wasn't sure the three of them could stand up to all the battles that were being waged across this realm, as Zephyr seemed to be a massive realm and there was no way they could help everyone, not without getting seriously hurt in the process.

"Honestly, I don't think we can stop them, not right now anyway." Ember remarked, as this was the first time in her life that she had to admit that a battle wasn't worth being involved in, for the moment to be exact, because they needed to focus their attention on stopping Ripto and whatever he was planning, before they could even begin to worry about the war that was going on between the Breezebuilders and the Land Blubbers, though that was when a loud explosion occurred in the distance and several Land Blubbers were blown into the air, "Though I will admit that part of me wants to get out there and try to stop the war anyway, before we head after Ripto."

"According to the guidebook, there has always been a rivalry between the Breezebuilders and the Land Blubbers, but this is far beyond anything that Elora has recorded for us to read about." Spike said, because due to the fact that all of the Breezebuilders were birds, and all of the Land Blubbers were slugs, it was like how birds and worms acted towards each other, but from what he could tell neither species had really hated each other all that much in the past as they did at this very moment, as their disagreements were over bits of land and whatnot, but something had suddenly set them off and gave way for this war, "I wouldn't be surprised if Ripto had a hand in making this war happen, to keep the heroes of Avalar distracted so they don't chase after him, or at least keep them stalled until he was ready to strike, and there's also the small possibility that someone else is behind this war, to profit from the sides buying whatever they needed to take the other side down."

"You aren't suggesting that Moneybags indirectly started this war, are you?" Spyro inquired, as while he didn't trust Moneybags all that much, since he continued to try and stop them from getting into several of the realms in Avalar, he was of the opinion that Ripto was behind this war, to tempt him and his siblings into helping the sides come to some sort of peace, giving him all the time in the world to either prepare for their arrival or put whatever he was planning into action, as he had to be doing something other than sitting on his rear, waiting for them to come to him.

"I said there's a small possibility... okay, it's more like one or two percent," Spike admitted, even though he knew that the Ripto theory was more accurate than anything else they could have come up with, especially since it turned the two species against each other rather quickly and that seemed to match what happened to all the other realms during the week after their target arrived in Avalar, before he sighed as he closed the guidebook, replaced it in his satchel, and looked out at the realm they were in, "but the fact remains that we need to do something to help the Land Blubbers out, and at the moment taking out the munitions that the Breezebuilders have brought with them seems to be the best course of action, so we had best get moving and continue taking out the enemies in our way."

Once they were done talking Ember collected the nearby gems as Spyro climbed into the cannon that was to their left, so he could target the balloon that was nearby and the large metallic door that was blocking the way forward, where he blew them apart and opened the way for them to advance, though as all that happened Spike focused on the falcons that were in the area for a few seconds. As Spyro and Ember glided over to the center of the structure that was in front of the area they were standing on, which presented a path that seemed to lead right to the munitions that the Breezebuilders were using in their war against the Land Blubbers, though the first thing they did was avoid the bomb the soldier bird that was in the area tried to use on them, before they charged into their foe, knocking him over the edge in the process. Once they did that, and collected the couple of gems that were inside the structure, they walked out onto the bridge and made started to make their way to the next soldier, making sure to avoid the bombs he pulled out, though while they did that a pair of falcons changed their path and flew over to where they were, all so they could bomb them off the bridge. What neither of them were expecting were the Arcane Missiles that burst through the air and struck them down, though Spike made sure to hit each and every falcon that was in this part of the realm, both to make sure none of them came after him and his siblings, as well as to relieve the pressure that the Land Blubbers were under, before he glided over to his siblings as they finished off the soldier that was at the end of the bridge.

The instant they were back together they explored the platform that the bridge brought them to and found four straw baskets that were in the area in front of them, before heading to the left of the short wooden bridge, where they quickly found a walkway that had a soldier bird at the end of it, who was rolling explosive barrels in their direction, only for the siblings to jump over the barrels and take him out. From there they found a ramp that had a soldier bird at the top, who was doing what his ally had been doing, though while Ember jumped over the barrels, and struck him down with a quick whack of her tail, Spyro smashed the three metallic vases that were to the right of the ramp's base and collected the gems that were inside them, allowing him and Spike to join Ember at the top of the ramp. Once they reached the top they found another cannon that Ember decided to use this time around, where she used the first shot to take out a circular metallic chest that was on the wall above them, allowing her siblings to collect the fallen gems that had been inside it before they returned to where she was position, which was the moment that she focused on the structure that the path lead them to and loosed the second shot the cannon had at her new target. It was in that moment that she and her siblings watched as the weapons and explosives inside the structure ignited and exploded rather violently, as the entire upper section of the structure was torn apart, leaving a smoky area that just so happened to contain a few gems that had survived the blast, an inactive portal that must have been enchanted to be blast proof, and a Land Blubber, who none of the siblings were sure how he had survived the explosion, even though they were happy to see no one died from this event.

With the munitions destroyed, thus limiting the amount of weaponry the Breezebuilders had access to, the siblings headed over to the ruined structure and immediately helped the Land Blubber up, though they made sure to pick up the gems that were on the ground, as it appeared they had been inside some straw baskets that didn't survive the explosion, before they stood in front of the soldier.

"Wow, that was some explosion. It's a good thing I had my helmet on, otherwise that could have been bad," the Land Blubber commented, where Spyro and Ember raised their eyebrows for a moment, as they weren't sure how having the helmet on would have protected the soldier from the explosion that tore the structure apart, and before they said a word Spike stopped them, as he was sure that someone had enchanted the helmet with a personal force field that protected the wearer against explosions, something the Commander they had spoken to earlier likely had on his helmet as well, "oh, and while I was hiding out here, trying to get things to blow up from the inside, I also found our Talisman hidden among the weapons and bombs, like the Breezebuilders were going to steal it or something. Anyway, I'm sure the Colonel would want me to give it to you three, as a reward for getting through the defenses the Breezebuilders had set up, as well as taking out their munitions storage area."

The Talisman in question was a ruby that had been molded into the shape of a bomb, completed with a silver and gold attachment at the top that looked like a fuse, and as Spike added it to the guidebook, just like all of the others he and his siblings had collected so far, the inactive portal turned back on, but instead of leaving Zephyr they immediately turned around and headed back the way they came, as there was an entire lower area for them to explore and possibly help whoever happened to be down there. As the siblings glided down to the lower area, and started to collect the gems that were scattered around the area that had a whirlwind back up to the first cannon that rested in this part of Zephyr, they discovered some sort of elephant-like creature that spots on it's body, like what was on a cow's body, before spotting one or two more in different sections of this area. The other thing they spotted were the two paths that lead to other sections of this area, as one of them seemed to be an area they had to climb a ladder to reach and the other seemed to be a tunnel that would take them to another section of Zephyr, so the siblings focused on the area they were in and made sure to pick up all the gems that were in their way. That was when they found another Land Blubber, this one with hair for some odd reason, standing near what appeared to be a pen of some kind, and it seemed that it was carrying a stick that would let them herd creatures around, but even as they noticed that all three of them realized something, and that was the fact that the male Land Blubbers didn't have hair and the female ones did, which was still odd when they thought about it, before they pushed the thought to the back of their minds as they approached the Land Blubber.

"Hello, I am Little Bo Peep, and I have lost my cowleks!" the Land Blubber stated, though while she informed them as to what to call the odd elephant-like creatures, which were just slightly taller than they were, they also learned that the female Land Blubbers, despite looking slightly different from the male ones, also had deep voices that almost make it seem like they were talking to one of the soldiers from before, "With the battles that have been raging lately, in this once peaceful realm, my cowleks keep running away and force me to try and find them, and it takes me forever to get them back to the pen, where the sounds of the battle scare them into fleeing once more. Can you guys help me track down the cowleks and get them back in the pen?"

"Sure, shouldn't be too hard." Spyro replied, because, interestingly enough, one of the cowleks happened to be right to the right of the pen that Little Bo Peep was standing in front of, so all he and his siblings had to do was walk over to where the cowlek was standing, as he was in front of the ladder that lead to another part of Zephyr, and directed him so that his head was facing the pen.

In that moment Ember whacked the cowlek with her tail, mostly to prompt it to get moving, and found that it sent the creature flying over a good distance, putting it halfway between where they were standing and where the pen rested, to which she did so again and let the cowlek land in the pen, though once that was gone they headed back to the part of this area that the whirlwind was located in. The instant they returned to the starting point of this area, however, they focused on the pair of cowleks that were wandering around this area and started to move them towards the pen, where Spyro charged into the creature that was the closest to the pen and sent it flying, in the direction of the Land Blubber they were helping out, while Spike focused his magic for a second and manipulated the land to form a walkway for the other cowlek to walk up, and once he was up on the platform the pen was in he knocked him into the pen with a charge. With the second and third cowleks in the pen, however, the siblings had to look around the area and see if they could figure out where the others were, because while Little Bo Peep didn't tell them how many cowleks she had, which they understood since she had to be worried about the war that was raging, they knew there couldn't be too many more, hence the reason they were willing to explore and see if they could find the others. From there they headed back to the ladder and quickly climbed up it, where Spike found a pair of falcons that were flying around the highest point of the area and seemed to be ready for someone to invade the area they were in, where all he did was loose another burst of Arcane Missiles into the air and blew them out of the air.

"You know, I'm glad you have that spell, as it's made taking care of the Breezebuilders that must easier," Ember said, as most of the time Spike's spells seemed to make things better for them in the long run, especially when she thought about their first adventure and what he had done during that time, though as she said that she and Spyro climbed up the ladder and joined him, so they could see what was in this area.

What they discovered was that this area was small and that there were three rings leading down to the lowest part of the area, where Spyro and Ember smashed the pair of metallic vases that happened to be on the level they were on, while Spike noticed that there was a Superflame Powerup on the other side of the area, which was what he was heading for as his siblings took care of the straw baskets that happened to be on the ring below them. As they touched down on the lowest part of the area the siblings found a pair of cowleks that were wandering around the area, while finding a pair of metallic vases that rested near a ladder that would allow them to climb back up to the entrance of this area, though they found out that just flaming and charging the cowleks was doing nothing. Spike, however, quickly came up with an idea that might let them get the creature out of the area and return him to the pen, as in he used the Powerup Gate and loosed a fireball at his target, where the cowlek in question was launched up into the air and landed on the second ring, causing him to repeat the process until both of the creatures were near the entrance, before blasting the circular metallic chest and freeing the chest so that Spyro and Ember could collect the gems. From there he jumped over to the other ladder and climbed up it, where he came to a stop when he reached the top and found what was up there, as there was a yellow jar with green rings on it, but the more interesting fact was the question mark on it, which was why he paused as he pulled out the guidebook, as he was curious as to whether or not Elora had written something on the odd jar.

"Ah, this is a Question Mark Jar," Spike commented, though as he said that Spyro and Ember, who had just finished picking up all of the gems that were in this area, climbed the ladder and came to a stop behind him as they looked at the jar that he was interested in, even though both of them were slightly interested in it since this was the first time they had seen something like it, hence the reason why they were waiting for Spike to finish reading so he could tell them what they were staring at, "Based on what Elora wrote, these are magical jars that, when struck, will magically teleport to another part of the realm they're found in, effectively making someone chase them down while following a specific path, and when the jar reaches the end of the path the individual chasing it can get some gems from it if they break it."

"That sounds rather easy to do," Spyo said, especially since he was sure that Spike would be able to follow the bursts of magic as the jar moved through the realm, meaning they had the advantage when it came to tracking down the jar, a fact that Ember agreed with, though even as he said that Spike whacked the jar and it disappeared, meaning that the hunt was on while they finished helping Little Bo Peep with her cowleks.

Ember nodded her head in agreement as they jumped down to the area that the two cowleks were wandering around in and carefully moved them down the ladder, even if they just hit them down there thanks to the fact that they didn't get hurt from being hit by their tails or their charges, before eventually putting the pair into the pen that Little Bo Peep was standing in front of, making five cowleks in total, and stopped in front of the Land Blubber so they could tell her the good news and, more importantly, discover if there were any others they needed to keep an eye out for.

"You guys are great. Here, have this as a reward for your effort." Little Bo Peep said, where she pulled out an Orb and handed it over to the siblings, where Spike accepted it and stored it inside the pages for Zephyr, even though they had no idea how many Orbs there were in this realm, before his and his siblings focused on the Land Blubber, "Now, there are two more cowleks out there, but I haven't seen either of them for days, so I don't know if they're hanging out around this area or if they've been kidnapped by the Breezebuilders."

Spyro, Spike, and Ember glanced at each other for a moment, because with how the war between the Breezebuilders and the Land Blubbers was going there was always the chance that the other two cowleks could have been kidnapped, but they did remember the other tunnel and decided that it was worth checking out, where they discovered a pair of red gems that happened to bring them to another Land Blubber, one that seemed worried about something.

"Um, is something wrong?" Spike asked, because due to the fact that this soldier wasn't participating in the war he had to assume that he was like Little Bo Peep, that he was someone who had one of the Orbs that they were looking for, or might be able to point them in the direction of an Orb by helping him in some manner, just like all of the other people they had helped in the other realms so far.

"What light from yonder window breaks... that window, dummies." the Land Blubber stated, at first acting like he was trying to recite something, but, upon finding that Spyro and Ember had no idea what he was talking about and that Spike had a small idea what he might be referring to, before he pointed up at the highest structure in the area, where the three of them spotted a female Breezebuilder minding her own business, before glancing over to the soldier once more, "The Professor said that he was working on a way to help me get back up to where Juliet is waiting, but I haven't seen him since and I'm getting worried for his safety."

The first thing the siblings did, instead of gliding over to the area that a few chicks were hanging out in, they dropped down into the lower part of the area and picked up the gems that were down there, complete with a few straw baskets that they broke apart, though while they did that Spike noticed a hole in one of the walls where a gem and a seed of some kind rested, with a patch of freshly moved dirt, making him wonder if there was something special about the lone seed and if there might be more of them around the area. As they headed up to the area that the chicks were hanging in they noticed one of the missing cowleks was resting near the wall that Spike had been staring at, though that didn't stop them from charging at the chicks and knocking them out, allowing them to advance down into the next section of the area and see if they could find the other missing cowlek. Fortunately the siblings discovered a number of scattered gems, a pair of metallic vases, and the creature that they were looking for, but instead of focusing on the cowleks they were interested in finding the Professor and seeing what he was trying to do for the residents of Zephyr, which was when Spyro spotted a set of stone steps that lead up to another area. Once he discovered that he lead the way as his siblings followed after him, where they came to a stop on a platform that seemed to connect to the structure that was in the middle of the area that the second cowlek was wandering around in, along with a pair of metallic vases, before they spotted the Professor writing on his clipboard.

"Oh, Spyro, Spike, Ember, I knew it was only a matter of time until you came here, even though I was hoping that you would come here later, when the war had lessened." the Professor said, showing that he was expecting them to arrive at some point in time, even if he was hoping for something different, before he focused on the area that they were in, almost as if he was trying to forget about what was going on with this realm at the moment, "Anyway, I've been working on a little something that will help that Land Blubber get to the love of his life, but, since you guys are here, maybe you can deliver a message to Juliet and get the two to meet up. Here's the seed I've been working on, which you can use in one of the patches of soil that are scattered throughout this area."

The siblings found that what the Professor was giving them was a seed that looked identical to the one that Spike had seen a few moments ago, though Spyro took it and spat it out into one of the three patches that rested near them, where they watched as a green bean stalk of sorts, about their size, grew out of the ground and remained that way, prompting Ember to flame it, causing the seed to be spat out of the ground. Once that happened Spyro repeated the process on the second and the third patches, where they found that the second stalk was somewhat taller than the first one and the third one was taller than the first, which was the moment that Spike determined that the three patches formed a path up to the structure that was near them, before he grabbed the seed and returned to the area he found the other one in. He quickly returned to the patch and tossed the seed into it, creating a small platform for him to jump up to the area that the seed was in, one that he knocked off so that Spike or Ember could pick up, before he grabbed the gem and joined them, though he grabbed the seed that he used on the patch and followed his siblings back to where the Professor was waiting. From there they used the seeds on the first and second patches, forming a walkway for Spyro to glide over to where a third seed was resting, one that allowed him to make the third platform and opened the way for all of them to glide over to the platform that was in front of where, where a fourth seed was waiting for that one. Spike took that seed and spotted one more patch of soil that was between the area the platform was in and the bridge that two soldier birds were moving barrels around on, and when he placed it in the soil an even taller stalk grew from where it was placed, creating a point for him and his siblings to jump to the bridge.

What they found was that the stalk had three levels to it, like the stalks they had jumped on to get to the platform, and they wasted no time in gliding over to it, making sure to go one at a time, and since Ember was the first one up she glided over to the bridge and took out the soldier birds that were in the way, allowing her brothers to join her without having to worry about the birds. From there they found another seed and another patch of soil that was close to the area that the tunnel was located in, where Spyro focused on spitting it out into the air and watched as a brand new stalk was created in the area in front of them, allowing the three of them to glide over to the stalk and then glided over to the next part of the path they happened to be following, where they picked up a number of gems along the way and then glided over a gap that allowed them to pick up even more gems, before they located a new area. There were a few gems scattered here and there, which they would pick up in due time, though the more important part was the fact that the Professor was up here with them, though before Spyro and Ember could say anything Spike stopped them, as he knew for a fact that, with all of the technology that the Professor had created, that it was capable that he had created a teleportation device that allowed him to move around with ease. Regardless of how the Professor got up here, while they were in the middle of collecting the seeds to get up here, the siblings approached him so they could get the pair of seeds that were next to him so they could move forward and get to where Juliet was waiting, even if she didn't seem to care what was going on in the area that was around her.

"Well done you guys, you figured out how to use the seeds and gathered some valuable data for me," the Professor said, though as he said that he pulled something out of his pockets, where the siblings watched as he pulled out an Orb and handed it over to Spike, who happily stored it inside the guidebook with the first one, but once that happened he focused on the matter at hand, "Now then, these two seeds will get you to where Juliet is waiting, so you can tell her about Romeo and his love for her."

With that done, and both Spyro and Ember collected the seeds, the siblings jumped over to the platform that was in the middle of the area and then jumped to the walkway that would take them to the next level, as Spike was leading the way this time and stopped his siblings from using the seeds too soon, and they collected the gems that were in the area before coming to a stop on the upper level. From there he had Spyro use his seed to let a stalk grow and create a short platform for them to jump on so they could get to the wooden walkway, though at the very end of the walkway was a small broken area that had some soil, which created a small stalk that allowed them to jump up to the chamber that Juliet was standing in. Interestingly enough Juliet seemed surprised to see them, and even said something that was similar to what the Land Blubber, Romeo, told them earlier, though before Spyro, Spike, or Ember could say anything she noticed who she was talking about and flew down to where he was standing, causing the siblings to sigh as they followed after her and landed right in front of the couple, who could be trying to end the war with love. They figured that it was a good idea and said nothing as they were rewarded with another Orb, which Spike quickly collected before they turned their attention to the two cowleks that happened to be in the area that they were in, leaving the lovers to whatever they were planning on doing, even though a few moments later the siblings flamed the cowleks over the gap and then escorted them through the tunnel so they could return them to the pen at long last.

"Well I'll be, you actually found the other two cowleks!" Little Bo Peep exclaimed, her tone telling the siblings that she was pleased with what they were able to do for her, before she revealed another Orb for them to take, which Spike was more than happy to claim and add to the guidebook, giving them four Orbs for this realm, "Now then, I'm going to try and reinforce the pen, to prevent this from happening when the next battle hits this area."

Once that was done the siblings headed back to the whirlwind and took it back up to the cannon that would take them back up to the upper area, which would allow them to head to the exit portal, but as they did that they found the location that the Question Mark Jar was located in, so Spyro smacked it with his tail and it disappeared again, to which they headed back towards the starting area of this realm. The reason behind that was because Spike seemed to believe that the jar was taking them back to that part of Zephyr, and, sure enough, when they emerged from the other side of the tunnel it took him a few seconds to locate it's new position, near the first cannon that Spyro used, allowing Ember to smash it this time around, forcing it to move again. Interestingly enough the next location was near the Land Blubber that had asked them to help him out, the commander of the forces from what they gathered, and when they smashed it they were allowed to pick up the gems that had been inside it, but it did give them the knowledge that they might see these again in the future, when they visited the other realms, so they turned around and headed towards the exit portal so they could return to Autumn Plains and figure out where they were going to go next.

At the same time, however, the siblings determined that the first thing they were going to do, once Ripto and his plans were stopped, was come back to Zephyr and figure out how they were going to bring this war to an end, because this was something they wanted to stop and would no doubt come up with a way to do that, once their focus wasn't on trying to save the entirety of Avalar anyway.

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