• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Year: Altars and Boxing

After taking care of the problems that were in Charmed Ridge, and making sure that the Fairies and Cats didn't need any additional help after everything Moneybags had put them through earlier, the siblings and Elora returned to Evening Lake and hit the water of the lake once more, to which the four of them headed back to the area that was near the whirligig and quickly climbed out of the water. They were planning on taking a small break to get over what they had experienced back in Princess Ami's realm, mostly because of the fact that the Sorceress and Moneybags had really done off the deep end by trying to take control of an entire island of magic users and then hurl them at some of the more resistant realms that were in the Forgotten Realms, just like the place all the Fairies called home. Despite the fact that they had seen the war between Zephyr and Breeze Harbor, and did everything in their power to stop it once Ripto had been taken care of, they were still rather annoyed that Moneybags would even attempt to do the same thing in this land, along with the fact that he tried to enslave an entire race to incite a war in the first place, meaning that he needed to be captured once the Sorceress had been taken down, given what they had seen of him in the past. Elora, of course, shook her head a few times as they rested near the whirligig for a few moments, mostly because she couldn't believe that she, Hunter, and the Professor had once put their trust in the bear in question, for him to be a guardian of their realms, and he stabbed them in the back and proved that he wasn't on their side at all, he was on his own side.

"I hate that damned bear!" Ember remarked, where she growled for a moments, as she really didn't like Moneybags all that much and what they had seen in Charmed Ridge earlier, with the mind control necklaces and him conning a little boy out of his gems for some beans that didn't seem to work at all, infuriated her to no end, though at the same time she did her best to calm down, since she'd rather not head into the next realm with her mind clouded, "I can't believe that he had the stones to try something like this again, especially since we're here and would have come across this war in due time, and tried to brush it off like nothing was wrong! Once we take care of the Sorceress, and free these lands from her grasp, we need to capture Moneybags and imprison him for the rest of his days!"

"You're right, he needs to go back to jail," Spike replied, because he knew that Moneybags had deserved what he got a year ago, back when they stopped Ripto and revealed the bear's crimes to Elora and the others, and right now, after all of the things they had seen the bear commit since they arrived in the Forgotten Realms, he knew that the four of them were going to make sure that Moneybags was imprisoned according to his crimes, even if that meant he would be spending the rest of his life behind bars, before he thought about something else, "So, Spyro, which of the remaining realms do you think we should head to next?"

"That is an excellent question, and I believe I have an answer: Frozen Altars." Spyro stated, as he had been thinking about which realm they should tackle next the moment they returned to the area that the whirligig was in, not that it really mattered since all of the new realms would be cleared out at some point in the near future, before he watched Spike take a moment to safely store the bag of necklaces in his satchel, so they didn't lose them, "I figured that, after everything we saw back in Charmed Ridge, and how annoyed all of us are after what we discovered while we were helping the Fairies and Cats out, we could take a break and go somewhere to cool off, that way when we head to the next realm we'll be able to focus on it without our minds being clouded."

"That sounds like a good plan." Elora stated, mostly because she agreed with what Spyro was saying at the moment, as it made sense when she thought about it, especially since all of them were annoyed by what they had seen during their trek through Charmed Ridge, so heading to Frozen Altars seemed like the best course of action, to allow them to cool off and let go of what they were feeling at the moment.

Spike nodded his head and quickly put on the Heat Aura spell on all of them, just in case the place was as cold as what they experienced back in Bentley's Outpost and some of the other icy realms they had visited recently, though once that was done, and they were ready to go, the group dived into the water and headed for the portal that Spyro had picked out, where they quickly passed through it and headed to the realm in question. It didn't take them long to appear in the area that was clearly the starting area for Frozen Altars, where the group found that they were in what appeared to be some sort of ancient temple, as there was a pyramid made out of finely cut stone resting nearby and had stone fortifications around it, even though the ground and some of the roofs were covered in snow, and it wasn't hard for them to see that this realm was positioned in the middle of some mountains, like Charmed Ridge was, only these ones were more covered in snow than the other mountains were. Another thing Spike noticed, before they did anything else, were the couple of mirrors that were on some of the structures that were around the pyramid, as he could see a few of them from where the four of them were standing, though based on what he could see it appeared that they might be arranged in such a way as to harness the power of the sun for some reason, a reason that he was sure they would find out as they explored this realm and helped the residents out.

As they finished taking in everything that was around them, and realized that it was a good thing that Spike had taken the opportunity to use the Heat Aura spell on them, they watched as an Ice Fairy, basically the same as the Fairies back in Charmed Ridge save for the fact that they had icy blue skin, blue hair, and a blue dress on, flew into the area and came to a stop in front of them.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, Elora, welcome to Frozen Altars," the Ice Fairy said, showing that she was happy to see them and that she knew they were here to help the residents of this realm out with whatever problem they seemed to be facing at the moment, because all of the other realms had been attacked by Rhynocs and it would surprise them if this realm was different from the others, mostly since they didn't see any enemies at the moment, "on behalf of the Ice Fairies, I want to grant the three of you a special power for as long as you're visiting our realm... I'd offer the same power to you, Elora, but none of us are sure how to integrate it with your armor."

"Its no big deal, I can go without the power," Elora replied, because while she had no idea what the power was sure was sure that it was one of the offensive abilities that the siblings could get from one of the Powerup Gates, meaning that her armor wouldn't work with it in the first place, hence the reason she was going to ask the Professor about it at some point in the near future, once this adventure was over anyway.

The first thing the siblings did, after the Icy Fairy blew an icy wind at them that did nothing, was see what ability she was allowing them to have access to while they were in this realm, which was when they discovered that they were able to use the Ice Breath ability again, or Superfreeze as the residents of Avalar called the only Powerup Gate that allowed them to access this power. How they determined what sort of power they had been given was rather straightforward, as Spike surrounded himself with a barrier and had Spyro attack it, while Ember and Elora stood behind Spyro so they weren't in the way, so it was rather easy for them to see the icy breath come out instead of the usual flames, which allowed them to understand what they had been given. Once that was done the next thing they did was pick up the gems that were near the starting area and started to explore the realm that they were in, as the Ice Fairy had told them nothing about what the problem was and they refused to believe that there were no problems in Frozen Altars, given all the problems that the others realms had been in during their timely visits. As they did that Spyro followed the stone steps that apparently lead to the area they had appeared on, which happened to be near a closed door that the exit portal could be resting behind, but instead of worrying about that he pressed on and the rest of the group followed him, picking up any gems they came across while smashing a few metallic vases at the same time. They were even able to smash a few straw baskets as well, as those were pretty common in all of the lands they had been to, before pausing as they finally discovered some of the foes that were attacking this realm, a small Rhynoc that was wearing an orange skirt with a golden necklace and had a few bits of charcoal to use as a weapon, a small creature that had a pair of tusks and was covered in wool, a small mammoth as it turned out, and a tall Rhynoc that was dressed like an ancient temple guard, in cloth and not armor, that carried a club as its weapon of choice.

As such it was rather easy for the group to determine that the first foe was a Charcoal Rhynoc, on account of the fact that it threw the charcoal at them, a Mammoth, which was rather straightforward in terms of naming them, and the taller Rhynoc was a Club Rhynoc, though they discovered that the fight was rather easy for them when Spike used the Ice Breath to freeze the Mammoth and the Charcoal Rhynoc in blocks of ice, allowing Spyro and Ember to charge into them, which did shatter the ice and defeat their enemies, while Elora dodged the incoming club and knocked the Club Rhynoc down with a swift kick to the face.

"So you guys can freeze anyone and take them out by breaking the ice?" Elora commented, as this was the first time she had actually seen this type of powerup in use, even if this was a slightly different version of the ability since the siblings had gotten it from an Ice Fairy and not one of the Powerup Gates that were scattered around these lands, "So this is what you guys did back in Cloud Temples, when you were trying to get all the Orbs."

"That's right, but we never tried charging the ice, since we needed the trolls to get to the bells." Spyro said, as he did recall what Elora was talking about, especially since it had been only a year ago, and was able to tell her what they had done during their visit to that realm, even if it was just a tiny bit of what had happened, before he glanced at the wall of snow that was on a platform they needed to jump over, meaning there had to be some way around it, while at the same time Ember picked up the rest of the gems in the area, "So, any ideas on how we're supposed to get through this snow and explore the rest of this realm?"

"Maybe we should check out this structure?" Ember replied, gesturing to the stone structure that the three enemies had been standing nearby, one that happened to be near the end of the stone walkway that they had used to get down from the starting area of this realm, something none of them had checked out due to wanting to clear the enemies out as soon as they were able to.

What they discovered, besides another straw basket to break, was a Penguin that was similar to Sgt. Byrd, minus all of the military hardware that their friend wore every time they saw him in the realms they were visiting, though in place of all that gear he was wearing a red suit, possibly a custom made snow vest for him and the other Penguins of this realm, but it was easy for the group to determine that he wasn't happy about something.

"Is something wrong?" Spyro asked, even though the look on the Penguin's face was all the information they needed to know that there was definitely something wrong with this realm, despite how seemingly peaceful the area was, meaning the trouble was likely lurking around a corner that they had yet to discover, though at the same time Elora took care of the straw basket so Talon could get the gem that was inside it.

"Yeah, we bought a laser defense system, which is powered by the sun, to defend ourselves against the Rhynocs and other threats, but we can't use it on account of our flippers," the Penguin replied, where he held out his arms for a second or two so they could see his flippers, though it wasn't hard to imagine the trouble he and the rest of the Penguins had at using things when the group thought about Sgt. Byrd and how his weapons were modified so he could use them, which was something they could pitch to the Professor the next time they saw him, "oh, and the system was sold to us by some bear in a suit, who had a sack with a gem icon on it, but it feels like he might have robbed us."

"He did, because that was Moneybags, someone who cons the innocent and starts wars that tears realm apart, all for the sake of taking all the gems for himself," Elora remarked, though she couldn't resist bringing her hand to her face for a few seconds, as she honestly couldn't believe that they were already hearing about another species that Moneybags had successfully conned, no doubt because he likely showed them a defense system that they could operate and then made sure to deliver one that was useless to them, leaving the Penguins in a worse position in the process, "Don't worry, we'll see what we can do with the defense system and help take down the enemies that are bothering this realm... and, once we finish our adventure, we'll find that rotten bear and put him behind bars, where he belongs."

The laser defense system, as the group found out, happened to be the mirrors that were on top of the structure and that they were controlled by some levers that someone had to pull, which would direct the beam of light to whatever the user wanted to target, meaning that Elora, who was the only member of the group, stepped inside the structure and had to listen to the siblings as she directed the beam at the wall of snow, mostly because she found another flaw and that was the fact that there were no openings for the user to look through. There were only two ways for her to even figure out that she had the beam on the wall of snow, the first being that Spyro and the others had her stop after a certain point and told her not to move anything, while the second was that the wall, for some reason, decided to explode after a few seconds of having the beam of light shine on it, like an explosive had been resting inside it as a trap for the group, and if that was the case than the Ice Fairies saved them some headache by giving the siblings the Ice Breath, prompting them to find a new way to take the wall down. Once that was done she positioned the mirrors so that the beam was no longer moving in the area that they were in and joined the siblings in front of the now opened passage, as they could finally jump up the stone steps and see what else the realm had to offer, even though there were no doubt more enemies for them to face, more gems for them to collect, and eggs for them to retrieve. As such they jumped up the stones and reached the next area that they would be exploring, finding that it was just a square section of the city that the pyramid was in, if it was a city anyway, to which Spyro charged through three straw baskets while Elora rushed at the Charcoal Rhynoc that was on the other side of the area that they were entering, dodging the charcoal that was thrown at her as she kicked her foe into the ground and returned it to its original gem state.

From there they found two paths they could use, where there was an opening to their right that they needed to be a little higher to get over and a ramp off to the left in front of them that seemed to wrap around to the top of a structure, so what the group did was take down the Mammoth that was in the way, by Spyro charging into it, before Spike used some of his Arcane Missiles to quickly strike a Club Rhynoc down, thus clearing the path that was in front of them, allowing the four of them to break some straw baskets before doing anything else. With the way cleared the group glided over to the wall and landed on top of it, which allowed them to collect the pair of gems that were on it, before they discovered that there was a Charcoal Rhynoc nearby, another defense structure, a walkway which happened to be near the pyramid, and what appeared to be a rather large evil looking snowman that was guarding the cave that was the next area they would be heading through. What they did next was freeze the Charcoal Rhynoc so Ember and Elora could get up to the walkway, not that Elora needed a step thanks to her jumping skills, but that allowed them to collect a number of gems before heading up some of the steps and entered the room that it brought them to, which was when Ember smashed the bullseye chest that was up there, freeing the gems that were inside it, while Spyro and Spike picked up the gems that were near their frozen foe. That was, of course, when Elora glided over to the top of the defense structure, found a few gems that were up there, and then glided over to a small patch of land that was nearby, where she picked up an egg and brought it back over to Spike, who nodded his head and sent it back to the Dragon Realms not a few seconds later, finding that the gift the Ice Fairy had given them didn't mess with his Teleportation Breath.

Once they were sure that the area had been cleared, and that included the straw basket that was behind the defense structure, the group took a moment to walk over to the Penguin that was standing next to the opening, either because he had something he wanted to say or he was just standing guard to prevent the Rhynocs from using the laser system on him and the others in this realm.

"Oh am I glad to see you guys," the Penguin said, showing that he was happy to see the siblings and that he likely had some information to share with them before they did anything else, though Spike was sure that part of it was connected to the large snowman that was blocking the way forward, hence why they remained silent as they waited for the Penguin to reveal what was going on, "Eustace and I were having a snowman building contest earlier, to take our minds off of the Rhynocs that invaded our realm, only for the Sorceress to personally come by and cast a spell that brought all of our creations to life! Since then the evil snowmen have been stomping around, building ice walls and generally causing all sorts of trouble, mostly due to the fact that none of us have been able to stop them."

"Means the Rhynocs must have placed some gems in the snow, given everything we've seen so far." Spike said, as he didn't know any spells that could animate the snow into such a state, after the Penguins were just trying to have fun, so what made the most sense to him was that there had to be a gem inside all of the snowmen that were in this realm, just like all of the other foes they had seen in the past, and if that wasn't true that meant he had found a new spell that wasn't in what Cosmos and the others taught him.

Elora stepped into the center of the structure and accessed the controls once more, where the siblings stared at the area that was in front of them and helped her move the beam that was connected to the mirrors, though it wasn't long before the beam struck the Snowman that was in their way and forced it to move a few times, hence the reason they had the beam follow it before their foe shattered into a thousand pieces, dropping a gem and confirming Spike's thought on how the Snowmen had been brought to life. With that done, and the cave entrance no longer blocked off, the group made their way into the ice cave that had been blocked off earlier, where they discovered a Club Rhynoc blocking the way at first, only for Ember to freeze it with her Ice Breath and let Spyro take it out with a charge to the chest, allowing them to continue through the cave without wasting much time on having to fight some enemies. The only other enemy that was in the cave, that they could see at the moment, was one of the Mammoths, one that Spike just blasted with an Arcane Missile and was done with it, allowing Spyro and Ember to smash the straw baskets that were on the ground and collect the gems that were near them, while Elora jumped onto the platform that was in the middle of the round chamber they came to and did the same thing to another pair of baskets, which allowed them to pick up all of the gems in the area and then move forward to see what the rest of the realm had to offer. The cave brought them to a chamber that looked like the inside of an actual building and not part of a cavern like they would have thought, though Elora was the first one to spring into action as she jumped down and punched a Charcoal Rhynoc in the face, opening the way for the siblings to jump down into the area and pick up the gems, along with smash a few straw baskets, before they gathered near the opening and prepared to head back outside.

As they headed outside the first thing they had to do was freeze the nearby Mammoth before it could charge at them, which is what Spyro did, and the only reason none of them shattered the ice was due to not knowing if they needed a step or not, like the side of the pyramid they had passed by earlier, though after looking at the area that was in front of them for a few moments, and seeing what was waiting for them, Spike determined that they could take the Mammoth down and move forward, causing Ember to smash the ice and take their foe down. With that done they smashed a few straw baskets that were near them, picked up the gems that were on the ground, and then dealt with another Charcoal Rhynoc that was standing in front of the next defense structure, which was mostly just Ember smashing it into the ground with her hardened tail, instead of using the ability they were given this time around, giving them access to the structure. Elora then stepped into the control area and started shifting the mirrors, allowing the beam of light to appear in part of the area and moved it as the siblings told her what she was supposed to do, though it was clear that they were targeting the Snowman that was patrolling this part of the realm, since this appeared to be the only way to take such a foe down, even though she was sure Spike had a few spells that would do the job in a matter of seconds. As soon as the Snowman was shattered, and the siblings were sure of it, Elora rejoined them after powering down the structure and they started to explore the other parts of the area they were in, smashing straw baskets, charging a Mammoth into a wall, and discovered one of the two portals that would take them to a side section of this realm, one that was in the image of Bentley's portal, meaning they would be seeing their yeti friend again at some point.

Instead of heading into that portal the group continued to explore the rest of the area that they were in, finding three metallic vases to smash as they entered an area that had a Charcoal Rhynoc standing guard over an edge, which just so happened to lead to a lowered section that had three Mammoths running around, though since their foe hadn't noticed them coming it was rather easy for them to do what happened next. Elora took the opportunity that was presented to her and kicked the Rhynoc in the side of the head, knocking it to the ground and causing it to revert to a gem, before Spike gathered some of his magic and loosed three Arcane Missiles into the area that the Rhynoc had been watching over, which struck down the three Mammoths that were wandering around the area, allowing Spyro and Ember to pick up the gems that were down there and smash any straw baskets they might find. As soon as the siblings were done Elora stepped into the control center for what appeared to be the last of the defense structures and found that the beam of light happened to be touching down in the area that the three Mammoths had been in, meaning she could have just torched them with the mirrors and the power of the sun, before she turned it all off and joined the siblings as they continued exploring the rest of the realm. A passage off to the right of the path that brought them to this area happened to contain the area that the exit portal was in, just like they assumed since the door on the other side of the room was the same one that they had seen when they first started exploring this realm, but instead of worrying about that right now, since they did spot a very familiar bear, whose back was turned towards them so he didn't see them, they remained outside and followed the path that was curving away from where the last Charcoal Rhynoc had been standing.

What they discovered were two more straw baskets, a Mammoth that Spyro froze so Ember could smash it to pieces with a charge, three more metallic vases and a way onto the roofs of the structures that made up the entirety of the realm that they were exploring at the moment, though as the siblings picked up all the gems Talon flew ahead with Elora as she jumped into the air and glided over to one of the roofs. It was clear what she was doing, as she was figuring out where all of the gems were located and was making sure that one of the dragonflies followed her so the gems could be picked up, all without having all of them jumping and gliding all over the place, so the siblings stood there and watched as she made her way over a few roofs, making sure that she didn't leave anything behind. Even then it didn't take her all that long to come to a stop when she found one of the missing dragon eggs, one that happened to be on a small platform that rested just above the starting area, even if it was to the side a little, so she picked it up and jumped over to the other roofs to let Talon finish what he was doing. Once all of the gems had been cleared, at least in the areas that the group had been in so far, Elora turned around and made her way back to where the siblings were waiting, where she placed the egg on the ground and let Spike go over it for a few seconds, only to send it back home so it could be returned to the homeworld that it had been taken from, which was when they started to move once more and headed for the area that the exit portal was resting in, since it was time to wrap part of their visit to this realm up.

As such they returned to the chamber that the exit portal was resting in, along with Moneybags and another Penguin for that matter, though as soon as the four of them stepped in the first thing they did was pick up the gems that were on the ground and smashed three straw baskets that were near Moneybags, who flinched the moment he spotted them, to which Ember glared at him and stopped him from moving as the others approached the Penguin.

"Thanks for clearing out the Rhynocs and the evil Snowmen," the Penguin said, showing that he was grateful for what the group was able to do in the short amount of time that they had been in this realm, even though most of this could have been prevented if Moneybags had sold them the right defense system or had helped them out once the system had been installed in the first place, before the Penguin focused on them as he put an egg down in front of them and the exit portal was reactivated, "though we were able to save this egg from the Rhynocs, who could have been getting ready to try and roast it or something, but since you guys are looking for these I'll return this to you."

Spike looked over the egg for a few moments, finding that there was nothing wrong with it while the Penguin opened the door behind him and allowed them to access the starting area of the realm, before sending it home as well, which was when he, Spyro, and Elora walked over to where Moneybags was standing, even though all of them were annoyed by the fact that they had found the bear so soon after the events of Charmed Ridge.

"Oh, hello again." Moneybags said, his tone revealing that he wasn't ready to see the four of them so soon, not after what happened back in Charmed Ridge and the pain they had inflicted upon him for his crimes against the Fairies and the Cats of Felinia, though it did seem like he might have another plan to try and get them to spend some gems, even though it was likely a fake like the last couple of times they had encountered them, "Say, did you guys know that Frozen Altars is the birthplace of the great sport known as cat hockey, and that there's a sold out match happening today?"

"And let me guess, you'll sell us a 'spare ticket' so we can save an egg," Spyro remarked, because at this point he knew Moneybags well enough to know that no matter what they did, or how many times they struck the bear for everything he had done to the realms they were visiting, he was going to keep making attempts to con them out of their gems, just like he was doing to the residents of this realm, though even as he said that Elora snatched the ticket in question, as there was only one of them this time around, "Yeah, we're not interesting in your scheme."

"Not to mention the ticket's a fake." Elora added, due to the fact that she recognized Moneybags' handwriting, after taking a few moments to look at the item she had taken from the bear, which was when she ripped it to shreds as Spike used his magic to open the doorway and revealed the portal that Moneybags had been trying to hide from them, which was when she thought of something as she glanced at Ember, "Though its funny that you should mention hockey..."

In that moment the siblings froze Moneybags in a block of ice by combining their Ice Breaths, something that came as a surprise to the bear, though Ember stared at it for a few seconds before sending the block through the opening that the Penguin had opened earlier, and she would have sent him over the edge of the area if there had been a way to do so, but this was just fine, even if she would punish him harder the next time they saw him. With that taken care of the group headed through the now opened portal and found themselves outside a large hockey ring, like the ones from Colossus, only this one was made out of ice and there happened to be a Penguin standing near the edge of the area, who appeared to be conflicted about something and that only made them want to approach him so they could see what was wrong. It was in that moment that they discovered he had 'sprained' his flipper and couldn't compete, though upon asking him about it they learned something interesting, he had been bribed to forfeit to the Rhynoc he was supposed to be facing off against, by Moneybags no less, and that the bear had promised him that he would have the payment before the match got to this point. At that point it was rather easy for the group to determine what they were hearing, Moneybags, despite the fact that none of them had heard this, had likely bet on the Rhynoc winning so he could cash out once the match was over, to make up for all the gems that they hadn't given him over the course of this adventure, and that he was likely cheating the Penguin at the same time, forcing him to play in a match that he wasn't actually prepared for due to the bribe he was supposed to be taking.

As such the siblings and Elora took to the ring and positioned themselves according to what Ember knew, even though all of them had the same knowledge that she had, which was why Spyro was in charge of stopping cats from entering the goal that their foe would be heading towards while Ember guarded him from the Rhynoc that was playing against them, as apparently it could be ten on one and there would still only be a single Rhynoc, while Spike and Elora would be trying to score. The plan, as it turned out, worked to perfection, as their foe was unable to do anything against their teamwork and was unable to even score a single point against the four of them, as every time a cat entered the ring the Rhynoc would go after it, only for Spike and Elora to reach it first, where Spike would freeze the cat and they would push the ice block back to the goal that was on their side of the ring. In the unlikely event that their foe was able to actually acquire a cat, which did happen after the group had scored their first point, Ember would do her best to prevent it from getting the new cat past her, and if that were to happen, which it did, Spyro's speed was more than enough to catch the cat before it even got close to the goal that the Rhynoc was trying to score in, allowing him to redirect the cat back to his siblings and Elora so they could score another goal. As they quickly discovered the match was only to five points, a rather low number when the four of them thought about it, and it seemed that the fans even agreed with them, as they insisted on the match going on for a few more minutes, just so they got their moneys worth out of the tickets they had purchased, no doubt due to the fact that either Moneybags sold them the tickets or they were just pricey to begin with.

In the end the group emerged victorious with a score of fifteen to zero, causing the Rhynoc to throw his hockey stick to the ground in annoyance, earning them an egg, which was sent back to the Dragon Realms, and earned the team they had been filling in for a place in the later rounds of the competition, as there was more than just this one match, but the group bid the Penguin farewell and wished him luck, especially now that he knew what to do when his team took to the field later, and returned to the main part of the realm... only to head over to Bentley's portal and discover that he was now wearing boxing gloves over his hands.

"Oh, hello friends." Bentley said, once more appearing to be happy that he was seeing them again, which was nice since the group felt the same way when they encountered him and the others in these sections of the realms they were in the process of helping, though they were more interested in what he was doing here, "I have received word from my little brother that he has been having some trouble with a yeti, and so I'm here to resolve the issue with some boxing."

That interested the group more than they were willing to admit and they followed Bentley into the area that held the boxing ring, a square arena that was smaller than the hockey ring, where it wasn't hard to spot the Yeti of Colossus in the other corner of the ring, though as they stared at it Bartholomew informed his brother that his precious ball had been taken by the Yeti, before backing off to let the pair fight it out. While Bentley and the Yeti engaged each other, and started to throw punches at their foe, Ember inquired about whether or not one of them might be able to get in on the action and fight the Yeti, only for Bartholomew to inform her that this was a yeti fight and that only yetis were allowed to engage each other, like a rite of honor or something, where Spike clarified that it would bring dishonor to whatever side they replaced, something that may or may not tick Bentley off. Ember surprised them by standing still and nodded her head, because while this might be one of the few times she could actually see the Yeti of Colossus, and could be the only time she could actually engage it, she had to wait until the match was over and then come back when the Yeti was ready to face someone that wasn't another yeti, so she sat down and watched the pair fight each other. As it turned out there were two matches to this event, as Bentley won the first rather easily and gave them the egg that was apparently the reward, before the next match even started, though the second match was out of three rounds and the winner of two would be declared the winner, but while that happened Bartholomew realized that he had loaned his ball to one of the Penguins and that there was no need for them to do this, though he let the match drag on since there was an egg at stake.

As such it wasn't long before Bentley was able to win them a second egg, the sixth one of this realm, and Spike made sure to send the pair back home before he and the others bid Bentley farewell, where they quickly made sure that all of the gems in Frozen Altars had been picked up before making their way towards the exit portal, as it was time to pick a new realm from those that remained and start the process all over again in a brand new area.

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