• Published 21st May 2019
  • 9,276 Views, 1,279 Comments

Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Year: Art in the Towers

It didn't take Spyro, Spike, Ember, or Elora that long to head through the exit portal of Icy Peak and return to the cave that the portal to the realm was resting in, which was when the four of them left the cave and stopped outside it for a second or two, mostly because it was time for Spike to remove the enchantment that he had placed on all of them earlier, to combat the chilly nature of the realm they had just assisted. It was a rather useful spell for him to use, just like the Frost Aura spell that was the polar opposite of it, something that Spike would use if they found a rather hot realm that was like the Skelos Badlands, as while Molten Crater was a little hot it was nowhere near the level of the realm in Avalar that the spell had been used in, and it took next to no power for him to put it on all four of them. Elora certainly liked the spell, since part of her armor hadn't been working like it was supposed to, and she said nothing as the Heat Aura enchantment was removed from the area the symbol had been resting in, allowing Spike to focus his effort on what he was doing, something that took next to no time at all and allowed them to move forward not even a few moments later. Of course, before they actually moved at all, the group glanced at Spyro for a few seconds, as he seemed to be thinking about the remaining realms that they needed to visit and assist in some manner, even if it meant taking down more Rhynocs and whatever else was in the realm, to repel the Sorceress' forces and restore order.

"Well, since its nearby, we should check out Enchanted Towers next," Spyro commented, as he was doing the same plan that they had used back in Avalar, when they were freeing those homeworlds from Ripto's clutches, as they assisted the realms that were outside the castles and then headed into the castles to help the other realms, and it seemed that doing the same plan would work out quite well, before he noticed someone near the stone steps that lead to where the portal to Sgt. Byrd's realm was resting, "though maybe we should see what Hunter's up to first."

The group wasn't surprised to see that Hunter was hanging out in the homeworld at the moment, even though they knew that they would see him at some point in one of the other realms, though as they approached him he waved a hand to silence them and then turned his gaze back to the area that was in front of where the portal to Sgt. Byrd's realm was resting, causing the four of them to do the same thing. As it turned out he was spying on Bianca, who must have moved into Midday Gardens while they were dealing with the problems of Icy Peak, though resting in front of her was a pot that contained a flower that, oddly enough, had a mouth in the middle of its petals, but it didn't take Spike long to determine that Bianca might be practicing Transmogrification magic, meaning the flower had been something else and she had turned it into its current form. The group noticed that she was holding a book in her left hand, a spell book that she was reading from at the moment, and in her right hand was a blue crystalline wand, one that had bits of magic around the tip, revealing that she must be combining Hand and Wand magic with Transmogrification magic, something that was rather difficult for a novice to do, but they said nothing as she turned a few pages, focused her power, and seemed to recite a few magic words as she turned the flower into a large apple. That didn't seem to be what she was trying to create as she turned to another page, where she cast the spell again and transformed the cherry into a pink bunny that looked like the couple of rabbits that were wandering around Midday Gardens, though as Hunter lightly chuckled, as this wasn't at all threatening, Bianca cast the spell again, turning the rabbit into a much larger version of what it had been and gave it more of a bipedal stance, only it was more monstrous than it had been a few moments ago.

Not even a few seconds later the monster roared for a second and then charged right into Bianca's chest, knocking her backwards through the air and caused her to land on the ground, while at the same time causing her to drop both her wand and her spell book, meaning that if it tried to attack her again she wouldn't be able to defend herself in time, which was why the siblings and Elora focused on the creature.

"We have to help her!" Hunter stated, because even he could see that Bianca was in trouble and that there was next to nothing she could do to save herself if the monster attacked her again, something that the group was anticipating, even if they were standing still to see if they were even needed right now, because if the young Sorceress could get her hands on her wand she could stop the monster she had created in seconds.

What actually happened was that the monster rushed forward and gobbled up Bianca, knocking both her spell book and her wand to the side for the moment, though that was the instant that Hunter jumped up onto the area that Bianca had been practicing in and rushed at the creature, charging right into its chest and pushing it back, while the siblings and Elora climbed up into the area as well. Hunter wasn't the only one that rushed in to face the creature, as Elora and Ember charged forward and struck the monster at the same time, allowing the three of them to engage their foe in battle as both Spyro and Spike stood nearby, though Spike wasn't wasting time as he readied another spell he had read about in one of the tomes he had studied in the past, one designed for something like this. It wasn't long before the creature knocked all three of them back, with Ember and Elora landing to the side without taking any damage, while Hunter landed on his back for a moment and seemed to be the main target of the creature, where was where he rolled back a little and then threw himself forward, using his momentum to strike the monster in the chest, causing it to release Bianca, who landed near the area that Spyro was standing in. Spike used that opening and cast the spell that he was preparing, one that loosed purple magical chains that wrapped around the monster's arms a few times and then landed on the ground behind it, creating an anchor that prevented it from rushing forward to attack any of them, where a few seconds later Bianca gathered herself, picked up her wand from where it was resting, and then loosed a spell that transformed the creature back into a rabbit, one that Hunter picked up as Spike released it, before throwing it to another part of the homeworld.

As Bianca huffed for a moment, as she wasn't expecting all of that to happen when she was trying to practice some of her spells, Spike walked over to where her spell book had landed and picked it up for a moment, finding that it happened to be a book he had read in the past as he made sure that it wasn't damaged at all, before he returned to where Bianca was standing and returned it to her.

"Thanks for the help." Bianca said, though her tone revealed that she wasn't too happy about relying on any of them for any sort of assistance, especially since she was working for the Sorceress and was, as a result, standing between the five of them and the eggs she had stolen, but she did seem happy to see that the spell book wasn't damaged at all, even if the one who handed it to her was Spike.

"No problem. I couldn't just leave you in that predicament," Hunter replied, where the siblings and Elora glanced at each other for a moment, as they knew that it was more about the fact that he already had a crush on her and had likely rushed to her aid the instant she was in trouble, though it was the right thing to do, as that creature seemed far more aggressive than what she had created earlier and clearly didn't have control over it.

"You know, after everything we've seen, I have the feeling you're nowhere near as bad as you want us to believe, even if you're trying hard to make us see you that way," Spike commented, referring to the fact that all of the residents that had mentioned Bianca had spoken about her in high regards, the total opposite of what happened when they talked about the Sorceress, her mentor, something that his siblings and Elora knew about as Bianca glanced at him, "rather, I believe that you are genuinely good at heart, but your going about things the wrong way because you haven't been shown a better way, like your mentor is only using you as a tool and not seeing you for who you are. Bianca, help us locate and recover the rest of the eggs that the Rhynocs stole from the Dragon Realms, to return them to their rightful owners, and I'll see what I can do in regards to getting a couple of dragons to move back here, to restore the magic to the Forgotten Realms, without having to worry about it disappearing ever again."

"Really? You can do that?" Bianca asked, where she seemed shocked by the information that Spike was telling her, as if she hadn't been expecting one of them to even say something like that, especially after she went to their home and helped the Rhynocs steal the eggs that all of them had been watching over, even if they had been sleeping at the time, but at the same time she was considering what would happen to the land she called home if some of the dragons came back and brought back all the magic that had been disappearing.

"I'm positive that some of the scholars will want to come back, just to check the lands out and make notes on what they see and who they meet," Spyro remarked, because he knew that Spike wouldn't tell Bianca something that was a lie, especially when she was trying to set things right in the land she called home, even if she was going about it wrong, and he was more than willing to inform her of what he knew, since Bianca didn't seem all that bad, "but yes, we should be able to convince some of the older dragons to move here to restore the magic that's been disappearing."

"I... I..." Bianca started to say, though that was when she stopped for a moment, clearly torn between the fact that she now had a way to actually restore the magic of the realms that she was trying to help and the fact that her mentor had given her some orders to follow the last time they had been in the same area, before she sighed for a moment, "I want to accept your offer, I really do, because it would settle all of this in seconds, but, um..."

"You need time to think about it, and think about what your mentor's opinions on the matter," Elora remarked, as she had a feeling that she knew that was going through Bianca's mind at the moment, just like she had the feeling that the rest of the group knew the same thing, and her thoughts were confirmed by the fact that Bianca seemed to shift her stance when she said that, "also, you need to see what your mentor is doing to the realms you're trying to help, because she's sending her Rhynocs to attack anyone and everyone that stands against her."

Bianca paused for a moment, where it was clear that she had no idea if they were telling the truth or not, before she gathered her magic and teleported out of the area they were in, using the rainbow beam that she used whenever she was teleporting between areas, though as Bianca did that Hunter left the part of the realm that they were in as well, leaving the siblings and Elora standing there for a moment. Instead of standing there, and thinking about what Bianca had done, the four of them turned around and made their way over to the portal to Enchanted Towers, as it was time for them to focus on another realm and see what sort of trouble the Sorceress was causing to the residents they would be assisting, since that seemed to be common among all the realms they had been to so far. Not a few moments later the group appeared in the starting area for the realm that they were heading to, where they found that they were standing on some grass that was nearly surrounded by castle walls, at least they were designed in such a way that made them look like they belonged to a castle, before they spotted a couple of towers that they would be passing through as they explored the realm. One thing they discovered immediately was a Rhynoc who was wearing an orange vest and a yellow safety helmet, while at the same time holding a machine that seemed to be capable of breaking rock, a jackhammer if Spike was recalling what the new Machinists called a tool like this, meaning it was a Jackhammer Rhynoc. Off in the distance were some spherical flying creatures that seemed like they might be dangerous, but from they were standing the group had next to no idea what they really looked like, so they decided to move forward and start their trek through Enchanted Towers, to help the residents out and recover all the eggs that were here.

Of course there happened to be one of the residents of this realm, one of the Purple Villagers as they were called, in front of the area that they had appeared in, one that looked annoyed with the nearby Rhynoc and the fact that it was now chasing a sheep down with its jackhammer, meaning it had to be hungry, before it even noticed that they were standing nearby and turned to face them.

"You seem annoyed about something," Spyro said, and he wasn't referring to the lone Rhynoc that was near them, a foe that they would take down in seconds so they could move forward and see what else the realm had to offer, though at the same time both his siblings and Elora picked up a few gems that were laying near them, "and its not the Rhynoc that is currently chasing a sheep around the area. Can you tell us what's going on in this realm?"

"There's a number of crummy Rhynocs that came to our realm and forced us to build a statue of the Sorceress, out of pure gold no less," the Purple Villager stated, where his tone revealed that he and the other inhabitants of this realm didn't have that much material to actually fulfill the order that they had been forced to make, though even as he said that the group did know there was more he had to tell them before their adventure in this realm got started, "so we made it out of brass, due to the fact that we had more than enough of that material. Then, when we finally completed the statue and showed it to her, she complained that it was too ugly and that she was going to make us suffer for this insult... personally, I think the statue is far prettier than she is. I also don't see how someone as kind and as helpful as Bianca can stand being an apprentice to such a horrible creature, as I would rather throw myself off a cliff if I were in her shoes, as I wouldn't be able to stand listening to the Sorceress."

"Its because she doesn't know any better, that's why she's still the Sorceress' apprentice," Spike replied, informing the Purple Villager as to why Bianca was able to stand being in the position that she was in, even if they might have shattered that bond with what they told her earlier, though now he was interested in seeing the statue that was located somewhere in this realm, just to have an idea of what the Sorceress actually looked like, "basically, her mentor is taking advantage of her, even if she's in the middle of trying to help all the realms that make up the land you and the others call home, and by help I mean restore all the missing magic."

"Well, hopefully she opens her eyes soon," the Purple Villager said, where he seemed like he actually liked Bianca way more than the Sorceress, more in the sense that he would work for her if she was the one in charge of the lands that her mentor was ruling over at the moment, before he shock his head and returned to whatever he was doing before the four of them arrived in this realm, meaning it was time for them to move forward.

The first thing that Spyro, Spike, Ember, and Elora did was focus on the Jackhammer Rhynoc that was chasing a sheep as they walked out of the starting area that they had appeared in, though what happened first was that Elora waited for it to get near them again and then lashed out with her leg, smacking the Rhynoc in the face and allowing a gem to hit the ground a few seconds later. After that they walked forward and found something interesting, a small river of lava that was between them and the area in front of the first tower they would be exploring, which was where the group stopped for a moment as they stared at a pair of creatures that looked like light green colored geckos who happened to have wings, but right now the pair was sleeping on the ground in front of the tower. When they got close to the river one of the geckos got up and puffed itself into a circular shape, just like the creatures the group had seen off in the distance, where they took a moment to glance at each other and nodded their heads, knowing that the new enemies, Flying Geckos as they would be called, would be rather easy to take out. The reason behind that decision was because Spike focused on the pair that was in front of them and quickly blasted them with a burst of Arcane Missiles, revealing a pair of gems that landed on the ground a few seconds later, informing the group that they must have been made by the Sorceress to aid the Rhynocs in subjugating the Purple Villagers and punishing them for the 'ugly' statue they had created. With those enemies taken care of the others collected the gems that were on the ground, both on the side of the river that they were standing on and the side that the Flying Geckos had been sleeping in, before they were sure that the area had been cleared and then headed for the first tower that was their current destination.

As the group walked up the curved ramp they discovered two Jackhammer Rhynocs blocking the way forward, though this time around Ember hardened her body and stepped forward as their enemies came at them, trying to break her into pieces and take her down, but when the Rhynocs stopped trying to do that, and looked at their tools in confusion for a few seconds, she spun around and knocked them to the floor with her tail. That was the moment that Spyro moved in and struck them with a burst of fire, before noticing that a tall brown skinned Rhynoc, who was wearing a white shirt and some blue overalls, that was guarding the middle of the tower, and his weapon of choice was an oversized mallet, meaning that it was a Mallet Rhynoc, a simple name if ever there was one. Of course it seemed ready for battle, given that it had raised its mallet for a moment and was waiting for one of them to come at him, where Ember jumped forward and spun forward for a few seconds, striking her foe in the face with her hardened tail and allowed a gem to fall, which the dragonflies made sure to pick up, before they found a second Mallet Rhynoc standing off to the right. Spyro walked over to where the other foe was standing and rolled out of the way as it brought his mallet down on where he had been standing, giving him an opening to exploit as he breathed fire on his target, taking him down in a matter of seconds, before they paused for a couple of seconds to break some straw baskets and collect the gems that were around them. While the dragonflies did that, however, Ember did notice a bullseye chest on a platform behind them, one that happened to be just above the area the first two Flying Geckos had been sleeping in, so she jumped on a blue crystal post and then used it to get up to where her target was located, allowing her to smash the gems and let Cinder collect them, before returning to her siblings and Elora so they could move into the next area of this realm.

Not a few seconds later they walked up a rather short set of stairs and discovered that they were already at the top of the set, because there had only been two steps in total, where they stared at the next tower that was in front of them and found that there was no walkway between the two towers, which meant that they were going to have to glide over to the next tower. As such Spyro jumped into the air and glided down to the opening that served as the entrance they would be heading through, where he took a page from Ember's book and spun around as he neared the floor, allowing him to smack a Mallet Rhynoc in the face before it even knew he was there, before a burst of fire reduced it to its original form and Sparx picked up the gem that landed on the ground. Once that was done he signaled for the others to join him, where Ember was the first to glide down to where he was standing and it only took her a few seconds to land near him, before Spike and Elora did the same thing, allowing the four of them to regroup in the middle of the tower so they could see what the rest of the realm had to throw at them. There was an opening in front of them that had a platform just a slight jump away from where the tower was resting, to which Spike jumped over to it, because an egg happened to resting in the middle of it, and proceeded to check it out for a few moments, finding that nothing was wrong and sent it back home not a few seconds later, before jumping back to the others so they could move forward.

From there they walked up the curved ramp that was on the other side of the opening that they were walking to and approached the opening that lead into the next tower, where two Jackhammer Rhynoc were waiting for them and started to move towards where they were standing, only to be stopped by Ember hardening her body, repeating what happened when she used it to the previous pair. This time around Elora rushed forward and kicked one of them in the face, knocking it to the ground as Spyro took the other one down with a burst of fire, allowing them to move forward and find that there was a Mallet Rhynoc waiting in the next opening that they needed to walk through, who was waiting for them to come at him so he could smash them into the floor. Spike was the one that stepped forward and used a barrier to stop the mallet in its tracks, surprising their foe for a moment, which allowed Ember to jumped forward and spin into their foe's face, all to knock it to the ground and take it out, leaving a gem behind, before they picked up the couple of gems that were in the center of the tower that they were currently in. As they did that they found a pool of lava that spat out molten rocks, just like what they had seen in Magma Cone during their last adventure, though it didn't take them long to determine why that was a thing, due to a Flying Gecko that was between the tower that they were standing in and the next tower that was taking them to where the statue of the Sorceress was located, but none of them cared about the rocks as Spike took a few seconds to gather his magic and then blasted the Flying Gecko out of the air, clearing the way in seconds.

Once that foe was taken care of the group took turns gliding over to the lower entrance of the tower that was in front of them, where Spyro picked up a lone gem since he was the first one that left the previous structure, and quickly used the whirlwind that was in the middle of the small chamber to reach the next level of the tower, allowing them to access a new platform that looked like it would allow them to reach the area the statue was in. Instead of staring at the statue from the area they were standing in the group glided across the gap that was in front of them and landed in the next part of the realm that was currently under attack, where they were able to get a good look at the statue and actually take it in for a few moments. Spike looked up at the statue and took in the fact that the Sorceress was a theropod, a dinosaur to be exact, and had a stance that was like how Bianca stood, or how the Purple Villagers and some of the others stood, and it seemed that she was wearing a small vest of some kind, a frilled necklace that belonged to a queen, a thin pointed crown that may have some gems in it, and a pendant that contained a large purple gemstone. The Sorceress, if the statue was accurate in detailing how she looked, and they had every reason to believe that the Purple Villager had been telling the truth, was pudgier than what they were expecting and her armor and legs had a decent amount of fat to them, meaning that she was going for an extravagant and indulgent appearance, despite the trouble she was inflicting upon the realms she was ruling over, before they focused on something interesting, a scepter that had a dragon egg at the top, meaning that their foe would be using one to cast spells, which annoyed the siblings.

Spike took a few moments to jot down what they were seeing, just because it gave them a good idea as to what their foe actually looked like, before they moved forward and continued what they had been doing earlier, as there were a good number of enemies scattered around the area, apparently protecting the statue despite the fact that the Sorceress hated it and wanted to punish the Purple Villagers for their hard work. As such they headed to their right and found two sleeping Flying Geckos, or they had been sleeping until they approached them, which was the moment that Spike weaved his magic through the air and struck them both them down in a matter of seconds, allowing Elora to rush forward and jump over the Mallet Rhynoc that was right behind his targets, surprising her foe in the process since it wasn't expecting her to do that at all, before she spun around and kicked her foe in the side of its head. From there they circled around the platform that the statue was resting on and found two Jackhammer Rhynocs and two more Mallet Rhynocs guarding the area, and there happened to be three missiles resting around the area, which they ignored for the time being, hence the reason that the four of them approached the enemies that were guarding the area. The pair of Jackhammer Rhynocs were easy to take out, as all the group had to do was let Ember harden her body and wait for the pair to collide with her, which was followed by Spyro and Elora charging and kicking them into submission, before they even worried about the Mallet Rhynocs, which was when Ember rushed forward and smashed into the first one that was in front of them, hitting it with her tail, before she spun around and gripped the mallet that the other was using, somehow ripping it from her foe's grip and then struck her foe in the face, defeating it in seconds.

Once all of the enemies were taken care of the first thing the group did was search the area for the gems that were scattered around the area, just like what they had seen in the last couple of realms, and smashed a few metallic vases as well, before the siblings split up and took up position near the missiles, with Spyro coming to a stop near the first one near the ledge they had glided to, Ember standing near the one next to the lava pool, and Spike standing near the one that was on top of some steps, with Elora standing behind him. The instant they were in position they took turns lighting the missiles that were in front of them, where Spyro's seemed to destroy the lower half of the statue's body, Ember's struck down the upper part of the statue's body, and Spike's ended up breaking the Sorceress' head, showing them that the Purple Villagers must have set up the missiles to blow up the statue at some point and that the Rhynocs had prevented any of them from doing them. Either way it was a good way to get rid of the statue and, at the same time, reveal a hidden path below the platform it had been resting on, maybe one that had one of the portals to the other sections of the realm they were in, but instead of heading down there, to see what they had revealed, the group regrouped near the exit portal of the realm, where they found a Purple Villager standing next to it, who happened to have one of the eggs that they were looking for and seemed to have a smile on his face.

"You guys did a good job in clearing out the Rhynocs, and blowing apart the statue we were planning on blowing up when the Sorceress came to look at it, even though she had guards to stop us," the Purple Villager commented, where he patted the egg for a moment and stepped away from the area that he was standing in, just in time for the exit portal to switch back on, which was good to see as they focused on the Purple Villager for a moment, "anyway, we were debating between hiding this egg somewhere in our realm, to keep the Sorceress from getting her hands on it, but you guys seem more than capable of keeping it safe."

The siblings and Elora said nothing to that as the Purple Villager departed from the realm, mostly because it was one of the stolen dragon eggs and the guy was acting like it belonged to him and the rest of the residents that called this realm home, before Spike sighed and sent the egg back off to the Dragon Realms, so it could be safe and sound, where they took a moment to jump into the hidden path they had discovered and headed through the portal that was below where the statue had been resting... revealing what looked like a massive area that someone could use a skateboard in, and Hunter, of course, was standing nearby.

"Hunter, are you slacking off?" Ember asked, because the only reason they would even find their friend in an area like this was because he was more interested in mastering the moves that he could use with his board, while at the same time showing that she really didn't much care for an area like this, given what happened the last time they found a skateboard area, which was back in Sunny Villa.

"No, actually I've been looking for eggs." Hunter remarked, where he took a moment and placed two eggs right in front of where they were standing, much to the surprise of the siblings and Elora, since they really weren't expecting him to have found a pair of eggs so quickly, before he rubbed the back of his head for a moment, "I know you would be mad at me if I tried to hold them back and hand them out as you did tricks, so I'm going to give these to you right now and keep looking for the rest of the eggs that we haven't collected. Though if you want to take a break, and relax a little, I can show you a few tricks or you can just skate around and enjoy yourselves, doing whatever you want."

Elora found that Spyro was the only one of the siblings that wanted to even bother with a skateboard, more for tricks and trying to see what Hunter had to teach him, while Spike used his to travel around the area and take notes on what he was seeing, mostly to give it to the Machinists or one of the other clans when they got back home, as he was sure that a few dragons might like this sort of thing, and Ember, well, she just sat down and decided to rest until her brothers were done with what they were doing. Elora, instead of standing around, decided to try her hand at using the skateboard, more in the sense to find the missing gems and break open their containers so Talon or Cinder could follow her around the area and collect whatever gems she found, where she found that her skills were rather horrible, which made sense due to the fact that this was the first time she was even using a skateboard, but at least she was able to do a few movements and get to where the gems were located. She had to admit that it took some time for her to even get all of the gems, but it didn't take forever due to Spyro and Spike using their skateboards to get to some of the higher places in the area and smash the containers that were in their way, freeing the gems that were inside them, before eventually she determined that all of the gems had been collected and returned to where Ember was sitting. Once Spike was done with his notes he returned to them and checked out the eggs for a moment, making sure that nothing was wrong with the two of them, before using his Teleportation Breath to send them back home, allowing him to take a moment to relax as well as they waited for Spyro to finish what he was doing.

When Spyro was done using the skateboard, and returned to where the rest of the group was waiting, they bid Hunter farewell and headed through the portal that lead back to the area that was beneath where the statue had been resting, only to use a whirlwind to get back up to where the portal was resting and headed beyond the exit portal, picking up a few gems before using a second whirlwind to get to a ledge that was resting above them. From there they glided over to the ground that was a short distance from where they were located and found that there were a number of Flying Geckos that were guarding the area, as well as two side portals to pick from, one that was Sgt. Byrd's portal and another that lead to a whole different part of the realm they were in. As they landed on the ground Spike gathered his magic and lashed out at the Flying Geckos that were around them, striking all of them down with his Arcane Missiles as his siblings and Elora made sure to pick up all the gems that were around the area, both what had been there when they arrived and those that were dropped by the enemies that Spike was blasting with his power. Once the area was clear, and the group was sure of that, they headed inside Sgt. Byrd's portal and found that he was preparing his weapons and gear for the next patrol that he would be going on, just like the last time they had seen him, after freeing him from the cage that Moneybags had put him in, and it wasn't long before he turned to look at them.

"Oh, hello again," Sgt. Byrd said, where he took a moment to put on his gear and made sure that everything was in order, which wasn't hard for him to do since he wasn't wearing all that much to begin with, before he turned and saluted them, something that seemed to be part of his nature, showing them that he was ready to get started on whatever he was going to be doing in this realm, "I'm ready to patrol the towers and the perimeter of the islands."

Instead of saying anything the group simply nodded their heads and watched as he headed outside, where they did the same thing and found that he was flying through the air the moment he was outside the portal they had used to get to where he had been waiting, already firing rockets at the Flying Geckos that they hadn't been able to get to, though it did look like he was going to be busy, so Ember let Cinder follow Sgt. Byrd around to collect the gems he was finding. Once she had done that the four of them headed through the other portal and found themselves in a small room with one of the Purple Villagers, where they learned that he had been playing with his pet wolf, Farley, and that he had thrown a ball into the hole on accident, causing his pet to head down there. As such Spyro jumped down first as the others collected the gems that were near the Purple Villager, which was when they jumped down to join him and found a rather cute looking wolf, a pup to be exact, waiting for them, though instead of picking up the ball with their mouths and spitting it, which was just gross, Elora picked it up and tossed it around the area that they needed to pass through, allowing the siblings to smash any straw baskets and metallic vases that were along the way as the two dragonflies collected the gems they freed, before coming to a stop near a door. They then discovered a button on the ground and a switch on the wall that needed to be pressed, to which Elora simply stood on the button and allowed one of the siblings to climb up the walkway she made as she tossed the ball so the wolf would follow them, before the door opened and they were allowed to leave the area they were in, finding a walkway that lead to another door and a button.

In that moment they found three Mallet Rhynocs that were blocking the way, but they were terrified of the wolf that was near the group, allowing either Spyro or Ember to take them out in a matter of seconds as Spike smashed all of the containers that were near them, before they reached the next button and Elora made sure to get the wolf over the gap that was between the two points. From there they found an area that had three buttons that needed to be pressed and two moving platforms, so the group moved things around to make sure that the wolf was on the platform that went up to where the door was located while making sure that one of them was up by the button that opened the door, though it only took them a few moments to get that sequence of events done and open the way forward. After that the group discovered a cracked wall that was shattered when Ember struck it with her tail, where a Mallet Rhynoc cowered as the wolf walked up to it, allowing the group a few seconds to collect the gems that were in the passage before Ember struck down the last foe that was in their way, allowing them to open a door back to where the Purple Villager was waiting. In that moment the guy thanked them for rescuing Farley, which wasn't that hard since all of the enemies were terrified of him, before he gave them one of the stolen eggs and mentioned that his wolf had been chewing on it, unsuccessfully anyway, which was when Elora carried it outside as they looked for a way to get to a higher level and see what Sgt. Byrd was doing, only for Spike to use a spell that created a temporary whirlwind for them to use to get up to the platform that was above where the portal they had just used was resting.

As they reached their destination they found one of the Bone Builders and his skeleton buddy nearby, where it looked like the skeleton was missing some bones, to which they sat down and watched as Sgt. Byrd flew around the area, blasting more of the Flying Geckos out of the air, breaking vases scattered all over the place so Cinder could pick them up, and took the time to hunt down the lizards that were hoarding the bones... and when he was done he returned to where the group was standing and returned the bones to the skeleton, who proceeded to do the same dance it had done when they helped them out in Skelos Badlands. Once that was done, and they claimed another egg, Spike took a moment to make sure the pair of eggs were fine before sending them off to the Dragon Realms, let the dragonflies make sure all of the gems had been collected, and they were sure that they had been collected, before they bid their friend farewell and headed for the exit portal, to head to another realm and start this process all over again.

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