• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Year: Trouble in the Spires

It didn't take the siblings and Elora long to return to Sunrise Spring, to the area that was right in front of the portal that had taken them to Sunny Villa, but instead of heading for one of the other portals, like Elora was thinking they would do, Spyro jumped down the ledges that were in front of them and made sure his siblings followed him towards the small bit of water that was nearby, causing her to raise an eyebrow as she followed them. She had to wonder if Spyro was going to try what Hunter had done back in the gladiator arena, as in make an attempt to calm Ember down before she did something that she might regret, but she said nothing as they moved towards the bit of water in question, even if all three of them knew Ember wouldn't be too happy about the time that was being wasted at the moment. At the same time Elora was happy with the progress that they had made so far, as an entire homeworld had been cleared and two realms had been helped, along with a good number of eggs being recovered already, even if there were of them out there, waiting to be discovered by them and taken back to the Dragon Realms, just like the ones they had retrieved so far. As she considered all of that Spyro and Spike came to a stop near the water and stared out at it for a moment, looking like they were thinking of something else and not the mission that they were currently on, to which she nodded her head in agreement as she sat next to Spike, just to do the same thing until Spyro told them it was time to move forward.

"Spyro, what are we doing?" Ember asked, showing that she knew her brother was doing something and that she was trying to focus on something else at the moment, the retrieval of the eggs that had been stolen no doubt, but it was easy to see that the anger was still in her eyes and that she was still fuming over what they had discovered earlier, when Hunter had screamed due to his tail being stepped on.

"We are relaxing for a few minutes," Spyro replied, as he was thinking back to what he had learned when he was in the middle of his own training, to master the power that he had unlocked at the end of the war in Avalar, and was applying that to what was going on at the moment, while Spike and Elora seemed to be looking at the water, "Look, I know you're angry over the eggs being stolen and brought to the Forgotten Realms, just like Spike and I aren't happy that such a thing happened either, but right now we can't afford to be going into the realms with our minds shrouded by anger, as that might lead to one of us making a mistake of some kind."

"Or getting hurt, when we could have dodged an attack," Spike added, as he had been thinking about the anger that his sister was feeling and knew that both he and Spyro did feel some level of anger as well, because it was an appropriate reaction to what they had witnessed, though neither of them were at the level that Ember was at, "Look, there's a time and a place for anger, but right now we can't let it rule us, otherwise we're going to lose focus of what we're trying to do and some of our foes will get lucky hits on us as we move through the realms, which would only make you even angrier than you already are. Just take a moment to calm down, to let the anger be replaced by something else, and when you're ready we'll get up and head to the next realm, to fix whatever problems are going on and recover what belongs to us."

Ember said nothing to that as she stared at the water that was in front of them, clearly thinking about what she had been taught and what her siblings had told her, even if Elora had been silent the entire time, but even then she knew that they were right and that she had been letting her anger get the better of her since they started this quest, even if she was slow to notice it at first. She thought back to the magical skateboard for a second, knowing that she didn't have to do that to a magical item, even if it would have reformed after some time, and realized that she needed to take a moment to let go of her anger, something that would only last for a time since there was a chance that they might find something that would reawaken all of her anger, before coming to a decision on the matter. For a moment nothing seemed to happen to her, but as the seconds ticked by she calmed down and let go of all the anger that she had been feeling since the eggs had been stolen, or the vast majority of it anyway, and it wasn't long before Spyro, Spike, and Ember noticed that she seemed to be calming down at last, which was good since none of them wanted to see her get hurt by the enemies they would be facing in the upcoming realms. After a few minutes ticked by Ember took a deep breath and shook herself, where her brothers and Elora noticed that she definitely seemed much calmer than she had been earlier, which was great since they were going to be heading into a new realm at some point in the near future, they just had to be patient and wait for her to be ready to depart.

A few moments later Ember got up with a look of determination in her eyes, just like when they went to face Gnasty Gnorc and Ripto, showing that she had let go of her anger for the moment and that she had freed herself from it, which put a smile on Spyro, Spike, and Elora's faces as they got up and departed from the area the water was in, only to head up to the portal to Cloud Spires, as it was the next realm that Spyro wanted to take on.

The realm in question, as they soon discovered, was built high in the mountains, so high that the edge of the area was a layer of clouds, despite the number of clouds that were above them, and that was when they noticed a number of nice stone buildings that could be considered beautiful, even though a number of them seemed to be connected to weather based on how they looked. It wasn't hard for them to determine that this realm was linked, in some way, to the various types of weather that existed in the world, which made Spike interested in what they could possibly learn about this place and its importance to the Forgotten Realms, as he was sure that they had found one of the important realms, even though they could see some Rhynocs off in the distance. As they picked up the gems that were in the starting area, however, they noticed that there were some stone braziers on both sides of the path that connected to the area that would allow them to progress through the realm, even though they weren't white colored like the various pillars they were seeing, and there were even raised platforms and sections, meaning that gliding was going to be a thing in this realm. Once the pair of gems had been picked up the group walked down the short bridge that connected the starting area to the next area and found a large Rhynoc that, interestingly enough, was wearing golden armor and had white wings growing out of its back, though it didn't take Spike long to determine that it was an elaborate set of fake wings that were attached to the bracers on their foe's arms, so they had limited movements and could only fly for a few seconds.

In fact the Winged Rhynoc, as they were going to call it, flapped its wings at them when they got close, to create gusts of wind to prevent them from reaching it, but with four of them to contend with, instead of one or two, it was rather easy for someone to get behind him and flame him into submission, as that was what Ember did as her brothers and Elora took a moment to stand their ground. From there they carefully explored the area that was around them and found all of the gems that were laying on the floor, including smashing a straw basket for what it held, before noticing that there was a small circular raised platform near the edge of this area, one that didn't seem linked to anything else, meaning that it had to be an area where a whirlwind would form, after they did something in this realm. The other thing they noticed was a small flying creature that, at a glance, might resemble a Fairy, but upon looking closer the creature wasn't like a Fairy, it had some short spiked hair, and it was wearing a small blue shirt, though it appeared to be one of the residents of this realm, something the group determined thanks to the fact that it wasn't trying to attack them. They were expecting to find someone waiting for assistance, as that was the theme back in Avalar and it seemed like it was going to repeat in this land as well, so they readied themselves for a moment and came to a stop in front of the creature that was waiting for them, as they were interested in hearing what the Rhynocs were doing to this realm.

"Oh, thank goodness someone came to check up on us," the creature said, the voice appearing to be male, which was good to know since the body didn't tell them anything, though the group remained silent as they waited for him to reveal what was happening to this realm, as so far everything seemed to be in order, even though the presence of a Rhynoc had to mean there were more scattered around the rest of the realm, "Listen, the Rhynocs have somehow shut down all of our cloud generators, which help us produce all of the clouds that we deliver to all of the other realms, meaning that, unless things change soon, none of us will be able to see another rainbow again, not to mention that the lack of rain with have some serious effects on some of the other realms."

"So the Sorceress is attacking realms that rebel against her, even if a single person is doing it, and she's attacking a realm that is vital to the rest of the land," Elora commented, where she had to resist the urge to bring her palm to her face for a moment, because the more they learned from the various residents of the realms they were visiting the more she became annoyed with the Sorceress, especially since she appeared to be the type that ruled with an iron fist and was all to willing to attack the realms that opposed her rule, "Well, that gives us another realm to want to take her out, but first we'll undo all the damage that has been done to you realm and take care of the Rhynocs that were sent here, so soon all of the generators should be turned back on."

That seemed to please the creature, a Weather Imp as Spike discovered, thanks to the Guidebook he had picked up at the start of this adventure, and the next thing they did was tap the large button that was on the side of the structure that was in front of them, activating a small stone lift that was to their left, which rose into the air and allowed them to access to a higher point. It took them a few seconds to get up to the structure in question and found another Weather Imp up there, who commented that if his wings were bigger he would be able to glide over to the other side of the gap that was between where they were standing and the next area that they had to move through, but there was another problem that they discovered within a few seconds. Elora didn't have wings at all and that meant that she would have to jump up to the area in question, but that wouldn't help them when they came across an actual gap that didn't have an area she could do what she was about to do, though that didn't stop her from jumping back down to the area they had started in and then jumped up to where the siblings would be landing. Once Elora was on the other side of the gap the siblings glided over to where she was standing and they moved forward, where they found a pair of foes that were Rhynocs, only they had fake hair attached to their helmets, a round shield in their left hands, and a bolt of lightning in their right hands, meaning that they were more armed and dangerous than the Winged Rhynocs.

The pair of Lightning Rhynocs tried to lash out at them with their weapons, where the siblings and Elora dodged the attacks as the bolts touched the ground, doing nothing to anything since they didn't touch anyone, which was when Spyro and Ember tackled the one on the left, where Ember whacked him with her tail and let Spyro finish him with a burst of fire, while Spike summoned a barrier to block the next incoming attack so Elora could kick their foe in the face and knock him to the floor. There happened to be a third one hanging out on the other side of the structure that rested between them and him, so what the siblings did was keep their split groups and tackled him from two directions, where a quick burst of fire and a charge was enough to take him out, allowing them to turn their attention to the gems and straw baskets that were in this area, while staying away from the slightly raised platform that was near them. Once the gems were picked up, and they were sure there weren't anything else that needed to be picked up, they found that there was a whirlwind in the middle of the structure, one that would allow them to get over to the next building they needed to progress through, but this time they were faced with the same problem they had seen earlier, the fact that Elora didn't have any wings, and this time there weren't any ledges or areas she could jump to so she could join them. Even as they thought about that Elora seemed to be thinking the same thing and sighed for a moment, where she lifted her arm again and looked at the buttons that were on it, before pressing one to activate one of the other powers that she had asked the Professor to put into it when she first asked him to make the armor for her.

Spyro, Spike, and Ember watched as a pair of metallic wings, dragon wings to be exact, emerged from the back part of her armor, sized to fit her frame, and when they looked at it they came to the conclusion that there was nowhere for them to even come from, as the Professor made it look like they were a natural part of the armor, though Elora seemed happy with what she was seeing at the moment.

"Elora... what are those?" Spyro asked, as he had the feeling that he knew what these were, because it was hard to not know what dragon wings looked like, even in metal form to be exact, and he could see that both Spike and Ember were interested in what they were seeing right now, despite the fact that Spike was far more interested in what Elora had done than Ember was.

"Dragon wings, made by the Professor with a specially enchanted crystal so they can fold up and become small, all so they can fit inside a storage area in the backside of the armor," Elora replied, where she flexed the wings for a moment, to show the siblings that hers acted like theirs did, to an extent anyway, though she was simply amazed by what she was even seeing right now, as she wasn't expecting this to be completed in the time she gave the Professor, "they're supposed to move and act like your wings do, and they're supposed to respond to my thoughts like actual wings would... but, well, we didn't have time to test them out and make sure they worked like they're supposed to. So, um, could you guys move on to the next platform and glide into me if these don't work at all?"

The siblings glanced at each other for a moment, not sure what to make of the situation, before they turned towards Elora and nodded their heads, to show her they understood, which was when Spyro climbed up onto the platform and let the whirlwind raise him into the air so he could glide over to the opening of the building that was their next destination, all so he could land and move to the side to wait for the others to join him. Ember was the next one to cross the gap, mostly because Spike wanted to make sure that Elora was ready for what she was going to be doing in the next moment or two, though when she landed near Spyro they both turned and waited for Spike to join them, where he took his turn and made his way over the gap as well. The moment they were together, and their dragonflies were waiting nearby, Elora stayed still for a moment, clearly thinking about what she was doing at the moment, before steeling herself as she stepped into the area that the siblings had done so, allowing the metallic wings to react to what was around her, just like what happened when Spyro, Spike, and Ember stepped into the whirlwind. In a few seconds Elora found herself being lifted into the air, to the top of the structure that the whirlwind was housed in, and once she reached the top her wings unfolded before their eyes, just like a dragon's would, where she glided through the air like she had seen the siblings do, even though she had no experience doing this sort of thing before.

Spike braced himself, clearly intending to move if something happened or if Elora's wings didn't work like they were supposed to, but, as he and his siblings found out, Elora flew through the air by mimicking the movements the three of them had used earlier and quickly landed on the edge of the area the siblings were standing on, where she braced herself for a few seconds and got over what she had just done, though she did have a smile on her face.

"So, that's what its like when you guys fly." Elora said, where her wings returned to how they had been when she first called them out, so she could be ready for any other gaps that were like the last one they had just crossed over, though she had to admit that flying through the air, even for a short period of time like that, had been rather exciting and it was something she could get used to if she did it a few more times, "At least the wings work like they're supposed to and didn't fail on me, like the Professor was worried might happen since we didn't have time to test them out."

"Well, you did great for your first time," Spike replied, because for a moment he had been wondering if he was going to have to do something for her, but in the end she had flown through the air without any assistance, just like how she and the Professor intended the wings to work, and that made him interested in what else the armor could do, which he was sure they might see as they continued on their quest.

Elora chuckled for a moment as she readied herself, while at the same time rubbing the back of her head for a second or two, as she wasn't expecting Spike to even say something like that, but decided that it was time to focus on the task at hand and not worry about her armor and the fact that the wings had worked like the Professor had designed them, which was when the four of them turned towards the inside of the building, as it was time for them to move forward and tackle the rest of this realm. The inside of the building had four metallic vases and a few gems resting on the floor, to which they smashed the vases open and picked up all of the gems that were around them, before they headed through the other opening and found two Lightning Rhynocs patrolling the area that was in front of them, which made sense seeing how the Sorceress seemed to be attacking anyone and everyone that defied her rule, regardless of what they did. From what they had seen the Weather Imps seemed peaceful and didn't appear to be the type of people that even deserved something like this, and yet one of them must have done something to tick off the Sorceress, but the ones they had encountered so far were peaceful and that meant the four of them were going to take down the Rhynocs and restore order to this realm, before moving onto the next one to repeat the process all over again. As such Ember crushed the armor of one of their foes and opened the way for Spyro to flame him down, while at the same time Spike blocked the blow of the other foe with a barrier and let Elora lash out with a kick to the face with the side of her leg, where both of the Lightning Rhynocs were taken out in a matter of seconds, allowing them to move forward.

From there they found a couple of gems that were scattered around the area and, interestingly enough, a platform that was off on the side that seemed like it would lead them up to another part of the realm, but without a whirlwind there the group needed to find a way to activate it, which might be after clearing this particular area or activating the exit portal back to the Forgotten Realms. After they came to that decision one of the Winged Rhynocs landed nearby and readied his wings for a moment, to use the gust to push them away so it could attack them in whatever manner it wanted, but Elora used that to her advantage as her wings opened and she was lifted into the air, only for her to swoop in and kick their foe in the side with the side of her leg. That allowed Spyro to flame their foe before he had a chance to retaliate, though as he went down Elora landed nearby, somewhat surprised by what just happened, but, at the same time, she was willing to take it, as it allowed them to bring down another foe so they could focus on two more opponents that were in the next part of the area they were heading to next, which were two more Winged Rhynocs. The first thing they did was have Sparx, Talon, and Cinder claim the gems that were on the ground before they glided over to the area that the next group of enemies were in, where they found that the pair was guarding a dragon egg, prompting Ember to smash her hardened tail into one so Spyro could finish him off, while Elora struck the second one with a swift kick to both the head and the chest, allowing Spike to focus on making sure the egg was fine before sending it off to the Dragon Realms.

With the egg secured, and the area cleared for the moment, the group headed out and smashed any metallic vases and straw baskets that they found, which even allowed them to find a Lightning Rhynoc that tried to torch Elora, only to be stopped by Spike's barrier so Elora could kick her foe into the side of the rock wall to their right, before collecting all of the gems that were in the area. That even included heading down into the gap that separated the two areas, the area that the egg had been in and the part that was near the building they had passed through, allowing Ember to collect the gems that were down there, before she joined them in finishing up the rest of the area that was around the pair of generators they were walking around, which would allow them to move forward once they activated the lift to the next level. The moment all four of them were ready to continue, and by that they meant all of the gems had been picked up and they were leaving nothing behind, Spyro, Spike, and Ember jumped up onto the lift as Elora stayed back for a second, where she kicked the button that would reactivate things and then joined them. Not a few seconds later the lift activated and rose into the air, allowing them to access the highest point that the structures allowed them to be at, though as they climbed off the lift, and touched down on the floor of the generator, they found a sight that really wasn't a surprise, especially when the siblings considered what they had seen back in Avalar, as Moneybags was standing near them once more.

"Well, well, if it isn't my favorite group of dragons, and... Elora..." Moneybags started to say, though that was when he noticed the metallic wings that Elora had, where he realized that they were identical to the wings that the siblings had, and and to resist the urge to moan, because it was bad enough that the Fawn had turned into a decent figher, but she was also mimicking the dragons that had saved Avalar, "alright, I'm not going to think about why I'm seeing this. Listen, I have been placed in charge of these bellows, by the Sorceress herself, and I will only activate them for a small fee, which I'm sure you can pay this time around."

"Moneybags," Elora said, as there was a lot she wanted to say to the bear, especially after everything he did back when Ripto was running around Avalar, but instead of focusing on that she decided to focus her attention on the current mission and the fact that they needed to get to the next bellow, which they originally thought was a generator, "Are you really this stubborn and desperate, or are you more terrified of what the Sorceress will do to you, instead of what we might do to you for blocking our way?"

"Honestly, its a little bit of both at this point," Moneybags admitted, causing the siblings to raise their eyebrows for a few seconds, as it made them wonder who this Sorceress was and what she was doing to the Forgotten Realms, but even then he shook the sack for a moment, just to show them that he meant business and that he wasn't about to leave until he got what he wanted.

Ember and Elora glanced at each other for a second as they saw that motion, where Elora rushed behind the bear and kicked him in the back, knocking him forward into the waiting hardened tail that Ember had for Moneybags, which was the moment that she hit him a few times, just to get her point across, before raising her claws for a second, to show that she was more than willing to continue if he wanted to be stubborn, to which the bear sighed as he raised a hand and worked his magic on the area, activating the other lifts they needed to use to get through the realm.

"Good boy... now if only you would learn to stop opposing us," Ember commented, though even as she said that she made sure to whack Moneybags off the bellow they were on and watched as he hit the floor a few seconds later, which did put a smile on her face, something that pleased both of her brothers and Elora, even though they knew that it was only a matter of time until a frown replaced it.

With the power restored to the bellows, and the lifts moving, the group moved onto the one that was connected to the bellow that they had been standing on and found that there was a Lightning Rhynoc standing on the next lift, who held his weapon at the ready, to which Spike made sure to use a temporary barrier to stop his incoming attack so Ember could smash him into the wall behind him. From there they quickly used the other lift to head up to the highest point of the next bellow, where another Lightning Rhynoc seemed to be waiting for someone to mess with it, which was why Spyro and Elora stepped up next, as Elora dodged the incoming attack and kicked him in the face, stunning him for a few moments, which was more than enough time for Spyro to finish him off with a quick burst of fire. After those two foes were taken care of the group reached the edge of the area, which was pointed in the direction of the starting area, and that allowed them to see an opening in the next building that they would need to move through, even though they had to be close to the area that the exit portal was located in. With the gems in the area collected, despite the fact that there hadn't been all that many in the first place, and group glided down to the opening of the next building and spotted a pair of Lightning Rhynoc waiting for them, where Ember flipped forward and brought her tail down on the closest one, crushing him into the floor so Spyro could finish him off, while Spike used a barrier to stop the other one from running, letting Elora punch him in the face so he would fall to the ground in defeat.

From there they picked up the gems and smashed some metallic vases, before heading through the opening that lead them onto a stone walkway that a Winged Rhynoc was guarding, who quickly fell to the group as Spike ensured he couldn't flee by jumping over the edge, with a barrier to be exact, and that allowed his siblings and Elora to take him down, before they found two more Lightning Rhynocs that weren't paying attention, so they dispatched them quickly, opening the way to the exit portal and the Weather Imp that was standing near it.

"Hey, you guys activated the bellows!" the Weather Imp stated, where he seemed excited by what they had done, even though they had believed the structures had been the generators for the area, before Moneybags had told them the truth in his own way, but they remained silent as they nodded their heads, to confirm that they had done exactly what had just been said, causing the Weather Imp to think about something, "I wonder if I can get the cloud generator working again, now that the bellows have been reactivated..."

In that moment the tallest building in the realm, which had to be the cloud generator, became active before their very eyes and, at the same time, one of the missing eggs popped out of the highest point of the structure, which was followed by clouds coming out of it as well, something that the egg used to safely get down to where they were standing, where the moment it landed Spike made sure that all was well before sending it back to the Dragon Realms. As soon as the egg was safe and sound, and the Weather Imp headed through the exit portal, they found that there was a large portal that rested right behind where the resident had been standing and, at the same time, a whirlwind had formed on the platform that was near the exit portal, meaning the other one they had seen earlier might be active as well. Spike noticed that the new whirlwind went right up to a new cloud that had been formed, one that looked like it might have a portal in it, but instead of them heading that was they jumped over the small gap and headed through the larger portal that was nearby, which brought them to a building of some kind, one that had no windows from what they could see. There was a Weather Imp a few steps in front of them, which wasn't a surprise when they considered the residents of this realm were in trouble at the moment, and next to him rested a circular pool that a fiery orb, with hands and sunglasses, seemed to be resting in, which only made them interested in what was going on.

Spike was sure that it was some sort of sun spirit or something, since this was a realm that dealt with the weather of the Forgotten Realms, but he remained silent as they walked over to where the Weather Imp was floating, so they could figure out what they needed to do to help him out, especially since there was a chance that he might end up giving them one of the stolen eggs in return.

"Our sun has gone out, but, with the lava infusion cauldron and three sun seeds, we might be able to make a brand new one in no time," the Weather Imp stated, causing the group to raise their eyebrows for a moment, because none of them were expecting to hear that statement be said, even though Spike quickly realized that the sun spirit was a sun seed and that forging a new sun would provide the various lands of the Forgotten Realms with sunlight, "however, they keep burning out before we can get them there."

"That won't be a problem for us," Elora replied, as this sounded like one of the easiest tasks they could have helped someone out with, and she could tell that the siblings agreed with her, to which the three of them walked forward so they could see if there were any enemies in this area that needed to be taken out and smash all of the metallic vases that were scattered throughout the area, while having the dragonflies collect all the gems they passed by.

Spike found that simply breathing fire on the sun seed was what they needed to do, which wasn't hard for them to do at all, so he and his siblings took turns following the item as it followed along a predetermined path, even though the first one simply went straight for the cauldron and nothing else, making it really easy to get that one into the pot so they could return to the Weather Imp and get another one. The second sun seed seemed to be going down the same route as the first one did, but when it got near the cauldron it veered off to the right and headed around a raised platform that brought it to the back of the pot, which the group was fine with since it allowed them to find more stuff to break so they could pick up the fallen gems, and soon it was inside the pot with the first one. From there they headed back to the starting area for this part of the realm and activated the device that let the third seed start traveling along the path that it needed to take, where it went up the ramp that was near the area it was dispensed from and traveled along the left side of the room, were the siblings followed after it to make sure it didn't shrink down and disappear, before they reached the backside of the pot again and it joined them others. Once all three of the sun seeds were inside the cauldron the group watched as they spun around for a few seconds, where they diverted their gaze for a moment as a blinding flash of light happened, and once they opened their eyes they found that a large sun, with shades for some reason, was floating above the cauldron and a smile on its face.

With that done they returned to the Weather Imp, who handed them what he called a 'defective sun seed', which was one of the missing eggs, and once it was in their possession Spike made sure that no harm had come to the egg before sending it back home, to which they headed back through the portal that was behind them, so they could return to the main part of the realm, and then used the nearby whirlwind to see what else was above them, since they were sure that it would bring them to another area that needed assistance. The area they were now in was circular, where a number of bells seemed to be resting in a near perfect circle around the center of the area, where a cloud seemed to be resting, and Ember growled for a moment as she saw something that annoyed her, there was a blue robed Egg Thief standing nearby, along with one of the stolen eggs. As such Ember jumped forward and started to chase her target around the area, while Spyro, Spike, and Elora figured out what was going on in this area, where it appeared that mischievous spirits were in the middle of preventing the bells from ringing, preventing the Weather Imp from waking up the cloud in the middle of the area, where they determined that the Powerup Gate to their right, a Superfly Gate, was the key to helping this guy out and that was what two of them were going to do. Elora was the first one to step forward, as her armor, when it was in the wing mode, was supposed to interact with certain powerups and this was one of them, but again, it wasn't tested and there was no way to know if this was going to be successful, hence the reason she ran through the gate, only to take to the air like the siblings did when they used the Superfly Gates.

Spyro nodded his head as he watched Spike take to the air as well, this time heading in the opposite direction that Elora was going in, and observed the pair as they lashed out at the spirits that were stopping the six bells from ringing, as his brother flamed them and Elora simply waved her arms at them, either dispelling them due to her presence or because they didn't want to be bothered, but in the end that allowed the bells to be rung once all six of them were free, waking up the cloud in the process. The Weather Imp was very happy with what they were able to do and gave them an egg that had been resting in this area, making Spyro wonder why one of the stolen eggs would have been stored in this area, before Ember walked over to them with another one, where Spike made sure that both of them were just fine before using his Teleportation Breath on the pair, sending them back home. With the eggs taken care of the group quickly explored the rest of the area they were in and collected all of the gems that were scattered around the bells and the spot that the cloud rested on, and that included breaking all of the straw baskets they discovered along the way, before their dragonflies told them that all of the gems had been recovered in this area, causing them to bid the Weather Imp farewell as they headed through the portal and returned to the main part of the realm. From there they returned to the area that the exit portal was located in, though instead of leaving they headed back to the starting area for this realm and retraced their steps to the spot where the one platform was located in, so they could see if there was a whirlwind there or not, since it would be odd to have a platform with no real purpose to it.

When they returned to the area in question they found that there happened to be a whirlwind on it, allowing them to access the last area they hadn't explored yet, which seemed to be some steps that lead them to another area and they had to be aware of a gap between a few steps, but their dragonflies picked up the gems they walked by, allowing all four of them to focus on any enemies that might be up here. As it turned out there were three Lightning Rhynocs up here, on top of the building they had passed through a few moments ago, but all of them seemed to be scared of the group and that worked out to their benefit, as they lashed out and took down their opponents within a matter of seconds, clearing the way forward once more. From there the group jumped and glided over to the top of the larger building that was near where the exit portal was located, this time allowing them to walk along the walkway that was near the roof, only they had to wait for the bursts of fire to stop coming out from some of the vents so they could move forward, so it was more a case of starting and stopping, only to repeat themselves a few times. Of course that also meant they had to jump over a few gaps to reach the end of the walkway, but they were rewarded with a platform that they needed to glide to, where an egg and some gems were located, to which the four of them did that and quickly landed on the platform, allowing Spike to make sure the egg was fine before sending it off, while Spyro and Ember picked up the rest of the gems, while waiting for their dragonflies to tell them if they were done here or not.

Once Sparx, Talon, and Cinder determined that all of the gems had been picked up, and Spike knew for a fact that all of the eggs in this realm had been reclaimed, the group headed back to the area that the exit portal was in and headed back to Sunrise Spring, as it was time to move on to the next realm and see what sort of trouble was going on there, while recovering what was stolen at the same time.

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