• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 49,696 Views, 7,011 Comments

Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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122. Night of Dares

How far a pony could go to protect those he cares about?

This question - as well as some others - was going through Matthias’ head over and over again, as he contemplated the revelation from Daring Do. What he just learned about Commander Hurricane, even if they were just theories and guesses, practically went against everything he knew about ponies.

Those that lived today were peace loving beings. To somebody from Azeroth, the idea of one capable of mass destruction was ridiculous, even to one that had lived there for months.

Two thousand years ago, there was a pony whose whole life was centered about waging wars, and who had shattered an entire continent.

Was Commander Hurricane the reason why Queen Platinum had forbid killing another in Equestria?” Matthias wondered. “When you kill someone, you create a hole in their close ones’ lives. A hole often filled by hatred, a need for not justice, but bloodthirsty revenge. Was there anypony who proved that more than Commander Hurricane? Despite everything that happened to him at griffons’ talons in the years before, he still sought peace, until Pansy was murdered. Then… all hell broke loose. Had Queen Platinum wanted to prevent future wars? To ensure that nopony would have to go through what her friend did? Or-

“Are you listening to me at all?”

Eyes snapping wide at the sudden interruption of his musing, Matthias looked at the pegasus trotting beside him. After Daring Do and Al’ar reached the Abbey, both of them landed beside the barracks. Of course, the phoenix stayed only long enough for Matthias to dismount before he took air once more, settling on the Lightbringer’s Chapel roof.

“Um, sorry, I got lost in thought,” the paladin confessed, somewhat embarrassed. “What were you saying?”

Seeing that she had his attention, Daring repeated herself, “Why are you heading towards the armory?”

“I want to return this armor, as well as put back those daggers I let you borrow in there,” Matthias replied, shrugging. “If you wish to retire for the night, you can just return them to me and go to sleep in whichever quarters you want.”

He resumed walking towards the closed doors of the armory, glancing back at Daring, who was brushing her chin, pondering his offer.

I would have thought she would jumped on the occasion of seeing the rest of the weapons I’ve told her about, seeing as she knows now that they’re not from this world,” Matthias thought, slowing down and stopping as he saw her hesitate. “She must be more tired than I had thought.

“If you wish to retire for the night, you can just return them to me and go to sleep in whichever quarters you want.”

The offer, so casually given by Sir Lightbringer, opened a new possibility for Daring, forcing her to pause and think her plan through. Her objective hadn’t changed since they left the chamber: she wanted to get into the paladin’s bed. Preferably with him and a lot of motion involved. But there now there was a new way for her to go about her goal.

“I could go to his quarters, hide in his bed, and then when he lies down, I would pounce!” she mused, the whole scene playing in her mind. But then she furrowed her brow when she realized the giant hole in this plan. “Except I have no idea which quarters are his. I doubt they have a sign in there that says ‘HUNK - SECOND FLOOR, 3RD CORRIDOR ON THE LEFT’... plus, there are more weapons in there from another world…

As much as Daring’s nethers were demanding to throw out anything other than objective number one out of her head, there was no way in hell she was going to pass on such opportunity.

“It’s a tempting offer,” Daring told Sir Lightbringer, who had been awaiting her response, “but I am itching to see all your weapons.”

True to stereotype of a decent stallion, Sir Lightbringer didn’t catch the double meaning behind her statement. He just nodded, smiled, and led her to the armory.

Ooh, this is going to be so fun!” Daring smirked as she followed him.

Ugh, this is so boring!” Dash thought as she finally gave up trying to read the libram. She closed it and threw herself on the bed. “Where the heck is he?!

Figures that when she had finally prepared what to say to Matt and worked up enough confidence to break this bang-pony thing they had going on, he goes missing! Well, not missing; the other stallions told her that Zecora came to fetch him and she had missed him by minutes. Rainbow Dash contemplated to go and try to catch up with them (figuring that they would be most likely in Zecora’s hut), but the card game was too fun-looking to pass on…

But that was three hours ago. The game had long since ended, and she was bored to death. As everypony went to sleep, Dash (having ignored a few comments uttered by Wind and Tucker what she could do to pass the time) headed to Matt’s bedroom and waited for him.

Her patience was reaching its limits.

Who would have thought that ditching a guy would be this hard?!” Rainbow Dash asked herself, only to immediately wince; saying ‘ditch’ was a bit unfair and degrading to Matt.

She hoped (and, quite frankly, having known the head paladin for some time, was quite sure) that once she presented him with her reasons this break up would be mutual. Dash couldn’t tell him, of course, the true reason -that Twilight had finally realized how deep down she was hurting inside. But he should be satisfied when she would say that due to what Wind had said and done she began to feel uncomfortable, which wasn’t entirely made up.

Plus, he might kick Wind’s tail, that’s good.

It felt weird to her that soon she would no longer… satisfy some needs with Matt. Dash had gotten used to how the past two months were, and not just because, like she told Twilight, that it felt like a real relationship, but just out of plain, primal urges. She had no idea why she never gotten laid before, but now the thought of not getting anything at least once every few days seemed strange to her. Which was why, during those past days of avoiding Matt as she tried to come up how to break up with him, she had looked for a certain… shop, in Canterlot, were one could buy certain accessories, that could help a girl with certain itches. And, since she started wondering whether she might like mares as much as stallions - thanks to a certain covered-in-chitin tailhole - she also purchased certain things that could help with that, just in case.

Won’t hurt to be prepared,” she thought then, though she had no idea how to check if she was indeed bisexual. “Maybe Blossomforth… I mean, she is quite flexible…” But first things first; she had to break up with Matt - even though this was an open relationship; she just wanted to be over this - then she could go about other things.

Which was why her level of being pissed was growing.

I swear, if you’re not here in the next… fifteen minutes, I’m clopping with your pillow before I’ll leave,” she threatened mentally, smirking at the thought of Matt finally returning and going to bed...

The high-pitched squeak assaulted Matthias’ ears once he opened the chest Brann had brought him just a few hours earlier. Daring eyes were wide with excitement as she admired them; the weapons he acquired in his past life (thankfully minus the one that was the worst of them), some from good people, some not, but all not deserving their fate.

Save for Kael,” he mused darkly. A small pang of anger burned up in him at the memory of the arrogant, hypocritical elven prince. “May he rot in Tartarus.

Shaking off those dark thoughts, Matthias quickly told Daring the names of each weapon while he put the two daggers back into the chest. He then left the pegasus to give each of them a swing while he walked away to remove the leather armor.

He looked with dismay at the red stains of the Ursa Major’s blood. There was no way anypony wouldn’t realize that he wasn’t just on a night stroll upon seeing the state of the armor. “Nor would they think so when looking at me”, he realized, remembering that he was partially covered in a dried up blood.

Making a mental note to take a very thorough shower today (and quite possibly a bath later to relieve some tension after fighting quite probably the biggest thing alive on Equestria) Matthias hid the armor at the back of the shelf. Since this was all Storm’s fault, Matthias would just give this to him when it was the pegasus turn at the cleaning duty.

“I must remember to never fight something so big that the risk of drowning in its blood becomes literal,” he said with a smirk, turning to Daring, who was eyeing the crossbow confusedly before looking at him. “I am not really that concerned with my looks, but this-”

“You look fine to me,” Daring interrupted him, a smirk on her muzzle as well, as she trotted towards him. “The red goes quite nicely with your eyes.”

“Really?” Matthias questioned; he wasn’t sure if sea-green actually worked with red...then again, he was neither Rarity nor Celie, so he had no idea.

“And those scars…” As he pondered colors, Daring Do continued to trot closer, and now she stood right before him. When Matthias looked down he saw (and felt) her hoof brushing his body along the mark left by Illidan, “they are just so…” Dang hung her sentence, which she said in an odd voice, as she looked for the right word, “masculine.”

His eyes almost bulged once he placed that tone of voice. Rainbow Dash had used it a few times when she was in a mood for… things.

“Um… listen…” he began, suddenly feeling uncomfortable under her gaze. He was quite certain this was a feeling a mouse had when it noticed a buzzard swooping down on it.

“Oh!” Daring exclaimed, taking a step back and poking her head. “This reminds me…”

Matthias was about to sigh with relief, but it didn’t even take a heartbeat to realize that he got a wrong impression.

Faster than an eye could follow, Daring Do throw herself at him, her lips landing perfectly on his and her tongue forced them open. She had him pressed against the wall in a second, and whether by his body’s natural reactions, or by the works of her hooves and wings, Matthias soon found himself with one forehoof around her head and the other on her flanks.

His body replied by itself… no, blaming it on just that would be lying. The moment Matthias had felt Daring lips on his, he had completely forgotten about his previous discomfort and reluctance. He replied on his own to her kiss and began to caress her body, just as she was moving her hooves and wings against his. Not because she was beautiful, or famous, or fun to be around, but out a simple, primal thing: she was a willing mare, and he was a stallion, one who had been fasting for the last few days at that. His mind was thrown back to what happened about two months back, how his ‘pony virginity’ was taken by some mare he had never met… this was just like then, except…

Except this time he knew that he would wake up tomorrow, regretting it’s not Twilight.

He didn’t remove his hooves from Daring, letting himself enjoy this short moment while it lasted. Matthias waited for her to pull back before he would try to kindly decline any further… actions.

It almost took her a minute to finally unstick from his lips. Daring pulled her head back, giving him a really sultry look that almost made him reconsider his decision (and definitely regret it).

“Look…” he started uncertainly, “I’m flattered, really…”

“You’re kidding,” Daring interrupted him. Her eyes were wide with disbelief. Suddenly, she groaned and facehoofed. “Ugh, I can’t believe this! First guy I get a crush on in years and he’s not interested!”

“I…” Matthias mumbled. He wasn’t sure what her reaction would, but he didn’t expect something like this. “... ‘a crush’?”

For his stupid question, he was rewarded with an irritated look from Daring. “Hon, I am this close,” she started, taking finally both of his hooves from him to keep them an inch from each other in front of him, “from getting wingboners at the sight of ancient temples filled with deadly traps, and you fell down a cave on an Ursa Major’s back. Put the two together.”

Matthias had to admit that there was some logic to that… but if that was true, that Daring Do had a crush on him, then that meant that he definitely couldn’t allow things to go further, for both their sakes.

“I’m sorry,” he told her; despite his clear reluctance, Daring’s hooves had returned to groping his body, “but I can’t.”

Daring’s eyes continued to look at him with disbelief, but she finally sighed and let go of him. “Oh, well, I’ll get over it,” she said, fixing her mane and quickly rearranging feathers. “At least this time things didn’t end with me getting stabbed in the back.”

There was a hurt in her voice, despite her trying to be nonchalant. Matthias felt a sudden urge to kick himself. “Maybe I should visit Big Mac again…” he pondered; even if this wasn’t his fault, and in fact he was doing Daring a favor, he still felt like a scumbag.

His mind became filled with another break up… well, this wasn’t a break up, more like rejection, but still… It was during Winter Veil. Jaina’s off-hand comment about children made him panic, fill him with doubt whether they were meant to be, was he ready, would he be a good husband and father… so he broke her heart. Even if they parted in friendship, he knew he had hurt her.

Was he now doing the same?

He had no idea what to say, so he concentrated on the first thing that came to his mind after Daring’s comment. “Somepony betrayed you?”

That was hard to believe. While Daring Do might have been a little too forward for his tastes (just a little; after all, neither Ripple nor Rainbow Dash weren’t exactly subtle), she was, by all accounts, a great mare. Why would anypony-

Daring’s chuckle interrupted him. “Well, kinda, though that’s not what I meant,” she said, quickly taking off her vest. Matthias was about to avert his eyes before he remembered that nudity wasn’t really a big deal for ponies. Placing her vest on one of the training dummies, Daring turned around, stood up on her hind legs and spread her wings. “I meant literally.”

Staring at the spot on her back she pointed at, Matthias felt his eyes grew wider. There, below her left wing, there was an ugly scar. Had it been a bit higher… A furious growl escaped Matthias’ throat as he realized that this was left by somepony she had a crush on.

“Had I been there,” he began slowly, “ponies would have mistaken him for a zebra after I was done with him.”

Assuming he would have lived. Given how many scars that analogy would have required...

“You’re a sweetheart for saying something like that, hon,” Daring giggled, putting her vest back on, “but I don’t need a knight in shining armor. So!” she exclaimed, looking at him sharply. “What is it? A marefriend? A fiancé?”

Light, I wish…” he allowed himself to think.

“Because…” Daring continued; she squint her eyes and moved to him slowly but in swift motion at the same time, “I wouldn’t have anything against…”

She trailed off, leaving a lot to imagination. So much, in fact, that Matthias had stumbled back and fell on his haunches. “WHAT?! Surely she doesn’t mean-” She began giggling. “Now she’s giggling, what does that meant!?

“I-” he stuttered, trying to regain his composure, “It’s... complicated,” he summed up awkwardly. He didn’t want to discuss his love-life.

Daring pouted. “That’s all you’ll give me?” She sighed. “Oh, well, I suppose it’s not of my business…”

“I’m sorry…” Matthias once again said, his earlier discomfort forgotten; he felt like crap for making her like him, even if it was completely unintentional, and then failing her…

“You bet your hot flank you are,” Daring turned to him, smirking. “Or rather, you will be. Now, if you ever want to hit this,” she paused to wiggle her hind parts, “I’ll make you suffer first,” Daring finished with malicious grin.

Matthias felt himself once again forced back. The fact that he was both scared and aroused wasn’t helping him. “Soo…” he said slowly, trying to defuse the situation, “what now?”

“Now you’re going to escort me to my quarters like a gentlecolt,” the mare replied; the grin was gone, and back was the cheerful but smart-mouthed pegasus he had met in the tunnels beneath the Everfree Forest. “Tomorrow, you will show me the Chapel. And you will you give me at your leisure the list of stallions who are as hot as you,” she added with a wink.

Despite having no idea what exactly distinguished a male as “hot”, there was no other answer he could give her than; “Deal.”

She chuckled again and helped him up. They then exited the armory and locked it behind them, their business there done. Somehow, Daring managed to make an awkward situation into… not awkward. Matthias - though still somewhat sorry for this entire situation - felt again at ease while talking with the famous adventurer and writer.

“Hey,” it suddenly hit him as they entered the barracks, “might I ask you for a favor? I have a friend’s book of yours; I would’ve been honored if you could sign it for her.”

“Well, seeing how my plans for the night are ruined,” Daring replied slowly; Matthias winced at her words, which made her giggle, “I think I can spare a few minutes. But you better start thinking on that list!” she added jokingly.

“Sure, um…” he paused as he headed for his quarters. “To be honest, I’m not sure I know that many stallions I could recommend… one is married; two others are after girls… I suppose Guard Shield, one of my paladins, would fit your criteria, though he’s a bit old…”

“I’ll be the judge of that,” she winked; Matthias had no idea if she was being serious, or if the whole thing was just her joke on him. “Anypony else?”

“Hmm…” he mused; if this was a joke… “I know of one awesome guy… But he’s not a pony...”

“I’m not prejudicious-”

“... and he’s a widower with a kid.”

It took them minutes to reach his quarters, while they filled with exchanging jokes, the earlier topic quickly getting bored to them. Somewhat regretting things couldn’t be different - that they weren’t here for a different purpose - Matthias opened the doors… only to be almost deafened.

“FINALLY!” much to his shock, Rainbow Dash, who was lying in his bed, exclaimed upon seeing him. She rose and strode forward to him. “Where have you been Matt!? I’ve been waiting for you for hours! One more minute and I would have-”

The pause in was so abrupt that Matthias would have thought that Rainbow Dash was having a stroke - or that she had noticed that he was covered in blood - if it weren’t for her eyes shifting from him to the figure standing behind him.

“Oh… Oh my gosh…” she mumbled quietly, not believing what she was seeing. “D-Daring D-d-do?!”

Surprise mixed with amusement sounded in her voice as Daring replied, “In the flesh!”

“OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she flew over Matthias and landed before Daring Do. Matthias, knowing she wouldn’t pay him any attention, went to a shelf where he placed the book he borrowed from Twilight. “It’s Daring Do! I can’t believe it! What are you doing here?!”

“Well…” Daring began; Matthias wondered if she was used to such treatment. “To make a long story short, Sir Lightbringer over there asked me to sign a book-”

“You have to come with me!” Dash interrupted her, her excitement making her forget everything about good manners. “I’ve got all your books, pleeeeeease, you have to sign them, I’m your biggest fan ever, I-”

“Alright, alright, I’ll come!” the tan pegasus out shouted her. “Just give me a minute!” she added, seeing Rainbow Dash had already spread her wings. “I will sign his book, and-”

“I’ll wait by the entrance!” Dash said, taking air. “I can’t believe it; Daring Do is going to sign my books about her!”

Matthias watched her with wide eyes as she did a flip in the air, and then with worry as she squeeed before racing to the entrance to the barracks. He had expected her to be quite excited at the sight of Daring, but he had clearly underestimated her obsession with her.

“Sorry about Rainbow Dash,” he told Daring as she trotted closer, having noticed that his friend hadn’t introduced herself. “She’s usually not like that, but she’s a real fan of yours.”

“Yeah, I caught that,” Daring smirked, though she didn’t seem completely unfazed. Looking at him, puzzled, she asked one thing; “‘Matt’?”

Matthias rolled his eyes. “I go by many names,” he said, giving her the book, “Daring Do and the Razor of Dreams”, along with a quill and an ink.

“Mhmm…” she mused, taking the book. “And she was waiting here for you because…” she trailed off, clearly wanting him to finish.

That was a good question. Why was she waiting for him? For the past few days, Matthias had even gotten an impression that she’s been avoiding him.

“I suppose she… um, wanted something from me,” he said, blushing slightly.

“Sure she did,” Daring smirked, making the blush deepen. Looking at the book, she asked: “So, who’s this for?”

“For Twilight Sparkle,” Matthias replied, and was surprised to see Daring’s ears flicked.

“Princess Celestia’s star student?” she asked, and before he could answer, she looked back at where Rainbow Dash had flown away. “And you say her name was Rainbow Dash…” she looked back at him, smirking. “You’re friends with the Elements of Harmony?”

“Why, yes I am,” he replied, pleasantly surprised that she knew about them; but then again, a pony that researches ancient civilizations and occasionally fights evildoers would be interested in ponies that had defeated Nightmare Moon and Discord.

“More than a friend with some of them,” Daring commented, making him blush again. She signed the book and gave it back to him. “Guessing that you weren’t bothering to hide that I was going to sign Twilight Sparkle’s book, I’m going to assume Rainbow Dash knows you have a thing for her, which is why you said earlier ‘it’s complicated’. Am I right?”

“I-” he stuttered, the red on his cheek growing darker. How did she figure all that?

“And,” she continued, smirking, as she advanced on him once again, and stopped right in front of him, “I’m guessing this means you two have a very loose relationship, right?”

“I- um… I suppose that’s one of putting it…” Matthias confessed awkwardly, once more feeling uncomfortably under her gaze.

Daring chuckled evilly. “Well,” she said, turning around. “That’s all I needed.”

“For what?” Matthias asked, not sure if he wanted to know.

“I told you I will make you suffer,” Daring smirked trotting away from him. She turned back to him with a sultry look. “Now you will have to stay here, going over in your head what is happening in her house, knowing that you could have been a part of it, but you weren’t… because you rejected me,” she added, flicking her tail by his nose.

Speechless was one word to describe how Matthias reacted once he had realized what Daring had been talking about. Another was stupefied, as his brain turned off once certain images appeared in his head. So struck he was that Daring was by the doorway before he called after her.

“Rainbow Dash is straight!” he said, feeling the need to point that out.

“Not after tonight she won’t be!” Daring replied with her predatory grin before she flew after his friend.

Matthias was left staring at the doorway in shock. His mind continued to be plagued by images… “No…” he murmured, shaking his head. Rainbow Dash wasn’t into that; heck, he of all ponies could confirm that. But then again… the things she and Applejack kept doing when they were drunk…

“No,” he said, more assertively this time.

He closed the door and turned his back on it. Rainbow Dash was sober now; that would happen. Even if it was her idol…

And he could have been a part of it…

“I need a drink…” he sighed finally, feeling he wasn’t going to fall asleep without some help.

Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe it.

Daring Do! In my house!” she mentally squeaked as he opened her door and let her in.

“Sorry if it’s a bit messy, I don’t really have a lot of guests,” she said, feeling a bit ashamed. “I only have one close friend that’s a pegasus, so…”

“Oh, really, I don’t mind,” Daring replied, smiling. “Trust me, honey, this is nothing compared to the mess in my house.” She rolled her eyes. “Heck, one time, I couldn’t find the artifact I recovered and was supposed to bring back to museum… what was it…” she pondered before she shrugged. “Eh, it will get back to me.”

Rainbow Dash, however, had paid little attention to all that. She couldn’t believe that Daring called her ‘honey’! Like she was a friend! Quite honestly, Rainbow feared that she had made an extremely bad first impression... and the second, third, and so on. But she couldn’t help it! This was THE Daring Do!

Despite her happiness, she also had a nagging feeling in her head that wouldn’t leave her ever since they left the Abbey behind and flew for her house. Only when it was in sight Rainbow Dash had realized that she was supposed to break up with Matt tonight.

Oh well, I’ll do that some other time,” she shrugged back then.

Returning to the present moment, Rainbow turned to her guest. Despite only having Fluttershy there a few times, she did know how to treat guests. “Could I get you anything? Water? Something to eat?”

She hoped she could actually comply if she chose the latter. “When was the last time I bought some groceries?!” Dash thought in panic.

“Just water will be fine,” Daring replied, much to her relief.

“Okay, I’ll be right back!” she said, heading towards the kitchen. “Make yourself at home… and if you want to start signing those books,” she added, hoping she didn’t sound too suggestive, “they’re in my bedroom, up the stairs, door at the end of the hall.”

Daring rolled her eyes again. “I’ll get right to it, then.”

Doubts filled Rainbow Dash as she watched her fly through her cloudy hall: was she being too pushy? She couldn’t be, if Daring had agreed. She didn’t seem annoyed at all at the attention she was giving her… but…

Ugh, I’m thinking way too much into this,” Rainbow decided, pouring some water for Daring. “She’s here, in my house, signing my books, smiling and joking. That’s what matters.

Having somewhat relaxed, she took the glass of water and flew towards her bedroom… just to see something that made the calmness she had attained jump through the window.

Daring Do was in the middle of her room, her head turned towards the pile of her books on shelves and the big poster of her above them, all right next to the posters of Wonderbolts, her reward from the Best Young Flyer Competition… but whether Daring was looking at all that or not, it wasn’t what made Rainbow Dash’s heart skip a bit.

She was taking off her vest! Her hat was already on the table next to her, and now she was removing her vest! And not just removing it; she was doing it very slowly, one wing at the time… almost as if… she was doing a…

Just when the thought appeared in her head, Rainbow felt a sudden stiffness in her wings… and just at the same time, Daring had turned around to look at her. “I hope you don’t mind,” she said, “it’s kinda hot.”

“Um… yeah.” Dash wasn’t sure to what exactly she had ‘yeahed’ to; she was too busy suppressing her wings from doing any sudden movements. “Sure, no problem.”

“Perfect,” Daring said, placing the vest on the table next to the hat. “I suppose I will start signing those books…”

Rainbow nodded absentmindedly. As Daring trotted to the shelf with them, she put the glass of water at the table. It felt weird to her to see Daring Do without any clothes. Well, it was weird to see her at all, granted, but in her books she had hardly ever removed them. She looked… quite nice without them. More like a normal pony. She kept her left wing at folded at weird angle, but her-

Focus, Rainbow!” she mentally scolded herself as Daring turned around, the first book in her mouth. “You can’t have Daring Do think you’re a fillyfooler… even if you are one! You just can’t!

Of course, she knew that Daring had slept with a few mares in her books, but that was beside the point! She was a famous adventurer and most awesome pegasus ever! She would sure as hell get offended at some random fan thinking of her in that way-

“Oops!” a sudden exclamation from Daring made Rainbow Dash pause and look at her. While she discussed the matter in her head, Daring had begun to sign her book, but she must have dropped a quill, for now it was under the table. “I’m such a klutz,” the tan pegasus said with embarrassment as she lowered her head, fishing for the quill…

Rainbow Dash jaw dropped as the bended over Daring Do lifted her tail, presenting herself unintentionally for her.

Even after she began suspect herself for those tendencies, she never stared at other mares’ flanks, just gave them a passing glances. But this… the sight of perfectly toned haunches, the two cutie marks, and, most importantly, Daring’s m-

“Like what you see?”

The sultry whisper was so quiet, and yet Rainbow had heard it as if Daring had shouted. Her eyes moved from the other mare’s privates to her eyes. She was glancing at her with her eyes half closed, and a smile on her lips.

It had suddenly become very clear to Rainbow that none of this was unintentional. Daring was giving her very clear signals; she wanted it. But...did she want it? Rainbow Dash had only recently came to terms that her constant actions while being drunk might point at her enjoying both sexes, and hadn’t even kissed a mare while sober, aside from Wind when he was her, but that didn’t count.

Should she really go through with this? Even with Daring Do?


Eh, screw it!

She lunged at Daring, grabbed her into her forelegs, then took her into the air and landed heavily on her bed, pressing her body against hers, their lips meeting on their own accord. Daring’s mouth tasted… differently from that which she had imagined. Not bad, heavens no, just different. Then again, she only had kissed Matt and herself before…

They kissed for some time, both purring with delight. Rainbow had finally pulled back and looked down at Daring. The other pegasus looked relaxed, as if this was nothing new to her, while she was… nervous. Her eyes quickly traveled down Daring’s body, and she realized she was confused how to proceed.

“I…” she said, more embarrassed that she could remember ever being. “I’ve never been with… another mare…”

She risked looking at Daring. To her surprise, the other mare was grinning!

“In that case...” she purred in delight.

Before Rainbow knew what happened, Daring grabbed her with her hooves and rolled over. Now their positions had been reversed: Daring was on top, and Dash at the bottom.

“You better hold on,” Daring whispered sultry. “I can get a little… rough sometimes.”

Rainbow Dash shook; whether out of fear or excitement, she didn’t know.

“Now, tell me…” Daring continued to speak in this sexy voice as her hooves traveled down Rainbow’s body. “Do you have any… accessories?” she asked, her tone of voice leaving no place for doubts as for what sort of accessories she was asking, as her hoof had finally reach its destination, making Dash moan. “Or will I have to rely solely on my hooves… tongue…” she trailed off again, her tongue licking her ear before whispering one last thing as at the same time she put pressure on that hoof; “and my whip?”

Author's Note:

So... yeah, I think it's a high time I add "sex" tag... and since there were certain moments in past chapters that weren't PG13 for different reasons, I'm adding "gore" as well.

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