• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 49,748 Views, 7,011 Comments

Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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5. Books, owls, and hay

"What do you mean by that?" Twilight asked.

"It would take me too long to explain ." Matthias sighed. "Let's just say that this is a story without happy ending. Not for me, at least." He shrugged, as if trying to rid himself of his past. "So, how far is this house of yours?"

"It's actually over here." Twilight said, pointing at huge tree.

"Where, behind this tree?"

"No, this tree is my house. See the door and windows?"

"You... live inside of a tree."

"That’s right."

"First moon goddess/princess, and now house inside of a tree. Night elfs would love this place."

"Looks nice." was all he said.

"Wait until you've seen it from the inside." said Spike, who until now have been quiet for some reason. "I've just finished cleaning it this morning."

"So your Miss Sparkle's... housecleaner?"

"No. I'm her number one assistant."

"Maybe the two of you should continue this discussion inside?" interjected Twilight, opening the door. "It's getting chilly."

Until she mentioned that, Matthias didn't notice it. It was indeed rather cold, which he nearly forgotten how that felt. Since he took that cursed blade he couldn't feel cold, and as a testament to that, he spent later six years sitting quite literally on an iceberg. To feel cold again was... almost pleasant.

"Are you coming in?" asked Twilight, noticing he was still outside.

"Oh, right." he said, shaking his head.

As soon as he was inside, he saw that Twilight really did read 'tons of books'. Her whole house was practically filled with them. Of course, Matthias has seen bigger collections, but those were usually in libraries.

"That's a lot of books."

"Well, this is Ponyville's library." Twilight said, pride in her voice.

"Wait, what?" asked Matthias, sure that he misheard. "Did you just said that this is a library?"

"... Yes?" answered Twilight, not understanding why he reacted like that.

"So you live in a library."


That was too much for Matthias. He dropped on the floor and burst into laughter.

Twilight looked at the weird pony who started laughing for no apparent reason other than her living in a library. She felt offended and a little embarrassed, to her surprise. Twilight shook her head and stood next to Matthias, who was currently lying on his back, still laughing.

"Mind telling me what's so funny?" she asked, looking down on him.

Matthias looked up and Twilight gasped. For the first time she could see something in those sea-colored eyes (which were, as Twilight noticed, blushing, quite beautiful): happiness.

"I didn't mean to offend you, Miss Sparkle." he said in apologetic tone, still chuckling. "You just reminded me of... an old friend."

And as Matthias finished that sentence, all that happiness evaporated. Once again, his eyes were emotionless. Empty.

"You would have liked her." he said, picking himself off the floor. "You are very alike: you both like magic and to read. I once told her she should live in a library, considering how much time she spent studying. I'm sure that if you two ever meet, you will be best friends in an instant."

"Well, I, eee... I hope I'll meet her someday, then." Twilight blurted out, unsettled by those changes in his behaviour. "You know, you can just call me Twilight." she said, trying to be friendlier.

"Well, in that case, you can just call me Matt." he said with a smile which didn't reach his eyes. "It's easier to say than Matthias, anyway."

"Sound like a plan. Speaking of plans, do you want something to eat? I'm can make some dinner for you, I already ate with my friends when we waited at the hospital."

"Considering how long it has been since I last ate, I won't refuse. Thank you."

Matthias looked as Twilight went to what he assumed was a kitchen. She really was a lot like Jaina, but there were plenty of differences, too. Like that she was a pony. But she also was more naive and innocent than her: when he first met Jaina, she already lost her older brother to the Horde. She knew what pain and lost felt like, even before he became...

He shook his head, not wanting to think about this for a moment. He noticed that Spike was still here, although he looked as if he would fall asleep standing up.

"Shouldn't you go to sleep?"

"And leave you alone? I don't think so, buddy." said Spike, straightening up.

"So, you don't trust me?" Matthias said, surprised.

"Well, it's not that I suspect you to do something bad, but I don't know anything about you, right?"

"You are right." he said, pleased that at least this dragon hatchling showed some common sense. "However, if I was going to do something 'bad', as you put it, a dragon that is almost sleeping while standing up wouldn't be able to stop me. I'm sure that if you were at peak form, I would have a problem, though" he added, noticing Spike's expression. "Don't worry, I swear by the Light that I won't do anything 'bad'. Now please, go to sleep, before you fall over and Twilight will think that it was my fault."

"I guess you're right." said Spike, yawning. "Good night"

"Good night." replied Matthias, watching him go. He was so different from his world's dragons; he had no wings, he was walking on two legs... maybe he was a drakonid? He would look into it later.

He looked around at the books. Unlike the library in Dalaran, this one seemed organized; from what he could see, they were put in order on the shelves based on their topic: history books together, philosophical...

Matthias's train of thoughts was interrupted by a sound of wings coming from the opened window. He turned around swiftly and saw an owl sitting on a bird perch. He was about to return to examining the books, when he remembered that so far, the only creatures that didn't talked to him were those timberwolves, and even they were smarter than wolves should be.

"Hi there." he said, coming closer to the owl. "I'm Matthias."

"Who?" asked the owl.

"Matthias Lehner." Matthias replied.


"Eee... I just said, Matthias, didn't I?"

"... Who?"

"Wait a moment. Can you talk, or are you just making some noises?"




"Oh for Light's sake!" he snapped, losing interest.

"He's not going to reply to you, you know." Twilight said coming into a room, levitating a plate with...

It took every bit of self control out of Matthias to not roll his eyes around.

"A sandwich with hay in it. I really should have seen this one coming, shouldn't I?"

"I assume there is a reason you keep this owl around other than annoying your guests?" he said, trying to stay in the current topic.

"He helps me with my late-night studies, when Spike is sleeping." answered Twilight, chuckling. "His name is Owlowiscious."

"Owle-what?" Matthias thought. "Honestly, I know of Nerubians with easier to pronounce names!"

"Cute name." he lied through his teeth. He decided to change the subject. "This looks really delicious." he said and he meant it. Apparently, becoming a pony automatically switched him into a vegetarian. "Thanks."

"It was nothing." said Twilight, slightly blushing. "I'm a bit tired, so I'm going to hit the hay. Your bed is the one on the first floor in this room." she added, pointing at the room she was going into, same as the one Spike went into earlier.

Matthias nodded and said: "Good night."

"Good night."

Turning his attention back to the sandwich, Matthias thought "How long it's been since last I ate anything? Must have been that morning before Mal'Ganis attacked...", and took a bite.

"Why does it taste so good?!"

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