• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 49,751 Views, 7,011 Comments

Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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49. Birth of the Nightmare - part I

The pain was unbearable.

The little pony wanted to scream as the darkness tried to rip it apart, but at the same time, it felt six familiar presences, urging it to not give up. Their strength was its. The small pony bit back the cry of agony that was building inside its throat and fought with this terrifying being.

The monster responded by attacking it more ferociously. The pony grin its teeth, as he felt its body melt, its bones fracture, and its mind unravel. The presences, alarmed, shared even more of their power with it, strengthening the bond they shared, and with their help, he reformed his body and mind. Again, they broke, and again, they reformed, and again and again... over and over, causing the pony to...

“Luna, wake up!”

The small, dark blue alicorn woke up with a jolt, breathing heavily. She was laying on her bed, in hers and Celestia’s bedchamber, which now was lighted by few candles.

There was no darkness around, besides that outside the windows. For now...

“You were screaming.” her big sister, that was standing next to Luna’s bed told her, nuzzling her in attempt to sooth her nerves. “Were you having a nightmare?”

Luna nodded, shaking.

“It was so scary!” she cried, hugging Celestia, afraid to go back to sleep. “It was dark, and something was trying to hurt me, and and...”

“Shhh...” her big sister said, climbing up her bed and wrapping her wing around Luna as she settled besides her. “Don’t worry, little sister, I’m here. I won’t let anything harm you, I promise.”

Luna smiled, as she nuzzled her sister’s warm body’s side, already feeling better. As she closed her eyes, she whispered:

“Don’t blow the candles, Tia... dark is scary.”

Luna heard Celestia giggle, and then, covering them with quilt, she began to sing in a hushed voice:

Don’t you worry about a thing,

Luna, close your eyes.

I’ll be here for you,

‘till the end of time, that’s what I’ll do.

What the years to come may bring,

is a guessing game.

But I’ll always be here,

so don’t you worry about a thing.

As Luna listened to her sister’s self-made lullaby, her mind drifted off into sleep.

Luna woke up and stretched her hooves, forgetting that Celestia was sleeping with her.

“Auu!” she heard her sister shriek. “My eye!”

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” Luna exclaimed, standing up and looking at her frantically. “Are you okay?! Please tell me you’re okay!”

“Of course I am.” Tia replied, rubbing her eye and giggling at her panic. “You just surprised me; that’s all.” she grabbed Luna with hooves and hugged her. “Good morning, little sister, how did you slept?”

“Good morning.” the smaller alicorn responded, relieved that she didn’t do Celestia any harm. She moved her sister’s pink mane with her hoof so she could breathe easier. “I slept fine after that... nightmare.”

Her voice grew darker as she recalled that scary dream. It was so scary, and it seemed so real... then again, all her dreams seemed real.

“Luna, maybe you should tell about this dream doctor Horn?” Tia suggested.

The dark blue alicorn looked at the bigger white one, confused.

“Why would I tell the Royal Physician about something like a silly dream?” she asked her ten years older sister.

“Because maybe it’s wasn’t such a ‘silly’ dream. Luna,” Celestia said, brushing her younger sister’s mane, “you’ve always had dreams that seemed real. Once or twice you have even had the exact same dream as I had. And you are an alicorn. Perhaps that is your special talent?”

“But... I thought that my special talent is supposed to be raising the moon, like you raising the sun!”

“One doesn’t decline other.” Tia replied, and glancing at the window, she added: “And my talent is pretty match useless, as long as that nasty Discord still does as he pleases.”

Luna frowned, looking at the moon outside, despite the grandfather’s clock saying it was past nine in the morning already. Neither she nor Celestia ever met the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, that took over Equestria thirty years ago, few days after their grandfather, King Brom, died after a long sickness, and just before their mother, Princess Platina, then barely six years old, even younger than Luna now, could be crowned. The dark blue alicorn knew all of that from their grandmother’s, Queen Sundancer, stories, as well as that it was their father, Yellow Flash, who was then their grandfather’s apprentice (well, used to be), took their mother and their grandmother (who was then still ‘carrying’ their aunt, Twinklestar, although Luna had no idea what that meant), gathered few other guards and castle’s staff ponies and teleported them all to an abandoned castle within the Evergreen Forest, now called the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. Luna didn’t know if it was because of her and Celestia, or their mother and aunt, but she liked that name.

As the little princess recalled all that, the night turned suddenly into day.

What exactly is so amusing about this?” she thought, irritated, as she yawned.

“Fine, I will go tell doctor Horn about this dream.” Luna managed to say through the yawn.

“Then you better get up, quickly.” Celestia told her, rising from the bed. “I heard from Father yesterday that they were going to look for some medical supplies in one of the cities. If you don’t catch him now, then you will probably have to wait until tomorrow.”

Luna growled, annoyed, as her sister’s magic pulled her up from her bed and to the bathroom. She wouldn’t have minded to wait a day or two.

Outside, the day turned back into night.

The alicorn princess took a deep breath before she knocked on the door. Celestia insisted that she should go to the Royal Physician before breakfast, due to the possibility of him and their father leaving.

She’s making me skip breakfast because I have stupid dreams.” Luna thought, shaking her head in annoyance, but then stopped. “Although, this means that I won’t have to bother with our cousins until dinnertime.

All three of her cousins were older than her, and... well, they weren’t mean or anything like that, but they were so... uptight. Even the youngest one, that was only five years older, was boring to hang around. In fact, there wasn’t a single pony within the castle that wasn’t boring; everypony was so serious all the time. Even her sister was almost all the time busy with her studies. There was only one other pony that she could consider to not be like all the others, but he was the most annoying colt there ever was.

Taking her mind away from useless thoughts, Luna knocked on the door.

“Royal Physician?” Luna asked, clearing her throat and switching to the ‘royal speech’. “Thou assistance is required by us...”

“Oh, for crying out loud!” a stern voice cut her off. A white glow surrounded the door-knob and the door opened. “You know I hate that gibberish. Come in.”

Luna gulped nervously as the black unicorn looked at her sternly from across his office, sitting behind a desk. Truth to be told, she hated speaking that way even more than he hated listening to it, but her aunt always coached her to speak that way whenever dealing with official matters or when speaking to important ponies.

She shook and entered. The Royal Physician’s office was a mess, as it always was. There were various books about medicine, gathered by her father over the years of teleporting in and an out to cities of Equestria. Luna could see also quite the number of bottles, vials, plants, and herbs, all being either medicines or components of medicines.

Princess looked at Dr. Horn. He was an elderly pony, about the same age as her grandmother, and had his mane grey, although she heard it used to be black.

“Ah, good morning, one of about fifty reasons why I drink.” the unicorn greeted her. “What do you want?”

Luna straightened up. She was a princess, and she wouldn’t get talked down... not so easily.

“We had a dream.” she told him, deciding to talk to him in the royal speech. Pity she couldn’t quite yet do the ‘Canterlot voice’. “Our sister told us to tell thee about it, due to how real it seemed to us.”

The doctor frowned at her, but beckoned her to sit on the sofa near his desk (and picking up the mess from it with his magic).

“Another dream that seemed real?” he asked, taking some notes. “What this one was about?”

Luna gulped and closed her eyes, trying to recall.

“I was in some dark... room, I guess. I couldn’t see much.” she said, forgetting to speak using the royal ‘we’. “There was... something in there with me. It tried to hurt me. Rip me apart. I felt as if I was on fire, and my head hurt like crazy. But there was - were - something else there as well. About six different... I don’t know what they were, I didn’t saw them, but I felt them. It was... something like what I feel when I’m playing with Celestia, only... different. It’s as if they weren’t just my friends, or other ponies, but... extensions of me. They urged me to not give in, and continue to fight this monster. And so I fought, while using my magic to heal myself, and it began to destroy it again, and that happen over and over, until Celestia woke me up.”

Luna opened her eyes and saw that Dr. Horn was still writing notes in some notebook. He stopped, and looked at her.

“That was quite a dark dream, but I don’t think there’s a special reason to worry about that.” he said. “As for this dream, along with most of your dreams, it seems so real. I would guess that, since Celestia talent is rising the sun, she could be called the Princess of the Sun or Day; then your talent, which we all suspect will be rising the moon, gives you the title of the Princess of the Night.”

The alicorn repeated that in heard mind. “The Princess of the Night.” She liked that title.

“As such, maybe it is within your powers to have... unusual dreams.” the doctor carried on and shrugged. “I suppose when you grow older, you will learn how to stop unpleasant dreams such as today's.”

‘When you grow older’!” Luna frowned, hearing the old excuse again. “You can stay up until late when you grow older! You can start learning more advanced spells when you grow older! You need to be a little older before you try to raise the moon! Isn’t there anything a pony can do around here before they get wrinkles?!”

She knows better than to say that aloud, of course. Instead, she was about to ask if the doctor had any potion that would make her sleep dreamless, but before she could, the door opened again. Luna glanced at them and saw her father standing in the doorway, his lean, but muscular bright yellow body making him stand out from all the other stallions that were living in the castle (the majority of them being royal guards, and having either white or dark grey coats due to the enchanted armors they wore all the time). His mane, very short and spiky, had an even brighter color that his coat and saw was his cutie mark - a swirling flash of yellow light that was almost white.

“Knock next time,” Dr. Horn snapped at him, and pointed at Luna. “Patient confidentiality and all. Although, at least you stopped teleporting here whenever you felt like it.”

Yellow Flash rolled his eyes and smiled to Luna.

“Morning, Little Princess.” the unicorn said and the small alicorn felt something nuzzle her head affectionately a moment before she saw her father disappear.

“Good morning, Father.” she replied happily, nuzzling him back, not at all surprised by the speed of his teleportation spell.

“Your sister told me you had a bad dream.” Yellow Flash said and Luna could hear his voice growing slightly worried. “You’re alright now, I take?”

“Yes, Father.” she lied. The dream still troubled her, although not as much, and she was annoyed by the words ‘when you grow older’, but she wouldn’t trouble her father with such nonsense. “I think I will go eat breakfast now.”

“Well, you’re out of luck, the breakfast is over.” Yellow Flash said, with his face stern. He managed to keep it for whole two seconds, before he broke into smile. “But your mother saved you some, so go to her chambers.”

Luna nodded happily before she gave her father a hug and run away from the Royal Physician’s office.

“Ugh, you two are so cute that you almost made me gag and vomit at the same time...” she heard the doctor say as she was leaving. “I almost gavomited.”

“Come in, darling.”

Luna opened the doors and entered the chambers that her parents slept in during what was supposed to be a night-time if it wasn’t for some meanie that took over their kingdom long before she was born. Her mother was lying in a huge bed, which almost took half of the space in the room.

Princess Platina smiled to her. She was a beautiful unicorn, whose coat was in a pretty shade of silver-white, and her long mane that’s tied into a ponytail, was pure white.

“Hi, Mommy!” Luna exclaimed as she was about to bounce at the bed right next to her, until she remembered how weak she was. Instead, she trotted over to her. “How do you feel?”

“Better, now that my Little Princess is here.” Platina giggled as she pulled her daughter up the bed into a weak hug. “I’m just a bit tired, that’s all.”

Luna nuzzled her mother carefully, not even frowning at her words. She was always tired! Another pony that wouldn’t play with her...

The small alicorn pulled away and moved to the other side of the bed. She noticed a tray with oatmeal on the nightstand.

“Ugh, suddenly, I don’t feel so hungry anymore.” Luna said and started to back away. “So, I’ll just...”

Her stomach growled.

Et tu, stomach?” Luna thought, as her mother giggled.

“I know you hate oatmeal, but this is all we have at the moment.” Platina said, looking at her daughter sympathetically. “We need to ration our food, because...”

“... Because we live in the middle of the forest, and can farm a limited space outside of it.” Luna finished with a sighed as she lay next to Platina.

The small alicorn was about to reach for the tray, but her mother lifted it with her magic, and put it in front of her. She then lifted a spoon, gathered some of the oatmeal into it, and moved it in front of Luna’s mouth.

“Now, open wide...”

“Moooom!” Luna protested. “I can eat by myself.”

“I know.” Platina replied, giggling. “But humor your tired mother, pretty please?”

Luna gave annoyed grunt, but allowed her mother to feed her, blushing.

Luna sighed as she gazed at the Everfree Forest from one of the balconies.

She just finished her lessons with her aunt. Luna briefly wondered why she couldn’t learn with her sister, but Celestia, being so older than her, studied more complicated things. The dark blue alicorn once took a peek into one of her books, but couldn’t understand much from it, except that it was about ‘magic theory’ or something along those lines.

I wish there was something to do around here that didn’t involve studying or reading.” Luna thought, bored out of her mind. “Seriously, I don’t care what it could be, anything would be better...

“Hi Luna!” a familiar voice called behind her.

The young princess facehoofed herself.

“Hi, Bolt.” she sighed as she glanced at the small grey pegasus trotting over to her.

Shadow Bolt was the only pony within the castle that was her age, and was about the only one that wasn’t boring. Luna wondered if it was because he wasn’t born here. One of the guards found him a few years ago by the border of the forest, and brought him here. Bolt has been living here ever since, and wanted to become a royal guard once he grew up. Luna didn’t know why she found him so annoying, everypony else liked him...

“Do you know where Celestia is?” the colt asked, brushing of some of his dark violet mane from his face.

Luna rolled her eyes as she now recalled. The thing that annoyed her in him was that he had a crush on her sister.

“She’s still probably studying.” she told him, glancing back at the forest. “You do know that you don’t have a chance with my sister, right?”

“Oh, very funny.” Shadow Bolt replied, blushing, as he joined her at the balcony. “What are you looking at, anyway?”

“Don’t change the subject. My sister is a princess, she will rule Equestria one day; and you, at best, will be her guard.”

It wasn’t the first time they had a discussion like that. Luna was determined to make him see that this relationship that he hoped to have with Celestia was never going to happen, while Bolt bounced back all of her arguments, by saying things like...

“Ah, is somepony jealous of her sister again?”

“Jealous?” she snorted. “Of what? Of having the most annoying colt ever making big eyes at her and barely stopping himself from singing serenades under her balcony?”

“I know it must be painful for you,” the pegasus replied, trying to keep a serious and compassionate face, but failing as a smirk appeared on it, “but my heart belongs to Celestia. Don’t worry though; I’m sure you will meet some nice stallion one day. Obviously, he won’t be as great as me, but...

“Are you two teasing each other again?” the voice of Celestia came from the entrance of the balcony, interrupting their argument.

“We’re not teasing.” Luna told her sister, turning around to regard her, and noticing that Shadow Bolt was already at Celestia’s side.

“Well, I am, it’s borderline treason otherwise.” he said, chuckling, but quickly stopped as he bowed dramatically. ”But I will stop, it that is the wish of the most beautiful princess.”

Luna rolled her eyes as she heard her sister giggle at the compliment. As Celestia engaged with Bolt into polite conversation, asking him about the training few of the guards were putting him through, she returned to gaze as the forest and let her mind wonder.

It’s so boring in here!” she pouted mentally. “I wish I could go outside of the castle, I bet it’s exciting out there!

She continued to stare at the Everfree Forest for few heartbeats, before the she realized what she just thought.

Hmm...” she mused as she rubbed her chin, a happy grin on her face. “Perhaps when once again Discord changes the day into the night, I will go for a little... walk, in the forest?"

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long to write this one, but as I said, I have to study now, and there were other reasons. One of them being the fact that I wanted to update some other stories, but mostly, the reason why I didn't started right away, is that as I finished the previous chapter, I literally had no idea what I wanted to write here. It took my mind a whole week to came up with this mini arc, which kinda irritated me. I was originally planning on finishing Luna's story in one chapter, so that Arthas' confession would take place at chapter 50, but... I figured that Luna deserved to have as complicated story as Arthas. I mean, it wasn't just the matter of him picking up Frostmourne and having his soul stolen.
Oh, and on a side note: I told my parents that I watch My Little Pony, which took a lot out of me (remember, my country is practically stuck in medieval times in terms of 'global culture', or whatever it is called). They were surprisingly understanding, although, considering the fact that they know I still played Pokemon, I guess I might have expected that. It's a pity they don't understand English and can't read this story. The one that does understand English is my 30 year old brother. As you might remember from one of my earlier comments, he was searching for this story, and I was afraid of showing it to him, knowing he would be... well, difficult. But lately, I decided I would send him a link to this story, probably the pressure of the incoming exams took some toll on my mind. He still haven't read it, he's too busy, but took a glance at it and asked "Is it something warcraft related?" to which I responded "Yes... and something else related...". Bottom line is, I still await information from him about cutting me out of his will.

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