• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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47. Plans for the next few days

Matthias wasn’t sure he heard that correctly.

“You want me to do what?”

“We want you to train ponies how to become paladins.” Celestia repeated, looking amused by his reaction.

Apparently, he heard correctly.

“Luna and I have been discussing this since changeling’s invasion.” Princess Celestia went on. “We realized that the Royal Guard, while highly capable of dealing with usual enemies of Equestria, can be outmatched by creatures that they were never prepared to face. You, on the other hoof...”

“Excuse me, Princess, but I have to interrupt you.” Matthias stopped her as he regained his composure. “Training others in the ways of the Holy Light isn’t like teaching somepony magic: it takes a real conviction; a pony needs to believe in the Light, follow its philosophy...”

“And that is exactly what we want you to teach ponies.” Luna interrupted him.

“But I never thought anyone! I was a paladin for just few years before...” Matthias trailed off, saddened by the memory. He sighed and went on: “I’m not a pony that can be trusted to teach others.”

“This is going to take longer than we assumed.” Celestia sighed and turned to Brann. “From what Twilight wrote to me in her letter, I understand that you are interested in history, correct?”

“Aye, Yer Highness, history and some other things.” the dwarf replied with a bow, curious as to what she was getting at with this sudden change in conversation.

“Seeing as my sister and I will need some time to convince Matthias to our idea, perhaps you would like to study Equestria’s history, and ‘some other things’? I can grant you access to Canterlot archives.”

Brann looked to Matthias as if he was a kid during Winter Veil, and Princess Celestia was Greatfather Winter.

“Ye’r generous, Yer Highness. I will take ye up on this offer.”

Celestia nodded and called to the guards who were on the other side of the doors.

“Yes, Your Highness?” one of them asked after he opened the doors to the throne room and glanced inside.

“Show our guest the way to Canterlot Archives.” Celestia told him, after which she glanced at Brann, her horn glowing. In front of the dwarf appeared a small scroll, with royal seal on it. “Give this to the Royal Archivist.”

“Thank ye, Yer Highness.” Brann replied with even lower bow and turned back to follow the guard. “Have fun!” he called over his shoulder, and Matthias wasn’t sure if he was talking to the princesses, or him.

This most certainly won’t be fun for me.” he thought, confused by Brann’s departure.

Matthias would have expected the dwarf to be highly against the idea of him training others. The world of Azeroth still remembered the last ones he trained - or rather, instructed, but that’s beside the point - the death knights of Acherus’ order and its successor, the Host of Suffering. Neither of them were good examples of him teaching anyone. While Brann seemed to be more and more fine with him being alive, Matthias wouldn’t have thought that the dwarf would just sit by - or walked off - and let the princesses try to convince him without warning them first, at least.

As the doors closed again, Princess Celestia looked deep into Matthias’ eyes, as if trying to see his soul.

“Matthias,” she said, choosing her words carefully, “I will not try to pretend that I understand what you have and still are going through. Even if I knew everything about your past live, I still wouldn’t; my sister maybe, but not me. In her letter, Twilight mentioned Medivh’s warning, as well as her assurance that she believes in you, even if you don’t.” a warm smile briefly crossed Celestia features, but it quickly disappeared as she asked her next question: “Tell me, and answer me - and yourself - honestly: if your worst nightmare ever repeats, what would have happen to Equestria?”

“Well...” he stumbled, trying to turn his gaze away, not wanting to... no, being afraid of answering this question, of admitting what he knew when Brann asked him similar question. Ever since Medivh gave him this warning, deep down, he knew what fate would befall Equestria if such thing were to happen.

But Celestia wouldn’t let him get away.

“Would me and Luna, or the Elements of Harmony, would be able to stop you?”

Matthias gathered his strength, and answered, forcing back tears. He would not cry; tears would not avert this dark fate.

“No.” he answered quietly. “If I become what I was before I died, nothing will be able to stop me. Not you or anypony. Your royal guards and Wonderbolts would be a laugh.”

There was no surprise, or dread in Princess Celestia eyes; only sadness.

“And the Elements?”

He pondered on that thought. The Elements of Harmony were strong enough to heal Princess Luna of Nightmare Moon’s taint then maybe...

“They need Twilight and the rest to work.” Matthias said finally. “If they would be strong enough to not be broken after my... transition, then they probably could defeat me.”

“Then there is still some hope, even if you fail. Those girls are stronger than you give them credit for.” Celestia responded, but he noticed a hint of worry in her voice.

Matthias hoped she was right.

“However,” the Princess went on, “at the present, you are, without a doubt, one of most virtuous being I’ve ever met. If you were to train others now, nothing bad could possibly become of this. Let me finish.” she said calmly, raising a hoof to stop Matthias protest. “From what I saw and have read in Twilight letters, The Light grants you power to heal others, defend them, and even bring them back to life, if propher circumstances are met. Is this correct?”

He nodded, wondering what she was getting at now.

“If you ever become evil - which privately, we both doubt, but as the rulers of Equestria we have to take certain measures for the sake of our subjects - then even if Twilight and your other friends would defeat or healed you with the Elements of Harmony, ponies would get hurt. Wouldn’t it be best if there were other paladins, who could minimize the damage you would cause?”

Matthias shifted uncomfortably, pondering the matter now that he understood her intention. Knowing the burdens of leadership from observing his father for long years, he knew that in her place, he would have done the same.

“I can see your point.” he finally nodded, although still a bit reluctant.

“So will you do it?” Princess Luna, who until now let her sister speak, asked.

“Or more importantly, is it possible for ponies to become paladins?” Celestia asked, raising a good point.

Matthias wondered for a moment, thinking back to what he knew about the Light.

“I believe it is possible.” he said thoughtfully. “I think... if we would perform the ceremony...” seeing puzzled expressions on both princesses, he explained. “Humans aren’t born with connection to the Light. For one to become connected like this, it would take special ceremony, during which the heart of that one would be opened to the Light. There are, of course, some exceptions, but this is the most common manner for paladins and priests to receive their powers. The ceremony also signifies the commitment of the new paladins, their introduction to the order and promise to uphold everything that is good and right and fight what’s evil and wicked.”

The two princesses nodded.

“Would you be able to perform such ceremony?” Luna asked.

“I... think so.” he answered, uncertain, as he recalled his introduction to the Order of the Silver Hand. Shaking his head, he recalled one important thing. “Your Highnesses, there is one problem: paladins not only protect the innocent, but also vanquish evil. I do believe that this is something you would...”

“You healed Changeling’s Queen’s horn.” Celestia interrupted him, clearly prepared for this. ”Despite all she did, you haven’t thought of her as ‘evil’. Now tell me, what kind of creature to you would be considered evil?”

Taken aback, Matthias wondered what he should answer.

“Princess, remember what I told you about the Old Gods?” he finally said. “That’s what I would call evil, for example.”

“If an Old God ever shows up in Equestria, then please by all means, ignore the law and kill it.” Celestia replied, and despite that her voice was light, the tone of her voice told him she was serious.

“Okay then...” he said, a bit shaken by the fact that he heard a pony say ‘kill it’. Thinking this all over for the last time, he finally could only say one thing. ”Very well then, I agree.”

To his surprise, both Princesses bowed their head to him.

“You honor us by agreeing to teach our subjects in the ways of the Light.” they both said.

“The honor is all mine.” Matthias replied, feeling uncomfortable.

“Now that you agreed,” Princess Luna spoke, levitating a table and three chairs for them, “we will have to discuss this from... technical side. What would be needed to start a paladin order?”

Somepony more worthy...” Matthias thought darkly as he sat at the place offered to him, while the princesses took their places.

“Well, for starters, we would need a Cathedral.” he said, recalling everything he knew about not only about the Order of the Silver Hand, but about all paladin orders he ever heard off, and choosing the most appropriate options. “It would be a place of prayer, and where would the introduction to the order took place, making a pony a paladin and granting him his or her powers. It would also have to be a headquarters of sorts, so it would have to be able to hold a respectful number of ponies, with a training space nearby...”

“You would want it to resemble the cathedrals back on Azeroth, I presume?” Celestia asked, conjuring a small bell.

“Yes and no.” Matthias answered as he watched a brown maidservant walk in by the side doors.

“Yes, Your Highness?” she asked Celestia and Matthias realized he met her before.

That’s that maid that Blueblood was bothering… Pixie!” he recalled and smiled to her, and Pixie bowed her head slightly in greeting.

“Bring three cups of tea, and some biscuits, please.”

“At once, Your Highness. Is there anything else?”

“No thank you Pixie that would be enough.” Celestia replied, and turned to Matthias as the maid trotted back toward the doors she used to enter. “Would you care to explain?”

“I would like it to be based on the Cathedral where I was introduced to the Order of the Silver Hand, but all together, I feel that if should be more... pony-like.” he replied. “I’m not an architect mind you, but I’m sure with Brann’s help and some of yours architects, we should manage to think of something.”


They all paused for a brief moment as Pixie came back, levitating a trace with three cups, a pot of tea, some sugar, and biscuits on it. She quickly poured the tea, added as much sugar as everypony wanted, and trotted away.

“You would like the Cathedral to be built in Ponyville.” Celestia not asked but stated.

Matthias blinked in surprise. He didn’t think he was this predictable.

“Yes, for several reason.” he quickly took a hold of himself. “The most important being that I believe that such serene place would prove much easier for new paladins to learn how to channel the power of Light.”

Celestia nodded approvingly.

“I would have suggested Ponyville as well.” she simply said, taking a sip of tea.

“There is also a matter of who you would teach, and how many of them.” Princess Luna took over the conversation. “My sister and I think it would be best that at the beginning, you would teach only three ponies.”

“An earth pony, a pegasus, and an unicorn?” Matthias smirked knowingly.

“That’s right.” Luna nodded.

“I think I know of a pegasus and an earth pony within the royal guard that would qualify to become paladins.” Princess Celestia said thoughtfully. “We will still need to find a unicorn. And of course, I will give you their records to look into. They will include their psychological profiles.”

Matthias tried not to show that he was surprised that they had something like this. It seemed a bit excessive. Then again, since they were guarding the princesses of Equestria...

“On the side note,” Princess Celestia suddenly changed subject. “I think it would take several days to plan everything. Would you like me to notify Twilight that your stay will be prolonged?”

“Yes, Princess, thank you.” he answered, completely forgetting about that.

As Celestia quickly wrote the letter, he pushed the thought away. He had more important things at the moment.

“Since we’re speaking about technical side of the matter...” Matthias told Luna. “... Why don’t we discuss the future paladins’ armor?”

Twilight sighed when they finally reached her library. She was tired from leading the royal guards to that dreadful place along with Shining Armor, and then trotting back. Twilight was grateful that at least they didn’t have to go inside or even anywhere near the entrance.

She wondered when Matt would be back. Being smart as she was, she calculated that by now he and Brann had already reached Canterlot, or even the castle, so now it was a question of how long Princess Celestia would keep them.

“Well, that was tiresome.” Shining Armor murmured.

His sister nodded in agreement as they entered her home, and were welcomed by everypony except Fluttershy and Rainbow. Twilight guessed that both pegasi were busy with their respective jobs.

“Hi everypony.” she greeted them. “What you’ve been up to?”

For a moment, Twilight could have sworn that Cadence, Rarity and Applejack have all smirked, but as she blinked, they all had normal expressions on their faces.

Huh.” she thought, but before she could ponder on that, Pinkie Pie began to bounce around, automatically gaining her attention.

“Oh, I’ve been putting together a super-duper fun party! We will just have to wait for when Mattie and Brannie return from Canterlot, and we can get this thing going!”

Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Pinkie, it will take some time for them to get back here.” she told her pink friend.

“I know, but they will be back soon. Nopony breaks Pinkie Promise.”

At that moment, Spike burst out a green flame and a letter materialized. Twilight grabbed it and read it aloud:

Dear Twilight,

I’m writing to you to inform you and your friends that Matthias and Brann will be staying in Canterlot for few more days. It is nothing to worry about - we simply had a lot to discuss, and Luna and I were hoping to hear their opinions in regards of ‘Project Eclipse’. I hope this isn’t going to cause any problems for anypony.

Your mentor,

Princess Celestia

Oh, that’s just great.” she thought, annoyed (with Matt, not the Princess). “How a pony is going to have a serious talk around here?

But her reaction wasn’t as nearly bad as Pinkie’s. Twilight glanced at her friend as was startled to see her normally ridiculously happy friend burst into anger.

Nopony breaks Pinkie Promise!

“I almost forgot to ask:” Princess Celestia said after she sent the letter: “Do you know why that titan artifact that Brann found let him come to Equestria?”

Luna took the opportunity to take a sip of tea. She couldn’t understand why Matthias was so insistent on paladins having almost completely different armors, but she decided that not to argue too much on this matter. After all, he was the one with experience here.

“Well, Brann and I discussed it on our way here.” Matthias replied to her sister’s question, rolling his eyes. “He thought that this must be one of the first worlds that titans shaped, and that it was their masterpiece.”

“You disagree with that theory?” Luna asked, raising an eyebrow over her cup.

“While I would gladly agree that your world is a paradise compared to Azeroth, I find it hard to believe that it was shaped by titans. It doesn’t have any guardians like the ones on Azeroth; the dragons are, besides Spike, a greedy ruffians. And, as I told him repeatedly, the earth ponies aren’t made of earth, and Diamond Dogs aren’t made of diamonds, and there wasn’t any trace of the Old Gods earlier that a thousand years ago, so it can’t be ‘the Curse of Flesh’. Of course, that only convinced him that this must be a very old world, so all titans creations lost their original stone or metallic forms in the process of natural evolution.” he paused to roll his eyes again. “Now that you mentioned those ‘crystal ponies’, Brann’s going to be convinced that they were made of crystals, and that they are the missing piece of this evolution or something.”

Luna eyes went wide. “This actually made sense kind of, surprisingly.” She was about to voice her thoughts, when she noticed her sister shake her head slightly. Luna quickly understood what Celestia meant. Considering how little they knew about Crystal Empire and crystal ponies - thanks mostly to a certain insane draconequus, who changed most of the books and scrolls in the Archives into origami swans - it would be pointless to try to find if that was true or not.

“Hmm...” Celestia hummed. “It would seem, however, that our worlds are at least connected. If that is the case... I might know how it came to that that you were brought back to life here.”

Luna watched amused as it was Matthias turn to have his eyes go wide. She already knew what her sister was getting at, having discussed it few times.

“Near the border of Equestria, there is a gate called the Gate of Tartarus.” Celestia explained, not waiting for the earth pony to recover. “Nopony is certain what exactly sure to what is on the other side, but most ponies believe that Tartarus is a separate space, a sub-dimension if you will, that contains all manner of imprisoned evil creatures within. Some time before you arrived, the guardian of the gate, a huge three headed-dog called Cerberus took off from his post, for some reason, for almost a day.”

“So you think that my soul escaped from there.” Matthias said, trying to better grasp the idea.

“I think more appropriate would be to say that somepony grabbed your soul from there and then brought you back to life.” Celestia corrected him. “Although, why still remains a mystery. I could guess however, why it could be your soul that was grabbed from there. ”


“This is not all of your soul in front of me, isn’t it?” her sister asked, gazing closely at him. ”Part of you is within that Bolvar’s head, along with Ner’zhul’s, right?” when Matthias nodded, she continued: “It could be that taking out just a part of one soul would be easier than a whole soul, although it’s just a theory.”

Luna observed Matthias closely, curious to his reaction. For a moment, he was lost in thoughts, but he surprisingly quickly recovered.

“Even if it just the theory, it would be still the most likely possibility.” he said, shaking his head. “However, it doesn’t really matter right now. Let’s get back to discussing this new order.”

The Princess of the Night couldn’t help but admire decisiveness on the matter. If it would be her, she would be more curious as to who brought her back to life. Then again, she never died, so she couldn’t put herself in his horseshoes.

Luna shook her head and returned to the discussion.

Matthias sighed as he trotted after the guard, following him towards the Canterlot Archives. He felt tired from all the planning together with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and his day was far from over. He still had to visit the forge were blacksmiths prepared the armors for The Royal Guard, so that he could explain to them personally what he expected.

This is actually kind of exciting.” he mused.

He wasn’t exactly thrilled with the thought of him creating a whole new paladin order, but that would gave him finally something to do besides hanging out with his friends. While he loved to do that, those past three months, save for few incidents, were extremely boring to him.

It would be a nice change of pace.” he summed up as he entered the Archives, dismissing the guard and searching for Brann.

He quickly found him, surrounded by various books. Most of them were history-related, but from what Matthias saw, few were about biology, flora, fauna, and such, and some were magic books.

“So, how’did it go?” Brann asked him when he noticed him approaching.

“”I agreed.” Matthias sighed. “In about a month or so, it will be official.”

“An order of paladins made out of ponies, led by ye.” the dwarf shook his head and Matthias couldn’t tell if he was more amused, surprised, or annoyed. “What’s next? A Burnin Legion ‘runnin’ an orphanage?”

“I am deeply thankful for your constant support.” Matthias muttered.

“What the name of this new order, Order of the Silver Hoof?”

“The name hasn’t been decided yet. And that name sounds just dumb.” the earth pony glared at him, but soon gave up, knowing that the dwarf was joking. “In other news, I will be staying here for few days...”

“... and so will I.” Brann said, pointing on all the books.

“... and Princess Celestia had a theory as to how was I brought here to be revived.” Matthias finished, earning the dwarfs interest.

He was surprised at this piece of news the Princess gave him. It did sound logical, and her brief description of Tartarus matched what he remembered from his time of being dead. But who would have taken his soul out of there? The only suspect that came to his mind was Medivh, but that seemed unlikely... or maybe not.

Matthias shook his head and was about to tell Brann what he learned, but suddenly, the doors to the Archives bursted open, and before he could react, something incredibly fast and Pink run into him and pinned him to the nearby wall.

Matthias!” a face which, as he realized with a jolt, belonged to Pinkie Pie appeared in front of him and screamed at him. ”You Pinkie Promised!

Both Matthias and Brann were startled by the change in the ever-happy pony. She was now a big mass of rage, and Matt could swear he saw a fire in her eyes. He cursed at himself for forgetting about the Pinkie Promise earlier, although, he didn’t knew that her reaction could be so drastic.

“I can’t believe you, of all ponies, would dare to break a Pinkie Promise!” the pink pony went on. “Apologize!

Matthias, thinking fast, said:

“But Pinkie, I didn’t break Pinkie Promise.”

Pinkie Pie draw back a bit from him, confused.


“If you would be kind to recall,” Matthias explained, moving away a bit to put some more distance between them in case she wouldn’t bought his explanation, “I promised that me and Brann would be back in time for the party, but I didn’t say which party.”

As Pinkie thought on what he said, he quickly went through the protection prayer in his head, but the pink pony proved faster than him. However, instead of hurting him, she hugged him extremely tight.

Well this does kind of still hurts.

“This is sooo great!” Pinkie Pie screamed, excited. “Now I can throw two parties!!!” she stopped hugging him, and instead jumped around him few times, while yelling: “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” for some time, until she hugged him one last time…

…and kissed.

Matthias was too surprised by that to react to the strange taste of her tongue before the pink pony broke the kiss and practically flew through the exit, calling behind her:

“See you in Ponyville!”

The earth pony and the dwarf stared for a long at the doors she disappeared behind, trying to comprehend what the hell just happen.

“Did that really just happen?” Brann finally asked.

Matthias wondered for a moment before he answered.

“I... guess?” glancing at him, he added: “You know, this shouldn’t probably be the first question I ask, but... why did her mouth tasted exactly like a cotton-candy?”

Author's Note:

I was surprised by how many people got angry with the idea. I came up with this because as the season 3 went on, I realized that Arthas needed to have something to do, otherwise, things would have happened like, "episode 5, Arthas bitch-slaps Trixie; episode 3: "Brann, gimme' your rifle!" and stuff... okay, maybe it wouldn't be like this, but you get the picture.
PS: Those of you who like this idea, or everybody who want's to pinch in: do you have any ideas for the name of the order? I would also appreciate ideas for Arthas official rank.

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