• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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65. Closure

“A 'love potion'?!”

“Can you be quiet?” Rarity coaxed her friend angrily. “They're stupid, not deaf!”

The five of them - Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie - were in Rarity’s room. It was the morning of next day after Twilight and Matt made the most ridiculous decision imaginable. They had gathered here before breakfast, so that the white unicorn could fill in the others about what ‘Plan B’ was about.

“But, Rarity, if they want to be just friends...” Fluttershy started, but cringed and fell silent once the other pony shoots her glare.

Seeing how she caused her timid friend to get scarred, Rarity took a deep breath.

“Fluttershy, dear, we have all agreed that they would be perfect together.” she told her and others more calmly. “Even Princess Cadance thinks so, and proposed this whole plan.”

“But she didn’t mention any love potions!” Applejack once again accented that part. “How do ya even plan on makin’ one, exactly?”

“With this,” Rarity replied, using her magic to pull a book out of one of her bags. “I snatched it from Twilight’s library before we left. This is a book about ‘Hearts and Hooves Day’ and, as Twilight once mentioned to me, it has a love potion recipe in it.”

She opened it to the page that contained the said recipe, and then twisted the book so that the rest can read it for themselves.

“See? All we need is a tuft of cloud, a bright rainbow’s glow, stir it fast with a pegasus’ feather, and it will be ready!” Rarity told them, excited. “After that we’ll just have to serve it them, and it’s done.”

“Sound fun!” Pinkie Pie said. “I just hope it won’t terribly backfire somehow.”

Rarity, while grateful for her support, ignored her comment completely. Her plan was perfect! Noticing that the other four wasn’t convinced, she spoke once again.

“I know this kind of forcing them into relationship, but I still think they should be together. All they need is a little nudge.”

The others shared a look, and finally, they all nodded.

“Fine,” Applejack sighed, resigned. “Ah just hope this’ll work this time, and not blow all over our faces.”

“Yeah, what she said.” Rainbow added, yawning. “This whole thing started to become a little boring.”

Once again, they spend half of day playing in the sea, and the other half by seeing more of what Altomare had to offer. Matthias found himself being a lot more comfortable around everypony, now that he didn’t have to worry about losing Twilight’s friendship. He pitied the fact that they had to go back to Ponyville tomorrow, but he suspected that few more days and he would start missing it anyways. As much as beautiful Altomare was, Ponyville was his home. There was this feeling of simplicity and peace, which was the reason why he wanted to form the new order there.

Speaking of the Order, the workers will come to the sight in just four days.” he thought at the evening as they all sat at the terrace, watching the sunset and chatting about Altomare or complaining about going back home. “I will need to meet them and discuss some things... and sanctify the ground on which the abbey will be built.

He rolled his eyes. The whole idea, why it became more and more appealing to him over time, was going to take a lot of effort from him.

“Something’s wrong?” Twilight asked him, no doubt noticing his unhappy mood.

“Just thinking about the stuff I will have to take care of soon after we’ll return to Ponyville.” Matthias replied, smiling at his friend. “I haven’t worked for a while, and I guess I’m not looking forward to starting again.”

“Lazy bump.” the unicorn smirked.

They both chuckled, and so few of their friends. Matthias really regretted that the chance to spend time together like this won’t happen soon.

“What is taking Rarity so long with those drinks?” Rainbow Dash, always impatient one, asked in frustration suddenly.

“I can go and see if she needs any help!” Sweetie Belle offered, and before anypony could say anything, she run downstairs to the kitchen.

Rarity very careful picked up the plate with eleven glasses on it, nine of which contained a simply berry juice, and the other two the love potion that she and other mares prepared.

Those two for Twilight and Matt, those two for Twilight and Matt...” she kept repeating in her head, until she was one hundred percent certain she remembered which was which.

Satisfied, Rarity turned around, levitating the plate, and was about leave the kitchen, when suddenly, something run out from around the corner and bumped into her.

Something white...

“Sweetie Belle!” the older unicorn shouted, angry, as she fought to regain her balance and to keep the plate straight. “Watch out, you could have made me spill! Honestly, now that you are a mare, you could at least try and act the part.”

“Oh, sorry.” her little sister said, being crestfallen. “I just wanted to see if you need any help...”

Rarity sighed and hugged her tightly.

“Thank you for your concern, Sweetie. Sorry I shouted at you. Now, let’s go, everypony must be thirsty.”

Sweetie Belle nodded, and went jumping, as she took the lead as they trotted upstairs. Rarity looked at her amused, despite what she said earlier, she hoped her little sister wouldn’t change yet for few years at least. For her, she would always be a little filly.

“Finally!” Rainbow exclaimed as they entered the terrace. “What took you so long?”

The white unicorn spared her glance. While she knew that they all planned to act natural, Dash could at least spare the comments.

“I’m terribly sorry, everypony.” Rarity said as she placed before everypony a single glass.

“That’s okay, Rarity, you know Rainbow is just impatient.” Twilight told her, while picking up her glass.

The other unicorn glanced at Matt, who did the same.

They’re about to be in for a big surprise.” she thought, barely stopping herself from giggling, as the two of them began drinking.

Matthias took few sips of the juice, glad to relieve the thirst after long day. He put the glass on the table.

…and noticed that Rarity, as well as Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, were staring at him and Twilight, who also finished.

“What?” he asked, feeling a bit uncomfortable under their gaze. “Is something wrong?”

Rarity eyes widen, but she quickly recovered.

“No, there is nothing wrong, right gir-” she asked, turning to the others, but then she froze in place, with her eyes even wider than before and jaw on the table.

Matthias, who followed her gaze, found his face stuck in similar expression.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash were kissing, and not just that, but also making out... While being sober, in front of their friends, and four kids.

“What ar they doin’?!” Apple Bloom was first to ask, looking confused at her sister, who paid the sound of her voice no mind and continued to brush Rainbow’s coat, while their tongues wrestled in their mouths.

“Oh no!” Rarity exclaimed all of the sudden. “I must have mixed up the glasses!”

“Wait, what?” Matthias asked, turning his gaze away from the two kissing mares. “What did you mean by that?”

“We wanted you two to drink a love potion from the recipe I found in the book about Hearts and Hooves Day, but Sweetie Belle bumped into me, and the ones you and Twilight were supposed to drink got switched with Applejack’s and Rainbow’s.”

“Wait, what?!” Twilight asked this time.

“That recipe isn’t for a ‘love potion’, but for a ‘love poison’!” Sweetie Belle said unexpectedly.

“Wait, what?!” Rarity asked, glancing at her sister with fear. “How do you know about that?!”

QUIET!” Twilight shouted, beating Matthias to it, and causing everypony to stop talking at once. Now the only sound that could be heard was the moaning of Applejack and Rainbow Dash. The lavender unicorn put an end to it as well, by using her magic to separate them and keep them apart. They levitated few meters away from each other, trying to reach the other with forelegs. Matthias noticed that their eyes seemed to have a strange purple pattern. Twilight turned to Rarity, her eyelid slightly twitching. “Before anything else, give me that book so I might make an antidote, so those two won’t do something they’ll soon regret.”

“We don’t need the book.” Scootaloo said.

“Yeah, all we need to do is keep them apart for an hour.” Sweetie Belle added.

“How do you know about this?” Rarity asked.

The three fillies looked ashamed, but before they could reply, Twilight answered for them.

“I once lent them that book, they must have read it. This will be a long hour...”

“Not necessarily.” Matthias said, trotting towards the two suspended in the air ponies. “Since this is a love ‘poison’, and every effect of potions is basically a poison, I should be able to...” instead of finishing the sentence, he raised his forelegs and prayed.

The Light answered and soon its glow, radiating from Matthias, spread at Applejack and Rainbow. Within few second, the glow dispersed, and so did the effect of love poison.

“What happened?” Dash asked, looking around. “Why am I... floating?”

“Yeah, Twi, what gives?!”

“You...” Rarity said, looking at them with embarrassment. “I mean... I accidentally gave you the potion, instead of Twilight and Matt. And…” she added, as the other two’s eyes widen. “you kinda started...”

“Please don’t say it!” both of them shouted, making an attempt to be further apart from each other.

“Now that’s over with...” Twilight said angrily as she put them both down. “Would somepony mind explaining why exactly you were trying to give me and Matt a love poison?!”

“I would also like to know that.” Matthias added, calmer than she, but not less angry.

The other five mares looked at each, before Rarity stepped forward.

“I’m sorry, it was my idea... we just all thought that you two would be perfect together, and we saw you two yesterday talk by the shrine and see that you decide to remain friends, so I thought if you were given a little nudge...”

“Matt, do you mind taking fillies and Spike someplace else?” Twilight interrupted her friend. “I think I need to talk with them for a while.”

“Of course.” the paladin replied, knowing it would be best to leave her to handle the issue. “Just remember to not scream much, those walls aren’t exactly soundproof. Come on, you four.”

He beckoned the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Spike, and they left the terrace.

“What was that supposed to be about?” Spike asked him as they made their way downstairs. “Why did they do that?”

“And why did the love poison worked different this time?” Apple Bloom wondered aloud, before the other two gagged her mouth.

“What did you say?” Matthias asked, becoming interested immediately.

“Well...” Sweetie Belle stuttered.

“Sweetie...” the paladin said, however his look were enough for more words.

“We... kinda gave that potion to two ponies we thought would be perfect together.” she confessed, dropping her head, with the other two following suit. “But they only stared into each other eyes, not... doing that. Bleh.”

Matthias couldn’t help not to chuckle. He was amused by both her reaction, as well as thought of them doing the same thing Rarity tried.

“You fixed everything, I hope?” when the fillies nodded, he continued: “Well, then let’s not talk about it. As for the different effect, I guess this might have something to do with Applejack and Rainbow both being mares, potions often work like that. And,” he added, glancing at Spike, “going back to your question, Spike... sometimes, when ponies are confident about something, they do... weird things.”

Twilight waited for the noised of hoofsteps to quiet down, before she faced her friends.

“I cannot believe you!” she accused them, and remembered herself to keep her voice down. “You are the opposite of my brother, and even worse than that!”

“Twilight, but...” Rarity began, but she cut her off.

“Look, I know what you are going to say, that you want me and Matt to be happy; I get that, and I’m glad, but that does not give you the right to do something like this! What would have happened if we would have drunk that potion?” she asked, glancing at each and every one of them. “Yesterday, Matt and I finally admitted that we love each other, but because this relationship would most likely never work, we decided that we would be much better off as friends. And you come up with this! You could have ruined everything!”

“Twi?” Applejack asked, and when the unicorn, who needed to catch her breath and nodded. She continued: “What’dya mean by ‘most likely never work’?”

“Well...” Twilight started; she wasn’t exactly comfortable discussing this. However, no matter how mad she was at them, they were her friends. “You know how I always overreact to things, and how often I start fights with Matt - because, let’s be honest, it’s me who starts them - and I was afraid that if we would start dating, one day we would have a fight so big that we would broke up. I would lose him as a friend, and maybe... maybe some of you would blame me for it, and I would lose you too...”

“Twilight, you would never lose us.” Fluttershy interrupted Twilight as her voice began to break. “We are you’re always going to be there for you.”

“I know.” the lavender unicorn replied, smiling at the shy pegasus, and then at the rest of her friends. “See? This is what I meant, I overreact things. And Matt… he said that he always messes things up, that his previous relationship ended from his fault and that he and that girlfriend stopped being friends because of this. So we decided that we would be better as friends.”

“Even if you love each other?” Rarity asked, unconvinced.

“Because of that, we could actually become even better friends.” Twilight replied. “And that’s why I do not wish any of you trying to play matchmaker, do I make myself clear?!”

“Of course, darling, and I’m sorry - it was my idea to try this whole love potion, or poison, the others wanted to leave you two be.”

“That’s okay, Rarity, nothing bad happened.” the unicorn said, smiling.

“Speak for yourself.” Applejack grumbled. “Ah will have to talk with mah sister, and make her promise not to tell the family that Ah kissed a mare.”

“Sorry.” Rarity said weakly, as she realized how much her obsession to make Twilight and Matt a couple could damage all of their friendships.

“That’s okay, sugarcube, Ah shouldn’t agree to the plan in the first place.” the farmpony replied, shaking. “And dont’chya worry, Twi, we won’t try to mix ya up with Matt, Ah promise.”

The other mares nodded their agreements, and Twilight sighed, being relieved.

“I’m glad to hear that.” she told them, smiling, and the others smiled in return

“So, um...” Rainbow Dash said and paused to scratch the back of her head. “does this mean that Matt’s a free game?”

Twilight eyes widen as he looked at her cyan friend in shock, and she wasn’t the only one.

“W-wait, Rainbow.” she said, not sure if she understood her right. “You’re also in love in Matt?”

“No, I am not in love with him.” the pegasus replied, rolling her eyes in annoyance. “And heavens forbid that, I have no desire to mope around like you did for the past couple of days.”

“Then what did’ya mean?”

“Well...” she said, once again scratching the back of her head. “... I just... you know, during those few sparring matches he and I had, I often caught myself... fantasizing about him...”

“Rainbow!” Rarity exclaimed as she and the others understood what she meant. “That is very... unladylike!”

The pegasus snorted.

“Oh, please, as if you didn’t have those kind of thoughts yourself.”

“Wha- I would never...”

“Then what about that ‘staring’ after the reception?”

Oh, brother...” Twilight thought as this erupted into completely different fight.

“Oh, I’m sorry, you mean that time you and Applejack made out on his back?” Rarity asked, as she and Fluttershy blushed.

“Hey!” Applejack shouted, angry at being dragged into it.

ENOUGH!” Twilight once again interrupted them all. Taking a deep breath, she told Rarity: “We are all friends, and when one of us does something about her own life the others don’t approve of, we don’t judge them.” once Rarity nodded, slightly ashamed, Twilight turned to Rainbow. “And... yes, Matt is a ‘free game’.”

“Are you sure?” the question, which surprisingly, came from Dash. “I mean, I don’t care that much about him, if you’re not okay with this...”

“Rainbow, its fine, really.” the lavender unicorn said, and to her astonishment, she was speaking true; she might be in love in Matt, but he was just her friend. If Rainbow wanted to try and turn her fantasies into life, why should she stop her? “You can go and have... um, fun, with him.”

She did blush slightly as she said that. Twilight know some mares behaved like that - bah, even much, much worse - but she never expect one of her friends to be interested in somepony just for... physical activities.

“Thanks, Twi.” Rainbow said. “And I promise, I’m not going to fall in love in him.”

Rarity could not believe how... immature Twilight could be. Granted, she did acted the most mature of them all today, but her motives and reasoning behind them were just... all wrong!

But I already promised not to try to meddle...” the fashionista thought, regretfully. “Their fate is now their own.

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